
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the World Through HD: Memories and Human RightsHD technology brings vibrant colors and enhances exploration of the world, while governments manipulate information and images for control.

      The speaker is excited about the new HD setup and the vibrant colors it brings, reminiscing about his past experiences and adventures around the world. He shares a story about discovering human rights violations in North Korea through a journalist's on-camera reporting, which sparked his interest in the country's complex history and the lengths the government went to control the narrative. The conversation then shifts to the kidnapping of South Korean filmmakers by North Korea and their forced involvement in propaganda films. The speaker expresses fascination with these stories and the impact of governments manipulating information and images for their own purposes.

    • North Korea and Russia's Authoritarian Regimes: A Step Back in TimeBoth North Korea and Russia's regimes showcase the dangers of authoritarianism, with consequences including economic instability, human rights abuses, and international tensions.

      The complexities and horrors of North Korea's regime, as well as Russia's authoritarian leadership, are remnants of the past that continue to impact the modern world. The story of the North Korean couple who were kidnapped and forced into making movies for the regime, only to eventually defect, highlights the archaic and oppressive nature of these regimes. Similarly, Russia's resurgence as a global power under Putin's leadership, with its blatant disregard for individual freedoms and the rule of law, serves as a reminder of the dangers of such regimes. Both North Korea and Russia are deeply entrenched in their own unique brand of authoritarianism, which can feel like a step back in time. The consequences of these regimes, including economic instability, human rights abuses, and international tensions, serve as a reminder of the importance of upholding democratic values and the rule of law.

    • Fear and Mistrust During the Cold War and its AftermathThe end of the Cold War didn't eliminate the potential for nuclear conflict between major powers and new concerns like irrational actors and climate change add to the danger.

      During the Cold War, the United States and Russia were perceived as enemies, with each side holding deep-seated fears and mistrust towards the other. This fear was fueled by propaganda, past conflicts, and the constant threat of nuclear war. Despite the end of the Cold War, the potential for nuclear conflict still exists due to the large number of warheads each country possesses. The new concern is the potential for irrational actors, like Pakistan, to use their nuclear weapons. Additionally, climate change and the melting Arctic ice are contributing to geopolitical tensions, as resources become scarcer and borders are redrawn. The potential for war remains a pressing concern, and the existence of nuclear weapons adds an unprecedented level of danger.

    • Melting Ice in Arctic vs AntarcticaWhile Arctic ice melts and refreezes, Antarctic land ice contributes to alarming sea level rise.

      While the Arctic and Greenland are experiencing melting ice, Antarctica is currently gaining ice. However, this doesn't cancel out the concern as land ice in Antarctica is melting at an alarming rate, leading to sea level rise. The difference lies in the fact that sea ice melts and refreezes, maintaining the same water level, while land ice adds new water to the sea when it melts. The consequences of this ice melt could lead to mass migration and chaos, particularly in areas like Bangladesh, where millions of people are already experiencing the effects of climate change. Despite the scientific data available, many are unaware or underestimate the severity of the issue. The potential sea level rise of three to four meters would have significant implications, reshaping the world and forcing millions to adapt or move. The urgency of the situation calls for more awareness and action.

    • Exploring the potential benefits of melting ice capsMelting ice caps could offer solutions to water scarcity and resource availability, reveal new economic opportunities, and provide insights into human evolution. However, it's essential to address the challenges, such as rising sea levels and habitat loss, that come with this change.

      The melting ice caps could potentially provide solutions to current global issues such as water scarcity and the availability of natural resources. For instance, the idea of transporting water from areas with excess, like Greenland, to regions in need, like California, could be a viable solution. Additionally, the discovery of new resources, like oil and minerals, in previously inaccessible areas due to melting ice, could have significant economic implications. Furthermore, the unique genetic traits of populations living in extreme climates, like Iceland, could offer insights into human evolution and adaptation. However, it's important to note that the melting ice caps also pose significant challenges, such as the potential for rising sea levels and the loss of habitats for various species. Therefore, finding a balance between utilizing the resources made available by the melting ice caps and mitigating their negative impacts is crucial.

    • Preserving Food in Harsh Climates: A Cultural and Dietary TraditionPeople in harsh climates have adapted to scarcity by developing unique ways to preserve and consume food through fermentation, shaping their cultures and diets significantly.

