
    5 things you can do now to reduce dementia risk with Professor Claire Steves

    enMarch 28, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Dementia and Preventive MeasuresDementia isn't inevitable in aging, and lifestyle changes like diet can help reduce risk. Early recognition of signs and challenging common misconceptions can lead to better outcomes.

      Dementia, an umbrella term for conditions affecting cognitive functions, is not an inevitable part of aging. While it's a condition that impacts millions and can cause significant concerns, there are steps to help prevent it. Dementia, which involves memory, thinking, and learning impairments that affect daily living, can be gradual and progressive. Contrary to common misconceptions, there are actions individuals can take to lower their risk. During our conversation with dementia expert, Professor Claire Steves, we discussed the importance of recognizing early signs and the role of lifestyle changes, including diet, in reducing risk. Despite the prevalence of new Alzheimer's drugs, they do not stop the disease for most people. By understanding dementia and the actions we can take, we can challenge the notion that it's an unavoidable fate.

    • Aging vs Dementia: Understanding the DifferenceNormal aging involves some cognitive changes, but a significant decline in cognitive abilities is a sign of dementia.

      While normal aging involves some changes such as brain atrophy and slower processing speed, it does not mean a complete loss of cognitive abilities or personality. These changes may affect reaction times and simple tasks, but do not necessarily indicate dementia. Dementia, on the other hand, involves a progressive decline in various functions and should be taken as a warning sign when someone starts losing the ability to perform normal activities of daily life or manage finances and medication. Normal aging and dementia are not the same, and while it's normal to experience some slowing down as we age, a significant decline in cognitive abilities is not.

    • Understanding short-term memory loss in aging and dementiaShort-term memory loss can be a normal part of aging or a sign of dementia, requiring further investigation to determine the underlying cause and potential interventions.

      While the normal expectation of aging includes managing medications, finances, and maintaining short-term memory, dementia, most commonly Alzheimer's disease, presents with a gradual progression and significant impairment in short-term memory. This is due to neurons dying in specific areas of the brain, leading to the formation of abnormal protein deposits. However, it's important to note that not everyone with short-term memory loss has dementia. The complex relationship between these protein inclusions and neurodegenerative diseases is still being researched. The key message is that experiencing short-term memory loss or other cognitive symptoms warrants further investigation to understand the underlying cause and potential interventions.

    • The role of brain cell cleanup in neurodegenerative conditionsImpaired protein clearance in brain cells contributes to neurodegenerative conditions like dementia. Sleep aids in this process, while genetics like the APOE gene can influence risk.

      Just as plaque buildup in arteries can lead to cardiovascular diseases, the accumulation of proteins in the brain that can't be cleared away contributes to neurodegenerative conditions like dementia. The difference lies in the fact that while cardiovascular diseases focus on the arteries and blood vessel lining, dementia centers on the neuron cells and the cells surrounding them that help keep them healthy. These cells, including microglia, are responsible for clearing away waste and proteins. When the clearance of these proteins is impaired, conditions like dementia may develop. Sleep plays a role in this process, as it's believed that during sleep, the brain undergoes a cleanup process that helps remove waste and proteins. Genetic factors, such as the APOE gene, can also influence the risk of developing dementia. Having two copies of the APOE 4 gene increases the risk of dementia by about eight times, but it doesn't mean that it's a certainty. Other factors, like environment and lifestyle, also interact with genetics to determine an individual's risk. Approximately 25% of the population carries one copy of the APOE 4 gene, and only a small percentage of those people will develop dementia. So, having these genes doesn't mean that one is doomed to get dementia.

    • Genes and lifestyle choices impact cognitive healthOur genes influence our risk of cognitive decline, but lifestyle factors and environmental influences can significantly impact cognitive reserve and delay onset of dementia

      Our genes, such as APOE4, play a role in our risk of developing conditions like dementia, but our lifestyle choices and environmental factors, including nutrition and cognitive stimulation during fetal development and beyond, can significantly impact our cognitive reserve and delay the onset of cognitive decline. Society and individuals have the power to influence these factors and promote overall brain health. While our genes may provide a baseline, it's the way we live our lives that can make a significant difference in our health outcomes, even for conditions like dementia.

