
    Mindful Pause Podcast

    Join Audrey Sutton Mills each week for easy 5-10 minute meditations, affirmations & intentions so you can feel more ease, joy and a deeper connection to yourself and to what matters most.
    enAudrey Sutton Mills100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Ignite Your Inner Goddess

    Ignite Your Inner Goddess

    Hey there, beautiful soul!


    Just returned from a quick Florida vacation, and let me tell you, it was like a sip of pure sunshine for my spirit.


    There's something rejuvinating about reconnecting with friends who knew you long before diapers and bedtime stories took over to remind you of who you were.


    When I got back home, a friend texted me: "I forgot how funny you are!" I excitedly showed it to my hubby, exclaiming, "See? I've still got it!"


    These past three years of motherhood? Phew, they've been quite the rollercoaster ride!


    Amidst the chaos of diapers and sleepless nights, I found myself stumbling through the darkness, feeling like a shell of myself, trying to remember the vibrant maiden goddess I once was.

    Slowly but surely, though, I've been piecing her back together, infusing her vibrancy and wildness into this new chapter of motherhood with nurturing tenderness, wisdom and grace.


    I can say, I’m feeling more and more at home in my whole self.


    If you're feeling a bit lost in the shuffle, I hope today's podcast is a gentle reminder: there's a goddess or god within you, just waiting to be rediscovered and celebrated.


    Also, if you’re local to Washington, join me for a goddess gathering on March 23rd for soulful yoga, journaling, sacred circle and bubbly to celebrate and reclaim your

    inner spark and own your brilliance like the goddess/god you are.


    Lots of love,

    Aurey 🌟

    1-min Self-Love Check-In

    1-min Self-Love Check-In

    Hey there,


    Feeling the lunar vibes this week? I sure was!


    The full moon had me in a bit of a funk for about 24 hours! Everything seemed to be a trigger, from kid tantrums to everyday transitions. I was moody and edgy, definitely not the best version of myself.


    But, here's the kicker: I stumbled upon a game-changer – a one-minute daily self-love check-in.


    It's been my go-to for reining in my mood swings and staying grounded in what truly nourishes my mind, body and soul.


    Curious to join the 1-minute self-love check-in? Have a listen to this week's episdoe


    Here are a few of my questions for a daily checking…share with me what’s yours?

    1.     Am I being good to myself – in my thoughts and behaviors?

    2.     Have I moved my body in loving ways today?

    3.     Have I drink enough water?

    4.     Have I eaten something healthy and nourishing?

    5.     How can I be kinder to myself? Right now

    6.     how can I be kinder to someone else today?

    7.     How can I have a little more fun today and bring more joy to my day

    8.     What am I grateful for?



    Let's make self-love a daily ritual – one minute at a time!




    One Tweak A Week to Reach Your Dreams

    One Tweak A Week to Reach Your Dreams

    Today is a simple mantra: “one tweak each week”


    Last week, I started working out again (after not really moving my body much for GULP, 4 YEARS!). I had 2 babies and a pandemic and a move/remodel. But my baby is almost 3 years old, and there’s no excuses, plus I feel like crap!


    So I signed up for Orange Theory Fitness and made a commitment to myself to work out for 5 days. Last week was my first week, but I ate like crap - we’re talking 5 indulgent meals a day at about 3000 calories. So, although I was working out like an athlete, I was eating like a lumberjack!


    I told my husband that I’m disappointed in myself and was wondering if I was self-sabotaging my progress. He was so great and wrapped his arm around me and said, “You did great. Now just eat better. One tweak a week!”


    And it stuck!


    Friend, maybe you can relate to this and are needing a little encouragement.


    Our Itty-Bitty-Shitty-Committee can keep us down by comparing us to other people’s progress and judging our accomplishments, so I hope this week’s intention of:


    One Tweak a week


    Is helpful to you to encourage you to keep going. You’re making progress and doing great!


    Lots of love,


    Want to dive in deeper?

    Download your free ENVISION+RECEIVE workbook and meditation HERE to create a mini-retreat to gain clarity of what you want and how you want to feel this year.

