
    53. Leading From Your Feminine with Mel Wells

    enJuly 23, 2024
    What is the essence of embracing feminine energy?
    Who is Mel Wells and what does she promote?
    What is the significance of the film 'Renaissance'?
    How can emotions be released during meditation?
    What role does vulnerability play in leadership?

    Podcast Summary

    • Feminine energy and leadershipEmbracing feminine energy, regardless of gender, can lead to personal growth, healing, and transformation. Making space for emotions is crucial for releasing deep-seated pain and fostering feminine leadership.

      Embracing the feminine energy, regardless of gender, can lead to personal growth, healing, and transformation. Mel Wells, a bestselling author, TEDx speaker, and health coach, embodies this energy and has helped thousands of women heal their relationship with food and their bodies. She also leads from a gentle, powerful, soft feminine space and has gathered five female leaders for a film called "Renaissance" to document the collective rise of feminine leadership. During a meditation event, unexpected emotions and experiences surfaced, allowing participants to fully feel and release deep-seated pain, emphasizing the importance of making space for emotions and allowing them to be felt. Mel's vulnerability and openness serve as an inspiration for others to do the same, making her a modern-day Renaissance woman and a beacon of feminine leadership.

    • Breakup transformationA breakup can lead to personal growth and transformation if one is open to learning and healing, and recognizes the importance of prioritizing one's own feminine energy and understanding polarity in relationships.

      The experience of going through a devastating breakup can be a transformative journey if one is open to learning and healing. The speaker shared her personal story of being blindsided by her partner's infidelity and the initial shock and anger she felt. However, she eventually came to realize that she had been neglecting her own feminine energy and allowing herself to be in a one-sided relationship. This realization led her to a period of deep introspection and self-work, during which she learned to prioritize her own healing and growth. She also came to understand the importance of polarity in relationships and the need for both partners to bring their unique energies to the table. Ultimately, the breakup served as a catalyst for the speaker's personal growth and inspired her to help others do the same through her work.

    • Breakup insightsExamining our role in a breakup and doing healing work can reveal hidden patterns and wounds, leading to self-awareness and a healthier approach to relationships.

      Personal growth and self-awareness can be gained from even the most painful experiences, such as a breakup. By examining our own role in the relationship dynamics and doing the necessary healing work, we can uncover hidden patterns and wounds, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our relationships. This process can involve exploring our past experiences with significant masculine figures and identifying both their positive and negative attributes. By recognizing and addressing our own inner masculine and feminine energies, we can create a healthier and more balanced approach to love and relationships.

    • Feminine Energy LeadershipWomen can become more powerful leaders by embracing their feminine energy and allowing it to lead, fostering collaboration, compassion, and vulnerability, creating positive change and avoiding burnout.

      Women can tap into their feminine energy to become more powerful leaders in their personal and professional lives. Instead of constantly switching between masculine and feminine roles, women should give their feminine energy the throne and allow it to lead. This approach to leadership fosters collaboration, compassion, and vulnerability, which can bring people together and create positive change. An example of a female leader who embodies this style of leadership is Oprah Winfrey, who connects deeply with her audience through her heart and vulnerability. In business, women can apply this concept by focusing on being the lighthouse, emitting a signal of magnetism and allowing opportunities to come to them, rather than constantly hunting for them. This approach can lead to greater fulfillment and success without the burnout often associated with constant hustle.

    • Authentic storytellingSharing your story authentically and vulnerably can attract clients and lead to growth by building trust and allowing collaboration to emerge naturally.

      Being vulnerable and authentic in sharing your story can be more effective in attracting clients than traditional sales tactics. By embodying your work and sharing it from a place of love and non-attachment, you become a magnet for those who resonate with your message. This approach requires trust and surrender, allowing the pathways for collaboration to naturally emerge. As shared experiences of letting go of control and surrendering to the unknown, the speaker and I found that these moments have led to some of the most significant blessings and growth in our lives.

    • Intuition and Feminine PowerTrusting intuition and embracing the feminine can lead to powerful transformations, even when it goes against our preferences. Balancing masculine and feminine energies is crucial for wholeness.

