
    Part One: John of God: Oprah's Favorite Ghost-Channeling Rapist Surgeon

    enJuly 07, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Connecting through community and entertainmentDespite uncertainty, build social bonds through community, find escape through entertainment, and explore intriguing stories from history.

      No matter how uncertain or disconnected the world may feel, there are ways to build meaningful connections within your community. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on the people around you for social bonds and preparedness. On a different note, entertainment can also serve as an escape. Chumba Casino offers a variety of casino games for a chance to win prizes, while movies like "Back to Black" provide a platform for artists to share their stories and be remembered for who they truly are. Lastly, sometimes the most intriguing stories come from unexpected places. The tale of John of God, a modern spiritual medical grifter, sheds light on the adoption and misuse of beliefs from Europe by colonized nations and the horrific consequences that followed. Hippolyte Leon Dynizard Reville, a man with an unforgettable name from the mid 1800s, serves as a reminder that history is filled with intriguing characters and stories. Whether it's through community building, entertainment, or historical exploration, there are always opportunities to learn, grow, and be entertained.

    • Allan Kardec's Spiritism: Belief in Immortal Spirits and Their InfluenceAllan Kardec founded spiritism, a French religion based on belief in immortal spirits that transfer between bodies and influence the world. Spiritism gained popularity in Brazil with unique practices like psychic surgery.

      Allan Kardec, a French educator known for his unconventional name and even more unusual beliefs, is the founder of the religion of spiritism. He believed that all living beings are inhabited by immortal spirits that transfer from body to body throughout eternity. These spirits can become disembodied and influence the world positively or negatively. Spiritism, which is a French version of animist religion, gained popularity in Brazil due to its synthesis of old traditions with Christianity. Although not widely practiced in the United States, many of its core beliefs have been absorbed into mainstream spirituality and even Christianity. One unique aspect of Brazilian spiritism is the prevalence of psychic surgery, which involves spiritual healers claiming to perform magical healing sessions with the help of deceased medical doctors, saints, or even God. While spiritual surgery is a global phenomenon, the Brazilian version sets it apart with the use of actual knives during the sessions.

    • A Brazilian mine worker claimed to be possessed by a German doctor's spirit and performed miraculous surgeriesThroughout history, people have believed in the power of spiritual or supernatural forces to heal, leading some to claim possession by deceased healers and perform surgeries, inspiring large followings despite risks and skepticism.

      Throughout history, there have been individuals who have claimed to channel the spirits of deceased doctors or healers to perform miraculous surgeries on their patients. One such case is that of Ze Arigo, a Brazilian mine worker who, in the 1950s, began experiencing blinding headaches and hallucinatory trances. During these trances, he was taken over by the spirit of a German field medic named Doctor Adolf Fritz. Together, they performed surgeries on large audiences, with Ze Arigo using rusty knives and his patients reporting no pain or infections. Ze Arigo's career peaked when he removed a tumor from a popular senator, but he was eventually arrested for practicing medicine without a license. Decades later, in the 1990s, a man named Rubens Faria claimed to channel the same spirit of Doctor Fritz and attracted large crowds of people seeking healing. Faria's patients also reported feeling no pain or infections during his surgeries, and notable figures such as Christopher Reeves visited him for treatment. However, Faria's methods ultimately proved ineffective for Reeves, and he faced legal issues for practicing medicine without a license. This phenomenon highlights the human desire for healing and the belief in the power of spiritual or supernatural forces to provide relief. Despite the risks and skepticism surrounding these practices, they continue to captivate and inspire people.

    • The Complexity of Faith and Crime: The Case of John of GodBelief in a higher purpose and the pursuit of power can lead individuals to commit heinous acts, even in the context of spirituality or faith.

      Confidence and power can lead individuals to commit heinous acts, even if they believe they are serving a higher purpose. The case of Rubens Farias, also known as John of God, illustrates this concept. Despite his alleged spiritual healing abilities, Farias was involved in illegal activities, including disposing of corpses, and was believed to be channeling a German healer. His background, marked by economic hardships and a need to survive, may have contributed to his actions. This complex and controversial figure gained international attention, raising questions about the blurred lines between faith, spirituality, and crime.

    • John's exceptional pool skills led him to magician career despite difficult childhoodJohn overcame poverty and hardships through determination, adaptability, and exceptional pool skills, leading to a career as a magician and spiritual healer

      John, despite having a difficult childhood with limited education, found solace and a way to escape poverty through his exceptional pool skills. He learned hustling and sleight of hand at a young age in the pool hall, which set the stage for his later career as a renowned magician. However, an intriguing aspect of his biography involves claims of his clairvoyant abilities, which first manifested when he predicted a storm at the age of 9. Despite these extraordinary abilities, John continued to face financial struggles and hardships, leading him to seek guidance from a spirit named King Solomon. This encounter marked the beginning of his career as a spiritual healer and medium. Overall, John's story illustrates the power of determination, adaptability, and resilience in the face of adversity.