    And join me!!! 👇🏼

    🌴beautiful BALI RETREAT in April for ultimate healing, magic + transformation

    ❤️GODDESS GATHERING workshop March 23rd (Maple Valley in person)

    🎁 Need more calm? 







    Today’s episode is about completion. 


    HUH? What does this have to do with self-love or mindfulness? 


    When we don’t complete our tasks, it chips at our self worth. If we have a running list of all the things we need to do, this ever growing list can feel overwhelming, anxiety inducing and stressful.


    Completion of our tasks builds self worth, confidence and relieves stress.



    • What projects or tasks have I left unfinished? (this could be as simple as finishing reading a book, or sending out an email to a larger project or dream)

    • What outstanding debts do I have?

    • Who do I owe money to? 

    • Who do I owe an apology to? 

    • Who do I owe words of appreciation to?

    • What dreams have I put on hold?


    How does not completing these things make me feel?

    How would it feel to complete these tasks and projects?


    Now the work begins: It doesn’t matter the order - just start completing each task fully! Usually simple and easy is best. 

    Make a plan and start checking them off. When you do, write down next to each task how completing  this made you feel.

    Share with me too!





    Want to dive in deeper? 

    Download your free ENVISION+RECEIVE workbook and meditation HERE to create a mini-retreat to gain clarity of what you want and how you want to feel this year.

    And join me!!! 👇🏼

    🌴beautiful BALI RETREAT in April for ultimate healing, magic + transformation

    ❤️GODDESS GATHERING workshop March 23rd (Maple Valley in person)

    🎁 Need more calm? 




    Self Love Meditation

    Self Love Meditation

    This week, many people are celebrating Valentine’s Day. But what about self-love and celebrating yourself? In today’s meditation, we’ll invite the mantra: AHEM PREMA, which in Sanskrit translates into  “I am love”


    I hope today’s meditation helps you feel more at ease within yourself and a warmth that you are enough and you matter


    Sending you lots of love



    Want to dive in deeper?

    Download your free ENVISION+RECEIVE workbook and meditation HERE to create a mini-retreat to gain clarity of what you want and how you want to feel this year.

    And join me!!! 👇🏼

    🌴beautiful BALI RETREAT in April for ultimate healing, magic + transformation

    ❤️GODDESS GATHERING workshop March 23rd (Maple Valley in person)

    🎁 Need more calm? 





    What is Life teaching you?

    What is Life teaching you?

    I just finished my book! Well, my 2nd draft of this book (that I started 11 years ago!?, and just recently picked it back up).

    Life is always speaking to us…are we listening?

    In today’s intention and reflection, I’ll guide you to look back at your challenges and see what Life was trying to teach you.

    What are you experiencing NOW that you can learn from?

    I finished my book with my own reflection of my challenges: 

    • my divorce taught me to learn to love myself so I could find love again
    • burnout and the uncertainty of a major career change taught me to really know myself and find my purpose to serve others and teach them how to know and love themselves
    • the death of my dad taught me to appreciate the impermanence of life and taught me how to truly live 
    • my dark season of motherhood is teaching me how to mother myself (in a new way, in this new role) through tenderness, slowing down and being gentle.

    Sometimes our challenges can feel like:

    • a dark hole you’re trying to claw your way out of
    • Or a tunnel your persevering to get through

    But more often, these dark times are the cocoon you’re meant to be in for a great transformation.

    I hope today’s episode is helpful.

    Let me know and connect with me!


    You matter,



    Want to dive in deeper into knowing and loving yourself? 

    Download your free ENVISION+RECEIVE workbook and meditation HERE to create a mini-retreat to gain clarity of what you want and how you want to feel this year.

    And join me!!! 👇🏼

    🌴beautiful BALI RETREAT in April for ultimate healing, magic + transformation

    ❤️GODDESS GATHERING workshop March 23rd (Maple Valley in person)

    🎁 Need more calm? 







    This week’s podcast is about giving yourself permission to experience more abundance and luxury AND to do something that feels luxurious each day.

     Jake and I finally celebrated my birthday night out in a luxurious hotel nearby. We went to dinner and sat by the hotel fire and connected. It was a Monday and we arrived to the hotel at 5pm and left at 9:30am for work, but that one night felt very luxurious. Maybe it’s because we haven’t had a night away from the kids in 4 years or maybe it’s because I’m a mom of a 2 and 5 year old, and “luxury” these days is removing my toe nail polish that’s been hanging on with little specks of what used to be the color.  

