
    Podcast Summary

    • Entertainer Riders: From Common Needs to Unusual DemandsEntertainers use riders to request various items or experiences to create the right atmosphere for their performances, ranging from common needs to unusual demands.

      Entertainers, including comedians, have various requests, known as riders, for their performances. These riders can range from simple requests like food and drinks to more unusual demands. Some entertainers ask for unusual items or experiences to create a specific atmosphere or vibe. The stories shared by the speakers reveal a range of requests, from common items like vegetables and yogurt to more unusual requests like piñatas or instructions for drivers not to engage with the performer. The use of riders is a common practice in the entertainment industry, and while some may find it embarrassing, others see it as an essential part of creating the right atmosphere for a successful performance. The speakers also shared stories of unusual encounters on the road, highlighting the unique experiences that come with being a touring performer.

    • Running 43 Marathons for Charity: Eddie Izzard's Incredible FeatDetermination and perseverance can help achieve seemingly impossible goals, even when facing physical challenges and hardships. Respect individuality, talent, and the human spirit.

      Determination and perseverance can lead to incredible feats, even if they seem impossible at first. The comedian Eddie Izzard ran over 1,100 miles around Europe, finishing 43 marathons in a row, despite the physical challenges and hardships. His motivation was not to escape anything, but to accomplish a goal for charity. The discussion also clarified the difference between transvestites, transsexuals, and cross-dressers. While some people may dress as the opposite gender for various reasons, it doesn't necessarily define their sexual orientation or identity. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of respecting individuality, talent, and the human spirit.

    • The Inspirational Impact of Athletes' FeatsAthletes, through their inspiring achievements, can motivate people, but their financial situations can be challenging, highlighting the complexities of fundraisers and athlete compensation.

      While there are valid arguments on both sides regarding the fairness of fundraisers and the compensation of athletes, particularly in high-profile events like marathons and the Olympics, it is important to recognize the inspirational impact these individuals can have on others. The achievements of athletes, such as running 1100 miles or competing in the Olympics, can inspire and motivate people. However, the financial situation of many athletes, particularly those who do not reach the top tier, can be challenging. While some may make significant income through sponsorships and endorsements, others may not earn enough to live comfortably. It is a complex issue with valid arguments on both sides, but it is essential to consider the human stories and inspirational impact behind these feats.

    • The pressure to conform to the 'hanger body' ideal in the modeling industryThe modeling industry's 'hanger body' standard can lead to unhealthy practices and cultural obsession, disproportionately affecting women.

      The modeling industry values the "hanger body" look, where models are expected to be thin and proportionate. This ideal is driven by the desire to make clothes look good on the runway, and it can lead to unhealthy practices like dieting, enemas, and other extreme measures. The pressure to conform to this standard is particularly high for women, as they are often judged by their appearance more than men. Additionally, there is a cultural fascination with thinness and the ability to abstain from natural desires, which can lead to an unhealthy obsession with models and their bodies. It's important to note that not all models or women in the industry experience these pressures in the same way, and there are efforts being made to promote body positivity and diversity in fashion.

    • Financial exploitation in relationshipsBe aware of potential financial exploitation in relationships, regardless of gender, and strive for financial independence and caution.

      Relationships, regardless of gender, can involve financial exploitation. People, whether straight, gay, or any other sexual orientation, have the potential to be taken advantage of in romantic partnerships. The speaker shares personal experiences of observing men getting scammed by women, but acknowledges that the reverse can also occur. She also mentions her own experiences and biases, such as being suspicious of attractive men or being uncomfortable with dating athletes. The speaker's great-grandmother's story of being a bootlegger and saving her money serves as a reminder of the importance of financial independence and caution in relationships. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the need for individuals to be aware of the potential for financial exploitation and to protect themselves.

    • Focusing on what truly matters in a relationshipEmphasize caring for each other and having a good time together, rather than just sexual compatibility and shared interests. Don't let societal pressure dictate the importance of material possessions and appearance over personal growth and interests.

