
    Tucker's 1/6 Footage, Fauci's Lies, and Chris Rock's Special, with Emily Jashinsky and Eliana Johnson | Ep. 507

    enMarch 08, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Tucker Carlson releases new footage of Capitol riots, Meghan Markle announces Archie's title change, and Megyn Kelly meets Margot RobbieExclusive footage of the Capitol riots changed perspectives, Meghan Markle announced Archie's title change, and Megyn Kelly had a friendly encounter with Margot Robbie, emphasizing the importance of open conversations in complex situations

      There were significant developments on both the political and entertainment fronts this week. Tucker Carlson released exclusive footage of the January 6th Capitol riots, which provided a different perspective than what was previously shown. Meanwhile, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle revealed that their daughter Archie will now be referred to as a prince, despite their previous concerns about the royal family's perceived racism. During a personal encounter, Megyn Kelly met actress Margot Robbie, who starred in the movie "Bombshell" inspired by the Fox News scandal. Despite being on opposite sides of the political aisle, Robbie was kind and friendly during their interaction. These events highlight the ongoing complexity of current events and the importance of open and honest conversations.

    • January 6th Capitol Riots Footage: Transparency and Selective EditingThe release of January 6th Capitol riots footage and its handling by the select committee raises concerns about transparency and selective editing, emphasizing the importance of releasing all footage without partisan filters for accountability.

      The discussion revolves around the release of footage from the January 6th Capitol riots and the select committee's handling of it. Tucker Carlson's coverage of the footage raised questions about the committee's transparency, as defendants' attorneys claimed they were not given access to certain footage. The footage in question suggests that some individuals, including the "QAnon Shaman," were not treated as violent insurrectionists despite appearances. The panel's selective editing and filtering of the footage through their narrative and Tucker Carlson's narrative have raised concerns. The call for all footage to be released without partisan filters emphasizes the importance of transparency and accountability in understanding the events of January 6th.

    • January 6 Capitol Footage Release to Tucker Carlson Sparks ControversyThe release of January 6 Capitol footage to Tucker Carlson has sparked controversy due to the partisan nature of the January 6th committee and the potential impact on relationships between parties in Washington D.C. Examining the evidence for ourselves is crucial to avoiding partisan influences.

      The release of footage from the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, to Fox News host Tucker Carlson has sparked controversy due to the partisan nature of the January 6th committee and McCarthy's decision to provide the footage to a partisan figure instead of a straight news journalist. Some argue that the committee's handling of the investigation was a "clown show" and one-sided, while others believe that transparency and the release of all footage is essential. The small story of Tucker's partisanship should not overshadow the importance of examining the evidence related to the events of January 6th, which is new and could potentially reveal actions taken by Democrats that merit scrutiny. The incident has significantly impacted the relationships between parties in Washington D.C., with some Republicans viewing it as a fundamental event that reshaped their mindsets. It is crucial to adjudicate the evidence for ourselves rather than being influenced by partisan ideologies.

    • Republican infighting over January 6th eventsSome Republicans criticize Fox News for downplaying Capitol riots' severity, fearing political consequences in 2024 elections

      The ongoing debate surrounding the events of January 6th, 2021, extends beyond the typical Republican versus Democratic divide. It also involves intraparty squabbles, with some Republicans distancing themselves from Fox News host Tucker Carlson's portrayal of the Capitol riots. Mitch McConnell, for instance, criticized Fox News for depicting the events differently than the Capitol Police chief did. McConnell and other Republicans reportedly believe that continuing to downplay the severity of the riots could be a political liability for the GOP, especially ahead of the 2024 elections. Another point of interest is the lack of extensive coverage of this controversy on Fox News, despite it being a significant story. Senator Chuck Schumer even called on Rupert Murdoch to prevent Tucker Carlson from airing more segments on the topic. Overall, the discourse around January 6th remains complex and contentious, with various parties advocating for their perspectives and interpretations.

    • Misconceptions about the January 6th Capitol riotsDespite media reports, not all deaths on January 6th were caused by Trump supporters, and the primary goal of the January 6th committee was not to clarify misconceptions but to lay the groundwork for potential prosecutions. Tucker Carlson's reporting aims to clarify these misconceptions.

      There has been a significant discrepancy between the narrative presented by some media outlets and the actual facts regarding certain events related to the January 6th Capitol riots. For instance, the death of police officer Brian Sicknick was initially reported as a murder, but later it was revealed that he died of natural causes possibly related to the events of that day. Furthermore, not all deaths that day were caused by Trump supporters, as two people had heart attacks and one overdosed on drugs. The January 6th committee's primary goal was not to set the record straight but to lay the groundwork for potential prosecutions. Tucker Carlson's reporting on this issue is seen as a public service by some, as it aims to clarify misconceptions spread by both the Democrats and the media.

    • January 6th Capitol events: Controversy over facts and misinformationThe events of January 6, 2021, at the Capitol remain contentious, with disagreements over the official narrative, lack of transparency, inconsistent reporting, and skepticism surrounding key figures. This has hindered national unity and fueled mistrust and frustration.

      The events of January 6, 2021, at the Capitol continue to be a source of controversy and disagreement, with accusations of misinformation and selective reporting from corporate media and political figures. The death of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick is a point of contention, with some questioning the official narrative that his condition was directly related to the events at the Capitol. The lack of transparency and inconsistencies in reporting, particularly regarding the actions of individuals like Ray Epps and Jacob Chansley, have fueled skepticism and mistrust. The inability to come together and agree on the facts has hindered national unity and added to the divisiveness surrounding the event. Additionally, the selective use of terms like "mostly peaceful" to describe protests, and the apparent disregard for the violence and injuries inflicted on law enforcement during protests like those following George Floyd's death, have further eroded trust and fueled frustration.

    • Fox News Faces Scrutiny Over Election CoverageThe Dominion defamation lawsuit against Fox News has led to negative publicity for the network, with Bill O'Reilly being revealed as having been fired during the 2020 election for spreading false claims, raising questions about Fox's leadership and the potential implications for the media industry.

      The ongoing Dominion defamation lawsuit against Fox News has led to a flurry of negative news for the network, with several of its anchors and personalities being sued for spreading false claims about the election. The latest report over the weekend revealed that Bill O'Reilly was fired from Fox due to the Arizona call during the 2020 election, despite earlier assumptions that he had quit in disgust. The situation has raised questions about who is in charge at Fox News, and the outcome of the lawsuit could have significant implications for the network and the media industry as a whole. The situation also highlights the partisan divide, with Democrats, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, criticizing Fox News for its coverage of the election and the riot at the Capitol. However, it's important to note that the outcome of the lawsuit is uncertain, and it remains to be seen whether Dominion will be able to prove that Fox News knowingly spread false information.

    • Fox News' internal struggles during the 2020 electionLack of strong leadership led to decisions based on viewer backlash, unchecked egos, and power without accountability for prime time anchors, contributing to problems and scandals at Fox News

      The internal workings of Fox News during the 2020 election and the subsequent fallout revealed a lack of strong leadership and effective talent management. The discussions in the filings showed that decisions were based on viewer backlash rather than merit, and the prime time anchors wielded significant power without accountability. This dynamic, which was different from the Roger Ailes era, allowed egos and stars to grow unchecked, leading to problems and scandals. The absence of a strong leader who could keep the organization on course and prevent it from veering too far right or left has contributed to the issues at Fox News.

    • Fox News' struggle with leadership and journalistic integrityFox News faces challenges in maintaining journalistic integrity due to a lack of clear leadership and an emphasis on short-term profits and competition over factual reporting.

      The lack of clear leadership and vision at Fox News since the departure of Roger Ailes is leading to confusion and a focus on short-term profits over journalistic integrity. The news division, once protected and integral to the reputation of Fox News, is now struggling to find boundaries and give their audience the benefit of the doubt. Additionally, the obsession with competition from other networks and potential financial losses is prioritized over factual reporting. This has resulted in a disconnect between the Fox News leadership in New York and their unique, anti-establishment audience, making it challenging to manage the corporation effectively. The speaker, who grew up watching Fox News and has personal connections to the network, expresses concern and disappointment over this state of affairs.

    • Effective leadership in media and public healthStrong, decisive leaders who understand their audience and take calculated risks are essential in media and public health. Thorough reporting and factual accuracy are crucial for addressing controversies.

      Effective leadership in media, as in other industries, requires a strong, decisive figure who understands the audience and is willing to take calculated risks. Tom Lowell, discussed in the conversation, embodies these qualities and has risen through the ranks at Fox News. Meanwhile, in the realm of public health, the ongoing debate about the origins of COVID-19 highlights the importance of transparency and the potential consequences of manipulating information. Dr. Fauci's handling of the lab leak theory raises questions about his role in shaping the narrative early in the pandemic. The media's response to these controversies underscores the need for thorough reporting and factual accuracy, rather than relying on identity politics or ideological biases.

    • Conflict of Interest and Discrediting the Lab Leak TheoryFauci and other scientists focused on disproving lab leak theory due to funding ties and China's reputation, contradicting public denials.

