
    564. Andy, Linda Catalina & DJ CTI: Vivek Ramaswamy Republican Debate, Donald Trump To Be Arrested & Wagner Boss Jet Crash

    enAugust 25, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Real AF podcast: Speaking the truth and engaging the audienceHosts Andy Priscilla and DJ Cruz discuss societal truths, encourage audience participation, and keep their show ad-free through viewer sharing

      Andy Priscilla and DJ Cruz, hosts of the Real AF podcast, discuss various topics and share their perspectives on what they believe is true or false in society. They encourage audience participation through email and YouTube comments. The show is free, but they ask for viewers to share it in return for keeping it ad-free. They also have a guest, Linda Catalina, who shares her experiences and encourages people to share their stuff. The hosts have a unique perspective on current events and find humor in the absurdities of the world. They believe in speaking the truth and value audience engagement.

    • Frustration and Confusion towards Societal IssuesThe speaker expresses concern over societal issues, particularly political agendas and climate change, which he sees as part of a larger process of demoralization and destabilization, aimed at controlling people's lives and limiting freedoms. Some people are starting to question these agendas and see their absurdity.

      The speaker expresses a deep sense of frustration and confusion towards societal issues, particularly those related to political agendas and climate change. He believes that these issues are part of a larger demoralization and destabilization process aimed at making people question their own truths and values. He also expresses skepticism towards the climate change agenda, viewing it as an attempt to control people's lives and limit their freedoms. The speaker believes that this process aims to reduce individuals to a state of complete submission and compliance, and that more and more people are starting to realize the absurdity of these agendas. He also mentions a presidential candidate named Vivek Ramaswamy, who publicly questioned the validity of climate change, and expressed support for his stance.

    • Economic Power and Control in Climate Change TransitionThe shift towards green energy brings economic gains and control, with oil and gas investors set to benefit and potentially limit freedoms

      The ongoing push towards addressing climate change is not just about the environment, but also about economic power and control. Oil and gas industries are being transitioned to green energy, and those financially invested in these new industries stand to gain significantly. This shift not only enriches these individuals and entities but also gives them the ability to limit our freedoms and impose control. The discussion also touched upon the alleged Indian moon landing, which was debunked as a potential hoax due to the lack of concrete evidence.

    • India's moon landing authenticity in questionSkeptics question India's moon landing, with debate over discrepancies in images and videos, and speculation on which country faked it better

      The authenticity of recent claims about India's moon landing are in question, with some skeptics believing it to be a hoax or a deepfake. The conversation revolves around the discrepancies in the images and videos, with some expressing their disbelief and others offering congratulations. The debate continues as to which country did a better job at faking it, with some believing the US to be more elaborate in their deception. Amidst the confusion, it's clear that there's a lot of speculation and misinformation being spread, highlighting the importance of fact-checking and verifying sources before sharing information.

    • Speaker's Admiration for Indian Culture and Insensitive Past InteractionsSpeaker expresses admiration for Indian weddings but uses insensitive language in describing past interactions with Indian people. He shares an anecdote about Indian business owners using a phone and rubber band to check him out at parking lots, finding it ingenious. However, his lack of cultural sensitivity is evident when discussing these experiences.

      The speaker expresses admiration for Indian culture, particularly Indian weddings, but uses insensitive language when discussing his interactions with Indian people in the past. He shares an anecdote about how Indian business owners used to check him out at parking lots using a phone and a rubber band, which he found ingenious. The conversation then shifts to the Republican debate, with the speaker expressing surprise that Vivek Ramaswami, a bio tech entrepreneur, was declared the winner of the debate despite Donald Trump not being present. The speaker also criticizes Asa Hutchinson for wearing the flag of another country during the debate. Overall, the conversation showcases the speaker's eclectic interests and thought process, but also highlights his lack of cultural sensitivity in certain situations.

    • Blurred lines between politics, religion, and nationalityBeing factual isn't anti-Semitic, but societal weapons can make it seem so. Focus on facts, not labels or attacks.