      Sexual compatibility and shared interests are important aspects of a relationship, but they may not be the only ones. The speaker acknowledges that it can be harder for women to navigate rejection in the context of sexual intimacy, but emphasizes that caring for each other and having a good time together are the most important elements of a successful relationship. The speaker also criticizes societal pressure on women to prioritize material possessions and their appearance over personal growth and interests. Ultimately, the speaker encourages individuals to focus on the things that truly matter in a relationship and not get bogged down by societal expectations or superficial differences.

    • Pressures and Context Shape Attitudes Towards PossessionsUnderstanding societal pressures and historical context can help us empathize with people's motivations for acquiring material possessions, recognizing that these behaviors are often shaped by complex factors.

      Societal pressures and historical context can significantly influence people's behaviors and attitudes, particularly when it comes to material possessions and identity. The speaker acknowledges the existence of individuals who genuinely enjoy and appreciate beautiful things, but also recognizes the prevalence of individuals, often influenced by hip-hop culture and societal norms, who feel the need to show off their possessions as a symbol of wealth and status. The speaker also highlights the issue of discrimination and the negative impact it can have on individuals, particularly those who are racially marginalized. Ultimately, the speaker encourages understanding and empathy towards people's experiences and motivations, recognizing that they are shaped by complex historical, social, and personal factors.

    • Judging People Based on Appearance and Past ExperiencesChallenge assumptions, appreciate people's complexity, and build healthy relationships based on understanding needs and surrounding ourselves with trustworthy individuals.

      People are often judged based on their appearance or past experiences, leading to misconceptions and missed opportunities for meaningful relationships. Prejudices can limit our perspective and keep us from appreciating the complexity and uniqueness of others. It's essential to challenge our assumptions and be open to the possibility that people are more than their labels. Additionally, early experiences and relationships can shape our beliefs and attitudes towards love and relationships. To build healthy and fulfilling connections, it's crucial to understand our own needs and surround ourselves with trustworthy individuals who keep it real. Finally, success and fame can bring new challenges, but staying grounded and keeping strong relationships can help mitigate potential negative effects.

    • Navigating Fame and Interactions: Balancing Defenses and OpennessMaintain balance in interactions with famous people, don't let past disappointments shape future relationships, stay true to oneself, and clarify misconceptions through a platform like a podcast.

      Navigating fame and interactions with others can be challenging, and it's essential to maintain a balance between keeping one's defenses up while also being open and giving people the benefit of the doubt. The speaker shares her experience of meeting famous people and the impact it had on her, as well as the importance of not letting past disappointments shape future interactions. She also emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and not trying to be something other than what people know and appreciate, like in the case of comedians who try to abandon their comedy for other pursuits. The speaker concludes by suggesting that having a platform like a podcast could help clarify misconceptions and improve interactions with others.

    • The importance of receiving feedback and maintaining healthy boundariesReceiving feedback, whether positive or negative, is crucial for personal growth. Filter out harmful comments and respect boundaries to maintain a healthy relationship with your audience.

      Receiving feedback, whether positive or negative, plays a significant role in keeping individuals grounded and motivated, especially for those in the public eye. However, it's essential to filter out harmful or disrespectful feedback and maintain healthy boundaries. The fear of negative feedback and respecting boundaries can be particularly challenging for women due to the added threat of harassment and aggression. The podcast medium provides constant feedback and validation, helping individuals stay connected to their audience and understand their impact. Ultimately, the decision to share oneself openly and try to make people laugh, despite the challenges, can lead to a sense of fulfillment and connection.

    • Snakehead Fish: A Formidable Invasive SpeciesThe snakehead fish, an invasive species, poses a significant threat to native ecosystems by breeding rapidly, consuming a wide range of prey, and being challenging to eradicate due to its hardiness and cannibalistic tendencies.

      The snakehead fish, which is known for its ability to walk on land and thrive in various ecosystems, poses a significant threat to native species. This invasive fish, which can survive in both fresh and brackish water, breeds rapidly and consumes a wide range of prey, including ducks and other fish. Once introduced to a new environment, it can be challenging to eradicate, as it lays thousands of eggs and can become cannibalistic. The snakehead fish's hardiness and predatory nature make it a formidable adversary in any ecosystem, causing destruction and disrupting the balance of native species. Its introduction to a new environment can be compared to a super predator being introduced to a humble ecosystem, leading to devastating consequences.

