
    #583 - Stephen J. Shaw - Is Population Collapse A Real Risk?

    enJanuary 30, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Global Population Decline TrendStephen Shore's documentary reveals a global trend of declining birth rates in 70% of countries, which could lead to significant economic and social consequences. Causes include changing societal values, cost of living, and access to hormonal birth control.

      Stephen Shore, a data scientist and filmmaker, has discovered a global trend of declining birth rates in 70% of countries, which could lead to serious population decline in the future. This trend, which has been ongoing for decades, is causing concern as it could result in significant economic and social consequences. The causes of this trend are complex and multifaceted, including changing societal values, cost of living, and access to hormonal birth control. Shore's documentary on this topic, despite being nominated for awards, has only 5,000 plays on YouTube, indicating that this important conversation is not being had widely enough. Meanwhile, in business news, NetSuite by Oracle is helping companies reduce costs and improve efficiency by bringing all business processes into one platform. This cloud financial system has already been adopted by over 37,000 companies. In summary, the conversation with Stephen Shore highlights the need for awareness and action regarding global population trends, while the adoption of NetSuite offers a solution for businesses looking to reduce costs and streamline operations.

    • Population collapse and its insidious naturePopulation collapse poses a long-term threat, with aging populations and shrinking workforces leading to significant challenges. Predictable population trends offer an opportunity to address these issues before they become critical.

      Population collapse poses a unique and dangerous existential risk to humanity due to its insidious nature. Unlike other threats, it doesn't provoke immediate action and can take several decades to manifest. The aging population and the shrinking workforce will create significant challenges, leading to an hourglass demographic shape. Contrary to popular belief during the 1960s, the population bomb was never a reality, and the birth rate was already falling rapidly at that time. However, environmental challenges from population growth are a valid concern. Population trends offer a degree of predictability, allowing us to project relatively accurately into the future. It's crucial to address population decline and its implications before it's too late.

    • Countries with low birth rates face significant demographic challengesLow birth rates lead to population decline, with every decrease in fertility rate drastically reducing the time it takes for populations to halve

      The global population is already at its peak and countries with the lowest birth rates, such as South Korea and China, are facing significant demographic challenges with declining populations. The birth rate numbers may not seem drastic, but every notch down the fertility rate curve has a profound impact on the timeline for population decline. For instance, a fertility rate of 1.9 means the population will fall by half every 900 years, while a rate of 1.8 brings that timeline down to around 250 years. Some countries, like the US, Canada, UK, and Australia, are also facing concerning birth rates around 1.6, 1.7, and 1.5, respectively. China, with its enforced one-child policy and aging population, is particularly concerning, with estimates suggesting its population could drop to 650 million by 2050. It's crucial to recognize that countries are not all in the same demographic situation, and understanding the unique challenges each faces is essential for addressing these issues.

    • Increase in childlessness leading to population decline in industrialized countriesDespite a stable number of children per woman in industrialized countries, the percentage of childless women has significantly increased, leading to overall population decline.

      The declining birth rates in industrialized countries is not primarily due to women having fewer children, but rather an increase in childlessness. This trend, which is affecting countries like Japan, Italy, and the US, is not easily explained by religion, culture, or poverty, but rather a complex societal shift. In the 1980s, the average number of children per woman in industrialized countries was around 2.4, and it remains the same today. However, the percentage of childless women has significantly increased, leading to overall population decline. The reasons for this trend are multifaceted and not yet fully understood, but evidence suggests that societal and cultural factors play a role. Despite the common assumption that women are choosing not to have children, studies indicate that the majority of childless women had planned to have them. The true cause of this trend remains an open question for further research.

    • The Unplanned Childlessness CrisisMany people face a crisis when they realize having children is no longer an option due to age or circumstances, often stemming from not having their first child. Society should encourage open discussions about family planning and fertility realities.

