
    533 High Performance Mindset Training with Dr. Michael Gervais

    enSeptember 06, 2017
    What does Dr. Gervais say about the mindset?
    How can mindfulness practices enhance personal growth?
    What is the significance of personal philosophy according to Dr. Gervais?
    How does Lewis Howe's book relate to vulnerability?
    What role does pain play in self-discovery?

    • Unlocking inner greatness through mindset and personal growthLearning to manage our minds effectively during flow state, having a personal philosophy, and embracing vulnerability can help us optimize performance and reach new heights in life.

      To optimize performance and reach new heights in life, it's essential to have the right mindset. Dr. Michael Gervais, a high performance psychologist with over 20 years of experience, shares insights on the brain during flow state and the importance of having a personal philosophy to overcome fears and manage loneliness. He emphasizes that our minds are often like a "drunken monkey," but we can learn to manage it effectively. Dr. Gervais has worked with top athletes, musicians, and executives, and his techniques can help anyone perform at their peak in high-stakes environments. Additionally, Lewis Howe introduces his upcoming book, "Mask of Masculinity," which aims to help men embrace vulnerability, build strong relationships, and live their fullest lives. By focusing on mindset and personal growth, we can unlock our inner greatness and achieve more than we ever thought possible.

    • Dr. Michael Gervais' experiences shaped his path in high-performance psychologyDr. Michael Gervais' personal experiences in competitive surfing and rigorous training led him to a deep understanding of the human mind and the importance of mental preparation for peak performance, inspiring him to help others master their minds and perform at their best.

      Our experiences, especially during formative years, can shape our paths in life. For Dr. Michael Gervais, it was the feeling of being out of sync during competitive surfing that led him to the field of high-performance psychology. His journey began with academic training in psychology and kinesiology, followed by a PhD in psychology with an emphasis on sport. However, it wasn't until he underwent the intense training required to become a licensed psychologist that he truly understood the complexities of the human mind and the importance of mental preparation for peak performance. This personal experience fueled his passion for helping others master their minds, enabling them to perform at their best, no matter the pressure or judgment from external factors.

    • Mike's journey into sports psychologyDiscovering the power of learning and overcoming lack of awareness to unlock high performance

      Mike's journey into sports psychology was sparked by a deep connection between his mind and his craft, leading him to face personal struggles and eventually discover the power of learning. He shares his story of being the first in his family to attend college, starting at a junior college due to financial constraints, and encountering professors who showed him the value of understanding the invisible. This catalytic experience led him to fall in love with learning and set him on a path to explore the mind-body connection in sports. The main thing that holds people back from high performance when it matters most is often a lack of awareness and understanding of the mind, which can be overcome through education and personal growth.

    • Be present in the moment to reduce anxietyFocus on the present, practice gratitude, and let go of excessive worry to reduce anxiety and live fully in the moment

      The present moment is the most important moment, and we should strive to be fully present in it instead of worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. Anxiety can hinder our ability to be present and focused on the good things in life. To combat anxiety, we should practice focusing on what could go right and living with gratitude. The excessive worry about what could go wrong and the belief that we need to do more to be more are common sources of anxiety and can hinder our potential. Instead, we should aim to be our authentic selves, be present, and let our actions flow from that orientation.

    • To excel in any field, focus and dedication are keyTo reach the top, focus on your craft and dedicate time to improve, while managing distractions and overcoming fear and anxiety.

      To excel in any field, whether it's sports, arts, or academics, requires a great deal of dedication and focus. The human mind naturally wanders, making it challenging to concentrate deeply. However, those who aspire to be champions or great performers must put in deliberate, focused time to hone their skills. The potential distractions, such as alcohol, can hinder performance and progress. Fear and anxiety also pose significant challenges, stemming from our ancestors' survival instincts that made our brains adept at scanning for threats. Understanding the biological and psychological roots of fear and anxiety can help us manage them and perform at our best.

