
    521. Andy & DJ CTI: Target Loses $9B, BLM Goes Broke & Microsoft Hacked

    enMay 26, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Society on the Brink of Collapse?Andy and DJ Cruz believe society is in chaos and decay, with those in power creating crises to scare public into accepting drastic measures. They suggest focusing on personal growth in health, wealth, and personal excellence as potential societal upheaval approaches.

      According to Andy and DJ Cruz on their podcast, society is in a state of chaos and decay, and they believe that it's only a matter of time before it collapses completely. They believe that people in power are trying to scare the public into accepting drastic measures by creating crises like pandemics or economic collapses. They also believe that if Donald Trump becomes the Republican nominee, he will cause significant destruction due to his desire to hold those in power accountable to the Constitution. The duo is focusing on providing value and helping people improve themselves in areas like health, wealth, and personal excellence as they prepare for potential societal upheaval.

    • Concerns over dangerous individuals in powerThe speaker expresses concern about violent criminals in power, fearing they may release deadly pathogens or take extreme measures to maintain control. They believe that temporary solutions like Santas won't fully address accountability.

      The speaker believes that violent criminals should be dealt with permanently and that the current political landscape is dangerous due to the actions and motivations of those in power. They express concern that these individuals may release deadly pathogens or take other extreme measures to maintain control. The speaker also believes that Santas, as a potential political figure, may bring temporary calm but won't fully address the issue of holding these individuals accountable. The speaker expresses frustration with the corruption and division caused by these individuals and the potential danger of the current situation.

    • Political division between Trump and DeSantis is a distractionInstead of focusing on their differences, political leaders like Trump and DeSantis should work together to address pressing issues such as crime, illegal immigration, and high taxes.

      The ongoing political division between figures like Trump and DeSantis is a distraction from the real issues facing the country. Instead of focusing on their differences, these leaders should be working together to address pressing concerns such as crime, illegal immigration, and high taxes. The speaker believes that both Trump and DeSantis have the potential to make a positive impact, but their current behavior is only causing further division and hindering progress. The real solution lies in unity and collaboration, rather than ego-driven competition.

    • Call for drastic measures to restore order in societyThe speaker advocates for elements of dictatorship to combat perceived government corruption, high taxes, and a lack of accountability for criminals. They believe historical solutions, like increased border security and accountability, could help restore safety and peace.

      According to the speaker, there is a need for drastic measures to restore order in society, including elements of dictatorship, due to perceived government corruption, high taxes, and a lack of accountability for criminals. They believe that certain enemies are being misidentified and that historical solutions, such as increased border security and accountability for criminals, could help restore safety and peace. The speaker also expresses frustration with the perceived targeting of individuals who stand up for what they believe is right, while criminals go free. They also touch on various topics including mandatory vaccinations, the COVID-19 situation, and the UN's role in investigating potential crimes. The speaker encourages listeners to look up related information on their website or YouTube description for more details.

    • Backlash against Target's Pride collection causes $9 billion market value lossSocial media fueled controversy over LGBTQ-friendly children's items led to significant financial consequences for Target and sparked debates on inclusivity and consumer behavior.

      Social media backlash against Target's Pride collection for children resulted in a significant market value loss for the company, amounting to $9 billion. The controversy led to the removal of certain LGBTQ-friendly items, including swimsuits and t-shirts, due to customer confrontations and safety concerns. Public figures and media outlets joined the conversation, escalating the situation. Similar actions and merchandise are being observed in other retailers, sparking debates about inclusivity and erasure of certain groups. The incident highlights the power of social media and public opinion in influencing business decisions and consumer behavior.

    • Corporations Pressured to Adopt Initiatives Risk Losing Funding and American IdentityCorporations face pressure to adopt initiatives like CEI, ESG, and DEI, risking funding and American identity. This aligns with a larger communist strategy to demoralize and create classes, potentially hurting iconic brands.