      Many people harbor an unrealized desire for having children, which can lead to a sense of crisis when they reach an age where having a family becomes increasingly difficult or impossible. This issue, referred to as the "unplanned childlessness crisis," is often the result of not having the first child, which significantly impacts the likelihood of having subsequent children. Society needs to raise awareness about the realities of family planning, including the fertility window for women and the challenges for older men seeking partners. Despite the prevalence of this issue, there is a lack of open discussion about it, leading many to feel alone and confused about their childless status. Ultimately, it's essential to respect individuals' decisions regarding having children and provide them with accurate and timely information to help them make informed choices about their future family plans.

    • Exploring the Complexity of Choosing to Be ChildlessSociety should be more sensitive to those living childless lives, recognizing that up to 30% of adults may be in this situation. Support groups and events like Gateway Woman and World Childless Week offer valuable resources and understanding for those dealing with this issue.

      The decision not to have children is a deeply personal and often complex issue for many individuals. This choice can lead people to retreat into an "inner citadel," making it difficult for researchers to obtain genuine responses. The documentary "Childless Not By Choice" explores this issue by sharing stories from people in various cultures and ages who have not been able to have children despite their desire to do so. These individuals have had to confront their grief, which can be a long and challenging process. It's essential for society to be more sensitive to those who are living childless lives and recognize that up to 30% of adults may be in this situation. The documentary's creator emphasizes the importance of support groups like Gateway Woman and World Childless Week, which can provide valuable resources and understanding for those dealing with this issue. A study by Professor Rinske Kayser identified that approximately 80% of women are childless due to life circumstances, further highlighting the prevalence of this issue.

    • Life circumstances prevent most childless women from having children80% of childless women can't have kids due to life circumstances, leading some to reassess relationships and potentially split up, driven by an evolutionary bias that suggests incompatibility without children.

      The majority of childless women, approximately 80%, are so due to life circumstances, primarily not having the right partner at the right time. This phenomenon is rooted in an evolutionary bias that suggests if a committed relationship lacks the production of children, there may be an underlying incompatibility between the partners. This bias can lead individuals to reassess their relationships and even consider splitting up, as they believe they have a better chance of having children with someone else. It's essential to understand this psychological bias and recognize that it can affect individuals who have not found the right partner early enough or even those who have found one too early and stayed for an extended period. The challenge lies in the fact that women, who make up the majority of college students, often seek partners who are at least as educated as they are, but the pool of potential partners is shrinking. This dynamic can lead to increased competition among women for a limited number of educated men.

    • The Challenges of Motherhood Later in LifeWomen's focus on education and career before starting a family can make achieving motherhood later in life difficult due to societal pressures, declining fertility, and the search for a suitable partner. Awareness and planning are key to addressing these challenges.

      Women's focus on education and career before starting a family, combined with societal pressures and the realities of aging, can make achieving motherhood later in life a significant challenge. According to research, a woman's chances of becoming a mother drop significantly after turning 30, and the use of fertility technologies, while promising, are often overestimated. The search for a suitable partner can also take time, making it even more difficult to balance career, relationships, and family goals. The speaker emphasizes the importance of raising awareness about these challenges among younger women, and encourages them to consider their reproductive timeline as part of their overall life planning. The speaker also touches upon the broader issue of the "mating crisis," which she believes affects individual happiness, societal stability, and even civilizational collapse.

    • Men's struggle to find a partner as they age and build their livesMen face unique challenges in having children later in life, including decreased eligibility and difficulty finding a partner who fits in with their already established life.

      Men face unique challenges when it comes to having children later in life. While there's no fundamental difference in the desire or grief impact between men and women, men may struggle more with the idea of not passing on a legacy. Men's eligibility decreases as they age, making dating more difficult. This issue is compounded by the fact that by their thirties and forties, men have already built their lives, making it harder to find a partner who fits in. Meghan McCardell's grandmother's lamp analogy illustrates this point: just as it's harder to find a lamp that matches an already furnished house, it's harder to find a partner who fits in when your life is already established. The solution, according to the speaker, may lie in encouraging younger people to have children while still pursuing their careers. This would require significant societal changes, but it's necessary to avoid the pain and challenges that come with leaving childbearing too late.

