
    461. Making It In America Ft. Peter Roberts (Origin USA)

    enJanuary 25, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Rebuilding America's Communities and Bringing Manufacturing Jobs Back HomePete Roberts' company, Origin and Jocko Fuel, is dedicated to manufacturing in America, preserving the country's roots, and creating jobs through local supply chains and blockchain technology.

      Pete Roberts, the founder and CEO of Origin and Jocko Fuel, is leading a mission to rebuild America's communities and bring manufacturing jobs back to the country. This aligns with the ideals of the past, when many Americans had direct experiences with the manufacturing process and knew where their products came from. With the greatest generation dying off and their stories being left with Gen Xers, Origin aims to shift America's direction and preserve the country's roots. The company is fully committed to manufacturing in America, from raw materials to finished products, using a local supply chain and a blockchain of manufacturing. This approach ensures transparency and authenticity, and helps create American jobs.

    • The Prioritization of Greed Over People and CommunitiesFocusing on people and creating meaningful jobs can prevent issues like drug addiction and broken homes, while also fostering relationships between makers and consumers.

      The prioritization of greed over people and communities has led to detrimental consequences, including substance abuse, depression, and a reliance on government decisions. This issue is not limited to any specific region or political ideology. Instead, we should learn from the past and focus on taking care of one another and creating meaningful jobs. Simple manufacturing jobs provide purpose and help prevent issues like drug addiction and broken homes. While trade is important, it should not come at the expense of selling out our manufacturing and jobs to other countries. Instead, we should strive to connect makers and consumers, creating a relationship and building products that last a lifetime.

    • Revitalizing American manufacturing and educationThe speaker advocates for inspiring and training young people in traditional manufacturing skills, addressing the disconnection between politicians and the working class, and promoting a renewed focus on American-made products and workforce development.

      The speaker is passionately advocating for revitalizing American manufacturing and education, particularly for the younger generation. He believes that the disconnection between politicians and the working class, which was exacerbated by policies like the World Trade Organization (WTO), has led to the loss of valuable knowledge and jobs. He emphasizes the importance of inspiring and training young people in traditional manufacturing skills, which are disappearing due to the outsourcing of jobs. The speaker also expresses frustration with the disrespectful attitudes towards rural and working-class Americans, who he believes are the majority and want to produce things. He sees a need for a shift in perspective and a renewed focus on American-made products and workforce development.

    • The importance of effective leadership and unity for American prideEffective leadership and unity are essential for preserving American pride and community. Divisive leadership and loss of industries and communities have contributed to a demoralized nation. Fair trade and ethical capitalism, along with finding common ground, are key to building a stronger, more united America.

      Effective leadership and unity are crucial for preserving the pride and community in America. The speaker expresses disappointment in the current generation's failure to step up and lead, leading to a loss of American pride and the demoralization of the nation. He believes that the removal of industries and communities that once brought people together has contributed to this issue. The speaker also acknowledges the importance of fair trade and ethical capitalism, and the need for leaders to unite people and communicate effectively to accomplish their goals. He criticizes divisive leadership and the constant defensiveness it can lead to, and emphasizes the importance of speaking to everyone and finding common ground to build a stronger, more united nation.

    • Birth and Consequences of Capitalism and CommunismCapitalism led to economic growth but exploited labor, Communism aimed for equality but resulted in authoritarianism, recognizing and addressing issues while preserving freedoms is key to progress.

      The concepts of capitalism and communism emerged during the industrial revolution, each with their own flaws and consequences. Capitalism, born from the free market in Manchester, England, led to unprecedented economic growth but also resulted in oppressive working conditions and exploitation of labor. Communism, born from the same city, aimed to address these issues through collective ownership and equality, but it resulted in authoritarian regimes and human rights abuses. Both systems have their inherent cycles of greed and evil, and the key to progress lies in recognizing and addressing these issues while preserving individual freedoms. The speaker's upcoming film explores these themes in depth, shedding light on the historical context and consequences of these economic systems.

    • The importance of self-sufficiency and community buildingUnderstanding history, the value of hard work, and striving for personal improvement are essential for preserving freedom and the American way of life, rather than relying on social programs and becoming dependent.

      The loss of self-sufficiency and community building, due to the disappearance of manufacturing and the over-reliance on social programs, is a danger to the preservation of true freedom and the American way of life. This issue is not about being against social programs, but rather about the importance of personal responsibility and the potential for manipulation and dependency within these systems. The speakers emphasized the importance of understanding history and the value of hard work, as well as the need for purpose and meaningful contribution to society. They urged the current generation to learn from the past and strive to improve their lives rather than becoming part of a cycle of dependency.

    • Ethical entrepreneurship: Prioritizing people over profitsSuccessful entrepreneurs focus on ethical business practices, value employees, and create opportunities for growth, attracting like-minded individuals and aligning with consumers' values.

