
    Podcast Summary

    • Animals Seek Out Psychoactive Substances, Indicating Potential Therapeutic EffectsAnimals' unique behaviors, such as seeking out psychoactive substances, suggest potential therapeutic benefits. However, ethical considerations must be taken into account when humans exploit these resources and disrupt indigenous communities.

      Animals, like dolphins and jaguars, exhibit unique behaviors, including seeking out psychoactive substances, such as puffer fish and certain plants, respectively. These animals, at the top of their food chains, display peaceful and altered states, indicating the potential therapeutic effects of these substances. However, the discussion also touched upon the ethical implications of humans exploiting natural resources and disrupting indigenous communities, highlighting the importance of respecting their lands and giving them genuine choices. Ultimately, the natural world continues to surprise us with its complexities and wonders, and our interactions with it should be guided by empathy and understanding.

    • Appreciating the abundance of meaningful things in life brings happinessAppreciating what we have and finding meaning in life can bring happiness, while recognizing the importance of cooperation and a fair system can help us experience luxuries.

      Money and material wealth do not guarantee happiness, but appreciating the abundance of meaningful things in life and achieving something worthwhile can bring both happiness and the ability to experience luxuries. The value of things is subjective, and a system of currency makes trade and cooperation more efficient. However, the lack of transparency and control over the currency system can lead to confusion and frustration. Ultimately, it's important to find a balance between appreciating what we have and striving for more, while recognizing the value of cooperation and the importance of a fair and transparent system.

    • Questionable Decisions Leading to a $13 Trillion DebtA small percentage of individuals' disregard for others and lack of accountability has resulted in a massive global debt, causing frustration and disbelief for all.

      The global economy is facing a massive issue due to a small percentage of individuals making questionable decisions, leading to a debt of $13 trillion. These choices have been made by a possibly tiny fraction of the population, yet they have significant consequences for all of us. The speakers express frustration and disbelief, comparing the situation to running up a credit card limit or even theft. The root of the problem seems to be a disregard for the well-being of others and a lack of accountability. The speakers also touch on the corruption in various industries and institutions, as well as the impact of historical decisions. It's clear that there is a sense of disillusionment and a call for change, but it's also important to remember that there are ongoing global issues, such as terrorism, that require attention and resources.

    • The Dunbar number and negative consequences of anonymityExceeding the Dunbar number can lead to negative behaviors due to anonymity, while smaller communities foster accountability and personal growth.

      The lack of accountability and tribal structures in modern society can lead to harmful and anonymous behavior, causing people to act in ways they wouldn't if they were part of a smaller, more intimate community. The Dunbar number, which refers to the number of people with whom we can maintain stable social relationships, is estimated to be between 50 to 150. When we exceed this number, anonymity can lead to negative consequences, such as cyberbullying and online harassment. In contrast, when we are part of a smaller community, there is accountability and a sense of responsibility towards each other, which can prevent such behaviors. Additionally, the absence of a choice in our upbringing and mentorship can limit our potential for personal growth and development. Some believe in the concept of predestination, that every experience in life is chosen to benefit our overall growth and understanding of the universe. Therefore, it's essential to strive for meaningful connections and communities to create a positive impact on our lives and the world around us.

    • Embrace the dream of lifeRecognize the subjectivity of reality, embrace the unknown, and create positive experiences for ourselves and others.

      Life is a dream and we have the power to shape it for better or worse. Reality may be subjective, and what seems ordinary to one person might be extraordinary to another. Instead of seeking distractions or trying to escape, we should embrace the dream and create a positive experience for ourselves and others. Ultimately, we're all in this dream together, and our goal should be to make it a good one. The uncertainty and mystery of life can be scary, but it's also what makes it fascinating. Instead of trying to understand every detail, we should focus on the present moment and appreciate the unique experiences that come our way. As the speaker suggests, we might not all see the same color or hear the same music, but that's what makes life interesting. By recognizing the subjectivity of reality and embracing the unknown, we can find joy and meaning in even the most ordinary moments.

    • Understanding PerspectivesBe open-minded, challenge attachments, respectful conversations, and recognize the complexities of the world can reduce anger and hate.