    • Identify your personal philosophyTo achieve personal growth and overcome societal pressures, develop a clear personal philosophy that answers who you are and what you stand for. Seek guidance from mentors and role models.

      To pursue personal growth and overcome the influence of our DNA and societal pressures, we need to train our minds and develop a clear personal philosophy. The most influential people throughout history have been those who were clear about their philosophies, whether spiritual, political, or business leaders. Our personal philosophy should answer the question of who we are and what we stand for. It's important to take the time to reflect on this and seek guidance from mentors and role models. The tactics for mental skills training are essential, but they must be stitched together with a strong personal philosophy to create lasting growth. Without a clear philosophy, we may end up trying different things without a clear direction. So, identify your personal philosophy and use it as a guiding force in your personal and professional life.

    • Find Clarity in Your Personal PhilosophyArticulate what you stand for through deep conversations, journaling, mindfulness, and identifying inspiring traits in others.

      Having a clear personal philosophy is essential for living a fulfilling life. It's important to be able to articulate what you stand for, even in difficult situations. Pete Carroll, the head coach of the Seattle Seahawks, is a great example of someone who found clarity in his philosophy after experiencing pain and failure. He encourages always competing to be the best version of yourself in all areas of life. To create your own philosophy, be around wise people and have deep conversations about philosophy and wisdom. Write in a journal to force yourself to choose words that matter. Lastly, practice mindfulness and ask yourself who you are to gain clarity and self-understanding. Additionally, make a list of people who inspire you and write down the characteristics that inspire you about them. This can help you identify the values and traits that are important to you. Investing time and energy into developing a personal philosophy can lead to a more intentional and meaningful life.

    • Focus on body, craft, and mind for personal growthPractice mindfulness and meditation to increase awareness, focus, and mental clarity, and write down three amazing things daily to train optimism and gratitude.

      As individuals, we can develop ourselves in three key areas: our body, our craft, and our mind. These are the only three areas of focus. Training our mind is essential for personal growth and can be done through practices like mindfulness and meditation, which help increase awareness, focus, and mental clarity. Mindfulness is the state of being present and aware, while meditation is the practice that helps us achieve and maintain that state. It's important to remember that mindfulness is not about suppressing thoughts but rather recognizing when our minds wander and gently bringing them back to the present moment. Daily practices, such as writing down three amazing things, can also help train optimism and gratitude, leading to increased overall life satisfaction.

    • Mindfulness practices help individuals train focus and awarenessMindfulness practices like single point and contemplative techniques can help individuals stay focused on their goals and manage distractions, as demonstrated by successful performers like musicians and athletes.

      Mindfulness practices, specifically single point and contemplative techniques, can help individuals train their awareness and refocus skills. Single point mindfulness involves focusing on a specific point, such as the breath, to bring attention back when it wanders. Contemplative mindfulness, on the other hand, involves observing thoughts without judgment. Impressive performers, such as musicians and athletes, have utilized these techniques to stay attuned to their goals and visions, despite the distractions and pressures they face. For instance, a musician producing 1.6 million dollar shows per night and Felix Baumgartner, the Red Bull Stratos jumper, have both used mindfulness to stay focused on their goals and manage their fears. Dr. Albert Bandora's theory of self-efficacy emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision for the future and aligning thoughts, words, and actions to make it a reality. These practices may seem simple, but they can have a powerful impact on personal growth and performance.

    • Expanding and Contracting: Pushing Past LimitsIntentional practice and recovery are crucial for personal growth, despite fear of mental instability. Prioritize mental training and recovery to overcome chronic stress and exhaustion, as shown by Felix Baumgartner's inspiring journey to break the sound barrier.