    • Women's mating preferences and earning powerSuccessful women often seek partners with professional degrees, high social status, and intelligence. This trend is more pronounced among more professionally successful women, leading to a 'tall girl problem' as the pool of eligible men decreases.

      Despite popular belief, women who earn more may not be as willing to accept a role as breadwinner in relationships with less financially successful men. Research suggests that successful women place a greater value on mates with professional degrees, high social status, and intelligence. This trend is present in various cultural contexts and is more pronounced among more professionally successful women. Single women are three times more likely than men to not consider a relationship with someone making less than them. As women continue to get more educated and successful, the pool of eligible men who meet their mating preferences decreases, leading to what some call the "tall girl problem." Additionally, some argue that the high cost of living and societal pressures to prioritize material possessions over starting a family contribute to the trend of women delaying or forgoing having children altogether. Ultimately, these individual motivations and societal pressures create challenges for high-performing women in finding suitable partners.

    • Population control is not a practical solutionFocus on individual actions and systemic changes to reduce consumption and improve technologies for a more sustainable future, rather than focusing solely on population control.

      Focusing solely on population control as a solution to environmental issues is not practical or efficient. The speaker argues that the population size is not something we can change significantly in the short term, and that efforts should instead be directed towards reducing consumption and improving technologies to minimize our environmental footprint. He also emphasizes that cultural pressure to have fewer children can be harmful and counterproductive, especially in the context of existing challenges in the mating market and industrialization. Instead, we should focus on individual actions and systemic changes to address environmental concerns effectively.

    • The Consequences of Childlessness for Older AdultsThe trend of childlessness can lead to a humanitarian crisis of loneliness and suffering for older adults, resulting in a lack of support and care, instances of abuse and neglect, and a growing need for societal intervention to ensure their well-being.

      The trend of childlessness, encouraged by societal pressures and economic factors, can lead to a humanitarian crisis of loneliness and suffering for older adults. This issue is not limited to specific regions but is a global concern. The consequences of this trend include a lack of support and care for the elderly, leading to instances of abuse and neglect. It is crucial that we as a society recognize and address this issue, as the number of older adults without families is increasing, and there will be fewer young people to care for them in the future. The documentary discussed in the conversation sheds light on these horrors and serves as a reminder of the importance of supporting and caring for all members of our society, regardless of their age or family status.

    • Societal changes impacting birth rate and childlessnessSocietal issues, not lack of desire, prevent people from having children. Addressing these issues, particularly in education, can encourage earlier childbearing and rebalance population demographics.

      The decrease in birth rate and the increasing number of childless individuals is not due to a lack of desire to have children, but rather societal changes. This was a surprising finding from a recent discussion, where it was argued that not having children can negatively impact society in terms of GDP, innovation, and care. However, it was also acknowledged that the decision to have children is ultimately a personal choice. The focus should be on addressing the societal issues that prevent people from having children when they want to, as this would help rebalance the population demographics and prevent a future of decreasing numbers of people. Education and its relevance to individuals' lives was identified as an area where changes could be made to encourage people to have children sooner.

    • Narrowing fertility window and crisis for young menIndustrialization and women's education lead to smaller family sizes, causing a crisis for young men feeling left behind in education and workforce. Adjusting education systems and reading 'Boys and Men' can provide insights.

      The trend of industrialization and women's increased education and workforce participation is leading to a narrowing of the fertility window and a decrease in birth rates worldwide. This imbalance between women's education and family planning is creating a crisis for young men who feel they can't compete in the education system and are turning to alternate behaviors. The speaker suggests that education systems could be adjusted to allow people to gain relevant skills earlier in their careers and then top up education later in life. He also recommends the book "Boys and Men" by Richard Reeves for further insights on this topic. Additionally, the speaker mentions the concept of "redshirting" or delaying school entry for boys, which could also impact the attraction window for men. Overall, the speaker highlights the need for a more balanced approach to education and family planning in the context of industrialization and changing social norms.