      The lines between politics, religion, and nationality can often be blurred, leading to misunderstandings and accusations. The speaker shared an experience where he was accused of being anti-Semitic for pointing out factual information about government officials holding dual citizenship between the United States and Israel. He emphasized that it's not anti-Semitic to point out facts, but rather a societal weapon used to protect sensitive topics. Another observation he made was about the strategic decisions made by politicians during debates, such as wearing similar outfits and focusing on attacking opponents rather than presenting their own strengths. He also noted an interesting comparison between Vivek Ramaswamy and former President Barack Obama in terms of their introduction speeches. Overall, the speaker's key takeaway was that it's important to focus on facts and not be swayed by labels or societal weapons.

    • New contender Rama Swami shares his concerns and fresh ideasSwami's ability to connect with younger audiences and successful business experience are strengths, despite skepticism. The need for political figures who can relate to the public and offer practical solutions was emphasized.

      During the debate, a new contender named Rama Swami, an entrepreneur and non-politician, expressed his concerns about preserving the American dream for future generations and his intention to bring fresh ideas and solutions to the table as a political outsider. Despite some skepticism about his background and religious beliefs, Swami's ability to connect with younger audiences and his successful business experience were noted as strengths. The debate also highlighted the need for political figures who can relate to the public and offer practical solutions, rather than just relying on traditional political experience. The discussion also touched upon the importance of secular diversity and the founding principles of America, emphasizing the significance of freedom of religion and separation of church and state.

    • Opinions on Rama Swami's authenticity and appealDespite concerns about Rama Swami's past and authenticity, data and polls show Trump as the current frontrunner. Swami's stance on accountability has raised questions about his beliefs and potential agenda.

      While some view Rama Swami as an outsider with potential, there are concerns about his authenticity and past, drawing comparisons to Barack Obama's presidency. Some believe Swami is too polished and may not appeal to the majority of voters. Despite this, data and polls suggest that Trump remains the frontrunner in the current political landscape. Swami's past statements, such as his stance on accountability, have raised questions about his beliefs and potential agenda. Overall, the group had varying opinions on Swami's appeal and potential, but agreed that the political landscape is complex and nuanced.

    • Holding those in power accountable for treasonous crimesAccountability is crucial to prevent future harm and ensure justice, stopping politicians from creating divisive documents, jailing opponents, and making corrupt policy decisions.

      Accountability is crucial in addressing treasonous crimes and destructive actions committed by politicians and those in power. These actions, which include creating divisive documents, putting political opponents in jail, and making policy decisions in exchange for financial gain, have serious consequences for society. The lack of accountability allows these individuals to continue committing crimes against humanity and undermining the country's position. It is essential to hold those responsible accountable to the letter of the law to prevent future harm and ensure justice is served.

    • Underestimating Opposition ConsequencesRecognize far-progressive ideologies' intent & potential consequences, or face dire consequences like death, imprisonment

      Underestimating the intent and actions of those opposed to your beliefs can lead to disastrous consequences. The speaker warns that those pushing for far-progressive ideologies, such as elements of Bolshevik communism, have a history of suppressing opposition through intimidation, imprisonment, and even genocide. They are not deterred by moral considerations and will continue their efforts until they achieve their goals. The speaker emphasizes the severity of the situation, citing examples of political prisoners and intimidation tactics used against lawyers. The consequences of not taking action against this threat are dire, including potential death or lifetime imprisonment. It's crucial for individuals and society as a whole to recognize the true intentions and potential consequences of these ideologies.

    • Justice System Reform: Conditions of January 6th Prisoners, Court Wait Times, and Constitutional RightsSpeakers discussed the need for justice system reform, with concerns over January 6th prisoners' conditions, lengthy court wait times, and infringement on constitutional rights. Trump's interview with Tucker Carlson had massive viewership numbers, highlighting his enduring popularity.

      The justice system in the United States is in need of significant reform. The speakers expressed concern over the conditions of January 6th prisoners and the lengthy wait times for court dates. They also criticized the application of the Patriot Act and the infringement on individuals' constitutional rights. Furthermore, the speakers highlighted the massive viewership numbers for Trump's interview with Tucker Carlson on Twitter compared to the debates, suggesting that Trump remains a popular figure both domestically and internationally. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of addressing the issues within the justice system and the potential consequences of electing certain political leaders.