    What made this night special were the thoughtful details….The single rose and glass of wine at check in, cookies at the bar with a candle, truffles in my room with a note. 

    Details matter.  


    Sometimes we think we need a big chunk of time - a weekend, a retreat or spa day to feel luxury or taken care of, when we can and deserve to treat ourselves daily. 

    Notice how you feel about luxury? Perhaps giving to yourself may feel uncomfortable or privileged, but remember, YOU are your MOST beloved treasure, so why not treat yourself as such NOW not when you have more time, or more money or (whatever you think you need to give to yourself).

    In this season of your life, what little things bring you joy and make your life more special? 


    It may be fresh flowers, 

    a walk around the block without any distractions, 

    painting your nails,

    having a good glass of wine…


    Please share with me: what can you do this week to feel more luxury and abundance? 

    You deserve to treat yourself and feel special, because you ARE special.


    When we lean into believing in abundance, more abundance follows. 




    Join me in beautiful BALI this April to receive more clarity, magic and connection to your intuition and gifts. DETAILS FOR BALI HERE

    Tune into your Truth (meditation)

    Tune into your Truth (meditation)

    Last week I had the opportunity to be a guest speaker at a weekend long writers retreat, and you know what I learned?


    We are not alone in our fears and we have the same universal desires to feel seen, connected, signifiant. 


    What’s the ONE thing that gets in the way?


    Our Itty-Bitty-shitty-Committee!


    I’m writing about it in my book. I speak and teach alot about quieting it? WHY?


    Because if we listen to it, it will sabotage our dreams, demolish our self worth and just keep us stuck in scarcity and fear.


    In this week’s MINDFUL PAUSE PODCAST episode, I lead you through a quick version of last week’s hour long meditation to help you cut the cord to your limiting beliefs, negative narrative and anything else that may be keeping you stuck, so you can truly connect to your True Self - that place of love, creativity, joy and truth.


    Sending you lots of love friend!




    P.s. join me next Saturday in person for my SELF LOVE WORKSHOP 4-6pm. It’s allll about this ☝🏼SIGN UP HERE

    And if you want to dive deeper into really knowing and loving yourself, join me in beautiful BALI this April to receive more clarity, magic and connection to your intuition and gifts. DETAILS FOR BALI HERE

    The ONLY question you need to ask yourself

    The ONLY question you need to ask yourself

    Setting a new year’s goal, resolution or an intention can get complicated. Our mind wants to figure it all out, work backwards to make our goal happen.


    In today’s meditation, you just need to ask your heart ONE question to gain crystal clear, potent clarity.


    💫 What do I want? 💫


    Resist the need to ask Why, When or How questions right now.

    These tend to be answered from our mind to try to figure out a solution or plan.


    Just ask:

    What do I want most?


    How do I want to feel?


    Let yourself get quiet and listen to the whisper of your heart.


    Listen for the potent answer.

    This is your soul speaking your Truth.


    All will unfold beautifully.


    Share with me what you want and how you want to feel.


    I love hearing from you!



    Want to dive in deeper? 

    Download your free ENVISION+RECEIVE workbook and meditation HERE to create a mini-retreat to gain clarity of what you want and how you want to feel this year. 

    And join me!!! 👇🏼

    💫 virtually on JAN 7th for SATYA SOUL SPEAK workshop where we’ll move + envision + receive all that you are. 

     🌴beautiful BALI RETREAT in April for ultimate healing, magic + transformation (price increases $250 at end of month)

    ❤️SACRED SELF LOVE workshop JAN 27th @ 4-6pm (Maple Valley in person) 

     🎁 Need more calm?  




    ENVISION and RECEIVE free retreat

    ENVISION and RECEIVE free retreat

    Happy New Year friend!


    Join me in a New Year mini-retreat to create a soft place to land so you can tune into your heart and gain clarity of what you want to create, experience and feel in the most loving ways.


    CLICK HERE for your workbook to start your 1-hour workshop of reflection + envisioning + receiving your gifts that only you have.


    When you quiet your mind, you can hear the whisper of your heart that speaks the truth of what you yearn for and what you need to nourish yourself and your dreams.


    It’s not through goal setting, striving or pushing yourself to do more, but by softening into this sacred stillness to listen and know this infinite wisdom within you, remembering that you are enough and you matter.


    You are special and have unique gifts that only you have.


    I’m so excited for you to embark on this journey of knowing and loving yourself.


    Download your free ENVISION+RECEIVE workbook and meditation HERE to create a mini-retreat to gain clarity of what you want and how you want to feel this year. 


    Lots of love,



    And join me!!! 👇🏼

    💫 virtually on JAN 7th for SATYA SOUL SPEAK workshop where we’ll move + envision + receive all that you are. 

     🌴beautiful BALI RETREAT in April for ultimate healing, magic + transformation (price increases $250 at end of month)

    ❤️SACRED SELF LOVE workshop JAN 27th @ 4-6pm (Maple Valley in person) 

     🎁 Need more calm?  




    End of Year Reflection Meditation

    End of Year Reflection Meditation

    Today’s my birthday! On my birthday (or the end of the year) I love to create a soft place to land and reflect on what I’ve learned and who I’m becoming.


    Set aside 10 minutes to listen to TODAY’S MEDITATION to reflect and appreciate who you are and journal:


    ·      What do you want to release/clear?

    ·      What are the lessons you’ve learned?

    ·      What are you most proud of?

    ·      What inspires you about yourself?

    ·      What do you want more of moving forward? (experiences, creations, feelings?)

    ·      What are you appreciating?


    lots of love



    Want to dive in deeper? 

    Download your free ENVISION+RECEIVE workbook and meditation HERE to create a mini-retreat to gain clarity of what you want and how you want to feel this year. 

    And join me!!! 👇🏼

    💫 virtually on JAN 7th for SATYA SOUL SPEAK workshop where we’ll move + envision + receive all that you are. 

     🌴beautiful BALI RETREAT in April for ultimate healing, magic + transformation (price increases $250 at end of month)

    ❤️SACRED SELF LOVE workshop JAN 27th @ 4-6pm (Maple Valley in person) 

     🎁 grab these last minute Christmas gifts: 




    Notice the Sparkle

    Notice the Sparkle

    A few weeks ago, we took a drive up to Mount Rainier with the kids and on our way up, Hunter, my 5-year old exclaimed, “WOW look at the snow sparkling!”

    The bright white walls of snow piled on the side of the highway indeed were glistening in the sunshine like tiny crystals sparkling.

    I wouldn’t have noticed it, but children are so present they notice every detail of Life.

    What if we could sprinkle a little bit of that childlike wonder and presence throughout our day?

    So often we miss the little moments of sparkle because we’re lost in our mind.

    When we recycle past stories, rehash limiting beliefs, or spin worries of the future, we create our own suffering and remain stuck in the struggle.

    When we’re present, we can notice the sparkle, the magic and joy around us.

    Today take moments to pause and notice the sparkle…


    Remind yourself of:

    ·      what’s good in your life

    ·      What have you overcome

    ·      Who are you becoming

    ·      What you’re grateful for today and what’s to come


    And BONUS… think of 3 people who have added some sparkle to your life when you needed it this  year and give them some sparkle by sharing with them how they’ve helped lift you up or brightened your day.

    Also, I love hearing from you, so please share with me your sparkle and what you’re grateful for.


    Hope you are having a very merry Christmas and happy holidays




    Want to dive in deeper?

    Download your free ENVISION+RECEIVE workbook and meditation HERE to create a mini-retreat to gain clarity of what you want and how you want to feel this year. 

    And join me!!! 👇🏼

    💫 virtually on 1/7/24 for SATYA SOUL SPEAK workshop where we’ll move + envision + receive all that you are. 