    • Investing in brain health early on for better cognitive function laterRegular mental and physical health investments can increase brain reserves, leading to improved cognitive functions in later life. Factors include good mental health, social stimulation, physical fitness, intellectual stimulation, regular physical activity, cardiovascular health, and managing chronic inflammation.

      Our cognitive functioning and brain health are influenced by various factors, and investing in good mental and physical health during our earlier years can lead to better brain reserves, contributing to improved cognitive functions later in life. The analogy used was that of a car's fuel tank, where a larger reserve ensures longer functionality, even if certain processes might not be noticeable in day-to-day life. Factors that contribute to higher brain reserves include good mental health, social stimulation, physical fitness, and intellectual stimulation. Conversely, problematic mental health, lack of social stimulation, and sedentary lifestyle can negatively impact brain health and reserve. Regular physical activity, both in terms of exercise and daily life, is beneficial for brain health and aging. Additionally, cardiovascular health and managing chronic inflammation play a crucial role in maintaining brain reserve and resilience. Understanding these factors can help individuals make informed decisions to improve their brain health and reserves, ultimately contributing to better cognitive functioning in later life.

    • New treatments for dementia with modest benefits and risksNew treatments for dementia offer limited benefits and increase risks, requiring regular monitoring. Consult a doctor if experiencing symptoms, maintain a healthy lifestyle to delay progression.

      While there are new treatments emerging for dementia, such as antibody-based medications that remove harmful proteins from the brain, the benefits are currently modest and come with increased risks of swelling and hemorrhage in the brain. These drugs require regular monitoring with monthly scans. The most common age for people to be diagnosed with dementia is in their seventies, and symptoms can include cognitive function changes, short-term memory loss, personality changes, and even falling over. If you notice these symptoms, it's important to consult a doctor. While waiting for more effective treatments, managing symptoms and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help delay the progression of the disease.

    • Promising Alzheimer's treatments but risks and uncertaintiesFocus on preventative measures like a varied diet, healthy gut, and fiber-rich foods for potential brain health benefits and delaying Alzheimer's onset

      While there are promising developments in the field of Alzheimer's disease treatment, specifically the use of drugs that target proteins in the brain, the current generation of these drugs comes with risks and uncertainties. The benefits and risks are on the edge, and there are resource issues to consider. However, the potential for a transformational drug that significantly adds years of well-functioning brain life is not yet clear. Instead, the focus should be on preventative measures, such as consuming a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, getting good plant-based fats into the diet, and ensuring a healthy gut microbiome through fiber-rich foods and healthy fats like olive oil and nuts. These steps can contribute to brain health and potentially delay or prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease. The science is moving forward, and there is optimism for a next generation of safer and more effective drugs.

    • Mediterranean diet, gut health, and physical activity reduce dementia riskAdopting a Mediterranean diet, nurturing gut health, and incorporating regular physical activity can significantly reduce the risk of dementia and improve cognitive function.

      Nurturing gut health and adopting a Mediterranean diet rich in fiber and heart-healthy foods, along with regular physical activity, can significantly reduce the risk of dementia. These evidence-based practices can improve cognitive function and contribute to overall well-being. While the exact amount of exercise required for optimal brain health is a subject of debate, making small improvements in activity levels and incorporating more up-and-about time can make a difference. For those less physically active, simple steps like walking regularly can lead to noticeable benefits.

    • Simple lifestyle changes to reduce dementia riskWalking 3x/week and maintaining good oral health can lower dementia risk. Social interaction and intellectual stimulation also crucial for brain health.

