
    524. Andy & DJ CTI: Moscow Drone Strikes, LGBTQ+ Book Pulled From Target & GOP Holds FBI Director In Contempt

    enMay 31, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring personal development and business success with Cruz the InternetJoin Cruz the Internet for valuable insights and lessons on personal growth and entrepreneurship, while also learning about current societal issues and working towards a better world. It's free to listen, but sharing the show is encouraged.

      CTI, or Cruz the Internet, is a multifaceted personal development and business entrepreneurship show. It covers various topics, from answering live questions to real talks and full-length conversations with successful individuals. The show aims to provide valuable insights and lessons to help individuals grow and succeed. Additionally, the show emphasizes the importance of understanding current societal issues and working together to improve the world. The fee for listening is to share the show, as the host believes in giving back and creating a fertile environment for growth. Despite the various elements, the show's mission is to provide valuable content and inspire individuals to reach their full potential.

    • Motorcycle Rides and Safety ConcernsThe speaker values his motorcycle rides for mental refreshment but expresses concern for safety, having been hit by a car's mirror years ago. He also shares his disapproval of disruptive tactics used in climate protests, emphasizing the importance of team members' wellbeing.

      The speaker has been extremely busy with preparations for an upcoming responsibility and has been taking out his stress by going on long motorcycle rides. He shared his passion for riding motorcycles, specifically his Harley, and how it provides him with a mentally refreshing experience. However, he expressed concern for the safety of himself and those around him, especially after being hit by a car's mirror years ago. The conversation also touched on the topic of climate protests and the speaker's observation of the tactics used by protesters. The speaker found the use of violence and disruption to be counterproductive and against their own cause. He also acknowledged the importance of checking in on team members and ensuring their wellbeing, especially during times of heightened tension.

    • Manipulation of public opinion through disruptive tacticsRecognize the potential threats to our lives and freedoms from ideologies and disruptive tactics on social media, and maintain open and respectful communication to prevent misunderstandings and dangerous situations.

      Social media platforms and certain individuals are using disruptive tactics, fueled by ideologies like communism, to manipulate public opinion and cause unrest in society. This can lead to misunderstandings, dangerous situations, and a disconnect between people. The speaker expresses frustration towards the censorship of free speech and the labeling of opposing views as violent or intolerant. He believes that these actions are not only hindering productive dialogue but also creating a dangerous divide among the population. The speaker encourages people to educate themselves on the underlying ideologies and to recognize the potential threats to their lives and freedoms. He also emphasizes the importance of maintaining open and respectful communication.

    • Ignoring intolerance can lead to dangerous consequencesAllowing intolerant individuals to express hate speech and use violence without consequence can lead to a dangerous and violent society. It's crucial to challenge their behavior and stand up against intolerance and hate speech.

      Allowing intolerant and violent individuals to gain power without consequence can lead to dangerous consequences. These individuals, who openly express their intolerance and refuse to engage in dialogue, have shown they have no qualms about using violence and hate speech. The speaker argues that it's crucial to confront and challenge their behavior now before it escalates further. The speaker also notes that in the past, society has been too tolerant of such behavior, but now, consequences are starting to appear. It's essential to have open conversations and challenge misinformation, but it's equally important to stand up against intolerance and hate speech. Ignoring it or allowing it to go unchecked can lead to a dangerous and violent society.

    • Politicians' Hypocrisy on Environmental IssuesBe skeptical of political figures advocating for green initiatives while living extravagantly. Consider personal responsibility and real evidence before making drastic changes.

      The concern for the environment and the push for green initiatives should not be a facade for those in power to continue living extravagantly while asking the masses to make sacrifices. The speaker argues that many political figures who advocate for environmental causes hypocritically use private jets and buy expensive properties, while asking the public to make changes that may not be practical or affordable for everyone. The speaker also criticizes the idea that the world is ending in 12 years due to climate change, stating that it's a lie used to push a political agenda. The speaker encourages people to be skeptical and to consider the real evidence before making drastic changes to their lives. He also emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and production, warning that those who are unable to produce may be endangered if a communist regime comes to power. The speaker also touches on the topic of veganism, expressing that while he respects people's moral choices, he believes that animal protein is necessary for good health. Overall, the speaker encourages a critical and realistic approach to environmental issues and warns against being manipulated by those in power.

    • Cultural Practices and Personal Values Influence Food ChoicesWhile cultural norms and personal circumstances shape what we find acceptable to eat, there are universal values, such as not consuming dogs, that transcend cultural boundaries.

      Cultural norms and personal circumstances significantly influence what we consider acceptable to eat. During a discussion, it was acknowledged that while some cultures consume horses and even dogs, others do not. The speaker drew a line between eating cows and horses, but admitted that in extreme situations, he would consider eating any animal to survive. However, there was a consensus that dogs were off-limits. The conversation then shifted to a news topic about drone strikes in Moscow, Russia, resulting in damaged buildings. The speaker expressed surprise and concern, emphasizing that such incidents were not common in their country. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complex relationship between cultural practices, personal values, and survival situations.

    • Geopolitical tensions between Ukraine and RussiaCritically evaluate info, consider multiple perspectives for nuanced understanding of complex global issues. Russia issues arrest warrant for Senator Lindsey Graham amid escalating tensions. Conflict in Ukraine has significant financial implications for US.

      The geopolitical tensions between Ukraine and Russia continue to escalate, with each side denying involvement in various provocative actions. For instance, Ukraine has denied any direct involvement in a drone attack on Moscow, while Russia has issued an arrest warrant for Senator Lindsey Graham. Meanwhile, questions remain about the veracity of statements made by world leaders and the role of external influences in shaping public opinion. It's important to critically evaluate information and consider multiple perspectives to gain a more nuanced understanding of complex global issues. Additionally, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine has significant financial implications for the United States, with billions of dollars in military aid and potential business dealings at stake.

    • Suppression of opposing viewpoints and censorship in mediaDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, certain treatments were censored and advocates faced consequences, and it's important to question narratives and consider alternative perspectives to ensure access to valuable information, as the stakes are high and those in power may not have our best interests at heart.

      The suppression of opposing viewpoints and censorship of certain narratives in the media, often led by social media influencers and Hollywood celebrities, can limit our understanding of complex issues and potentially deny us access to valuable information. This was exemplified during the COVID-19 pandemic, where certain treatments like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were censored and even those who advocated for them faced harsh consequences. This behavior by those in power undermines the principles of fairness and freedom, and it's important for individuals to question the narratives they are being presented and consider alternative perspectives. The stakes are high, as the suppression of information can have serious consequences for public health and other areas. Additionally, it's important to recognize that those in power may not have our best interests at heart and that they see us as a nuisance rather than as individuals deserving of respect and autonomy.

    • Political instability and calls for accountabilityFrustration with politicians prioritizing power over people, concerns about distractions or crises to prevent a Trump nomination or presidency, and calls for support of candidates who truly represent the people, lower taxes, and responsible government spending.

      There are significant concerns about potential distractions or crises being orchestrated to prevent a Trump nomination or presidency, as well as the state of the country under current leadership. The speaker expresses frustration with politicians like Lindsey Graham, who they believe prioritize their own power and interests over those of the people. They argue that the country is in a state of crisis, with rising crime, a devalued currency, and high taxes, and that these issues will only worsen if those in power continue to avoid accountability. The speaker calls for people to support candidates who truly represent the people and challenges listeners to consider whether they would rather endure tyranny and corruption or fight for true freedom and rebuilding. They also advocate for lower taxes and responsible government spending.

    • Focusing on personal growth and excellence as a form of resistanceBy improving ourselves and standing up for our values, we can reduce external control and promote societal change

      Individuals have the power to resist oppression by focusing on personal growth and excellence. The speaker argues that people are being kept dependent and distracted by consuming poisoned food, mindless media, and unhealthy lifestyles, which in turn gives corporations and those in power control over them. The controversy surrounding Target's LGBTQ+ pride range serves as an example of how individuals can be divided and threatened by external forces. The speaker encourages vegans and those who care about animal rights to become "patriots" and fight against the destruction of values and freedoms in society. Ultimately, the message is that by improving ourselves and standing up for what we believe in, we can reduce the power that external forces hold over us.

    • Target VP's dual role sparks controversy over transgenderism advocacyTarget VP faced criticism and financial losses for advocating for transgenderism in schools while holding a corporate role, sparking debate about individual freedoms and societal norms.

      Target Corporation's vice president for brand marketing, Carlos Cevidra, faced criticism and significant financial losses for the company due to his dual role as a board member of an advocacy group for K-12 transgenderism. This situation led to a public controversy, with some arguing that such personal advocacy mixed with professional duties can be detrimental. The discussion also touched upon the broader issue of children being exposed to complex gender issues at a young age, which some consider inappropriate. The debate raises questions about the balance between individual freedoms and societal norms, as well as the potential for divisive agendas. It's important to remember that this issue involves various perspectives, including those of the LGBTQ+ community, who have historically fought for their rights and should be respected. However, it's crucial to find a balance that respects all individuals while ensuring children are not exposed to unnecessary complexities that could potentially harm their development.

    • Polarization and Labeling in the Current Cultural ClimateAvoid allowing emotions to be manipulated, differentiate between genuine advocacy and infiltration, and promote open dialogue and understanding instead of violence or hate speech.

      The current cultural climate involves intense polarization and labeling, with individuals and groups being accused of various "isms" and "phobias" to silence opposing viewpoints. This includes accusations of white supremacy, domestic terrorism, and pedophilia towards those who speak out against certain agendas, particularly those related to children and education. It is important to remember that common sense, love, and unity are the keys to resolving issues, rather than allowing emotions to be manipulated and divisions to widen. Furthermore, it is crucial to differentiate between genuine advocacy and infiltration by extremist elements, such as pedophiles attempting to normalize their actions. Ultimately, it is essential to promote open dialogue and understanding, rather than resorting to violence or hate speech.

    • Systemic failure of political representatives to address long-standing issues in certain communitiesPolitical representatives have failed to deliver on promises for decades, taking funding for themselves instead, perpetuating a cycle of broken promises and lack of progress in communities of color, leading to ongoing harm and danger.

      The ongoing issue in certain communities lies not only with individual acts of racism, but also with the systemic failure of political representatives to address long-standing issues that negatively impact their lives. The speaker argues that the Democratic Party has been in power for decades in these communities, promising solutions but failing to deliver, and instead taking funding meant for community improvement for their own use. This cycle of broken promises and lack of progress perpetuates a dangerous situation where crime and violence continue to harm families and friends. The real racism, according to the speaker, is the silence and acceptance of this systemic failure. Another topic touched upon was the importance of the gay community speaking out against harmful practices, such as pushing children to transition against their will, which can lead to self-hatred and long-term negative consequences. The speaker emphasized the need for open dialogue and understanding, rather than hate and division, in addressing these complex issues.

    • FBI Director Chris Wray Held in Contempt for Refusing to Release Biden DocumentHouse Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer is holding FBI Director Chris Wray in contempt for refusing to provide an unclassified document detailing a possible criminal scheme involving then-VP Joe Biden. The consequences include fines and jail time, but enforcement is unclear.

      House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer is moving to hold FBI Director Christopher Wray in contempt of Congress for refusing to provide an unclassified document regarding a possible criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Joe Biden. The document, an FBI-generated FD 1023 form, allegedly describes the criminal scheme and its financial aspects. Comer has attempted to narrow the subpoena's scope, but the FBI has maintained that releasing the document could jeopardize investigations and put lives at risk. The committee has been clear in its intent to protect congressional oversight and will now take steps to enforce the subpoena. The potential consequences for the FBI Director include a fine of up to $100,000 and a jail term of one to 12 months. However, the actual enforcement of a contempt citation, including arrest and detention, is seen as a last resort and lacks clear constitutional precedent. The controversy revolves around allegations of deal-making by a former Vice President for millions of dollars in exchange for policy decisions, but the specifics, including the identities of the parties involved and the countries or interests at stake, remain unclear.

    • Political Corruption and ManipulationConcerns over potential corruption and manipulation in politics include withheld sensitive information, money exchanged for policy decisions, election manipulation, and even rigging. Trust and accountability within the political system are at stake.

      There are serious concerns regarding potential corruption and manipulation in politics, specifically regarding the handling of sensitive information and elections. The speaker believes that certain individuals and organizations, including the FBI, have withheld crucial information from the public that could prove a president's compromise and compromise the national interest. Additionally, there are accusations of money being exchanged for policy decisions, election manipulation, and even election rigging. The speaker also expresses concern over the prioritization of money and security over the country's wellbeing and the weakening of American society. Overall, these allegations suggest a deep-rooted issue of trust and accountability within the political system.

    • Emphasizing Accountability and Change in Politics and FuneralsStand up against corruption and promote accountability in politics. Consider eco-friendly alternatives like mushroom-based coffins for funerals, contributing to the natural cycle of life.

      The political landscape is undergoing significant changes, and accountability from the American people is crucial to address deep-rooted issues. The speaker emphasizes the importance of standing up against corruption and the potential consequences of inaction. Meanwhile, in a lighter note, a new development in the Netherlands offers an eco-friendly alternative for funerals through mushroom-based coffins that biodegrade quickly, allowing individuals to contribute to the natural cycle of life. The speaker reflects on the importance of individual preferences and the need for change in traditional funeral practices.

    • A new perspective on life and death through tree planting with cremated ashesInstead of traditional burial methods, using cremated ashes to grow trees offers a sustainable way to reduce environmental impact and continue contributing to the natural world.

      Death does not have to signify the end of life. The innovative idea of using cremated ashes to grow trees offers a new perspective on the cycle of life and death. This approach not only reduces the environmental impact of traditional burial methods but also allows individuals to continue contributing to the natural world. Despite the cost of the eco-friendly urns, some people find the idea of being part of something bigger than themselves appealing. Ultimately, the choice of how we are remembered after death is a personal one, and the importance of innovation and sustainability should be considered. The ongoing debate about the cost and environmental impact of traditional burial methods highlights the need for more eco-friendly alternatives.

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