      People in harsh climates, like Iceland, have developed unique and often unusual ways to preserve and consume food, such as fermenting puffins or basking shark. This practice, which dates back to ancient times when people used fermentation to make alcohol and transport water, has shaped their cultures and diets in significant ways. For instance, Icelanders have learned to eat "everything" due to the scarcity of resources, leading to the development of tastes for fermented foods like puffin or the green linch. This adaptation to their environment has played a crucial role in their history and survival. Additionally, the discovery of the benefits of fermentation led to the production of alcohol, which served as a means of transportation for water in places where it was scarce or unsafe. Overall, the practice of preserving food through fermentation has had a profound impact on human history and continues to shape the way we consume food in various parts of the world.

    • Discussing potential economic impacts of water scarcityWater scarcity could lead to innovative water transportation solutions, impact agriculture, and make some areas more profitable selling water than oil. Ethical concerns arise over private wildlife collections.

      Water scarcity could become a major economic issue in the future, potentially leading to innovative solutions such as transporting water from other regions. This was discussed in relation to the current droughts in California and Texas, which have caused significant water shortages and negatively impacted agriculture. The conversation also touched upon the potential economic feasibility of water as a commodity, with some areas making more money selling water than oil. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the existence of private wildlife collections in various parts of the world, raising ethical concerns regarding the treatment and release of these animals into the wild.

    • Making Legal Rhino Horn Sales Economically Viable: A Controversial Approach to Reducing PoachingLegalizing rhino horn trade could reduce poaching if it provides substantial income for poachers, but concerns include corporate monopolization and misconceptions about rhino horn alternatives.

      The illegal rhino horn trade could be reduced by making the legal sale of rhino horns economically viable. This idea, though controversial, suggests that if poor poachers can make significant money from selling rhino horns legally, they would have less incentive to kill rhinos for their horns. However, there are concerns that large corporations might monopolize the legal market, leaving the poachers disenfranchised. Another issue is the comparison of rhino horns to cheaper alternatives, such as synthetic Viagra or even bath salts, which some people mistakenly believe have aphrodisiac properties. Despite these challenges, the underlying principle is that making the legal sale of rhino horns economically attractive could help save the rhinos. This idea, while not perfect, is worth considering as part of a comprehensive solution to the rhino poaching crisis.

    • The unintended consequences of drugs and free speechDrugs can lead to unintended consequences, including addiction to harmful behaviors. Free speech and satire have the power to challenge and provoke, but the line between acceptable and offensive can be blurred, leading to controversy and censorship. History shows the dangers of suppressing speech and ideas.

      The effects of certain drugs, both legal and illegal, can have profound and unintended consequences on individuals. The case of a man in Ireland who became addicted to gambling and sexual activities after taking a Parkinson's medication serves as a cautionary tale. The line between what is considered acceptable and what is not can be blurred, leading to controversy and censorship. The Charlie Hebdo cartoons, which were seen as offensive by some, resulted in tragic consequences when the creators were murdered. It's important to remember that humor and satire are meant to challenge and provoke, but the line between free speech and censorship is a fine one. The history of censorship by fear in regimes like Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, and Maoist China serves as a reminder of the dangers of suppressing speech and ideas.

    • Freedom of Speech and Religion: A Complex IssueThe fear of terrorism and progressive values create a complex issue around criticizing religions or groups, leading to potential polarization and dangerous situations. True progressiveness requires openness to criticism for all groups.

      The fear of terrorism and the desire for progressiveness have created a complex issue surrounding freedom of speech, particularly when it comes to criticizing or making fun of certain religions or groups. The speaker argues that this trend, if not addressed, could lead to a dangerous polarization where heated public opinion meets armed fundamentalism, resulting in a potentially volatile situation. The speaker also points out the inconsistency in progressive values, as some people who criticize Christianity or other religions are quick to label any criticism of Islam as Islamophobic. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for a more balanced approach, where everyone should be open to criticism and no group is off-limits, as this is what true freedom of speech and progressiveness are all about.

    • The Siege of Mecca and the Spread of WahhabismHistorical events and funding of religious institutions fueled the spread of extremist ideologies, leading to the rise of groups like ISIS and the Taliban.