    • Egg Freezing and Societal NormsEgg freezing allows career focus but raises questions about family timing. Declining birth rate could impact workforce size and global GDP. Education system needs adjustment for career starts and family planning without hindering progress.

      While egg freezing can offer women more time to focus on their careers, it also raises questions about the timing of starting a family and the societal norms surrounding education and career progression. The declining birth rate, driven in part by increased female education and employment, could have significant economic consequences, including reduced workforce size and potential global GDP decline. The education system needs to be reevaluated to allow for earlier career starts and family planning, without rolling back women's achievements in education and employment. The challenge is to strike a balance between personal and professional growth, and societal expectations.

    • Economic Challenges of a Declining PopulationA declining population could lead to economic issues like vacant houses, increasing debt interest rates, struggling businesses, and a prolonged economic downturn

      The ongoing population decline could lead to significant economic challenges. The transition to a lower population is compared to a bumpy ride or even a nosedive, with no known civilization in history having recovered from such a low birth rate. This could result in various economic issues such as vacant houses leading to dereliction, increasing national debt interest rates, and struggling businesses. The economic downturn could last for decades, potentially leading to a negative mood and lack of growth. The lack of discussion about this issue is a concern, and it's essential to prepare for and have solutions in place for the potential economic challenges.

    • Japan's Population Decline: A Significant ChallengeSocietal reengineering, including work-life balance and raising awareness among young people, is key to reversing Japan's population decline.

      The declining birth rate in countries like Japan, despite being a gradual problem, poses a significant challenge due to the limited number of potential parents to reverse the trend. Japan, as an example, has been losing population for over a decade and faces the prospect of stabilizing at around 60-65 million people, down from 127 million. This issue is exacerbated by long working hours, lack of childcare facilities, and financial incentives that only encourage those already planning to start a family. The most effective solution, according to the speaker, is a societal reengineering that addresses the work-life balance and raises awareness among young people about the uncertainties and challenges of starting a family. The speaker expresses optimism that younger generations, who are less aware of these issues, can be influenced to change their perspectives and reverse the demographic trend.

    • Birth Rate Decline: Consequences and SolutionsThe world's population growth is slowing down, leading to fewer workers and economic challenges. Africa, with its young population, offers potential for growth. Discuss and take action at birthgap.org.

      The world is experiencing a birth rate decline, with 70% of countries already past the tipping point. This trend is leading to fewer people to hire and a need for corporations and governments to listen to young people's desires for families and work-life balance. Africa, with its large population of young people, is seen as the future with potential for economic growth. The speaker, Steven, is passionate about raising awareness of this issue and invites others to join him in discussions and initiatives at birthgap.org. His documentary, available on YouTube, explores the reasons for this decline, its consequences, and solutions in other parts of the world. The first part is freely available, while the second and third parts are being considered for streaming services. The speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining control over the distribution and marketing of his work.

    • Making crucial documentaries on maternal health accessible to educators worldwideStephen Shaw's team at Birthgap.org is working to distribute documentaries on maternal health and inequality at low or no cost, with a goal to reach as many people as possible.

      Stephen Shaw and his team at Birthgap.org are working to make their documentaries accessible to educators worldwide at low or no cost. The documentaries, which cover important issues related to maternal health and inequality, are currently in the process of being licensed for global distribution. For those interested in reviewing parts 2 and 3 and providing feedback, Shaw encourages reaching out directly through Birthcat.org. The team's goal is to make these crucial documentaries available to as many people as possible, as they address a significant and pressing issue. Stay tuned for updates on the licensing agreements, and be sure to check out Birthgap.org for more information. Shaw's work is an important step towards addressing the "big problem" of maternal health disparities and inequality, and it's a cause that we should all care about. If you're passionate about this issue, consider getting involved and staying informed.