      Successful entrepreneurs, like DJ, prioritize ethical and responsible business practices over pure capitalism. They value their employees and see their companies as opportunities for growth, rather than as line items on a balance sheet. This approach not only benefits the employees but also attracts like-minded individuals who want to be part of something meaningful. The shift towards ethical entrepreneurship is a response to the irresponsible capitalism of the past and a call for a new awakening. People are increasingly seeking businesses that align with their values and provide a sense of purpose beyond monetary gain. This trend is evident in the hiring decisions of companies and the growing preference for non-woke businesses. The current state of business culture can be disconcerting, but the desire for meaningful work and a sense of pride in one's contributions remains strong.

    • Creating a positive work cultureRecognizing the importance of respect and accurate information to create a positive work culture, leading to increased productivity and a more united society.

      Creating a positive work culture where employees feel fulfilled and valued is crucial for individual and collective growth. This not only leads to increased productivity but also helps in changing the direction of society towards a more purposeful and fulfilling future. The speaker believes that there's an awakening happening among people, who are starting to recognize the intentional dilution and destruction of traditions, livelihoods, and pride for the benefit of others. This shift can be seen in various forms, such as the recognition of the lies propagated about healthy eating or the appreciation for shows like Yellowstone that depict a better way of living with accountability and respect. To make a difference, it's essential to approach people with respect and provide them with accurate information to help them make informed decisions. By doing so, we can bring historical information into the picture and weave it together to show the unity between different groups, ultimately leading to a more united society.

    • Call for change and revolution in America's political systemThe speaker advocates for new leadership, ideas, and a revolution, emphasizing personal excellence, fundamental values, and respect for all in driving change.

      The cultural and political divisions in America, similar to those in Europe, make it impossible to keep everyone looking at things the same. The speaker believes that the tax code is oppressive and keeps Americans enslaved to the government. He advocates for new leadership, ideas, and a revolution, not necessarily violent, to build a system that works for the people. Personal excellence and awareness are key to driving change. The speaker emphasizes the importance of fundamental values and truths, and encourages treating everyone with respect regardless of political beliefs.

    • Young people turning to YouTube and peers for newsYoung generation seeks authenticity and relatability from non-traditional news sources, shaping beliefs and values

      The next generation is increasingly turning to YouTube and peers they trust for news and information, shaping their beliefs and values. This shift away from traditional news sources is leading to a significant divide between generations, with young people often emulating the influencers they follow. While some concerns exist about external influences, such as algorithms or foreign powers, the speaker believes that the primary drivers of this trend are the young people themselves, seeking authenticity and relatability from their sources. It's crucial for us to be mindful of the messages we send to this emerging generation, as they will soon become our peers and leaders.

    • Control and influence through financial meansCritical thinking and perspective are essential skills for making informed decisions and recognizing potential manipulations, particularly in global contexts. Generational divide plays a role in this dynamic.

      Control over production and influence over key points of influence through financial means is a significant dynamic shaping the relationship between countries. This dynamic was illustrated through the example of an old machine that could only be obtained from China and the experience of an employee who lacked critical thinking. The importance of critical thinking and perspective was emphasized as essential skills for making informed decisions and recognizing potential manipulations, particularly in the context of global issues like pandemics. The speaker also highlighted the generational divide in this regard, with older individuals having more experience and perspective to draw upon.

    • Importance of questioning information and humility in learningEmbrace humility to continue growing, question info, and be aware of technology's costs for successful learning.

      The education system in the past was focused on teaching students how to think critically, but now it seems more geared towards telling students what to think. This shift can make it difficult for older generations to communicate the importance of questioning information and being humble in order to learn. Humility is essential for success because without it, one cannot continue to grow and improve. The current generation may struggle to understand that they've been influenced by propaganda, and it's crucial to be aware of the costs of technology and social media use. Overall, it's important to encourage questioning, learning, and experiencing life beyond screens.

    • The normalization of harmful content on social media towards childrenMen must take a stand against the over-sexualization of women and children on social media and help restore moral fiber before it's too late.

      Social media has become a breeding ground for moral decay and the normalization of harmful content, particularly towards children. Some people use it for clout or propaganda, while others unknowingly contribute to it due to their beliefs or desires. The over-sexualization of women and children is a significant concern, and many are starting to realize and change their ways. However, it's crucial that men take a stand against this issue and help snap back the stretched moral fiber before it's too late. The perversion of spirituality and America's spiritual loss are also contributing factors. The situation is dire, and it's essential to do something about it before we're forced to answer for our inaction.

    • Childhood experiences with religious figures shape spiritual beliefsNegative experiences with church leaders can question faith, but recognizing the importance of morals and a higher power can lead to a resurgence of faith. Set a strong moral standard and be mindful of influence.

