
    #574 - Dr. Mark Gordon, Matthew Gosney & Jason Hall

    en-usNovember 12, 2014

    Podcast Summary

    • Misdiagnosis of PTSD vs TBIVeterans and athletes may be misdiagnosed with PTSD when they have TBI, which is a physical injury to the brain leading to hormonal imbalances. TBI can cause long-term damage, including accelerated aging and increased disease risk.

      There's a significant distinction between PTSD and traumatic brain injury (TBI), and many veterans and athletes are being misdiagnosed with PTSD when they actually have TBI. While PTSD is characterized by psychological trauma, TBI is a physical injury to the brain that can lead to hormonal imbalances. The physical trauma from activities like jumping out of planes or playing football can cause TBI, and repeated exposure to these traumas can lead to significant brain damage over time. This damage may not be immediately apparent, and individuals may continue to function normally, but the long-term effects can include accelerated aging and increased risk of diseases like Alzheimer's. It's important to recognize and address TBI to prevent these potential health issues.

    • Hormonal imbalances can impact functioning despite high performance in certain areasUnderlying hormonal imbalances can significantly affect an individual's overall well-being, even if they continue to excel in specific aspects of their life. Seeking professional help can lead to improved functioning in all areas.

      Hormonal imbalances can significantly impact an individual's physical and mental functioning, yet they may still be able to function at a high level in certain areas of their life. For instance, James Tony, a football player, had incredibly low testosterone levels, but he was still able to perform in the ring. However, outside the ring, he struggled with weight and control. Similarly, Brad Legato, a former marine, experienced a rejuvenation in mental, physical, and physiological functioning when his hormones returned to normal after being deficient for a long time. PTSD and various injuries sustained during military service were the causes of their hormonal imbalances. It's essential to understand that these underlying issues might not always be apparent, and seeking professional help can lead to a better quality of life.

    • Disconnected and Hopeless: The Hidden Struggles of PTSDPTSD can cause emotional numbness and internalization, making it hard for individuals to acknowledge their struggles and seek help. Recognizing and addressing symptoms is crucial for recovery, and hormone therapy may offer benefits for those with traumatic brain injuries and pituitary damage.

      PTSD can lead individuals to feel disconnected from their emotions and the world around them, creating a sense of despair and hopelessness. This mental and emotional numbness can make it difficult for those affected to acknowledge their struggles and seek help. For some, like the speaker, this internalization and shutting off of emotions can manifest as a protective mechanism, creating a fierce and intimidating exterior. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of acknowledging and addressing the symptoms of PTSD, as well as the potential benefits of hormone replacement therapy for those suffering from traumatic brain injuries and pituitary gland damage. The speaker's journey towards recovery began with the recognition of his own pain and the decision to seek help, ultimately leading to the lifting of the fog and a restoration of cognitive function.

    • Hormone therapy's profound impact on well-being and copingHormone therapy, particularly testosterone, enhances mood, energy, and joint health by tackling hormonal imbalities, inflammation, and oxidative stress. Safe dosing and anti-inflammatory meds ensure benefits without side effects. Hormones significantly impact brain function and repair.

      Hormone replacement therapy, specifically testosterone, can have a profound impact on a person's well-being and ability to cope with daily life. This effect goes beyond just sexual function and includes improvements in mood, energy levels, and joint pain. The therapy works by addressing hormonal imbalances that can lead to inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. The use of physiological dosing and natural anti-inflammatory medications can lead to significant improvements without the side effects often associated with traditional hormone replacement therapy. It's important to note that hormones play a crucial role in brain function and repair, and addressing hormonal imbalances can help improve cognitive functioning and overall brain health. Unfortunately, this important aspect of hormone health is often overlooked in medical discussions, with a focus instead on more commonly known neurochemicals like dopamine and serotonin.

    • Financial motivations to keep people on expensive medicationsThe financial incentives to keep individuals on costly medications raises concerns about prioritizing new treatments over effective, affordable ones.

      There's a significant financial motivation in keeping people on expensive medications, with some medications costing thousands of dollars a month for those with multiple conditions. This raises questions about the prioritization of new treatments over basic, effective ones. Jason Hall, a screenwriter, was inspired by the story of Chris Kyle, a Navy SEAL sniper with a record-breaking number of confirmed kills, and became involved in helping veterans after reading Kyle's book and meeting him in person. Hall's experiences led him to become immersed in the world of soldiers and their issues, eventually connecting with Matthew and Dr. Gordon. The discussion also touched on the importance of instinct and mathematics in long-distance shooting, as well as the potential for misunderstandings and misconceptions.

