
    Podcast Summary

    • Anthony Cumia's Firing from The Opie and Anthony ShowAn altercation with a woman led to a heated Twitter rant, resulting in Cumia's termination from the Opie and Anthony Show. The incident underscores the power of social media and the importance of considering context in communication.

      The entertainment world was shaken up when Anthony Cumia from The Opie and Anthony Show was fired following an altercation with a woman in New York City. Cumia was taking photographs when the woman became angry and a physical altercation ensued. The incident led to a heated Twitter rant from Cumia about violence and the black community, resulting in his termination. The loss of the Opie and Anthony Show, a favorite radio program for many, left a significant void in the entertainment world. The incident highlights the power of social media and the potential consequences of heated online exchanges. Additionally, the different perspectives and contexts of live conversations versus text-based communications were emphasized.

    • Navigating the Complex Media Landscape with PodcastingClear communication, understanding context, and directly engaging with audiences are crucial skills in navigating the media landscape, particularly through podcasting, which offers more autonomy and control over content.

      The current media landscape can be unforgiving, and a single miscommunication or misunderstood statement can lead to severe consequences, particularly for those who work for large corporations. The ease and accessibility of podcasting as an alternative platform for expression and communication was highlighted as a potential solution, as it allows for more autonomy and control over one's content, and the ability to directly engage with one's audience. The speaker also criticized the role of activists and the media in fueling controversy and causing panic within companies, leading to hasty decisions and potential damage to individuals' careers. Ultimately, the importance of clear communication, understanding context, and the ability to explain oneself directly to one's audience was emphasized as crucial in navigating the complex media landscape.

    • The Importance of Understanding Context and Nuance in Complex IssuesThe press can sensationalize situations, leading companies into defensive positions. It's crucial to understand the context and nuance of complex issues, rather than jumping to conclusions based on limited information.

      The press can often sensationalize situations without considering the full context or nuance, leading companies and individuals into defensive positions. In this discussion, the speakers were discussing an incident where a man, Anthony, took a picture of a woman and was subsequently attacked by a group of people. The woman was African-American, and some believed Anthony's actions were racist. However, the speakers argued that Anthony was allowed to discuss the issue of violence in the black community, even if he did so poorly and in a way that could be misconstrued. The press, they felt, unfairly cornered the company into a defensive stance by reporting on their lack of comment, leading to a larger debate about the complex issues of race and violence in society. The speakers emphasized the importance of understanding the context and nuance of situations, rather than jumping to conclusions based on limited information.

    • Understanding Reactions and ContextThe public's reaction to situations can be influenced by emotions and limited information, and it's essential to consider the context and empathize with all parties involved.

      Reactions and context matter when evaluating situations, especially in the face of intense emotions or traumatic experiences. In the discussed incident, Patrice and Anthony had differing opinions, and while both may have had valid points, the public reaction focused on Anthony's lack of a police report after an altercation. However, the speaker argues that getting a police report might not have changed the outcome, as the press was more concerned with avoiding being labeled as supportive of a potentially racist figure. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the emotional response to being physically assaulted and how it can impact one's behavior. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexities of interpreting situations based on limited information and the need for empathy and context.

    • Media manipulation and its consequencesMedia manipulation can lead to inaccurate perceptions and harmful consequences, emphasizing the importance of truth and impartiality in reporting events, and effective communication and de-escalation in volatile situations.

      The news media's role in reporting events has become increasingly subjective, with many outlets manipulating information under the guise of impartiality. This was evident in the case of NBC's edited tape regarding the Trayvon Martin shooting, which fueled public outrage and led to a lawsuit. The speaker believes that such manipulation is unacceptable, as it can lead to inaccurate perceptions and potentially harmful consequences. Furthermore, the speaker emphasizes the importance of effective communication and de-escalation in potentially volatile situations, rather than resorting to violence. The speaker also shares an example of a friend, a former cop, who could have handled a similar situation differently and prevented it from escalating. Overall, the speaker's perspective is that the news media should prioritize truth and impartiality, and individuals should focus on effective communication and de-escalation in their interactions with others.

