
    #594 - Dr Richard Wrangham - The Incredible Evolution Of Human Violence

    enFebruary 25, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Humans' Complex Nature: Aggression and ToleranceHumans possess both aggressive and tolerant tendencies, shaping our unique place in the animal kingdom, and neither trait is solely determined by society.

      Humans are a complex species with both aggressive and tolerant tendencies, which are inherent to our biology. This perspective challenges the long-standing debate among philosophers, such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Thomas Hobbes, about whether humans are inherently aggressive or tolerant. The capacity for aggression and tolerance coexist in humans, and society does not solely determine our behavior. Throughout history, humans have demonstrated significant aggression, as seen in wars, but also immense kindness and benevolence. Understanding this duality in human nature can provide valuable insights into our evolution and our unique place in the animal kingdom.

    • The Evolution of Human Aggression: From Early Ancestors to Modern WarfareHuman aggression has deep roots in our evolutionary past, driven by the need for safety and dominance through forming coalitions and using weapons and tactics.

      Human aggression can be traced back to our early ancestors who were skilled hunters and killers, both of other species and their own kind. This behavior was driven by the evolutionary advantage of forming coalitions or gangs for safety. The use of weapons and tactics enabled humans to attack and kill other humans in numbers, ensuring survival and dominance. This pattern of aggression has persisted throughout history and can be observed in modern warfare, which often involves asymmetric attacks with premeditated planning and safety for the attackers. Philosophers debated the nature of human behavior, with some emphasizing the inherent goodness and others the inherent badness of humans. However, modern science, particularly evolutionary biology, provides a more nuanced perspective by revealing the logical evolutionary history that has shaped human behavior and tendencies.

    • Forming coalitions against bullies led to human evolutionForming coalitions against bullies shifted human focus from predatory aggression to reactive aggression, impacting human evolution and leading to more peaceful social structures

      The development of language around 3 or 4000 years ago allowed humans to form coalitions against members of their own group, leading to the decline of bullying and the selection for less aggressive individuals. This change in social dynamics had a significant impact on human evolution, as it shifted the focus from predatory, premeditated aggression towards reactive aggression, which are controlled differently in the brain and may follow different evolutionary trajectories. The ability to form coalitions against bullies was a turning point in human society, leading to more peaceful interactions and the development of more complex social structures.

    • Impact of selective breeding on animals and humansSelective breeding led to desirable traits in animals like foxes, unintentionally reducing reactive aggression. Humans also underwent self-domestication around 300,000 years ago, resulting in similar traits and a decrease in reactive aggression.

      The less reactive aggressive individuals were selectively bred in animals like foxes, leading to biological traits associated with domestication syndrome such as white patches of fur and floppy ears. This suggests that when humans began to breed animals for desirable traits, they unintentionally selected against reactive aggression. Similarly, humans underwent self-domestication around 300,000 years ago, leading to traits like relatively slender bones, shorter faces, smaller chewing teeth, and males becoming more female-like. These traits also emerged around the same time and were likely a result of humans selectively breeding against reactive aggression. Overall, this discussion highlights the impact of selective breeding on both animals and humans, leading to observable biological changes.

    • Sexual selection led to physical changes in males over thousands of yearsThroughout history, males with aggressive traits had higher chances of survival and reproduction, leading to physical changes like shorter faces, less muscle mass, and less aggressive jaws.

      The aggressive traits in males have been selected out of the gene pool over thousands of generations due to higher mortality rates. This process, known as sexual selection, has led to physical changes such as shorter faces, less aggressive jaws, reduced brow ridges, and less muscle mass in males. These changes can be observed in the fossil record and are correlated with psychological traits, such as aggression. For instance, studies have shown that males with broader faces are more aggressive, and this trend holds true across various hockey teams. However, it's important to note that the relationship between face breadth and aggression is not strong enough to predict aggression based on an individual's face. Additionally, while there is evidence that males underwent significant changes during this period, it's more challenging to determine if similar changes occurred in females. Overall, humans have played a significant role in our own evolution, shaping our psychological and physical traits through social selective pressures.

    • The Evolution of Female Gender RolesFemale gender roles may have been more independent and aggressive in our ancient past, but reasons for their evolution are unclear. Theories suggest selection on males led to changes in females, or intense selection on females to become less aggressive. Coalition making and gossip played a role, as did the evolution of patriarchy.

      The evolution of gender roles and the differences between males and females may not be as clear-cut as we once thought. While it's widely accepted that males have undergone significant physical changes over the centuries, the same evidence is not as readily available for females. However, it's likely that females were more independent and aggressive in our ancient past, but the exact reasons for their evolutionary changes are still unclear. Some theories suggest that selection on males may have led to changes in females as a byproduct, while others propose that there may have been intense selection on females to become less aggressive. The ability of females to form coalitions and engage in gossip and coalition making may have played a role in their evolution as well. Additionally, the evolution of patriarchy, both individualistic and institutional, may have impacted gender roles and relationships in different ways. For example, the condemnation of promiscuity in women may have been driven by males to protect their investment in their offspring. Overall, the complex interplay of biological and social factors in the evolution of gender roles is still an area of active research and debate.

    • The Alpha Alliance and its impact on human evolutionThe Alpha Alliance's emergence led to societal norms around morality, shaping our understanding of right and wrong, and pressuring women to conform to societal expectations around monogamy and fidelity.

      The emergence of the Alpha Alliance in human societies, which was responsible for controlling the tyrant and establishing social order, was a pivotal moment in human evolution that led to the development of moral principles based on right and wrong. This shift from individual survival to group cohesion put significant pressure on women to conform to societal norms, as any deviation could result in severe consequences. The Alpha Alliance's control extended to regulating female behavior, leading to the evolution of morality and societal expectations around monogamy and fidelity. This shift also impacted the dynamics between men and women, with women facing increased pressure to be less promiscuous due to the potential consequences for their own safety and that of their children. The emergence of the Alpha Alliance and the resulting societal norms around morality marked a significant turning point in human evolution, shaping our modern understanding of right and wrong and the role of social conformity in maintaining order.

    • Our sense of right and wrong originated from power dynamics within groupsPower dynamics and self-preservation shape our sense of right and wrong, while specific moral codes are influenced by cultural and power dynamics.

      Our sense of right and wrong originated from power dynamics within groups, specifically from the Alpha Alliance, which has the ability to impose their ideas about what benefits them, both for the group as a whole and for the men. Morality, therefore, is a means of protecting oneself from the Alpha Alliance's punishment. This explanation suggests that our sense of right and wrong is primarily a result of power dynamics and the need for self-preservation. While there is evidence of a basic norm psychology that is inculcated into us, the specific versions of what is right and wrong are subject to fluidity. Bonobos, our closest relatives, provide evidence of selection against proactive aggression compared to chimpanzees, suggesting that there is some inherent feeling of fairness or aversion to harming others that has evolved in primates. However, the specifics of moral codes are likely shaped by cultural and power dynamics.

    • Bonobos' Unique Social Structure: Female Coalitions and Alpha MalesBonobos have alpha males but power dynamics are shifted towards females due to their ability to form effective coalitions and the permanence of female groups, unlike humans who lack this ability and have a male-dominated power structure.

      The self-domestication route of bonobos, our close primate relatives, differs significantly from humans in the way power dynamics between genders are established and maintained. Unlike humans, who did not retain alpha males in their social structure after self-domestication, bonobos still have alpha males but the power dynamic is shifted towards females. Females have the ability to form effective coalitions and protect themselves from aggressive males, unlike humans who lack this ability due to their social structure and lack of permanent female groups. This difference in ability to form coalitions and the permanence of female groups may have contributed to the unique social structure and reduced aggression in bonobos. Additionally, the mythology and storytelling throughout human history may have served as justifications for the male-dominated power structures, benefiting the male alliance.

    • The role of rules and violence in shaping human societyHuman societies developed complex rules and the ability to enforce them through violence, leading to male-dominated moral principles and power dynamics, including capital punishment and adaptations to local ecological conditions.

      The development of rules and the ability to enforce them, including the use of violence, played a crucial role in the complexities and patterns of human society that differ significantly from other animals. This is evidenced by the male-dominated moral principles and restrictions in small-scale societies, which prioritize the group's interests over the individual. The extreme examples, such as killing one's own son or restricting female access to certain areas, reflect the immense power of the dominant group to impose its morality on others. The development of capital punishment further revolutionized power dynamics during periods of civilizational development and surplus resources. Additionally, the response to aggression may have been adapted to local ecological and resource conditions, such as post-war sex ratios or abundant food sources.

    • Men's desire for access to women throughout historyDesire for access to women is a constant factor in human behavior, influenced by availability of resources and societal norms.