    • Realizing the truth can lead to a shift in perspectivePeople's trust in institutions can be shattered, leading them to reconsider their beliefs and engage with opposing viewpoints.

      People's perspectives can change, even if it seems absurd at first. A listener named Dustin shared his experience of realizing he was on the wrong side of issues in 2020 and now wants to make a difference for his kids' future. This shift in perspective is not uncommon, as many people have had their trust in media, government, and agencies shattered. It's a challenging chasm to cross, but once people recognize the truth, they may become more engaged and even appreciate opposing viewpoints. The podcast hosts receive numerous messages from people who have had similar awakenings, including those who voted for Biden but are now considering supporting Trump. These messages serve as a reminder that everyone's journey towards understanding the complexities of politics is unique, and respect for differing opinions is crucial.

    • Trump's Upcoming Mugshot and Favorite Poster DiscussedThe hosts discussed Trump's upcoming mugshot, his favorite poster, and shared their support for him, comparing his mugshot to famous photographs of Elvis and Pablo Escobar.

      During the podcast, the hosts discussed various topics including their favorite poster, former President Trump's upcoming surrender and processing at the Fulton County Jail, and their personal experiences with some of Trump's associates. They also expressed their support for Trump and shared their thoughts on the significance of his upcoming mugshot. The hosts also mentioned their appreciation for their fans and encouraged them to continue sharing the show. They also shared their excitement about Trump's upcoming appearance at the inauguration wearing custom suits made by David August. The hosts also made light-hearted comments about Trump's upcoming mugshot, comparing it to famous photographs of Elvis and Pablo Escobar. Overall, the tone of the podcast was light-hearted and supportive of Trump.

    • House Judiciary Committee investigates Fulton County DA for potential political motivationsThe House Judiciary Committee is investigating Fulton County DA Fannie Willis for potential political motivations in her prosecution of former President Trump. They've requested documents and communications since Jan 2021, including those between the DA's office and DOJ and federal executive branch, with a deadline of Sept 7th.

      The House Judiciary Committee is investigating Fulton County District Attorney Fannie Willis regarding her motivations for prosecuting former President Donald Trump. The committee, led by Chairman Jim Jordan, has sent a letter requesting documents and communications related to the investigation since January 1, 2021. The concern is that these actions may be politically motivated. The committee is seeking all documents and communications between the Fulton County District Attorney's Office and the Department of Justice, as well as any communication between the DA's office and the federal executive branch. The deadline for turning over these documents is September 7th. Some critics argue that these subpoenas could result in destroyed evidence or incomplete documentation. Additionally, there are concerns that the investigations in Georgia and other states could be an attempt to criminalize free speech. Ultimately, the goal of these investigations may be to shape the historical narrative for future generations.

    • Concerns over silencing of individuals with certain truths or viewpointsConcerns exist that individuals, including public figures, are being targeted and silenced through deceitful, calculated means, potentially involving mind control or manipulation, with lack of transparency in legal proceedings adding to the concern.

      There are concerns about potential removal or silencing of individuals who hold certain truths or viewpoints, as indicated by past and ongoing efforts to target specific figures. This includes individuals in the public eye, such as lawyers, personalities, and activists. These efforts are seen as deceitful, calculated, and potentially involving mind control or manipulation. The lack of transparency in many legal proceedings adds to the concern, with some arguing that the optics of closed courtrooms and large public gatherings outside jails create a troubling contrast. The speaker's personal experiences and encounters with individuals they believe have been targeted add weight to these concerns. Overall, there is a sense that these actions are part of a larger, more sinister plan.

    • Support for Trump due to perceived justice system corruptionThe speaker supports Trump for standing up against a corrupt justice system and believes the black community is recognizing systemic issues. He criticizes Democrats for empty promises and misappropriated funds, and praises Trump's criminal justice reform efforts.

      The speaker expresses his support for President Trump due to his belief that Trump has stood up against a corrupt justice system that unfairly targets him. He also believes that the black community is waking up to the reality that the justice system is flawed and that Republicans have not been the primary cause of the community's struggles. The speaker criticizes the Democratic Party for making empty promises and stealing funds intended for community improvement. He also mentions Trump's criminal justice reform efforts and the backlash he faced from some Republicans for it. Overall, the speaker's perspective highlights the complexities of political issues and the need for nuanced understanding and action.