    • Normalization of Explicit Content: Personal Experiences and Societal TabooExposure to explicit content, such as pornography and violent animal videos, can lead to desensitization and acceptance, challenging societal taboos and norms.

      The speaker expresses a desensitized and casual attitude towards explicit content, including pornography and animal attacks, having been exposed to it extensively in the past. They share personal experiences of watching porn and encountering violent animal videos, and discuss how society's taboo around pornography creates a sense of secrecy. The speaker also says that they used to dislike porn but grew to enjoy it as they got older. Additionally, they mention that women comedians might have different perspectives on pornography. Overall, the conversation highlights the normalization and ubiquity of explicit content in modern society, and the speaker's acceptance and even appreciation of it.

    • Sarah Silverman's Controversial Approach to Sexuality in ComedySarah Silverman's comedic style, which includes provocative language and tackling sensitive topics like sexuality, often sparks controversy and intense reactions. Her willingness to push boundaries has led to polarizing responses, but she remains undeterred and continues to challenge societal norms through her comedy.

      The taboo surrounding open discussions about sex and sexuality, even in a comedic context, can spark controversy and intense reactions. As seen in the case of Sarah Silverman's TED talk and her subsequent feud with Steve Case, the line between humor and offense can be blurry. Silverman's use of provocative language and her willingness to tackle sensitive topics head-on often leads to polarizing reactions. However, she remains undeterred and continues to push boundaries with her comedy. The controversy surrounding her talks and jokes often stems from the shock value and the perceived inappropriateness of discussing sexuality in a public forum. Despite the backlash, Silverman remains a trailblazer in the comedy world, using her platform to challenge societal norms and provoke thought and conversation.

    • The importance of camaraderie and humor in the comedy communityCamaraderie and humor are essential to the experience of being a comedian. Inside jokes, teasing, and banter create deep connections and moments of happiness. The evolution of comedy and the impact of the internet have made it more accessible, but the importance of being a good friend and a good comedian remains.

      The camaraderie and humor in the comedy community are unique and essential to the experience of being a comedian. The speaker shares stories of their experiences with friends and colleagues, highlighting the importance of inside jokes, teasing, and banter. These moments of connection and laughter are a source of happiness and a defining aspect of their career. The speaker also reflects on the evolution of comedy and the impact of the internet, which has made comedy more accessible and allowed more people to pursue it as a career. Despite the challenges and the occasional harsh jokes, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being a good friend and a good comedian. The best jokes often come from a deep understanding of one another, and the shared experiences and memories make the journey worthwhile.

    • The joy of traveling with friends on tourTraveling with friends on tour enhances the performer's experience and improves the show. Friends like Mark Normand and Bridget Everett bring unique performance styles and interactivity, making the experience enjoyable and financially worthwhile.

      The camaraderie and companionship of traveling with friends on the road can help alleviate the sadness and isolation that comes with being a stand-up comedian. The performer in the discussion shares how he has had friends like Mark Normand and Bridget Everett join him on tour, and how their presence not only makes the experience more enjoyable, but also enhances the show itself. Bridget's unique performance style, which involves interacting with the audience physically, adds an exciting element that cannot be easily replicated by a stand-up comedian alone. The discussion also touches upon the financial sacrifices that come with bringing friends along, but the comedian emphasizes that the benefits outweigh the costs. Overall, the importance of having a strong support system in the isolating world of stand-up comedy cannot be overstated.

    • Traveling with a Friend: Making Work Trips Feel Like HomeFriendship and shared experiences can make even work travels enjoyable. Embrace new cultures, but also acknowledge complexity and differences.

      Friendship and fun can make any experience, even traveling for work, feel like home. The speaker recalls fond memories of traveling with his friend Joey Diaz, and the joy they find in each other's company. From shared experiences at comedy clubs with water slides to gym sessions and Jiu Jitsu classes, their friendship brings them endless enjoyment. The speaker also reflects on an encounter with a group of women wearing Burkinis, an experience that left him feeling both fascinated and uneasy, highlighting the cultural differences and complexities that can arise during travel. Despite the challenges, the speaker emphasizes the importance of embracing new experiences and acknowledging the diversity of the world around us.

    • Modern-day slavery and immense hardshipsDespite facing challenges, individuals like Justin Ren demonstrate the power of empathy and compassion to help those in need, reminding us to make a positive impact on the world.

      While we may face seemingly insignificant issues in our daily lives, there are individuals around the world enduring unimaginable conditions, including being held against their will and having their passports taken away, effectively trapping them in inhumane situations. This is a form of modern-day slavery. The uneven playing field in the world can result in immense hardships for those born in poverty or third world countries. However, stories of individuals like Justin Ren, who find purpose and dedicate their lives to helping those in need, remind us of the power of empathy and compassion. We must not take our privileges for granted and strive to make a positive impact on the world.

    • Friend's selflessness inspires personal growthSelflessness and dedication to a cause can lead to personal growth and happiness, despite challenges and sacrifices.

      Selflessness and dedication to a cause, no matter how big or small, can significantly enhance one's perspective on life and bring about personal growth and happiness. The speaker admires a friend's commitment to helping people in the Congo and recognizes the importance of donating time and resources to worthy causes. However, the friend's ability to make a tangible impact on people's lives, even if it means sacrificing personal comfort and time, is what truly inspires the speaker. The friend's selflessness and dedication have transformed him from a unhappy person to a driven and fulfilled individual. The speaker also acknowledges the challenges and sacrifices that come with pursuing such a cause, but ultimately believes that the rewards are worth it. The friend's example serves as a reminder of the incredible potential of the human spirit to make a positive impact on the world.

    • Discovering Romance in ComedySome comedians found romance while pursuing comedy, seeing it as an extension of their ability to make people laugh or a happy coincidence.

      Many comedians may have initially pursued comedy as a way to impress or connect with women, discovering the potential for romantic encounters along the way. This realization often came after they had already developed a sense of humor and started performing. For some, this was a natural extension of their ability to make people laugh, while for others, it was a happy coincidence. The pressure to perform well in front of loved ones was often lessened in comedy compared to their previous pursuits, such as martial arts or competitive sports, where the stakes were higher and the focus more solitary. The parallels between these experiences and stand-up comedy lie in the vulnerability and closeness felt towards the people who present the greatest challenges.

    • Intense Moments of Verbal Sparring and Handling the UnexpectedBattle rap and stand-up comedy require performers to be fully present and adaptable, handling unexpected situations and intense verbal sparring with quick thinking and composure.

      Both battle rap and stand-up comedy involve intense moments of verbal sparring and the need to handle unexpected situations in real time. Battle rap often includes vicious, scathing insults, and while physical fights are rare, they can still be intense and unpredictable. Stand-up comedy, on the other hand, involves dealing with hecklers and other unexpected interruptions, which can be just as challenging and require quick thinking and adaptability. Both forms of entertainment require performers to be fully present and in control, even in the most chaotic moments. Whether it's holding up a drunk fan or responding to a heckler, performers must keep the audience engaged and maintain their composure, making every moment a learning experience for both the performer and the audience.

    • Unexpected experiences lead to growthUnexpected experiences, even those that seem unpleasant, can lead to personal growth and valuable insights

      Unexpected experiences, even those that may seem unpleasant or chaotic at first, can lead to moments of introspection and personal growth. The speaker shares an experience of helping a drunk man in a crowd, who represented the "roots of his tree" and made him question his own life. Though the situation was initially absurd, it ultimately provided him with valuable insights. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of handling heckling and crowd interaction with care, as it can either escalate into a negative situation or lead to a humorous exchange. The anecdote about the heckler who yelled about his mom during a comedy performance is an example of the latter. Overall, the speaker values engaging with audiences and finding humor in unexpected moments.

    • Improvised comedy: Creating on the spotImprovised comedy can be risky but pushes comedians to create new material, leading to unexpected and unique performances.

      Performing comedy completely improvised, without any prepared material, can be a challenging yet creatively rewarding experience. Jeremiah Watkins, a young comedian, and his podcast, Red Band, showcase this approach where comedians perform entirely based on audience suggestions. While it may result in some bits that don't make it, the exercise pushes the comedian to come up with new material on the spot, leading to the creation of actual bits. However, this method can be risky, as the audience can sense when a comedian is struggling, and it might be hard to recover from a bad start. Stories of bombing early in a comedy career, such as Marin's in Melbourne, can leave a lasting impact, making it essential to maintain a positive mindset and keep pushing forward.

    • Overcoming fear and societal expectations in comedyWomen in comedy face unique challenges, but hard work, talent, and a lack of concern for others' opinions can lead to success.

      Stand-up comedy, especially for women, can be a challenging and frustrating experience, filled with self-doubt and criticism. But, as one comic shared, the key to overcoming the fear of bombing and the pressure to succeed is to not care what others think and to trust in the quality of your material. Despite the difficulties, hard work and talent can lead to success, but women in comedy still face unique challenges, including societal expectations and limited opportunities. The comic acknowledged that there have been pioneers like Roseanne Barr who broke the mold, but statistically, the numbers are not in favor of women in comedy. Ultimately, the price of success for women in comedy can be high, but it's a price worth paying for those who are passionate about their craft.

    • Discussing the underrepresentation of female comediansTrailblazing female comedians like Judy Gold are admired for their humor, intelligence, and heckler handling skills, but more needs to be done to change perceptions and increase opportunities for women in comedy. Jerry Seinfeld's approach to comedy is questioned for potentially overlooking diverse talent.

      The conversation revolved around the underrepresentation of female comedians in the industry and the unique challenges they face in balancing their femininity with their comedic goals. The speakers shared their admiration for trailblazing female comedians like Judy Gold, emphasizing their humor, intelligence, and ability to handle hecklers. However, they acknowledged that more work needs to be done to change perceptions and increase opportunities for women in comedy. Jerry Seinfeld was mentioned as someone who values funny above all else, but the speakers questioned whether he truly represents the pulse of stand-up comedy and if he intentionally overlooks diverse talent. Overall, the conversation highlighted the need for continued dialogue and action to address the gender imbalance in comedy and promote equal opportunities for all comedians.

    • The complexity of humor and representationWhile humor is subjective and not influenced by gender or race for some, individual experiences and biases can impact perception and representation in the entertainment industry. Strive for inclusivity while respecting diverse perspectives.

      According to the speaker, what's funny is subjective and not influenced by gender or race. The interviewee, Jerry Seinfeld, has stated multiple times that he only cares about making people laugh. However, the speaker shared her personal experience of feeling dismissed and unfunny due to her gender when she was younger. Despite Seinfeld's statements, some people may still perceive his choices as lacking diversity. The speaker acknowledges the complexity of the issue and the validity of Seinfeld's perspective, but also highlights the importance of representation and the potential impact of biases, conscious or unconscious, on the entertainment industry. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of respecting individual perspectives on humor while also striving for inclusivity and representation.

    • Jerry Seinfeld's web show reflects his personal preferencesEvery comedian's sense of humor can be different, respect artists' right to create and express themselves

      Comedy, like art, is subjective and personal to the individual. Jerry Seinfeld's choices for his web show reflect his individual preferences and do not necessarily reflect discrimination or a lack of openness to diversity. While some may find his choices triggering or disappointing, it is essential to recognize that every comedian's sense of humor can be different, and it is not up to Seinfeld or anyone else to cater to a specific demographic. Ultimately, it is essential to respect the artist's right to create and express themselves as they see fit, even if it does not align with our personal preferences or sensitivities. Additionally, it is essential to acknowledge and understand that our feelings and reactions to art are valid, even if they may not make objective sense.

    • Perspectives on comedy and representationPeople's reactions to comedy can be influenced by personal experiences and emotions. It's important to acknowledge and understand these feelings, even if they don't align with the intended message of the art or the artist's intentions. Be empathetic and understanding towards those who may be triggered by seemingly insignificant things.

      People have different perspectives on what is funny and who gets to decide, and these perspectives can be influenced by various factors, including personal experiences and emotions. In the case discussed, a person's reaction to Jerry Seinfeld's comedy show was influenced by their feelings about representation and their own experiences with Seinfeld. It's important to acknowledge and understand these feelings, even if they don't align with the intended message of the art or the artist's intentions. Additionally, people can be triggered by things that may seem insignificant to others, and it's essential to approach these situations with empathy and understanding. Ultimately, art is subjective, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if it's not the popular one.

    • Recognizing the Importance of Diversity in Comedy and BeyondValuing and promoting diverse voices is crucial to overcoming systemic biases and creating more inclusive spaces in all industries, particularly comedy.

      People have the right to choose who they work with, but the lack of diversity in certain groups can be perceived as exclusionary. The speaker acknowledges the challenges women face in comedy, as they may face prejudice and feel pressure to be self-deprecating. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of valuing and promoting diverse voices in all fields. The speaker expresses their admiration for comedians like Judy Gold, who have made significant contributions to the industry despite these challenges. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing systemic biases in order to create more inclusive and equitable spaces for all.

    • Men and women react differently to lengthy conversationsUnderstanding gender dynamics can help navigate conversations and first impressions in professional settings. Maintain a positive mindset for successful performances.

      The dynamics of communication between men and women can lead to different reactions when it comes to lengthy conversations. Men tend to get agitated when women talk excessively, while women might get bored with overbearing men. Additionally, first impressions, particularly for women in professional settings, can be challenging and sometimes lead to unexpected outcomes. The speaker shared an experience where she bombed on stage, allowing another comedian to shine instead. She emphasized the importance of maintaining a positive mindset before going on stage to ensure a successful performance.

    • Comedians Prepare and Perform with PassionComedians invest time and energy into their performances, from preparing new material to maintaining positive energy on stage. They aim to connect with audiences through their unique perspectives and keep them engaged.

      Comedians put a lot of thought and effort into their performances to ensure they deliver the best experience for their audiences. This includes preparing new material, managing their emotions, and navigating potential challenges. Comedian Bert Kreischer shared his experience of reading extensively about the Kennedy assassination before a performance, only to realize he couldn't use that material on stage due to its heavy subject matter. Instead, he focuses on maintaining a positive energy and having fun during his shows. He emphasized the importance of not "phoning it in" for fans, as he remembered being disappointed when seeing a favorite band perform poorly. Comedians like Bill Burr, Christina Pazsitsky, Tom Segura, and Joey Diaz are currently making waves in the comedy scene, and Kreischer named Joey Diaz as his all-time favorite. The process of creating a comedy show can be stressful and require a lot of work, but the rewards are worth it. Ultimately, comedians aim to make their audiences laugh and connect with them through their unique perspectives.

    • Censorship and Comedy: Dave Chappelle's TakeDave Chappelle values freedom and openness in comedy and life, believing that less restrictions lead to a more comfortable state for individuals. He shares anecdotes about human desire to defy restrictions and advocates for embracing life's pleasures.

      The world is changing, and people are imposing more restrictions on themselves and others, often out of fear of losing revenue or their jobs. This is particularly evident in the entertainment industry, where comedians like Dave Chappelle face censorship for tackling controversial subjects. However, Chappelle appreciates these restrictions less in his stand-up performances than in his earlier work. He also finds that cities like Atlanta, with its diverse population and party culture, offer more freedom and comfort. Chappelle believes that less restrictions lead to a more comfortable state for individuals, as oppression can only push people to rebel. He also shares anecdotes about the human desire to defy restrictions, whether it's in the context of Catholic school or personal freedoms. Ultimately, Chappelle advocates for openness and embracing life's pleasures, rather than pretending to be noble by imposing restrictions on oneself.

    • Discussion on Portugal's drug decriminalization and respecting local culturesSuppressing desires and stigmatizing behaviors may not work, Portugal's drug decriminalization led to lower HIV and addiction rates, respect local cultures and communicate effectively when traveling, chaos and grievances are essential in comedy, and technology might change the way we live and interact, potentially impacting comedy.

