
    438. Andy & DJ CTI: Jack Dorsey Takes Blame For Twitter Files, FTX Founder Sam Bankman-Fried Arrested & Intel Analyst Tried To Prevent Jan. 6th

    enDecember 15, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Authentic perspectives on current events and real-life topicsThe Andy Priscilla Show offers unfiltered insights, encourages critical thinking, and maintains authenticity by not running ads.

      The Andy Priscilla Show offers authentic, unfiltered perspectives on current events and real-life topics, providing value by connecting the dots and encouraging critical thinking. The show's unique format, which includes Q&A sessions, real talks, and interviews, allows listeners to engage with the content in various ways. The authenticity of the show is maintained by not running ads, ensuring that the thoughts, views, and opinions expressed are genuine and uninfluenced by external forces. The true value lies in the show's ability to challenge listeners' perspectives and encourage deeper understanding of complex issues. The show's success lies in its ability to cut through the misinformation and disinformation that pervades modern society, encouraging listeners to think critically and form their own informed opinions.

    • Living in a post-truth era: Demanding changeIn a world where trust in governments and institutions is low, it's crucial for citizens to demand transparency and accountability from those in power, as they may be manipulating and deceiving the public for their own gain. The pandemic is just one example of this trend leading to division and extremism.

      We are living in an era where trust in governments and institutions has been eroded, and people are increasingly relying on their own beliefs and biases rather than facts. This is a dangerous trend that allows those in power to manipulate and deceive the public for their own gain. The speaker emphasizes that this issue is not limited to the United States but is a global problem. He urges citizens to understand that governments and institutions do not have their best interests at heart and to demand change. The speaker also warns that those in power are not going to peacefully relinquish their control and that it's up to the people to wake up and take action. The speaker uses the example of the ongoing manipulation and deception surrounding the pandemic and the resulting division and extremism as evidence of this trend. He concludes by urging people to recognize the fundamental reality that things are not as they seem and to demand transparency and accountability from those in power.

    • Understanding the destructive behavior of power-hungry individualsFocus on personal independence, health, fitness, and financial stability to strip power-hungry individuals of their control and make it impossible for them to propagate harmful agendas.

      We are facing a critical situation where certain individuals are willing to do anything to maintain power and control, regardless of the consequences for others. These individuals are riding a metaphorical tiger that they cannot get off of, and if they fall off, they risk being consumed. The rest of us must understand that cultural change is necessary to strip these individuals of their power. We need to prioritize our independence, health, fitness, financial stability, and set an example in our communities. Only then can we make it impossible for them to propagate their harmful agendas. The longer we focus on why they would do such things, the longer they will continue to cause harm. It's time for citizens of the earth to take action and stop this destructive behavior before it's too late.

    • Rebuilding Society in a Free and Equitable WayDuring chaotic times, we have the chance to redesign society, put aside labels, and work towards an inclusive vision for a free and equitable America, addressing systemic issues and empowering the working class.

      During times of chaos and destruction, instead of accepting the solutions offered by those in power, we have the opportunity to redesign and rebuild our society in a way that aligns with the ideals of a truly free and equitable society. The current political landscape, with its left and right divisions, is not the only solution. We can come together, put aside our labels and biases, and work towards a new, inclusive vision for America. This requires recognizing the corruption and systemic issues that keep the working class from thriving, and empowering them to take back control. It's time to move beyond petty arguments and start thinking bigger and more creatively about the future we want to build.

    • Redesigning systems for a corruption-free societyAdmit failures, focus on structural reforms, and eliminate corruption for a new America that truly represents the values and desires of the people.

      We as a society have the power to redesign and reform our systems, from government to infrastructure, and eliminate corruption. Jack Dorsey's admission of Twitter's failings is a reminder of the importance of staying true to core principles and resisting political and corporate control. The opportunity for change lies with candidates and organizations that focus on structural reforms and removing corruption, rather than getting bogged down in divisive social issues. By doing so, we can create a new America that truly represents the values and desires of the majority. It's time for critical thinking and a new plan.

    • Jack Dorsey's Resignation Linked to Activist Investor PressureJack Dorsey stepped down as Twitter CEO amidst pressure from Elliot Management, concerns over First Amendment rights, and potential government censorship. Transparency and releasing sensitive information are crucial to prevent harm to society.

      Jack Dorsey, the former CEO of Twitter, has admitted to giving up on pushing back against an activist investor in 2020, which led to his resignation. The timing of Dorsey's confession aligns with when Elliot Management, led by Paul Singer, took a large stake in Twitter and began pushing for changes. Dorsey expressed concern over attacks on his former colleague and the potential violation of First Amendment rights by the FBI regarding Twitter moderation. The speaker emphasized the importance of transparency and the potential consequences if sensitive information is not released. Additionally, there have been allegations of coordination between the government and tech companies to censor information, which adds to the urgency of disclosing this information. The speaker argues that every day Elon Musk, the current CEO of Twitter, delays releasing this information, it gives those involved more opportunity to potentially harm society.

    • Manipulation of Information for Power and WealthPowerful entities manipulate info to maintain power, withholding crucial data from public. Citizens urged to be aware and expose corruption before consequences escalate.

      Powerful entities, including corporations and governments, manipulate information and events to maintain power and wealth at the expense of the average person. The speaker expresses concern that important information, such as the Twitter files, is being withheld from the public, and urges those with knowledge of corruption to come forward before it's too late. The consequences of this corruption, according to the speaker, could be another war or pandemic, designed to distract from the underlying issues. The speaker emphasizes that these entities do not care who they harm or destroy in the process, and that they have grown wealthier through their corrupt practices. The speaker calls on citizens to be more intelligent and aware of these manipulations, and to recognize that these entities want to keep the status quo in order to maintain their power and control.

    • Individual actions and voices matterRegardless of one's circumstances or following, taking action in real life is important. Be grateful for what you have and consider the struggles of others.

      Individual actions and voices matter, even if one doesn't have a large following or platform. The discussion touched upon Sam Bankman-Fried's arrest and his attempt to use mental health and anti-Semitism as defenses. However, the speaker expressed frustration with the leniency of the justice system towards those committing heinous crimes. He emphasized the importance of taking action in real life, regardless of one's circumstances, and encouraged listeners to be grateful for what they have and consider the struggles of others. The speaker also poked fun at the idea of prominent figures advocating for unusual diets or lifestyles while ignoring their own hypocrisies.

    • The intersection of politics and big moneyPolitical donations, totaling at least $73 million, made by FTX and its executives could be at risk of being clawed back. Money can manipulate political landscapes, and false scandals can be used to sway elections, raising concerns about influence and potential conflicts of interest.

      The intersection of politics and big money can lead to questionable practices and potential conflicts of interest. The FTX bankruptcy case highlights how political donations, totaling at least $73 million, made by the company and its executives to both Democrats and Republicans could be at risk of being clawed back. This brings up concerns about the influence of money in politics and the potential for individuals and corporations to manipulate political landscapes for their benefit. Furthermore, the example of the Missouri Senate race illustrates how false scandals can be created and used to sway elections, with the perpetrators facing consequences later. The speaker also emphasizes that some Republicans, like Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy, may appear to be enemies of conservatives because they align with the Democratic party and the far-left agenda, ultimately prioritizing their own interests over the rights of the country.

    • Political funding and power in the US create a cycle of corruption and manipulationThe interconnected nature of political funding and power in the US allows certain individuals and organizations to manipulate elections and maintain control, making it difficult for genuine investigations into election integrity to take place.

      The interconnected nature of political funding and power in the US allows certain individuals and organizations to manipulate elections and maintain control, making it difficult for genuine investigations into election integrity to take place. The example given is the $8 million spent on the federal elections, with a significant portion coming from the Senate leadership fund, which was used to support a specific candidate. This cycle of corruption and manipulation is perpetuated by those in power, who continue to win elections despite public suspicion and calls for accountability. The system seems rigged, and without a significant shift in the political landscape, genuine reform may not be possible.

    • Intelligence Analyst's Unacted Upon Capitol Riot WarningAn intelligence analyst reported a Capitol riots plot to DHS, but no action was taken due to potential insiders. This highlights a deeper issue of insider threats within security agencies and the need for reform.

      There are concerns about the integrity of the security apparatus and the role of potential insiders in the planning and execution of the Capitol riots on January 6, 2021. An intelligence analyst discovered a plot to storm the Capitol and reported it to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), but no action was taken due to the presence of informants and possibly current or former DHS employees within the extremist groups. This raises serious questions about the effectiveness of the security agencies and their ability to prevent such threats. The analyst's unredacted report, obtained by Yahoo News, documented numerous credible threats that were not acted upon. The DHS did not respond to requests for comment. The issue goes beyond the Capitol riots, as the analyst's discovery highlights a deeper problem of potential insider threats within security agencies. The situation underscores the need for a thorough investigation and reform of these agencies to ensure their ability to protect national security and prevent domestic terrorism.