      Trusting intuition and being open to change can lead to powerful transformations, whether it's during a home birth or in other areas of life. The speaker shared a story about how surrendering to a C-section saved a baby's life, highlighting the importance of listening to inner guidance even when it goes against our preferences. The discussion also touched on the concept of feminine power and the importance of embracing the feminine archetypes to achieve wholeness. The speaker's retreats focus on this concept through various activities and archetypes, aiming to help women connect with their inner feminine and lead from that place. The importance of balancing the masculine and feminine was emphasized, with the speaker sharing that many women are afraid of the feminine due to past traumas or cultural conditioning. Overall, the conversation underscored the power of trusting intuition, embracing the feminine, and finding balance between the masculine and feminine energies.

    • Personal growth and motherhoodEmbracing motherhood as a spiritual journey can lead to personal growth and unconditional love. The transformative experience presents an opportunity to heal past wounds and implement new habits.

      Focusing on oneself and investing in personal growth can attract positive relationships and experiences, just like the feminine energy draws in the masculine. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and celebrating the spiritual transformation of motherhood, rather than succumbing to societal pressure and negativity surrounding it. By embracing the magic and challenges of motherhood as a profound spiritual journey, individuals can foster personal growth and unconditional love. Additionally, motherhood presents an opportunity to implement new habits and heal past wounds, as the brain undergoes significant changes during this time. Overall, the speaker encourages embracing motherhood as a meaningful and transformative experience, rather than a source of shame or hardship.

    • Embracing feminine leadershipValuing intuition, vulnerability, caregivers, truth-telling, and emotional growth can lead to a more connected world. Identifying and addressing emotional blocks helps create a safe space for exploration and transformation.

      Embracing the feminine in leadership can lead to a more connected and compassionate world. This includes valuing the intuition and vulnerability that come from the feminine, celebrating the important role of mothers and caregivers, and speaking the truth with bravery and vulnerability. Alchemy, the process of turning pain into power, can help us transform our darkest emotions into sources of joy and ecstasy. To help others embark on this journey, it's essential to identify and address the blocks that prevent them from feeling and expressing their emotions fully. By creating a safe space for exploration and growth, we can all learn to embrace the full range of human emotions and harness their transformative power.

    • Letting go of perfectionHigh achievers can find joy and benefits by doing things at 70%, allowing rest and collaboration instead of constant striving for perfection. Embracing the present moment can lead to a more enjoyable and fulfilling experience in work and life.

      Women, especially high achievers, often struggle with letting go of the need to be the best and do everything at 100%. Mel Wells shares her personal experience of discovering the joy and benefits of doing things at a 70%, allowing herself to rest and collaborate instead of constantly striving for perfection. This shift led to a more enjoyable and fulfilling experience in her work and personal life. Entrepreneurs can learn from this and trust their embodiment to lead, potentially leading to a more alive and successful business. Meditation, especially during challenging times, can be a powerful tool for grounding and presence. Wells encourages embracing the present moment, even if it means putting aside traditional practices like meditation, and trusting that the practice is the presence.

    • Renaissance filmGain early access to the inspiring and thought-provoking 'Renaissance' film that explores the power of empathy and compassion at Melwells.com/Emily

      If you're interested in gaining early access to a groundbreaking film that explores the power of leading with empathy and compassion, you can visit Melwells.com/Emily or click the link in the show notes. This film, titled "Renaissance," promises to showcase what's possible when we shift our focus towards a new type of power. By accessing it early, you'll have the opportunity to be among the first to witness this inspiring and thought-provoking visual journey. So, if you're eager to learn more and be part of this movement, head to Melwells.com/Emily or click the provided link in the show notes.

    Recent Episodes from Why Isn't Everyone Doing This? with Emily Fletcher

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    54. Why Isn't Everyone Doing This? | Finale Season 2
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    53. Leading From Your Feminine with Mel Wells

