
    465. Alberta: The Promised Land for Canada’s Future | Premier Danielle Smith

    enJuly 18, 2024
    What is the main conflict in Alberta's energy sector?
    How did Bill C-59 affect the energy industry's speech?
    What challenges does Alberta's government plan to pursue against the legislation?
    What vision do conservatives offer for Alberta's future?
    How does the current political climate affect Canada's energy production?

    Podcast Summary

    • Alberta energy conflict, speech codeAlberta's energy sector faces legal restrictions on speaking about their positive environmental record due to international standards, which infringes on freedom of speech and is being challenged constitutionally and charter-wise.

      Alberta, being an energy-rich province, is at the forefront of the global conflict between the energy industry and radical environmentalists. The international significance of this conflict was highlighted when Germany and Japan requested liquid natural gas from Canada, which was turned down by the Canadian government. The situation became more complex with the passing of Bill C-59, which made it illegal for the energy sector to talk about their positive environmental record unless they conform to undefined international standards. This speech code on the energy sector is a new form of illiberalism, as it infringes on the fundamental freedom of speech. The Alberta government, as the owner of the majority of the energy resources, intends to challenge this legislation constitutionally and charter-wise, hoping to provide solid information about their environmental record and act as a shield for other industries.

    • Canadian energy production policiesThe current Canadian energy production policies, driven by an environmental agenda, are seen as damaging to the economy and a misguided attempt to reduce emissions at any cost, while a more practical approach focusing on defense, immigration, and trade could enhance international relevance and maintain Canada's role as a reliable energy and food supplier.

      The current political climate in Canada towards energy production is driven by a long-standing environmental agenda, which some argue is rooted in flawed assumptions about resource scarcity and population growth. This agenda, as expressed by the federal government and its supporters, is seen as an attempt to crush the energy sector and reduce emissions at any cost. The speaker believes that this approach is misguided and damaging to the Canadian economy, which is heavily resource-dependent and has struggled to increase productivity under recent liberal leadership. Instead, the speaker advocates for a more practical approach to international relevance, focusing on meeting commitments in defense, immigration, and trade. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of Canada being a reliable energy and food supplier to the world. The historical context of the environmental movement and its underlying assumptions about resource scarcity were discussed, with references to the Club of Rome, Paul Ehrlich, and the Limits to Growth. The speaker also criticized the current prime minister for using his international influence to put up trade barriers and interfere with the ability of provinces to get their products to market.

    • Carbon Dioxide Emissions vs. Economic GrowthFocusing solely on reducing CO2 emissions may overlook economic benefits and positive effects on plant growth. Fossil fuel industry could advocate for their benefits and invest in tech like carbon capture and utilization.

      The focus on reducing carbon dioxide emissions at the expense of economic growth and energy production may be misguided based on geological timeframes and the positive effects of carbon dioxide on plant growth and food production. The fossil fuel industry could benefit from advocating for the benefits of their industry rather than apologizing for it, as the data shows that providing cheap energy to the poor leads to environmental action and long-term thinking. The industry's technological advancements, such as carbon capture and utilization, could also lead to financial rewards and sustainable energy production.

    • CO2 transformationInstead of viewing CO2 as a waste, innovators and the energy industry are finding ways to transform it into valuable resources, potentially leading to poverty alleviation and environmental improvements.

      Instead of viewing CO2 as a waste product or a problem, the energy industry and innovators have found ways to transform it into valuable resources such as petrochemicals, lubricants, and even fertilizer. This perspective, rooted in human ingenuity and the belief in abundance rather than scarcity, can lead to the elimination of global poverty and the improvement of environmental issues. The energy industry should continue to innovate while keeping in mind the importance of delivering affordable energy to lift people out of poverty. It's crucial to remember that the radical environmental movement's policies, which aim to make energy more costly and less available, risk sacrificing the poor for the sake of the planet. Instead, a vision that balances economic growth, poverty alleviation, and environmental concerns is a more promising and hopeful approach for everyone.

    • Aspirational approach vs. practical realitiesThe aspirational goal of a completely electrified and carbon-neutral economy may be unrealistic due to practical limitations and economic realities. It's crucial to propose realistic alternatives and acknowledge the complexity of the energy debate.

