
    6/16/22: GOP Primaries, Fed Rate Hike, Ukraine Aid, Media Polls, Sanctions Fail, Biden Inaction, ESG Investing Scam, & More!

    enJune 16, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating Political Criticism of TrumpPoliticians face consequences for openly opposing or criticizing Trump, but nuanced stances can lead to survival in primaries. Trump-endorsed candidates had mixed results.

      In the current political climate, opposing or criticizing former President Trump too openly can lead to negative consequences for politicians, as evidenced by Tom Rice's primary loss. However, more nuanced stances, such as Nancy Mace's criticism of January 6th but survival of her primary challenge, can also be successful. Additionally, there were mixed results for Trump-endorsed candidates overall. The discussion also touched on primary election results, the Fed's interest rate hike, and developments in Ukraine. The podcast, Magical Rewind, hosted by Wilfordel and Sabrina Brian, invites listeners to join them in revisiting beloved childhood movies and chatting with stars and crew. The sponsors include State Farm and Cheapo Air.

    • Primary elections vs general elections have different dynamicsRepublicans have nominated election deniers in key swing states, potentially impacting the 2024 presidential election outcome and causing chaos.

      The dynamics of primary elections are vastly different from general elections. For a candidate like Ron DeSantis to challenge an incumbent like Donald Trump in a Republican primary, he would need to be openly critical and oppositional, which could be a difficult sell given Trump's popularity among the base. This was evident in the recent primaries, where candidates who positioned themselves as more critical of the election results fared better in more conservative districts, while those who were more moderate did better in urban and suburban areas. The stakes are particularly high at the state level, where election deniers in key swing states could potentially have a significant impact on the outcome of the 2024 presidential election. In total, Republicans have nominated secretaries of state in five states who acknowledge the Biden win, three who deny it, and three whose position is unknown. Michigan and Nevada, two important swing states, are among those with election deniers in key positions, which could lead to increased voter turnout and potential election chaos.

    • Secretaries of State hold significant power in electionsThe role of Secretaries of State in elections is crucial, with the Supreme Court granting states wide deference. Questionable actions could lead to legal battles and constitutional crises.

      The role of Secretaries of State in the electoral process is more critical than it may seem, as they hold significant power in deciding how elections are run and how electors are appointed. The current Supreme Court grants states extraordinary deference in these matters, and any actions taken by Secretaries of State that deviate from the popular vote could trigger constitutional crises or major legal battles. This is especially relevant now as some Secretary of State races, such as the one in Arizona between Pam Anderson and Tina Peters, are seeing candidates with questionable pasts. Additionally, some Democrats are boosting fringe candidates in certain districts and states, which could backfire if those candidates win and refuse to certify election results. This trend towards election manipulation at the state level poses a significant threat to the stability of elections and could lead to civil strife. Furthermore, in the Texas 34th district, a Republican, Myra Flores, won in a district that was previously strongly Democratic, indicating a shift in the Latino vote. While this specific election may not have long-term implications, it serves as a warning of the potential for unexpected election outcomes.

    • Shift in Hispanic Voting PatternsThe 2022 midterms marked a significant shift in Hispanic voting patterns, with the Republican Party making gains in areas like the Rio Grande Valley. This trend is likely to continue, with the GOP investing heavily in these areas and the Democratic Party struggling to connect with working-class voters.

      The 2022 midterm elections have shown a significant shift in voting patterns among Hispanic communities, particularly in areas like the Rio Grande Valley, with Myra Flores becoming the first Republican congresswoman of Mexican birth in the United States. Flores' message resonated deeply with voters in these areas, focusing on issues like inflation, the American dream, and hard work. The Democratic Party is grappling with this realignment, as Trump won around 30% of the Hispanic vote in 2020, and it's likely that this could increase to over 40% in future elections. This trend is not limited to the Rio Grande Valley, as similar shifts have been observed in other parts of the country. The Republican Party's aggressive investment in these areas and the disconnect between the Democratic consultant class and working-class people have contributed to this shift. The continuing dynamic of this story will unfold over the next few years, and it's crucial for both parties to understand and adapt to these changing voting patterns.

    • Latino community's cultural and economic concernsPoliticians must balance economic and cultural messaging to appeal to the Latino community, but delivering economically is crucial to prevent shifts towards the GOP.

