
    462. Why the Establishment Hates This Man | Tommy Robinson

    enJuly 08, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Canadian immigration policiesCanadian immigration officials detained Tommy Robinson without charges, causing concerns over freedom of speech and immigration policies under Justin Trudeau

      Tommy Robinson, a well-known activist, was arrested and detained in Canada without charges while attempting to attend an event and meet with supporters. This incident occurred during his long-standing activism against injustices, specifically the case of Raif Badawi in Saudi Arabia. Despite no evidence of visa violations or speaking engagements before his arrival in Canada, immigration officials tried to prevent him from leaving the country and attending his next event in the UK. The situation was resolved after negotiations with lawyers, but the experience raised concerns about freedom of speech and immigration policies under Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

    • Manipulation of justice systemThe justice system can be weaponized to manipulate public opinion and silence truthful reporting, as shown in the case of a speaker falsely accused and threatened with imprisonment for exposing a distorted news story involving a Syrian refugee's violent behavior towards girls.

      The justice system can be weaponized to manipulate public opinion and silence truthful reporting. A speaker, who faced charges for making a film four years ago, shared his experience of being falsely accused and facing potential imprisonment due to a distorted news story. The story involved a Syrian refugee being portrayed as a victim of a racist attack, when in reality, there were allegations of his violent behavior towards girls. The speaker's efforts to expose the truth led to legal threats and intimidation. The incident highlights the importance of investigative journalism and the potential consequences of manipulating public perception. The case also raises concerns about the politicization and weaponization of the judiciary.

    • Covering up the truthCovering up the truth can lead to dangerous consequences, including putting innocent individuals in harm's way and starting costly legal battles.

      The story of a Syrian refugee's alleged racist attack on an English boy, which made international news, was not as it seemed. The headteacher involved admitted to covering up the truth, signing non-disclosure agreements, and even blackmailing teachers to prevent them from speaking out. The public was told that the Syrian refugee had broken his arm in a racist attack, but the truth was that he had attacked a younger pupil after racially abusing the boy's mother. The family of the English boy was put in danger due to the publicity, with gangs turning up at their door threatening them. The case was shut down, and legal proceedings were started against the journalist who exposed the truth. The cost of the legal battle was astronomical, and the journalist had to prove the truth of his allegations, which he eventually did with the help of teachers and recordings. The incident highlights the importance of truth and transparency, and the potential dangers of covering up the truth, especially when it comes to protecting vulnerable individuals.

    • Justice system silencing truthThe justice system failed to protect the truth, silenced those who spoke out, and allowed false narratives to be perpetuated through non-disclosure agreements and media misreporting, ultimately ruining reputations and bankrupting truth-tellers.

      The justice system failed to protect the truth and instead silenced those who spoke out, while allowing false narratives to be perpetuated in the media. The case involved a head teacher who saved a student's life but was later falsely accused of bullying and racism. The accusers, who included pupils and their families, were paid large sums of money to keep quiet through non-disclosure agreements. When the truth was brought to light through covert recordings, the judge ruled against the truth-teller, bankrupting him and ruining his reputation. The media, meanwhile, had been misled and reported on the false narrative, contributing to the public's misunderstanding of the situation. This case highlights the importance of transparency and truth in the justice system and the media, and the dangers of silencing those who speak out.

    • Cost of speaking truth to powerSpeaking truth to power can result in severe consequences such as legal action, personal harm, financial debt, and missed opportunities, but silence only perpetuates the problem.

      Speaking out against powerful entities, even if based on fact, can lead to severe consequences, including legal action and personal harm. This was the experience of a journalist who documented an unholy alliance between the judiciary, far-left organizations, and Muslim organizations, intending to control the narrative. He was punished for challenging the status quo, resulting in a 1.6 million pound debt, an injunction, and fear. Despite his commitment to activism and journalism since 2009, he hesitated to release his fact-based film due to the potential consequences, leading to missed opportunities and ongoing collateral damage for those involved. The case serves as a reminder that the cost of speaking truth to power can be high, but silence only perpetuates the problem.

    • Extremist groups and drug gangs connectionRecognizing the connection between extremist groups and drug gangs is crucial, as both pose significant threats to communities and can fuel each other's activities. It's essential to understand their ideologies and take a stand against them, even if it means facing backlash.

      The speaker's experience in Luton, UK, led him to recognize the danger of extremist groups and their connection to local drug gangs. He organized a protest against the "Luton Taliban" and faced backlash from both the extremist group and the drug gangs. The speaker's awareness of the issue of grooming and its connection to these groups also emerged during this time. He emphasized the importance of understanding the ideology and actions of these groups and standing up against them, even if it meant facing challenges and backlash. The speaker's experience highlights the complex and interconnected nature of social issues and the importance of community action and awareness.

    • Luton homecoming paradeDespite local Islamic groups' hostility towards soldiers at a homecoming parade, the majority of the community supports the armed forces. The speaker organized a demonstration to show solidarity and raise awareness against extremist groups.

      The speaker's experience at a soldier's homecoming parade in Luton, UK, in 2009, where soldiers were met with hostility from local Islamic groups, led him to organize a demonstration called the United People of Luton to show support for the armed forces and raise awareness about the dangers posed by extremist groups. The speaker was frustrated by the police's handling of the situation and felt that the community was being portrayed as being against the armed forces when in reality it was the jihadists who were the problem. The speaker also expressed his opinion that the war in Iraq and Afghanistan was an illegal invasion, but believed that soldiers should not be targeted for the government's decisions. The event had a profound impact on the speaker and motivated him to take action to protect his community and support the armed forces.

    • Discrimination against Luton communityThe Luton community faced hours of detainment, violent attacks, and arrests during a protest in 2009, leading to frustration, discrimination, and the use of a pseudonym by the speaker to document and share their experiences, igniting solidarity and activism.

      The speaker experienced firsthand the frustration and discrimination faced by a community in Luton during a protest in 2009, leading to his activism and the use of a pseudonym, Tommy Robinson. The event involved hours of detainment, violent attacks, and arrests, all while the community aimed to show support for their armed forces. The speaker's auntie was forced to urinate in the street, and his friend, Craig, had his teeth knocked out. The police were accused of two-tier policing and intimidation, as they arrested one person from each estate and imposed strict bail conditions. The community organized another protest, which was met with accusations of outside troublemakers. The speaker documented the event and shared it on football discussion forums, igniting a wave of frustration and solidarity from young men in Luton. The speaker's use of the pseudonym was a compromise between wanting to tell the truth and protect his personal life and business. The event marked the start of the speaker's activism and the adoption of the name Tommy Robinson.

    • Perceived injustices and social issuesSpeaker's activism against perceived injustices and social issues, such as grooming of young girls and takeover of Christian sites by Muslims, brought attention and action to these issues despite facing opposition and criticism.

      The English Defence League was formed in response to violent attacks against English men in Birmingham, which sparked a larger movement against perceived injustices and social issues, including the grooming of young girls. The speaker's activism began after they were falsely labeled as a fascist in the media following a violent incident, leading them to speak out against perceived injustices and raise awareness about issues such as the grooming of young girls and the takeover of Christian sites by Muslims. Despite facing opposition and criticism, the speaker's activism helped bring attention to these issues and paved the way for further investigations and reports, ultimately leading to greater awareness and action against these crimes.

    • Muslim sexual exploitation in the UKOrganized groups of Muslim men have sexually exploited and raped hundreds of young girls, often white, in the UK, with minimal consequences for perpetrators and discrimination against victims

      There have been numerous reports of organized groups of Muslim men in the UK sexually exploiting and raping young, often white, girls. These cases have been underreported and the perpetrators have often gone unprosecuted. In some instances, the police and other authorities have been complicit in the cover-up. The victims have faced discrimination and disbelief, while the perpetrators have faced minimal consequences. The scale of the problem is significant, with hundreds of identified victims and perpetrators in certain towns. The issue is not limited to any one area and the perpetrators often operate as part of a larger criminal network. The reporting of these cases has been restricted, preventing the public from being fully informed about the extent of the problem.

    • Prison threats against journalistsJournalists reporting on alleged crimes in prisons face threats and violence, even if the information is already public, highlighting the vulnerability of those who speak out against injustice.

      The speaker, Tommy, was arrested and sentenced to 13 months in jail for reporting on alleged crimes and breaching a report restriction, despite the information being already in the public domain. He was then transferred to a prison with a large Muslim population, where he faced threats and violence. The incident brought attention to the situation in the UK's prison system and sparked protests and political intervention. The experience highlighted the vulnerability of those who speak out against injustice and the risks they face within the prison system.

    • Solitary confinement effectsProlonged solitary confinement can lead to detrimental mental and physical health consequences, even if the individual doesn't immediately recognize it.

      Prolonged solitary confinement can have detrimental effects on an individual's mental and physical health, even if they don't immediately recognize it. The stress response that prepares an individual for action in such situations can burn up future resources, leading to consequences when the stress lessens. The speaker's experience in prison involved unlawful treatment, isolation, and pressure to break, resulting in significant weight loss and a feeling of being on edge at all times. Despite feeling all right during the ordeal, the consequences of the stress response became apparent after his release.