    • Veterans' Invisible Wounds and the Need for SupportVeterans dealing with PTSD and other invisible wounds benefit from finding purpose and community through helping others or engaging in military activities. However, resources and funding for treating traumatic brain injuries and mental health issues are lacking.

      Returning veterans from war often struggle with invisible wounds, such as PTSD, and may need more support and resources beyond standard medical treatment. Many veterans, like Chris, may deal with their struggles through coping mechanisms like drinking or isolation. Finding a sense of purpose and community through helping other veterans or engaging in activities they enjoyed in the military can provide valuable healing and support. Unfortunately, there is a lack of funding and resources for treating traumatic brain injuries and mental health issues in veterans, which needs more attention and investment.

    • Ineffective mental health care for veteransVeterans face long wait times, inadequate treatment, and a lack of understanding from mental health professionals, leading to frustration, hopelessness, and even suicide. The VA records an average of 22 suicides per day, but some reports suggest the number may be closer to 40.

      Many veterans return home from war with physical and mental injuries, but the current system for addressing these issues is not effective. Veterans face long wait times for appointments, inadequate treatment, and a lack of understanding from mental health professionals. This can lead to frustration, hopelessness, and even suicide. The VA keeps records of an average of 22 suicides per day among veterans, but some reports suggest the number may be closer to 40. The VA provides kind treatment to some patients, but the current approach to mental health care often fails to address the root causes of veterans' trauma, focusing instead on medication and talk therapy. The physical injuries must be addressed first before mental healing can begin. This systemic issue requires urgent attention and reform.

    • Ineffective Approach to Veterans' Complex Trauma: A Personal ExperienceThe current mental health treatment for complex trauma, especially for veterans, may not be effective due to its impersonal and limited approach. A more holistic and personalized method, addressing both mental and physical health, is needed.

      The current approach to mental health treatment, particularly for veterans dealing with complex trauma, may not be effective due to the holistic nature of their health issues. The speaker shares his personal experience of feeling worse after being prescribed multiple medications and attending counseling sessions, feeling that the process was impersonal and not addressing the root causes of his struggles. He also mentions the importance of addressing the body's deficiencies and insufficiencies in addition to mental health symptoms. The speaker's frustration lies in the medical community's limited understanding and approach to treating complex trauma, which often involves a masking process with medications rather than addressing the underlying issues. The speaker's experience highlights the need for a more holistic and personalized approach to mental health treatment for veterans and others dealing with complex trauma.

    • Link between physical injuries and mental health issuesPhysical injuries, particularly head traumas, can lead to hormone deficiencies and affect cognitive abilities, increasing the risk of mental health issues like depression and anxiety. Hormone correction can help restore brain function and improve overall well-being.

      Mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, can be linked to physical causes like hormone deficiencies resulting from head traumas. These traumas can predispose individuals to psychological problems by affecting their neurosteroids and cognitive abilities. Hormone correction can help stabilize the brain and restore function, allowing individuals to regain their sense of well-being and confidence. The connection between physical injuries and mental health issues is often overlooked, but it is crucial in understanding and treating these conditions effectively. This discovery was made possible through research on boxers in Turkey and Thailand who had unusually high rates of hormone deficiency due to head trauma.

    • Hormonal treatment and testing overlooked for traumatic brain injuriesDespite showing promise in regenerating neurons and healing the brain, hormonal treatment and testing for TBIs are underutilized due to difficulty in diagnosis and lack of funding for research. Creating secondary pathways and providing a neuropermissive environment can help improve function.

      There is a lack of focus on hormonal treatment and testing for traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) in contrast to the attention given to brain damage detection. The speaker, a vet, has been providing services for TBI patients using hormone therapy and stem cell research, which have shown promise in regenerating neurons and healing the brain. However, these methods are not widely recognized or implemented due to the difficulty in diagnosing the issue within the brain and the lack of funding for research. Additionally, damage to the connective tissue between the brain and skull can lead to subdural hematomas and intracerebral bleeding, causing loss of consciousness and broken nerves. While it's not possible to directly regenerate damaged nerves, creating secondary pathways and providing a neuropermissive environment through IV glutathione and other products can help improve function. The speaker's work and the scientific findings suggest that there is potential for significant progress in treating TBIs beyond just detecting and monitoring brain damage.

    • Careers in MMA and Brain ResilienceMMA careers can impact brain resilience, leading to sensitivity to head trauma. Factors like hormones, meds, and lifestyle contribute. Heart disease not only relates to cholesterol, consider inflammation markers for a complete picture.