      Everyone perceives the world differently, and understanding this perspective can help reduce anger and hate. Our perceptions are not set in stone, and can change based on our choices and beliefs. It's important to be open-minded and willing to challenge our attachments to certain ideas. The field of epigenetics shows that our beliefs can even impact our genes. We often hold onto being right because it's a part of our identity, and when our beliefs are challenged, it can trigger fear. It's essential to be curious and respectful in conversations, and not be attached to being right all the time. The world around us is complex, and there's always room for new discoveries and learning.

    • Alcohol: Benefits and RisksAlcohol can enhance social experiences and provide relaxation, but moderation and awareness are key to avoiding negative consequences. Respect individual choices to drink or not.

      While alcohol can have negative consequences, including addiction and harm to health and relationships, it also has benefits such as enhancing social experiences and providing a sense of relaxation. The key is to consume alcohol in moderation and with awareness, avoiding excessive drinking that can lead to negative outcomes. It's important to recognize that some people are unable to drink at all due to genetic factors or personal limitations, and respect their choices. Ultimately, the decision to drink or not should be based on personal responsibility and consideration for one's own well-being and the well-being of others.

    • Understanding individual differences and respecting themPeanut allergies illustrate the significance of acknowledging unique differences and respecting them. Epigenetics suggests our beliefs might affect our physical realities, but more research is needed.

      While some people enjoy peanuts and find them delicious, others have life-threatening allergies to them. This simple distinction highlights the importance of understanding individual differences and respecting them. The discussion also touched upon the concept of epigenetics, suggesting that our beliefs and mindset might have an impact on our physical realities, including allergies. However, the scientific validity of this idea requires further research. Additionally, the observer effect in quantum physics was mentioned, with the idea that we might have more control over our realities than we think, but this is a complex and debated concept. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the importance of being open-minded, curious, and respectful of diverse perspectives and experiences.

    • The potential for innovation in flawed societal systemsThe root of stress and unhappiness lies in fear, attachment, and identity. Detaching from these attachments can help eradicate fear and stress, allowing us to live in the present moment and find happiness. Potential benefits of DMT in this context.

      Our societal systems, such as politics, healthcare, and education, are flawed, but the people who invented these systems are also capable of creating innovative technologies like wireless networks and video streaming. The speaker questions why we can't create better solutions for these systems, especially when it comes to money and insider trading. He suggests that fear, attachment, and identity are at the root of stress and unhappiness, and that detaching from these attachments can help eradicate fear and stress, allowing us to live in the present moment and find happiness. The speaker also mentions the potential benefits of DMT, a psychedelic substance, in relation to this concept of detachment and living in the present moment.

    • Exploring the Impact of Psychedelics on End-of-Life ExperiencesPsychedelics like DMT and psilocybin can positively influence end-of-life experiences, providing peace and reducing suffering, thanks to ongoing research and growing accessibility.

      Psychedelics, such as DMT and psilocybin, have the potential to significantly impact end-of-life experiences and perspectives. These substances, which can be produced in various organisms like rats and extracted from plants like mushrooms, have been studied extensively for their therapeutic benefits. Aldous Huxley's wife described his experience with LSD as a peaceful transition, contrasting the typical spasms and confusion often associated with death. Current research, led by organizations like MAPS and the Heffter Institute, explores the use of psychedelics in palliative care to help alleviate suffering and improve patients' relationships with their families and their own mortality. The ease of growing and accessing these substances adds to their appeal as potential tools for personal growth and understanding. Despite their potential benefits, psychedelics have historically been stigmatized and demonized, but ongoing research aims to change that perception.

    • Give people control over their moneyThe speaker advocates for individuals and businesses to decide where their money goes instead of being taxed and having the government spend it, leading to more effective and efficient use of funds and less waste.

      The current tax system, where a significant portion of people's hard-earned money is taken and spent by the government without their control, is a source of frustration and anger for many. The speaker argues that instead of increasing taxes, the government should allow individuals and businesses to decide where their money goes, ensuring it is used effectively and efficiently for causes they care about. This could lead to better outcomes and less waste, as competition would drive the most effective use of funds. The speaker also criticizes the government for misusing funds and spying on citizens, further fueling the desire for more control over one's own money. The proposed solution is to give people two options: either pay taxes to the government or choose where their money goes, allowing them to directly support causes they believe in.

