
    571 From Drug Addict to Whole30 Founder: Melissa Hartwig

    enDecember 02, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • From Addiction to Success: Melissa Hartwig's JourneyDespite facing addiction, Melissa transformed her life through determination and a growth mindset, creating the successful Whole30 program and community.

      That the human spirit is incredibly resilient, as shown by Melissa Hartwig's journey from addiction to creating the successful Whole30 program. Melissa, a certified sports nutritionist and New York Times best-selling author, shared her experiences with overcoming addiction, letting go of toxic habits, and building a successful online community. Her new book, "The Whole30 Day by Day," offers daily guidance for Whole30 success, and she emphasized the importance of a growth mindset and perseverance. Through her experiences, Melissa demonstrates that with determination and the right mindset, it's possible to transform one's life and create lasting change.

    • From Practical Guide to Comprehensive Field ManualThe Whole30 program grew from a simple guide to a detailed field manual due to community demand, leading to partnerships and unexpected success.

      The Whole30 program, initially just a practical guide on how to follow the program with cooking lessons and recipes, evolved into a comprehensive field manual with motivation, support, tips, and reflection for each day of the program based on observations of people's experiences. The Whole30 Day by Day book was released six years after the program's inception due to the community's demand for more detailed information on how to execute the program successfully. The authors, initially focusing on spreading the word about the program without thinking about selling books, were surprised by its massive popularity and growth, leading to numerous partnerships with food brands seeking Whole30 approval.

    • Whole30 diet expands food options for various dietary populationsThe Whole30 diet's certification program broadens food choices for those on paleo, primal, gluten-free, and dairy-free diets.

      The Whole30 diet, with its certification program, serves as a widely accepted stamp of approval for various dietary populations beyond just those following the Whole30 program. This approval opens up a wider range of food options for individuals who follow paleo, primal, gluten-free, dairy-free, and other dietary restrictions. The speaker's personal background and motivation for pursuing health and wellness came from a difficult past involving drug addiction and sexual abuse. She turned to drugs as a means of escape, but eventually sought help and found solace in fitness and healthy living. The Whole30 diet and certification program now serve as a positive force in her life, allowing her to help others and promote healthier food options.

    • Navigating family dynamics during traumaUnderstanding family reactions to crisis and maintaining open communication are crucial for healing and growth.

      Family dynamics can be complicated and challenging, especially during times of trauma. The speaker in this conversation shared an experience of feeling lost and unsure after a family member was involved in a violent incident. She didn't fully understand the situation at the time and felt isolated, despite her father's protective actions. The experience led her to make risky choices later in life, and she reflects on how difficult it is to fully understand the complexities of family relationships and reactions to crisis. Additionally, the conversation touched on the prevalence of abuse and the importance of support during challenging times. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of open communication and understanding in families, particularly during times of crisis.

    • From Rock Bottom to New Passions and Healthier HabitsOvercoming addiction and hitting rock bottom can lead to discovering new passions and healthier habits. This transformation often requires significant lifestyle changes and a growth mindset.

      Hitting rock bottom and undergoing a major life transformation can lead to discovering new passions and healthier habits. The speaker's experience with addiction involved erratic behavior, multiple relapses, and various types of drugs including heroin, ecstasy, and hallucinogens. However, after entering rehab and working with a therapist for many years, she managed to get clean and found solace in fitness, nutrition, and creating a new environment for herself. This transformation required significant changes to her lifestyle, including new friends, getting rid of old clothes, and moving. The speaker's determination to remove herself as far as possible from her past experiences and embrace a growth mindset ultimately led her to a fulfilling lifestyle, including becoming a nutritionist. Despite being almost 18 years clean, she still maintains buffers to prevent relapse.

    • Discovering the Power of Proper Nutrition for Gym PerformanceThrough personal experimentation and research, an early CrossFit coach and sports nutritionist found that proper nutrition significantly improves gym performance. She advocates for women to avoid starvation diets and instead focus on personalized, elimination-based diet plans like the Whole30 to determine unique dietary needs and achieve food freedom.

      The interviewee, an early CrossFit coach and sports nutritionist, discovered the importance of proper nutrition in achieving optimal gym performance. Initially, she began providing nutrition consulting casually based on her own experiences and research. However, she soon realized that the better her clients ate, the better their results in the gym were. Her area of interest became working with women to help them understand that they didn't need to starve themselves to see progress. Through her own experimentation with the Whole30 diet, she learned the value of eliminating certain foods to determine their impact on her body and ultimately created a personalized diet that worked best for her. The Whole30 is a tool for individuals to figure out their unique dietary needs by eliminating and reintroducing foods, leading to food freedom and the perfect diet for each person.

    • Discover the benefits of the Whole30 diet in 30 daysThe Whole30 diet can lead to health improvements, help determine food sensitivities, be a shared experience, and is based on whole foods.

