
    436. Andy & DJ CTI: NHL-Promoted Trans Hockey Tournament, Twitter Files Reveal Unprecedented Trump Ban & New IRS Rule On Venmo, PayPal & Cash App

    enDecember 13, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing current headlines and offering solutionsHosts Andy Priscilla and DJ Cruz provide a raw and real perspective on current events and encourage individual and collective problem-solving through their podcast 'The Realest'.

      Andy Priscilla and DJ Cruz host a reality-focused podcast where they discuss current headlines, make fun of them, and offer solutions to the underlying issues. The show, called "The Realest," is available on YouTube and can be accessed through questions submitted by viewers. The hosts aim to provide value and ask for listeners to share the show if they find it helpful. Priscilla also mentioned his recent experiment with social media and reading more books, specifically "Winning" by Tim Grover and "Relentless" by Tim Ferriss, to help him focus on his projects. The podcast offers a raw and real perspective on current events and encourages individual and collective problem-solving.

    • Mental preparation and focus are essential for optimal performanceUsing intense programs like '75 Hard' can help improve mental preparation and focus, leading to greater productivity and goal achievement

      Mental preparation and focus are crucial for optimal performance, both in business and personal life. The speaker shares his experience of using the book "75 Hard" to help him mentally prepare for challenges and recover from an injury. He emphasizes that full commitment and intensity are necessary to get the most out of such programs. The speaker also reflects on how his mental state impacts his effectiveness and productivity. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of mental fortitude and resilience in achieving goals and overcoming obstacles.

    • Overcoming Challenges with Mental ResilienceMental resilience and determination can help individuals overcome significant challenges, even after long periods on medication. Personal growth and progress are worth persevering for, even during difficult times.

      Mental resilience and determination can help individuals overcome significant challenges, even after long periods on medication. The speaker shares his experience of going off antidepressants after a decade of use and dealing with intense urges to harm himself during the process. Despite the difficulties, he persevered and now feels better mentally than he has in a long time. Additionally, the speaker expresses excitement for his personal growth and progress, contrasting it with others who are taking a more leisurely approach during the holiday season. Another topic discussed was the controversy surrounding a trans hockey tournament where a biological female player was concussed by a biological male player, highlighting the importance of maintaining reality and acknowledging biological differences.

    • Trans representation in sports sparks controversyOpen conversations about trans issues in sports are crucial, balancing acceptance and potential harms to young people, including bullying and identity crises.

      The conversation around trans issues and the representation of trans athletes in sports has become a contentious topic, with concerns raised about the potential for exploitation and the impact on young people. An article about a successful trans hockey tournament was criticized for not acknowledging an injury, leading to a larger discussion about equal pay and acceptance. Some argue that social media and educational institutions are contributing to the normalization and even promotion of trans identities, potentially leading to unintended consequences like bullying and identity crises for young people. It's important to have open and nuanced conversations about these issues, recognizing the complexities and potential harms while also advocating for acceptance and equality.

    • Manipulation of narratives on social media by fake and bot accountsSocial media platforms use fake and bot accounts, as well as employees with multiple anonymous accounts, to manipulate narratives, leading to a distorted perception of reality and the rise of cancel culture and erasure of certain perspectives. Stay informed and critical of information consumed on social media.

      Social media platforms like Twitter have been manipulating narratives by using fake and bot accounts, as well as employees with multiple anonymous accounts, to promote certain viewpoints while suppressing others. This manipulation has led to a distorted perception of reality for many people, and has contributed to the rise of cancel culture and the erasure of certain perspectives. The exposure of these practices, as seen in the case of Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter, is shedding light on the extent of this manipulation and the collusion between tech companies and agencies. The left's reaction to Musk's involvement is a result of their fear of losing control over the narrative. This manipulation has been going on for a decade and has affected various social issues, including women's sports and pandemic-related information. It's important to stay informed and critical of the information we consume on social media.

    • Elon Musk's Technological Innovations Raise Ethical ConcernsThe pursuit of technology without considering moral and ethical implications can lead to the loss of human autonomy and creativity.

      Elon Musk's involvement in technology and innovation, particularly in areas like neuralinks and AI, raises ethical concerns about the potential loss of human autonomy and the impact on art and creativity. The speaker believes that Musk, despite his intelligence and wealth, may not have fully considered these implications when developing these technologies. The speaker also emphasizes the need for individuals to resist the adoption of such technologies and reject them at the ground level to preserve human dignity and creativity. The speaker's perspective is that we should not pursue technology for technology's sake, but rather consider the moral and ethical implications of its use. The speaker's warning is that if we do not do so, we risk becoming obsolete and losing our ability to think and create for ourselves.

    • The dangers of unchecked technology advancementsUnchecked technology advancements could lead to the obsolescence and potential extinction of humans. Instead, individuals should focus on personal growth and development to maintain relevance in the face of technological advancements.

      The pursuit of technology without considering its ethical and moral implications could lead to the end of humanity. Ten years ago, questions about the impact of automation on jobs were raised, but not adequately addressed. Instead, some powerful entities have focused on population control and the potential obsolescence of humans in the face of AI advancements. This could result in AI surpassing humans and potentially wiping them out. The recent trend of AI-generated art is also concerning, as it not only makes human artists obsolete but also raises copyright and privacy issues. Instead of relying on technology for instant gratification, individuals should focus on becoming the best versions of themselves through dedication and hard work. The potential consequences of not doing so could be dire.

    • AI-generated content: Risks to creativity and skillsRelying on AI for content creation can lead to a lack of drive and effort, ethical concerns, and potential loss of human skills, while the Twitter Files reveal the importance of transparency in tech companies' content regulation.

      The use of AI-generated art or content, while convenient and accessible, poses significant risks to individual creativity, skills development, and the value of human touch and art. The speaker argues that relying on AI to produce content can lead to a lack of drive and effort in real life, as well as ethical concerns regarding the collection and use of personal information. The widespread availability and affordability of AI-generated content can make human skills obsolete, potentially removing the incentive to strive for mastery in various crafts. The speaker also touches upon the recent Twitter Files revelation, highlighting the potential consequences of relying on technology to regulate online content and the importance of transparency in tech companies' decision-making processes.

    • Employee activism led to Trump's ban on TwitterEmployee activism can influence company decisions, potentially leading to censorship or policy manipulation.

      During the aftermath of the January 6th Capitol riots, there was significant pressure, both internally and externally, for Twitter to ban then-President Trump. While some within Twitter opposed this due to the importance of public debate, a vocal minority of employees advocated for his removal. This employee activism led to Twitter creating new policies to justify banning Trump, despite initial evaluations finding no violation of existing policies. The historical significance of this moment was understood by Twitter employees, who recognized the potential consequences of their actions. However, these internal communications were later covered up. This incident highlights the power of employee activism and the potential for it to shape company decisions, even if it involves censorship or the manipulation of policies.

    • Social media bans impacted January 6th narrative controlThe banning of Trump from social media platforms allowed for controlled narratives around Jan 6th events, potentially revealing larger issues of election interference and info suppression, with the Twitter files expected to shed light on manipulation and propaganda in media.

      The banning of former President Trump from social media platforms allowed the narrative around the January 6th events to be controlled without opposition, as people couldn't access his messages urging peace. This is part of a larger issue of interference in elections and suppression of information, which some consider a coup. Further, there are allegations of manipulation of narratives around COVID-19 and other topics. The release of the Twitter files is expected to shed light on these issues, potentially revealing the extent of manipulation and propaganda in media.

    • Media silence on Twitter files and censorshipMedia silence on censorship and data manipulation is shameful, potentially involving treason and crimes against humanity, and fuels distrust and division in society. Transparency and open dialogue are crucial.

      The suppression of information, particularly regarding censorship and data manipulation, is a significant issue that should be of concern to everyone. The media's silence on the Twitter files and other similar incidents is shameful and indicative of a larger problem. The implications of these actions are far-reaching, potentially involving treason and crimes against humanity. The continued censorship and lies about these issues only serve to fuel the distrust and division in society. It is crucial that the truth is brought to light and that those responsible are held accountable. The power to control information and shape public opinion is a significant one, and it should not be wielded irresponsibly or in secret. The importance of transparency and open dialogue cannot be overstated.

    • Mark Zuckerberg's handling of censorship and suppression of info on FBMark Zuckerberg's transparency could lead to celebration, while censorship may result in serious consequences, including potential harm to Elon Musk.

      Mark Zuckerberg's handling of censorship and suppression of information on Facebook, which some consider to be violations of the constitution, could potentially lead to serious consequences if he continues to hide the truth. The speaker suggests that if Zuckerberg comes forward and tells the whole story, he may be celebrated for standing up for truth and freedom. The speaker also praises Joe Rogan for his brave actions in sharing information about Ivermectin, which saved lives, and encourages people to remember the importance of transparency and truth in the face of censorship. The speaker expresses that those responsible for censorship are in a panic and may try to harm or jail Elon Musk to prevent further revelations. The speaker emphasizes that the people who have been affected by these actions will not forget this.