      Throughout history, from emperors to hunter-gatherer societies, men's desires and motivations for access to women seem infinite. Even when men held immense power and resources, they continued to compete for large numbers of females. The availability of resources plays a significant role in this dynamic. In hunter-gatherer societies, for instance, where women could support themselves, men had more wives to ensure adequate food supply. Conversely, in societies where men were required to provide for women due to larger animals contributing to the economy, polygamy was less common. The agricultural revolution and the subsequent accumulation of resources may have changed the dynamic of how humans relate to each other, but the desire for access to women remains a constant factor in human behavior.

    • The Future of Masculinity: Changing Roles and Societal ExpectationsAs societal norms evolve, the role and expectations of men continue to shift, raising questions about their future purpose in a world where violence is regulated and women's roles are increasingly similar to men's.

      The changing dynamics of modern society, including increased peace, female independence, and the decline of traditional male roles, raise questions about the future of masculinity and male purpose. The essential dynamic of keeping violence in check through moral and institutional systems, as seen in hunter-gatherer societies, is still present in modern society through laws and social norms. However, the potential burdensomeness of these rules and their increasing variance with male spontaneous tendencies could lead to a breakdown of the system. The role of men in society, with the outsourcing of big game hunting and warfare to the state, and women's increasing educational and employment parity, is a topic of ongoing debate. David Buss, a renowned evolutionary psychologist, and his partner, a social psychologist, pondered this question, and Richard Reeves' book "Of Boys and Men" provides insights into this issue. Ultimately, the future role of men in society is uncertain, and the ongoing conversation around this topic is essential.

    • Challenging Traditional Masculinity Roles and DefinitionsTraditional masculinity roles and definitions are evolving as women gain access to resources and opportunities, raising questions about men's roles in society and the importance of supporting men as fathers.

      The traditional concepts of masculinity and the roles associated with it have been significantly challenged in today's society. These roles, which were once used to protect men's interests and establish hierarchies, have become obsolete as women's access to resources and opportunities has increased. The morality that was built around these roles has also been called into question, as it was often used to justify the preservation of male dominance. The evolution of society and the changing ecology require new definitions and roles for men, but there is an evolutionary mismatch when it comes to men's roles as fathers, particularly in regards to status and societal acceptance. As men's traditional roles dissolve, it raises questions about what the role of men is in society and how they can adapt to the changing landscape. The importance of men as fathers, particularly in raising sons, cannot be overlooked, but the lack of societal acceptance and support for men in this role creates challenges. The future may bring even more significant changes as women's reproductive capabilities continue to evolve, further challenging traditional gender roles.

    • Future of Human Reproduction and Ethical ImplicationsSpeaker Chris discusses potential elimination of sperm in human reproduction through parthenogenesis, raises ethical concerns, and believes ultimate peace could be achieved by removing Y chromosome

      Potential future of human reproduction and the ethical implications it may bring. The speaker, Chris, shares her perspective on how advancements in reproductive technology could lead to the elimination of the need for sperm in human reproduction. She references parthenogenesis in animals and the possibility of discovering what is necessary for an egg to develop into a healthy embryo without sperm. Chris also expresses her belief that the ultimate source of violence is the Y chromosome and suggests the idea of eliminating it from the human population for a more peaceful future. However, she also acknowledges the ethical concerns surrounding such a proposition. Chris emphasizes the importance of continued discussion and exploration of these ideas as technology advances. She concludes by expressing her appreciation for Richard's work and inviting him for dinner if he ever visits Austin. To learn more about Chris's research on chimpanzees, visit the Kibale Chimpanzee Project website.

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    #792 - Craig Jones - Fighting A Woman For $1M, Ukraine War & Gordon Ryan

    #792 - Craig Jones - Fighting A Woman For $1M, Ukraine War & Gordon Ryan
    Craig Jones is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athlete, owner of B-Team and Founder of the Craig Jones Invitational. Craig has decided to go to the front lines of the Ukraine war, and since returning to America has entered an even more dangerous territory - combat tournament promotion. Today we find out which is more ruthless. Expect to learn the crazy, dangerous parts of the world Craig Jones has been living in recently,the reason Craig Jones is going to fight a woman in August, where you can get $1m dollars in cash from, why combat athletes are all so poor, what it feels like to fire a bazooka why Craig designed sunglasses with a tiny spoon on them and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Get up to 32% discount on the best supplements from Momentous at https://livemomentous.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Get 30% off Create Creatine Gummies at https://trycreate.co/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Get a Free Sample Pack of all LMNT Flavours with your first box at https://www.drinklmnt.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: http://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: http://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: http://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 03, 2024

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