    • Reevaluating Power and ResourcesGovernment should focus on essential responsibilities, redistribute power and resources to people and causes, news media should report fairly, and society should promote democratic decision-making.

      The current distribution of power and funding in society, particularly towards the government, should be reevaluated and redistributed towards the people and important causes. The speaker argues that the government, like a gun nut with an excessive amount of weapons, has too much power and resources, and should focus on essential responsibilities, while the people take charge of other areas. The news media, too, should be held accountable for their biased reporting and social engineering. The overall message is a call for a shift towards more democratic decision-making and resource allocation.

    • Performative speaking in news and informationAvoid performative speaking styles in news consumption and communication for authentic and meaningful connections.

      The way we consume news and information, particularly in the context of heated arguments or debates, can often be compared to performative speaking styles, such as those seen in political speeches or news broadcasts. This can lead to a lack of authenticity and real connection, as well as a distraction from important issues. Additionally, the pressure to conform to certain personas or labels in media and society can contribute to feelings of depression and disconnection from one's true self. It's important to be aware of these patterns and strive for authentic, meaningful communication and self-expression.

    • Exercise and personal growth can help improve depressionExercise is effective in treating depression, and recognizing personal growth and the importance of kindness, love, and safety are essential for overall well-being

      While there are various factors contributing to depression, including genetic predisposition, personal choices, and unhealthy lifestyles, there is hope for improvement. Regular exercise has been shown to be as effective as medication in treating depression for some people. Engaging in physical activities can help pump up one's "engine" and clean out "pipes," metaphorically speaking. Regrets from the past can be detrimental, but recognizing that we are constantly evolving and not dwelling too much on past mistakes are essential for personal growth. Our experiences, both positive and negative, shape us into who we are today, and understanding the importance of kindness, love, and safety is crucial. Ultimately, it's never too late to make positive changes and strive to be the best version of ourselves.

    • Write down your goals and forgive yourselfWriting down goals promotes focus and action, forgiveness releases negative emotions and allows for self-love and happiness

      Writing down your goals and forgiving yourself for past mistakes are key to personal growth and self-improvement. The speaker emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for your actions, learning from past experiences, and practicing self-love and forgiveness. He encourages listeners to focus on what they can control and change in their lives, rather than dwelling on regrets or external factors. By writing down your goals and taking consistent action towards them, you can transform your mindset and create positive change. Additionally, the speaker suggests that letting go of past transgressions and practicing self-love are essential for deserving and experiencing happiness and fulfillment in life. So, write down your goals, forgive yourself, and take action towards a better future.

    • Shared experiences amplify joy and happinessOur actions have ripple effects, prioritizing community and shared experiences can lead to a more fulfilling and harmonious life.

      Shared experiences and connections with others amplify our joy and happiness. Whether it's hunting in Montana with friends or watching a movie together, the enjoyment is heightened when we're able to share it with others. Conversely, causing harm or negativity to others will negatively impact our own wellbeing, as we're all interconnected and empathetic beings. It's important to recognize that our actions have ripple effects, and striving for mutual good experiences will lead to a better world for everyone. As the Hawaiian kahunas believe, we're all connected fragments of the same source, and harming others is essentially harming ourselves. Therefore, prioritizing community and shared experiences can lead to a more fulfilling and harmonious life.

    • Practice ruthless self-love and respect for allEmbrace self-compassion, demand best for self and others, and recognize interconnectedness for a harmonious world

      We have a responsibility to not only treat others with kindness and respect, but also to extend that same care and compassion to ourselves. We should strive for "ruthless self-love," which means being tough on ourselves in a loving way, and demanding the best for ourselves as we would for others. This mindset not only benefits us individually, but also contributes to creating a better world for everyone. Additionally, we must recognize the interconnectedness of all things and understand that harming others or the environment ultimately harms ourselves and the collective whole. By living in a way that respects and values all aspects of existence, we can create a more harmonious and loving world.

    • Recognize the importance of self-love and respectValuing ourselves sets a standard for respectful interactions with others, and intolerance for mistreatment.