    • Understanding context and intent in high-profile situationsConsider full context and speaker's intent before jumping to conclusions, beware of media outrage creating a chaotic response environment, and avoid selective reporting and information overload.

      Context and intent are crucial when interpreting words and actions, especially in high-profile situations. The speaker emphasized the importance of considering the full context and the speaker's intent before jumping to conclusions. They also discussed the potential for media and public outrage to create a "free for all" environment where people are flailing wildly in response to information, often without fully understanding the context. The speaker used examples from various situations, including the Anthony Cumia and Jim Norton controversies, to illustrate their points. They also touched on the potential for selective reporting and the overwhelming nature of information overload in the digital age. Ultimately, the speaker urged caution and a thoughtful consideration of context and intent before reacting to controversial situations.

    • Creating content online despite resistanceDirectly connecting with fans and building a community can lead to greater financial success and personal fulfillment for creators.

      The internet provides new opportunities for creators to reach larger audiences and make money, even if it means bypassing traditional methods and potential conflicts with contracts. Anthony Cumia, a radio host, discussed his experience of setting up a home studio and broadcasting online despite resistance from SiriusXM. He noted that while there might be fewer record sales or podcast downloads, the potential for increased live performances and fan engagement can lead to greater financial success. The music industry faced a similar shift with the rise of file-sharing and digital downloads, and while it was initially met with resistance, artists and industries eventually adapted and found new ways to monetize their work. Ultimately, the internet allows creators to connect directly with their fans and build a community, which can lead to greater financial success and personal fulfillment.

    • The Fear of Lawsuits and the Costs InvolvedDigital purchases offer convenience but come with the risk of lawsuits and associated costs, leading to protective measures like warnings and insurance.

      Convenience drives consumer behavior, but the fear of lawsuits and the associated costs can discourage certain actions. The speaker shares his experience of being sued and the resulting need for insurance to protect against potential litigation. He also discusses how lawsuits have led to various protective measures, such as warnings about potential seizure triggers in media and video games. The speaker expresses frustration with the legal process and the costs involved, but acknowledges that these protective measures have been put in place due to legitimate lawsuits. In essence, the convenience of digital purchases is weighed against the risk of lawsuits and the costs associated with them.

    • Sexual Tension and Patent Trolls in the WorkplaceMaintain professional behavior and respect boundaries to avoid legal and reputational damage from sexual tension and patent trolls in the workplace.

      The workplace can be a challenging environment due to the presence of sexual tension and potential harassment, leading companies to implement strict policies to protect themselves from lawsuits. Men and women working together for extended periods in a closed environment can create automatic sexual tension. From a man's perspective, women are better at maintaining professional boundaries. However, the social environment of the office can lead to inappropriate behavior during office parties or when people are under the influence of alcohol. Patent trolls are another issue in today's litigious society, costing companies millions of dollars in legal fees to defend against frivolous lawsuits. The Supreme Court's recent ruling on patent laws may help reduce the number of patent troll cases. Ultimately, it's crucial for individuals and companies to maintain professional behavior and respect boundaries to avoid potential legal and reputational damage.

    • Podcaster Adam Carolla's Lawsuit: A Legal Battle with High StakesPersonal Audio's ongoing lawsuit against Adam Carolla could set a precedent for future patent cases in podcasting, with potential costs reaching millions and legal fees estimated at $100,000 per month.

      Podcasting company, Personal Audio, has been incurring significant legal fees, estimated at $100,000 per month for the past three months, in their ongoing patent infringement lawsuit against podcaster Adam Carolla. Despite the discovery process revealing a weak connection between their patent apparatus and podcasting activities, they continue to pursue the litigation. They are hoping for Adam to "tap out" and plan to ask for financial support from other podcasters if they succeed. The legal defense fund has been set up on Amazon, and supporters can help by making purchases through the fund's Amazon account, which generates a kickback for the defense. The lawsuit, which some consider frivolous, may cost millions to continue, and even if Adam wins, he may still be responsible for the legal fees. Everyone involved in podcasting has a vested interest in the outcome, as the lawsuit's outcome could set a precedent for future patent cases.

    • Fanny packs: Practical Travel AccessoryFanny packs offer convenience and functionality, allowing easy access to essential items without the need for larger bags or emptying pockets.

      A fanny pack can be a practical and convenient travel accessory despite the stigma surrounding it. The speaker shares his experience of being asked to remove his fanny pack during a flight, despite it not taking up additional carry-on space. He argues that it's more comfortable and efficient to keep important items easily accessible in a fanny pack rather than emptying pockets or carrying a larger backpack. The speaker also emphasizes that people's opinions shouldn't deter us from using what works best for us. He encourages embracing the functionality of fanny packs and not letting societal norms dictate our choices.

    • Flight attendants as intermediaries for airlinesFlight attendants need strong communication and de-escalation skills to manage conflicts on board effectively

      Flight attendants have additional responsibilities beyond ensuring passenger comfort and safety. They often act as intermediaries for airlines, managing disputes and enforcing rules. One incident involved a dispute over overhead bin space, which escalated into a situation where the flight attendant involved the pilot and involved the speaker in the conversation. Despite the minor nature of the dispute, the flight attendant's handling of the situation was heavy-handed and unnecessary. This experience highlights the importance of effective communication and de-escalation skills for flight attendants in managing conflicts on board.

    • Conflicts over Smoking and Strong Scents on PlanesFrustration and discomfort can occur when passengers are unable to smoke or use strongly scented alternatives on planes, potentially leading to aggressive behavior and tension in the cabin.

      The inability to smoke on planes and the use of vaporizers or e-cigarettes with strong scents can lead to frustration and conflict among passengers. The speaker recalls past experiences of feeling the urge to smoke during flight delays and how this can contribute to aggressive behavior. He also mentions the issue of secondhand smoke or scent, comparing it to someone spraying perfume in a confined space. The speaker expresses annoyance towards individuals who use large vaporizers that fill the cabin with smoke, despite it being a supposedly smokeless alternative. He also shares his personal experiences with nicotine gum and chewing tobacco, which didn't help him quit smoking. Overall, the discussion highlights the tension and discomfort that can arise from various forms of smoking and scent-related behaviors on planes.

    • Comedian Rich Vos' Unique Marriage and Struggles with Reality TVDespite their successful podcast and comedic chemistry, comedians like Rich Vos and Bonnie McFarlane have not had a reality show due to their inability to shut up and in-the-moment humor, as well as their disinterest in scripted or manipulated shows.

      Rich Vos is a comedian known for his childish and petty humor, who makes fun of anyone and anything. He's been compared to a "funny guy with Asperger's." Vos, who is in his late 50s, is married to Bonnie McFarlane, and they have a unique and brutally honest relationship that is often on display on their podcast. Despite their comedic chemistry and successful pitching of shows, they have not yet had a reality show of their own. It was suggested that the reason for this could be that comedians are not well-suited for reality TV due to their inability to shut up and their in-the-moment sense of humor, which might make them too self-aware and break the fourth wall. Additionally, many reality shows are scripted or manipulated to create drama, and the authenticity of these shows might not appeal to comedians.

    • Jim Norton's Reality TV Show Ideas and ChallengesDespite having unconventional ideas for reality TV shows, comedian Jim Norton learned to prioritize humor over wacky stunts in his career based on ethical and practical considerations.

      Jim Norton had various ideas for reality TV shows, including one involving farting during massages and another about reviewing brothels. However, these ideas faced challenges such as length and ethical considerations. Norton also shared a story about a past girlfriend who enjoyed being dominated during sex, but he was advised by comedian Colin Quinn to focus on being funny rather than doing wacky things. This experience influenced Norton's decision to prioritize humor in his comedy career. Overall, Norton's discussion highlights the challenges and considerations involved in creating engaging reality TV content.

    • The Pursuit of Extreme Stunts for RecognitionThe pressure to outdo oneself can lead to dangerous situations, potentially harming oneself or others. Focus on skill development and ethical considerations instead.