      The spread of extremist ideologies, such as Wahhabism, can be traced back to historical events and is fueled by the funding of religious institutions. The Siege of Mecca in 1979 is an example of how a small group of extremists took over Mecca during the Hajj pilgrimage, leading to a power struggle between the royal family and the clerics. The clerics, who supported the extremists' fundamentalist beliefs, granted the royal family a fatwa to enter Mecca and fight the extremists, but only if the royal family agreed to fund the spread of Wahhabism. This funding led to the building of massive mosques around the world, which became centers for the teaching and recruitment of extremist ideologies. Today, we see the consequences of this historical event in the form of groups like ISIS and the Taliban, who continue to recruit thousands of foreign fighters and align with each other. It's important to recognize that the funding of extremist ideologies is a complex issue with deep historical roots, and that it's within our power to change the narrative by working together to challenge and counteract these harmful beliefs.

    • Using pop culture for diplomacy with North KoreaExploring the use of American pop culture as a diplomatic tool to foster understanding and peace with North Korea, drawing from historical examples of sports diplomacy.

      Engaging North Korea through cultural diplomacy, such as exporting American pop culture, could potentially lead to greater understanding and peace between the two countries. The speaker suggests that figures like Michael Jordan could have acted as ambassadors, using their popularity to bridge the gap. This approach has historical precedent, with sports diplomacy playing a role in improving relations between the US and Cuba. However, it's important to note that North Korea is unique in its isolation and hostility towards the US, and that this approach may not be a silver bullet. The speaker acknowledges that there are challenges, but believes that it's worth exploring this avenue further.

    • Impact of Global Consumerism on Isolated Countries: North Korea's Desire for Modernization and InstabilityGlobal consumerist culture influences isolated nations like North Korea, leading to a desire for modernization and potential instability. Peaceful engagement and cultural exchanges could help, while resilience and determination are crucial in overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds.

      The influence of global consumerist culture is having a significant impact on isolated countries like North Korea, leading to a desire for modernization and potential instability. The military is a powerful force in North Korea, and any shift in power could result in chaos. A potential solution could be a cultural exchange or peaceful engagement to help North Korea catch up to the rest of the world. Additionally, the power of sports and underdog stories demonstrate the importance of resilience and determination, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. The idea of a basketball team from the United States being kidnapped and forced to play against North Korea's army could be an intriguing exploration of these themes. However, it's important to remember that real-life political situations should be approached with caution and respect for the complexities involved.

    • Russians' historical challenges and resilienceRussians' toughness and resilience stem from their history of facing adversity, making them formidable opponents.

      Russians are known for their toughness and resilience, which is deeply rooted in their history and the challenges they have faced. From their brutal training methods to their willingness to fight, Russians have earned a reputation for being formidable opponents. This toughness can be traced back to historical events, such as their defeats in the Cold War and economic hardships, which may have shaped their character and made them stronger in will and character. Additionally, Russians have had to deal with violence and high-pressure situations more frequently, making them more effective in such scenarios. The discussion also touched upon the idea that tougher environments and harder lives can produce better fighters, as seen in the context of boxing and other combat sports. Ultimately, the takeaway is that Russians should not be underestimated due to their inherent toughness and resilience.

    • Security concerns of US, China, and Russia over terrorismDespite differences, US, China, and Russia face significant security threats from terrorism. Potential conflicts are dangerous due to military size and nuclear weapons, but cooperation over shared enemy could lead to diplomatic solutions.

      Despite differences in military size and economic power, the threats of terrorism pose significant security concerns for the United States, China, and Russia – the world's three major powers. While the US has the most technologically advanced military, both China and Russia have large standing armies and nuclear weapons, making potential conflicts dangerous and unpredictable. The shared enemy of terrorism within their own borders could provide a basis for cooperation among these nations, but the lack of collective action highlights the complexity of international relations. Ultimately, the potential for devastating consequences from terrorism underscores the importance of finding diplomatic solutions to address this common threat.

    • US energy independence and its geopolitical implicationsThe US shift towards energy independence through shale oil and fracking has weakened the power of oil-dependent countries and created new challenges, particularly in the form of emerging extremist groups.

