
    Let's Take A Break With Ben Shapiro's Terrible Book

    enJanuary 12, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Opportunities for Personal Growth and ConnectionExplore personal growth through education or creative pursuits, stay informed and connected to community, and utilize transportation for family adventures.

      There are opportunities for personal growth and comebacks, whether it's through education with Purdue Global or through creative pursuits like Amy Winehouse's music. Meanwhile, staying informed and connected to one's community is important, as shown by the Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily. Additionally, there are various means of transportation, like the Hyundai Santa Fe, that can facilitate family trips and adventures. Lastly, there are ongoing debates and discussions, such as the one between Obama and Stalin, that can spark curiosity and engagement.

    • Exploring themes of racial profiling, police corruption, and political leadershipBen Shapiro's novel 'True Allegiance' presents complex issues like racial profiling, police corruption, and political leadership, but its execution and messaging can be ambiguous.

      Ben Shapiro's novel, "True Allegiance," explores themes of racial profiling, police corruption, and political leadership. In one chapter, a black gangster character plans to replace all cops with gangsters due to his frustration with a civil rights leader's stance on police violence. Another character, Brett Hawthorne, engages in racial profiling but learns it doesn't work. President Prescott, reminiscent of George W. Bush, faces criticism for refusing to send the National Guard to New York during a crisis. The inconsistency and groundlessness of the narrative reflect Ben Shapiro's writing style, which some compare to James Joyce's "Dubliners." The novel tackles important issues, but its execution and messaging can be ambiguous. Overall, "True Allegiance" offers thought-provoking commentary on societal issues, but its execution leaves room for interpretation.

    • Character Redemption Through ActionsEffective character development requires showing a character's actions and internal struggles for redemption, rather than just inventing a past association.

      The way characters are portrayed in a story can greatly impact how readers perceive them. In the discussed example, Governor Davis was initially portrayed negatively by the media and the author, but later attempts were made to redeem him by inventing a past association with civil rights marchers. However, this approach was criticized as lazy writing, as it did not show Davis's good deeds or internal struggles. A more compelling story would have shown Davis's redemption through his actions and the challenges he faced because of his past mistakes. Additionally, the importance of showing rather than telling was emphasized, as it allows readers to connect with the character more deeply. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of thoughtful character development and effective storytelling.

    • Media's portrayal of women in power on the borderThe media's reporting on women in power on the border can be sexist, creating unease and confusion. The presence of military forces can provide safety or add to tension depending on the context.

      The media's portrayal of women in power can be sexist, as shown when a woman is given control of military forces on the border instead of being labeled an insurrectionist due to her gender. The presence of military vehicles and soldiers at checkpoints can create a feeling of unease rather than safety. The cartels along the US-Mexico border pose significant danger, and the lack of intelligence capacities among the guard can lead to tense situations with helicopters from the cartels. The media's reporting on the situation, including Ben Shapiro's article, can add to the confusion regarding the timeline and events. Ultimately, the complex interplay of gender, power, and danger in this context highlights the importance of nuanced and unbiased reporting.

    • American troops on the border decrease violence in JuarezThe military's presence on the border has led to a decrease in violence in Juarez, but concerns remain about the long-term impact and the ongoing crisis's effect on personal relationships.

      The presence of American troops on the border has led to a decrease in violence in Juarez, Mexico. Ellen, the border patrol agent, acknowledges that the military's presence has been effective in maintaining peace. However, some might argue that the Mexican military, similarly armed, has not been successful in suppressing cartel activity. Ellen's personal life is also a source of tension as her relationship with her boyfriend, Brett, is strained due to the border crisis and the uncertainty of when they can be reunited. A more concerning issue arises when Ellen receives a call from Brett, who seems distant and disconnected since their rescue from Orion. She senses something ominous and fears that the crisis is far from over. The novel explores the complexities of love and violence, as Brett's declaration of taking a bullet for Ellen underscores their deep connection. However, the association of violence with love raises questions about the true nature of their relationship and the consequences of the ongoing crisis.

    • The intense love between dark charactersThe disturbing yet emotional conversations between dark characters in a show evoke strong feelings, while Monopoly Go's updates keep the game fresh, and spring cleaning brings post-cleaning clarity and savings.

      The discussion revolved around the dark and intense nature of a particular show, with the characters expressing their love and devotion towards each other through increasingly deranged and violent metaphors. Despite the disturbing nature of their conversations, the characters are shown to love and enjoy each other's company. The speaker found this piece of Vin's writing to be the only one that evoked any emotion in them. Moving on, the podcast discussed the mobile game Monopoly Go, highlighting its unique features and constant updates that keep the game fresh and engaging for millions of players. The speaker shared their personal favorite aspect of spring cleaning, which is the post-cleaning clarity and the feeling of saving money by discovering more affordable alternatives. Lastly, the podcast promoted Purdue Global and its flexible degree programs designed for working adults, emphasizing the opportunity for personal and professional growth that comes with earning a degree from a respected institution.

    • Exploring Opportunities for Personal and Community Growth at Purdue Global and The Michigan ChroniclePurdue Global offers flexible education for career advancement, while The Michigan Chronicle empowers the Detroit black community through storytelling. Unexpected discoveries remind us of the importance of addressing individual issues.

      Both Purdue Global and The Michigan Chronicle offer opportunities for personal and community growth. For individuals seeking academic recognition and career advancement, Purdue Global provides a pathway to earn degrees based on their existing knowledge and experience. Meanwhile, The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily empowers and connects the Detroit black community by elevating their voices and stories. In an unexpected turn of events, a journalist's discovery of a national guard commander's head in a box highlights the importance of acknowledging and addressing individual issues, even when they seem insignificant compared to larger political conflicts.

    • Tensions and Conflicts Arising from Perceived ThreatsBubba's desire to invade Mexico and Soledad's terrorist plot highlight the complexities and dangers of responding to perceived threats, particularly when influenced by historical precedents and racial biases.

      The characters in the discussion, Bubba Davis and Ellen, are considering invading Mexico due to perceived threats, drawing parallels to the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan post-9/11. Bubba, feeling frustrated and abandoned, believes America won't protect its border and decides to take matters into his own hands. Ellen warns him of potential conflict with the president of Mexico. Meanwhile, in a separate plot, Soledad, a woman of color and a terrorist, receives news that a cop who shot a black man is in danger from Black Lives Matter activists. The characters' actions and decisions reflect tensions and conflicts arising from perceived threats and historical precedents. The dialogue also showcases racial undertones and biases.

    • Exploring Race, Power, and Friendship in DetroitThe novel highlights the destructive consequences of racism and the importance of understanding historical and socio-economic contexts.

      The novel explores the complexities of race, power, and friendship through the experiences of two white boys, Aiden and Ricky, in the decaying city of Detroit. The text reveals how Detroit's economic downfall and racial tensions contribute to the boys' friendship and eventual separation. The author also touches upon the themes of self-segregation and the impact of government policies on urban communities. Aiden's perspective, filled with prejudice and ignorance, is contrasted with Ricky's more naive and innocent worldview. Ultimately, the novel sheds light on the destructive consequences of racism and the importance of understanding the historical and socio-economic contexts that shape our perceptions and actions.

    • Questionable accuracy and intent of Aidan's past storyThe passage raises doubts about the reliability of Aidan's past story due to unclear narration and potentially biased language, as well as concerns about the book's editing and fact-checking.

      The author's portrayal of Aidan's past raises questions about the accuracy and intent of the story being told. The scene where Ricky rescues Aidan from a group of friends is described in detail, but it's not clear if it's being related by Aidan himself or just recounted by the author. The actions and consequences depicted don't seem particularly dramatic or impactful, and the language used to describe Aidan's friends is judgmental and dismissive. Additionally, the publishing company mentioned, No Edit Reads, adds to the suspicion that the book may not have undergone thorough editing or fact-checking. Overall, the passage leaves room for doubt about the reliability of the narrative and the motivations of the author.

    • Organized leaders use chaos as cover to achieve goals during riotsDespite appearing spontaneous, riots can be orchestrated by organized leaders who use chaos as a cover to achieve their objectives. These leaders may use tactics like blending in with authorities to execute their plans.

      Riots and protests, despite appearing chaotic and spontaneous, often involve organized leaders who use the chaos as cover to achieve their goals. This was evident in the discussion about a group planning to free a detainee. The group, aware of the authorities' focus on arresting the leaders, came up with a plan to blend in by wearing police uniforms. This plan was executed without explicit communication, highlighting the group's level of organization and planning. The use of cliches and overused phrases in the dialogue added to the sense of familiarity and predictability, further emphasizing the scripted nature of the riots. The group's plan was reminiscent of the beginning of the third Die Hard movie, where the protagonist uses a distraction to sneak into the enemy's stronghold. Overall, the discussion sheds light on the strategic nature of riots and the role of organized leaders in driving their outcomes.

    • Monopoly Go and Purdue Global: Unique Experiences for UsersMonopoly Go offers endless fun through tournaments and rewards, while Purdue Global empowers adults with flexible degree programs for career advancement.

      Monopoly Go offers endless fun with friends through various tournaments, timed events, and rewards, while Purdue Global provides adults with flexible degree programs to advance their careers. The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily keeps the Detroit black community informed and empowered, and the film "Back to Black" showcases the story of Amy Winehouse. In the text, Levon, a protest leader, faces the challenge of gaining media attention during a time of national crisis. Despite the obstacles, he takes action to gain publicity for their cause. Meanwhile, Purdue Global offers a chance for adults to earn a respected degree and create opportunities for themselves and their families. Monopoly Go's engaging gameplay and Purdue Global's flexible education programs provide unique experiences for users, making them must-try platforms.

    • Negotiating a Resolution During a ProtestDuring protests, negotiations can be complex and unpredictable, with external interference potentially escalating tensions and leading to unintended consequences.

