
    #529: The Money Scripts That Are Holding Back Your Financial Future

    enJuly 29, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Money scripts and their impact on our financial progressOur past experiences and feelings towards poverty and wealth can limit our financial growth, passing down negative money scripts to future generations should be avoided.

      Our upbringing and past experiences significantly impact our relationship with money. Psychologist Brad Klontz, who specializes in money issues and authored "Mind Over Money," discusses the concept of money scripts and how they can hinder our financial progress in adulthood. He shares how feelings of shame surrounding poverty and wealth can limit us, making it difficult to move beyond our socioeconomic backgrounds. Moreover, he emphasizes the importance of being intentional about the money scripts we pass down to our children and avoiding negative messages like "we can't afford that." Brad's personal story of accumulating student loan debt and attempting to get out of it through risky investments illustrates the consequences of unaddressed money scripts. His journey led him to discover the lack of focus on money in psychology, ultimately becoming an expert in the field.

    • Money struggles rooted in upbringing and culture, not just knowledgeUnderstanding our psychological drivers of money behavior can lead to significant financial improvements, beyond just gaining knowledge.

      Our financial struggles are not a result of being crazy, lazy, or stupid, but rather a predictable outcome based on the money scripts we've inherited from our upbringing and culture. Another misconception is that gaining more financial knowledge will automatically solve our problems. While information is valuable, it only helps a minority of people. The majority of our financial behaviors are driven by psychology, and understanding this can lead to significant improvements. The author's experience of interviewing family members and writing a book about money with his father led him to become a financial psychologist, helping people understand their own financial psychology and make lasting changes.

    • Childhood experiences shape money beliefsUnderstanding and addressing deeply-rooted money beliefs can lead to better financial decisions and improved financial situation

      Our money beliefs, formed during childhood and influenced by significant financial experiences, can significantly impact our financial future. For instance, my grandfather's traumatic experience during the Great Depression led him to distrust financial institutions, causing him to miss out on opportunities for growth. Similarly, my mother's intense fear of not having enough money led her to be extremely frugal and miss out on potential stock market gains. Understanding and addressing these deeply-rooted beliefs can help individuals make more informed financial decisions and improve their overall financial situation.

    • Money scripts shaped by upbringing and experiencesUnderstanding and examining money scripts can help challenge limiting beliefs and make informed financial decisions.

      Our upbringing and experiences significantly influence our beliefs and behaviors towards money, often leading to patterns that can limit our financial growth. These money scripts, as they're called, can be passed down through generations and impact our income, net worth, debt, and various financial behaviors. These scripts can stem from emotional events, such as a stock market crash, or from our relationships and social circles. Even as our financial circumstances change, we may continue to adhere to these scripts, creating a comfort zone that can be hard to break. This is due to our evolutionary need for social connection and acceptance, which can lead us to prioritize staying within our tribe or family group, even at the expense of our financial well-being. Understanding and examining these money scripts can help us challenge limiting beliefs and make more informed financial decisions.

    • Financial behaviors influenced by socioeconomic background and comfort zonePeople's beliefs and feelings towards money can be deeply rooted in their socioeconomic background and comfort zone, leading to irrational financial decisions and even drastic measures to maintain status or belong to a certain social group. Belief in money avoidance can prevent financial success.

      People's financial behaviors are often influenced by their socioeconomic background and comfort zone. Leaving this zone can lead to feelings of discomfort and even anxiety, which can result in irrational financial decisions. This phenomenon is so powerful that it can even lead some individuals to take drastic measures, including debt or even suicide, to maintain their status or belong to a certain social group. One specific money disorder that arises from this is money avoidance, where people strongly believe that money is corrupting and that living with less is virtuous. This belief can lead them to avoid financial success at all costs.

    • Childhood experiences shape our relationship with moneyRecognize and challenge limiting beliefs formed during childhood to improve financial well-being

      Our relationship with money is often shaped by our childhood experiences and the social context around us. People may develop negative associations with money due to a sense of not belonging or feeling uncomfortable with their socioeconomic status. This can lead to ambivalence, avoidance, or even self-destructive financial behaviors. These money scripts, formed during childhood, can persist into adulthood and impact our financial well-being. It's essential to recognize and challenge these limiting beliefs to achieve financial success and overall well-being.

    • Overcoming money avoidance and managing wealthBalance self-awareness, practical steps, planning, and open communication to manage wealth and support family and community without enabling financial dependency.