      Self-love and respect are crucial for our well-being and interactions with others. When we value ourselves, we also value others and won't tolerate mistreatment. Conversely, if we mistreat ourselves, we may accept abuse from others. It's essential to recognize that all forms of abuse, regardless of the perpetrator's gender or the type of abuse, are harmful and unacceptable. By setting a high standard for how we treat ourselves, we can effectively communicate intolerance for mistreatment from others. This is a crucial aspect of self-love and respect that often goes overlooked.

    • Recognizing the Harm of Emotional AbuseEmotional abuse is harmful and should be addressed, regardless of severity or gender. Focus on promoting respect and equality for all.

      All forms of abuse, whether physical or emotional, are harmful and should be acknowledged and addressed. Emotional abuse, such as public verbal abuse, can lead to devastating consequences, including physical harm or even death. It's essential to recognize that all forms of abusive behavior are unacceptable, regardless of the severity or the gender of the perpetrator or victim. Comparing forms of abuse and deciding which one is worse only perpetuates the problem. Instead, we should focus on promoting respect and equality for all, recognizing that everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect. The debate around men's and women's rights should not pit one against the other but rather work towards creating a balanced and fair society for all.

    • The complexities of sexual encounters and consent under the influenceEnsure consensual and respectful sex, regardless of alcohol consumption, by focusing on openness, honesty, and understanding, rather than shaming or labeling individuals.

      The ongoing debate about consent and intoxication raises important questions about the complexities of sexual encounters. While some argue that any sexual activity with someone under the influence is rape, others believe it's essential to consider the specific circumstances and individual capacities. The debate has led to more discussions about the spectrum of intoxication and the importance of respecting each other's boundaries. Ultimately, it's crucial to ensure that sex remains consensual and respectful, regardless of the amount of alcohol consumed. The conversation should continue to evolve, with a focus on openness, honesty, and understanding, rather than shaming or labeling individuals.

    • Using Masculine Environments as a Cover for Hidden DesiresSome people, especially men, may hide their true identities or desires through physical attributes or behaviors in certain situations.

      The speaker believes that some people, particularly men in certain situations, may use physical attributes or behaviors as a way to hide their true desires or identities. Using the example of men going duck hunting, the speaker suggests that these men may be gay and they use the masculine environment as a cover. The speaker also touches upon the idea that people may be attracted to the sensation of having their hair or other body parts pulled, and that some may use long beards or hair as a way to facilitate this. Overall, the speaker encourages authenticity and self-acceptance, urging people to acknowledge their desires and not hide behind facades.

    • Exploring the Complexities of Life and RealityWe might be living in a complex and interconnected universe with hidden dimensions and communication methods, and it's essential to embrace the unknown while appreciating personal freedom and acknowledging limitations.

      Life and reality might be more complex and interconnected than we perceive. The speaker explores this idea through various analogies and discussions, touching on topics like personal freedom, the absurdity of societal restrictions, and the mysteries of quantum physics. He suggests that we might be living in a dream or a simulation, and that there could be hidden dimensions or communication methods beyond our current understanding. Ultimately, he encourages embracing the unknown and appreciating the freedom we have, while acknowledging the inherent limitations and restrictions that come with it. The conversation also includes a humorous and satirical commentary on societal norms and prejudices.

    • The Debate over Quantum Entanglement and SpiritualityExperts remain skeptical of Deepak Chopra's claims about quantum entanglement and spirituality, with some accusing him of misrepresenting facts, while others argue his messages can inspire despite potential inaccuracies.

      Despite the ongoing debate about the implications of quantum entanglement and its connection to spirituality, many experts remain skeptical of the claims made by figures like Deepak Chopra. Chopra, who is known for promoting a more positive and spiritual view of life, has been criticized for his use of quantum terminology and for potentially misrepresenting scientific facts. Some critics, like Richard Dawkins, have accused him of being a "woo peddler." However, Chopra's supporters argue that his messages, even if not scientifically accurate, can still inspire people to lead better lives by embracing uncertainty and humility. Ultimately, the debate highlights the complex and often contentious relationship between science and spirituality.