      Pushing past our emotional and psychological limits is a crucial part of personal growth, but it requires intentional practice and recovery. This process can be compared to a balloon expanding and contracting, with each expansion offering new opportunities for growth. However, fear of mental instability can hold us back, and it's essential to recognize that true breakdowns are rare. Instead, most people experience chronic stress and exhaustion. To overcome these challenges, we must prioritize recovery and mental training. Felix Baumgartner's journey to break the sound barrier in freefall serves as an inspiring example of pushing past limits with the help of clarity, philosophy, and vision, as well as fear extinguishment and mind training. By identifying and reframing destructive thoughts, we can transform them into productive and progressive ones.

    • Understanding Ourselves for Better RelationshipsDecouple identity from actions, develop self-awareness, refocus thoughts, write reasons to back beliefs, and choose self-stories for strong self-love and acceptance.

      Our relationship with ourselves is crucial for our ability to love and connect with others, and to have authentic self-perception. We need to decouple our identity from our actions and learn to be credible with our self-talk, rather than faking confidence. This involves increasing self-awareness and developing the skill to refocus our thoughts towards productive and positive ones. Writing down reasons to support our epic thoughts can help us back up our beliefs and gain confidence. Ultimately, our stories of ourselves shape our behavior, and we have the power to choose how we tell those stories, even in high-stakes situations. The freedom to love others without caring what they think about us comes from a strong sense of self-love and self-acceptance.

    • Embrace self-love and awareness for handling high-pressure situationsSelf-love and awareness are crucial for handling high-pressure situations by allowing us to express ideas, hold opportunities in high regard, and articulate thoughts clearly and respectfully.

      The stakes are high in life, and we only get one shot at it. Each moment is precious and non-renewable, making it essential to be present and focused. To handle high-pressure situations, such as performing in front of an audience or being alone in a challenging environment, it's crucial to love and accept yourself and others, as well as have self-awareness. By loving ourselves and others, we gain the freedom to express our ideas and hold opportunities in high regard, while also being responsible for articulating our thoughts clearly and respectfully. This foundation of self-love and awareness sets the stage for growth and success in all areas of life.

    • Exploring Human Potential and ResilienceEmbrace potential as a gift for growth, build strong relationships, and learn to be comfortable with aloneness for powerful personal growth.

      Humans have immense potential and resilience, and mindfulness is a valuable tool for tapping into it. We are not fragile, despite facing hardships and moments of loneliness. Potential should be seen as a gift and an opportunity for growth, rather than a source of pressure. Building strong relationships, especially with ourselves, is crucial for reaching our potential and producing extraordinary results. Embracing our aloneness and learning to be comfortable with it can lead to powerful personal growth. The journey towards self-discovery involves being open to new perspectives and pushing past comfort zones, even if it means being alone at times.

    • Pain as a guide to self-discoveryEmbrace pain as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery, rather than a sign of failure or weakness.

      Pain can be a signpost for self-discovery and growth. The speaker shared a personal experience of feeling lonely and unloved growing up, which led them to push their boundaries and discover their authentic self. They were driven to excel in their craft to feel needed and wanted, but eventually realized that this model of constant striving for more was broken and unfulfilling. Instead, they shifted their focus to understanding their motivations and finding joy in self-expression and lifting others up. The journey of self-discovery is a lifelong process, but embracing pain and exploring its root causes can lead to valuable insights and personal growth.

    • The Importance of Mental Conditioning in Achieving SuccessMental conditioning is vital for success in various aspects of life, including sports and parenting. Effective coaches in the past excelled not only due to technical knowledge but also their ability to connect with players on a mental level. Modern science is revealing the power of conditioning our minds for a competitive advantage.

      Just like in sports, where physical training, coaching, and mental conditioning are essential for success, the same applies to various aspects of life. Discovering personal pain points and having a clear vision of what we want to overcome are crucial steps towards growth. The importance of mental conditioning is gaining recognition and value, especially in fields like sports and parenting. Great coaches of the past were effective not only due to their technical knowledge but also their ability to connect with their players on a mental level. Now, with the advancement of the science of optimal mind usage, it's an exciting time to explore the power of conditioning our minds for a competitive advantage.