      Making simple lifestyle changes, such as going for a walk three times a week and maintaining good oral health, can significantly reduce the risk of developing dementia. The relationship between periodontal disease and cognitive decline is well-established, and neglecting dental care can create a vicious cycle as it becomes more difficult to maintain good oral health as dementia progresses. Furthermore, social interaction and intellectual stimulation are crucial for brain health and can help build cognitive reserve, which in turn can delay the onset of dementia. While there is no guaranteed way to completely eliminate the risk, engaging in these activities can make a meaningful difference.

    • Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels reduces dementia riskRegular physical activity, a healthy diet, and brain-engaging forms can help maintain normal blood sugar levels, reducing dementia risk. Tight diabetes control is crucial for those diagnosed with dementia to avoid low blood sugars.

      Maintaining normal blood sugar levels through a healthy diet and regular physical activity, including forms that engage the brain, can help reduce the risk of developing dementia. Diabetes significantly increases the risk of all types of dementia, and tight control of diabetes is important for those already diagnosed with dementia to avoid dangerous low blood sugars. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can help improve cognitive function during menopause, but there is no clear evidence that it significantly reduces the risk of dementia later in life. The rise in prediabetes and diabetes is a real concern as it contributes to the development of dementia.

    • HRT and Dementia: Current Evidence UnclearProper nutrition, stimulation, and healthy lifestyle choices can help delay the onset and progression of dementia, while research focuses on clearing proteins causing the issue and considering genes and lifestyle factors.

      While there is ongoing research regarding the potential link between Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and dementia, the current evidence is not clear. However, HRT can benefit women experiencing cognitive issues during menopause. The brain ages naturally, leading to a slow decline in cognitive function, which is a result of nerve cells dying. Building brain reserves through proper nutrition, stimulation, and healthy lifestyle choices can help delay the onset and progression of dementia. The latest research is focused on clearing proteins causing the issue, but the impact of genes and lifestyle factors also plays a role. Ultimately, while there are no guarantees, taking care of one's brain health through various means can significantly improve the quality of life, even in the presence of dementia risk factors.

    • Reducing dementia risk through diet, exercise, and lifestyle changesEating a plant-based diet rich in fiber and healthy fats, staying active, engaging in social activities, and providing necessary aids like hearing aids can lower dementia risk.

      Making dietary changes towards a more plant-based option with a variety of plants, including plenty of fiber and healthy fats, is essential for reducing the risk of dementia. Regular physical activity, such as daily walks, is also crucial. Social interaction and intellectual stimulation are important for brain health, and even simple things like wearing hearing aids if needed can delay the onset of dementia. It's important to remember that Alzheimer's is just one type of dementia, and it's essential to seek help if any consistent change in mental capacity is observed. Overall, making these lifestyle changes can significantly reduce the risk of developing dementia.

    • Join ZOE for personalized nutrition adviceJoin ZOE Science and Nutrition for personalized dietary recommendations based on your genetics and lifestyle to improve current health and potentially lower dementia risk, with a 10% membership discount.

      By becoming a ZOE member, you can receive personalized dietary advice based on your body's unique needs, which can help improve your current health and potentially lower the risk of developing dementia in the future. This advice is backed by scientific research and tailored to your individual genetics and lifestyle. Plus, as an added bonus, you'll receive a 10% discount on your membership. It's a win-win situation for anyone looking to optimize their health and wellness. So, if you're interested in learning more about how personalized nutrition can benefit you, consider joining ZOE Science and Nutrition. Their team of experts is dedicated to helping you feel better now and in the future.

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    Books by our ZOE Scientists:

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    Episode transcripts are available here.

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    00:00 Introduction

    01:00 Quickfire questions

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    03:48 How do we know about circadian rhythms?

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    21:20 Should you go to bed at sunset?

    25:40 Why should stop snacking at night

    26:10 Satchin’s famous mice study

    33:00 The best eating window for health

    37:27 Does intermittent fasting promote better food choices?

    40:40 Should you drink black coffee when you wake up?


    Satchin’s books:

    Books by our ZOE Scientists:

    Studies referenced in today’s episode: 

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    If you want to uncover the right foods for your body, head to zoe.com/podcast and get 10% off your membership.