      The Latino community in the United States is a swing demographic with strong cultural and economic concerns. While economic programs that align with leftist ideologies may resonate, cultural issues are also significant. The use of terms like "Latinx" by politicians and institutions can impact perceptions, but messaging primarily focused on economics could potentially win back some voters. However, the failure of Democrats to deliver economically has driven a shift towards the Republican Party in certain areas. It's essential not to monolithically think of all Latinos as the same, as there is diversity within the community. The realignment in Texas, for example, has led to a bifurcation of the old GOP coalition, with rural areas no longer voting Democrat and suburban areas continuing to do so. The 2024 election will be crucial for both parties to address the concerns of the Latino community effectively.

    • Economic concerns and job security influence voter decisionsDemocrats can appeal to working-class voters by presenting relatable candidates and policies. Favorability ratings and mobilizing base are crucial for election success.

      Economic concerns and job security continue to be major factors influencing voters' decisions, as seen in the example of the post-Rio Grande Valley shock in 2020. Democrats could potentially be more successful in appealing to working-class voters by representing candidates with relatable demeanors and policies, such as John Fetterman in Pennsylvania. Fetterman's strong performance in the polls against Dr. Oz, despite Oz's reputation and resources, demonstrates the importance of consolidating a base and addressing negative perceptions within one's own party. Despite Oz's low favorability ratings among independents and some Republicans, Trump's ability to mobilize the working class vote and make the election a referendum on the Democratic party could potentially turn the tide in his favor. However, Oz will need to work on improving his relationships with both his party and independent voters to have a chance at winning.

    • Pennsylvania gubernatorial race presents unexpected challenges for both partiesDemocrats face a real threat from Mastriano, a controversial Republican nominee, while Shapiro, the Democratic nominee, has a slight lead in the polls. Economic issues like high gas prices could impact the outcome.

      The dynamics of the Pennsylvania gubernatorial race between Josh Shapiro and Doug Mastriano present unexpected challenges for both parties. While Dr. Mehmet Oz faces an uphill battle against John Fetterman due to his perceived elitist image and lack of a dedicated fan base among independents, Democrats are now facing a real threat from Mastriano, a controversial Republican nominee who was initially seen as an easy opponent. Despite Democrats' efforts to help Mastriano win the primary, his election denialist stance and association with the January 6th Capitol riots have put the governorship within reach. Meanwhile, Shapiro, who is seen as more establishment and elite, has a slight lead in the polls. The economic issues, such as high gas prices, could also significantly impact the election's outcome. Ultimately, the unpredictability of these races underscores the importance of candidate perception and the potential consequences of party endorsements.

    • The Importance of Electability in PoliticsIn primaries, candidate quality matters less, but during general elections, electability becomes crucial. Fetterman's relatability and electability edge over Oz in the Pennsylvania Senate race, while the Fed's interest rate hike aims to reduce inflation, potentially leading to economic hardships.

      While candidate quality matters less in the primaries, it becomes increasingly important at higher levels of politics, especially during general elections. The Fetterman vs. Oz Senate race in Pennsylvania serves as a reminder of this, as Fetterman, despite having more left-leaning positions, is seen as a more relatable and electable candidate compared to Conor Lamb. On the economic front, the Federal Reserve's recent decision to increase interest rates by 75 basis points, the largest hike since 1994, signals a shift towards tightening the economy, which could lead to a recession. Ultimately, the Fed's goal is to reduce inflation by limiting the amount of money people have to spend. This could lead to hardships for individuals, especially those with high debt. The primary season is ongoing, and polls should be taken with a grain of salt. However, the Pennsylvania Senate race and the Fed's actions demonstrate that the political and economic landscapes can change rapidly.

    • Fed's actions lead to significant housing market implicationsThe recent increase in mortgage rates due to the Fed's actions could lead to a housing market slowdown or collapse, with broader economic consequences including potential job losses and decreased access to healthcare.

      The recent increase in mortgage rates to 6.3% from 5.5% a week ago, as a result of the Fed's actions, will have significant implications for the housing market. This increase means a substantial jump in monthly mortgage payments, making it less affordable for many potential homebuyers and discouraging sellers from listing their homes. The housing market could experience a significant slowdown or even a collapse, leading to broader economic consequences. The Fed's actions, which were partly responsible for the current inflation crisis, have limited effectiveness in addressing the issue, as other factors like supply chain disruptions and the war in Ukraine continue to contribute to price increases. The potential for a recession, which could lead to job losses, increased stress, and decreased access to healthcare, further complicates the situation.