    • Exploring spirituality and technology in human evolutionVisualization and technology can enhance abilities and push boundaries in human evolution, but raise ethical questions

      Our thoughts and actions have the power to expand or constrict our perspectives and possibilities. Looking ahead, human evolution may involve a deeper exploration of spirituality and technology, including genomic splicing and artificial intelligence. While these advancements may be exciting, they also raise ethical questions. One powerful tool we have right now is the ability to visualize and imagine new possibilities, as demonstrated by the speaker's experience with pole vaulting. By practicing disciplined visualization and using it in conjunction with technology, we can enhance our abilities and push the boundaries of what's possible.

    • Using senses to prepare mind for focusEngage senses in visualization, prioritize pillars of recovery for optimal performance and well-being

      Our senses and imagination have a powerful impact on our bodies and minds. By closing our eyes and engaging our senses in visualization, we can prepare our minds to focus on what we care about most. This principle, often used in athletic training, can be applied to various aspects of life. The four pillars of recovery, which include sleeping well, eating and hydrating well, moving well, and thinking well, are essential for optimal performance and overall well-being. These pillars can be controlled and prioritized in our daily lives to enhance our physical and mental abilities. Instead of asking "how can I be better?", consider focusing on the specific actions and habits that will help you excel in each of these areas.

    • Embrace self-discovery and authentic self-expressionFocus on knowing oneself, defining personal greatness, and passing on truths of love, courage, and self-discovery

      The journey of self-discovery and understanding the human experience is more important than striving for external validation or being the best in the world. Michael Gervais emphasizes the importance of knowing oneself and encourages everyone to figure out their own definition of greatness, which lies in authentic self-expression in any conditions. He also suggests focusing on love, courage, and self-discovery as the three truths to pass on if one had only three lessons to share with the world. Gervais' work, through his podcast "Findings Mastery" and business "Compete to Create," aims to help individuals and organizations optimize their minds and overcome fears to reach their full potential. To connect with him, visit Compete to Create.net or find him on social media @MichaelGervais.

    • Explore Designcrowd for exceptional designsDesigncrowd offers high-quality designs for personal and business projects, set high expectations and unlock bonuses by pre-ordering the speaker's book 'Mask of Masculinity'.

      Designcrowd.com/Greatness is a valuable resource for creating exceptional designs for personal projects or businesses. The speaker has personally used Designcrowd for various projects, including book covers, course designs, and logos. Additionally, he encourages listeners to pre-order his upcoming book, "Mask of Masculinity," and offers bonuses for those who purchase multiple copies. He emphasizes the importance of setting high expectations for oneself and optimizing one's mindset to achieve greater things in life, as Michael Jordan once said. Overall, the speaker encourages listeners to explore Designcrowd for their design needs and to pre-order his book to unlock exclusive bonuses.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1667

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS 2 DAYS AWAY! Have you saved your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1666

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS DAYS AWAY! Have you saved your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

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    • Strategies for dealing with childhood trauma and PTSD
    • The importance of street smarts and resilience in navigating the music industry

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1665

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS 7 DAYS AWAY! Have you saved your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

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    • Meditation techniques to visualize and embody your highest self
    • The importance of self-celebration in building confidence
    • How to create powerful mantras to overcome obstacles

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1664

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Rachel Platten: “I Didn’t Sleep for 3 Days” Fighting Anxiety, Depression, and Hitting Rock Bottom

    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS DAYS AWAY! Have you gotten your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

    I'm thrilled to welcome back my friend and neighbor, the incredible Rachel Platten, for her third appearance on The School of Greatness! Rachel opens up about her intense journey over the past few years - from hitting rock bottom with postpartum depression and chronic pain to finding a profound spiritual connection that transformed her life and music. We dive deep into her creative process, discuss the challenges of balancing motherhood with a music career, and explore how she's learned to love herself through it all. Rachel's vulnerability and wisdom shine through as she shares powerful insights on healing, spirituality, and making art from pain. This conversation is a must-listen for anyone seeking inspiration to overcome struggles and reconnect with their purpose.