      The Whole30 diet, which eliminates certain foods for 30 days, can lead to significant improvements in health and well-being for some people. The careful reintroduction process helps individuals determine which foods may be causing negative reactions. The program can be a shared experience with friends and family, leading to great results and sustainability. The Whole30 is based on whole foods like vegetables and meat, making it easy to follow without counting calories or measuring ingredients. The idea for the Whole30 originated from a physical therapist who saw improvements in his own health and that of his sister with dietary changes. The program can benefit different people to varying degrees, and self-experimentation is key to understanding individual responses. The speaker's own experience involved starting the program due to her partner's suggestion and finding success in adopting new habits.

    • The Whole30 diet's clear structure helps individuals make healthier choicesThe Whole30 diet's strict rules eliminate decision fatigue and provide discipline, leading to healthier choices and improved emotional relationships with food.

      Having a clear structure or guidelines can help individuals make healthier choices, both in food and in life. The Whole30 diet, with its strict rules, eliminates decision fatigue and provides a sense of discipline and creativity. The speaker shared her personal experience of how the Whole30 helped her identify and change unhealthy emotional relationships with food. She also discussed the challenges of writing a book with a separating partner and how they managed to focus on the project despite their personal struggles. Ultimately, the Whole30's structure and discipline helped the speaker navigate a difficult time in her personal life.

    • Rediscovering happiness during a divorceThrough self-care, conscious food choices, and seeking support, women can find joy and personal growth during a divorce.

      Even during the most emotionally challenging and stressful periods of life, such as going through a divorce, focusing on self-care and personal growth can lead to happiness and resilience. The speaker shares her experience of going through therapy, prioritizing her son's needs, and rediscovering herself after her divorce. She emphasizes the importance of maintaining control over aspects of life, such as nutrition and fitness, during times of stress. For women facing divorce and emotional eating, she suggests prioritizing self-care, making conscious decisions around food and exercise, and seeking support from friends and professionals. Despite the difficulties, the speaker found joy and personal growth during this period, demonstrating the potential for transformation and renewal in the face of adversity.

    • Emotional Eating During Divorce: Women's Struggles and Societal PressureDuring emotional struggles, including divorce, people may turn to food for comfort. Women, in particular, may be more susceptible due to societal pressure to conform to beauty standards and diet industry focus. Maintaining strong relationships and prioritizing emotional well-being can help combat emotional eating.

      During emotional struggles, people often reach for food as a substitute for genuine human connections. This can be particularly challenging for those going through a divorce, as the isolation that comes with relationship issues can make it even harder to maintain meaningful relationships. Women, in particular, may be more susceptible to this issue due to societal pressure to conform to unrealistic beauty standards and the diet industry's focus on women's bodies. To combat emotional eating, it's essential to prioritize and maintain strong connections with loved ones, even if the conversations don't always revolve around feelings or the source of emotional distress. Men, on the other hand, may find it easier to avoid emotional eating due to societal norms and gender roles, but that doesn't mean they don't have emotional relationships with food. Understanding these gender dynamics and the societal pressures that contribute to emotional eating can help individuals navigate their relationships with food and prioritize their emotional well-being.

    • Understanding the emotional and psychological causes of sugar cravingsAcknowledging the biological aspect of sugar cravings and addressing any underlying emotional or psychological causes can lead to a healthier relationship with food.

      Our cravings for sugar and unhealthy foods during times of stress is a natural biological response. However, for some individuals, this relationship with food may require more attention and exploration beyond the physical act of eating. For these individuals, a dietary reset or seeking professional help, such as therapy, may be beneficial in understanding and addressing the underlying emotional and psychological causes. Overall, acknowledging the biological aspect of sugar cravings and addressing any underlying emotional or psychological causes can lead to a healthier relationship with food. Additionally, having a strong support system and engaging in activities outside of work can contribute to overall well-being and fulfillment.

    • Cultivating Meaningful RelationshipsEngage with community, offer quality products/services, prioritize authenticity, and connect personally to build loyal followings. Requires patience and dedication to genuine connections.

      Building meaningful relationships, whether personal or professional, requires conscious effort and prioritization. The speaker emphasized the importance of engaging with one's community and serving their needs, while also having a high-quality product or service to offer. Authenticity and personal connection were also highlighted as key components for cultivating a loyal following. The speaker's greatest strength lies in their ability to effectively communicate with people based on their unique needs and styles, making them an effective inspiring figure. However, the speaker acknowledged that this approach may not yield instant or flashy results, but rather, it requires patience and dedication to building genuine connections.

    • From Dogmatism to Empathy: Melissa Hartwig's Journey to GreatnessMelissa Hartwig's Whole30 program promotes self-love, transformation, and living authentically through eating whole, nutrient-dense foods. Melissa's journey from dogmatism to empathy inspires others to embrace their authentic selves and find sustainable change.