      The resilience and tolerance of the brain and nervous system can be impacted by a career of taking punches in MMA, leading to a decreased ability to withstand shots to the head. This can be due to nerve damage or the mind's response to recognized patterns of trauma. Factors such as hormonal imbalances, certain medications, and lifestyle choices can also contribute to this sensitivity. It's important to note that the extent of damage and potential for recovery varies greatly from individual to individual. The statistics show that half of all heart attacks occur in people with normal or low cholesterol levels, raising questions about the true cause of heart disease. Instead of focusing solely on cholesterol, it's essential to consider other factors, such as inflammation markers, that may play a role in heart health.

    • Cholesterol's Complex Role in HealthCholesterol plays a role in inflammation and artery damage, but also supplies hormones and repairs arteries. Individualized care and proper diagnosis are crucial for effective treatment.

      The role of cholesterol in the body is more complex than previously thought. While it contributes to inflammation and calcium deposition in arteries, leading to atherosclerosis, it also plays a crucial role in supplying hormones and repairing arterial walls. Chelation therapy, which aims to remove calcium deposition, has been shown to improve atherosclerotic lesions. The medical community's perspective on cholesterol and its impact on health has been questioned, as cholesterol was once incorrectly blamed for various health issues, such as sodium being linked to high blood pressure. Every individual's genetic predisposition requires specific medication, and a one-size-fits-all approach to healthcare is not effective. Matthew's experience highlights the importance of individualized care and proper diagnosis.

    • TRT Improves Veteran's Health and WellbeingVeteran's quality of life improved with TRT, reduced pain meds intake, and better interactions, advocating for more awareness and accessibility

      Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has significantly improved a veteran's physical and mental health, allowing him to reduce his pain medication intake and handle daily life with more ease. After three months on TRT, he went from taking eight oxycodone pills a day to just three, and his interactions with his ex-wife have also improved. However, the journey to complete healing, both physically and mentally, is ongoing. The veteran is now advocating for more awareness and accessibility of TRT for veterans, as it's not yet widely recognized or available in every medical practice. Despite facing opposition from some medical professionals, the veteran is determined to help create a dialogue and empower others to seek this life-changing treatment.

    • Connection between TBIs and Hormonal Deficiencies in Retired Fighters and VeteransTBIs can lead to hormonal deficiencies over time, causing depression, fatigue, and other health issues. Identifying past traumas is crucial for hormonal health. Hormone therapy can improve quality of life, but awareness and open discussions are needed.

      There is a significant connection between traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and hormonal deficiencies, particularly in the case of retired fighters and veterans. These individuals may not show symptoms immediately after the injury, but can deteriorate significantly over time, leading to depression, fatigue, and other health issues. It's essential to take a thorough medical history to identify any past traumas, as they can impact an individual's hormonal health and overall wellbeing. The public's ignorance about the long-term effects of TBIs and the stigma surrounding mental health issues make it difficult for those in need to seek help. The use of hormone therapy can significantly improve the quality of life for those suffering from TBI-related hormonal deficiencies. It's crucial to raise awareness about this issue and encourage open discussions about mental and hormonal health, particularly for those who have served in the military or engaged in contact sports.

    • Understanding the Complexities of Military ServiceMilitary service brings unique challenges and traumas that civilians may not fully grasp, and the transition back to civilian life can be difficult for soldiers due to the loss of structure and support systems.

      The experiences and traumas faced by soldiers in the military are complex and deeply impactful, making it challenging for civilians to fully comprehend or judge their actions. The protesting of soldiers can be particularly infuriating for veterans, as they may feel misunderstood and blamed for events beyond their control. Additionally, the transition back to civilian life after military service can be difficult due to the loss of structure and support systems, with few resources available to help soldiers cope with the psychological and physical challenges they face. These issues are not unique to veterans, as many struggle with similar adjustments after leaving prison or other structured environments. Overall, it's important to recognize the complexities of military service and the challenges faced by soldiers upon their return to civilian life.

    • Scant Resources for Veterans' Hormonal Therapy NeedsLack of funding and awareness hinders effective hormonal therapy for veterans with traumatic brain injury and hormone deficiency syndrome, with current approaches potentially causing side effects and limited effectiveness. Expanding research to include various forms of trauma could lead to better outcomes.

      There is a significant lack of resources dedicated to helping veterans find peace and healing after their military service, particularly in the area of hormonal therapy for traumatic brain injury and hormone deficiency syndrome. The current approach of focusing solely on symptoms and administering hormones without addressing upstream precursors can lead to unintended side effects and limited effectiveness. The need for funding and awareness to support this crucial work is urgent, as there are many veterans suffering and in need of help. Additionally, it's important to recognize that various forms of trauma, including ionizing radiation and subdural hematomas, can cause similar symptoms and hormonal deficiencies as traumatic brain injury. Expanding the scope of research and treatment to include these areas could lead to better outcomes for veterans.