    In this episode you will learn

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    • Techniques for managing intense emotions and anxiety without suppressing them
    • Why creating art from pain can be transformative for both the artist and audience
    • How to balance motherhood with a demanding creative career
    • The importance of self-love and acceptance in achieving true success
    • Rachel's approach to connecting directly with God/universal love for guidance

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1663

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    Eckhart Tolle – https://link.chtbl.com/1463-pod

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    The School of Greatness
    enSeptember 04, 2024

    Marlon Wayans Opens Up on Battling Depression (“I Broke Down & Cried On Stage”)

    Marlon Wayans Opens Up on Battling Depression (“I Broke Down & Cried On Stage”)

    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS UNDER 2 WEEKS AWAY! Have you gotten your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets

    Get ready for an inspiring and heartfelt conversation with the multi-talented Marlon Wayans! In this episode, we dive deep into Marlon's journey as a comedian, actor, and producer, exploring how he's evolved both personally and professionally over his 30-year career. Marlon opens up about his spiritual growth, the impact of losing his parents, and his mission to bring healing through laughter. From his ambitious goals in stand-up to his thoughts on success and failure, Marlon's insights will leave you motivated to embrace your own path to greatness. Don't miss this powerful episode that combines humor, wisdom, and raw emotion!

    In this episode you will learn

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    • Why Marlon believes in doing a new stand-up special every year, contrary to industry norms
    • How losing his parents has shaped Marlon's perspective on life and his art
    • The value of building the right team and treating yourself as a business
    • Marlon's approach to overcoming fear and embracing new challenges
    • The power of trusting in your journey and viewing greatness as a ongoing process

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1662

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    Eckhart Tolle – https://link.chtbl.com/1463-pod

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    John Maxwell – https://link.chtbl.com/1501-pod

    The School of Greatness
    enSeptember 02, 2024

    Esther Perel: The #1 MYTH That Leads to BREAK-UPS - THIS Is The Secret to Making Your Relationship LAST

    Esther Perel: The #1 MYTH That Leads to BREAK-UPS - THIS Is The Secret to Making Your Relationship LAST

    Esther's event, "An Evening With Esther Perel" has LIMITED seats available! Get yours right here before they sell out: lewishowes.com/esther

    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS 2 WEEKS AWAY! Have you gotten your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

    I'm thrilled to welcome back the brilliant Esther Perel to the School of Greatness! With nearly four decades of experience as a therapist, Esther shares her profound insights on relationships in our ever-changing world. We dive deep into how the pandemic has affected partnerships, debunk common myths about love, and explore the delicate balance between togetherness and independence. Esther's wisdom on jealousy, desire, and the evolution of marriage is truly eye-opening. Whether you're single, dating, or in a long-term commitment, this conversation offers invaluable perspectives on creating and maintaining healthy relationships. Get ready for a masterclass in understanding the complexities of modern love and connection!

    In this episode you will learn

    • How disasters like the pandemic act as relationship accelerators
    • The myths of "the one and only" and unconditional love in relationships
    • The importance of balancing togetherness and separateness in partnerships
    • How to set yourself up for healthier relationships from the start
    • The role of jealousy in relationships and when it can be positive
    • The four main ways people feel most drawn to their partners
    • How economic independence changed the landscape of marriage and divorce
    • The value of involving your social circle when dating someone new

    Get Esther's new course, "Rekindling Desire", for 15% OFF between 9/17/24 and 12/13/24 with the promo code "HOWES15": https://lewishowes.com/esther-course

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1661

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    Eckhart Tolle – https://link.chtbl.com/1463-pod

    Rhonda Byrne – https://link.chtbl.com/1525-pod

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    The School of Greatness
    enAugust 30, 2024

    David Goggins: “These 2 min 13 secs Changed My Life!” Do THIS When Life KNOCKS You Down!