      Melissa Hartwig, the creator of the Whole30 diet program, emphasizes the importance of self-love, empathy, and transformation. She shares her journey from being dogmatic and struggling with empathy to learning from her mistakes and growing as a person. Melissa is most grateful for being able to live her purpose and inspire others through her work. Her definition of greatness is simply being true to oneself. The Whole30 program, which encourages eating whole, nutrient-dense foods, has had a profound impact on Melissa's life and the lives of many others. If you're looking for sustainable and transformative change in your nutrition and lifestyle, Melissa's new book, "The Whole30 Day by Day," is a must-read. Embrace your authentic self and join the community of Whole30 participants who have experienced the power of this program.

    • Identify your vision and make a plan to achieve itTake time to write down objectives in health, relationships, finances, career, and spirituality, and start taking steps towards realizing them. Remember, you have the strength and resilience to accomplish great things.

      No matter what stage of life you're in or what goals you're pursuing, it's important to remember that you have a purpose and a mission in life. This could be in regards to starting a business, getting healthy, or any other personal or professional endeavor. It's essential to take the time to identify your vision and make a plan of action to achieve it. The human spirit is incredibly resilient, and despite any challenges or setbacks you may have faced this year, you have the power to overcome them and make progress towards your goals. Write down your objectives for the coming year in areas such as health, relationships, finances, career, and spirituality, and begin taking steps towards realizing them. Remember, you have the strength and resilience to accomplish great things.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Show Notes

    Rick Bassman was born in Northridge, California.  Rick had some major trials as a young man, chiefly being given a terminal cancer diagnosis.  Rick was not expected to survive the year, but he did.  Rick beat cancer and went on to pursue his dreams of being in the entertainment industry.  Rick started Bassman Productions which created and organized various events, including concerts and shows with such bands as The Clash, The B52’s, The Go Go’s and more. While working for Disney, Rick won an Emmy for his work on the CBS special, Flash Back.

    A life long fan of pro-wrestling, Rick dived into the industry by assembling a “dream team” of wrestlers called Power Team USA, which featured members who each embodied the USA in some way.  Among the Alumni of Power Team USA were individuals such as Sting and Ultimate Warrior, who became some of the biggest, most recognizable names in pro-wrestling history.  Rick’s pro-wrestling promotion, Ultimate Pro Wrestling, and wrestling school, Ultimate University, launched the careers of many of the top names in pro-wrestling, and was the top place for the major companies to scout and recruit talent.  Rick has had his ups and downs in life, and is very open and honest about his journey.

    Rick fell into the pitfalls of addiction and lost his fortune more than once.  He survived another terminal diagnosis.  At one point Rick was homeless and living in his car.  He always found a way out though.  Rick’s resilience and fortitude was continuously tested, and his many tribulations forged the character and strength of the man he is today.  Currently Rick resides in the beautiful mountains of Maui with his pack of pit-bulls.  He is an author, having published his memoir called Little Big Man.  He is the host of the podcast Talking Tough, which dives into the toughest times of some of the strongest people in the world.  Rick works with actress Linda Blair in bully breed rescue called Linda Blair’s Worldheart Foundation, and is an outspoken advocate for the breed.  Rick started a movement called #BeGood, which he and some of the toughest men in the sports entertainment industry work to create a kinder world.

    To follow or contact Rick use the links below:


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rickbassman  https://www.facebook.com/groups/wewinnow

    Twitter: @rick_bassman

    Instagram: @rick_bassman @talkingtoughpodcast

    For the Talking Tough Podcast: https://www.talking-tough.com

    To get Rick’s book, Little Big Man, go to: http://rickbassman.com/book/

    Products mentioned on the show:

    KETO CHOW: https://shop.ketochow.xyz/?aff=81&ref=carriebrown&utm_source=link&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=carriebrown

    Redmond’s Real Salt: https://shop.redmond.life?afmc=carriebrown  Code: carriebrown (15% discount)

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    An Inteview with Ultra Runner Michael Wardian

    An Inteview with Ultra Runner Michael Wardian

    Quite simply one of the world’s best ultra-runners, Michael Wardian set off on his latest adventure on Sunday, May 1, a run across the United States. He started at City Hall in San Francisco, California and will end at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, while raising money for World Vision’s clean water projects around the world. He will be following Route 50, America’s loneliest highway, through some of the remotest parts of the country, and will travel through 13 states, covering over 3,200 miles. Listen as Michael achieves yet another personal milestone live during the interview with Tom, his most days running consecutively.

    You can follow Michael in real-time at https://share.garmin.com/michaelwardian Instagram @mikewardian with a link in his bio to donate to @worldvisonusa

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