      Personal experiences and relationships with religious figures during formative years significantly shape an individual's spiritual beliefs and attitudes towards organized religion. The speaker's negative experiences with a church leader led them to question organized religion and prioritize a personal relationship with God. They believe that more young people are recognizing the importance of a moral compass and higher power in their lives, and that this recognition could lead to a resurgence of faith. However, it's crucial for individuals to set a strong moral standard and be mindful of the influence they have on others, as the absence of clear moral guidelines can lead to societal distress and unhappiness. The speaker encourages listeners to strive for moral growth and set a positive example.

    • Social media manipulating public perceptionSocial media platforms artificially inflate far-left narratives and censor opposing views, creating an illusion of widespread support and manipulating public perception.

      Social media platforms, including Twitter, have been manipulating public perception by using their employees with progressive views to artificially inflate the popularity of far-left progressive narratives while censoring opposing views. This manipulation has created an illusion that the resistance to common sense beliefs is much larger than it actually is, which is around 2%. People are now realizing they've been played and manipulated into believing things that aren't necessarily true. The common sense people, who make up the majority of the population, are starting to question the tech manipulation and the lies they've been told. The highest moral standard that has been weaponized is tolerance, which has allowed for the spread of harmful content. This realization is leading to a shift in perspective and potentially a change in the current societal narrative.

    • Understanding product origins and ethical issuesChoosing to support ethical and sustainable businesses can help drive positive change, while education and conscious consumption habits are essential for addressing societal issues.

      Consumers have the power to make a difference by being informed about where their money is going. The discussion highlighted the importance of understanding the origins of products and the potential ethical issues associated with them. From the example given, it's clear that some industries continue to rely on exploitative labor practices, even if they have been abolished in certain regions. By choosing to support businesses that prioritize ethical and sustainable practices, consumers can help drive positive change. Additionally, the conversation touched on the historical significance of taking a moral stand and the cyclical nature of societal issues. Ultimately, it's up to each individual to educate themselves and make conscious decisions about their consumption habits.

    • Learning from diverse perspectives and experiencesEducation and open-mindedness empower us to make informed decisions, challenge beliefs, and drive change. Entrepreneurs can lead by making ethical decisions and advocating for American values.

      Education and open-mindedness are key to making informed decisions and promoting change. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning from diverse perspectives and experiences, even if they challenge our beliefs. He shares an example of someone from Hollywood who became more open-minded after facing a personal issue, leading her to question her previous beliefs and seek out information from both sides. The speaker argues that by arming people with knowledge, we can affect change and create an environment where entrepreneurs can lead the way. He encourages entrepreneurs to be stewards of American values, make ethical decisions, and not just mirror the actions of larger corporations. By taking a stand for what is right, entrepreneurs have the power to change the culture and drive policy.

    • Impact of Businesses Extends Beyond Their Own WallsEntrepreneurs can make a difference beyond their businesses by advocating for fair trade policies and fostering healthy discourse within their companies and communities.

      Entrepreneurs have the power to drive change and make a difference beyond their businesses through the supply chain of knowledge and information they share. This was emphasized in a conversation between the speaker and Jaco, where Jaco helped the speaker understand that the impact of a business extends to all the people involved in its production process. The speaker also shared his plans to use his business as a platform to advocate for fair trade policies. He encouraged entrepreneurs to recognize their role in shaping the culture and policy within their companies and communities, and to foster healthy discourse rather than demanding conformity. The speaker also acknowledged the importance of building a strong company culture and the misconception that people no longer want to work collaboratively towards common goals.

    • Valuing All Types of WorkRespecting and appreciating various jobs and their value can lead to a more equitable and prosperous future, while devaluing certain jobs contributes to a divided society.

      People are motivated by more than just money when it comes to their jobs. They seek meaningful work and fulfillment, whether it's in simple or complex roles. It's essential to respect and appreciate the value of all types of work and the people who do them. The devaluation of certain jobs and the disrespect towards working class citizens has led to a shrinking middle class and a divided society. By embracing and valuing all forms of work, we can build a more equitable and prosperous future. Additionally, there's a growing demand for American-made products, particularly in industries like denim and footwear, which have the potential to create meaningful jobs and revitalize communities.

    • Local production for community, sustainability, and durabilityRedwood Apparel keeps production local to reduce emissions, fossil fuels usage, and create high-quality, visible products that appeal to various age groups, inspired by Under Armour's disruptive business model.

      Redwood Apparel, a locally-focused apparel brand, prioritizes keeping production local not just for community reasons, but also for environmental sustainability and durability. By compacting their supply chain, they reduce emissions, fossil fuels usage, and create a visible and high-quality product that appeals to various age groups. Redwood's approach is inspired by Under Armour's disruptive business model, which revolutionized the sports apparel industry with innovative, high-performance clothing. Kip, the brand's founder, started Redwood in his grandmother's basement, personally developing textiles and guiding the brand's growth. His commitment to quality and local production resonates with consumers, filling a gap in the market for sustainable apparel brands. Redwood's story is a testament to the power of innovation, sustainability, and local production in creating a successful and impactful apparel brand.