      Corporations are being pressured by the World Economic Forum to adopt certain initiatives, such as CEI, ESG, and DEI, which some critics argue are intended to undermine American values and identity. These corporations, many of which are iconic American brands, risk losing funding if they don't comply, leading to a scenario where the American public's rejection of these initiatives hurts the very brands they've traditionally represented. This is part of a larger communist insurgency strategy to demoralize and create two classes of people, further weakening American resistance. The discussion also touched on the uncomfortable nature of some companies' attempts to align with certain social issues and the discomfort some individuals feel when they perceive these efforts as insincere or forced.

    • Supporting good companies instead of boycotting bad onesInstead of boycotting companies for minor transgressions, focus on supporting those that align with American values to build a healthier business landscape and more united society.

      Instead of boycotting and canceling companies that go against American values, it's more effective to support those that align with them. This economic approach can lead to companies changing their ways without causing mass job losses. The current cancel culture trend, whether it comes from the left or right, can be dangerous and lead to a society where businesses are ruined for minor transgressions. Instead, we should focus on building up good companies and ignoring those that propagate harmful messages. This approach can ultimately lead to a healthier business landscape and a more united society.

    • Supporting Pro-America CompaniesFocus on supporting 96% pro-America, pro-freedom businesses for economic growth and transition, instead of canceling those that don't align with our values.

      It's crucial to support companies that align with our values and build them up instead of canceling those that don't. This approach allows for growth and transition as employees move between companies. Cancel culture to the extreme could lead to the ruin of our economy and the loss of our country. The percentage of people who belong to certain movements or communities may not be large enough to support businesses on their own, so it's essential to focus on the 96% and support pro-America, pro-freedom companies that employ Americans and manufacture products domestically. This process will take time, but with patience and active promotion, we can bring manufacturing back to the US. Ultimately, it's essential to speak up for what we believe in and pay the price for it, even when it's uncomfortable or costly.

    • Support small businesses and communitiesFocus on supporting small businesses and communities instead of canceling companies, and be aware of manipulation tactics to promote positive change.

      It's important to support small businesses and local communities instead of canceling companies indiscriminately. This not only helps these businesses rebuild and grow, but also promotes unity and prevents mass economic poverty. Instead of trying to actively destroy companies, we should focus on moving on to things we support. Additionally, it's crucial to be aware of the potential manipulation and oppression tactics used by those in power, and to avoid playing into their game as "useful idiots." This requires careful consideration and a shift in consumer behavior towards positive change.

    • Understanding Corporate Decision-Making and Its ImpactFocus on supporting smaller businesses to mitigate the impact of decisions made by executives who may not align with traditional values and create opportunities for new businesses to thrive.

      In today's business landscape, it's crucial to understand the power dynamics and complexities of corporate decision-making. The speaker emphasizes that many companies, particularly larger ones, are being led by executives who have been indoctrinated with progressive ideologies. These executives may not have a deep connection to the brand's heritage or the working class, leading to decisions that alienate traditional customers. However, rather than boycotting these companies en masse, the speaker suggests focusing on supporting smaller, like-minded businesses. This approach can help mitigate the impact of these decisions and create opportunities for new businesses to thrive. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize that change often comes from the bottom up, and consumers have the power to vote with their wallets.

    • Small businesses' destruction leads to centralized powers, BLM Foundation's mismanagement serves as a cautionary taleTransparency and accountability in charities and organizations are essential to prevent mismanagement of funds and resources, preserving individual freedom and economic opportunity.

      The destruction of small businesses can lead to larger, more centralized powers taking control, potentially leading to a loss of individual freedom and economic opportunity. The Black Lives Matter Foundation's financial mismanagement serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the importance of transparency and accountability in charitable organizations. The discussion also touched upon the potential misallocation of funds and resources by political figures and organizations, perpetuating cycles of dependency and further exacerbating societal issues. It's crucial to remain informed and engaged in the strategic decisions that impact our communities and the use of our collective resources.

    • Historical pattern of empty promises and worsening situations in Black communities by some DemocratsSome argue that the Democratic Party's organizational structure has a history of making empty promises to Black communities and intentionally worsening situations, which some consider a form of systemic racism.

      The current state of the Democratic Party, as some argue, has a history of making empty promises and intentionally worsening situations in Black communities, while also raising funds under the guise of supporting them. This pattern, some believe, is a form of racism that is not overt but systemic. The involvement of certain influential figures, like George Soros, in various movements and organizations adds to the suspicion. It's important to remember that not all Democrats are racist, but the organizational structure of the party in question has been accused of being racist in its methods and intentions. Ultimately, the call is for Black communities to wake up to this manipulation and for unity among Americans to address these issues effectively.

    • Speaker warns of intentional societal destruction, young people as pawnsSpeaker criticizes current administration for intentional societal destruction, compromising US cyber infrastructure, and urges vigilance against manipulation of young activists

      The speaker believes there are powerful forces at play manipulating societal issues for destruction, using young people as pawns. They criticize the current administration for appearing incompetent but being intentionally destructive, and accuse them of compromising critical US cyber infrastructure. The speaker expresses disappointment that people are giving these leaders grace, and urges vigilance against such manipulation. The discussion also touches on the speaker's nostalgia for a time when people got along better and worked together, and their belief that young people are being misled into activism that serves the manipulators' goals. The Microsoft hack mentioned in the news article serves as an example of such destructive actions.

    • Advanced hackers target various sectors with espionage and long-term accessAdvanced hackers exploit built-in tools for stealthy attacks, causing national security concerns and the need for stronger cybersecurity defenses

      Advanced threat actors are targeting various sectors including transportation, construction, maritime, government, information technology, and education, with the intent of performing espionage and maintaining undetected access for extended periods. Hackers are using techniques like living off the land, which leverage primary tactics, techniques, and procedures from built-in network administration tools to achieve their objectives. These attacks bring up concerns regarding national security and potential foreign influence, as seen in recent events such as the Chinese balloon incident. If one were in charge of the free world, the question arises as to why there seems to be a lack of response to these intrusions, given the resources and capabilities at hand. Some argue that high-level individuals and institutions may be compromised, making it difficult to retaliate. This situation underscores the importance of strengthening cybersecurity defenses and addressing the potential for foreign influence in various aspects of society.

    • Divisive Politics Threatening America's FutureUnity among Americans is crucial to prevent irreversible damage, while being prepared with guns for self-defense against communist ideologies is important. A strong leader to clean up corruption and disappear afterwards is desired.

      The current political climate in America is deeply divisive and threatening to the country's future. The speaker expresses frustration with the infighting between politicians like Trump and DeSantis, who they believe are not showing true leadership or love for America. The speaker calls for unity among Americans, warning that failure to do so could result in irreversible damage to the country. They also emphasize the danger posed by communist ideologies and the importance of being prepared with guns for self-defense. Ultimately, the speaker calls for a leader who will step in, clean up the corruption, and then disappear, allowing the country to heal and move forward.

    • Honoring Veterans with a Young Entrepreneur's PassionYoung entrepreneur Naveen Town cleans headstones for free for veterans' families, inspiring us to pursue our passions and honor those who made sacrifices.

      Even at a young age, Naveen Town, an 8th grader from Otsego, Michigan, is making a difference in his community by honoring veterans through his unique business, Naveen Clean's Headstones. Despite the negativity and poor leadership in the world, Naveen's passion for cleaning headstones turned into a business, and he offers free services to veterans' families. His dedication to learning the correct skills and his desire to keep the business going through high school serves as an inspiration for others to pursue their passions. This Memorial Day weekend, let's reflect on the sacrifices made by our veterans and consider living a life worth dying for.

    • Honoring the Sacrifice of Our HeroesCelebrate Memorial Day by striving for personal excellence, speaking up against injustice, and inspiring unity and connection among people.

      We should all strive for personal excellence and raise our standards as a society, as a way of honoring those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for us. The speaker's father, who died in World War II, never got to meet him or witness the things he has experienced. The speaker believes that his father would be disappointed if he didn't live an excellent life. The speaker encourages everyone to celebrate Memorial Day by truly representing its meaning, by speaking up against injustice and not staying silent. He believes that a cultural and ideological revolution is necessary to address the problems in society. The speaker was inspired by a young man's story of personal excellence and was reminded of the importance of standing up for what is right. He expressed his frustration with those who remain silent in the face of injustice and encouraged unity and connection among people.

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