      The aspirational approach towards a completely electrified and carbon-neutral economy, while rooted in good intentions, is currently unachievable due to practical limitations and economic realities. The human desire to reduce impact on the environment should be acknowledged, but it's essential to propose realistic and effective alternatives. The environmental movement and politicians, as well as industries, can contribute to the problem by virtue signaling without taking necessary actions or considering the entire supply chain. Attacking food production, in particular, may backfire and lead to resistance. The debate around energy sources and their environmental impact is complex and requires a nuanced understanding of the carbon cycle and the implications of various policies.

    • Quebec-Western provinces relationshipQuebec benefits financially from other provinces but criticizes their economies, refuses to utilize resources, and complicates matters with environmental concerns. Pragmatism, cooperation, alternative energy sources, and effective communication are needed to meet energy needs sustainably and affordably.

      The relationship between Quebec and the Western provinces in Canada, particularly regarding resource development and energy exports, is complex and contentious. Quebec has received significant financial benefits from other provinces, yet criticizes their economies and refuses to utilize their resources, despite having the ability to solve its own energy problems. The situation is further complicated by the federal government's focus on environmental concerns, which can be at odds with the economic interests of resource-rich provinces. To move forward, there is a need for pragmatism and cooperation, with a focus on developing alternative energy sources and finding ways to meet the energy needs of all provinces in a sustainable and affordable manner. Effective communication and understanding between leaders will also be crucial in navigating these challenges.

    • Canadian environmental policiesCanadian gov't pushes extreme enviro policies despite dwindling popularity, driven by religious motivation & do-or-die mentality, causing economic harm & unaffordability for Canadians. Opposition promises to declutter system, reduce regs, & serve working class.

      The Canadian government under the current administration is pushing forward with extreme environmental policies despite dwindling popularity and potential economic harm to Canadians. This is driven by a deep-rooted religious motivation among some leaders to save the planet, as well as a desire for revenge and a do-or-die mentality among others. The result is an acceleration of policies that make life more unaffordable and reduce productivity for the average Canadian family. The opposition, led by conservative voices, is capitalizing on this economic hardship by promising to declutter the system, get rid of unnecessary regulations, and serve the working class. The future of Canada's economy is uncertain, with potential for significant challenges as Canadians face rising mortgage payments and the next election approaches. However, the conservatives are optimistic about their ability to connect with the working class and offer solutions to the economic misery caused by current policies.

    • Conservative vision for young peopleConservatives should focus on offering a compelling vision for young people by emphasizing responsibility, adventure, and traditional values, rather than just saying 'no' to liberal ideas.

      The conservative approach to politics and society should focus on offering a compelling vision for young people, rather than just saying "no" to liberal ideas. This vision should emphasize the importance of responsibility, adventure, and the traditional values that underpin Western society. By doing so, conservatives can appeal to the working class and offer a pathway to a meaningful and fulfilling life. The Old Testament's portrayal of the divine as the dynamic between conscience and calling can serve as a useful metaphor for this approach, with conservatives representing conscience and liberals representing openness. The void left by the conservatives' inability to propagate a vision has been filled by the environmentalists on the left, but by offering a positive alternative, conservatives can win over young people and build a strong alliance with the working class.

    • Human Values and ConservatismConservatism offers a human-centered approach by emphasizing the importance of family, self-actualization, and philanthropy, and promoting long-term, child-centered monogamy for individual happiness and community stability.

      While progress is important, some issues require a more cautious approach. Bill Maher, an unexpected voice, emphasized the need to preserve what's working and reconnect with human values, such as family, self-actualization, and philanthropy. Conservatism, with its focus on these values, offers a more human-centered approach that can inspire and motivate young people, who are struggling with disconnection and a lack of motivation. The promise of infinite hedonistic delights from the sexual revolution has proven to be a hollow one, and a long-term, child-centered monogamy is the best solution for individual happiness, productivity, and community stability. Conservatives can promote these values and offer support to families, ensuring the next generation has a strong foundation for the future.

    • Modern Families, Conservative PrinciplesConservative principles offer a vision for creating nurturing environments for families and personal freedom with responsible choices, attracting people to areas with opportunities and affordability.