      Overcoming money avoidance and managing wealth involves both self-awareness and practical steps. Awareness of the emotional baggage surrounding money and understanding its impact on family dynamics is crucial. However, simply giving money to loved ones without structure can lead to financial dependency and eventual depletion of resources. Instead, it's essential to find a balance between maintaining wealth and supporting family and community. This often involves careful planning and open communication. For many, the fear of judgment and potential loss of identity due to wealth can lead to secrecy. Therefore, it's important to consider what and how much to disclose, and to approach conversations with sensitivity and respect for the unique dynamics of each family situation. Ultimately, navigating wealth involves a delicate balance of self-awareness, practical planning, and open communication.

    • Understanding Money Disorders: Avoidance and WorshipMoney disorders, such as avoidance and worship, can impact our financial and emotional well-being. Avoidance can lead to missed opportunities, while worship can result in overspending and debt. Striking a balance is crucial for a healthy relationship with money.

      Our relationship with money can significantly impact our financial and emotional well-being. Money avoidance and money worshiping are two common money disorders that can lead to financial instability and unhappiness. Money avoidance can result in missed opportunities to help family members financially, while money worshiping can lead to overspending and debt. Our culture, with its constant portrayal of wealth and material possessions, can contribute to feelings of relative deprivation and the belief that more money equals happiness. However, research shows that once basic needs are met, additional income does not necessarily lead to increased happiness. It's essential to strike a balance and find a healthy relationship with money, avoiding both avoidance and worship.

    • Money's Complex Impact on HappinessUnderstanding our upbringing, relative deprivation, and money scripts can help navigate financial challenges in relationships and prioritize true happiness through close relationships and fulfilling endeavors.

      Our relationship with money is complex and can be influenced by various factors including our upbringing, relative deprivation, and money scripts. The discussion highlighted the irrational behavior people exhibit when it comes to money, such as preferring to make less if it means more than their peers. This phenomenon, known as relative deprivation, can stem from childhood experiences of deprivation. However, focusing solely on money to achieve happiness can be destructive. Instead, prioritizing close relationships and engaging in fulfilling endeavors is essential for true happiness. Money disputes are common in relationships, with one out of three couples experiencing financial infidelity, and understanding our money scripts can help us navigate these challenges.

    • Money's impact on relationships: lies, dependency, and lessons for future generationsMoney-related lies can lead to mistrust and insecurity, financially enabling someone can be harmful, and financial dependence can result in lack of creativity, drive, and life satisfaction. Parents should be aware of their money scripts and teach healthy financial attitudes to children.

      Money-related lies and financial dependency can significantly impact relationships. People may lie about money, leading to mistrust and insecurity. Financially enabling someone, while seemingly helpful, can actually be harmful due to money's powerful reinforcing effects. Financial dependence, on the other hand, can result in a lack of creativity, drive, and life satisfaction, leading to resentment towards the source of the money. As parents, it's essential to be aware of our money scripts and the lessons we're teaching our children about money, as they're absorbing our financial attitudes and behaviors whether we realize it or not. By staying aware and addressing any potential issues, we can help break the cycle and foster healthier relationships with money for future generations.

    • Impact of Parents on Children's Money BeliefsParents influence children's money beliefs and behaviors. Challenging inaccurate scripts like 'rich people are greedy' and 'money can buy happiness' while emphasizing saving and delaying gratification can foster healthy financial habits.

      Parents have a significant impact on shaping their children's money beliefs and behaviors. It's essential to be aware of the money scripts we unconsciously pass on to our kids and look for opportunities to expand and make them more accurate. For instance, challenging the belief that rich people are greedy by also acknowledging their generosity. Another script to counter is the money worshiping one, where we emphasize that money can't buy happiness beyond a certain point. Additionally, avoiding phrases like "we can't afford that" and instead educating kids on saving and delaying gratification can be beneficial. These practices not only help children develop a healthier relationship with money but also instill valuable skills for their future.

    • Recognize our wealth and perspectiveShift perspective to acknowledge resources and opportunities, access Dr. Brad Klontz's free resources on financial psychology at mentalwealthadvisors.com

      Despite where we may stand financially in the United States, we are wealthy compared to the rest of the world. Dr. Brad Klontz, author of "Mind Over Money," encourages us to shift our perspective and recognize the ways we have access to resources and opportunities that many people around the world do not. Klontz also emphasizes the importance of financial psychology and offers free resources, such as a money script test, on his website, mentalwealthadvisors.com. To learn more about Klontz's work and financial psychology, check out his YouTube channel, Dr. Brad Klontz, and follow him on social media. Remember, wealth is not just about money, but also about perspective and access to resources.

