
    45: Joint Pain and Metabolic Health with Dr. Shawn Baker

    enMay 11, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Doctor Tina and Doctor Shawn Baker discuss the role of nutrition and lifestyle in joint healthNutrition and lifestyle choices significantly impact joint health, contributing to issues like osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and muscle wasting. Addressing these factors through strength training and proper nutrition is crucial for prevention and treatment.

      Learning from this conversation between Doctor Tina and Doctor Shawn Baker is that poor metabolic health and lifestyle choices are major contributors to joint issues, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and muscle wasting. Doctor Baker, a former orthopedic surgeon, shared his experience of how most orthopedic problems were not solely due to wear and tear but rather poor nutrition and lifestyle. Doctor Tina, a chiropractor and naturopathic physician, echoed this sentiment, adding that in her clinical practice, she found that most of her patients had some form of metabolic dysfunction. They discussed how these conditions - diabetes of the joint, diabetes of the bone, and diabetes of the muscle - are interconnected, and strength training is essential for joint health. The conversation underscored the importance of addressing nutrition and lifestyle factors in the treatment and prevention of joint issues.

    • Addressing metabolic health issues is crucial for joint healthRecognize the connection between metabolic diseases and joint issues, and prioritize addressing underlying metabolic health through proper nutrition, lab work, and lifestyle changes.

      Osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and sarcopenia are interconnected and can be considered as the "diabetes of the joints." Addressing the underlying metabolic health issues is crucial before considering treatments like surgery, PRP, or stem cells. The correlation between metabolic diseases, such as diabetes, and joint issues is clear. Studies show that high insulin levels can damage joints, and obesity is a common factor in joint replacements. Furthermore, non-weight-bearing joints, such as fingers and the neck, can also experience arthritis due to metabolic issues. It's essential to recognize that these conditions are rooted in biology and not just mechanical wear and tear. Treating metabolic issues through proper nutrition, lab work, and lifestyle changes is crucial for improving joint health.

    • Metabolic health impacts joint healthFocusing on metabolic health can improve joint conditions and prevent further damage, while poor metabolic health may worsen situations and limit treatment effectiveness

      The state of our metabolic health significantly impacts our joint health. Applying therapies like PRP or stem cells to inflamed or unhealthy states can worsen the situation. It's crucial to focus on metabolic health to improve joint conditions and prevent further damage. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons advises against using stem cells for this reason. Additionally, individuals with poor metabolic health may not respond well to these treatments due to their inflamed state. Proper metabolic health can lead to aging gracefully and reducing joint pain. Some individuals, despite significant joint injuries and surgeries, manage to age well by focusing on their metabolic health and staying active. Conversely, others may experience joint pain despite minimal radiographic evidence of disease due to poor metabolic health. It's essential to prioritize the basics, such as diet and activity, to ensure the best possible outcomes for joint health.

    • Inflammation and Metabolic HealthAs we age, metabolic health can deteriorate, leading to chronic inflammation. Ultra-processed foods disrupt the gut's selective permeability and cause inflammation. Addressing the root causes through lifestyle changes can improve overall health and reduce disease risk.

      Inflammation is a common thread connecting various health issues, including metabolic health, neuroinflammation, joint pain, and heart disease. Metabolic health is closely related to inflammation, and as we age, metabolic health can deteriorate, leading to chronic inflammation. This inflammation can manifest in various ways, such as joint pain, gut issues, and even mental health disorders. The root cause of this inflammation often lies in our diets, particularly the consumption of ultra-processed foods, which disrupt the gut's selective permeability and lead to an inflammatory response. By addressing the root causes of inflammation through lifestyle changes, we can improve our overall health and reduce the risk of various diseases.

    • Synovitis: A Significant Indicator of Underlying Health IssuesAddressing metabolic and hormonal imbalances can prevent joint damage and pain, potentially avoiding joint replacement surgery.