      The world's geopolitical landscape is complex and constantly evolving, with various regions experiencing unique challenges and conflicts. The United States, as a major global power, has faced its own energy security concerns, particularly in relation to Middle Eastern oil-producing countries and their potential support for extremist groups. The speaker argues that America's decreasing dependence on foreign oil, achieved through advancements in shale oil and fracking, has put the US in a stronger position and weakened the power of oil-dependent countries like Russia and Saudi Arabia. However, this shift also creates new challenges, as groups like ISIS emerge to challenge established power structures and seek to expand their influence. Ultimately, understanding the interconnected nature of global conflicts and energy dynamics is crucial for navigating the complex geopolitical landscape.

    • Understanding ISIS: Insights from a Journalist's Embedding ExperienceISIS, with 50,000 foreign fighters, poses a significant threat due to ideological beliefs influenced by Wahhabism and geopolitical factors. Understanding their motivations and root causes is crucial.

      The Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL) is a formidable enemy with a significant presence of foreign fighters, estimated to be around 50,000. These individuals come from various countries, including the US, Canada, France, and Germany, and are motivated by their ideological beliefs, influenced by Wahhabist teachings. The recruitment of such a large number of fighters in a short period raises concerns about the reasons behind their radicalization and the geopolitical factors contributing to their mobilization. The speaker's personal experience of embedding with ISIS and interviewing its members provides insight into their mindset and the dangerous implications of their actions. The ongoing presence of ISIS underscores the importance of understanding their motivations and addressing the root causes of their recruitment.

    • Consequences of Political Decisions and Military ActionsThe staggering number of civilian casualties in Iraq and institutional funding played a role in the rise of ISIS. Communication and understanding between cultures can prevent future conflicts.

      The consequences of political decisions and military actions can have devastating effects, leading to instability and the rise of extremist groups. The speaker emphasizes the staggering number of civilian casualties in Iraq and the role of institutional funding in the rise of ISIS. He also highlights the importance of communication and understanding between cultures to prevent similar conflicts in the future. The speaker's belief is that we all have the power to talk about these issues and make a difference. The greatest asset we have is the ability to communicate and have meaningful discussions that can lead to positive change.

    • The future of open expression and freedom of speechCelebrate and defend freedom of speech as essential components of true freedom, despite the lack of focus on attacks and conflicts in the news.

      The communication center and network built at the podcasting studio represents the future of open and uncensored expression, akin to the role NBC once played but now more accessible. Freedom of speech and the ability to communicate ideas are essential components of true freedom, and they should be celebrated and defended. Unfortunately, there is a lack of focus on important issues like attacks on freedom of speech and ongoing conflicts, which are often overshadowed by other news stories or subject to "fatigue." It's crucial to remember that these issues deserve our attention and that the fight for human rights should prioritize the protection of free speech.

    • Government involvement in social issues: A source of controversy and inefficiencyThe politicization of social issues can hinder the government's ability to address critical needs, leading to a focus on minor issues and a threat to national security.

      The government's involvement in social issues and messaging can lead to contentious debates and inefficiencies, as demonstrated by the debate over universal healthcare in the United States. Despite the apparent consensus on universal healthcare in wealthy countries, the issue became politicized, leading to a stalemate and a focus on minor issues, while critical needs like affordable healthcare and water infrastructure go unaddressed. The speaker argues that the government's inability to act on important issues poses a significant threat to American security.

    • The joy of creating and consuming authentic, unrefined thingsCreating our own food, alcohol, or experiences enhances our enjoyment, and authentic, unrefined versions are preferred over mass-produced ones, due to the sense of accomplishment and connection to nature.

      There's a deep connection between the pleasure we derive from making and consuming certain things, be it food, alcohol, or experiences. The speaker believes that the primal satisfaction of creating something ourselves, like growing vegetables or making vodka, enhances our enjoyment of it. He also expresses a preference for authentic, unrefined versions of these items, as opposed to mass-produced ones. The conversation touches on the subjective nature of taste and the importance of personal experiences in shaping our preferences. Ultimately, the speaker values the sense of accomplishment and connection to the natural world that comes from engaging in these activities.

    • People have different preferences for types of alcohol drinksSome believe vodka soda is a better choice for fewer negative effects, while others prefer brown liquors for taste and cultural significance. Excessive drinking of any type can lead to health issues.