    • The beginning of John of God's healing abilitiesJohn of God's early experiences involve a questionable encounter with a man claiming to be a spiritist center director, allegedly chosen by King Solomon, which marks the start of his healing abilities, but lacks reliable documentation and raises suspicions due to its convenience and ambiguity.

      The early experiences of John of God, a well-known spiritual healer, are shrouded in controversy and ambiguity. According to his account, he was approached by a man claiming to be the director of a spiritist center who told him he had been chosen by an entity named King Solomon. Despite the questionable circumstances, John claims that this encounter marked the beginning of his healing abilities. However, there is a lack of reliable documentation to verify these claims, leaving many to speculate about the authenticity of his story. Furthermore, the convenience of his story emerging from a remote location during a time when lifespans were shorter raises suspicions. While it's impossible to definitively prove or disprove John's account, it serves as a reminder that the line between truth and fiction can be blurred in spiritual and religious contexts.

    • John of God's Unusual Healing CareerJohn of God, a spiritual healer, evaded persecution by the military due to his reputation and unique arrangement as a master tailor within their ranks.

      John of God, a man who became known as a healer despite his initial reluctance and lack of medical knowledge, used his unique connection to spiritual entities to heal people throughout Brazil. He was constantly on the run from authorities due to practicing medicine without a license, but his reputation as a healer protected him to some extent. The most intriguing aspect of his story is how the military came to believe in his healing abilities and promoted him to master tailor, keeping him within their ranks while also allowing him to continue his healing work. This unusual arrangement allowed him to evade persecution during a tumultuous period in Brazil's history. Despite his protests, John was seen as a healer, and his status as a spiritual figure granted him a level of protection.

    • The Power of Perception and Human Desire for BeliefJohn's success story shows how people's belief in his healing abilities, despite the gruesome realities, led to his fame and wealth.

      John, a healer in Brazil, used his experiences under a brutal dictatorship to build a successful business, which he claimed was to fund his free healing hospital. However, the reality was that he made a substantial income from healing people and used it to buy ranches and other assets. John's biographers described his healing process as involving the incorporation of transcendent spirits, who performed spiritual surgeries and had a team of 1,000 spirits to support the healing process. Despite the gruesome nature of the spiritual healing, John's reputation grew, and he attracted a loyal following, eventually building a spiritual hospital that received thousands of visitors per month. This story illustrates the power of perception and the human desire for belief, even when faced with seemingly implausible or gruesome realities.

    • John of God's Healing Practice Boosts Economy of AbedianaJohn of God's spiritual healing practice in Abediana, Brazil, attracted thousands, creating a thriving industry and economic boost for the town, with businesses profiting and foreigners moving in.

      John of God's spiritual healing practice in Abediana, Brazil, became a significant economic driver for the small town, attracting thousands of sick and dying people every week and creating a thriving industry around his services. Businesses, including hotels and shops, profited from the influx of visitors, and foreigners moved in to support his mission. John himself established a cattle ranch and spent most of his time there, while his followers helped manage his various businesses. His practice involved mass meetings where he diagnosed and treated patients, often performing "spiritual surgery" which could be visible or invisible. The success of his treatment required patients to abstain from alcohol, pork, and sex for 40 days. Despite some skepticism, the townsfolk and foreign followers were invested in John's business, creating a powerful economic incentive to protect him. This complex dynamic can be compared to illegal drug businesses or industries where money flows and people have a vested interest in keeping things running smoothly.

    • The Power of Belief and Healing with John of GodBelief in supernatural healing can be powerful, but it's crucial to critically evaluate claims using evidence-based analysis.

      John of God, a spiritual healer from Brazil, was believed by many to have supernatural healing abilities. His followers, including some journalists, attributed his healing sessions to the intervention of entities and the use of herbal pills. However, skeptics argue that these healings were likely a result of psychological manipulation and trickery. Despite occasional challenges from the Brazilian government and the medical establishment, John of God's popularity and wealth allowed him to continue his practices. In the case of a documentary by ABC News, the producers presented John as a healer rather than investigating potential fraudulent methods. Overall, the story highlights the power of belief and the importance of critical thinking and evidence-based analysis in evaluating claims of supernatural phenomena.

    • Blurred lines between faith and expertiseNarrow expertise and lack of critical thinking skills can make individuals susceptible to believing in questionable practices or beliefs, even if they come from a well-known figure. Emphasizing the importance of a well-rounded education and critical thinking skills is crucial to prevent the spread of false information and potentially harmful practices.

      Faith and expertise can be blurred lines, leading individuals to believe in the authenticity of questionable practices or beliefs. Dr. Oz, a well-known doctor, has been a significant figure in legitimizing the controversial practices of John of God, a healer whose methods and cures have been difficult to explain scientifically. While doctors and engineers are often assumed to have a deep understanding of their fields, this isn't always the case. Narrow expertise can lead to irrational beliefs, and a lack of a broader education can make individuals more susceptible to being deceived. This is a critical issue, as demonstrated by the coronavirus epidemic, where misinformation from unqualified individuals led to unnecessary harm and deaths. It's essential to emphasize the importance of a well-rounded education and critical thinking skills to prevent the spread of false information and potentially harmful practices.

    • The Power of Belief and Community in HealingBelief in healing practices and community support can lead to remarkable healing experiences for some individuals, but it's crucial to approach these practices with caution and skepticism.

      The power of belief and community can lead to remarkable healing experiences for some individuals. The story of Edwin, an ordained minister and author, illustrates this idea. Finding herself diagnosed with a brain aneurysm deemed inoperable by five neurosurgeons, Edwin was given a grim prognosis and advised to prepare for her death. However, after receiving a vision from her prayer group about healing through John of God, she traveled to the Casa in Brazil. There, she underwent a non-invasive healing process during a group meditation. After collapsing in exhaustion for 24 hours, she awoke to find that her aneurysm had disappeared. Since then, she has returned to the Casa multiple times, bringing others seeking healing with her. While the validity of these healing practices is a matter of debate, the story underscores the power of belief and community in supporting individuals through challenging times. However, it's important to note that not all experiences may result in the same outcome, and individuals should consult medical professionals for appropriate treatment. The media coverage of these healing practices can also be misleading and sensationalized, as seen in the example of the O Magazine article. It's crucial to approach such stories with a critical and informed perspective. In essence, the story of Edwin highlights the power of belief and community in facilitating healing, but it's essential to approach these practices with caution and skepticism.

    • Zen nicotine pouches vs. traditional smoking methodsCritically evaluate the actions and influence of those in power, especially when promoting potentially harmful practices or individuals.

      Zen nicotine pouches offer a convenient, discreet, and hands-free alternative to traditional smoking methods, providing users with control over their nicotine intake. Meanwhile, the discussion about John of God and Oprah Winfrey highlighted the complexities of morality and accountability, particularly in the context of influential figures and their potential role in promoting harmful practices. The conversation revealed a deep-seated frustration towards Oprah and her team for promoting a cult leader, despite the horrific allegations against him. The speaker expressed that while Oprah may be perceived as a friendly and nice person, her influence and power can lead to significant harm on a broader scale. The takeaway is that it's essential to critically evaluate the actions and influence of those in positions of power, especially when they may be promoting potentially harmful practices or individuals.

    • Exploring the Controversial Healing Practices of John of GodThe author's personal experience with John of God's healing practices raises questions about the lack of scientific evidence and potential ethical concerns, but the intangible nature of some forms of healing leaves room for skepticism and belief.

      The author's personal experience with John of God's healing practices in Brazil allowed her to find closure after the loss of her father. However, her article raises concerns about the lack of scientific evidence and the uncritical acceptance of his supernatural healing abilities. She argues that it's unreasonable to reject these claims outright due to the intangible nature of some forms of healing and belief, but the lack of documentation and potential ethical issues surrounding the use of the spirits of deceased individuals raise valid questions. Skeptics and believers are welcome at the Casa, but the author does not provide any concrete evidence from experts or scientific studies to support the efficacy of John of God's healing methods. The article's tone is conversational and engaging, but it leaves readers with more questions than answers.

    • Healing Sessions with John of God: Concerns and Lack of Scientific EvidenceDespite reported lack of pain during invasive procedures, John of God's healing sessions lack scientific evidence and carry significant risks due to lack of medical training and anesthesia.

      The account of a healing session described in the text raises serious concerns due to the lack of medical training or anesthesia used by the healer, John of God. The session involves him scraping people's eyes with a knife and performing other invasive procedures without any pain reported by the recipients. However, this lack of reported pain doesn't necessarily mean the procedures are effective or safe. The explanation for this phenomenon could be due to the power of suggestion or the body's natural response to extreme situations. Furthermore, the large crowd of true believers and the public performance of the healing sessions might contribute to the perceived effectiveness. Yet, the procedures lack scientific evidence and carry significant risks. Therefore, it's crucial to approach such practices with skepticism and prioritize evidence-based medical treatments.

    • The Uncritical Promotion of John of God and the Harm to Vulnerable IndividualsThe spiritual healing industry's lack of critical examination and oversight allowed John of God, an accused rapist, to harm countless vulnerable individuals, with Oprah Winfrey's promotion contributing to his influence.

      The lack of critical examination and oversight in the American spiritual healing industry allowed John of God, a man accused of raping hundreds of women, to gain significant influence and harm countless vulnerable individuals. Susan Casey's article on Oprah Winfrey's show in 2010, which promoted John of God as a healer, contributed to this by exposing millions of viewers to his teachings. One such victim was a Dutch choreographer named Zahira Leinke, who traveled to Brazil to receive healing from John of God and was raped during a private session. This incident is just one example of how the spiritual healing industry's uncritical approach to promoting healers funneled victims into John of God's hands. The story of John of God and his victims is a disturbing reminder of the importance of critical thinking and oversight in the spiritual healing industry.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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