      Synovitis, or inflammation of the synovial membrane, is a significant indicator of metabolic and hormonal imbalances in the body. Synovitis can lead to chronic pain and joint damage, potentially requiring joint replacement surgery. However, this surgery only addresses the symptoms and not the root cause. The speaker emphasizes that most joint replacements could be avoided if we address the underlying metabolic and hormonal issues. Hormonal changes during perimenopause can exacerbate these issues, making joint pain a common complaint. The synovium, a soft tissue surrounding the joints, can regrow after surgery, and if it's irritated, it will continue to cause pain. The speaker suggests that focusing on lifestyle changes and addressing the root cause is essential to prevent joint damage and pain. Despite good patient satisfaction rates in joint replacement literature, chronic pain literature suggests that up to 40% of patients still experience significant pain after the surgery.

    • Addressing the root causes of joint damageWhile joint replacement surgery can alleviate pain and improve mobility, it doesn't address underlying causes like inflammation and metabolic issues. Soft tissue treatments, like prolotherapy, can help address pain generators and improve overall health.

      While joint replacement surgery can provide relief from pain and improve mobility, it does not address the underlying causes of joint damage, such as inflammation and metabolic issues. Patients may still experience pain after the surgery due to the presence of pain generators like synovium and instability. Soft tissue treatments, like prolotherapy, can be effective for some patients by addressing these pain generators outside of the joint. However, the increasing number of Americans with metabolic issues and obesity means a rising demand for joint replacements, which may not be the ideal solution for everyone. Additionally, the aging population will bring an increase in dementia cases, creating a significant caregiving burden. It's crucial to consider addressing the root causes of joint damage and overall health to prevent the need for joint replacement surgery and improve quality of life.

    • Maintaining healthy bones and muscles through proper nutritionAdequate nutrition, including animal protein and resistance training, can improve bone health and prevent fractures, while addressing nutritional deficiencies can reduce reliance on medications and their side effects.

      Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy bones and muscles. The speaker shares a story of a woman with cerebral palsy who improved her bone health by following a meat-based diet and adding resistance training, without relying on medications and their potential side effects. The speaker also mentions the increased risk of fractures among vegans due to inadequate nutrition. Collagen, a key component of healthy bones and muscles, can be more effectively absorbed when consumed in its already formed state, such as through animal protein or supplements. The speaker emphasizes the importance of addressing nutritional deficiencies before turning to expensive medical interventions. The takeaway is that making informed dietary choices and addressing potential nutritional deficiencies can significantly impact bone and muscle health.

    • Proper nutrition's role in tissue health overlooked in joint issuesAddressing nutritional imbalances and chronic conditions like glycation and leptin resistance is crucial for effective joint care.

      Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in tissue health, yet it is often overlooked in medical treatments, particularly in the context of joint issues. Malnutrition can hinder healing, but beyond that, understanding what constitutes proper nutrition and how to correct nutritional imbalances is essential. The speaker emphasized the importance of addressing the root causes of poor tissue quality, such as chronic exposure to glucose leading to glycation. Neglecting nutrition can lead to wasted resources, such as expensive stem cell treatments, which may not yield the desired results without addressing underlying health issues. Leptin resistance, a condition related to insufficient leptin signaling in the body, can also impact joint health and should be considered when addressing nutritional aspects of joint care.

    • Hormonal balance and its impact on appetite and healthChronic exposure to processed foods can lead to leptin resistance, causing overeating and vicious cycles. Hormonal imbalances can also impact musculoskeletal health, such as osteoarthritis. Becoming more sensitive to hormones might require less of them, as the body adapts.

      Our bodies are complex systems, and hormonal balance plays a significant role in regulating appetite and overall health. Leptin resistance, a condition where the body can't respond properly to the hormone leptin, which signals satiety, can lead to overeating and a vicious cycle. This resistance can be caused by chronic exposure to highly palatable, processed foods. Hormonal imbalances can also affect other systems in the body, such as musculoskeletal health, as seen with leptin's connection to osteoarthritis. It's essential to understand that becoming more sensitive to hormones might mean needing less of them, rather than producing more, as the body adapts to the change. Overall, this discussion highlights the importance of considering hormonal balance and sensitivity in understanding health and weight management.

