
    526 Conscious Parenting with Dr. Shefali Tsabary

    enAugust 21, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Children as Entities Coming Through UsRecognize children as expressions of life, embrace self-healing, and foster conscious parenting for healthier relationships and a more intentional life.

      Children are not ours to create but rather entities coming through us, expressing life itself. Dr. Shefali, a renowned author and international speaker, emphasizes this perspective in her revolutionary approach to parenting. She combines clinical psychology and Eastern mindfulness to help parents understand their role in their children's lives. This perspective encourages healing from past traumas and fosters conscious parenting. Additionally, she addresses the importance of questioning one's readiness to become a parent and the role of fear in parenting. This insightful conversation offers a fresh perspective on the parent-child relationship and the importance of self-healing. Furthermore, the podcast episode features shout-outs to the fan of the week, Ada, and sponsors ZipRecruiter and Lyft. ZipRecruiter simplifies the hiring process by posting jobs to over 100 job sites with one click, and Lyft offers an opportunity to earn extra income through driving. In summary, this episode offers valuable insights on parenting, personal growth, and practical tools for building a team and earning additional income. By recognizing the role of children in our lives and embracing self-healing, we can foster healthier relationships and create a more mindful, intentional life.

    • Parents shaping children's lives through self-discoveryParents can transform unconscious patterns into consciousness, enabling authentic truth and wholesome child-rearing.

      Becoming a conscious parent is a continuous journey of self-discovery and evolution. Dr. Shefali, a renowned therapist and author, emphasizes that parents play a crucial role in shaping their children's lives, particularly during the first ten years. She encourages parents to recognize their unconscious patterns and transform them into consciousness to raise whole and wholesome children. It's not about being perfect or avoiding mistakes, but rather embracing the mess-ups as opportunities for growth. Dr. Shefali's work focuses on helping parents penetrate their unconsciousness and transform it into consciousness, enabling them to live their most authentic truth and raise their children with love and awareness. Her insights apply universally, regardless of cultural differences.

    • Recognizing the child as a teacher and uniting parent-child dynamicEmphasizing mutual respect and oneness in parenting can lead to a well-rounded self and reduce separation and conflict in society.

      The way we raise children significantly impacts the development of their worldview and relationships. The traditional parenting model, which emphasizes authority and hierarchy, can lead to toxic separatism and dogmatism. Instead, recognizing the child as a teacher and unionizing the parent-child dynamic can foster mutual respect and oneness. The integration of Eastern and Western perspectives, rooted in Eastern philosophies of impermanence and acceptance, and Western achievement and individualism, can create a well-rounded self. This shift in parenting can contribute to reducing separation and conflict in society.

    • Considering motivations for having a childReflect deeply on reasons for having a child, aim for communal support, and avoid excessive individualistic pressure.

      Before having a child, it's crucial to deeply consider one's motivations and ensure they are rooted in self-evolution and the ability to guide the child's growth. Ideally, we should strive for a more communal approach to raising children, with the support of extended families and a collective mindset. The Western individualistic approach, with its lack of support systems and excessive pressure on parents, can lead to suffering for both the child and the parent. Instead of adding to this cycle, we should take a pause, reflect, and work towards becoming more conscious human beings before bringing new life into the world.

    • Parents as FacilitatorsParents should see themselves as guides, not creators, to foster a deeper connection and promote the child's spiritual growth.

      Parents should view their role not as creators, but as facilitators in their child's life. By recognizing that they don't own their children and that they are there to learn and grow together, parents can reduce pressure and anxiety, allowing for a deeper connection. This perspective shift can lead to a profound and transformative relationship, where the child becomes the greatest teacher for the parent. Instead of trying to control or shape the child into a certain image, parents should embrace the unique being that comes into their life and focus on their own spiritual growth. This approach to parenting fosters a healthier and more meaningful relationship between parent and child.

    • Parenting as a spiritual testParenting challenges us to balance doing and being, let go of ego, and connect deeply with our children for personal and spiritual growth

      Parenting is a profound spiritual test. The love and connection with a child can activate a parent's ego, leading to an intense ego trip. However, this is also the place where parents are challenged to release their ego and be fully present. The doing and the being are juxtaposed, and children teach us the importance of both. Parents often enter parenthood with a sense of lack or incompleteness, leading to fear and a desire for acknowledgement and validation from their children. This dynamic can be deeply impactful, with the potential for both personal and spiritual growth. Ultimately, the parent-child relationship can be the most regenerative and awakening of our lives.

    • Recognize children as unique individualsParents should acknowledge their children's individuality and prioritize their emotional well-being to foster a healthy bond.

      Being a parent goes beyond providing for a child's physical needs. It's essential to acknowledge and see them for who they are, not as a reflection of our own desires or expectations. Parents should prioritize their own emotional well-being to avoid projecting their insecurities onto their children. By recognizing ourselves as partners with the universe in bringing forth new life, we cultivate humility and a deeper connection with our children. Parents should regularly ask themselves if they feel whole and connected to themselves, as their emotional state significantly impacts their relationship with their child.

    • Exploring the depth of the parent-child bondRecognize the ego's existence, understand its origins, and learn to penetrate it to foster authentic connections with children, while addressing societal masks for vulnerable, loving relationships.

      The parent-child relationship is a deep and continuous bond that requires acceptance, love, and self-awareness. The ego, created as a survival mechanism, can hinder authentic connection. It's essential to recognize the ego's existence, understand its origins in fear, and learn to penetrate it to reveal the true self. Parents can learn to identify and release their ego through introspection and acceptance, fostering a more authentic and connected relationship with their children. The masks we wear, shaped by societal expectations and upbringing, can limit us in various aspects of life, including parenting. Understanding and addressing these masks is crucial for building vulnerable, loving relationships.

    • Pressure on Women to Conform to Societal NormsWomen face societal pressure to excel in multiple areas, including professionally and personally. Parents, particularly mothers, can challenge these expectations and teach daughters to question and define their own identities.

      Women face immense pressure to excel in various aspects of their lives, often imposed not only by men but also by themselves, due to societal conditioning. This pressure includes expectations to succeed professionally, look attractive, and be a good mother. Women are encouraged to be obedient and good girls, leading them to conform to cultural norms rather than questioning and defining their own paths. Parents, particularly mothers, play a crucial role in challenging these expectations and teaching their daughters to question and define their own identities. The teenage years present unique challenges for parents as their children become more autonomous and parents must release their grip on their identity as a provider and supporter. A new wave of consciousness is emerging, with younger generations exhibiting greater sensitivity, spirituality, and empathy, offering hope for a future where individuals are free to define their own paths without societal pressure.

    • Trust children's paths, allow failure and discomfortAllow children to learn from failure and discomfort, practice forgiveness and self-reflection, and support their unique journeys towards growth.

      Parents should remember to trust their children's individual paths and resist the urge to intervene unnecessarily. The speaker emphasizes the importance of allowing children to experience failure and discomfort as they grow, as these experiences are essential for building resilience and learning valuable life lessons. Additionally, parents should strive to be aware of their own unconscious biases and fears, and practice forgiveness and self-reflection to convert past pain into power. Ultimately, the greatest lesson for parents is to let go of the desire to shield their children from adversity and instead support them in navigating their own unique journeys towards growth and self-discovery.

    • Recognize and honor children's inherent essenceParents should allow children to discover their identities and beliefs, rather than imposing preconceived ideas or expectations, seeking support and healing for unconscious biases.

      It's crucial for parents to recognize and honor their children's inherent essence, rather than trying to mold them into preconceived ideas or expectations. The speaker emphasizes that every person, including parents, carries unconsciousness from their upbringing and culture. It's essential to be aware of this and seek support and healing. Additionally, children should be allowed to discover their identities and beliefs on their own, rather than having them imposed upon them. By treating each person as a unique, complete being, we can foster a more authentic and resilient future generation.

    • Examine deeply held beliefs for personal growth and parentingRegularly question and challenge beliefs to prevent passing on harmful ideologies to children, avoiding rigid belief systems and promoting open-mindedness and growth.