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    #795 - Ryan Holiday - 11 Harsh Stoic Truths To Improve Your Life

    #795 - Ryan Holiday - 11 Harsh Stoic Truths To Improve Your Life
    Ryan Holiday is a podcaster, marketer and an author. Stoicism is like the hot new girl in school. A popular, perfect blend of ancient philosophy which is applicable to modern challenges. Given that Ryan is probably the world's most famous Stoicism expert, what are the most important insights he's learned about how to apply this wisdom to daily life? Expect to learn why Ryan doesn’t talk about the projects he’s working on before finishing them, why Ryan thinks that competition is for losers, how self belief is overrated, what Ryan’s morning routine and typical day looks like, why Broicism has found a new lease of life, the importance of taking responsibility for yourself instead of other people and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Get a 20% discount on Nomatic’s amazing luggage at https://nomatic.com/modernwisdom (use code MW20) Get up to 20% discount on the best supplements from Momentous at https://livemomentous.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Get 5 Free Travel Packs, Free Liquid Vitamin D and more from AG1 at https://drinkag1.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: http://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: http://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: http://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 10, 2024

    #794 - Scott Galloway - The 4 Secrets To Get Rich In A Broken Economy

    #794 - Scott Galloway - The 4 Secrets To Get Rich In A Broken Economy
    Scott Galloway is a professor of marketing at the New York University Stern School of Business, a public speaker, entrepreneur and an author. The modern economy is a confusing mess. Inflation, interest rates, wage stagnation, property prices. It's all complex and may feel like you're swimming up stream. Thankfully Scott has broken down his entire wealth strategy into an algorithm of 4 steps which anyone can follow. Expect to learn why wealth is a whole-person project, what all financially successful people have in common, how to forgive yourself when you fall short, why following your passion is often a bad idea, the importance of physical fitness for financial wealth and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Get a 35% discount on all Cozy Earth products at http://www.cozyearth.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Get a 20% discount on Nomatic’s amazing luggage at https://nomatic.com/modernwisdom (use code MW20) Get up to 20% discount on the best supplements from Momentous at https://livemomentous.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: http://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: http://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: http://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 08, 2024

    #793 - Menno Henselmans - The New Science Of Using Protein To Build Muscle

    #793 - Menno Henselmans - The New Science Of Using Protein To Build Muscle
    Menno Henselmans is a fitness coach, researcher and an author. The evidence-based nutrition movement is taking off right now. Gone are the days when you trawl random bro forums looking for the special blueberry extract which will improve your protein synthesis. We're using science now baby! So let's speak to a scientist about how to eat for gains. Expect to learn if your body can actually absorb more than 20g of protein per meal, if flexible dieting or IIFYM is a sustainable approach for weight loss, whether caffeine is an effective fat burner, which foods are best for sleep and recovery, the most underrated bodybuilding foods you should probably eat more of and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Get 10% off all Legendary Foods purchases at https://EatLegendary.com/modernwisdom (use code MODERNWISDOM) Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period from Shopify at https://www.shopify.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Get 10% discount on all Gymshark’s products at https://gymshark.com (use code MW10) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Menno's YouTube: https://youtube.com/@menno.henselmans Menno's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/menno.henselmans Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: http://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: http://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: http://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 06, 2024

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    How could this redefine the nation’s future?

    Guest: Sabrina Tavernise, a national correspondent covering demographics for The New York Times. 

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    Background reading: 

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    Episode 62--Fibroids

    Episode 62--Fibroids

    Hello! Civilla Morgan here! Welcome to Childless not by Choice, where my mission is to recognize and speak to the broken hearts of childless not by choice women, and men, around the world.  I am spreading the great news that we can live a joyful, relevant, and fulfilled life although we could not have children.  Thank you for allowing me to sit with you a while!


    Well, you heard correctly in the intro. I have made the decision after more than a year of ‘discussions’ with my podcast producer, to change the name of the podcast. The platform will still be called 21st Century Hannah, but for easier searchability, the podcast name has been changed. So welcome once again, to Childless not by Choice!