    • Androgen receptor density matters for muscle growth during weightliftingAndrogen receptor density, not hormone levels, plays a role in muscle growth during weightlifting. Diets high in carnitine, found in meat, can increase androgen receptor density.

      Androgen receptor density, not hormone levels, plays a crucial role in muscle gain during weightlifting. Research suggests that androgen receptor density can be increased not only by weightlifting but also by diets high in carnitine, which is mainly found in meat. This discovery challenges the common belief that hormone levels are the sole determinant of muscle growth. Another key point from the discussion is the personal journey of Dr. Sean Baker, who struggled with obesity and metabolic syndrome despite being an athlete and a surgeon. He tried various diets, including low-fat, paleo, and ketogenic, but none seemed to work long-term. Eventually, he discovered the carnivore community and, despite initial skepticism, decided to give it a try. This experience illustrates the complex relationship between diet, health, and personal preferences, and how one-size-fits-all approaches may not be effective for everyone.

    • Person discovers health improvements from carnivore dietFollowing a carnivore diet, which mainly consists of eating meat and animal products, led to significant health improvements for the speaker, including increased energy, strength, and resolution of chronic issues. Eliminating fruits, dairy, and other plant-based foods yielded the best results.

      The speaker discovered significant health improvements by following a carnivore diet, which consists mainly of eating meat and animal products, for an extended period. The speaker had initially tried the diet for a month in 2016 and noticed improvements in energy levels, strength, and the resolution of chronic health issues like tendinitis. The speaker's positive experience led them to continue the diet for six years and encourage others to try it. They shared that their best results came from eliminating fruits, dairy, and other plant-based foods. The speaker also mentioned that they had previously used a similar diet as a coping mechanism during stressful periods in their life. More recently, during the pandemic, they experienced a recurrence of health issues, which they attributed to stress and the consumption of fruits and dairy. After returning to a carnivore diet, they noticed improvements in their symptoms and overall well-being. The speaker's experience and success with the carnivore diet have inspired many others to try it, and the diet has gained popularity among healthcare practitioners as well.

    • A healthcare provider shares his passion for curing diseases with a specific dietary interventionHealthcare provider advocates for using diet to cure diseases, shares success stories, and aims to expand his company to help more people, criticizing the healthcare system for focusing on symptom management and lack of transparency.

      The speaker, a healthcare provider, is passionate about using a specific dietary intervention to help cure various diseases and get people off medications. He has seen numerous testimonials of significant mental, emotional, and physical improvements, including reversals of severe conditions like schizophrenia, depression, and GI disorders. The healthcare system, however, focuses on symptom management rather than curing diseases. The speaker's goal is to expand his company, Rivero Health, to hire more physicians and help more people. He believes that nutrition, as our primary interaction with the environment, plays a profound role in health. The speaker also criticizes the healthcare system for being driven by narrative rather than evidence and calls for transparency and accountability. The use of the dietary intervention, which is gaining popularity, challenges the dominant narrative in healthcare and questions the role of pharmaceutical companies in funding research.

    • Take charge of your healthEducate yourself about your body, research dietary choices, and prioritize strength training for improved health and wellbeing.

      Individuals have a responsibility to educate themselves about their health and wellbeing, rather than relying on external sources or societal norms. The speaker emphasizes the importance of researching and implementing dietary choices that work best for one's body, such as the carnivore diet, which has reportedly led to increased attractiveness and improved health for some individuals. Furthermore, the speaker highlights the importance of strength training as a complementary aspect of a healthier lifestyle, which can lead to better recovery and increased strength. The speaker shares their personal experience of experiencing improved health and hormonal balance after adopting a carnivore diet and strength training regimen. Overall, the message is that taking an active role in one's health and wellbeing through research and implementation of effective lifestyle choices can lead to significant improvements.

    • Maintaining Lean Mass through Strength TrainingStrength training builds and maintains lean mass, improving mental and physical wellbeing, reducing anxiety, and protecting against diseases. Consistently prioritize it with proper nutrition for a healthier, longer life.

      Strength training is an essential component of maintaining lean mass and overall health. Lean mass positively impacts mental and physical wellbeing, reducing anxiety, protecting against various diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, dementia, and type 2 diabetes. Strength training is the most effective and efficient way to build and maintain lean mass, and it's beneficial for people of all ages and genders. Proper nutrition, specifically adequate protein intake, supports the process. For those who experience pain or discomfort, addressing it through diet and other means is crucial before starting a workout routine. Consistency is key, and taking breaks can make it difficult to recover, especially as we age. Overall, prioritizing lean mass through strength training and proper nutrition contributes to a longer, healthier life.

    • Maintaining a Balanced Diet for Optimal RecoveryEating frequently, focusing on palatability, and increasing meal frequency instead of portion size can help meet caloric goals for optimal recovery.

      For optimal recovery and performance, a balanced diet is crucial. However, if diet is on point, recovery can be quick. The speaker, who follows a high-protein, high-meat diet, emphasizes the importance of eating frequently to consume enough calories. He suggests increasing meal frequency instead of portion size to meet caloric goals. Additionally, seasoning and palatability can encourage eating more food. The speaker also mentions that carbohydrates can increase appetite, so their introduction should be considered carefully. Ultimately, it's essential to find a diet that works best for an individual's unique needs and preferences.

    • Competitive eating feats have health risksConsuming large amounts of food in one sitting, like in competitive eating, can lead to health issues such as hip fractures and is not sustainable or healthy for humans.

      Extreme eating, whether for competition or to consume the amount of calories required for certain professions, can lead to impressive feats, but it comes with health risks. For instance, Molly Schuyler, a world champion competitive eater, consumed 22.5 pounds of food in one sitting, which is the equivalent of what a gray wolf consumes at its maximum capacity. However, this level of consumption is not sustainable or healthy for humans, and can lead to serious health issues such as hip fractures. A hip fracture, especially in older individuals, often indicates that the body is deteriorating and carries a high mortality rate within a year. Prevention is key, and staying active and healthy throughout life can help reduce the risk of hip fractures and other age-related health issues.

    • Navigating stairs a challenge for aging and health conditions, increasing fall risk and mortalityAging and certain health conditions can make stairs difficult to navigate, increasing fall risk, pneumonia, mortality, and linking to poor metabolic health, leading to dementia, infectious risks, and heart disease. Seek professional advice and support from Dr. Sean Baker through his social media channels or daily live meeting on rever0.com.

      Aging and certain health conditions, such as osteoporosis, can make navigating stairs a challenge and increase the risk of falls, pneumonia, and mortality. Additionally, these conditions are often linked to poor metabolic health, which can lead to other health issues like dementia, infectious risks, and heart disease. If you're facing these challenges, Dr. Sean Baker encourages you to connect with him through his social media channels or his daily live meeting on rever0.com for lifestyle advice and individual consultation. Remember, it's important to prioritize your health and seek professional advice when needed. You can find Dr. Baker on Instagram (@shawn.baker.1967), YouTube (Sean Baker MD), Twitter (@SBakerMD), and TikTok (@SeanBakerMD). Don't hesitate to reach out for support and guidance. Stay informed and stay healthy!

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    EP. 152: Exercises For Overcoming Long COVID | Quick + Dirty