    • Exploring societal horrorsConfronting societal horrors can motivate change and push people to take action against injustice, but it can also lead to threats and intimidation. Free speech, press, and assembly are essential in fighting against censorship and control.

      Exploring the darkest aspects of society can serve as a powerful motivator for change. The speaker, who has spent much of his life investigating the worst atrocities, believes that confronting these horrors head-on can be a wake-up call, pushing people to take action against injustice. He shares his personal experiences, including facing threats and intimidation, but remains undeterred. He also emphasizes the importance of free speech, press, and assembly in the face of increasing control and censorship. The speaker's commitment to these values has led him to fight against attempts to silence him and to rally people together in support of British identity. He believes that the British spirit, when united, is a powerful force that cannot be controlled.

    • Values and IdentitiesStanding up for values and identities, especially for the working class, is crucial to prevent destructive populism. A positive vision is needed to channel anger and promote unity. Remembering and celebrating one's identity is essential to prevent cultural erosion. A cultural movement is planned to bring people together and defend identity, with a 10-point pledge launch on July 27th.

      Tam, a supporter of a political figure, expressed the importance of standing up for values and identities, especially for the working class. She emphasized the need for a positive vision to prevent anger from turning into destructive populism. Tam was instrumental in arranging a discussion with the speaker due to her trust in the figure's values and bravery. She also highlighted the importance of remembering and celebrating one's identity to prevent the erosion of culture. The speaker and Tam discussed the need for a cultural movement in the UK to bring people together and defend their identity. They plan to launch a 10-point pledge on July 27th to change the culture and politics, and encourage people to take action. Tam expressed her concern about the potential dangers of unmanaged working class anger and the importance of preventing it from turning into vengeful responses. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of standing up for values, identities, and a positive vision to prevent destructive populism and defend culture.

    • CollaborationEffective collaboration requires recognizing each team member's unique role and staying out of the way to allow for smooth progress. Appreciation for resources and audience engagement are also crucial.

      Effective collaboration is crucial for the successful execution of a project. The speaker expressed gratitude towards those who contributed to the project, including the film crew in Toronto and The Daily Wire for providing resources. He acknowledged their skills in staying out of the way, allowing the project to progress smoothly. This demonstrates the importance of each team member's unique role and the value of a well-coordinated effort. Additionally, the speaker's appreciation for the audience's time and attention emphasizes the importance of engaging with viewers and supporters. Overall, this exchange highlights the significance of teamwork, resourcefulness, and communication in bringing a project to fruition.

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    - Links -


    For Mary Harrington:


    On X https://x.com/moveincircles?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    The Reactionary Feminist (Substack) https://substack.com/@reactionaryfeminist


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    - Links -


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    - Links -


    For J. D. Haltigan:


    On X https://x.com/jdhaltigan?lang=en


    Website https://www.jdhaltigan.com/


    Substack https://substack.com/@jdhaltigan 

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    This episode was recorded on June 28, 2024



    - Links -


    For David Kipping


    On X https://x.com/david_kipping?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    Cool Worlds on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@CoolWorldsLab

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    Tommy Robinson is a British journalist and activist who first became an establishment target after reporting on the grooming gangs in London. From then on he and his family have suffered sacrifice and punishment for attempting to out those who are enabling the grotesque brutality of Islamic extremism.



    - Links -


    For Tommy Robinson:


    On X https://x.com/TRobinsonNewEra?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor 

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    - Links -


    Buy Tickets to “Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot”  https://www.angel.com/tickets/sound-of-hope-the-story-of-possum-trot?utm_source=google-ads&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwkJm0BhBxEiwAwT1AXNLKBwIwZgec8P6mId1nHLkQiJLyUWRUSU6RfngcU_rdJtWuStXtgxoCTpAQAvD_BwE


    “Sound of Hope” website https://www.angel.com/movies/sound-of-hope-the-story-of-possum-trot


    Press and Cast information https://www.angel.com/press/sound-of-hope-the-story-of-possum-trot 

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    - Links -


    For Chris Olson:


    Website https://mediatrust.com/


    The Media Trust Social Media


    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-media-trust/


    X https://x.com/TheMediaTrust


    Chris’ Social Media


    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrisolsondigitaltrustandsafety/

    X https://x.com/3pc_chrisolson?lang=en 

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    - Links -

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    This episode was recorded on June 15th, 2024



    - Links -


    For Katharine Birbalsingh:


    On X https://x.com/miss_snuffy


    Documentary on the Michaela school  www.strictestheadmistress.com


    Website for the Michaela Community school in Wembley, London. Here you can sign up for a visit www.michaela.education