
    409. Andy & DJ CTI: Two-In-One Shot, BlackRock Makes Major Change & Biden 'Is A Tyrant'

    enNovember 04, 2022
    What is the main goal of the "Real AF" podcast?
    How do Andy and DJ Cruz discuss current events?
    What recent medical development did the podcast cover?
    What concerns are raised about collusion among powerful entities?
    How does technology relate to uncovering historical truths?

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing the importance of realism and promoting excellenceThe 'Real AF' podcast encourages a realistic mindset, tackles various topics, and inspires listeners to strive for excellence, ultimately aiming to break the cycle of learning how to lose.

      The "Real AF" podcast, hosted by Andy and DJ Cruz, aims to promote a realistic mentality and understanding of how things truly work in the world, rather than being inundated with idealistic bullshit that can negatively impact individuals and society as a whole. The show covers various topics, including current events, personal issues, and solutions, and encourages listeners to submit questions for discussion. The ultimate goal is to raise the standards of excellence and inspire individuals to win, as the failure to do so can lead to a cycle of learning how to lose. The podcast is ad-free and relies on listeners sharing the show as a form of payment. A current headline discussed on the show is Pfizer's development of a COVID-19 and flu vaccine in one shot to increase uptake of both vaccines.

    • Lagging uptake of existing vaccines, particularly flu, in US despite efforts to develop multifunctional vaccinesTransparency in vaccine testing and communication is crucial to address vaccine hesitancy and misinformation, while ongoing research and education are necessary to improve vaccination rates.

      Despite efforts from companies like Moderna and Parmigian to develop multifunctional vaccines against COVID, flu, and RSV, uptake of existing vaccines, particularly the flu vaccine, is lagging in the US. This comes as Pfizer reaps significant profits from the COVID-19 vaccine, while concerns over potential side effects continue to impact public perception. The importance of transparency in vaccine testing and communication cannot be overstated, as misinformation and fear can lead to unnecessary harm and mistrust. The ongoing flu season serves as a reminder of the importance of vaccinations, and the need for continued research and education to address vaccine hesitancy.

    • Karma and the Consequences of HateBelieving in karma, the speaker criticizes those who wish harm upon others and expresses indifference towards their suffering due to past hateful actions. They empathize with those pressured to get vaccinated and consider it a form of anxiety, and touch upon a conspiracy theory involving mass deaths and silenced information.

      The speaker expresses a belief in the concept of karma, stating that people's actions and feelings towards others will ultimately come back to them. They criticize those who wish death upon others, particularly unvaccinated individuals, and express indifference towards their suffering due to their past hateful actions. The speaker also touches upon the topic of vaccines and the pressure some people face to get vaccinated against their will, expressing empathy for their situation and considering it a form of anxiety and stress. Lastly, they bring up the idea of a conspiracy involving mass deaths and the silencing of information regarding it, which they believe is a crime against humanity.

    • Governments, Pharma, and Tech Giants: Colluding to Control the Population?Concerns grow that govts, pharma, and tech giants collude to promote unhealthy lifestyles, suppress natural remedies, and control the population through vaccines and other means, potentially leading to long-term societal and individual harm.

      There are concerns that governments, pharmaceutical companies, and tech giants are colluding to create a population that is weak, fat, unhealthy, and dependent. The promotion of unhealthy lifestyles and the demonization of natural remedies are seen as part of this scheme, with the ultimate goal of controlling the population and making it easier for the government to impose rules. The vaccination issue is seen as an example of this, with some believing that the focus on vaccination is not for safety but to hide potential side effects and maintain a high death rate among the vaccinated population. The awareness of these issues is growing, with more people turning to natural remedies and becoming more health-conscious. However, concerns remain about the potential long-term effects of these colluding forces on society and individuals.

    • Focus on personal growth for better relationshipsTo attract high-quality partners, focus on personal growth and achievement instead of relying on technology for validation. Be mindful of the societal impact of online explicit content and set a positive example for younger generations.

