
    580. Andy, Andrew Bailey & DJ CTI: Missouri AG Sues School Board, Second Republican Debate & First Biden Impeachment Inquiry

    enSeptember 29, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Cruise the Internet: Free Speech, Big Tech, and Government Collusion with Missouri Attorney General Andrew BaileyMissouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey discusses the importance of free speech, the role of big tech in censorship, and government collusion on Cruise the Internet. The hosts encourage open dialogue, invite listener questions, and emphasize the need to share content to spread their message.

      The hosts of "Cruise the Internet," Andy and DJ Cruz, believe in speaking the truth, even if it means using language that may be considered offensive by some. They encourage open dialogue and invite listeners to submit questions for discussion on their show. They also emphasize the importance of sharing their content to help spread their message, as they face censorship on various platforms. Their guest on this special episode is Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, who is a key figure in the ongoing debate about free speech, big tech, and government collusion. The show, Cruise the Internet, covers current events, speculates on their truthfulness, and provides solutions for the issues discussed. Other segments include Q&A sessions and interviews with individuals who have undergone the 75 Hard mental transformation program. The hosts offer their real talk and encourage discipline, mental toughness, and following through on plans to help listeners overcome personal challenges. They believe that the problem isn't a lack of knowledge, but the inability to execute, and their free resources aim to address this issue.

    • Government intervention in tech censorshipThe current suppression of free speech by big tech is a historic threat to First Amendment rights, driven by government intervention.

      The current suppression of free speech by big tech at the behest of the federal government represents a historic threat to First Amendment rights in the United States. This censorship campaign, which has been discovered through evidence in a ongoing lawsuit, is not an organic development within tech companies but rather a result of government intervention. The implications of this situation extend beyond the political realm and are shaping the cultural landscape in a significant and pivotal way. The fight against this censorship enterprise will likely be a topic of study in constitutional law classes for generations to come.

    • Social media censorship goes beyond post removalSocial media censorship includes manipulated algorithms, bots, and self-imposed silence, limiting freedom of speech and reach, with consequences for controversial topics and figures.

      Social media platforms are engaging in censorship beyond just removing specific posts. This censorship takes the form of manipulated algorithms, bots, and self-imposed silence due to fear of being de-platformed. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has even found evidence of this in judicial opinions. The harm of this censorship is ongoing as individuals self-censor to avoid the vast censorship enterprise. This censorship not only limits freedom of speech but also freedom of reach. The consequences of this censorship can be seen in the suppression of controversial topics such as COVID, election integrity, and figures like Donald Trump. Despite promises of safety on these platforms, the reality is that censorship continues to be a significant issue. Ultimately, this censorship may be counterproductive as it can fuel further distrust and polarization.

    • Government censorship harms trustGovernment censorship undermines free speech, erodes trust, and harms the marketplace of ideas, requiring a comprehensive solution to protect First Amendment rights and restore trust.

      The government's censorship of information is counterproductive and erodes trust, leading to a spiral of distrust and further censorship. The First Amendment right to free speech is crucial for a fair and open marketplace of ideas, where competing perspectives can be debated and truth can emerge. The government's interference undermines this process and harms trust in the long term. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which has been misinterpreted and misapplied, is a significant part of the problem. States are taking action to require transparency in algorithms and terms of service, but a more comprehensive solution is needed to protect First Amendment rights and restore trust.

    • Protection of Section 230 and Free Speech DebateAndrew Bailey, a free speech advocate, calls for defending individual liberties against foreign and domestic threats, emphasizing the importance of Section 230 for maintaining free speech online.

      The protection of Section 230, a key law that shields tech companies from liability for user-generated content, is a contentious issue in the US political landscape. Some argue that it benefits tech monopolies and silences opposing voices, while others see it as essential for maintaining free speech online. Andrew Bailey, a veteran and advocate for individual liberties, believes that the principles of free speech are under attack from both foreign and domestic sources and calls for sustained effort to defend these freedoms. The conversation also touched upon Bailey's military background and his experiences as a tank commander in the US Army.

    • Maintaining the democratic structureThe mysterious disappearance of Arizona's governor and her replacement without following constitutional order underscores the importance of individual freedoms, the rule of law, and transparency in our democratic system.

      The proper functioning of our democratic system relies on individual freedoms, the rule of law, and transparency. The recent mysterious disappearance of Arizona's governor and her subsequent replacement without following the constitutional order of succession highlights the importance of these principles. The lack of transparency and explanation surrounding the situation undermines the democratic process and the trust between the government and its people. The art of maintaining this structure and preserving individual liberties requires discipline, sustainability, and a commitment to forward progress.

    • Impact of disregard for rule of lawDisregard for the rule of law can lead to decreased trust, reported crimes, business exodus, and harm to communities. Upholding the law and promoting transparency is crucial.