    • Approach life with wonder and curiosityEmbrace the mysteries of life, take risks, and live it to the fullest instead of being held back by fear and stress.

      We should approach life with a sense of wonder and curiosity, acknowledging the mysteries and complexities around us instead of being fixated on trivial concerns. Life is like a lucid dream that we have the power to shape and enjoy. We should strive to live it to the fullest, taking risks, loving, and experiencing new things, rather than being held back by fear and stress. As Alan Watts once said, "This is what I made. But it's like, remember when you were in school and like there was a project and you had to use your hand to make a turkey and you put your hand down and you drew around. And then everybody did their own little turkey, painted it, and then the teacher would put them up and they would all look at them. Some people's turkeys looked like dog shit. They looked like they didn't know what the fuck a turkey looked like. They didn't even know how to draw around their hand. Everything was a disaster. And other people had beautiful turkeys." Your life is your own work of art, and you have the power to make it beautiful or leave it as a mess. So, let go of your fears and live your life to the fullest.

    • Embracing the Unknown for a Fulfilling LifeSeeking out challenges, dangers, and surprises can add excitement and depth to our experiences, even if we have infinite power. Embracing chaos and uncertainty can lead to a more meaningful and satisfying existence, and experiencing pain and hardship can help us appreciate peace and accomplish goals.

      Living a life filled with only pleasure and predictability may become dull and unfulfilling. Instead, seeking out challenges, dangers, and surprises can add excitement and depth to our experiences. This idea is reflected in various philosophical and spiritual traditions, which suggest that even if we were gods with infinite power, we would still crave the unexpected and the unknown. Ultimately, embracing the chaos and uncertainty of life can lead to a more meaningful and satisfying existence. Additionally, experiencing pain and hardship, even in small ways, can help us appreciate peace and accomplish our goals.

    • Pushing through challengesFocusing on the present and finding joy in small moments helps us overcome challenges and live more fulfilling lives

      Life can be challenging, and it's important to push through difficulties rather than giving up or defining ourselves as failures. The drill sergeant in "Full Metal Jacket" is an extreme example of someone who knew what it took to make a soldier, pushing people beyond their limits to prepare them for real-life dangers. While modern life may not present the same physical dangers, our bodies and minds are still designed to work and prepare for challenges. The human organism thrives when we challenge ourselves, even if the challenges seem insignificant. The story of the man and the tigers illustrates this concept, with the past and future representing the tigers that can hold us back, and the present moment offering opportunities for enjoyment and growth. By focusing on the present and finding joy in small moments, we can overcome the challenges of life and live more fulfilling lives.

    • Defending Against Tigers and the Ezekiel ChokeThroughout history, humans have faced threats from both tigers and martial arts attacks like the Ezekiel choke. To defend against tigers, people have used weapons like spears, while the Ezekiel choke is a martial arts move for self-defense.

      The Ezekiel choke is a effective martial arts move where you use your collar to choke an opponent across the face, similar to a rear naked choke but with less leverage. Tigers are powerful animals that can jump great distances and have razor-sharp claws, posing a significant threat to humans. Over the last 200 years, tigers have killed over 300,000 people in certain regions due to a combination of factors including flooding, access to human flesh, and irritation from the brackish water they drink. While humans have the ability to hunt and deplete tiger populations, in everyday life, people must defend themselves against these animals. The Maasai people, for example, design their spears for both human and lion attacks.

    • Dealing with dangerous situations and powerful adversariesBe aware of the limitations of our abilities, approach dangerous situations with caution, preparation, and seek help when necessary.

      When faced with dangerous situations or formidable opponents, such as a tiger or a powerful adversary, our ability to defend ourselves may be limited. In the case of a tiger, even weapons like ninja swords or guns may not be effective, and the animal's size and aggression could be overwhelming. Similarly, in interpersonal conflicts, our strategies for dealing with adversaries might not always be successful, and we may need to consider alternative approaches or seek external help. The speaker in the conversation recounted various anecdotes of people attempting to confront dangerous situations, highlighting the importance of being aware of the limitations of our own abilities and the potential consequences of our actions. Ultimately, it's crucial to approach such situations with caution, preparation, and, when necessary, seeking help from others.