    • Economic Challenges Persist for Working Class Amidst Thriving WealthyWealthy individuals and corporations continue to thrive, driving up demand and prices for resources, while government responses are seen as ineffective in addressing inflation, leaving the working class facing higher prices and potential recession.

      Despite the current economic challenges, wealthy individuals and corporations continue to thrive, driving up housing prices and demand for resources like natural gas and food. The supply side issues, such as the Russian gas cuts and potential lifting of Chinese tariffs, are contributing to inflation, but the government's responses, such as asking oil and gas companies to lower prices or increasing ethanol production, are seen as ineffective. The best case scenario, even without significant inflation, the actions taken by the government and corporations will have minimal positive impact on the situation. Ultimately, the current economic orthodoxy, which prioritizes markets over creative solutions, leaves the working class facing higher prices and potential recession. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine, with the US continuing to send billions in military aid, adds to the global instability and uncertainty.

    • Ukraine Conflict: Diplomacy and Divide Among Western AlliesWestern allies are divided over weapons support and peace talks for Ukraine as the situation worsens, with Ukraine encircled and heavy losses on both sides. Diplomatic efforts are crucial, but the long-term goal and potential for escalation remain concerns.

      The situation in Ukraine is worsening, with both Ukrainian and Russian forces suffering heavy losses. The conflict, which has already resulted in tens of thousands of deaths, has seen Ukraine encircled in Severodonetsk, and the terrain and Russian tactics are making it difficult for Ukraine to keep up the fight. The Western allies, particularly the US and UK, are bearing the brunt of weapons assistance, with Germany and France pushing for peace talks. The diplomatic efforts are important, as the G7 summit approaches, with Chancellor Schultz, Macron, and Mario Draghi meeting with Zelensky beforehand. However, there is a growing divide in the Western alliance, with the Anglosphere pushing for continued weapons support and more hawkish positions, while other allies want peace talks. The pressure is mounting in Washington to provide Ukraine with even more offensive weapons, despite concerns about the long-term goal of the conflict and the potential for escalation. Ultimately, it's important to remember that the Ukrainians are not the only stakeholders in this conflict, and a peaceful resolution should be the priority.

    • Global implications of the Ukraine conflictThe ongoing Ukraine conflict has significant global consequences, including a humanitarian crisis, the risk of nuclear war, and potential European backlash. Negotiations for peace are crucial to consider.

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has catastrophic consequences not only for Ukraine itself but also for the global community. The economic warfare against Russia, which was intended to punish Putin, has instead led to a humanitarian crisis with millions facing famine. Furthermore, the risk of nuclear war between Russia and the United States, two nuclear superpowers, cannot be ignored. The European powers, who share borders with Russia and have historic conflicts with it, are advocating for peace through negotiations. Ignoring their perspective and continuing to wage economic warfare and support an indefinite conflict could lead to a major populist backlash in Europe and a potential peace settlement that may not align with the interests of Ukraine or the West. It is crucial to consider the global implications and the potential long-term consequences of the conflict.

    • China-Russia alignment and its geopolitical consequencesFormer US Sec. of State Henry Kissinger warns of potential global catastrophe due to China-Russia alignment. Public trust in journalism is low due to perceived bias and misinformation, according to a Pew Research survey.

      The alignment between China and Russia following the Ukraine conflict could lead to significant geopolitical consequences and instability, potentially causing a global catastrophe. This is according to former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who also warned about the impact of rising bread prices on political instability. Meanwhile, a Pew Research survey revealed a significant disconnect between journalists' self-perception and the public's view of their reporting, with journalists believing they give every side equal coverage, while the public disagrees. The survey also showed that a majority of Americans do not believe journalists do a good job of reporting news accurately, serving as a watchdog over elected leaders, or managing misinformation. These findings suggest a need for greater transparency and accountability in journalism to rebuild public trust. Additionally, the growing partnership between China and Russia could have serious implications for global security and stability, making it crucial for neutral powers to step in and broker diplomatic solutions.

    • Perspectives on News Coverage Differ Between Journalists and PublicJournalists and public have contrasting views on underrepresentation, misinformation, and press freedom. Older journalists hold more positive views than younger ones, and partisan divide impacts coverage interpretation.