      The erosion of the rule of law, as seen in instances of selective enforcement and disregard for established procedures, can have detrimental consequences for society as a whole. This was highlighted in the discussion about the impact of a Soros-backed prosecutor in St. Louis, where the refusal to enforce laws led to a decrease in reported crimes and an exodus of businesses. Similarly, concerns have been raised about potential rule-breaking in the context of election processes and private meetings regarding school policies. These actions undermine trust in the system and harm communities, benefiting no one. It's crucial for those in positions of power to uphold the rule of law and promote transparency and accountability.

    • Missouri AG's push for mental health assessments before gender treatments sparks controversyMissouri AG Andrew Bailey's efforts to enforce mental health evaluations before administering gender treatments to minors sparks debate over parental rights, children's well-being, and the role of schools in shaping gender understanding.

      Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey's efforts to enforce state laws requiring mental health assessments before administering puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to minors has sparked controversy. Critics label him as overstepping his bounds, but Bailey argues for protecting parental rights and children from experimental treatments without proper mental health evaluations. The debate highlights the complexities and intensities surrounding gender identity issues, with concerns over the potential long-term consequences of these treatments and the role of schools in shaping children's understanding of gender. The issue remains a contentious one, with strong opinions on both sides.

    • Pressure on Children to Undergo Transgender TreatmentsChildren are being pressured into transgender treatments, leading to detrimental consequences. Parents are manipulated by statistics and experts, and some clinics target the most susceptible. The education system avoids transparency, and the government and institutions overstep bounds, potentially causing lifelong damage.

      The current state of big tech and educational institutions is allowing harmful practices that can ruin children's lives, and there should be accountability for those involved. The discussion highlights the issue of children being pressured into transgender treatments, which some regret later in life, leading to detrimental consequences. Parents are confused and manipulated by the statistics and medical experts, and some clinics target the most susceptible parents to obtain consent. The education system is also avoiding transparency with parents regarding their children's bathroom choices. The overall concern is that the government and institutions are overstepping their bounds and taking control of children's lives, leading to potential lifelong damage. It's crucial to hold those accountable who are contributing to these harmful practices and ensure that parents' rights and children's well-being are prioritized.

    • Growing concern over sexualization of young children in schoolsSome argue that schools are introducing inappropriate content and ideologies to young children, bypassing legal guardrails, and causing controversy. Parents want more control over what their kids learn in the classroom.

      There is growing concern over the sexualization of young children in schools, with some arguing that teachers are pushing inappropriate content and ideologies onto students. This includes books about sexual acts and gender identity, as well as discussions on these topics that may not align with parents' values. Some believe that schools are finding ways to bypass legal guardrails, such as parental opt-in or opt-out procedures, leading to controversy and calls for increased accountability. The speakers expressed frustration and disbelief that such topics are being introduced to young children, who should instead be focusing on their childhood experiences and activities. They believe that teachers should not be teaching these concepts to young students and that parents should have more control over what their children are exposed to in the classroom.

    • Speaker's concerns over transgender issues, calls for education and listening to detransitioned individualsEducate yourself on transgender issues, listen to detransitioned individuals, and be aware of potential harms of transgender surgeries.

      The speaker expresses concern over certain decisions being made in society, specifically regarding transgender issues. He believes that people should educate themselves on the matter and listen to those who have gone through the detransition process. He also mentions the difficulty in finding information about transgender surgeries and the importance of understanding the potential harm they may cause. The speaker also shares a light-hearted moment with a commentator about a joke made at his expense. The second headline discusses the winners and losers of the second Republican debate, with Governor Ron DeSantis being named the winner due to exceeding low expectations.

    • Trump's absence from debates didn't hinder his chancesTrump's strategic absence from debates kept the spotlight on him, allowing him to distinguish himself and solidify his image as a results-oriented leader.

      Donald Trump's absence from the Republican debates didn't hinder his chances of winning, as shown in a Daily Mail poll where he still led with 27% of the votes. Trump's strategic move not to participate allowed him to create a vacuum and kept the spotlight on him. The other candidates, in turn, focused on distinguishing themselves from Trump rather than presenting their own unique selling points. Trump's branding genius and strategic moves were evident as he capitalized on the debates to further solidify his image as a leader who delivers tangible results. Despite criticisms and controversies, Trump's presidency is remembered for improving the economy, securing the border, and maintaining peace in international relations. Ultimately, Trump's ability to deliver tangible productivity and results continues to resonate with voters.

    • A results-driven individual's perspective on a controversial political figureDespite controversies, some believe this figure's motivation and experience make him a potential savior for US bureaucracy and financial security, despite DOJ weaponization and fear-driven absence.

      The speaker is a results-driven individual who values personal financial security and believes that a particular political figure, despite controversial tweets and personal criticisms, has the motivation and experience to clean up corrupt bureaucracy and restore the United States to its former state as a free country. The speaker also criticizes the weaponization of the DOJ against this figure and believes that his absence from the political scene is due to fear rather than indictments or polls. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of physical fitness in shaping people's perceptions.

    • House Republicans to hold impeachment inquiry hearings against BidenHouse Republicans are holding impeachment hearings against President Biden to examine the value of the inquiry and present evidence on Biden family finances, highlighting the ongoing nature of the process.

      Authenticity matters in politics, as evidenced by the contrast between Donald Trump's unscripted appearances and the perceived contrivance of some politicians. Trump's popularity is attributed to his authenticity, and even those who don't support him appreciate it. The ongoing impeachment inquiry hearings against President Biden will commence on Thursday, according to reports. The House Republicans will hold the hearing to examine the value of an impeachment inquiry and present all evidence uncovered by the committee in its investigation into the Biden family finances. Witnesses include Bruce Dubinsky. Despite some speculation that the hearings may be wrapping up, it appears there is still some fight left in the process.

    • House Oversight Committee Holds Hearing on Biden Family FinancesReports allege millions in financial transactions involving Biden associates, White House denies president's involvement, outcome of hearing uncertain

      The House Oversight Committee held a hearing regarding alleged financial wrongdoings involving President Biden's son Hunter and associates. The hearing featured testimony from experts and witnesses, with some claiming that millions of dollars have been traced back to these individuals. The White House has denied any involvement from the president and dismissed the hearing as a political stunt. Despite this, reports continue to emerge about large sums of money and potential foreign involvement. Some fact-checkers have noted that while there is evidence of financial transactions involving Biden associates, there is no public evidence that the president himself received any of this money. The hearing also touched on the topic of potential constitutional violations and the weaponization of the federal government, but the focus remained on the financial investigations. The outcome of the hearing remains to be seen, but it has brought renewed attention to these allegations.

    • U.S. Government Interference and Citizen InterventionThe speaker expresses concerns over government interference, frustration with policies, and the potential for citizens to intervene when they believe their sovereignty is at stake.

      There are concerns about potential interference and censorship from the highest levels of the U.S. government, as evidenced by emails from the President's digital communication director. The speaker expresses frustration over various policies and actions, including border security, energy production, and inflation, which they believe undermine American sovereignty. They argue that these issues, combined with the abandonment of previous border control measures, amount to an invasion. The speaker also raises the question of when citizens should intervene when they believe the government is behaving destructively, suggesting that there may be an intentional provocation to incite violence and suppress opposition. They emphasize the importance of the constitutional right of citizens to take action when necessary.

    • Biden administration's use of government power against political opponentsThe speaker expresses concerns over the Biden administration's perceived manipulation of language and truth, weaponization of government power against political opponents, and abandonment of common sense and the rule of law, equating it with a threat to democracy.

      There are concerns about the Biden administration's use of government power against political opponents, and the perceived manipulation of language and truth in political discourse. The speaker believes that the Constitution is meant to protect citizens from the government, but the government under Biden is seen as weaponizing itself against those it disagrees with. The impeachment process and CNN fact checks were discussed as examples of this perceived manipulation. The speaker also expressed frustration with the slow pace of political change and the difficulty of keeping up with the radical progressivism they see as a threat to democracy, which they equate with communism. The speaker believes that the left is abandoning common sense and the rule of law, and that the gravity of the situation requires swift action.

    • Debate over definition and limits of service animalsThe definition of service animals is unclear, leading to debates over whether unconventional animals like alligators should be allowed as service animals. Considering the welfare and safety of all involved is crucial.

      There is ongoing debate about the definition and limits of service animals, as evidenced by a recent incident where an emotional support alligator was denied entry to a baseball game. While some argue that all animals, including alligators, should be allowed as service animals due to their potential emotional support benefits, others question the legitimacy of such animals and see it as a stunt for attention. This discussion highlights the ambiguity in the definition of service animals and the need for clearer guidelines. Ultimately, it's important to consider the welfare and safety of all involved, including the animal and those around it. So, the next time you encounter a unique service animal, take a moment to consider the context and the potential benefits and limitations.

    • Andrew's confliction over eating certain animalsAndrew, an animal lover, cannot bring himself to eat or hunt animals, but struggles with the ethical implications of consuming alligators and other animals he finds fascinating.

      Andrew Bailey, a conservationist and animal lover, holds strong beliefs against animal abuse but is conflicted about the ethical implications of eating certain animals, such as alligators, which he finds fascinating. Bailey's passion for animals surpasses his love for people, and he cannot bring himself to participate in hunting or consuming meat, despite being invited to do so by avid hunters. The conversation touched upon the ethical dilemma of drawing a line between which animals are acceptable to eat and which are not, using the example of a PETA billboard that showcases various animals, including a guinea pig, and asking where the line should be drawn. Bailey's stance on the issue is clear: he draws the line at his cat, emphasizing his deep connection and love for animals. The conversation ended with Bailey expressing his admiration for the bold and creative aspects of Florida Man's actions, while also expressing his gratitude for the opportunity to share his views on the show.

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