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    00:00 Tim Spector's tribute to Michael

    01:01 Introduction

    01:55 Quick Fire Questions

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    46:42 Summary

    Michael Mosley’s book 'Just One Thing' is available to buy here

    Episode transcripts are available here

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    00:00 Introduction

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    14:47 Latest scientific studies

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    50:33 What are the differences between bad and good quality meat?

    📚 Books from our ZOE Scientists:

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    Episode transcripts are available here.

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    Learn how your body responds to food. Take our FREE quiz and get 10% off here.

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    00:00 Introduction

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    Is there a nutrition topic you’d like us to explore? Email us at podcast@joinzoe.com, and we’ll do our best to cover it.

    Episode transcripts are available here.

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    00:00 Introduction

    01:23 Quickfire questions

    03:30 Understanding dementia and Alzheimer's disease

    04:50 Dementia versus ageing

    06:35 The role of blood vessels in brain health

    07:55 How circulation affects brain function

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    12:15 The impact of lifestyle choices on brain health

    15:01 What happens in our brains when we sleep?

    19:35 What is the glymphatic system?

    22:40 Vascular dementia may be the most common form of dementia

    24:35 The role of glucose in brain function

    27:10 What causes dementia and why does it happen when we get older?

    29:00 Preventing dementia with lifestyle changes

    31:10 What are healthy blood vessels like?

    37:50 The surprising role of EPCs in brain repair

    41:30 Can you slow down or reverse dementia?

    52:08 The connection between gut health and brain health

    51:40 The importance of exercise for brain health

    56:30 How to avoid dementia

    01:01:16 The link between mental health and cardiovascular disease

    Relevant studies:

    Dr. William Li's books:

    Is there a nutrition topic you’d like us to explore? Email us at podcast@joinzoe.com, and we’ll do our best to cover it. 

    Episode transcripts are available here.

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    If you want to uncover the right foods for your body, head to zoe.com/podcast, and get 10% off your membership.

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    00:00 Introduction

    01:20 Quickfire questions

    02:55 The role of inflammation in immunity

    05:30 Chronic inflammation and disease

    08:30 How to measure inflammation

    09:53 Low-grade inflammation and disease risk

    12:30 What causes blood vessel inflammation?

    15:23 What creates the narrowing of blood vessels?

    17:20 How inflammation can cause blood clots, heart attacks and strokes

    19:15 Inflammation and aging

    21:40 Inflammation and lifestyle factors

    25:07 Obesity and inflammation

    28:45 Muscle loss and inflammation (sarcopenia)

    30:52 The impact of meals, sugar and fats on inflammation

    33:35 How diet could reduce inflammation

    34:42 Why we all respond to food differently

    38:42 Dietary choices to manage inflammation

    40:00 What are omega-3s?

    41:17 Anti-inflammatory foods

    43:40 Health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids

    45:55 Challenges with farmed salmon

    Mentioned in today's episode:

    Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and inflammatory processes: Nutrition or pharmacology? in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

    Omega-6 fatty acids and inflammation in PLEFA

    Omega-3 fatty acids and inflammatory processes in Nutrients 

    Another relevant study:

    Health relevance of the modification of low-grade inflammation in ageing and the role of nutrition in Ageing Research Reviews

    Is there a nutrition topic you’d like us to explore? Email us at podcast@joinzoe.com, and we’ll do our best to cover it. 

    Episode transcripts are available here.

    Your new menopause toolkit with Dr. Mary Claire Haver & Dr. Sarah Berry

    Your new menopause toolkit with Dr. Mary Claire Haver & Dr. Sarah Berry

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    Sarah and Mary Claire describe practical strategies for managing symptoms, critical conversations to have with healthcare providers, and how to advocate for yourself effectively in medical settings.

    Follow Mary Claire on Instagram.

    If you want to uncover the right foods for your body, head to zoe.com/podcast, and get 10% off your membership.