      Despite the negative connotations often associated with alcohol consumption, some people believe that certain types of drinks, like vodka soda, have their unique merits. These drinks are seen as less likely to lead to poor decision-making or physical altercations compared to others, such as whiskey. Some people also prefer the taste and cultural significance of brown liquors, like whiskey or moonshine. However, it's important to note that excessive drinking of any type can have negative health consequences, including dehydration and liver toxicity. Ultimately, personal preferences and experiences shape people's relationships with alcohol and the types they choose to drink. In the context of the conversation, the speaker also shared an inspiring story about HIV research and the potential for reengineering the virus to fight cancer.

    • Engineering viruses to target and destroy cancer cellsResearchers are developing viruses to activate the immune system and eliminate cancer cells, offering a potential new approach to cancer treatment beyond current methods.

      Researchers are engineering viruses to target and destroy cancer cells, offering a potential new approach to cancer treatment beyond radiation, chemotherapy, and pharmaceutical interventions. This concept, which has been in development at institutions like the Mayo Clinic, Penn State, and Ottawa, Canada, involves reprogramming viruses to activate the immune system and eliminate cancer cells. The idea came from observing the unexpected benefits of injecting rabies into women with cervical cancer, which led to the discovery that viruses can wake up the immune system to attack cancer. While there are protocols in place to ensure the safety and efficacy of these treatments, the potential for unintended consequences remains. Despite this, the possibility of solving "zero-dollar problems" in healthcare by investing in research and development offers a hopeful perspective. The discovery of this approach is a significant step towards a potential cure for cancer, which was once a leading cause of death.

    • The Cyclical Pattern of Power and ResistanceHuman nature inclines us to resist and gather resources when in control, creating a recurring pattern of power and opposition. Learning when to fight and when to yield is essential, and education and careers shape our ability to navigate these dynamics.

      Power and resistance to opposition seem to be deeply ingrained in human nature. Whether it's a leader in a far-off land or someone in our own community, the urge to resist and gather resources when in control is a cyclical pattern that's difficult to escape. This was discussed in the context of various conflicts around the world and the fear of seeing such chaos in our own lives. The speaker shared an anecdote about growing up in rough environments and how he realized he had been at "war" since childhood, whether it was fighting in the schoolyard or building a career. He also touched upon the importance of learning to fight and not fight, and the role of education and careers in shaping our lives. Ultimately, the conversation raised thought-provoking questions about the nature of power and the human impulse to resist opposition.

    • Using Success to Make a Positive ImpactAchieving success brings responsibility to address global issues like climate change, engage with political figures, and use resources to make a difference through communication and self-expression.

      Having achieved success and financial stability, it's essential to consider using that platform to make a positive impact on the world. The speaker emphasizes the importance of addressing issues like climate change and engaging with political figures to effect change. He encourages listeners to ask themselves why they get up in the morning and consider using their resources and influence to make a difference. The speaker also touches on the idea that communication and self-expression, even on a smaller scale, can have a significant impact. Ultimately, he encourages listeners to use their privileges and resources to kick against the pricks and fight for what they believe in.

    • Staying true to oneself and focusing on passions leads to success and fulfillmentSuccess and happiness come from within, not external pressures. Focus on passions and joy, not money or power.

      Success and personal fulfillment come from focusing on what we're good at and passionate about, rather than being consumed by external pressures like money or the desire for power. Joe Rogan, despite having the potential to be a successful political candidate, recognizes that his true calling lies in his podcasting, commentating, and family life. Shane Smith shares a similar story, admitting that his obsession with money and a chip on his shoulder drove him for much of his life, but ultimately, it was the wisdom of others and a shift in perspective that led him to true success. Both men emphasize the importance of staying true to oneself and focusing on what brings joy and fulfillment, rather than societal pressures or expectations.

    • Money can't buy happiness but it can help us spread itMoney offers financial security and freedom to pursue meaningful activities, like promoting harmony and building relationships, but true happiness comes from genuine connections and recognizing shared humanity.

      Wealth, even at the level of a billionaire, does not guarantee happiness or fulfillment. However, it can provide financial security and the freedom to pursue meaningful activities, like spreading harmony and building relationships. Ultimately, it's important to focus on what truly matters while we're alive, such as developing genuine connections with others and promoting understanding among different groups. The speaker emphasizes the importance of communication and recognizing our shared humanity, regardless of our ideologies or backgrounds. Financial independence can help release us from the common struggles of existence and allow us to focus on spreading harmony and building relationships.