      While there is agreement that news coverage is important and has room for improvement, there are significant differences in perspective between journalists and the public, particularly when it comes to issues like underrepresentation, misinformation, and press freedom. The data suggests that journalists see these issues differently than the American people, with journalists more concerned about misinformation and fewer giving voice to underrepresented groups. Older journalists also tend to view their jobs more positively than younger journalists, who express greater concerns about misinformation and the culture wars. The interview with Symone Sanders further highlights the partisan divide and the complexities surrounding the interpretation and coverage of events like January 6th. Overall, the conversation underscores the need for greater transparency, diversity, and understanding in news coverage to better serve the public and bridge the gap between journalists and the communities they cover.

    • People prioritize material concerns over politicsAddressing people's basic needs and acknowledging political hypocrisy are crucial for getting them engaged in larger issues. Individuals should have the freedom to decide what they care about.

      People's immediate concerns about their livelihoods and survival take priority over high-minded ideals or political events, such as gas prices versus the January 6th hearings. The speaker argues that addressing these material concerns and acknowledging political hypocrisy are crucial for getting people to care about larger issues. She also emphasizes that individuals should have the freedom to decide what they care about and that attempts to dictate otherwise are not effective in a democracy. The January 6th hearings and other political events may be existential, but if people are struggling to meet their basic needs, they may not have the mental space or energy to engage with them. The speaker criticizes the media elites for their condescending attitude towards citizens and their failure to effectively address these issues.

    • Breaking Point's innovative funding model for content creatorsBreaking Point's success comes from a unique funding model that allows creators to maintain ownership, creative freedom, and financial support from subscribers, setting them apart for potential future of content creation.

      Breaking Point, a production company, has found success through an alternative funding model that allows creators to maintain ownership and creative freedom while being supported financially by their subscribers. This model, which includes paying creators for their content and allowing them to promote and grow their own channels, has proven effective and scalable. Cal Newport, a journalist who profiled Breaking Point for The New Yorker, noted this unique approach as a potential future for content creation. The company's dedication to their work and audience, rather than seeking external funding or an exit strategy, sets them apart and highlights the potential of this innovative business model. Additionally, Breaking Point's founders are excited to announce upcoming events, including a roadshow with ticket sales and the return of one of the founders to Bill Maher's show.

    • Discussions on Real Time with Bill Maher attract large audience and viralityDespite intended economic sanctions against Russia, their oil profits have soared following the invasion of Ukraine, questioning the effectiveness of the current approach.

      Bill Maher's talk show, Real Time, continues to attract a large audience, both in-studio and online. The virality of certain moments, like the speaker's bemused expression during a discussion about Amy Klobuchar, can lead to significant attention. Maher's political views are known to span a wide range, making for dynamic and often thought-provoking discussions. The speaker, who has appeared on the show before, is looking forward to the experience and hopes to challenge mainstream thinking. Regarding international affairs, the US's strategy towards Russia following its invasion of Ukraine has not gone as planned. The intended goal was to punish Russia's economy and degrade their war-making ability through unprecedented financial sanctions, including the ban on Russian oil. However, the opposite has occurred, with Russia experiencing record oil profits since the invasion. This raises questions about the effectiveness of the current approach.

    • Western sanctions against Russia have caused global oil prices to skyrocketSanctions against Russia led to higher oil prices, record account surpluses for Russia, and financial harm to Western citizens

      The Western sanctions against Russia for its actions in Ukraine have had unintended consequences. By artificially reducing the supply of Russian oil to the Western market, prices have skyrocketed globally, causing all-time highs for gas prices in the West. At the same time, countries like China and India, who do not share the same vision of the Ukraine conflict as the West, have been buying Russian oil at a discounted rate. This has led to record account surpluses for Russia and a stabilized ruble, despite projected economic contraction. The average Russian citizen is suffering, but Putin's war machine has been financially enriched. The Western response has also caused inflation at home and disrupted food and gas supplies. Russia's recent actions to cut off gas to Italy and Germany have further exacerbated these issues, causing spikes in European and American gas prices. Despite these challenges, Russia's military is not vanquished and is winning on the battlefield in Ukraine. The Western response has not accomplished its strategic objective and has caused financial harm to its own citizens. It is crucial to approach such situations with strategy rather than emotion to avoid unintended consequences.

    • Biden's Inflation Approach Criticized as IneffectiveDespite criticism, Biden continues to trust the Federal Reserve to control inflation through interest rate hikes, while some economists suggest bold, unconventional policies could help. Political opposition and fear of being labeled socialist may prevent Biden from implementing these ideas.