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    00:00 Introduction

    01:33 Quickfire questions

    05:53 There is a lack of menopause training in medical school

    07:02 Most women are going into menopause blind

    07:43 Why menopause symptoms vary

    09:30 The hormonal ‘zone of chaos’

    11:45 ZOE PREDICT data on menopause symptoms

    13:36 How long do perimenopause symptoms last?

    17:52 Perimenopause at age 35?

    18:34 Why hormone tests are worthless

    20:53 The risk of chronic disease after menopause

    24:53 Why does menopause increase hunger?

    28:39 Why medicine and research is male-dominated

    32:34 How to talk to your doctor about menopaue

    34:12 Pregnancy research - 10x more extensive than menopause research!

    35:14 Mary Claire’s toolkit of strategies for menopause

    36:34 What are the long-term health benefits of hormone replacement therapy?

    38:36 Is HRT safe for most women?

    42:47 Brand new ZOE study results: diet and menopause

    49:16 Top 3 tips to help with symptoms

    54:34 What is ‘frozen shoulder’ and how can you treat it?

    Mentioned in today's episode:

    Books by Mary Claire:

    Is there a nutrition topic you’d like us to explore? Email us at podcast@joinzoe.com, and we’ll do our best to cover it. 

    Episode transcripts are available here.

    The medicines hiding in your spice rack with Kanchan Koya & Dr. Sarah Berry

    The medicines hiding in your spice rack with Kanchan Koya & Dr. Sarah Berry

    In today’s episode we’re uncovering the medicines hiding in your kitchen. 

    Molecular biologist Kanchan Koya joins Jonathan and Sarah to explore the incredible health benefits of spices. From controlling blood sugar to soothing a sore throat, we’ll discover what the latest research says about household favorites including ginger, cinnamon and cloves. 

    Kanchan Koya is a food scientist, founder of the spice-centric food blog Chief Spice Mama and author of the cookbook ‘100 Recipes with Healing Spices for Your Family Table’. She will show us how to get the most out of spices, with simple cooking tips and delicious recipes. 

    Want to make Kanchan’s show stopper spice dish? Find the recipe here.

    Follow Kanchan on Instagram.

    If you want to uncover the right foods for your body, head to zoe.com/podcast, and get 10% off your membership.

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    00:00 Introduction

    01:26 Quickfire questions

    03:08 What are spices?

    03:43 Polyphenols in spices

    07:25 Spices and your health

    11:01 Cinnamon and blood sugar control

    14:49 Anti-inflammatory benefits of spices

    21:08 A practical guide to using spices

    31:40 Reviving old spices

    33:11 The wonders of ginger: from morning sickness to gut health

    35:56 Spiced cooking tips

    37:41 Breakfast ideas: add spices to start your day

    39:44 Simple spicy snacks

    42:05 Dinner delights: spicing up main meals

    44:11 Spices for kids

    46:24 Spiced drinks: from chai to golden milk

    48:24 The ultimate spice dish

    Studies related to today’s episode:

    Is there a nutrition topic you’d like us to explore? Email us at podcast@joinzoe.com, and we’ll do our best to cover it.

    Episode transcripts are available here.

    Foods for every decade of life with Dr. Federica Amati

    Foods for every decade of life with Dr. Federica Amati

    Did you know that even at age 70, with the right nutrition, you could potentially extend your life by 6 years?

    In today’s episode, we learn that it's never too late to change your diet for the better. Dr. Federica Amati, ZOE’s Head Nutritionist, dives into the unique nutrition needs at every life stage.

    From the golden windows of opportunity that can transform your health, to practical food recommendations for adolescence, adulthood and beyond, Dr. Amati gives tips to enhance your wellbeing.

    Dr. Federica Amati is a researcher at King’s College London and registered nutritionist. She is also lecturer and Nutrition Topic Lead at Imperial College School of Medicine. Federica empowers people with accessible, practical knowledge to make informed choices on diet and lifestyle and to improve health based on unique needs and preferences, at every stage of life.