    EP. 152: Exercises For Overcoming Long COVID | Quick + Dirty
    In this episode, I’m unpacking the latest data on long covid and exercise. Contrary to conventional wisdom advising against physical activity for post-viral syndrome, I push back, drawing from my own experience with a similar condition dating back to my teenage years, and insights from recent studies. From dissecting mitochondrial and metabolic dysfunction to scrutinizing the effects of various exercise modalities, I emphasize the significance of movement and cultivating a supportive network. Tune in as we untangle the intricacies of long covid and reshape the conversation surrounding exercise and recuperation. On This Episode We Cover: 00:55 - Mitochondrial dysfunction and fatigue  07:15 - The long term risks of metabolic dysfunctional  09:09 - Post Viral Syndrome treatment  10:47 - My experience with PVS    12:33 - Further listening  13:49 - The importance of movement  14:31 - Finding your support system  16:43 - Long Covid cardiopulmonary study  20:41 - Long Covid Exercise study  22:45 - Physical rehabilitation programs  24:55 - Effects of highly oxidized exercise Sponsored By:  Qualia Senolytic Go to Neurohacker.com/DRTYNA for $100 off and use code: DRTYNA at checkout for an additional 15% off LMNT  Get 8 FREE packs with any order at drinkLMNT.com/drtyna Further Listening: EP 40: The Long Haul with Dr Amber Belt EP 134: Long COVID, Mold, Lyme, + Parasites - My Take | Solo Episode Show Links:  The Dr. Tyna Strength Corner Study Discussed Disclaimer: Information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only. This information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product. Do not use the information provided in this podcast for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or other supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. Information provided in this blog/podcast and the use of any products or services related to this podcast by you does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Dr. Tyna Moore. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent ANY disease.
    The Dr. Tyna Show
    enMay 24, 2024

    EP. 151: Combating GroupThink + Echo Chambers | Will Reusch

    EP. 151: Combating GroupThink + Echo Chambers | Will Reusch
    On this episode of The Dr Tyna Show, I'm sitting down with Civics teacher, Will Reusch. He's not just any high school civics teacher and mentor; he's on a mission to shake up the way we think. We talk about the importance of viewpoint diversity and combating groupthink to foster independent thought. From navigating the challenges of “the anxious generation” to dissecting the impact of social media on our minds, this episode explores a range of topics including health, media literacy, and the power of diverse perspectives.   Ozempic Uncovered FREE 4 Part Video Series On This Episode We Cover: 07:26 - Fighting against groupthink 09:57 - Intellectual laziness  12:28 - Working towards autonomy  18:17 - The Anxious Generation 23:37 - Being a young person right now  27:01 - Find the grind that you love  31:12 - Health is freedom  35:22 - Toxic compassion  41:08 - Social media + dopamine hits  45:01 - Health during the pandemic + big pharma lobbying 51:22 - Kids have great BS detectors  57:02 - Media literacy  01:05:53 - Viewpoint diversity  Sponsored By:  Momentous Go to livemomentous.com and use code DRTYNA to get 15% off all my favorite products Alitura Use Code DRTYNA for 20% off alituranaturals.com Eight Sleep Go to Eightsleep.com and use code DRTYNA to save Timeline Nutrition Go to timelinenutrition.com/DRTYNA and use code DRTYNA for 10% off Show Links: The Anxious Generation By Jonathan Haidt Man's Search for Meaning By Viktor E. Frankl The Coddling of the American Mind by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt Check Out Will Reusch:  Website Instagram  Youtube Podcast Patterdox Disclaimer: Information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only. This information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product. Do not use the information provided in this podcast for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or other supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. Information provided in this blog/podcast and the use of any products or services related to this podcast by you does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Dr. Tyna Moore. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent ANY disease.
    The Dr. Tyna Show
    enMay 22, 2024

    EP. 150: Eating For Health | Niklas Gustafson

    EP. 150: Eating For Health | Niklas Gustafson
    On this week’s Dr. Tyna Show we’re welcoming Niklas Gustafson, the brilliant mind behind the Hungry For Change podcast and book. From Niklas's captivating backstory to his insightful journey through nutrition and natural foods, we explore tips for staying young, embracing sunlight, and kicking screen addiction to the curb. With Niklas's expertise, we tackle the importance of ditching soda, experimenting with organ meats, and crafting wholesome meals for children. From reducing glyphosate exposure to navigating the complexities of wine and pesticides, our discussion spans the gamut of wellness topics, including peer pressure and the art of incorporating vegetables into your diet.  Ozempic Uncovered FREE 4 Part Video Series On This Episode We Cover: 03:05 - Niklas’s backstory  07:05 - Learning about nutrition, natural food,  10:15 - Tips for staying young  13:05 - The importance of sunlight & outdoor activities  15:41- Screen addiction  17:35 - Avoiding soda  19:01 - Eating organs & culinary experimentation  24:57 - Cooking for children  32:36 - Grassfed beef recipes  34:17 - Sauna + Cold Plunge  42:04 - Gluten Intolerance 49:50 - Keeping glyphosate low  52:54 - Wine & pesticides  58:36 - Peer Pressure 59:24 - Woking vegetables into your diet  1:03:47 -  Differences between Paleo, Keto, & Carnivore diets  1:08:09 - Pros and cons of eating seafood   Check Out Niklas Gustafson  Podcast Instagram  Hungry For Change by Niklas Gustafson Sponsored By:  PaleoValley For 15% off go to http://paleovalley.com/drtyna Cured Nutrition Go to www.curednutrition.com/drtyna with DRTYNA Lumen Go to lumen.me and use DRYTYNA to get $100 off Alitura Use Code DRTYNA for 20% off alituranaturals.com Further Listening:  Dr. Tyna on Hungry For Change Podcast EP: 125 Anti-Aging + Immune Centric Approach To Health | Joel Greene Disclaimer: Information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only. This information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product. Do not use the information provided in this podcast for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or other supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. Information provided in this blog/podcast and the use of any products or services related to this podcast by you does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Dr. Tyna Moore. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent ANY disease.
    The Dr. Tyna Show
    enMay 15, 2024

    EP. 149: You Need To Take The Stairs | Quick + Dirty

    EP. 149: You Need To Take The Stairs | Quick + Dirty
    Today’s episode is all about why you need to take the stairs EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Beyond just physical fitness, we explore how this simple choice can transform your well-being, elevate your mood, mitigate the risk of diabetes, and so much more. I’m going over all the data, discussing proper form, and addressing how stair climbing can aid in injury recovery so you can take charge of your health, one stair at a time. Ozempic Uncovered FREE 4 Part Video Series On This Episode We Cover:  1:55 - Stairs, your mood + my family 3:15 - Data overview  4:18 - Focus on your form 8:49 - 2023 Tulane University study  10:01 - 2024 American Journal of Preventive Medicine study 11:08 - 2024 presentation at the European Society of Cardiology Sponsored By:  LMNT Get 8 FREE packs with any order at drinkLMNT.com/drtyna Timeline Nutrition Go to timelinenutrition.com/DRTYNA and use code DRTYNA for 10% off Show Links:  Tulane University Study 2024 American Journal of Preventive Medicine study 2024 presentation at the European Society of Cardiology Disclaimer: Information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only. This information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product. Do not use the information provided in this podcast for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or other supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. Information provided in this blog/podcast and the use of any products or services related to this podcast by you does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Dr. Tyna Moore. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent ANY disease.
    The Dr. Tyna Show
    enMay 10, 2024

    Related Episodes

    Episode 253: Applying the Science of Strength - Integrating Strength Training for Specific Athlete Populations

    Episode 253: Applying the Science of Strength - Integrating Strength Training for Specific Athlete Populations

    Strength and conditioning are an integral part of every Purple Patch Athlete’s training program. It is just one of our four Pillars of Performance: Endurance, Strength, Nutrition & Fueling, and Recovery.

    In this episode of the Purple Patch Podcast Matt moves beyond how to build a strength program and the general benefits of strength training, and instead focuses on strength training as it pertains to three specific groups of athletes:

    • Endurance Athletes
    • Female Athletes - 35 to 60 years of age navigating perimenopause, and menopause.
    • Mature Athletes - Men and Women over the age of 45.

    Matt provides research on how to leverage the benefits of strength training to tackle the unique physiological challenges each group faces.

    An Outline of the Discussion

    • Defining strength and conditioning: A brief overview of strength training and the resources Purple Patch provides.

    • The benefits of strength training for Endurance Athletes:

      • Improving coordination, power, speed, endurance, and muscular resilience.
      • How to integrate a structured and progressive program.
    • Navigating perimenopause, and menopause:

      • The benefits of strength on body Insulin regulation, energy utilization, bone density & cognitive health.
      • The benefits of heavy lifting and muscle recruitment.
    • Mature Athletes:

      • A focused look at cognitive health.
      • Positive impacts of strength training on mood, daily energy, and reduction of disease risk.