    • Hormonal Imbalances and Mental HealthMaintain hormonal balance through healthy lifestyle and nutrition to prevent depression and related issues, but beware of profit-driven medical industry limiting access to care.

      The body's hormonal balance plays a significant role in mental health, particularly in avoiding depression. Research indicates a link between post-surgical hormonal changes, such as thyroid hormone production and pituitary damage, and depression. Hormonal imbalances can also result from deficiencies in testosterone, growth hormone, and other hormones. The speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining overall health, proper nutrition, rest, exercise, and hormonal balance to prevent depression and other related issues. However, the speaker expresses concern that the medical industry prioritizes financial gain over the well-being of patients, with pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies dictating treatment methods, leaving many individuals without adequate care. The speaker's goal is to educate and share information on hormonal balance and overall health to help individuals take control of their well-being.

    • Challenges in Promoting Testosterone Therapy in Entertainment IndustryTestosterone therapy is crucial for men's health, but societal stigmas and misconceptions hinder acceptance in the entertainment industry

      There are many individuals, like Matt, who greatly benefit from testosterone therapy outside of the military, law enforcement, and government sectors. This therapy is backed by extensive research and personal experience. However, getting the entertainment industry to embrace this can be challenging due to perceived stigmas and fear of being seen as on the fringe. Despite the controversy surrounding hormone use, testosterone therapy is a crucial aspect of maintaining optimal health and well-being for men, particularly as they age. The benefits far outweigh the risks, yet many men are hesitant to discuss or pursue this treatment due to societal stigmas and misconceptions.

    • TRT for veterans with head trauma: More than just testosteroneTRT requires balancing hormones and delivery methods for optimal brain absorption, but many physicians lack adequate knowledge and experience, potentially leading to misunderstandings and harm.

      Understanding the complexities of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for veterans with head trauma requires a holistic approach. TRT involves more than just testosterone; it requires balancing various hormones and delivery methods to ensure optimal brain absorption. Unfortunately, many physicians lack adequate knowledge and experience in this area, leading to misunderstandings and potential harm. For instance, medications like Finasteride and Durasteride, which block the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, can lead to depression and other side effects. TRT is a crucial issue for veterans, given the high prevalence of head trauma and associated hormonal imbalances. It's essential to reach out to these individuals, as their lives may depend on it. The subject of TRT is not well understood, and the lack of education and experience among healthcare professionals highlights the need for further research and awareness.

    • DHT's impact on brain developmentExposure to high levels of DHT during critical brain development periods could impact brain function and potentially lead to conditions like transgender identity.

      DHT and testosterone play crucial roles in various functions of the brain, including memory recall, learning new things, and even determining gender orientation. However, when using topical products that convert to DHT, it's essential to generate DHT in the brain, not in the blood. Exposure to high levels of DHT, especially during critical development periods in the womb, could potentially impact one's brain development and lead to conditions like transgender identity. The introduction of certain chemicals during this period can alter hormone levels and potentially influence brain development, a topic that is emotionally charged and often met with resistance.

    • Physical Changes in Gender Reassignment and Impact on Combat Sports PerformanceGender reassignment involves complex physical and hormonal changes that can impact combat sports performance. Factors like bone density, muscle mass, response time, and mindset can be influenced, potentially leading to advantages or disadvantages.

      The physical changes and hormone therapy experienced during gender reassignment can significantly impact an individual's performance in combat sports like MMA. The speaker discusses how factors such as bone density, muscle mass, response time, and mindset can be influenced by the transition, leading to potential advantages or disadvantages. For instance, men generally have denser bones and more muscle mass than women, and estrogen therapy can help preserve bone density in transgender women. However, muscle mass can decrease with estrogen therapy but can be balanced with testosterone supplementation. The speaker also mentions the role of tendons in striking in combat sports, but couldn't directly answer about their specific impact on performance during hormone therapy. Overall, the complex interplay of physical and hormonal changes during gender reassignment can have a significant impact on an individual's performance in combat sports.

    • Transgender Athletes and Fairness in Female CategoriesTransgender women's use of hormone therapy for competition in female categories raises questions about fairness and long-term health effects. Controversies persist, and potential solutions include separate organizations or ongoing testing.

      The discussion revolves around the fairness of transgender athletes competing in female categories in sports, specifically regarding the role of hormones and genetic advantages. Estrogen therapy given to transgender women to reduce testosterone levels can lead to physical advantages for a period of time, but the long-term effects are not yet fully understood. The case of a transgender cyclist, Michelle Dumas, highlights the controversy and emotional charge surrounding this issue, as well as the lack of clear precedent and research. The resolution may involve separate organizations for transgender athletes or continued testing and evaluation to ensure fairness. Ultimately, the goal is to balance individual freedom and rights with the need for fair competition.