      Individuals who aim to attract high-quality partners need to focus on personal growth and achievement, rather than relying on technology for validation. However, the widespread use of pornography and explicit content online is creating a harmful culture that can negatively impact young people, especially boys. This trend is contributing to the perceived lack of good men, and women should consider the broader societal implications of their actions. The speaker, who has lived a varied life, strongly condemns the sexualization of the internet and the negative impact it has on individuals and culture. He urges everyone, especially grown adults, to reconsider their contribution to this issue and set a better example for younger generations.

    • Growing Demand for Control in Investment ManagementIndividuals and institutions want more control over investment management, particularly ESG issues and corporate governance. Concerns over asset managers using voting power for self-interest and property ownership concentration are driving this demand.

      Individuals and institutions are demanding more control over how their investments are managed, particularly in regards to corporate governance and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. This comes in response to criticisms that large asset managers like BlackRock have been using their voting power to promote their own interests, rather than those of their clients. Some state governments have even threatened to divest from these firms over their ESG priorities. Meanwhile, concerns have been raised about the concentration of property ownership by large asset managers, with some arguing that it could lead to the confiscation of personal property and the pricing of homes out of reach for average Americans. Ultimately, there is a growing call for greater transparency and accountability in the investment industry, as well as a need for more democratic decision-making processes when it comes to managing collective funds.

    • American Property Being Bought Up by Foreign EntitiesSpeaker expresses concern over foreign ownership of American property, calls for action to prioritize American interests, and criticizes media and progressive ideology for silencing the issue

      The speaker expresses frustration and anger towards the current situation where foreign entities, particularly Chinese companies, are buying up large amounts of American property, leaving less opportunities for American citizens to buy and invest. The speaker believes that this is a problem that needs immediate attention and action, including the potential redistribution of property to American-based companies and the restriction of property ownership to American citizens. The speaker also criticizes the media and progressive ideology for silencing discussions on this issue and portraying those who speak out as racist. The ultimate goal, according to the speaker, is to elect a leader who will prioritize the interests of the American people and take decisive action to address this issue.

    • Frustration with Career Politicians and Weak LeadershipThe speaker calls for a leader who understands real-life issues and can deliver results, citing the need to address crime and economic struggles. They believe that force is the only thing people understand and criticize those who show sympathy for criminals and those in power who lie to the public.

      The speaker is expressing frustration with the repeated election of career politicians and the current state of weak leadership, urging for a leader who understands real-life issues and can deliver results. They believe that such a leader would be able to effectively address crime and economic struggles, and that people only understand one thing - force. The speaker also shares their personal experience of being bullied and how they learned to stand up for themselves. They criticize those who show sympathy for criminals and those in power who lie to the public. The speaker also mentions their disdain for President Biden, labeling him a tyrant and accusing him of trying to divide and distract Americans.

    • Democracy at Risk: Concerns about Election ManipulationOpinions suggest potential election manipulation, but staying informed and engaged in the democratic process is crucial

      The midterm elections are not just about economic issues or personal freedoms, but also about the future of democracy itself. Many Americans believe our democracy is at risk and there are concerns about potential election manipulation. The speaker expressed strong opinions about a specific political figure and party, accusing them of deception and cheating in elections. The situation in Brazil was also mentioned as a potential parallel. The speaker believes that these forces have the ability to manipulate results, but not to the extent of being caught. The only way to prevent manipulation is to ensure that the elections are not close. It's important to remember that these are opinions and not facts, and it's crucial to stay informed and engaged in the democratic process.

    • Importance of Voting in the Upcoming ElectionAmericans must prioritize voting in the upcoming election to make fraud attempts harder and address key issues like the economy and crime.