    We hope this episode will encourage you to embrace strength and conditioning and integrate it into your program, to improve your body, your mind, and your performance no matter what stage of life you are in.

    More on the data provided in this episode:

    The Effect of Strength Training on Performance in Endurance Athletes

    Explosive-strength training improves 5-km running time by improving running economy and muscle power

    Exercise beyond menopause: Dos and Don’ts

    Information on Next Level by Dr. Stacey Sims

    Purple Patch Podcast Episode 191: Lift Heavy, Get Fast - Why Every Endurance Athlete and Fitness Enthusiast Should Be Lifting Heavy - With Coach Mike Olzinski

    Purple Patch Podcast Episode 146: Strength Training is Not Weightlifting - With Coach Mike Olzinski

    Episode Timestamps

    00:00 - 8:39 - Welcome and Episode Introduction

    08:46 - 12:17 - Matt's News-ings

    12:32 - 16:05 - Word of the Week

    16:13 - 52:35 - The Meat and Potatoes - Episode 253: Applying the Science of Strength - Integrating Strength Training for Specific Athlete Populations

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    Osteoarthritis vs Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Take advantage of an exclusive podcast offer today by visiting http://www.invitehealth.com/podcast.

    For more information on the products or studies mentioned in this episode, click here. 

    Achy Joints? You Need These Nutrients

    Achy Joints? You Need These Nutrients

    As you age, it's likely that your joints may become stiff and achy. Our Flex Hx formulation is filled with nutrients that have been studied for their ability to support healthy joints, muscles and more.

    Take advantage of an exclusive podcast offer today by visiting http://www.invitehealth.com/podcast.

    For more information on the products or studies mentioned in this episode, click here. 

    Arthritis Drugs Toxicity and Proven Alternatives

    Arthritis Drugs Toxicity and Proven Alternatives

    Are you taking NSAID drugs like ibuprofen to help with your arthritis pain? These drugs can be toxic to your body and negatively impact your health. Turn to nutrients that have been clinically studied for their ability to promote joint health and comfort.

    Take advantage of an exclusive podcast offer today by visiting http://www.invitehealth.com/podcast.

    For more information on the products or studies mentioned in this episode, click here. 

    151 What You Need to Know about Training and Nutrition: A Speed Round with Alex Hutchinson - Part 1

    151 What You Need to Know about Training and Nutrition: A Speed Round with Alex Hutchinson - Part 1

    The premise of the Purple Patch podcast is all about performance and helping you enhance your performance journey to become the best that you can be in sport and in life.

    As the performance engines rev up in 2021, it is more vital than ever to educate and empower all human beings to reach their athletic potential because, through the lens of athletic potential, you reach your human potential.

    For the next two weeks, Matt features a little expert “speed dating” with Alex Hutchinson who is a leading researcher on everything cutting-edge in the world of performance.

    Hutchinson is a science journalist who writes about fitness, health, and endurance sports for Outside magazine in his Sweat Science columns. His most recent book is the New York Times bestseller Endure: Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance. Before becoming a journalist, he worked as a post-doctoral physicist for the U.S. National Security Agency, and competed for the Canadian national team in track, cross-country, and mountain running.

    In today’s quick-hit series of discussions, Matt and Alex dig into the first two Purple Patch Pillars of Performance: Training and Nutrition.

    What are their thoughts and what does the research show about things like:

    • The Coach-Athlete Relationship

    • Heart Rate Variability

    • Power Meters for Running

    • Training Mistakes of Aging Athletes

    • Cross-Training and HIIT Training

    • Diet Trends

    • Ice baths

    • Gut Health

    • Hydration

    …And this is all just in Part One of the conversations with performance expert, researcher, author and athlete, Alex Hutchinson.

    Get out your pads and pencils and prepare to take notes on this immersive diver in performance education.

    Episode and Purple Patch Resources

    Alex Hutchinson Outside Magazine

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    Email info@purplepatchfitness.com with questions about team training and strength programming.

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