      During a standoff between protesters and law enforcement at a detention center in Detroit, Big Jim Croft attempted to negotiate a resolution by urging Levon to accept the verdict, demand change from the federal government, and have a say in appointments. However, the arrival of right-wing vigilantes, who wore "Fight the Thugs" T-shirts, escalated tensions. Unexpectedly, Levon denounced the vigilantes while secretly thanking them for keeping the fight alive. Later, Big Jim was shot and killed, likely by Levon, leading to a riot. The incident highlights the complex dynamics of protests, negotiations, and the unintended consequences of external interference.

    • A chaotic scene at a detention center with a riot, rescue attempts, and shootoutsDuring a riot at a detention center, a group led by Levon tries to rescue Ricky, using unconventional methods, while Aiden waits in a garage with a SWAT van, leading to a shootout.

      The discussion revolves around a chaotic scene at a detention center where a riot is taking place. A group of people, led by Levon, are trying to rescue Ricky O'Sullivan from the detention center. Soledad, who is part of this group, threatens to hurt Ricky if he doesn't come with her, which is an unusual tactic for a rescue. Meanwhile, Aiden waits in a garage with a SWAT van, and when Levon's men try to take it, a shootout ensues. The scene is full of violence and danger, with people fighting, shooting, and trying to escape the chaos. The writing is descriptive and vivid, with the use of various synonyms to convey the sense of chaos and urgency. However, the switching between different viewpoints can be confusing at times.

    • Detroit's Conflict: Citizens vs. Corrupt AuthoritiesCommunity leader Levon rallies for unity and justice, while former military officer Brett investigates a cover-up, igniting a new era for Detroit.

      The situation in Detroit has escalated into a full-blown conflict between the citizens and the corrupt authorities. Levon, a community leader, is calling for unity and justice, vowing to build a new and better future for the city. Meanwhile, Brett Hawthorne, a former military officer, receives a disturbing call from his friend Hassan, urging him to come quickly as something terrible has happened. It appears that the authorities are trying to stop Brett's investigation, suggesting a cover-up. The night has been long and filled with chaos, but both Levon and Brett are determined to bring justice and peace to their city, marking the beginning of a new era.

    • Assumptions can lead to dangerous consequencesAssumptions based on appearance, hearsay or prejudice can lead to incorrect judgments and dangerous situations. It's important to gather accurate information and build trust within communities to avoid negative stereotypes and promote understanding.

      Suspicion and prejudice can cloud judgment and lead to incorrect assumptions. In the text, Brett's assumption that Hassan, who is fighting Islamophobia, is a terrorist is a clear example of this. This assumption not only puts Brett in danger but also perpetuates negative stereotypes. Additionally, the text highlights the importance of due process and the dangers of making hasty judgments based on appearance or hearsay. The text also shows that it takes time and effort to gather accurate information and build trust within communities. The consequences of rushing into actions based on incomplete or biased information can be detrimental.

    • New Information on Lone Wolf Islamic Terror Attacks in the USThe book reveals several lone wolf Islamic terrorist attacks in the US during the current administration, as evidenced by a conversation between Brett and an imam, and Brett's determination to confront and challenge opposing views.

      The book, which is more than 70% of the way through, reveals for the first time that there have been several lone wolf Islamic terrorist attacks in the US during the current administration. This information comes from a conversation between Brett Hawthorne and an imam, during which Brett accuses the imam of knowing a terrorist named Mohammed. Despite the imam's denial, Brett is convinced of his guilt and the federal agents arrive to question him. This encounter suggests a complicated relationship between the president, who reportedly favors moderate Muslims, and potential terrorists. The conversation also highlights Brett's determination to confront and challenge those with opposing views. The author, Ben Shapiro, is introduced as a prominent conservative figure, known for his writing, speaking engagements, and advocacy for honest debate.

    • Ben Shapiro's Debating Skills Recognized After Destroying Piers MorganBen Shapiro, a conservative commentator, gained recognition for his debating skills after a national TV debate against Piers Morgan. His mentor, Andrew Breitbart, instilled an indomitable spirit. Shapiro's influence and perspectives can be explored through his books, podcasts, and social media.

      Ben Shapiro, a conservative political commentator, is known for his fierce debating skills and ability to challenge liberal voices. His destruction of Piers Morgan in a national television debate was widely acknowledged, even by liberal media outlets like The Washington Post. Shapiro's mentor, Andrew Breitbart, instilled in him an indomitable spirit, making him a formidable opponent in political discourse. The leftist figurehead used as an example throughout Shapiro's book is none other than Piers Morgan. Despite the playful banter and flirtatious tone of the podcast, the hosts emphasized Shapiro's political prowess and influence. If you're interested in Shapiro's perspectives and want to engage with his work, check out his books, podcasts, and social media channels. BetterHelp, a sponsor of the podcast, encourages everyone to prioritize mental health and offers accessible online therapy services.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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