      The pressure to outdo oneself and perform extreme stunts for recognition can lead individuals into uncomfortable and potentially dangerous situations. The speaker shares various anecdotes of people, including radio hosts and UFC fighters, who have gone to great lengths for attention, sometimes even endangering others or themselves. The consequences of these actions can be severe, from lawsuits to physical harm. It's essential to consider the potential repercussions and ethical implications before engaging in such behavior. Ultimately, it's more meaningful and sustainable to focus on developing one's skills and talents rather than seeking validation through stunts or shock value.

    • The unexpected pain of a gentle leg kick in combat sportsLeg kicks in combat sports can cause intense, surprising pain and long-term effects, highlighting the athletes' resilience and the importance of respecting the intensity of these competitions.

      Leg kicks in combat sports like UFC can be more painful than one might expect due to the adrenaline and intense focus of the fighters. The speaker shared an experience where a gentle leg kick left him feeling lightheaded, on the verge of vomiting and fainting. Despite the lack of significant force, the impact was shocking and served as a reminder of the unrelenting pain and endurance required in these competitions. Additionally, the speaker noted that leg kicks can cause swelling and injury that may not be immediately apparent, and even a seemingly gentle kick can result in long-term effects. Overall, this discussion highlights the importance of respecting the intensity and potential consequences of combat sports, and the incredible resilience and determination of the athletes involved.

    • Handling hecklers and maintaining professionalism in less controlled comedy clubsComedians faced challenges in dealing with hecklers and maintaining professionalism at less controlled comedy clubs, but these experiences provided opportunities to hone their craft and earn a living through multiple sets per night.

      Working as a comedian in less controlled environments like Pips and Dangerfield's comedy clubs came with challenges, particularly in dealing with hecklers and maintaining professionalism. Comedians like Joey Cola and the speaker himself had to endure hostile audiences and even physical threats, which made their performances more difficult. The lack of crowd control and security led some comedians, including the speaker, to stop performing at these venues. Bobby, a Scottish bouncer who used to work at these clubs, was known for his strength and ability to handle disruptive audience members. Despite the difficulties, these clubs provided opportunities for comedians to hone their craft and earn a living through multiple sets per night.

    • Meeting Bobby Newman and Surviving New York's Comedy SceneDespite initial fears, the speaker overcame intimidation to thrive in New York's comedy scene, learned from legendary comedian Bobby Newman, and found comfort in recording sets for creative and memory purposes.

      Bobby Newman, a legendary comedian known for his strength and humor, passed away many years ago. The speaker had only met him once but was deeply impressed and wished he could have worked with him more. New York's comedy scene was intimidating to the speaker, but he eventually overcame his fears and had some memorable experiences there. During a performance, he once called out an angry bachelorette party, much to the crowd's delight. The speaker records his sets for creative reasons and to remember where material is located. A recent revelation about NSA surveillance made him less concerned about the potential loss of his recordings. Bobby Newman's vibrant personality and unique comedy left a lasting impression on the speaker and the comedy community.

    • Government Agencies Manipulating Online Polls and Spreading DisinformationGovernment agencies have been revealed to manipulate online polls, increase website hits, and spread disinformation through hacking tools, sparking debates about privacy invasion and propaganda.

      The discussion reveals the existence of government agencies manipulating online polls, increasing website hits, and spreading disinformation through hacking tools. This is a concerning revelation of potential privacy invasion and propaganda, which some argue is a legitimate use of power but others believe is a violation of individual rights. The conversation also touches upon the irony of Americans being upset about their own privacy being invaded after years of defending similar actions against others. The leaked documents provided by Edward Snowden to The Intercept have exposed these tools and methods, sparking debates about the ethics and implications of such activities.

    • Public's hypocritical reaction to Sterling's recordingsPeople are quick to judge and condemn others for private remarks, but overlook their own actions and those of public figures. The invasion of privacy for celebrity gossip fuels this hypocrisy, and proper channels should be used to address moral issues instead of sensationalism.