    David Goggins: “These 2 min 13 secs Changed My Life!” Do THIS When Life KNOCKS You Down!

    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS 2 WEEKS AWAY! And David Goggins is speaking at the event! Tickets are going fast -- get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

    In this powerful episode, Lewis Howes sits down with David Goggins, retired Navy SEAL, ultra-marathon runner, and author of "Can't Hurt Me". Goggins shares his incredible journey from an abused and struggling child to becoming known as "the toughest man alive". With raw honesty, he discusses overcoming severe learning disabilities, racism, and obesity to push himself to extremes and unlock his full potential. Goggins offers hard-earned wisdom on building mental toughness, embracing discomfort, and refusing to quit. His intensity and no-excuses approach to life will leave you inspired to push past your own limits and tap into your hidden strength.

    In this episode you will learn

    • How facing your insecurities and weaknesses head-on is the key to building true confidence
    • Why choosing the harder path in life leads to permanent positive change
    • The power of daily discomfort in expanding your capabilities and mindset
    • How to build "mental armor" to face life's challenges through consistent hard work
    • Why reflection and appreciation for your journey is crucial for continued growth
    • The danger of becoming too comfortable and "civilized" in life

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1660

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    Eckhart Tolle – https://link.chtbl.com/1463-pod

    Rhonda Byrne – https://link.chtbl.com/1525-pod

    John Maxwell – https://link.chtbl.com/1501-pod

    The School of Greatness
    enAugust 28, 2024

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    Malaika Mihambo, Olympic long jump champion and German Sportswoman of the Year, discusses overcoming self doubt on the way to the top

    This week’s guest is Malaika Mihambo, the reigning Olympic, European, and World champion in long jump. Malaika has been named the German Sportswoman of the Year for three consecutive years, the first person to accomplish that feat since tennis legend Steffi Graf. Malaika speaks openly about the self-doubt she experienced leading up to the Tokyo Olympics, and details how writing in her journal and using mindfulness practices helped her overcome the anxiety she felt approaching the Olympic competition. She also discusses her journey to sport (2:02), staying grounded (3:45), preparing for Tokyo (6:31), journaling (9:37), the night before winning gold (12:30), believing in yourself (18:09), mindfulness and meditation (20:34), using WHOOP (24:49), being a vegan athlete (27:38), and habit tracking (32:40). 

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    Freedom From Ego Through Gratitude with Jamie Anderson

    Freedom From Ego Through Gratitude with Jamie Anderson

    If you are interested in the 40% discount for a 4-pack of one on one coaching sessions head over to www.nicobarraza.com to inquire more or book your sessions. 

    This week's guest is one of the most decorated snowboarders in the history of the sport. Jamie Anderson won the gold medal in the inaugural Women's Slopestyle Even at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia and repeated winning another gold medal in the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, making her the first female snowboarder to win more than one Olympic gold medal. Including her performances at the Winter X Games Jamie has won 25 total medals: eighteen gold, five silver, and two bronze. All of these accolades make Jamie Anderson a force to be reckoned with in the world of snowboarding, however what caught my eye about her is her perspective around living life in harmony with one's Soul vs one's Ego. 

    Jamie has been featured in a host of articles and print media around her blend of spirituality, yoga, meditation, breathwork and mindfulness and how these practices have not only influenced her athletic performance, but also her life in general. 

    Jamie has a calm and compassionate demeanor. Her warmth and smile exude an invitation to ask questions and learn more. If you weren't a snowboarding aficionado, chances are you would connect with her because of her kindness and have no clue she has won 25 medals between the Olympics and Winter X Games. This is by far the most impressive stat in Jamie's accomplishments throughout her career, is the person she has built through the work she has done and the awareness she brings to the conversation outside of her dominance in the sport she competes in.