    Follow Dr. Federica Amati on Instagram 

    If you want to uncover the right foods for your body, head to zoe.com/podcast, and get 10% off your membership.

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    00:00 Introduction

    01:17 Quickfire questions

    03:32  The first window of opportunity is before you are born

    06:04 It takes two to tango: equal roles in conception

    07:25 The science behind sperm health and diet

    09:10 What is life course nutrition?

    10:35 Why generic nutrition advice isn't enough

    13:00 Critical changes in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy

    16:25 Nutritional needs in the second trimester of pregnancy

    17:20 Preventing allergies during pregnancy

    20:30 Nutrition in childhood and adolescence

    21:00 The importance of a diverse diet for teenagers

    22:57 Children learn to eat from us: exposure is key

    25:10 The impact of ultra-processed foods on teenagers

    27:40 Do you need to eat meat to grow well?

    32:55 Lifestyle choices in your 30s affect long-term health

    36:00 Longevity supplement myths

    37:40 Gut microbiome changes in adulthood

    43:28 How to extend your lifespan through diet at any age

    46:05 Preparing for healthy aging and avoiding 'Sniper Alley'

    50:10 How to eat right in your 70s and beyond

    54:22 Protein needs as you age

    56:30 Becoming a ZOE member is like having a nutritionist in your pocket!

    59:20 Summary

    Mentioned in today's episode:


    Is there a nutrition topic you’d like us to explore? Email us at podcast@joinzoe.com, and we’ll do our best to cover it. 

    Episode transcripts are available <a...

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    Show notes available at drchatterjee.com/sandrine

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    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    EPISODE SPONSOR: The Eng3 NanoVi device helps repair oxidative stress damage and support the body’s natural repair mechanisms. https://eng3corp.com/DAVE/

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    Matt Gallant keeps coming back on the show to introduce innovative supplements that work with your brain and body. We’ve talked about nootropics, psychobiotics, magnesium, enzymes, blood sugar, gut health and more. 

    As co-founder of BiOptimizers, Matt makes important connections within body systems and finds unique ways to maximum human performance. After a personal health scare with his own brain, he’s turned his professional attention to hacking and upgrading the brain in as many ways as possible.

    Most people’s brains aren't at 100% due to many factors, he says, like lack of sleep, chronic high stress, an inadequate diet, and overuse of certain drugs and prescriptions.

    Mr. Noots, (scientist Mark Effinger) teamed up with Matt on this quest to support brain health and improve cognitive function. After a childhood exploring everything science, chemistry and physics, he joined the US Air Force and became an endurance athlete and bodybuilder. His life, like Matt’s, took an unexpected turn and he struggled with health issues. It took creative, performance-enhancing nutrition to get himself well. He’s now Chief Product Officer for the mind-enhancing compounds and stacks of nootropics at Nootopia and works side-by-side with Matt.

    Their newest product, CollaGenius, combines powerful mushroom extracts and collagen into a formula specifically to energize your brain and body. Collagen improves skin health, relieves joint issues, strengthens hair and nails, and prevents bone loss—and it also does your brain a lot of good.  

    And here’s what the mushrooms do for you in the right amounts. That’s the key principle—the dose creates the effect. 

    • Lion’s Mane: Boosts BDNF
    • Chaga: A natural anti-inflammatory that supports immunity
    • Reishi: Alleviates stress
    • Cordyceps: Elevates athletic performance and maximizes brain health


    Together, Matt and Mr. Noots continue pushing limits and finding ways to make your brain operate at its highest capacity. 


    Go to https://nootopia.com/davegenius, use code DAVE10 to get an extra 10% off.


    Mineral-Rich Salt with Micronutrients: https://oryxdesertsalt.com, learn more at the website and purchase through Whole Foods

    A Cleaner Nicotine Alternative: https://lucy.co, use promo code DAVE20 for 20% off your first order of pouches, gums or lozenges.

    Isometrics for Cardiovascular Healthhttps://www.zona.com, use code DAVE2022 to get $150 off the Zona Plus 

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.