    • Finding Relief in Financial StabilityFinancial stability allows us to focus on passions and joy, relieving stress and societal pressures. Determination and hard work can help achieve success despite societal expectations.

      Financial stability brings a new perspective on life. The speaker shares his experience of feeling a sense of relief when he was able to pay his bills and step away from constant financial worry. He encourages others to understand that money is a construct and not to be consumed by it. The speaker also shares his experience of pursuing his passion for news after taking money out of the equation, and the success he's achieved with it. He emphasizes that people often tell you that you can't do something, but with determination and hard work, it's possible to defy expectations. The speaker's message is to focus on what brings joy and fulfillment, rather than being consumed by financial stress or societal pressures.

    • Managing User-Generated Content: Vice Media's ApproachTo maintain a cohesive point of view in a large organization dealing with user-generated content, Vice Media is expanding into traditional media and focusing on creating high-quality content that resonates with their audience, while appreciating influencers like Joe Rogan for their authenticity and shared values.

      Managing the overwhelming amount of user-generated content on digital platforms has become a major challenge for media companies. Shane Smith from Vice Media shared his experience of dealing with thousands of posts a day and the difficulty of maintaining a cohesive point of view in such a large organization. To combat this, Vice is venturing into traditional media, such as buying TV networks and producing TV shows, to reach a larger and more diverse audience. Smith emphasized the importance of not just putting out "shit" for the sake of filling the airwaves or digital space, but rather focusing on creating high-quality content that resonates with their audience. He also expressed appreciation for individuals like Joe Rogan, who have influence and authenticity, and shared that Vice would announce any major announcements on Rogan's podcast due to their shared values and connection with their audience.

    • A unique era of free speech and unfiltered conversationsThe Joe Rogan Experience podcast embodies the value of free speech and unfiltered conversations, allowing for the exchange of ideas and perspectives on a massive scale.

      The current era of communication, as exemplified by the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, represents a unique and unprecedented celebration of free speech. Two friends, who find themselves in unusual positions of influence, can now have unfiltered conversations that reach millions of people. This is a rare and valuable phenomenon that allows for the exchange of ideas, humor, and perspectives in a way that was not possible before. It's important to celebrate this freedom, rather than criticizing individuals or their expressions, and to recognize that anyone given the opportunity would do the same. We're all a part of this new era of communication, and it's a fascinating and exciting time to be a part of the conversation.

    • Speaking truthfully and candidly in mediaAuthenticity and open dialogues are crucial in media. Regular people with a passion can make a difference, even if imperfect.

      Authenticity and the ability to have open and important dialogues are crucial in today's media landscape. Shane Smith, the founder of Vice Media, emphasized the importance of speaking truthfully and candidly, even if it's unconventional. He fought hard to maintain control of Vice and invest in news despite the financial risks, believing it was essential. The media industry is changing, and regular people with a passion for authentic and important conversations have the power to make a difference. It's not about being perfect or having all the answers, but about starting a dialogue and staying true to oneself.

    • Embracing challenges and striving for improvementThe speaker encourages continuous growth and learning, acknowledging past accomplishments but keeping a focus on the future. He also values sensory experiences and living life fully, while recognizing the uncertainties and potential dangers of teenage boys.

      Despite the criticisms and the challenges, the speaker believes in striving for excellence and improvement, even in the face of competition. He acknowledges past achievements, but remains focused on the future and the potential for growth. The speaker also expresses a desire for sensory experiences and living life to the fullest, recognizing that it will eventually come to an end. Additionally, he highlights the unpredictability and potential danger posed by teenage boys, emphasizing the importance of understanding and navigating the complexities of life.

    • The Scariest Combination: Ignorance and PowerAs we age, we learn that our limited experiences as young people don't fully represent the world. Embrace learning, health, relationships, and resilience to succeed in life.