    Thank you’s:

    • Thank you for your FB re-shares and your Twitter comments and re-tweets. It is always appreciated.
    • Individual thank you’s if any:

    “Thoughtful and informative. Civilla delivers valuable insights and resources for anybody affected by or interested in childlessness.”--Fotograffs, United Kingdom  (April 2017)

    •  Shout outs:


    I want to let you know up front, that parts of this episode may be graphic. If there are children around, you may end up answering a lot of questions!

    I wondered why this episode might be more graphic than the other three in this series, and maybe it’s not. Maybe it’s just that it is being done through my lens of experience.

    For some of you, PCOS was your story. For some, Endometriosis was your story. And for others, Miscarriage was your story. Well, Fibroids are my story.   

    Let's get started:

    According to webmd.com,

    A lot of women have uterine fibroids at some point in their life. You may have even had them and never known it. That’s because they often don’t cause any pain or symptoms.

    Uterine fibroids, which your doctor may call leiomyomas or myomas, are muscular tumors that can grow on your uterus. They rarely turn into cancer, and if you get them it doesn’t mean you’re more likely to get uterine cancer.

    Fibroids can vary a lot in size, shape, and location. They can show up in your uterus, uterine wall, or on its surface. They can also attach to your uterus by a stalk- or stem-like structure.

    Some are so small that your doctor can’t even see them with the naked eye. Others grow in big masses that can affect the size and shape of the uterus.

    Uterine fibroids usually appear in women of childbearing age -- generally between 30 and 40 years old, but they can show up at any age. They’re also more common in African-American women than in white women and tend to show up earlier and grow quicker in African-Americans, as well. Doctors don’t know why that is.


    According to Health Remedies Journal website,

    Fibroids: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments. Fibroids are non-cancerous (benign)tumors that grow from the muscle layers of the uterus (womb). They are also known as uterine fibroidsleiomyomas, or myomas. Fibroids are growths of smooth muscle and can vary from the size of a bean to as large as a melon. Aug 3, 2016

    fibroids are lumps that can grow on the inside, outside or the wall of the uterus, 

    Some symptoms include:

    Excessive menstrual bleeding

    Longer than usual menstruation--Overtime abnormally excessive bleeding may also lead to other potentially serious side effects.  (For me it was low iron, at times dangerously low. I spent many years taking the highest dose of non-prescription ferrous sulfate, and even had iv iron on one or two occasions. It was so many years my body had gotten used to living with very low iron.)

    Fullness in lower abdomen

    ( my note: I don’t remember feeling full, but I did feel pressure on my bladder. It was very scary feeling the pressure of needing to go to the bathroom but not being able to go. The scariest moment of that happening for me was just before surgery number two.)

    Pelvic or lower back pain

    ‘As fibroids grow in size, they can apply extra pressure on the neighboring organs and cause unwarranted pain in the pelvic area. The pain may also radiate to the lower back and some women may also feel the pain extending into their legs.’


    (I had the back pain and always sat with a support pillow behind my lower back. I was so fortunate to have a vehicle with lumbar support for many years. It’s amazing the small things that we can tend to take for granted until we don’t, right?)


    Frequent urination


    Loss of bladder control




    The constant pressure in the pelvic region can also lead to constipation, bloating and even diarrhea for some. For instance, when the fibroid growth is located towards the back, pressure applied to the rectum can cause constipation.

    (My note: At first, I was like constipation? Really? But the explanation makes sense. That earlier explanation re: affected organs right?


    Reproductive problems--Fibroids that develop in the cavity of the uterus may cause infertility by preventing implantation. Fibroids may also block the fallopian tubes causing problems in conceiving. In these cases, blockage of the fallopian tube caused by fibroids does not permit the embryo to enter into the cavity of the uterus.