    It was a breath of fresh air to talk to such an accomplished athlete who is also an ambassador for sustainability, mindful living, and treating oneself and others kindly. 

    To learn more about Jamie please head over to her website https://www.jamieandersonsnow.com/

    Also, to learn more about Jamie's foundation and to donate please go here 

    Articles featuring Jamie that are applicable to our conversation:




    Nico Barraza

    All About Meditation: Why to Do It, How to Do It & A Guided Meditation Track for You

    All About Meditation: Why to Do It, How to Do It & A Guided Meditation Track for You

    What's up Get Uncomfortable Compadre!

    If you would like to get a free Enlightened Athlete shirt you can do so by leaving a written review on apple podcasts, send it to me through email and I'll get your info and send you a FREE shirt.

    Today's Episode is about one of my favorite activities. Meditation.  I even recorded a guided meditation  and added it to the end of this episode!

    There's a lot of preconceptions surrounding this practice and some people are too unsure how to begin. My hope with this podcast episode is to introduce you to the practice of meditation by bringing it to the light and demystifying this SUPER beneficial activity of self care.

    Topics covered:
     -What meditation actually is. (In my experience)
     -Different methods, variations, and practices
     -Results from scientific research of physical, cognitive, and emotional improvements from regular meditation
     -Apps, teachers, books, youtube videos, audio programs, and practices to help get you started

    Apps referred to:-Calm, Headspace, Insight Timer, Oak meditation App

    Jon Kabat-Zinn MBSR Program: The program I started with

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    Until next time, go get uncomfortable.

    Schedule a free strategy call with us at EnlightenedAthlete.com to learn how we can help you remotely with exercise & movement programs, stress management, breathwork, and nutrition coaching!

    Connect with us by shooting us an email at info@enlightenedathlete.com

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    World-class diver Tom Daley details his journey from child prodigy to Olympic champion, and explains what he’s learned along the way about mindset, visualization, and being the true version of yourself. Tom discusses how he found diving (2:57), becoming world champion at 15 (6:16), coming out (10:01), being your true self (14:01), visualization (15:02), how he uses WHOOP (17:48), mindfulness and meditation (21:29), peaking for the Olympic final (25:18), managing fear (30:03), winning gold (39:53), accomplishing your dreams (42:39), and making sacrifices to succeed (44:42). 

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    The Most Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself with Paul Angone

    The Most Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself with Paul Angone
    I wish I spoke with today’s guest, Paul Angone, way back when I was in my early 20s or even before then. However, his wisdom and insights are just as relevant and impactful for me today. His messages help to provide so much clarity in discovering your unique offering, your purpose and your deepest values. He also talks about how to embrace the struggle and work through your fears, and much, much more. In today's episode, Paul shares about the importance of transitions in life, pivotal plot points in your story, soul values and the questions we should all ask ourselves. Some of the main topics are: - The importance of transitions in your life - The need to continually find your new normal - Use your soul values to help guide your decisions and actions - Why you should listen to the details of your day - The pivotal plot points of your story - Embarrassment and greatness live in the same space - Obsessive comparison disorder - What is fear holding you back from, and is it worth it? - Support, strength and unity can come from sharing the struggle - The 3 main questions Paul would encourage everyone to ask themselves. Paul’s meaning for ‘Do Life Better’: truth, hope and hilarity. Paul’s challenge for the week: figure out and rank your 5 top soul values. To help with this, ask the three closest people to you where they see you come alive the most. Contact Paul Angone at www.allgroanup.com, or paul@allgroanup.com, and @paulagone at instagram, facebook and twitter. You can follow me on Instagram at @davejorna and @dolifebetterpodcast. To contact us about retreats, leadership training and workshops visit www.projecthatch.com.au or email us at hello@projecthatch.com.au. Remember to subscribe to, rate and review the podcast to help spread the do life better message. Now, go out and create a great day.

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