     🌴beautiful BALI RETREAT in April for ultimate healing, magic + transformation (price increases $250 at end of month)

    ❤️SACRED SELF LOVE workshop 1/27/24 @ 4-6pm (Maple Valley in person) 

    Healing from the Loss of a Loved One

    Healing from the Loss of a Loved One

    The Holidays can be a special time but it can also bring a lot of uneasy emotions such as sadness and grief while missing a loved one. This meditation will help you be with all of your emotions and invite your loved one to be with you during this sacred experience to feel their love and presence. This meditation was vulnerable and you’ll hear me tear up right there with you at the end. You are not alone in your grief.

    Through this daily practice of connecting with my dad (who was MY person), I can tell you that this is the biggest way I’ve been able to get through my grief.

    I can’t say I’m “healed” (we’re always in process of messy healing when we lose our person, right?), but it’s helped me still feel close to him even though he’s not physically here with me. I feel his guidance every day and am grateful for this practice of getting quiet and tuning into a sacredness that’s available to us all.

    When I was in Bali this year for my yoga retreat, I felt my dad’s presence everywhere – in the beauty of Bali, in the signs that I received and in my heart with a warm feeling he was enjoying each moment. It felt so divine with all of the synchronicities!

    There was so much healing and magic in Bali, truly there aren’t words to describe it 🌈

    Although we can’t all go on a spiritual vacation, we can take moments to create sacred space to feel and invite our loved ones to be with us by:

    ·      asking questions and talking to them

    ·      listening for their wisdom in those quiet moments

    ·      and looking for signs they are still with us in spirit protecting us, loving us and guiding us.


    Thank you for being here, rating + reviewing this podcast and sharing it with those you love!

    Lots of love,



    🌈 p.s. join me for the utmost healing, beauty and spiritual connection with yourself in 

    beautiful BALI yoga retreat (April 2024)

    or TUSCANY yoga retreat (September 2024)

    All details at: http://www.audreysuttonmills.com


    💫 Join me for a virtual event Jan 7th @4-6PM pst

    SOUL SPEAK: yoga + meditation + journaling

    attune to your heart’s deepest desire + Dharma

    SIGN UP for Soul speak virtual workshop 

    How to be more Intentional during the Holidays

    How to be more Intentional during the Holidays

    Five easy Ways to be more intentional this Holiday so you can be more present, peaceful and enjoy this special time.

    Resist burnout at the beginning of the year and create a soft place to land at the end of the year, with these 5 easy ways:

     1. Ask what is really essential?

    2. What can I say NO to?

    3. Who is most important to me and how can I schedule quality time with them first before all of the invitations come in?

    4. What do I need to fill my cup? (often it’s free, quiet time, quality time with yourself - what is it and where can you schedule this in daily and weekly?)

    5. Commit to moments of pause throughout the day to breathe, appreciate and BE (with those you love, what you love and the beauty of life in front of you).

    Thank you for being here, rating + reviewing this podcast and sharing it with those you love!

    Lots of love,


    🌈 p.s. join me for the utmost healing, beauty and spiritual connection with yourself in 

    beautiful BALI yoga retreat (April 2024)

    or TUSCANY yoga retreat (September 2024)


    All details at: http://www.audreysuttonmills.com


    💫 Join me for a virtual event Jan 7th @4-6PM pst

    SOUL SPEAK: yoga + meditation + journaling

    attune to your heart’s deepest desire + Dharma

    SIGN UP for Soul speak virtual workshop 

    Nourish yourself with Self Care (affirmations)

    Nourish yourself with Self Care (affirmations)

    The Holidays can be a time of excitment and full of love, but it can also feel really overhelming like we have to hustle and get everything done, end the year with a bang and shop, wrap, cook, enterain.

    Fill up your cup and nurture your heart in today’s episode on Self-care...not what you think Self-care should look like or what it used to look like, but caring for your body, mind and spirit in this season, right now.

    Get comfy, breathe deeply and tune in to your heart for nourishment.

    Sending you lots of love and care this week,




    p.s. join me in beautiful BALI or Tuscany yoga retreat in 2024. All details at: http://www.audreysuttonmills.com

    Join me for a virtual event SOUL SPEAK: soulful yoga + meditation + journaling to attune to your heart’s deepest desire and let your Soul speak your sankalpa and Dharma

    SIGN UP for Soul speak virtual workshop January 7th, 2023 @4-6PM pst

    When You're in Waiting (Meditation)

    When You're in Waiting (Meditation)

    Sometimes we’re in a period of waiting….