    • Hormone optimization for peak healthHormone replacement therapy aims to optimize hormones for individual peak health, not just restore to normal levels. Individual responses vary, so finding the right dosage and monitoring progress closely is key.

      Hormone replacement therapy is not just about restoring hormones to normal levels, but rather about optimizing them to achieve the peak of health. The speaker shares anecdotes of patients, including a 94-year-old man who regained his ability to have sex after starting hormone replacement therapy. However, it's important to note that hormone replacement therapy is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and individual responses can vary greatly. Some patients may experience side effects such as increased libido or panic attacks. The key is to find the right dosage for each individual and monitor their progress closely. Hormones are relative, not absolute, and what works for one person may not work for another. The ultimate goal is to help patients feel their best and improve their quality of life.

    • Language, physiology, and personal experiencesUnderstanding language and physiological responses can be influenced by personal background and experiences. Anxiety responses, panic attacks, and focus can be affected by words like 'fuck' and testosterone. Oxygen bars and free drinks can impact focus and inhibitions.

      Comfort with language and understanding physiological responses can be influenced by personal background and experiences. The discussion touched on the use of the word "fuck" and the anxiety response to testosterone, leading to a discussion about panic attacks and their causes. The speakers also shared their experiences with oxygen bars and their potential effects on focus and inhibitions, as well as the role of free drinks in gambling. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the complex ways in which language, physiology, and personal experiences interconnect.

    • Experience the Benefits of Floating in an Isolation TankFloating in a dark, soundproof tank filled with salinated water helps clear the mind, reduces stress, and offers physical benefits like pain relief and muscle relaxation. Beneficial for mental health issues and regular use leads to increased relaxation, focus, and self-awareness.

      Floating in an isolation tank, also known as sensory deprivation, can have significant mental and physical benefits. The experience involves lying in a dark, soundproof tank filled with highly salinated water, allowing the body to float effortlessly. The absence of external stimuli enables the mind to focus and process thoughts more clearly. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with mental health issues like PTSD, as it provides a safe and distraction-free environment for introspection. The experience also offers physical benefits, such as alleviating pain and tension through the use of Epsom salts and the elimination of gravity's effects on the body. Regular use of a float tank can lead to increased relaxation, improved focus, and a greater understanding of one's thoughts and emotions. To spread awareness of this practice and its potential benefits, sharing personal experiences, recommending float centers, and advocating for wider accessibility can all make a difference.

    • Addressing TBIs in veterans with multiple approachesDr. Hyman advocates for a multifaceted approach to TBIs in veterans, including bone arrows, injections, and hormonal balances. He plans to train doctors on these protocols as an alternative to traditional meds.

      Addressing Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) in veterans requires a multifaceted approach. Dr. Mark Hyman discussed the importance of considering various avenues, such as bone arrows, injections, and hormonal balances. The stigma surrounding hormone replacement, particularly testosterone, is an uphill battle due to negative associations. However, these treatments can be beneficial for veterans suffering from TBIs. Dr. Hyman plans to train doctors on these protocols and provide an alternative to traditional antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds. It's crucial to recognize that not every veteran will benefit from this approach, but it can be a valuable addition to the existing solutions. The conversation also touched upon the need for more pragmatic solutions, including mind-body approaches and blood work, to help veterans seeking help.

    • Exploring TBI and PTSD: Laboratory Testing, Resources, and AdvocacyLaboratory testing for TBIs is covered, resources like TBI Medlegal offer assistance, and advocacy efforts can expand access to vital services for those dealing with TBI and PTSD.

      Addressing traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and their connection to mental health conditions like PTSD is crucial for overall well-being. This can be achieved through various methods, including laboratory testing and treatment. For individuals dealing with these issues, resources like TBI Medlegal (tbimedical.com) offer assistance. They provide laboratory testing, which is fully covered, and are working to secure funding for treatment. Additionally, advocacy efforts like crowdfunding campaigns can help expand access to these vital services. As Matthew Gosney shared, his personal experiences with TBI and PTSD inspired him to write a book, "Hidden Wounds," and start a nonprofit organization. Through these efforts, we can raise awareness and support for those struggling with these conditions. If you or someone you know is a veteran and is hesitant or wants more information, reach out to Matthew on Twitter (@matthewgosney) or check out his Kickstarter campaign, "Hidden Wounds." Together, we can make a difference.

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