    • Learning from mistakes and not giving upUnder Armour's founder Kevin Plank emphasizes the importance of learning from mistakes and not giving up, sharing valuable insights and guidance from his experiences as an entrepreneur and former public company officer.

      Having the ability to learn from mistakes and not giving up are crucial elements for success. The story of Kevin Plank, the founder of Under Armour, illustrates this point. He started his company with a dream to compete with Nike and faced numerous challenges, including the decision to outsource production. However, he learned from these experiences and continued to push forward. Plank also emphasizes the importance of recognizing mistakes and not making them more than twice. He shares this perspective with the current team at Under Armour, providing valuable insights and guidance. Despite his own athletic background and injuries, Plank found success in entrepreneurship by building systems and processes based on his experiences as an officer of a public company. He has lived multiple lifetimes in 20 years at Under Armour, and his accomplishments are undeniable. By sharing his experiences and wisdom, Plank continues to inspire and guide the team towards success.

    • Consumers shifting towards local retailersCompanies can connect with consumers by telling an authentic story about where their money goes, reinforcing emotional connection through a DTC model. First Form's success shows the power of transparency and education in consumer decision making.

      Consumers are shifting their buying habits towards local and community retailers, and this trend is reflected in the retail sales of companies like First Form. This shift is not due to retail dying, but rather consumers making conscious choices about where they spend their money. As a brand, there is an opportunity to make a real connection with consumers by telling a compelling and authentic story about where their money is going and what it's being used for. This emotional connection can be reinforced through a direct-to-consumer business model. First Form, with its transparency and authentic storytelling, is an excellent example of a company that has successfully built such a connection with its consumers. By marketing the problem and the effects of consumer choices, companies can create awareness and educate consumers, ultimately empowering them to make informed decisions.

    • The power of authentic storytelling in building trust and loyaltyCompanies that tell compelling stories about their products and convey authenticity and conviction build trust, education, and loyalty among customers.

      Authentic storytelling and understanding the origin and purpose of a brand are crucial in building trust, education, and loyalty among customers. This is exemplified by companies like Pete's Jeans, which have found success in telling compelling stories about their products, even if they seem unconventional or difficult to conceptualize. The importance of authenticity and conviction has become increasingly valued by consumers in recent years, who are able to discern between genuine and inauthentic brands. This shift is evident in various industries and countries, as people seek out brands that resonate with them and align with their values.

    • The American dream and impact of American innovation and manufacturingThe American dream continues to inspire globally, and American-made products have a large fan base. The future of American manufacturing involves creating sustainable, worker-focused factories with full consumer visibility and emotional connection.

      The American dream and the American spirit continue to inspire people around the world, and the impact of American innovation and manufacturing is massive. The speaker shared that there is a large fan base for American-made products in countries like Germany, Russia, and England, and that people are saddened by the current state of American politics and the potential loss of American leadership in innovation and manufacturing. The speaker also expressed a vision for the future of American manufacturing, which involves creating a sustainable, worker-focused factory environment where consumers can have full visibility into the production process and have an emotional connection to the people who made their products. This vision includes creating retail stores where consumers can see the factory and meet the people who made their purchases, creating a unique and fulfilling experience. The speaker plans to continue this work in the next 10 years, with a goal of creating a network of factories and retail stores across the country.

    • Building authentic relationshipsFoster connections through social media and in-person events, create experiences that align with values, focus on sequencing, remember the importance of people

      Building a successful business is not just about making a profit, but also about building authentic relationships with customers and employees. The use of social media and in-person events can help foster these connections. The ultimate goal is to create a cultural shift where people are willing to invest their time and money into experiences that align with their values. This approach may lead to building a billion-dollar company, but the process and the relationships built along the way are just as important as the end goal. The word of the year for this company is "sequencing," and every initiative will be executed with this focus in mind. Ultimately, it's important to remember that behind every successful business is a team of regular people trying to make a difference.

    • Speaker's admiration for Origin USASpeaker praises Origin USA's jeans and boots for their quality and encourages followers to check out their Instagram account @originusa.

      The speaker expresses his admiration for the company, Origin USA, and his appreciation for their products. He also offers his support and encourages others to check out the company on their social media platforms, specifically their Instagram account under the handle @originusa. The speaker also shares his positive experience with Origin USA's products, specifically mentioning their jeans and boots. He emphasizes the quality of the products and expresses his gratitude for having been introduced to them. The speaker also shares his Instagram handle, @pete.origin, for those interested in following him for business-related content. Overall, the speaker's message conveys his enthusiasm and appreciation for Origin USA and their offerings.

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