    • Addressing criminal justice at state and federal levelsEffective law enforcement and reforms are crucial at both state and federal levels to reduce crime, ensure fairness, and promote rehabilitation.

      The criminal justice system requires attention at both the state and federal levels, with a focus on effective law enforcement and reforming the system from within. Before individuals enter the justice system, efforts should be made to reduce crime through local politics and elected officials. Once individuals are in the system, there is a need for reforms to ensure fairness and rehabilitation. The conversation around criminal justice reform is complex and multifaceted, with different perspectives and priorities. The speaker expressed support for Trump's criminal justice reform efforts due to the failure of previous administrations to address the issue. However, the speaker also acknowledged the importance of local politics and the need for ethical leaders to effectively implement reforms. Ultimately, the goal is to create a system that deters crime, ensures justice, and rehabilitates individuals to reintegrate into society.

    • Urban areas face significant challenges in safety and quality of lifeCities labeled as liberal shit holes deal with constant lockdowns, infrastructure issues, high crime rates, and conspiracy theories, emphasizing the need for a firm hand in dealing with crime and maintaining quality of life

      The situation in certain cities, particularly those labeled as liberal shit holes, is far from ideal. People are living under constant lockdowns, which some argue are necessary to apprehend violent criminals, while others see it as a violation of civil rights. These cities are often plagued by infrastructure issues and high crime rates. Additionally, there are conspiracy theories surrounding a recent plane crash involving a mercenary chief, with some speculating that the plane may have been downed by a hidden bomb. The conversation also touched upon the topic of fixed elections and the impact of criminal justice and social justice reforms. The speaker emphasized the need for a firm hand in dealing with crime and the importance of not being brainwashed to feel bad for certain criminals based on their race. Overall, the discussion painted a picture of urban areas facing significant challenges, both in terms of safety and quality of life.

    • Rumors and conspiracy theories surround the death of a Russian businessman linked to the Wagner groupSpeculation about faked deaths and revenge plots ensued after a businessman's sudden death and a second jet's landing, but verification and investigation are crucial to determine the truth.

      The death of a Russian businessman and Wagner group member, Dmitry Prigoyzen, in a plane crash has sparked speculation and conspiracy theories, particularly after a second private jet linked to the Wagner group was reportedly spotted landing safely in St. Petersburg around the same time. Prigoyzen's death was sudden and the cause remains unclear. Some have suggested that he may have faked his death and escaped. In response, purported members of the Wagner mercenary group have threatened revenge and a "march of justice" on Moscow. The authenticity of these threats and the second jet sighting have been questioned. It's important to note that there is often more information that comes to light after major events, and jumping to conclusions can be misleading. Verification and investigation are necessary to determine the truth.

    • Be cautious of news reports and government informationIn the information age, it's important to be skeptical and fact-check news reports and government information for transparency and credibility.

      In the current information age, it's crucial to be cautious and skeptical of news reports, especially those coming from unreliable sources or with limited transparency. The speaker emphasizes that we cannot assume anything we see or hear on TV or from our government is true or credible. The manipulation and censorship of information, often with the intention of creating a specific narrative, can lead to confusion and a lack of understanding of what's truly happening. The speaker also mentions the importance of transparency and truth in getting to the bottom of complex stories and understanding global events. Additionally, they caution against accepting narratives that go against established facts or common sense, such as the idea that concentration camps in China are intended to educate and skill Muslims before they are introduced to the general public.

    • Understanding the Complexity of Xinjiang, ChinaDespite conflicting reports, it's essential to recognize the complexity of the situation in Xinjiang, China, and consider diverse perspectives to gain a comprehensive understanding.