      Despite the changing definition of modern families, the fundamental principles of finding a life partner and creating a nurturing environment for raising children remain constant. Conservatives advocate for personal freedom with responsible choices, offering an aspirational vision for the future, countering the bleak and despairing message of the left. Leaders who envision a positive future and inspire young people with faith and courage can help build a promising land, as seen in Alberta's recent success. People are drawn to places that offer economic opportunities, affordability, and the ability to raise families, which Alberta is currently providing. Conservative leaders at the sub-national level have been able to counteract the destructive values of the federal government, and this trend may eventually spill over federally.

    • Gender Transition Policies for MinorsAlberta's Premier Jason Kenney is limiting access to gender transition procedures for minors, emphasizing the importance of maturity and potential consequences, and promoting a comprehensive and inviting approach to energy and environmental concerns.

      Alberta's Premier Jason Kenney is implementing policies to limit access to gender transition procedures for individuals under the age of 15, aiming to preserve their ability to have children in the future. Kenney emphasizes the importance of maturity and understanding the consequences of such decisions. He believes that the current trend in gender affirming care is not good medical practice and has been mischaracterized. Alberta's approach comes from a place of love and respect, aiming to prevent children from making premature decisions with devastating consequences for their lives. Kenney also highlighted Alberta's efforts to be a model for a comprehensive, intelligent, and inviting view of the relationship between energy and environmental concerns, attracting people and businesses to the province.

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    John Rustad is the Conservative MLA for Nechako Lakes - a riding he has held since 2005. John was born and raised in Prince George, married Kim in 1995, and has spent his entire life living in northern British Columbia. In the early 2000s, John was faced with a difficult task. Frustrated with the direction the province was headed, John had to decide between leaving for greener pastures or sticking around. Thankfully, he decided to stick around and, in so doing, decided to fight for BC. For more than 20 years, John has fought for the people of British Columbia. First being elected as a school board trustee to SD-57 and then as an MLA in 2005 to the riding of Prince George–Omineca. Later being re-elected in the riding of Nechako Lakes, after riding redistribution and has served there ever since. John has been a champion of resource development and economic reconciliation, as well as the champion of the common man his entire time in office.


    This episode was recorded on August 15th, 2024


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    - Links -


    For John Rustad:


    Conservative Party of BC website www.conservativebc.ca


    John Rustad on X https://twitter.com/JohnRustad4BC


    Conservative Party of BC Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ConservativeBC


    John Rustad on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/johnrustadbc


    Conservative Party of BC on Instagram


    The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast
    enSeptember 02, 2024

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    This episode was recorded on August 16th, 2024



    - Links -


    For Tommy Robinson:


    On X https://x.com/TRobinsonNewEra?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor 

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    - Links -


    For Axel Kaiser:


    On X https://x.com/AXELKAISER?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    “The Street Economist: 15 Economic Lessons Everyone Should Know” (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Street-Economist-Economics-Lessons-Everyone/dp/1645720810

    “The Book of Asgalard” (Book)(Spanish only) https://www.amazon.com/El-libro-Asgalard-Axel-Kaiser/dp/8445016393 

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    This episode was recorded on August 8th, 2024



    - Links -


    Foundations of the West, out now on DailyWire+: https://bit.ly/3ABnIgR


    For Coleman Hughes:


    Buy tickets to see Coleman Hughes in conversation with Josh Szeps on August 25th in Sydney and August 28th in Melbourne.


    Sydney link: https://festivalofdangerousideas.com/program/a-colourblind-society-uncomfortable-conversations/#tickets


    Melbourne link: https://www.ticketmaster.com.au/uncomfortable-conversations-live-with-coleman-hughes-and-josh-szeps-melbourne-28-08-2024/event/130060E1D02C314C


    On X https://x.com/coldxman?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    On youtube https://www.youtube.com/@ColemanHughesOfficial 

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    - Links -


    For Logan Lancing:


    On X https://x.com/LoganLancing/highlights


    On YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@loganlancing


    Know what you children are being taught https://www.itsnotinschools.com/


    “The Queering of the American Child: How a New School Religious Cult Poisons the Minds and Bodies of Normal Kids” (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Queering-American-Child-Religious-Poisons/dp/B0CSP4L1T9/ref=pd_lpo_sccl_1/138-3764402-1287437?pd_rd_w=J1eG0&content-id=amzn1.sym.4c8c52db-06f8-4e42-8e56-912796f2ea6c&pf_rd_p=4c8c52db-06f8-4e42-8e56-912796f2ea6c&pf_rd_r=FF9ME2FMJZ7DHXP3T72Z&pd_rd_wg=7dgdC&pd_rd_r=592af638-8ca4-4007-9820-2d0249e0e34c&pd_rd_i=B0CSP4L1T9&psc=1