    • Discussion on the validity of a vitamin studyCriticized study for its methodology, argued against dismissing importance of vitamins and supplements in maintaining health.

      The discussion touched upon various topics, including a personal realization about a person's behavior, the death of a character, and the unusual attribute of Dennis Rodman's penis. However, a more substantive discussion ensued regarding the validity of a recent vitamin study that claimed multivitamins have no benefits and could potentially harm. The speakers criticized the study for its methodology and the broad conclusions drawn from limited data. They argued that the study focused on cheap, synthetic multivitamins and did not consider the benefits of specific vitamins or optimal forms of nutrients. They encouraged listeners to look at more research and not to dismiss the importance of vitamins and supplements in maintaining health.

    • Effectiveness of multivitamins varies greatlySome studies suggest no benefit, others show positive impacts on mood and quality of life, and a reduction in recidivism in juvenile delinquents. Distinguish between types and consider healthy individuals' studies.

      The effectiveness of multivitamins varies greatly depending on the specific formulation and the health condition being addressed. While some studies suggest little to no benefit, others show positive impacts on mood and quality of life. A study on juvenile delinquents even showed a 50% reduction in recidivism with multivitamin use. It's crucial to distinguish between different types of multivitamins and consider studying their benefits in healthy individuals instead of focusing solely on their potential role in treating diseases. The media's sensational reporting on negative studies can create misconceptions, and it's essential to look beyond headlines and dig deeper for accurate information.

    • Understanding the Importance of Natural Sources of VitaminsBalanced diet essential, but natural sources offer additional benefits. Food source and animal raising methods impact nutritional value. Avoid processed foods for better health.

      The importance of nutrition and natural sources of vitamins cannot be overlooked. Vitamins and supplements have a scientific basis, and while a balanced diet is essential, natural sources like game meat and fresh produce provide additional benefits. The food we consume and the way animals are raised significantly impact the nutritional value of the resulting products. Overlooking this can lead to missed opportunities for optimal health. Additionally, avoiding processed foods and getting closer to the natural state of our evolutionary diet can lead to better overall health and well-being.

    • The Surprising Differences in Digestion of Corn and PopcornThe speaker discussed the unique digestion processes of corn and popcorn, emphasized the health benefits of certain types of corn, and encouraged listeners to appreciate food and live in the moment.

      Our perception of food and its impact on our bodies can be complex and intriguing. During the discussion, the speaker shared their observations about the digestion of corn and popcorn, expressing surprise at how they are processed differently. They also touched upon the health benefits of certain types of corn, such as purple corn from Peru, which is known for its high antioxidant levels. The speaker emphasized the importance of enjoying food, even if it may not be the healthiest option, and encouraged listeners to live in the present moment. They also mentioned the influence of the observer on the outcome of experiences, including the consumption of food. Overall, the conversation highlighted the intriguing nature of food and the importance of enjoying it while being mindful of its potential effects on our bodies and well-being.

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    Get In Touch With Dr. Deepika Chopra:

    Follow Dr. Chopra on Instagram HERE

    Purchase the amazing Optimism Deck HERE

    Listen to the Looking Up Podcast HERE

    Follow the Looking Podcast on Instagram HERE

    Visit Dr. Chopra’s website HERE


    Stuff We Mentioned:

    Dr. Chopra’s Favorite Book: “Kafka On The Shore” by Haruki Murakami



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    This podcast is produced by Nikki Butler Media

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    Part One: John of God: Oprah's Favorite Ghost-Channeling Rapist Surgeon

    Robert is joined by Andrew Ti to discuss Brazilian 'healer' John of God.