    • Government reporting requirements for small transactions through payment appsDebates continue over gov't reporting reqs for small biz & payment app transactions, with concerns over tax evasion vs gov't overreach. History of failed audits in larger institutions raises concerns over accountability & potential confiscation of personal property.

      There are ongoing debates regarding government reporting requirements for small businesses and individual transactions made through payment apps like Venmo and PayPal. Some argue that these changes aim to crack down on tax evasion, while others view it as government overreach. Meanwhile, there are concerns about accountability within larger institutions, such as the Pentagon, which have failed multiple audits and continue to receive significant funding. The speaker expresses concern that these reporting requirements could ultimately lead to individuals being unable to afford paying taxes, potentially resulting in the confiscation of their personal property. The history of failed audits and lack of accountability within larger institutions adds to this concern. It's important for individuals and businesses to stay informed and engaged in these discussions to ensure that their rights and interests are protected.

    • The tax system keeps people financially oppressedThe speaker argues that taxes are not just on income, but also on transactions and inherited wealth, and that the government misrepresents how tax dollars are spent and engages in corruption. They encourage financial independence and look to countries with no income tax as an example.

      The current tax system in the United States is intentionally keeping people financially oppressed, and this oppression is part of a larger agenda to maintain control and limit wealth accumulation. The speaker argues that taxes are not just on income, but also on transactions and inherited wealth. The government misrepresents how tax dollars are spent and engages in corruption, while citizens are kept in the dark. The speaker encourages people to understand the impact of taxes and the potential for financial independence. They suggest looking to countries like Dubai, which have no income tax, as an example of what could be possible if the financial oppression were lifted. The speaker expresses frustration with the complexity of the tax code and the potential for punishment for those who don't comply perfectly. In essence, the speaker believes that the current tax system is a tool for maintaining control and limiting wealth, and that people should demand transparency and reform.

    • The Speaker Views the Tax System as Organized CrimeThe speaker criticizes the tax system for being unfair, inefficient, and complex, calling it organized crime, and urges people to demand reform for a functional government.

      The speaker views the tax system as a form of organized crime, comparing it to extortion by gangsters or the mafia. He believes that the government is bloated and inefficient, and that many people working within it are lazy and unproductive. He argues that the tax code is unfair and that many people are paying more than their fair share. The speaker is frustrated with the complexity of the system and the hoops that people have to jump through to comply with it. He believes that a functional government should be able to provide essential services efficiently and effectively, and that people should demand reform. The speaker's comments are a call to action, urging people to demand change and to stand up against what he sees as an unjust system. He believes that the current state of the tax system is a far cry from the idea of America as a free and cutting-edge country.

    • Joyce's inspiring journey to learn a new skillNo matter the age or obstacles, determination and support can help us overcome challenges and learn new skills.

      No matter how intimidated or overwhelmed we may feel, especially during challenging times, it's important to keep pushing through and not give up. The story of Joyce, a great-grandmother who learned to use a computer with the help of her children despite initial fears and difficulties, is a powerful reminder of the resilience and determination we all have within us. Even when faced with obstacles that seem insurmountable, the support of loved ones and the desire to not let others down can be powerful motivators to keep going. It's never too late to learn new skills or tackle new challenges, and every effort, no matter how small, is worth making.

    Recent Episodes from REAL AF with Andy Frisella

    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    In today's episode, Andy and DJ are joined in the studio by comedian Tim Young. They discuss the Supreme Court's dismissal of the Social Media Censorship case, the congressional report that showed interference in 2020, and what we know about the 2 Venezuelan men accused of killing 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by the translucent Pastor of Disaster, Vaughn Kohler. They discuss the upcoming Trump and Biden debates, Julian Assange dropping $500k for a flight to a remote island to avoid setting foot on the US mainland, and a bankruptcy court trustee filing a motion to liquidate Alex Jones' Infowars.

    726. Andy & DJ CTI: GOP Calls Out 51 Intel Officials Over Hunter Laptop, Biden And Zelensky To Ink 10-Year Deal For U.S. Military Support & Spokane Pride Crosswalk Vandalized

    726. Andy & DJ CTI: GOP Calls Out 51 Intel Officials Over Hunter Laptop, Biden And Zelensky To Ink 10-Year Deal For U.S. Military Support & Spokane Pride Crosswalk Vandalized

    In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss the GOP calling out 51 intel officials over Hunter Biden's laptop, President Biden and Zelensky to ink a 10-year deal for U.S. military support for Ukraine, and Spokane pride's crosswalk being vandalized days after teens were charged with felonies for leaving scooter skid marks on the rainbow pavement.

    Related Episodes



    On today's podcast, Tara and Stephanie discuss Tucker Carlson's recent interview with former State Department Cybersecurity official Mike Benz and his mind-blowing revelations about the role of the CIA and the military industrial complex in creating the internet as a way to control censorship and election interference and how this all culminates into where we are now in terms of the "misinformation / disinformation" propaganda campaigns taking place across the world. Your hosts also talk about the cell service outages that happened in several location throughout the U.S. last Thursday and how this potential "cyberattack" could be related to the plan to keep Trump out of office and how far the elites will go to make sure it doesn't happen.  

    Read the blog and connect with Stephanie and Tara on TikTok, YouTube, Rumble, IG, and Facebook.


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    #103 - Susie Olson-Corgan

    #103 - Susie Olson-Corgan
    Susie Olson-Corgan joins us for a great chat about old and new vaccine injuries, the medical industrial complex, being censored and standing in your truth.
    We get into her back story of the vaccine injury to her son, dealing with the medical field, being censored when talking about it, VAERS data, honey pots and herding, the problems with diagnosis, naturopathic, being a mother, the new child abuse, hell in the ER, generation rescue, lack of safety data, holistic health and the problem with Tylenol.
    In the second half we get deeper into watching in on FDA and CDC, the EUA control group option, government senators who are on top of this, health officers, IHME funding, oral polio, Canada and Vitamin D, x-vaxx vs anti-cancer, detoxing, governement bills, cali and the jab problem - school based health clinics, doctor suppression, and Gates.
    We also talk about possible solutions, community and hugging, new everything, interest based, buy nothing, local rallies, and ideologies. 
    Organizations that Susie supports and is associated with:
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    #38 - Ian Webster. The Nightmare at Neerkol - One of these Nasty Boarding Schools. Empires, Church and State

    #38 - Ian Webster. The Nightmare at Neerkol - One of these Nasty Boarding Schools. Empires, Church and State
    Ian Webster joins us to chat about his research and narration of “The Nightmare at Neerkol” - one of these nasty “boarding schools” in Australia that destroyed many a kids lives through physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Ian is an international professional rugby player, and two times golden gloves amateur boxing champ. And he comes from the rough part of town…..
    We chat about the Empires - British and US, Monarchies from the past, land restrictions, over wokeness, a strategy of stealth and to shut the fuck up ( and help accelerate the narrative collapse ), resistance vs stealth, guns and defence, land restrictions, covid in Canada and Australia, and the Church and State.
    There were three streams of kid stock going to the boarding schools. Seems that Australia had a similar issue to Canada over the last 100 + years. We also get into the Royal Commission apologies, what forced that, and how deep does this go globally with the Catholic Church and the British Empire and the Globalists.
    In the second half we chat about forging parchments, rough morals, black America, booze and drugs in the indigenous, prediction for Australia, governments aligning for Hail Mary, cannabis, the medical systems in Canada and Australia, the Aussie Aboriginals, the China trade war, hunting and beef, the carnivore diet, censorship, Treating people how you want to be treated, his podcast and interviewing interesting people. 
    Then they came for…….
    Thank you for your support. 
    To gain access to the second half of show and our Plus feed please clink the link http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support. Help support the show because without your help we can’t continue to address these controversial topics. If you value this content with 0 ads, 0 sponsorships, 0 breaks, 0 portals and links to corporate websites, please assist. Many hours of unlimited content for free. Thanks for listening!!
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    #494 - John Carpay. JCCF (Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms). Canada's legal situation

    #494 - John Carpay. JCCF (Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms). Canada's legal situation
    Interview starts at 38:25
    John Carpay - Founder and President of JCCF (Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms) joins us for an update of the legal situation in Canada. We talk about Alberta and the courts not “willing” to provide evidence of the draconian useless measures and how we should be fighting back and raising public awareness.
    John lays out our basic freedoms and the process the government is supposed to go through if they take these away from us. We talk about death counts, hospitalization metrics, PCR testing, lock downs, and if companies could be held liable for vaccine injuries if people are forced to get the Jab. 
    We also get into the heavy cost on society and individuals from these dogmatic measures, cherry picking the facts, the medical dictatorship media propaganda machine, and grass roots printing of brochures.
    In the intro we chat with John De Herrera about the Article V Convention Claus in the USA Constitution. Is this a way that we can help get rid of the institutionalized corruption in US politics. It never seems to get passed Congress. This amendment clause needs enough focus to reach a tipping point and the paradigm will totally change. 
    We also chat about some emails from listeners, the upcoming Contact at the Cabin trips and events planned, our audio books and other shows are also great ways to help support the show.
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