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    - Links -


    For Douglas Murray:


    Purchase tickets for Douglas Murray’s speaking tour through Live Nation



    Douglas’s latest book, “The War on the West”



    “The Strange Death of Europe” https://www.amazon.com/Strange-Death-Europe-Immigration-Identity/dp/1472958055


    On X https://x.com/DouglasKMurray?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/douglaskmurray/?hl=en


    On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DouglasKMurrayOfficial/


    On YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@douglasmurray

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    - Links -


    For Zeena Schreck:


    Website and blog https://www.zeenaschreck.com/blog


    FAQ https://www.zeenaschreck.com/general-info.html


    Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeena_Schreck


    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/zeenaschreck_art/


    Bandcamp https://zeenaschreck.bandcamp.com/


    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/ZeenaSchreckOfficial


    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ZEENA.Official.ZeenaSchreck


    Etsy https://www.etsy.com/de/shop/KCHforZeenaSchreck

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    For John Rich:


    On X https://x.com/johnrich?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    On Insta https://www.instagram.com/johnrichofficial/?hl=en


    “Revelation” on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/2d4WSrynmAtScmsuVvzffn


    “Revelation” on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk6YPFCUaqA 

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    Piers Morgan is an English broadcaster, journalist, writer, and television personality who has become one of the most preeminent and influential figures in global media. His meteoric ascendency in the industry began at The Sun newspaper, and he later became the youngest ever editor of The News of The World before taking over as Editor of the Daily Mirror. After leaving the Daily Mirror, Piers pivoted into a career in television gaining prominence as a judge on the reality television show, “Britain's Got Talent,” and its American counterpart, “America's Got Talent.” Piers now hosts “Piers Morgan Uncensored” on YouTube, amassing over 3 million subscribers in two and a half years, making it the fastest growing YouTube channel in broadcasting.


    This episode was recorded on July 9th, 2024


    - Links -


    For Piers Morgan:


    On X https://x.com/piersmorgan


    Piers Morgan Uncensored on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@PiersMorganUncensored


    Wake Up (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Wake-Up-World-Gone-Nuts/dp/0008392609  

    468. Canada Can’t Defend Itself | J.O. Michel Maisonneuve, Barbara Maisonneuve, and Mark Norman

    468. Canada Can’t Defend Itself | J.O. Michel Maisonneuve, Barbara Maisonneuve, and Mark Norman

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    Lieutenant-General J.O. Michel Maisonneuve, CMM, MSC, CD is a former Canadian Army officer who has served as the Assistant Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff of Canada and Chief of Staff of NATO's Allied Command Transformation in Norfolk. He is also the 30th recipient of the Vimy Award.


    Barbara joined the Canadian Armed Forces at 18, first as a Military Policeman, then graduated from the Royal Military College with a Bachelor’s degree into the Logistics branch. She proudly served 21 years sporting the light blue Royal Canadian Air Force uniform. After her service, Barbara chaired the Première Gala that raised funds and celebrated the reopening of the historic Westdale Theatre in Hamilton, and she has helped raise millions for our veterans and serving soldiers.


    Mark Norman retired from the Royal Canadian Navy in the rank of Vice-Admiral in August of 2019 after over 39 years of service. Since retirement, Norman has applied his energy to a variety of pursuits including as Champion for the Royal Canadian Benevolent Fund, Senior Defense Strategist at Samuel Associates, Director at Genoa Designs, he also contributes frequently to the important debate about security and defense issues in Canada as both a fellow with the Global Affairs Institute and as a member of the Conference of Defence Associations Board.


    This episode was recorded on July 8th, 2024



    - Links -


    For Michel Maisonneuve:


    In Defense of Canada: Reflections of a Patriot (book) https://www.amazon.com/Defence-Canada-Reflections-Patriot/dp/1990823955


    RMC and RMC Saint-Jean programs and explanations:
