
    #442: Rocky Marciano's Fight for Perfection in a Crooked World

    enSeptember 19, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Rocky Marciano's Challenges Beyond the RingRocky Marciano's journey from underdog boxer to cultural icon brought challenges of managing wealth, work-life balance, and navigating the corrupt boxing world.

      Despite being an underdog with a late start in the sport, Rocky's grit, discipline, and fate led him to become a cultural icon in 1950s America. However, his newfound fame brought challenges, including managing wealth, work-life balance, and navigating the crooked world of organized crime in boxing. Mike Stanton's new book, "Unbeaten: Rocky Marciano's Fight for Perfection in a Crooked World," explores these aspects of Rocky's life, making him both an inspiring and tragic figure. Whether you're a fan of boxing or history, this story offers valuable insights into determination, resilience, and the human condition. To learn more, check out the show notes at aom.is/Marciano.

    • Rocky Marciano: The American Icon Embodying Determination and GreatnessImmigrant Rocky Marciano, despite being an underdog, became the heavyweight boxing champion through determination and grit, symbolizing American values and improving racial climate in boxing during the Cold War.

      Rocky Marciano, the heavyweight boxing champion from the late 1940s to early 1950s, embodied the American spirit during the post-World War II era. He represented the belief that anyone could achieve greatness and became a symbol of American might during the Cold War. Marciano's impact on American culture was significant, and his victory in the championship marked a shift in the racial climate of boxing. Marciano, an immigrant from Brockton, Massachusetts, was not an obvious contender for the title, but his love for sports and determination led him to become a champion. Despite being viewed as the "Great White Hope," Marciano had a good relationship with black fighters and respected their struggles. His childhood was marked by a love for baseball and other sports, but it was his determination and grit that ultimately propelled him to become the heavyweight champion of the world.

    • Rocky's upbringing shaped him into a respected figure in his community through boxing and strong family tiesDespite facing challenges in his youth, Rocky's strong family ties and love for boxing helped shape him into a respected figure in his community.

      Rocky's upbringing in Brockton shaped him into a strong, respected figure in his community, both as a physically imposing presence and a trusted friend. Boxing was a significant part of the culture, and Rocky's reputation as the strongest kid in the neighborhood began with neighborhood fights and settling disputes among friends. His close relationship with his parents, particularly as the eldest son in a large, first-generation immigrant family, instilled in him a sense of responsibility and pride. His childhood friendships, especially with Ali Colombo, proved to be enduring and influential in his boxing career. Despite the cutthroat nature of the sport and gambling culture, Rocky felt a deep connection to his community and the people who supported him, driving him to never give up in the ring. Ultimately, Rocky's story shows that young people today are not alone in feeling uncertain about their futures, as even iconic figures like Rocky Balboa faced similar challenges in their youth.

    • Rocky Marciano's baseball injury led him to boxingRocky Marciano's baseball injury and military service influenced his discovery of boxing and shaped his unique fighting style.

      Rocky Marciano's inability to make a strong throw in baseball, which held him back from making it to the Major Leagues, ultimately led him to discover his true talent in boxing. Despite his love for baseball and being a talented player, an injury and lack of a strong throw prevented him from making it in the sport. However, his crouched fighting style, inspired by his baseball background, became a key factor in his success as a boxer. Additionally, Marciano's military service, which included a court-martial for robbing and assaulting British civilians, may have been a reason why he didn't publicly discuss his war experience. Instead, he remained in the army until the end of 1946 to receive an honorable discharge and begin his boxing career in a more formal way.

    • Rocky Marciano's boxing career took off after army discharge and life-saving surgeryDespite a late start and initial struggles, Rocky Marciano's boxing career took off due to a life-saving surgery and formal training.

      Rocky Marciano's boxing career began in earnest after he was discharged from the army in 1947. Prior to this, he had some amateur fights but was out of shape and clumsy in the ring. A fateful injury during a semifinal fight at the National AAU Championships required experimental surgery from a Japanese-American army surgeon, saving Marciano's career. He started training formally with coaches and began sneaking out to fight professionally under an assumed name to avoid disapproval from his Italian mother. Marciano was 22-23 years old when he started his professional boxing journey, which was considered a late start. Despite his late start and initial clumsiness, Marciano's opponents didn't fare well in the ring, and he eventually gained confidence in his abilities.

    • Rocky's Mother's Influence on His Boxing StyleRocky's unconventional boxing style, instilled by his mother, was initially criticized but ultimately led him to a successful career after training with a new manager and trainer.

      Rocky's relationship with his mother significantly influenced his boxing style and career. She instilled in him a strong sense of protection, making him promise to stop fighting if he got hurt and inspecting his body for marks. This led him to hold his hands up and let opponents punch themselves out, avoiding getting hit in the face. However, this unconventional approach was criticized by a legitimate manager and trainer, who saw potential in Rocky but needed him to adopt a more formal education in the ring. Eventually, Rocky moved to New York to train with the influential manager Al Weil and his trainer Charlie Goldman. Despite initial doubts due to Rocky's clumsiness and age, his dedication and powerful punch earned him a chance, leading him on the path to a more successful boxing career.

    • Rocky's Local Success and First Big BreakRocky Marciano's career began in Providence, where he built a reputation as a formidable opponent and crowd favorite, eventually catching the attention of a New York promoter, leading to his first big fight in Madison Square Garden.

      Rocky Marciano's journey to the national stage in boxing began in Providence, Rhode Island, where he could afford to live and train while also fighting locally. He built a reputation as a crowd favorite and a formidable opponent, earning the nickname "Timber" for his knockout punch. Despite facing opposition from local managers, Rocky continued to win fights and eventually caught the attention of a New York promoter. His first big feature fight in Madison Square Garden was against an unbeaten Italian fighter named Carmine Vingo, resulting in a brutal and intense match. Although Rocky emerged victorious, Vingo tragically slipped into a coma after the fight and later passed away. This fight brought Rocky national recognition but also controversy, as their brutal fight raised questions about the limits of human endurance in the ring.

    • The human spirit's ability to endure and recoverPerseverance leads to recovery, education expands knowledge, and a strong online presence is crucial.

      Perseverance and determination can lead to remarkable recoveries, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. As illustrated by the story of Rocky Balboa and Ingo Vingo, the latter of whom was saved by Rocky after a brutal fight, the human spirit can endure and recover from serious injuries. However, the experience left a lasting impact on Rocky, as he never forgot the fight and was left with physical limitations. Furthermore, the discussion also highlighted the importance of education and learning new skills, as exemplified by the Great Courses Plus platform. With unlimited access to courses on various topics, individuals can expand their knowledge and expertise, whether it be in martial arts, business, or a new language. Lastly, the mention of Squarespace served as a reminder of the importance of having a strong online presence, especially for passion projects or new businesses. The platform offers easy-to-use templates and e-commerce functionality, allowing individuals to create professional-looking websites without requiring extensive coding or design knowledge.

    • Boxing's complex relationship with public and Marciano's influenceRocky Marciano, influenced by a fallen boxer and safety concerns, retired at 49-0 to avoid risks and uncertain future.

      Boxing during this era, despite its popularity, was met with a complex relationship from the public due to the inherent risks and potential harm to the athletes. Rocky Marciano, a rising contender, was deeply affected by the death of boxer Vingo, and the specter of boxing-related deaths lingered in his mind. This, coupled with concerns about safety and reforms, influenced his career. After winning against Roland La Starza, Marciano became a headliner, and his eventual fight against Joe Louis, who was past his prime but still sought to make money, served as a reminder of the potential tragic outcomes for boxers. Marciano, who was wary of financial instability and the fate of broken-down fighters, ultimately decided to retire at 49-0, fearing the risks and uncertain future.

    • Rigorous Training and Mental Preparation of Rocky MarcianoRocky Marciano's extreme dedication and discipline in training, fear of punch-drunkenness, and focus on flexibility and endurance made him one of the greatest boxers in history.

      Rocky Marciano, the legendary boxer, was known for his extreme dedication and discipline in training. He feared becoming punch-drunk and took his physical and mental preparation seriously. Marciano's training regimens were rigorous, involving months of running, boxing, and other exercises. He also embraced the hardships, such as the cold weather, to toughen himself up. Marciano's mental preparation was equally intense, with no distractions allowed during training camps. He shunned weightlifting and focused on flexibility and endurance instead. Marciano's training methods were ahead of his time, with a focus on avoiding unhealthy foods and maintaining peak physical condition. Despite the distractions of Hollywood stars and celebrities at his training camps, Marciano remained disciplined and focused on his goals. His fear of punch-drunkenness and dedication to his craft drove him to become one of the greatest boxers in history.

    • Rocky's Pride and Determination Led to Personal and Professional SuccessRocky's unwavering dedication, fueled by his pride and the weight of his community's expectations, led to personal and professional success despite the strain on his personal life.

      Rocky Balboa's fierce pride and determination drove him to become a successful boxer, but it also caused tension in his personal life. His friends and community in Brockton bet on him, and his wins brought them prosperity. However, his boxing career often kept him away from his family, causing strain. Despite criticism from journalists and boxing critics for his slow and awkward fighting style, Rocky's relentless approach and strong work ethic ultimately led to victory after victory. This unwavering dedication, fueled by his pride and the weight of the community's expectations, became a defining characteristic of his persona.

    • Rocky's Unyielding Determination and Manager's Mob TiesRocky Balboa's unyielding determination and resilience made him a formidable boxer despite his lack of grace and technique. His manager, Angelo Dundee, had ties to the mob, adding tension to their partnership.

      Rocky Balboa, despite not being the most graceful or technically sound boxer, became a formidable contender through his unyielding determination and ability to take punishment. His opponents described him as relentless, comparing him to a rhino and a moving airplane propeller. Rocky's manager, Angelo Dundee, was a character with connections to the mob, and Rocky's Italian-American background and experiences with gambling may have drawn him to these unsavory figures. However, the corruption in boxing and the anti-Italian prejudice fueled his resentment. Rocky's manager, Mickey Goldmill, was also an immigrant and hustled his way up in the boxing world, starting in dance halls and eventually becoming a successful manager who produced three world champions. The complex relationship between Rocky and his manager, Angelo Dundee, was a source of tension throughout his career. Angelo, a big-time manager, was happy about their partnership, but their association with the mob created tension. Angelo's backstory is intriguing; he started dancing in the dance halls and eventually transitioned into the boxing world, where he discovered his talent for matching fighters. Despite the illegal nature of boxing during that time, he hustled jobs at amusement parks to survive. Eventually, he met and partnered with Charlie Goldman, who ran the Wheel of Fortune, and together they produced three world champions.

    • Rocky Marciano's controlling manager led him to retireRocky Marciano retired due to his manager's controlling behavior and financial mismanagement, leading to burnout, and later enjoying a luxurious lifestyle post-retirement.

      Rocky Marciano's relationship with his domineering manager, Don Cannon (WIL), played a significant role in his decision to retire from boxing. Cannon's controlling behavior and financial mismanagement, including skimming money from Rocky's fights, contributed to Rocky's burnout and desire to leave the sport. Additionally, Rocky's post-retirement life was filled with indulgences, including rich food, beer, and women, as well as associations with the mob. However, as boxing began to decline in popularity, Rocky's fame and wealth allowed him to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle. Ultimately, Rocky's retirement marked the end of an era for the sport, leaving him to navigate a new world without the drive and discipline that had defined his career.

    • Muhammad Ali's complicated financial habits in the 1960sMuhammad Ali, a wealthy boxing legend, hid money from family, dealt with mobsters, and preferred cash over checks, leading to financial instability and a complicated legacy.

      Muhammad Ali's life in the 1960s was marked by financial instability and a love for cash. He had deals with mobsters and loan sharks, hid money in unconventional places, and was unapologetic about his preference for cash over checks. Despite his success and wealth, Ali was often unmoored from his family and felt trapped in his public persona. He died tragically in a plane crash, leaving his family and finances in disarray due to his secretive and unconventional financial habits. This complex and intriguing figure, reminiscent of Don Draper from Mad Men, struggled to find his place in a changing world and ultimately left a complicated financial legacy.

    • Rocky Marciano's Journey in a Crooked WorldStay true to oneself and maintain integrity despite facing adversity and corruption in the pursuit of goals.

      Rocky Marciano's life story, as recounted in Mike Stanton's book "Unbeaten: Rocky Marciano's Fight for Perfection in a Crooked World," highlights the importance of staying true to oneself while navigating a corrupt world. Marciano's unwavering dedication to his goals and unyielding determination in the face of adversity are inspiring, but his tragic ending serves as a reminder of the sacrifices and challenges that come with success. The tension between maintaining one's integrity and surviving in a crooked world is a universal theme that transcends boxing and offers valuable lessons for all. The book is available online and in bookstores. For more information, visit aom.is/Marciano.

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    • Being a dedicated boxer has led to many amazing opportunities, such as winning medals and championships. The medals, trophies and belts which are on display in a trophy room are a reminder of all the hard work it took to get to that stage. It is a reminder that all the gruelling training programmes paid off and the rewards were reaped.

    • The best advice for life is to stay focused, keep working hard and never give up. It is important for people to have dreams and goals that they wish to achieve in life. If you have goals and ambitions, chase them, they allow you to wake up in the morning with purpose and determination. Think where you would like to be in ten years’ time and use goals to drive you.

    • Don’t allow hate comments on social media to get to you, do not rise to their words and waste your energy on them. If you have a large social media following you are bound to have haters.  When you are successful in life, the haters are always going to be there. The love received from social media from fans destroys all the hate.

    • Money is the motivator for everyone in life. You use it as motivation because you want your family and those around you to live a good life. Some people are not honest about money being their motivator but it comes down to the question, would you work for free? There is no shame in being money motivated, you don’t have to be motivated by money only for yourself, but to provide those you love with the means to live a good life.

    • Appreciate every penny you earn. There are many people out there in the world who don’t have much money and who struggle to get by each day. Spending large quantities of money on material items such as watches makes you think ‘what could that money do for these people?’ You start to think that that money could be spent on better things, such as food for the poor. Rather than buying expensive items like jewellery, it is better spent on charity.



    “I was 16 when I won gold at the Junior Olympics, I won the gold medal, and the best boxer award”

    “The day you stop getting haters is the day you think to yourself, have I still got it?”

    “It is nice when people know you, and they treat you a little bit more special”

    “ Never let people get to you. Just say thank you very much and just let it be.”



    Amir Khan is a British professional boxer, promoter and philanthropist. He is a former unified light-welterweight world champion, having held the WBA (later Super) title from 2009 to 2012, and the IBF title in 2011. Outside of boxing, he is a philanthropist with his own charity organisation, Amir Khan Foundation. He is also a promoter and sponsor, the owner of Khan Promotions and Pakistan's Amir Khan Academy, and a co-owner of India's Super Fight League (MMA) and Super Boxing League. As a celebrity, he has also participated in several reality television and game shows. In 2017, Khan appeared on the seventeenth series of I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!


    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com