      The situation in Xinjiang, China, is complex and multifaceted, with different perspectives depending on the source of information. While some reports suggest forced labor, oppression, and cultural erasure, others argue that the Chinese government is providing education and skills training to the local population. The media narrative often portrays China as stronger and the West as weaker, but personal experiences and on-the-ground reports challenge this narrative. China's economic model has resulted in a small wealthy elite and a large impoverished population, and the situation in Xinjiang is an attempt to replicate this model. The influx of migrants into communities, whether in Cuba or California, can lead to tension and displacement. Ultimately, it's crucial to recognize the complexity of the situation and the importance of diverse perspectives in understanding global issues.

    • Addressing Complexities of Immigration and Cultural DifferencesCultural sensitivity, understanding, and open dialogue are crucial for successful integration during times of mass migration. Be wary of unintended consequences and potential future restrictions on individual rights.

      There are complex societal and political issues surrounding immigration and cultural differences. The speaker expresses concerns about the potential for mass migration leading to cultural clashes and economic instability. They argue that the intentions of those promoting mass migration may not always have the intended positive effects, and that cultural sensitivity and understanding are crucial for successful integration. The speaker also warns of potential future restrictions on freedom of speech and individual rights under the guise of social progress. They caution against short-sighted celebrations of such restrictions and the potential for a pendulum swing back to more restrictive policies. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of open dialogue and mutual respect in navigating these complex issues.

    • Cultural differences and historical context shape attitudes towards social issuesRespect cultural differences while acknowledging individual rights and property ownership. Avoid imposing Western values on less developed countries and seek consent before taking actions that could be perceived as invasive or damaging.

      Cultural differences and historical context play a significant role in shaping attitudes towards social issues. The discussion touched upon the perceived imposition of Western values, specifically regarding homosexuality, on less developed countries. The speaker expressed frustration towards being labeled racist for defending their own culture and values. Another topic that emerged was the issue of porches being stolen in Georgia, leading to a man's arrest. The value of the stolen porch was estimated to be around $3,000, and the investigation revealed that the man passed no trespassing signs while taking it. The conversation also highlighted the importance of respecting other people's property and seeking consent before taking actions that could be perceived as invasive or damaging. Overall, the conversation emphasized the need for understanding and respecting cultural differences while acknowledging the importance of individual rights and property ownership.

    • A Case of Porch Theft with an Impressive Double-Decker PorchTaking responsibility for one's actions and facing the consequences is crucial, even in unusual circumstances.

      The discussion revolved around a peculiar case of porch theft, involving a double-decker porch and an individual named Matthew. The size and strength of the porch were debated, with some believing it was impressive due to its size and ability to flip upside down. The individual in question was charged with domestic violence, battery, and theft of the upper porch. The conversation included humor and references to pop culture, such as a "porch pirate" Halloween outfit. Despite the lighthearted tone, the individuals acknowledged the seriousness of the situation and the potential consequences for the accused. Ultimately, the discussion underscored the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions and facing the consequences, no matter how unusual the circumstances may be.

    Recent Episodes from REAL AF with Andy Frisella

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    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    In today's episode, Andy and DJ are joined in the studio by comedian Tim Young. They discuss the Supreme Court's dismissal of the Social Media Censorship case, the congressional report that showed interference in 2020, and what we know about the 2 Venezuelan men accused of killing 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by the translucent Pastor of Disaster, Vaughn Kohler. They discuss the upcoming Trump and Biden debates, Julian Assange dropping $500k for a flight to a remote island to avoid setting foot on the US mainland, and a bankruptcy court trustee filing a motion to liquidate Alex Jones' Infowars.

    726. Andy & DJ CTI: GOP Calls Out 51 Intel Officials Over Hunter Laptop, Biden And Zelensky To Ink 10-Year Deal For U.S. Military Support & Spokane Pride Crosswalk Vandalized

    726. Andy & DJ CTI: GOP Calls Out 51 Intel Officials Over Hunter Laptop, Biden And Zelensky To Ink 10-Year Deal For U.S. Military Support & Spokane Pride Crosswalk Vandalized

    In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss the GOP calling out 51 intel officials over Hunter Biden's laptop, President Biden and Zelensky to ink a 10-year deal for U.S. military support for Ukraine, and Spokane pride's crosswalk being vandalized days after teens were charged with felonies for leaving scooter skid marks on the rainbow pavement.

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