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    One thing we can NEVER get back in time. Honor yourself and your precious life by fully going after the lifestyle you want, instead of settling for what you’ve got. I promise you, it’s worth the risk. 

    Start by listening to this NEW 3-Part Series, to get your internal radio tuned into a station that gets you dancing, grooving, and movin’ with radiating abundant energy and thoughts. 

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    What happens if you leave a wound unattended? Like you don’t clean it, check on it, or change the dressing. 

    It will fester and get infected right? 

    Well, the mental money wounds that swirl in your mind and nervous system have likely gone untreated for years, perhaps decades, or your entire life. 

    They rarely heal on their own. In fact, I’ve not worked with one single client in my entire career (over 150,000 people) that didn’t have severely untreated money wounds that needed treatment. 

    There are two mind-blowing reasons why you still struggle with money:

    1. Your relationship with money is directly tied to your childhood and significant relationships in your life. 
    2. Your self-worth. Literally, your self-worth is a direct correlation to your net worth.  

    Let’s do some triage today on your money wounds, and release what is blocking your abundance.


    >>Spring applications are CLOSING SOON for my Exclusive 2-Month Private Business Coaching program: Private Coaching Application


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    🔥 Income Accelerator 🔥 the Premium Money Mastery to 10K months is open and you can apply today here https://themoneymindsethub.com/income 

    When an ambitious entrepreneur finds themselves stuck at the same level of income despite their hard work and multiple six figure success, they must explore the Money Brain Frameworks of Income Accelerator to break out of their comfort zone and increase their income.

    "You don't have to settle for that. You don't have to be okay with doing six figures  or any figures and not wanting more. In fact, you know this because if you are listening to this episode is because you know you want to increase your income."

    I was starting to feel frustrated with my business. I was producing multiple six figures of income, but had hit a plateau. I was stuck and wanted more. I realized I had found my comfort zone with money and my brain was trying to keep me safe. I decided to take action and looked into Income Accelerator, a program which teaches money brain frameworks to increase income. I worked with my brain instead of against it and was able to level up my income in a way I didn't think was possible. I now have the confidence to keep striving and creating more.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:
    1. What are the money brain frameworks that can help you increase your income?
    2. How can you work with your brain and not against it to increase your income?
    3. How can you tap into the different money brain frameworks to have a conversation with yourself and increase your income?


    🔥 Income Accelerator 🔥 the Premium Money Mastery to 10K months is open and you can apply today here https://themoneymindsethub.com/income 

    Connect with me: Instagram: @MoneyMindsetExpert
    YouTube: TheMoneyMindsetHub
    Website: www.Themoneymindsethub.com

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    Attention fintech industry professionals! Have you heard these myths about financial inclusivity and equity?

    Myth #1: Financial inclusivity is just about providing access to banking services.

    Myth #2: Financial equity is only relevant for low-income individuals.

    Myth #3: Achieving financial inclusivity and equity is a burden on businesses.

    Stay tuned as our guest, Nicole Casperson, reveals the truth and provides actionable insights to drive positive change in the industry.

    My special guest is Nicole Casperson (Founder of Fintech is Femme Linkedin and Instagram

    "As women, we need to take those risks sooner and create paths for ourselves that are custom-made. Don't question whether you deserve to be in the seat you're already sitting in, because you do. - Nicole Casperson"

    Combining journalism, knowledge of financial technology and a passion for diversity, Nicole Casperson presents a unique perspective on financial inclusivity and equity. After years serving as a finance reporter and covering various niche markets, she felt drawn to do something bigger. That's when Fintech is Fem was born. Through this initiative, Nicole aims to amplify the voices of women and diverse leaders who are currently underrepresented in the fintech industry. She uses her keen sense of storytelling to share their inspiring tales through 'Humans of Fintech', her newsletter, and events.


    The key moments in this episode are:

    Episode 1 
    00:00:00 - Introduction,

    00:02:25 - Launching Fintech is Fem,

    00:05:54 - Challenging mainstream narratives,

    00:10:13 - Story of a Female Entrepreneur,

    00:14:27 - Taking risks as a woman,

    00:17:55 - Feeling like an Imposter,

    00:19:38 - Overcoming Imposter Syndrome,


    Episode 2 

    00:24:39 - Changing the Narrative Around Money,

    00:26:36 - The Importance of Diversity in Fintech,

    00:35:26 - Challenging Narratives and Seeking Truth,

    00:36:43 - The Power of Representation and Knowing Your Roots,

    00:38:14 - The Role of Data in Challenging False Narratives,