    1. Impression on Observing Psychic Surgery and Healing in Brazil Which Appear to Incorporate (+) Qi Gong Energy & the Use of Acupuncture Points
    2. Spiritual Surgery: An Investigation
    4. Brazil 'spiritual healer' known as John of God jailed for 19 years for raping four women
    5. An Oprah Winfrey Scandal Timeline: It's Not The First Time She's Weathered A Storm Like This
    6. Slaves to religion: Brazil raids expose dark side of cults
    7. Notorious celebrity faith healer John of God 'sold babies' to Australians
    8. Faith healer with millions of followers ran a "sex slave farm and sold babies to highest bidder"
    9. ‘John of God’ cult leader allegedly ran child sex slave farm
    10. Brazilian activist’s alleged suicide sparks coverage controversy
    11. Leap of Faith: Meet John of God
    12. John of God: my encounter with Brazil’s accused faith healer
    13. I Found Healing With A Famed Spiritualist. Then He Was Arrested As A Sexual Predator.
    14. Celebrity Brazilian healer ‘John of God,’ once featured by Oprah, surrenders on sexual abuse charges
    15. John of God – the Brazilian psychic surgeon
    16. He is Brazil's favourite faith healer, but did he spirit away £1million?
    17. The Science of Faith Healing
    18. John of God: Miracle worker or charlatan?
    19. The Right Chemistry: Brazilian 'healer' John of God leads cancer patients by the nose

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    142: The Courage to Be a Trendsetter with Bel Hernandez Castillo, Marabina Jaimes, and Dr. Jason Selk

    142: The Courage to Be a Trendsetter with Bel Hernandez Castillo, Marabina Jaimes, and Dr. Jason Selk

    In today's episode, we discuss the courage to be a trendsetter and how we can increase our health, happiness, and success. We explore:


    - What it takes to be a trendsetter and why we have a real need for them today

    - The Trend Talk's role in helping to change the Latino Hollywood narrative

    - The Trend Talk's efforts to solidify a niche for up and comers and Latino icons

    - Why negative thinking and pessimism can undermine our health and success

    - How we can learn to replace our negative thoughts with positive ones

     -Why people are naturally hardwired for “problem-centric thought”

    - The importance of not focusing on our problems if we want to get past them

    - What Relentless Solution Focus is and how it relates to mental toughness

    - Why what we do after the first 60 seconds we have a negative thought is crucial

    - The three-step method of RSF and how they connect to each other

    - How RSF can help in tough times like our current environment with the pandemic



    31. 3 Secrets to Achieve Any Goal

    31. 3 Secrets to Achieve Any Goal

    As you're getting ready to crush 2022, I want to offer you three secrets that will help you achieve all the goals you set and two common pitfalls to watch out for.


    Follow Vanessa at: 

    IG: @vanessacalderonmd

    FB: Vanessa Calderon MD

    Learn more at:





    Coaching for Latina Leaders

    Want access to my all-inclusive individual 1:1 coaching program that teaches you how to:

    (1) Master your emotional intelligence (EQ)

    (2) Create Work-Life Balance

    (3) Not Burnout

    (4) Love your life and job

    Enrollment is open now. Get on my calendar to learn more here: https://tinyurl.com/VCMD-ScheduleConsult


    Leadership Accelerator

    My 8 week skills based professional development program launches February 1st and will only be available as a FREE exclusive offer to my 1:1 clients. If you want in, schedule a consult above. You'll learn:

    • Public Speaking (this is next level, you'll learn how to deliver a talk like you were on a TED stage)
    • Negotiations 2.0
    • Lead and Manage Teams
    • Run effective meetings
    • Master Time and Organize your Life
    • Integrate your work and life like a CHINGONA
    • Master Stress and avoid Burnout
    • Let go of guilt, perfectionism and shame



    About the Podcast

    Leadership ability is equally distributed but opportunity to lead is not. This podcast is for all Latina's, those that identify as leaders and those that don't, yet. You'll learn how to let go of guilt and self-doubt so you can show up with confidence everywhere you go. No more questioning if your idea is good enough to share, if it's worth it to speak up, or if you're a good enough leader. All that self-critical B.S. stops now. Listen in as masterful educator and Harvard grad physician, Dr. Vanessa Calderón, teaches you how to let go of the things standing in the way of your success as a leader. Get ready, this podcast will accelerate your personal and professional growth.


    Dr. Vanessa Calderón, MD, MPP has over 20 years of leadership experience. She is a Harvard grad, ER physician, Life and Leadership coach, and a mother of 2. She's a first generation Latina and is dedicated to uplifting her community. She's the founder of the Latina Leadership Accelerator, where she uses education and coaching to support the personal and professional development of Latina's and all women of color at all stages of their lives and careers.