    Abdominal swelling

    Depending on the size and number of fibroids present, the condition can occasionally cause the uterus to grow to the size of a five month pregnancy. This symptom can be observed as an enlarged belly or swelling in the abdomen.

    (Yes, I remember wearing my shirts and blouses out and long. I used to feel so embarrassed!)



    The heavy bleeding experienced with fibroids can sometimes cause a woman to become anemic. With heavy menstrual bleeding persisting overtime, the body may not be able to make new blood cells fast enough to replace those that have been lost.

    In such instances, some women with fibroids may need to take iron pills to compensate for the loss of blood. At the same time, anemia may also result in fatigue, weakness, fuzzy thinking and moderate to severe light-headedness.

    (So yeah, basically what I mentioned earlier.)







    Articles of note:







    Until next time! Bye!


    My contact information:

    Website: www.childlessnotbychoice.net and www.civillamorgan.com

    Facebook: booksbycivillamorgan

    Twitter: @civilla1

    Instagram: @joyandrelevance

    Pinterest: Civilla M. Morgan, MSM

    LinkedIn: Civilla Morgan, MSM



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    My Why: Overview of The Silent Why podcast

    My Why: Overview of The Silent Why podcast

    This My Why is an overview of The Silent Why podcast, the different types of episodes we put out and why, what's a herman, what's in the tool shed, the top countries and cities listening, how many downloads we've achieved and how you can support us in our mission and passion to help people facing loss.

    Welcome to another My Why from Claire Sandys (co-host of The Silent Why podcast). My Why episodes are weekly audio shorts of my latest blog post. If you'd prefer to read it, you can find it here: thesilentwhy.com/post/mywhythesilentwhy

    For our 101 losses list visit: thesilentwhy.com/101losses

    To find out what a Herman is visit: thesilentwhy.com/herman

    To support my work with the podcast and helping others in loss you can donate via: buymeacoffee.com/thesilentwhy

    Support the show


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    Support the show through buymeacoffee.com/thesilentwhy or by buying a Herman: thehermancompany.com

    What's a Herman? - thesilentwhy.com/herman

    Sign-up to my mailing list (only used for sharing news occasionally!): thesilentwhy.com/newsletter

    How to talk to the grieving: thesilentwhy.com/post/howtotalktothegrieving

    Review the show: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Goodpods

    Episode transcripts: thesilentwhy.buzzsprout.com

    Thank you for listening.

    Episode 142 -Seven Year Podcastiversary

    Episode 142 -Seven Year Podcastiversary


    What is today’s show about?

    My Podcastiversary!


    Hello Guys and Dolls, welcome to episode 142! And seven years! I had no idea I would still be podcasting. I had no idea I would still like it, never mind the fact that I absolutely still love it! 

    That clip you just heard, was me responding to the question of the month on The School of Podcasting podcast. It is one of the podcasts for podcasters that I listen to on a regular basis. In fact, I interviewed the host of that show a while back. I will put the link in the show notes.

     So, about the podcast: hearts are healing, minds are being refreshed, new people are finding the show, and childless not by choice people are boldly exploring new ways to live the childless not by choice life. 

    For instance: in episode 141 I spoke with Triathlete Rob Hutchings for our Father’s Day episode.  We talked about his journey to adoption and how that journey ended without a successful adoption. But he and his wife have decided to live their best most relevant lives hiking, swimming, and traveling. Oh, and I will be interviewing Rob’s wife for a future episode! 

    In episode 140, Hiding in plain sight? One of my long-time listeners posted in our Childless not by Choice with Civilla Morgan Facebook group that this episode spoke to her.  I really loved hearing that!  

    Over the past year we have discussed, the need for hope, in episode 139, pre-and peri-menopause, episode 138, and episode 137 where I spoke to Sheri Johnson about worth. Our worth as childless not by choice people. By the way, if you want to hear Sheri interview me, check out her podcast Awakening Worth, episode 57! Whew! I got some serious feedback on that episode. I really enjoyed it! 