      Constant self-questioning and deconstruction of beliefs are essential for personal growth and parenting. The speaker emphasizes the importance of examining deeply what we believe about various aspects of life, including religion, marriage, sexuality, power, and beauty. This deconstructive process is crucial because the beliefs we instill in our children during their formative years can be challenging to change later in life. The speaker also highlights the dangers of rigid belief systems and the potential harm they can cause, particularly in cultures with strong patriarchal traditions. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for questioning and challenging our beliefs to ensure we are not passing on harmful or limiting ideologies to the next generation.

    • Finding Peace Amidst Parenting AnxietiesAcknowledge impermanence, let go of control, focus on present, challenge delusions of identity, possessions, and children's ownership to reduce anxiety and find peace.

      The fear of not being okay, which is a common concern for parents, can lead to a life filled with anxiety and stress. However, by acknowledging the impermanence of life, letting go of the need for control, and focusing on living fully in the present moment, parents can reduce anxiety and find peace. Additionally, the concepts of identity, possessions, and children being "ours" are delusions that can contribute to anxiety. Instead, recognizing that we are just specs in the grand scheme of things and living as fully as possible with the resources we have can bring about a sense of contentment and readiness for the inevitable end of life.

    • Embracing impermanence and letting go of attachmentsUnderstanding the impermanence of life and releasing attachments can help reduce suffering. Men should awaken their hearts to be the best parents they can be, especially during their child's first 10 years, to form deep connections.

      Understanding the impermanence of life and letting go of attachments can help reduce suffering. The speaker shares her personal experience of growing up as a woman in Indian culture and the struggles she faced in expressing her sexuality. She emphasizes the importance of awakening the heart in men to be the best parents they can be, especially during the first 10 years of their child's life when a deep connection can be formed. The societal roles and expectations often prevent men from fully connecting with their children and partners, leading to missed opportunities for growth and bonding.

    • Embrace the spiritual journey of the first six yearsFocus on presence, let go of attachments, and cherish the child-parent relationship for spiritual growth

      The first six years of a child's life are a profound spiritual journey for both the parent and the child. Instead of focusing on achieving or "doing" things with our children during this time, we should strive to be fully present and enter their world. This period is often overlooked as a time for spiritual growth, but it's a unique opportunity to learn valuable lessons and connect deeply with our children. If we can fully embrace the present moment and let go of attachments to external validation, we can experience the transformative power of the child-parent relationship. The three truths to remember are: life is never over and keeps transforming, all attachments are an illusion, and the only thing of true relevance is our relationship with ourselves in the present moment.

    • Connect with Dr. Shefali for authentic growth and healingAttend 'Evolve the Conscious Way' event for meditation, healing relationships, and awakening to one's truest self

      Dr. Shefali, the guest on the podcast, emphasizes the need for authenticity and living one's truth as a definition of greatness. She invites listeners to connect with her at her upcoming event, "Evolve the Conscious Way," in Long Beach, California, where she will help attendees deconstruct their relationships and learn to awaken to their truest selves. The event, which includes a day of meditation, is for both parents and adult children seeking healing and growth. Dr. Shefali's message of love, giving, and surrender to life is a powerful one, aiming to help bridge the disconnect in society and promote unity among humans as one family.

    • Prioritizing People and Striving for GreatnessConsider reaching a wider audience for job postings by using ZipRecruiter and attend inspiring events like The Summit of Greatness to network and learn.

      Lift, a ride-sharing company, prioritizes treating its people well. If you're looking to expand your team and find the right fit for your business, consider posting your job on ZipRecruiter to reach over 100 job sites with just one click, for free. The Summit of Greatness is also coming up in Columbus, Ohio, featuring renowned speakers. Don't miss this opportunity to network and learn, as tickets are running low. Overall, the message encourages listeners to strive for greatness in their personal and professional lives, whether it be through building a strong team or attending inspiring events. So, go out there and do something great!

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    This week, when you dip into scarcity thinking, invite the mantra "the love I give comes back to me."

    When you change your energy, you change your life.

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