    53. Leading From Your Feminine with Mel Wells
    Today, Emily is joined by Mel Wells to discuss Why Isn’t Everyone Leading From Their Feminine?  Mel Wells is a Certified Health Coach, Eating Psychology Coach, International Speaker and the Bestselling Author. Mel empowers women to stop dieting for good, and challenge their entire belief system around food and their bodies, by working on the relationship they have with themselves. In today’s episode, Emily and Mel take a deep dive into what it means to embrace your feminine energy, the power of grief, and so much more.  Mel also opens up about a deeply personal breakup that served as a catalyst for profound self-discovery and growth. Her story highlights the importance of learning from our relationships and using challenging experiences as opportunities for rebirth and transformation. We promise you this episode is packed with insights you won't want to miss. Love the episode? Be sure to follow and rate the podcast so more people can unlock the keys and codes to free their souls. Get early access to Mel Wells' NEW film Renaissance here: https://melwells.com/emily === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel === Mel Wells is a Certified Health Coach, Eating Psychology Coach, International Speaker and the Bestselling Author of widely acclaimed, ‘The Goddess Revolution’.  She is Hay House’s youngest author and has been featured in Forbes Under 30, Women’s Health, Cosmopolitan, BBC Radio 1 and more, as a leading women’s expert in her field. Mel dedicates her time to helping women worldwide ditch the dieting for good, make peace with food and love their healthy bodies. Mel coaches women via her famous online Academy, and luxury Goddess Retreats all over the world Mel empowers women to stop dieting for good, and challenge their entire belief system around food and their bodies, by working on the relationship they have with themselves. https://melwells.com/ https://www.instagram.com/iammelwells

    52. Questioning Your Beliefs with Dr. Kelly Brogan | PART 2

    52. Questioning Your Beliefs with Dr. Kelly Brogan | PART 2
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    51. Questioning Your Beliefs with Dr. Kelly Brogan | PART 1

    51. Questioning Your Beliefs with Dr. Kelly Brogan | PART 1
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    Bonus Episode: The Best Teachings of Moving into Mastery

    Bonus Episode: The Best Teachings of Moving into Mastery
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    Emily's Masterclass: Ancient Wisdom to Attract Abundance

    Emily's Masterclass: Ancient Wisdom to Attract Abundance
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    50. Studying The Vedas with Emily Fletcher

    50. Studying The Vedas with Emily Fletcher
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    How To Share What Lights You Up (in the best way possible) | Student Spotlight: Lindsey

    How To Share What Lights You Up (in the best way possible) | Student Spotlight: Lindsey
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    49. In Expansive Sacred Union with Adam Schlender

    49. In Expansive Sacred Union with Adam Schlender
    "Relationships are here to teach us some of our most important lessons". In today’s episode, Emily is joined by her partner & cosmic love, Adam Schlender, to talk about Why Isn’t Everyone In An Expansive Sacred Union? Together, they share the cosmic story of when they first met - and how they were so heart exploding in love before they even spoke words to each other. Emily and Adam also dive into the depths and heights of ecstasy and romantic love, and the pain that can come with it.  By sharing their personal and deeply vulnerable story they hope that it will give you keys and codes as they relate to your life and relationships.   Please enjoy this intimate episode of Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This? with Adam Schlender, and make sure to subscribe to our podcast, so you never miss an episode.  Check out the Opus SoundBed here: https://feelopus.com/ === We are about to open up enrollment for our course Moving into Mastery, which is a digital course designed to teach you ancient philosophy and weave it into the 8 key areas of your life: relationships, body, brain, money, purpose, performance, creativity and time. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when we open enrollment: https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/ === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE - get 15% off with promo code WHYTHIS: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel ===

    Calling In A Romantic Partner | Mastery Student Spotlight: Heather Bohanan

    Calling In A Romantic Partner | Mastery Student Spotlight: Heather Bohanan
    In today's Student Spotlight episode, Emily is joined by Ziva student Heather Bohanan. Together, they dive into some key concepts from The Vedas that have transformed Heather’s life.  In this episode, Heather shares how she used to judge herself for being lazy. It wasn’t until she learned more about the different Doshas, and how to fuel her specific body type that she realized she was never lazy - she just didn’t have the right tools.  They also discuss one of Emily’s favorite concepts from The Vedas - that money is energy and it needs to flow. Plus, Heather shares a story about how she used this concept to attract more financial abundance.  Stay until the end to watch Emily live coach Heather on calling in a romantic partner. Listen how Heather, very quickly, went from ‘I’m open to the possibility to maybe one day have a partner if Nature wants that’ to her fully claiming her desire for wanting a romantic partner.  And if you'd like to be featured on Why Isn't Everyone Doing This? send us an DM on Instagram or email info@zivameditation.com. === Want to learn more about The Vedas? We are about to open up enrollment for our course Moving into Mastery, which is a digital course designed to teach you ancient philosophy and weave it into the 8 key areas of your life: relationships, body, brain, money, purpose, performance, creativity and time. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when we open enrollment: https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/ === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE - get 15% off with promo code WHYTHIS: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel