
    6/9/22: Jan 6th Hearings, Uvalde Survivors, Gun Debate, Kavanaugh Scare, DC Corruption, WaPo Drama, CNN Purge, & More!

    enJune 09, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Major Stories Making HeadlinesStay informed with news on Walt Disney World ticket savings, affordable wireless service from Consumer Cellular, The Economist's free trial, January 6th hearings, threats against Supreme Court justices, shooting of a Wisconsin judge, FBI investigation of John Allen, and the San Francisco DA recall.

      Time is running out to save money on Walt Disney World tickets by purchasing them at child prices from Undercover Tourist. Meanwhile, Consumer Cellular offers affordable wireless service with the same reliable coverage as leading carriers. The Economist provides trusted news and offers a free trial for unlimited digital access. The January 6th hearings are set to begin, promising insight into the events leading up to the Capitol riots. Disturbing developments include threats against Supreme Court justices and the shooting of a Wisconsin judge. The FBI is investigating the Brookings Institution's John Allen for dealings with Qatar. The Washington Post is experiencing a meltdown with increasing drama and hypocrisy. The recall of San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin has progressive criminal justice reformers concerned. These are just a few of the major stories making headlines. Stay informed and engaged with these important issues.

    • January 6th committee prepares prime-time presentation on Capitol insurrectionThe January 6th committee, led by Bennie Thompson and Liz Cheney, is creating an engaging multimedia presentation to make the case that the Capitol insurrection was premeditated and Trump was at the center. Democrats hope to capture public attention, but concerns exist about waning interest due to other pressing issues.

      The January 6th committee, led by Bennie Thompson (D-MS) and Liz Cheney (R-WY), is preparing to present their findings on the Capitol insurrection in a prime-time, multimedia format. They aim to make the case that the events were not just spontaneous but premeditated, with Donald Trump at the center. The committee has been working with a veteran network executive, James Goldston, to create an engaging presentation to capture public attention. While Democrats believe that the American people need to fully understand the significance of January 6th, there's a concern that it's not currently a top concern for the public, who are more focused on issues like the economy, inflation, and gun violence. The committee's hearings are expected to include new information and potentially shocking video footage. However, there's skepticism about whether this presentation will change public opinion significantly, given that many people are already aware of the general events of that day. Some see this as an attempt to recapture the media attention and ratings that the events generated initially. Critics argue that the committee's efforts are repetitive, given that there have been other investigations and hearings on the topic.

    • Investigating January 6th events, not charging TrumpDemocrats focus on Jan 6th probe, not criminal charges for Trump. Americans face economic struggles, hearings could generate interest but industry solutions may be more effective.

      The January 6th committee's primary focus is not on criminally charging former President Trump, but rather on investigating the events leading up to the Capitol riots. Democrats had an opportunity to act against Trump in the immediate aftermath of the riots, but ultimately decided against it. Now, the only recourse is through electoral means. The committee's prime-time hearings may generate interest, but the real issues facing Americans are economic, such as high gas prices and food costs. A more effective approach could be holding hearings with industry leaders to address these concerns. The availability of raw footage from the day's events is extensive, but there isn't a definitive, hundreds-of-hours-long compilation of the events. Ultimately, Democrats need to offer a compelling vision for the country to win back the support of the American people and move past the divisiveness of January 6th.

    • Capitol Riots: Seditious Conspiracy Charges Against Proud Boys and Oath KeepersTwo groups, Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, charged with seditious conspiracy for Capitol riots, requiring proof of agreement to use force to overthrow government or delay US law execution, with a maximum sentence of 20 years.

      The Capitol riots of January 6, 2021, were driven by individuals who deluded themselves into believing that they had the support of the American people to overturn the election results. These groups, such as the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, were charged with seditious conspiracy for their roles in the storming of the Capitol. The American people, however, did not support their actions, and even Trump urged them to leave and be peaceful. The parties that can focus on delivering a better country and addressing people's day-to-day concerns are more likely to succeed politically. The indictment of Enrique Tarrio, former chairman of the Proud Boys, and four other members of the group marks the second time that a group has been charged with seditious conspiracy in connection with the January 6th attack. The charge carries significant legal and political weight, and requires prosecutors to prove that at least two people agreed to use force to overthrow government authority or delay the execution of a US law, with a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. While it may be difficult to determine the distinction between self-aggrandizing rhetoric and actual plans to execute an insurrection, the American people's opposition to the riots ultimately led to their failure.

    • Oath Keepers and Proud Boys Indictments: Online Bravado vs. Real-World IntentThe Capitol riot indictments against the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys highlight the complex relationship between online activity and real-world actions, with the government attempting to prove sedition conspiracies based on video footage, social media postings, and documented plans.

      The recent Capitol riot indictments against the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, two far-right groups, reveal a complex mix of online bravado and potential planning for violent action. The government's evidence includes video footage, social media postsings, and documented plans for occupying buildings in Washington D.C. However, the success of a sedition conspiracy conviction is uncertain, given the government's past failure to convict a similar Christian nationalist militia in Michigan. The speaker also noted that the groups' actions could be seen as performative, with members inflating their importance and impact. The indictments suggest a fine line between online role-playing and real-world intent, which raises questions about the burden of proof for the government in such cases. Ultimately, the seriousness of the groups' actions and their potential consequences for democracy remain a matter of debate.

    • Politicization of criminal charges and inconsistent application of the lawThe speaker raises concerns over the inconsistent enforcement of criminal charges, highlighting the need for equal application of the law and holding individuals accountable, regardless of political affiliations, to maintain legitimacy in the legal process.

      The discussion revolves around the selective application of the law and the politicization of criminal charges. The speaker expresses concerns over the Department of Justice's decision to bring charges against Steve Bannon and others involved in the January 6th Capitol riots, while not consistently enforcing contempt charges against others. The speaker believes this inconsistency undermines the legitimacy of the legal process and fuels the perception of a "witch hunt" against certain political figures. The speaker emphasizes the importance of equal application of the law and holding individuals accountable for their actions, regardless of political affiliations. Additionally, the speaker acknowledges the gravity of the events on January 6th and the need for appropriate consequences for those involved in attempting to overthrow the government.

    • January 6th hearings may not impact midterm elections due to public focus on economy and inflationDespite Democrats' plans to refocus voters on January 6th hearings, the economy and inflation are the top concerns, shaping the midterm elections, with negative feelings towards bank accounts and country direction.

      The January 6th hearings may not have the significant impact Democrats hope for in the upcoming midterm elections. Despite their plans to refocus voters' attention on Republicans' role in the attack, the economy and inflation are currently the top concerns for the majority of Americans. These issues are expected to shape the November elections, with people feeling negative about their bank accounts and the direction of the country. The media's obsession with the January 6th hearings and other unrelated issues is seen as a disconnect from the public's priorities. Additionally, the Democrats' reluctance to address material issues like inflation and corporate power may contribute to their continued focus on these topics. The Uvalde CISD chief of police, Pete Arredondo, and his decision not to send officers into the classroom during the school shooting remains a significant issue to follow.

    • Uvalde School Police Chief's Uncooperative Behavior and Teacher's Call for AccountabilityThe Uvalde school shooting response involved an uncooperative police chief and a call for accountability from a survivor, emphasizing the importance of transparency and effective action from those in power.

      Pete Arredondo, the Uvalde school police chief involved in the response to the May mass shooting, has been evasive and uncooperative with investigators, and has even gone into hiding from public scrutiny. Despite this, he has not been removed from his position by the city council or school board. Meanwhile, a wounded fourth-grade teacher, Arnulfo Reyes, who survived the attack but lost all of his students, expressed feelings of abandonment by law enforcement during the crisis. Reyes also called for stricter gun control laws, specifically raising the age requirement for purchasing assault weapons. The incident highlights the importance of accountability and transparency in the aftermath of a tragedy, and the need for effective communication and action from those in positions of authority.

    • Matthew McConaughey's Emotional Appeal for Middle Ground Gun ControlMatthew McConaughey advocated for middle ground solutions to gun control, including raising the minimum age to purchase AR-15 rifles, implementing red flag laws, and promoting mental health resources. He emphasized respect for the Second Amendment and the importance of addressing gun violence in a compassionate way.

      Matthew McConaughey's emotional and nuanced approach to gun control resonated with many, including those who value responsible gun ownership. McConaughey, a native of Uvalde, Texas, advocated for middle ground solutions, such as raising the minimum age to purchase AR-15 rifles, implementing red flag laws, and promoting mental health resources. He framed his message as a step forward for the Second Amendment, rather than a setback, emphasizing the importance of respecting powerful weapons. McConaughey's speech also highlighted the human impact of gun violence, leaving listeners with a powerful reminder of the lives lost and the need for action. Despite disagreements on specific policy positions, McConaughey's approach seemed to offer a way forward for a divided country, emphasizing the importance of finding common ground and addressing gun violence in a responsible and compassionate way.

    • Fears of a slippery slope towards more restrictive gun control measuresDespite some openness to discussing gun control legislation, concerns exist about potential infringement on civil liberties and privacy through measures like red flag laws and mandatory firearm storage. Focusing on preventing domestic violence and suicide may have a greater impact on reducing gun-related deaths.

      While some may be open to discussing gun control legislation, such as raising the minimum age for purchasing assault weapons, there are significant concerns about the potential for a slippery slope towards more restrictive measures. The fear is that red flag laws, which were not included in the recent House bill, could lead to the government seizing guns from law-abiding citizens. The speaker also raised concerns about the enforcement of certain regulations, such as mandatory firearm storage and background checks for private sales, which could infringe on civil liberties and privacy. Ultimately, the speaker believes that focusing on measures to prevent domestic violence and suicide, where immediate access to firearms is a significant risk factor, could have a greater impact on reducing gun-related deaths. However, they also acknowledge that the cost-benefit analysis of such measures is a complex issue.

    • Individual Freedom and Gun ViolenceLiving in a free society comes with risks, including gun violence. Reasonable regulations like age limits and proper storage don't infringe on individual rights. Addressing mental health issues and access to care is crucial.

      The speaker expresses a deep distrust in the government and believes that individual safety and freedom are worth the cost of increased gun violence. They argue that living in a free society comes with its own risks and that regulations, such as waiting until age 21 to buy certain weapons or proper gun storage, are reasonable measures without infringing on individual rights. However, they also acknowledge the importance of addressing mental health issues and the lack of support for mental health care in the US, particularly from certain political parties. The conversation also touches upon the link between gun violence and access to mental health resources. The speaker's perspective can be seen as a libertarian viewpoint, emphasizing individual freedoms and personal responsibility.

    • Balancing safety and individual libertiesDespite concerns about government overreach, it's important to find a balance between safety and individual liberties. Addressing issues like gun violence and public health crises requires a responsive and accountable government.

      While there are valid concerns about government overreach and the potential for harm reduction measures to encroach on individual freedoms, giving up on the idea of a responsive and accountable government is not the answer. The discussion highlighted examples like straw purchases leading to gun violence and the debate around mask mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic. It's essential to address these issues and find a balance between safety and individual liberties. The recent incident involving an armed man near Justice Brett Kavanaugh's home underscores the importance of a functioning and responsive law enforcement system. The American people's overwhelming agreement on certain issues, such as stricter gun control, should be acknowledged and addressed by Congress. While it's crucial to be skeptical and vigilant, it's also important not to abandon the idea of a government that can make our lives better and our communities safer.

    • Man with gun near Kavanaugh's house raises security concernsA man's arrest near a Supreme Court justice's house led to heightened security measures and media sensationalism, highlighting the importance of factual reporting and clear communication during tense times.

      A man from California was apprehended near Justice Kavanaugh's house with a gun, pepper spray, and a knife, raising concerns about potential threats against Supreme Court justices. The incident contributes to heightened security measures due to the passionate debate surrounding a pending abortion ruling. Despite initial unclear details, some media outlets sensationalized the story, leading to confusion and inaccurate reporting. It's crucial to distinguish between peaceful protests and actual threats, as both sides of the abortion debate carry risks. The incident underscores the importance of factual reporting and clear communication in times of heightened tension.

    • Political Violence and Instability in AmericaRetired judge murdered, retired general under investigation for illegal foreign lobbying, societal change and unity needed, media handling of stories raises questions, FBI seizes data from former Marine General John Allen

      The discussion highlights the concerning trend of political violence and instability in American society, as evidenced by the murder of a retired judge with a list of government officials, including governors, and the potential criminal case involving a retired four-star general and illegal foreign lobbying. These events underscore the need for societal change and unity, as many people sense that the current state of affairs is not going well. The media's handling of these stories also raises questions about fairness and objectivity. The FBI's seizure of electronic data from former Marine General John Allen, who is accused of lying and covering up his role in an illegal foreign lobbying campaign on behalf of Qatar, further illustrates the complexities of the political landscape and the importance of transparency and accountability.

    • Qatari Interests Buy Influence in US PoliticsForeign interests illegally funneled money into US elections and influenced the Trump administration, involving former US Ambassador to the UAE, retired General John Allen, and a mercenary donor serving a 12-year sentence.

      The political mercenary Ahmad Zubairi, who is currently serving a 12-year prison sentence, used illegal means to funnel foreign money into US political elections and influence the Trump administration on behalf of Qatari interests. He colluded with individuals like former US Ambassador to the UAE, Matthew Olsen, and retired General John Allen, who were also allegedly involved in this scheme. Zubairi paid Olsen $20,000 a month and offered Allen an undisclosed fee for their efforts. Allen met with Qatari officials and advised them on how to exert influence over US government officials, resulting in a deal to purchase F-15 fighter jets just a few days later. The mercenary donor, Zubairi, described pay-to-play as how America works and admitted to soliciting requests from various world leaders. The President of the Brookings Institution was also involved in this illegal foreign lobbying campaign for Qatar and tried to hide his role. The FBI has evidence of their collusion and conspiracy to hide the true nature of their activities. The implications of this story are significant, as it highlights the ease with which foreign interests can buy influence in US politics and the need for greater transparency and accountability in the political process.

    • Qatar's Financial Connections Impacted US Policy During Diplomatic CrisisForeign governments can use financial connections to lobby heavily for broker roles and influence US policy, raising ethical concerns and normalizing questionable behavior in politics and media.

      The intertwined connections between foreign governments and think tanks in Washington D.C. can significantly impact policy and influence power across political parties. This was highlighted in the case of Qatar during the diplomatic crisis with its neighbors, where the country used its financial connections to lobby heavily for broker roles and influence the Trump administration. However, this practice raises ethical concerns and questions about the influence of money in politics. It was also noted that some high-profile figures, such as John Allen, have been involved in this web of connections, with some even being held accountable for their actions, like Allen's lies during his tenure as commander of US forces in Afghanistan. The media institutions in Washington, including the Washington Post and the Atlantic, have also been criticized for their involvement in this culture of influence peddling and the normalization of questionable behavior. Overall, the situation underscores the need for greater transparency and accountability in the political and media spheres.

    • Unprofessional Behavior in the Washington Post NewsroomThe Washington Post newsroom is grappling with unprofessional behavior from an individual, causing a meltdown among staff. Clear and consistent enforcement of professional conduct policies and the courage to address unacceptable behavior directly are needed.

      The Washington Post newsroom is facing a significant issue with unprofessional behavior, specifically from an individual named Phylicia Somnest. She has publicly attacked her colleagues on Twitter, causing a meltdown within the staff. Despite her behavior, only one colleague was suspended for a perceived offense. The situation escalated further when Somnest's colleagues attempted to push back against her behavior by tweeting supportive messages, but lacked the courage to directly confront her. The situation reached a boiling point when Somnest attacked a colleague who asked her to stop. The fear of retaliation and the pressure to conform to the "woke industrial complex" in the workplace have allowed Somnest to continue her unprofessional behavior, ultimately controlling the organization. The situation highlights the need for clear and consistent enforcement of professional conduct policies and the courage to address unacceptable behavior directly.

    • Fear of being labeled as not woke enough in the workplaceThe fear of being called out for not being woke enough can lead to harmful behavior and a toxic work culture, and it's important for clear hierarchy and consistent policy implementation to prevent escalation.

      The fear of being labeled as not woke enough in the workplace is allowing unchecked behavior that harms the overall culture and productivity. This was discussed in relation to the Washington Post, where an employee publicly blasted her colleagues, calling them racist and sexist, and none of them were fired. The fear of being called out for not being woke enough led the HR department to bend to the employee's demands, which the speaker believes is cowardice. The situation is harmful to the culture of work and workers' rights, and it's important for clear hierarchy and decision-making to prevent such situations from escalating. The speaker also mentioned the importance of implementing policies consistently and fairly, and not allowing fear of being labeled to dictate actions.

    • New MSNBC leadership aims for journalistic integrity shiftMSNBC's new boss, Chris Licht, is working to reduce partisanship and encourage respectful interviews, but the industry's reliance on corporate advertisers and past failures make long-term change uncertain

      The future direction of CNN, under new leadership, is aiming for a shift towards journalistic integrity and nuanced reporting, but the sustainability of these changes is uncertain. The new boss, Chris Licht, is scrutinizing talent for partisanship and encouraging respectful interviews and program decisions focused on substance rather than noise. However, the media industry's reliance on corporate advertisers and the past failure of similar attempts at MSNBC make it challenging to believe that these changes will last or serve the public's agenda effectively. The history of MSNBC's failed attempt at shifting towards centrist journalism, driven by personal preferences and corporate interests, serves as a cautionary tale. The success of opinionated anti-Trump coverage, while appealing to partisans, also caters to advertisers and Democratic elites, creating a formula that may not address the root issues of political, financial, and cultural power.

    • CNN's ratings will likely remain low until Trump's return, prioritizing capital and power over reformsCNN's ratings depend on Trump's presence, prioritizing profits and power over reforms, and the Biden admin's decision on Chinese solar panels highlights the need for domestic clean energy sources

      CNN's ratings will likely remain low until Trump's return to politics, and the network will revert to its financially successful formula from the previous Trump era. The real issue isn't about personalities or network bias but the cable news structure's inherent obligation to serve capital and existing power. Reforms that upend the business model or change the social class of talent and producers are unlikely. The Biden administration's decision to suspend tariffs on Chinese solar panels despite ongoing investigations into their legality is a concerning example of prioritizing green targets over domestic industries and energy sources like nuclear power. This reliance on foreign sources for clean energy could lead to future supply shocks and dependence on China. The focus should be on domestic sources and clean power options like nuclear.

    • Biden's Energy Priorities: Ideology Over Country's NeedsBiden's inconsistent energy policies prioritize ideology over reducing domestic fuel prices and increasing energy security. His decision to bail out Chinese solar companies raises questions about his priorities and highlights the damaging effects of partisan politics on serious issues.

      The current administration's actions regarding energy production are inconsistent and prioritize ideology over the needs of the country. Biden has the power to reduce domestic fuel prices and increase energy security through various executive orders, but instead, he has chosen to bail out Chinese solar companies. This raises questions about his priorities and highlights the damaging effects of partisan politics on serious issues. The energy crisis is just one example of how the country is suffering under bipartisan idiocy, with both sides pushing extreme agendas that do not serve the greater good. The consequences of this are evident in places like Texas, where record power demand and high temperatures are putting a strain on the grid, and natural gas prices are skyrocketing. It's crucial that leaders focus on addressing the actual choke points in our energy infrastructure and make honest, informed decisions for the benefit of the country.

    • San Francisco DA's criminal justice reforms and perceived lack of concern for hate crimes lead to recallThe recall of San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin underscores the importance of addressing community concerns and prioritizing public safety in criminal justice policies, especially in the context of hate crimes against the Asian community.

      San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin's reformist criminal justice policies and perceived lack of concern for crime, especially hate crimes against the Asian community, contributed to his recall. The recall effort was fueled by conservative groups, older liberal voters, and the Asian community, who felt that Boudin was not going hard enough on certain criminals and was not prioritizing public safety. The recall marked a significant shift in the political landscape of San Francisco, where the Democratic Party has historically held power. The backlash from the Asian community, particularly the Chinese community, was driven by feelings of inadequate protection from hate crimes and a perceived lack of understanding of their concerns by Boudin. This incident highlights the complex relationship between the Democratic Party and the Asian American community, emphasizing the need for more representation and understanding of diverse perspectives within the party.

    • Democrats must address Asian American concerns on crime and safetyDemocrats need to balance rehabilitation and public safety while acknowledging valid concerns in Asian communities to maintain trust and votes.

      The Democratic Party cannot take the Asian American vote for granted. While the majority of Asian American voters traditionally lean Democratic, the rising concern over crime and safety is leading some to consider alternative options. This was evident in the mayoral races in New York City and Los Angeles, where Republican and centrist candidates made significant gains in heavily Asian neighborhoods. Democrats need to recalibrate their approach to crime and policing, acknowledging the valid concerns of voters, particularly in immigrant communities who have been targeted for hate crimes. The challenge is to find a balance between supporting rehabilitation and maintaining public safety, without overcorrecting and falling back on outdated paradigms. It's crucial for Democrats to address these concerns in a nuanced and intelligent way to maintain the trust and confidence of Asian American voters.

    • Urban politics and the complex issue of rising crimeEffective urban policies require a balance between progressive principles and practical solutions to address complex issues like crime and housing.

      The complex issue of rising crime and its impact on urban politics was discussed in depth. The advantage in political discourse often goes to those who propose tough solutions when crime rates increase. However, the effectiveness of such measures can be questioned, as seen in the case of Eric Adams in New York City. In San Francisco, the lack of a middle class and extreme wealth inequality create unique challenges for progressive policies, particularly in the areas of housing and public safety. Progressive ideology can sometimes prioritize principles over tangible improvements in people's lives. The historical example of Milwaukee's "Sewer Socialists" demonstrates the importance of delivering concrete results for constituents. The demographic makeup of cities like San Francisco, with a significant wealth divide and minimal middle class, can influence election outcomes. A district attorney's ability to solve complex issues like crime and housing is limited, and the police force's effectiveness plays a significant role. The broken housing market in California, particularly in cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles, requires urgent attention and potential shifts in policy to address the issue. Ultimately, a balanced approach that prioritizes both progressive principles and practical solutions is essential to effectively address these complex urban challenges.

    • California Homelessness and Housing Crisis: A Breaking PointThe California homelessness and housing crisis is a pressing issue that's spreading across the country, and it's crucial for individuals to educate themselves on the matter.

      The California homelessness and housing crisis is a pressing issue that has been ongoing for decades and is reaching a breaking point in the 2020s. This situation is not unique to California and is expected to spread across the country. Ross's analysis provides valuable insights into this issue, and it's essential for individuals to educate themselves on the matter. The show had to cut some parts short due to scheduling conflicts, but they will make up for it as soon as possible. Meanwhile, offers for discounted adult theme park tickets, trusted news sources, and accessible mental health support were mentioned as recommendations for the audience.

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    Ep. 1634 - The January 6 Committee Wants Trump Prosecuted

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    The January 6 committee refers Donald Trump to the Department of Justice for criminal charging; the White House struggles for immigration answers as Title 42 wanes; and Democrats prep more spending as tax revenue declines.

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    Tucker's 1/6 Footage, Fauci's Lies, and Chris Rock's Special, with Emily Jashinsky and Eliana Johnson | Ep. 507

    Tucker's 1/6 Footage, Fauci's Lies, and Chris Rock's Special, with Emily Jashinsky and Eliana Johnson | Ep. 507

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Emily Jashinsky, host of “The Federalist Radio Hour," and Eliana Johnson, co-host of "Ink Stained Wretches," to talk about Tucker Carlson airing new January 6th footage, the hysterical reaction from the media and criticism from sides of the aisle, false reporting about January 6 deaths and Brian Sicknick, the truth we're learning about the lab leak theory and Dr. Fauci's lies, the media's culpability in how they covered Fauci's claims, the management at Fox News in the Ailes Era and now, Trump's five-point plan to take down DeSantis, Fetterman's time in rehab, Novak Djokovic still banned from American because he's unvaccinated, Chris Rock slamming Meghan Markle while she continues trying to monetize her life, Rock punching back at Will and Jada Smith in his new special, Vanderpump Rules drama, and more. Plus Megyn describes her recent encounter with Margot Robbie.

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    Allo, M. José Bovin ? - Par Naim KAMAL

    Allo, M. José Bovin ? - Par Naim KAMAL

    Allo, M. José Bovin ?

    Non, vous vous trompez monsieur, c’est José Bové, son cousin germain…

    Pardonnez la confusion, c’est justement à vous que je cherche à parler…


    Voilà, (silence embarrassé) je suis Aziz Akhannouch, ministre de l’Agriculture, de la pêche et d’autres choses, et surtout futur chef de gouvernement du Maroc…

    Ouais, que me voulez-vous ?

    Que du bien, rassurez-vous, j’aimerais vous remettre un petit quelque chose, enfin vous voyez, un petit cadeau…

    José Bové, allègue-il, feint d’accepter et donne une adresse où le ministre marocain pourrait le retrouver : ‘’ 36, Quai des Comptes et des Marquis, restaurant Adormirdebout.

    Le ministre qui ne craint personne sinon Dieu, se rend himself à l’adresse indiquée, lunettes noires de Rapetou, son enveloppe pleine d’euros bien dissimulée sous son manteau, mais ne trouve rien. Il rappelle José.

    Allo José, il n’y a rien ni personne à l’adresse que tu m’as indiquée (ils en sont au tutoiement)…

    Si, tu y trouveras mon avocat…

    Même dans une pièce de théâtre pour petites gens prêts à rire de tout et de rien, la scène ferait navet. Mais croyez-le ou pas, c’est ce que l’on peut ressortir de cette mauvaise pièce de théâtre à mi-chemin du vaudeville et de la Commedia italienne dell’arte, jouée téléphoniquement par le cher José Bové sur une station de radio française, avec quelques rajouts pour le burlesque de la situation que le personnage ne renierait pas. 

    ’’Sa main dans la main de son frère’’

    José Bové est un syndicaliste agriculteur, passé de mode, que sa moustache, sa pipe et son cassage au sens propre de Mc Do ont rendu célèbre. Personnalité hurluberlu, mythomane sur les bords, que ni sa faconde paysanne ni ses titres de gloire ne lui ont suffi pour avoir la liberté dans la foulée de parler des eurodéputés véreux qui peuplent les instances de l’UE à Strasbourg et à Bruxelles. A peine avait-il commencé qu’il est interrompu par le présentateur qui lui coupe la ligne, seulement intéressé par le Maroc via son actuel chef du gouvernement.  

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