    Waiting for our romantic partner

    Waiting for the right job offer

    Waiting to start a family

    Waiting to heal


    Waiting can be hard. We want to rush through it.

    The inner work is to stay.


    In today’s meditation, we’ll sit in the waiting to find ourselves.




    p.s. I hope you can join me in beautiful BALI or Tuscany yoga retreat in 2024. All details at: http://www.audreysuttonmills.com


    Join me for a virtual event SOUL SPEAK: soulful yoga + meditation + journaling to attune to your heart’s deepest desire and let your Soul speak your sankalpa and Dharma

    SIGN UP for Soul speak virtual workshop January 7th, 2023 @4-6PM pst


    How to be FREE of other peoples' expectations, triggers and control

    How to be FREE of other peoples' expectations, triggers and control

    The holidays are HERE and we can easily get triggered by relatives who say things that make us feel uncomfortable, activate past conditioning and old beliefs, or people who make us feel guilty for not doing what they want or being who they want you to be.


    Let go of any expectations, control and any judgment with this 1 affirmation in today’s episode.


    Affirming: “I am helpless over other people’s emotions and actions” frees you from the story of your Itty-Bitty-Shitty-Committee to return to your inner peace.


    Listen to today’s meditation to help you let go of a triggering situation to find your freedom.


    Please let me know if you like this affirmation and how it’s helping you in letting go of triggered emotions and be free.





    p.s. join me in beautiful BALI or Tuscany yoga retreat in 2024. All details at: http://www.audreysuttonmills.com


    Join me for a virtual event SOUL SPEAK: soulful yoga + meditation + journaling to attune to your heart’s deepest desire and let your Soul speak your sankalpa and Dharma

    SIGN UP for Soul speak virtual workshop January 7th, 2023 @4-6PM pst


    How are you feeling, really?

    How are you feeling, really?

    I was on a retreat shadowing my mentor and teacher, Jana Wilson who teaches how to love our inner child.

    As adults, we’re typically interacting with each other from our wounded child - that part of us who hasn’t learned to be with and manage our emotions to be the healthy, mature adult. So, when we get triggered, our wounded child acts out. We might act out in anger or rage, when beneath that is a little child who feels helpless over others or feels sorrow and grief. It’s easier to be angry than to feel helpless.

    Underneath our wounded emotions of anger, resentment, shame, fear or jealousy are 5 core emotions from our core inner child.

    In today’s podcast, we’ll explore these 5 core emotions to help you uncover the real emotion that you’re feeling, so you can lovingly BE with yourself.

    Moving forward, you can use this technique to help you listen to your emotions of your inner child and give yourself a big hug and remember it’s going to be okay because you have YOU.

    When you become the healthy, loving, mature adult you needed as a child, you heal old patterns and wounds and love your whole self.

    Lots of love friend,


    p.s. join me in beautiful BALI or Tuscany yoga retreat in 2024. All details at: http://www.audreysuttonmills.com



    Feeling disconnected from who you want to be?

    Maybe it's the change of seasons.

    Maybe it's that life is so fast, like we're on a treadmill we can't get off of making us feel ungrounded.

    Or maybe it's we've been looking outside ourselves for the validation, the love, the acceptance we're seeking.

    In today's episode, I'll guide you back to feeling connected with yourself in a short meditation to help you remember you have all of the answeres within you.

    sending you lots of love,



    p.s. join me in beautiful BALI or Tuscany yoga retreat in 2024. All details at: http://www.audreysuttonmills.com



    Grounding Meditation

    Grounding Meditation

    I hope today’s meditation helps you release the chatter of your mind and let your mind rest in the  loving stillness of your heart.


    Also, if you’re called to go deeper, join me in beautiful Bali for magic, healing and connection in April 2024 or Tuscany to indulge, renew and deeply connect to yourself and your life’s vision.


    Details for my New Year's virtual workshop and retreats are on my website audreysuttonmills.com. I hope to see you soon.



    Details for TUSCANY and BALI Retreats:

    Tuscany https://soul-school.mykajabi.com/tuscany2024

    Bali https://soul-school.mykajabi.com/baliretreat2024