      The speaker believes it's crucial for every American to vote in the upcoming election to make any potential fraud or cheating attempts by the opposing party more difficult and less likely to go unnoticed. He emphasizes the importance of addressing key issues such as the economy and crime before focusing on less priority matters. The speaker also expresses concern about the potential consequences of not taking action now and the danger of allowing certain political figures to remain in power. He believes that the polling data showing unprecedented numbers of people voting Republican may not matter if the opposing party manages to win through fraudulent means. Overall, the speaker urges Americans to prioritize voting and to be aware of the potential risks and consequences of not doing so.

    • Political Divide and MisinformationThe current political climate is dangerous, with those in power viewing the general population as unqualified and contemptible, leading to misinformation and oppression. People must recognize this situation and stand up against those in power to restore a free government.

      The current political climate is deeply divided, with many people unwilling to acknowledge their observations and feelings due to loyalty to their political party. Those in power view the general population as unqualified and contemptible, and they will not easily give up their control. This perspective, the speaker argues, leads to a dangerous situation where the people are misinformed and oppressed, and the government and country are seen as belonging to the elite rather than the people. The speaker urges for recognition of this situation and for people to stand up against those in power before it's too late. The government is not currently a free one, and those who fail to act risk losing the opportunity to make it so. The speaker also touches upon the corruption and war-mongering that comes from those in power, and the need for people to speak out and join the fight against it.

    • Bringing history to life with technologyAdvanced technology can reveal historical truths, highlighting past atrocities and the importance of accountability. People have the power to make a difference by taking action and using technology to uncover justice.

      The power to bring about change lies in the hands of the people. In the discussed article, scientists were able to recreate the face of a medieval warrior using advanced technology, shedding light on a brutal historical event. This discovery serves as a reminder of the atrocities committed in the past and the importance of holding those in power accountable for their actions. The speaker expresses his frustration with the current state of affairs and calls for action, urging people to vote and make a difference. The use of statistical data to recreate facial features and the connection drawn between this and crime data highlights the potential for technology to uncover truths and bring justice. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the need for people to stand up against tyranny and oppression, and to take action to create positive change.

    • Desperation and Chaos: A Struggling LifeDespite hardships, some people cling to their dreams or hopes, even when reality seems to be closing in and the situation seems hopeless.

      The lyrics in this text seem to convey a sense of desperation and chaos. The speaker is in a difficult situation, possibly in legal trouble, and is struggling to make ends meet. They're sleeping on the floor, unable to afford a bed, and their attempts to make things better have only made things worse. The stove has been fucked up, the jury box is frozen, and they're unable to fold or understand the situation they're in. Despite this, they're counting their millions, suggesting a disconnect between their reality and their dreams or hopes. The phrase "headshot, case closed, closed" implies that the situation has reached a critical point, with no way out. Overall, the lyrics paint a picture of someone who is lost and struggling, and who may be facing the consequences of their actions.

    Recent Episodes from REAL AF with Andy Frisella

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    775. Andy & DJ CTI: Kamala Harris Plagiarized Biden's Campaign Policy, Haitian Cannibal Gang & Georgia School Got Early Warning About Colt Gray Before Deadly Shooting

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    772. Andy & DJ CTI: Former Aide Charged With Acting As Chinese Agent, Kamala Harris Proposes Trudeau-Style Communist Housing Plan & U.S. Court Of Appeals For The 11th Circuit Will Reverse Judge Cannon's Mar-A-Lago Dismissal

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    770. Andy, Duke Gomez & DJ CTI: Armed Venezuelan Gang Storms Colorado Apartment, Trump ‘Respectfully’ Honored Fallen Troops At Arlington Cemetery & Bud Light Back To Basics After Culture Wars Backlash

    On today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in studio by content creator and comedian Duke Gomez. They discuss how a crew of armed men overrun by a Venezuelan prison gang stormed through a Colorado apartment building, the ‘altercation’ that happened between the staff of the Arlington National Cemetery and the Trump campaign officials during former president Donald Trump’s visit honoring the fallen troops, and Bud Light trying to revive its brand image through a new ad campaign with comedian Shane Gillis to recover from the disastrous 2023 Dylan Mulvaney ad campaign.

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