      Suppressing desires and stigmatizing certain behaviors may not be effective solutions, as people often crave what is restricted even more. This was highlighted in the discussion about Portugal's decriminalization of drugs, which led to lower rates of HIV and addiction. Another important point was the importance of respecting local cultures and making an effort to communicate when traveling. The conversation also touched upon the role of chaos and grievances in comedy, suggesting that without them, comedians might not have a reason to exist. Lastly, the discussion hinted at the potential future impact of technology on our lives, raising the question of what we might do when we can read each other's minds and there are no more secrets or jokes left to tell.

    • Exploring careers and earthquakesWendy Williams thrives in earthquake-prone areas, showcases her versatility in work, and shares her enthusiasm for her projects, while the interviewer highlights her mental stamina and adaptability.

      The conversation between Wendy and the interviewer covered various topics, including their professional lives, earthquakes in California, and their different approaches to energy expenditure. Wendy shared her experiences of living in earthquake-prone areas and her ability to sleep through them, while the interviewer compared their mental stamina during their respective activities. Wendy expressed her enthusiasm for her work on Inside Amy Schumer and her various other projects, while the interviewer highlighted her impressive ability to switch mental gears between different tasks. Despite the occasional chaos in their conversations, they both appreciated their interactions and looked forward to continuing them. The conversation also touched upon Wendy's role as a sports analyst for Fox and her contrasting feelings towards chess and her work on her show. Overall, their conversation showcased their unique perspectives and shared sense of humor.

    • Tuesday nights on Comedy Central: Amy Schumer and moreCatch Amy Schumer's comedy show on Tuesday nights at 10:30 PM on Comedy Central, follow her on Twitter, and look forward to JRE episodes with The Fighter and The Kid, David Seaman, and Joe Rogan's performances at The Ice House.

      If you're looking to catch some great comedy shows, Tuesday nights at 10:30 PM on Comedy Central is a sweet spot. Amy Schumer's show is currently airing there, following Tash. For those who remember, this time slot was once occupied by shows like "Caroline in the City," which some may recall fondly despite its reputation. To keep up with Amy Schumer and her comedy, be sure to visit her website or follow her on Twitter. In other news, JRE fans can look forward to upcoming episodes featuring The Fighter and The Kid with Brennan Schaub and Brian Callan, as well as a return of David Seaman. Additionally, Joe Rogan himself will be performing at the Ice House in Pasadena on Wednesday nights, along with Ari Shafir, Duncan Trussell, and Tony Hinchcliffe. The Ice House, the oldest comedy club in the country, is a must-visit for comedy lovers, even when Joe isn't there. Be sure to check your local listings for these shows and don't miss out on the fun. And, as always, thanks to Onit.com, Stamps.com, and Squarespace for their continued support.

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    a time of prayer and meditation to help us be kinder in our attitude to our physical bodies.

    The hymn tonight (which is about body positivity) is called, 'Long Live The New Flesh!'

    I'd be grateful if you checked out my Patreon Program, to see how you can support the show.

    Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/creepycove)

    Support the show

    128. Heavy To Modified Ft. Anthony Lopez

    128. Heavy To Modified Ft. Anthony Lopez

    The reason where you are in life is because of you and nobody else. On today’s episode, Andy is joined by Anthony Lopez, who has lost over 350 pounds, as they dissect the mentality of winners who create real long-term change in their lives, how owning up to your actions in life can speed up your progress and how anything is possible if you give it your all.


    62. Learning to Love Yourself with Life Coach, Leann Austin

    62. Learning to Love Yourself with Life Coach, Leann Austin

    LeAnn Austin is a certified life coach who guides women in learning to love themselves. If loving yourself is hard to do at times, you'll want to listen to this interview with LeAnn, where she shares her helpful tips on creating a habit of acknowledging your awesomeness and genuinely embracing and loving who you are.

    Follow Leann on Instagram

    Connect with me on Instagram

    Body Image-Unrealistic Expectations

    Body Image-Unrealistic Expectations

    #bodyimage #aesthetics #beauty #therapy #lifecoach

    Rachel and Koyote Show

    Discussing body image and self-esteem.

    website: https://rhmaldonado.com/

    The Vibes Broadcast Network - Podcasting for the fun of it!
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