      Ignorance and power can be the scariest combination in life. When we're young, we think we understand the world based on our limited experiences. However, as we grow older and encounter more information and people, we realize how much we've missed. Every day is a gift, and it's essential to be healthy, have friends and family, and have a future to look forward to. We learn from our mistakes and become wiser. Confidence is important, but humility and introspection are equally valuable. Life is brutal, and we must be smart, tough, and in the right place at the right time to succeed. Our old man was right; life is not fair, and having a little dick can leave us at a disadvantage.

    • Emphasizing the importance of honesty and hard work in overcoming challengesSuccess requires preparation, hard work, and honesty. Facing difficulties with determination can lead to inspiration and growth. Setting boundaries and maintaining authenticity are also essential.

      Honesty and hard work are essential for overcoming challenges, even if the road ahead may seem difficult. This was emphasized in a conversation where one person shared their experience of growing up with the understanding that success would not come easily, and that it was important to prepare and try one's best. The conversation ended on a humorous note, but the underlying message was clear: facing difficulties with honesty and determination can lead to inspiration and growth. The speakers also acknowledged the importance of setting boundaries and maintaining authenticity in their interactions. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of being honest with oneself and others, and the value of perseverance in the face of adversity.

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    Adventuring with purpose and finding your place in the environmental movement with Gregg Treinish, Founder and Executive Director of Adventure Scientists

    On today’s episode I’m joined by Gregg Trienish, the Founder and Executive director of Adventure Scientists. Since their founding in 2011, Adventure Scientists has sent thousands of volunteer adventurers on missions to collect data from remote, difficult-to-access locations for scientists and conservation partners. 

    Gregg's passion for scientific discovery, exploration, and adventuring with purpose is evident. Sixteen years ago he thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail and in 2008 National Geographic named him an Adventurer of the Year when he completed a 7,800-mile trek along the spine of the Andes Mountain Range. He’s also an Ashoka Fellow and this year he was named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, to name just a couple accolades out of the many he’s received.

    Gregg talks about:

    • Asking himself, “What would I do if money didn’t matter” while hiking the Appalachian Trail sixteen years ago and his path to starting Adventure Scientists.
    • The impact of Adventure Scientists, like helping put an end to illegal timber poaching, collecting scat samples to aid in the battle against antibiotic-resistant superbugs, and building one of the largest global microplastic pollution datasets.
    • Why the environmental movement has a marketing problem. 
    • The different ways you can contribute to the environmental movement.

    Gregg Treinish’s Bio:

    Gregg founded Adventure Scientists in 2011 with a strong passion for both scientific discovery and exploration. National Geographic named Gregg an Adventurer of the Year in 2008 when he and a friend completed a 7,800-mile trek along the spine of the Andes Mountain Range. He was included on the Christian Science Monitor's 30 under 30 list in 2012, and the following year became a National Geographic Emerging Explorer for his work with Adventure Scientists. In 2013, he was named a Backpacker Magazine "hero", in 2015, a Draper Richards Kaplan Entrepreneur and one of Men's Journal's "50 Most Adventurous Men." In 2017, he was named an Ashoka Fellow and in 2018 one of the Grist 50 "Fixers."  Gregg was named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2020. Gregg holds a biology degree from Montana State University and a sociology degree from CU-Boulder. He thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail in 2004.  

    📍Bozeman, MT USA


    🎙️ Hosted by Megan Doepker

    📝 Show notes: www.thisiscandor.com/podcast/gregg-treinish

    💡 Feedback? Suggestions for a guest or topic? Email megan@megandoepker.com. 

    How we built it: IoT bikes that fight climate change

    How we built it: IoT bikes that fight climate change

    How do you connect 4,000 IoT bikes for a council, while making sure the connectivity consistently and reliably delivers crucial data about the city’s infrastructure?

    With thousands of free bikes and cycle training, Birmingham City Council set out to promote healthier, greener lifestyles for their citizens. But the sensors on the bikes needed strong, reliable connectivity, so critical information like air quality and traffic flow could be delivered, regardless of where their citizens cycled. 

    It was clear only intelligent IoT connectivity could help, so we teamed up with our partner to deliver a solution that would make a serious impact on the city's carbon footprint and traffic congestion problem. 

    Our Sales Director Bernie McPhillips and our Operations Director Chris Romeika tell the story of how we made it happen in our latest podcast: from the nano SIMs, to the IoT sensors, to the revenue our partner earned.