    Going all the way back to January of this year, 2022, there were two episodes that month. Episode 136 where I stop by to say Happy New Year! And episode 135, Where I speak to the one and only Sarah Roberts, founder of The Empty Cradle. That was a lovely episode and a wonderful way to start the new year! 

    It’s been a fabulous year so far! But there is so much more coming! I am not even sure I will take my two-month hiatus! If I decide to, I will stop by to let you know. Stay tuned!   

    So look, I would like to say a great big THANK YOU to all of you who tune in every month. For those who are just finding the podcast and the platform, for those who tell others about the podcast. Thank you. 

    Spreading the word is what I really want to happen now. I want more childless not by choice people around the world to feel hopeful about their lives although things did not turn out as expected.  

    I want you to know that even when you are feeling down or negative about life, those feelings are fleeting. You are worthy. You have as much right to be here as anyone else.  Those thoughts and feelings come to the best of us. The key is to recognize them, but not entertain them. Don’t let them hang around for too long.  Manage your mind and your heart regularly. What you entertain and allow to hang around, is what can overwhelm you. So look to be overwhelmed in a positive way.  

    I want to tell you a couple more things: one, I am on Tik Tok! I fought it for so long, but I finally joined the platform. I am slowly building content and I already have a small following! I will tell you that I get so many jokes from that platform. I can be having a really bad day, but if I tune in just before bedtime, I will definitely get a laugh or two! What I like about the platform is that it really picks up on what I like, so I will seldom get any craziness in my feed. If you are on Tik Tok, please do follow. I would love to hear from you! Drop a hello from time to time!

    Also, one of the ways I really feel that getting the word out to every part of the world is using a podcast app that acts like a phone. And acting like a phone means the listener has the option to tune into the podcast by dialing in. The only app I am aware of that does this is an app called Bullhorn. If you live in a part of the world or you know someone who lives where data is difficult to obtain, or just plain expensive; try Bullhorn. And no, they are not sponsoring my podcast. I just love that their product can work for those where data can be an issue. 

    Well, I want to once again thank you for listening to the Childless not by Choice podcast. I hope you are subscribed, or as Apple calls it, following. I hope you are following. Remember, you can subscribe on the Apple app, but there are tons of other podcast apps out there. They are also called podcatchers. I am subscribed to multiple podcatcher apps, such as Stitcher, Gaana (which is an Indian app), Overcast, Himalaya, Bullhorn, Google Play, Podbean, and then of course Spotify, Pandora, and I am sure I am missing someone. So whatever your preference, I am probably there! If you ever have questions about subscribing, episode suggestions, anything, message me! I am happy to help!

    Happy Podcastiversary! Keep listening!

    Thank you Patreon contributors:

    I would like to take a moment to thank the people who make a financial contribution to the platform on a monthly basis, my Patreon Contributors. 


    Your contributions help pay my podcast producer, my podcast host, Zoom, where I interview most of my guests, etc. So thank you very much!     

    If you are not yet a Patron, visit patreon.com/childlessnotbychoice to set up your monthly contribution. No matter your giving level, I have a gift for you!  

    If you prefer to give via PayPal, you can find me there at booksbycivillamorgan@gmail.com

    Your contributions to the platform are greatly appreciated! Thank you!


    • Jordan Morgan
    • The Knights
    • Susie
    • Tiffany
    • Your Name Here




    Email: Info@civillamorgan.com




    Visit the website at www.childlessnotbychoice.net, look to the left on the home screen, and click on the link below the telephone to leave me an up to 90-second voicemail.

    Articles of interest:













    Special thank you to:

    My guests and listeners this past year.

    My contact information:

    Website: www.childlessnotbychoice.net and www.civillamorgan.com
    Facebook: booksbycivillamorgan
    Twitter: @civilla1
    Instagram: @joyandrelevance
    Pinterest: Civilla M. Morgan, MSM
    LinkedIn: Civilla Morgan, MSM

    TikTok: 2podcastertoo