      The public's reaction to the private recordings of Donald Sterling's controversial remarks reveals a hypocritical attitude towards privacy and morality. The speaker argues that people are quick to judge and condemn Sterling, but are less critical of their own actions and those of public figures. The speaker also points out that the recordings were illegally obtained and that Sterling's past discriminatory practices should have been addressed through proper channels rather than through the NBA's reactionary measures. The speaker criticizes the public's fascination with celebrity gossip and lack of community, which contributes to the invasion of privacy and the sensationalism of scandals. Ultimately, the speaker calls for a more nuanced and honest approach to addressing moral issues and respecting privacy.

    • Living Near Former President Obama and Admiring IntellectualsThe speaker shares his experience of living near Obama and expresses admiration for scientists like Kaku and Tyson, but feels frustrated by their condescending attitude. He reflects on his past performances and keeps old recordings as a reminder of his journey.

      The speaker shares a story about unexpectedly living in the same building as former President Barack Obama and his fascination with the experience. He also expresses his admiration for various scientists, including Dr. Michio Kaku and Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, but reveals his frustration with their condescending attitude towards him. The speaker also reflects on his past comedic performances and the embarrassment of revisiting old material. Despite the humiliation, he keeps recordings of his early work as a reminder of his journey. Overall, the conversation highlights the speaker's admiration for intellectuals and his own struggles with self-acceptance and insecurity.

    • The Early Struggles of ComediansComedians share a bond from their early struggles, including bad jokes, poorly written material, and questionable behavior.

      Everyone, including successful comedians like Vos and Rogan, started out as beginners with less than stellar performances. The early days of comedy involve struggling with bad jokes, poorly written material, and questionable behavior. Despite these challenges, the bond formed during those early days remains strong among comedians. A memorable moment from their past, such as meeting each other for the first time or a specific joke, can serve as a reminder of their humble beginnings. The experience of going through these early days together creates a unique bond among comedians.

    • Exploring New Foods and Comedy EventsThe speaker expresses his enjoyment for discovering new foods and beverages, particularly a unique coffee and cocoa cafe, and promotes upcoming comedy events.

      The speaker enjoys trying new things, especially when it comes to food and beverages. He shares his appreciation for a particular coffee and a new type of cocoa cafe, which he can consume throughout the day without needing to use the restroom frequently. He also promotes upcoming comedy events and shares some amusing anecdotes. However, the conversation takes an unexpected turn when they discuss unusual fetishes, specifically involving fecal matter. Despite finding the topic distasteful, the speaker expresses curiosity and even shares a story about accidentally experiencing it during a sexual encounter. The conversation then shifts back to comedy and the upcoming events.

    • The Power of Unusual PreferencesExposure to extreme content can desensitize individuals and potentially influence their actions, especially on young people, and we need to address the root causes of harmful behavior rather than just the symptoms.

      Our world is diverse, and people have unique preferences, even if they may seem unusual or disturbing to others. The speaker discusses a woman who makes a living by eating and broadcasting herself eating feces, and while many find it repulsive, there is an audience that finds enjoyment in it. The speaker reflects on how exposure to extreme content, such as violent or sexual material, can desensitize individuals and potentially influence their actions. The speaker expresses concern about the impact of easily accessible violent and sexual content on young people and society as a whole. Ultimately, the speaker suggests that we have a mental health problem disguised as a gun problem, and that we need to address the root causes of harmful behavior rather than just the symptoms.

    • Prescription Medications and Violent Behavior in Young PeopleAntidepressants and other prescription meds may contribute to violent acts in young people by altering neurochemistry and desensitizing individuals to negative influences, but the connection is not definitive.

      The use of certain prescription medications, particularly antidepressants, in young people may be linked to school shootings and other violent behaviors. The speaker argues that these chemicals radically alter human neurochemistry and can desensitize individuals to negative influences, potentially leading to violent acts. The speaker also emphasizes that this connection is not definitive, but the high prevalence of these medications among school shooters warrants further investigation. Additionally, the speaker suggests that societal stigmas and lack of encouragement may prevent individuals with talents like comedy from pursuing those paths, potentially leading them down other, darker paths instead.

    • Comedian Jim Norton talks about his focus on perfecting his comedy bits over pleasing audiencesComedian Jim Norton prioritizes refining his comedy material over providing optimal audience experience, with upcoming talk show on Vice presenting unique challenges in balancing camera angles and audience engagement.

      Comedian Jim Norton shares his anxiety about bringing people to his shows when he's still working on new material. He prefers to focus on forming and perfecting his bits rather than putting on the best show for his audience. Norton also discussed his upcoming talk show on Vice, where he hosts, does a monologue, and interviews guests. He mentioned the challenges of balancing audience engagement and camera angles during filming. Norton also shared anecdotes about Shane Smith, the founder of Vice, and their unusual encounters, including Shane's invitation to visit an island filled with experimented monkeys and apes. Despite the risks and challenges, Norton expressed his admiration for Shane's fearlessness and willingness to explore extreme locations.

    • Joe Rogan's struggle with self-doubt and insecurity in mediaDespite his success, Joe Rogan experiences self-doubt and insecurity when putting himself out there through media. He learned to trust others' perspectives and found value in their insights.

      Sometimes, even successful and experienced individuals like Joe Rogan can struggle with self-doubt and insecurity, especially when it comes to putting themselves out there through media. During a conversation about editing a promo for an upcoming episode, Joe shared his anxiety about watching himself on TV and fear of not being liked or funny. He also discussed the challenges of collaborating with others and trusting their perspective. Despite his initial resistance, Joe learned that sometimes, others may have a better understanding of what resonates with audiences and can offer valuable insights. Additionally, Joe shared his experience of hosting a show like Fear Factor, where he found humor in people's reactions to uncomfortable situations. Overall, the conversation highlighted the vulnerability and human side of Joe Rogan, reminding us that even those in the public eye can grapple with self-doubt and insecurity.

    • Learning from past mistakes in podcast productionEngaging conversations are more captivating than interrupting the flow, different business models may not align with creators' preferences, and the absence of a long-time collaborator can impact project dynamics.

      Having an organic conversation during a podcast or video recording is more engaging and natural for the audience compared to interrupting the flow with non-organic throwaways or announcements. The speaker in the conversation learned this the hard way and wishes he had handled things differently. He also shared that production companies have different business models and release strategies, which may not align with every creator's preferences. Furthermore, the absence of a long-time collaborator can significantly impact the dynamic of a creative project, leaving an empty space that is hard to fill.

    • A radio personality reflects on his struggle with storytelling and free speechDespite taboo topics and company decisions, the value of free speech and control over content can lead to successful careers and new opportunities for free speech online.

      The speaker, a radio personality, shares his struggle with telling stories and keeping audiences engaged, using the example of his own experience with a radio company. He expresses his deep connection to the value of free speech and the importance of maintaining control over one's own content, as seen in his successful career despite taboo topics. Despite the company's decision to move on without him, he remains hopeful and cherishes the memories and moments created through their collaboration. The speaker also believes that the company's decision may lead to more internet-based free speech options and a shift away from traditional media control.

    • Adapting to the Digital Age in RadioRadio personalities, like Opie and Anthony, faced termination due to controversial comments, but their unique ability to be uncensored set them apart, highlighting the importance of original talk content in the digital age.

      The entertainment industry, specifically radio, has had to adapt to the digital age and the changing expectations of consumers. The discussion revolves around a controversial incident involving Opie and Anthony, radio hosts whose show was canceled due to a comment made off-air. At the time, Sirius XM was a billion-dollar company, primarily selling content from personalities like Opie and Anthony. The incident led to panic and fear of a merger being threatened, ultimately resulting in their termination. However, the hosts' ability to be entertaining and say whatever they want, without censorship, was a unique selling point that set them apart from other media outlets. With the rise of streaming services, the importance of original talk content has become more evident. Despite the challenges and controversies, this type of content continues to be a valuable asset in an increasingly digital world.

    • Defending Anthony Cumia's Return to RadioSpeaker believes Anthony Cumia's unique style and potential for success on the internet warrant his return to radio, suggesting a platform like Vice for newfound freedom and resources.

      The speaker strongly believes that Anthony Cumia, a radio host who was recently let go from his show, should return to the airwaves. The speaker feels that Cumia's unique entertainment style and potential for success on the internet make him a valuable asset, despite any past issues. The speaker also suggests that Cumia could start his own show through a platform like Vice, which would provide him with the freedom and resources to do so. The speaker expresses confidence in the success of such a venture and is willing to help promote it. Ultimately, the speaker sees this as an opportunity for Cumia to bounce back and continue his career in a new and potentially more successful way.

    • Striving for Perfection and Enjoying the ProcessThe pursuit of excellence and constant improvement is essential for success, but it's important to find balance and enjoy the journey.

      The drive to constantly improve and strive for excellence, even when it leads to dissatisfaction, is a crucial aspect of success. This was highlighted in the discussion about comedians and their never-ending quest to make their performances better, as well as Quentin Tarantino's collaboration with his editor who pushed him to see things from a different perspective. The importance of being interested in various things and pursuing them was also emphasized, as it keeps life enjoyable and fulfilling. Ultimately, it's important to find a balance between striving for perfection and enjoying the process, rather than hating every moment of it. As Jim Breuer put it, "It's nice to not hate it, right? It's fantastic. I love it."

    • Embracing imperfect moments in podcastingAuthenticity matters in podcasting, even if moments are imperfect or unexpected. Connecting with guests and managing energy are essential for successful interviews.

      Authenticity and real moments, even if imperfect, are valuable in podcasting. The speaker shared an experience of an interview with children where they left in a prank moment, which would have been edited out in today's standards. He also acknowledged that there have been episodes where guests were not as interesting or engaging as expected. The speaker emphasized the importance of managing energy and connecting with guests. Reflecting on an interview with a former drug kingpin, he realized that even seemingly pleasant individuals can hide complex and dark aspects. Overall, the speaker values the raw and real moments in podcasting, recognizing that they add to the authenticity and human connection in the medium.

    • The struggles of starting over after losing great wealthRick Ross and MC Hammer's experiences demonstrate the emotional and practical challenges of starting over after losing great wealth, highlighting the importance of resilience and adaptability.

      The struggle of adapting to a new life after amassing great wealth and then losing it can be a challenging and complex experience. This was exemplified in the discussion about Rick Ross, who went from making $900 million selling drugs to serving time in jail and then being released, only to face the difficulties of starting over. Despite the challenges, Rick Ross was able to use his time in jail to learn to read and identify legal flaws in his case, leading to his release. However, the adjustment to life outside of prison and away from the material wealth was not an easy one. The same can be said for MC Hammer, who went from having a private jet and a lavish lifestyle to facing financial struggles and the need to find new sources of income. The experience of both men highlights the emotional and practical challenges of starting over after losing great wealth. Additionally, the discussion touched on the unscrupulous practices of contractors and the hidden costs that can add up quickly, making it difficult for individuals to keep up with expenses.

    • Greed and Betrayal in a Car Restoration ProjectGreed can lead to broken trust and lost opportunities, even in seemingly simple business deals. Keep your word and consider the big picture to avoid costly consequences.

      Greed can lead to disastrous consequences, even in seemingly simple situations like car restoration projects. The individual in this story became so focused on the potential financial gain from the attention the car received in magazines, that he lost sight of the deal he had made and the trust of those involved. This led to a messy situation where everyone involved was betrayed and lost out in the end. It's important to remember the value of keeping your word and seeing the big picture, rather than getting lost in dollar signs. Additionally, the production company's involvement and the ripple effect of their actions further complicated the situation. Overall, this story serves as a reminder to approach business deals with integrity and a clear understanding of the potential consequences of one's actions.