    • Media manipulation and gun confiscationSome media outlets and social platforms suppress info, instigate violence, and downplay opposing views to justify gun confiscation. Staying patriotic and recognizing manipulation is crucial for maintaining freedom.

      Certain media outlets and social platforms have been manipulating public perception by suppressing information and instigating violence to justify gun confiscation. This is evident in the contrasting attendance numbers at political rallies and the ongoing attempts to downplay the influence and numbers of those holding opposing views. The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying patriotic and proud of one's country, as this is necessary for maintaining freedom. Additionally, recent polls and events suggest a shift in public opinion, with more people recognizing the manipulation and rejecting progressive ideologies.

    • A debate on Jeremiah Johnson's age and size in youth footballDespite speculation about his age, Jeremiah Johnson's exceptional athletic abilities and early development highlight the potential for individual differences and exceptional talent in young athletes.

      There is a debate on social media about the age and size of a 12-year-old football player, Jeremiah Johnson, who won the most valuable player award at the Youth National Championships. Some people believe he looks older and stronger than a typical 12-year-old, leading to speculation about his age. Others argue that it's possible for a 12-year-old to be that size, as there are examples of exceptionally talented and physically mature athletes at young ages. The conversation highlights the reality of exceptional athletic abilities and early development in some children. It also raises questions about societal perceptions of youth sports and the expectations placed on young athletes. Ultimately, the debate underscores the importance of recognizing individual differences and the potential for exceptional talent and growth in young people.

    • Different Stages of Growth in AthletesAppreciate exceptional talent, but stay dedicated to training and growth, as development can occur at various stages.

      Exceptional talent and early development in sports are not unusual, and athletes should continue to work hard and stay dedicated to their training, even with a head start. The speaker shares his personal experience of staying the same size throughout high school and later gaining more muscle, emphasizing that growth and development can occur at different stages. He also highlights the story of his business's early customer, a bodybuilder and trainer for famous athletes, whose son is an impressive young athlete. The speaker encourages appreciation for dominant athletes and their achievements, warning against complacency and the importance of staying committed to training.

    • Story of Cecil Fielder's son hitting a home run at 11Not all athletic journeys follow the same path, and potential shouldn't be underestimated based on current performance.

      There are exceptional athletes out out there, some of whom may even display their talents at a young age. Cecil Fielder's son, for instance, hit a home run out of Detroit stadium when he was only 11 years old. This anecdote illustrates the existence of individuals with extraordinary abilities, some of whom may not be recognized until they reach higher levels of competition. It's essential to understand that not everyone's athletic journey follows the same trajectory, and it's crucial not to underestimate the potential of those who may seem to be underperforming at present. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes that to truly appreciate the significance of high-level competition, one must have personal experience in sports.

    Recent Episodes from REAL AF with Andy Frisella

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    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    In today's episode, Andy and DJ are joined in the studio by comedian Tim Young. They discuss the Supreme Court's dismissal of the Social Media Censorship case, the congressional report that showed interference in 2020, and what we know about the 2 Venezuelan men accused of killing 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

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    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

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    726. Andy & DJ CTI: GOP Calls Out 51 Intel Officials Over Hunter Laptop, Biden And Zelensky To Ink 10-Year Deal For U.S. Military Support & Spokane Pride Crosswalk Vandalized

    In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss the GOP calling out 51 intel officials over Hunter Biden's laptop, President Biden and Zelensky to ink a 10-year deal for U.S. military support for Ukraine, and Spokane pride's crosswalk being vandalized days after teens were charged with felonies for leaving scooter skid marks on the rainbow pavement.

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    83. FEAR

    83. FEAR

    In this episode, I’m pulling the curtain back on the mind manipulation designed to stoke our fear. There is no holding back, I am calling out what I see and hear very clearly. Most importantly, I want to encourage you to come to awareness of the areas where you DO have power and control. I’m talking about vaccines, supply chain issues, and any other thing in the world that has you fearful or feeling scarcity.  

    What is truth? What can we believe? What can we be absolutely certain of? The times in which we are living might not be as terrible as they seem.

    I’m here for you!

    Email: sunnythelifecoach@gmail.com

    Other ways to connect: https://linktr.ee/iamsunny

    Intro/outro music: “Feeling Free” by Martin Riopel.