      President Biden's approach to addressing inflation and rising gas prices, as outlined in a recent op-ed and a trip to Iowa to promote ethanol production, has been criticized as ineffective and potentially harmful to working class Americans. Instead of exploring unconventional solutions like nationalization or direct market interventions, Biden has focused on trusting the Federal Reserve to control inflation through interest rate hikes, which could lead to a recession and stagflation. Some economists suggest that Biden could experiment with bold policies similar to those used during the Great Depression, but his adherence to standard neoliberal ideology and fear of meddling with the Fed have hindered his response. Congressman Ro Khanna has proposed direct market interventions such as banning oil exports, imposing a windfall tax on oil companies, and becoming a market player in gas and food staples to help stabilize prices. However, political opposition and fear of being labeled socialist may be preventing Biden from implementing these ideas. Ultimately, the current economic moment requires innovative thinking and a willingness to challenge established norms, but Biden's obsession with process and following the rules of the current economic project may be holding him back.

    • Oil price surge influenced by speculation and geopolitical tensionsWall Street speculation, ESG investments, and geopolitical conflicts contribute to the current oil price surge. Regulatory action, diplomacy, and sustainable energy solutions are needed to address these issues.

      The current oil price surge is not solely due to supply and demand fundamentals, but also influenced by speculation and geopolitical tensions. Wall Street speculation, particularly through a loophole allowing fake international swaps, is contributing to the price increase. Additionally, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investments, which have grown significantly in recent years, lead to larger management fees due to the increased complexity of managing these funds. The Russian-Ukraine conflict is another factor, but the U.S. response, including financial sanctions and the rejection of peace negotiations, has also contributed to the economic and political instability. Ultimately, addressing these issues requires a multi-faceted approach, including regulatory action, diplomacy, and a shift towards sustainable energy solutions.

    • ESG Investing: Inconsistent Performance Measurement and GreenwashingThe lack of a uniform standard for evaluating ESG performance has led to discrepancies, potential greenwashing, and a drop in investments in ESG funds. Regulators are taking action, but a more effective solution requires a shift in corporate structure and regulation to prioritize ESG considerations.

      The current state of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing is facing challenges due to inconsistent performance measurement and potential greenwashing by companies. This issue stems from the fact that there is no uniform standard for evaluating ESG performance, leading to discrepancies and a lack of confidence for investors. As a result, there has been a significant drop in investments in ESG funds over the past year, and regulators are starting to take action against companies engaging in misrepresentation. However, the underlying issue lies in the corporate structure and shareholder maximization mindset that prioritizes profits over social and environmental concerns. A more effective solution would require a fundamental shift in the way corporations are structured and regulated to prioritize ESG considerations alongside financial performance.

    • Measuring Corporate Performance from a Societal PerspectiveThe US government could establish an organization to evaluate corporate impact on essential elements using data, analytics, and AI for true accountability and improvement.

      Corporations prioritize maximizing shareholder returns over social impact and environmental concerns. To address this, the US government could establish a separate entity to measure and evaluate corporate performance from a societal perspective. This organization could utilize data, analytics, and artificial intelligence to assess a corporation's impact on essential elements like air, water, and social trust. Without external measurement, true accountability and improvement will not be achieved. For more insights, check out Ron's work in the description below. Additionally, stay tuned for announcements from our team next week regarding our road tour and premium subscriber benefits. In the meantime, we're working on creating engaging content for you. If you're planning travel, consider using Cheapo Air for affordable flights and accommodations, and don't forget to join their club miles program for additional savings. Lastly, invest in a high-quality, eco-friendly mattress like the natural hybrid from Leesa and West Elm to ensure a restful night's sleep. Every purchase supports charitable initiatives.

    Recent Episodes from Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

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    Ryan and Emily discuss Hillary warning Biden that debating Trump is impossible, Bowman crushed by AIPAC in New York election, Kenya parliament on fire as troops occupy Haiti, Ryan exposes pro-Israel group lying about campaign funding, MIT nuclear expert dire warning on Russia Ukraine war. 


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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Nvidea surge exposes possible dotcom bust, Putin North Korea screw you to Biden, Zyn online sales shutdown. 


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    One of the fastest ways to mitigate domestic issues like inflation and high gas prices is to help Ukraine defeat Russia. This would ease pressure on the world wide economy. Policy makers can and should listen to the priorities of their constituents and legislate accordingly. Being a resource to your network of family and friends to demystify things that they’ve seen in the news is an effective form of activism.


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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guest: Rachel Vindman

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producers: Zack Travis and Sara Burningham

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