    • Sponsor Appreciation and OffersListeners can get discounts from Ting, Blue Apron, and Onnit by using specific codes on their websites

      The sponsors include Ting, Blue Apron, and Onnit. Ting is offering a discount of twenty-five dollars on their glorious phone through the website rogan.ting.com. Blue Apron is providing the first two meals for free by using the code ROGAN on their website Blueapron.com. Lastly, Onnit is offering a 10% discount on all supplements by using the code word ROGAN on their website ONNIT.com. The podcast host expresses his appreciation towards these sponsors and encourages listeners to check them out. Additionally, he encourages listeners to have a good time, be loving to each other, and tune in for the next episode which will feature a lot of mole.

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    Episode 38

    Episode 38
    We’re talking… writing a book, hedgehog-itis, beardlessness, eye tests, being a butterfly, awkward public interactions and podcast reviews. Plus, we answer more of your emails and come up with some ideas for a Wolf & Owl Lethal Weapon remake. For any feedback, questions or comments please email us at wolfowlpod@gmail.com - we’d love to hear from you. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Breaking the Monotony: The Power of Vulnerability

    Breaking the Monotony: The Power of Vulnerability
    Hey there, Spiritual Dope! How's it going? I'm out here in sunny California, ready to drop some truth bombs. So, let's get real for a sec. How many of y'all are having surface-level conversations? It's time
    to cut the bullshit and start having some authentic, vulnerable chats. I mean, who wants to hear the same old shit over and over again? Not me, that's for sure. And let me tell you, there's nothing more liberating than sharing your true self with someone and feeling heard and understood. Yeah, it can be scary as hell, but trust me, it's worth it. I recently had a heart-to-heart with a friend who was going through some tough shit, and it was a game-changer. We both felt more connected and empowered after that conversation. So, don't be afraid to open up and let it all out. You might just strengthen existing relationships or create new ones. And who doesn't want that? So, go out there and have some real conversations, and don't forget to share your experiences with me. Peace out!

    57. About investing in women, with Anu Bhardwaj

    57. About investing in women, with Anu Bhardwaj

    Anu Bhardwaj has completed undergraduate, masters, and MBA degrees on three continents. She has trekked across Asia studying indiginous remedies for HIV. Her expertise ranges from medicine to business to cryptocurrency, and her network is extensive. And when all is said and done - after all this life experience - the work she deems most important is to promote investing in women. As the CEO of Women Investing in Women, Anu is developing a platform to reach women and girls in developing countries with education and inspiration. How? By making podcasts accessible on their “dumb phones.” Tune in to hear what’s possible when you think big...

    Listen now, and for show notes and access to the free mini-course, visit www.voicebodyconnection.com/podcast.

    Ep273: Change Your DM Campaign NOW

    Ep273: Change Your DM Campaign NOW

    If you're sending private messages to grow your podcast but haven't got good results from them, they probably sound spammy. That's why you need to know the five strategies for composing personalized and compelling messages. You can also use these to achieve any goal through your campaign, so tune in!




    • 5 effective strategies to improve your direct messages
    • A great technique in personalizing each message sent to a person
    • How important it is to stay true and be authentic when communicating




    If you are interested in getting on our show, email us at team@growyourshow.com.

    Thinking about creating and growing your own podcast but not sure where to start? Click here and Schedule a call with Adam A. Adams!

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    We also have free courses for you on everything you need to know about starting a great podcast! Check out our first six episodes through the links below!


    If you want to make money from your podcasts, check out this FREE resource we made. Our clients use a sponsor sheet, and now they are making between $2,000 to $5,000 from sponsorship! 

    Subscribe so you don't miss out on great content and if you love the show, leave an honest rating and review here! 

    Why You Should Host The Party

    Why You Should Host The Party

    In this episode, I share a keynote I gave at the AIME Fuse event for mortgage brokers in 2019. I dive into my views on growing a business, handling toxic employees in the workplace, and the importance of voice. Then we jump into an awesome Q&A session full of insights that are sure to help you succeed. I hope you enjoy it!

    My website: www.garyvaynerchuk.com

    Check out my NFT project: veefriends.com

    Join the VeeFriends Discord: https://discord.gg/veefriends

    Tweet Me! @garyvee

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message