      The emails and documents released reveal a conflict of interest and apparent efforts to discredit the lab leak theory regarding the origin of COVID-19. Dr. Anthony Fauci and other scientists were focused on disproving the lab leak theory, which some argue was due to funding ties with China and a desire to protect China's reputation. This contradicts Fauci's public statements denying any involvement in the Nature article that dismissed the lab leak theory. The situation raises questions about transparency and objectivity in the scientific community and the role of politics in shaping the narrative around the pandemic's origins.

    • Emails reveal potential cover-up over COVID-19 originsProminent health officials, including Fauci and Farrar, may have suppressed evidence supporting lab leak theory of COVID-19 origin, drafting articles to downplay it, and funding gain-of-function research at Wuhan Institute.

      The emails and papers discussed reveal a potential cover-up by prominent health officials, including Fauci and Jeremy Farrar, regarding the origins of COVID-19. The emails suggest that these officials were involved in drafting articles that downplayed the lab leak theory, despite evidence pointing to the possibility of a lab accident. Fauci is accused of funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute and later trying to get his associates to support his narrative in the Nature article. The suppression of the lab leak theory has significant consequences, as it denies Novak Djokovic entry into the US and other countries due to his unvaccinated status. The Byzantine nature of the American bureaucracy and its unaccountable actions have left many questioning the safety and transparency of such research.

    • Lack of accountability and inconsistencies in COVID-19 responseThe Novak Djokovic situation and broader US COVID-19 response have highlighted inconsistencies and lack of accountability in policies, fueling skepticism towards public health guidelines and eroding trust in institutions.

      The handling of the Novak Djokovic situation at the US border and the broader COVID-19 response by the US government and media has highlighted the lack of accountability and inconsistencies in policies, particularly regarding natural immunity and vaccine mandates. The Americans' weaponization of racism against China and the double standards in enforcing COVID-19 rules have raised questions about transparency and trust in the country's institutions. This situation has also become a political issue, with figures like Ron DeSantis using it to criticize the Biden administration. The inconsistencies and politicization of the response to the pandemic have eroded trust in the medical establishment and fueled skepticism towards public health guidelines.

    • Expected Attacks by Trump on DeSantis during 2024 Republican PrimariesTrump plans to criticize DeSantis' past support for changes to Social Security and Medicare, paint him as disloyal and a Paul Ryan lackey, attack his COVID-19 response, and question his foreign policy clarity.

      During the 2024 Republican primaries, former President Donald Trump is expected to attack Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on several fronts. Trump is likely to criticize DeSantis' past support for changes to Social Security and Medicare, including votes to raise the eligibility age for Medicare. Trump may also try to paint DeSantis as disloyal and a lackey of former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. Another point of attack could be DeSantis' response to the COVID-19 pandemic, with Trump attempting to portray DeSantis as wishy-washy on the issue. Trump may also use DeSantis' muddled comments on Ukraine and the military support for the country as a way to criticize him for being unclear on foreign policy. Overall, Trump's attacks on DeSantis are intended to undermine his opponent's conservative credentials and appeal to the MAGA base. However, the success of these attacks will depend on a direct confrontation between the two candidates.

    • Media's inconsistent reporting on Fetterman's health during PA Senate electionMedia's lack of transparency and accountability in reporting on Fetterman's health during the PA Senate election allowed him to win despite concerns and inconsistent messaging.

      During the 2022 Pennsylvania Senate election, there were concerns about John Fetterman's health and his campaign's inconsistent messaging regarding his medical condition. Despite visible impairments, his campaign and mainstream media outlets focused on his openness about his depression, while downplaying the significance of his health issues. The media's failure to hold Fetterman accountable for his inconsistent statements and the fact that a majority of votes had already been cast before the debate where his health became a major issue allowed him to win the election. This incident highlights the importance of media transparency and accountability in reporting on candidates' health and fitness for office.

    • Fear of being labeled racist allowed Meghan and Harry to build reputation, now face intense criticismMeghan and Harry's early silence on racism allowed them to gain cultural and financial capital, but their later accusations have sparked intense backlash and questioning of their sincerity

      The absence of criticism towards Meghan Markle and Prince Harry in their early years due to fears of being labeled racist, allowed them to build a reputation and amass significant cultural and financial capital. However, their continued claims of racism and weaponization of these charges have created a complex and puzzling situation, as they now hold titles and positions that they previously criticized. Their actions have sparked intense criticism and backlash, with some questioning their sincerity and motivations. The situation highlights the complexities and consequences of cultural debates around race and power, and the potential for these issues to be exploited for personal gain.

    • Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith's infidelity controversyThe Smiths' public admissions of infidelity have negatively impacted their reputation, potentially affecting monetization and leading to societal discussions on power dynamics and victims' perception.

      The reputation of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith has taken a hit following their public admissions of infidelity, leading to a loss of popularity and potential monetization issues. Chris Rock addressed the situation in his comedy special, suggesting that Smith was feeling emasculated and angry, which may have contributed to the slap at the Oscars. The incident and the couple's open discussion about their relationship have raised questions about power dynamics and the perception of victims in society. The controversy has also sparked discussions about the changing landscape of power and privilege. The incident and its aftermath highlight the complexities of public figures' personal lives and the potential consequences of their actions in the public eye.

    • Discrimination against white men in institutionsDiscrimination against white men exists and can lead to resentment, but prioritizing diversity can also result in unfair practices. Acknowledging and addressing these issues promotes fairness and equality for all.

      Discrimination against white men based on their race and gender exists in various institutions, including Fortune 500 HR departments and college admissions. This issue is often ignored, but it can lead to resentment and harmful actions, as seen in events like the January 6th Capitol riots. Despite this, many mainstream institutions prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion, sometimes leading to unfair practices such as racial bean counting in hiring. It's important to acknowledge and address these issues to prevent further division and promote fairness and equality for all. Additionally, the speakers recommend watching "Real Housewives of Miami" and "Vanderpump Rules" for entertainment and a glimpse into the complexities of interpersonal relationships.

    • A reminder of the unintended consequences of the sexual revolutionThe glamorization of casual relationships on 'Vanderpump Rules' highlights the importance of respect, consent, and healthy relationships, and starting a relationship by cheating can lead to disastrous consequences.

      The popular reality TV show "Vanderpump Rules" serves as a stark reminder of the unintended consequences of the sexual revolution and the glamorization of casual relationships, particularly for young adults. The show documents the human wreckage that can result from these cultural norms, and the speaker argues that it's important to consider the impact on respect, consent, and healthy relationships. The speaker also emphasizes that starting a relationship by cheating is a recipe for disaster. For those unfamiliar with the show, it's recommended to start from the beginning and enjoy the early seasons, which are bingeable and available on various streaming platforms. Despite the serious topics discussed, the show remains lighthearted and entertaining.

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    Could Cringe Kamala Really Replace Biden, and False Media Narratives on Immunity Ruling, with Mike Davis and Andrew Klavan | Ep. 828

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Mike Davis, founder of the Article III Project, to talk about the major Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity, the full scope of the ruling and its implications, the left worries and the truth about what it means, the definition of "official acts" and "absolute immunity," the false narratives after the Supreme Court ruling in the press, Rachel Maddow worrying about "death squads," the left jailing the right rather than the other way around, how the Supreme Court ruling could help Trump's New York conviction get overturned or even potentially delay his sentencing, Justice Clarence Thomas' warning to Jack Smith that could affect the D.C. and Florida cases, and more. Then Andrew Klavan, editor of "The New Jerusalem" on Substack, joins to talk about alarming new details about the true nature of Biden's cognitive decline now leaking out through the media, the collapsing narratives that we're seeing after the debate, whether liberals will see the media has been lying to them, a cringe new Kamala Harris video trying to seem cool, whether Governors Gretchen Whitemer or Andy Beshear could be the new nominee, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse firing the first public shot at Biden after the terrible debate, and more.



    Klavan https://thenewjerusalem.substack.com/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 02, 2024

    Media Quits Biden Cognitive Fitness Cover-Up, and Trump Gets Massive Immunity Ruling From Supreme Court, with Charlie Kirk | Ep. 827

    Media Quits Biden Cognitive Fitness Cover-Up, and Trump Gets Massive Immunity Ruling From Supreme Court, with Charlie Kirk | Ep. 827

    Megyn Kelly begins the show by discussing the very real possibility President Joe Biden could drop out as the nominee by the end of the week, as corporate media outlets favorable to Biden are now calling for him to drop out. But will he listen? Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk, author of "Right Wing Revolution," joins to talk about whether Democratic politicians will start turning on Biden, the corporate media no longer willing to engage in the Biden cognitive decline cover-up anymore, whether it could be Jill Biden that takes over as the nominee, MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski pushing ridiculous pro-Biden spin this morning, one Biden surrogate assuring there's a "team of people that will help govern," who really might be running the country, whether Democrats will look to avoid a "Ruth Bader Ginsburg" situation by pushing Biden out as nominee, the initial calls for Biden to step down but then the push to blame Biden's advisers, Trump's smart debate strategy of letting Biden fail, CNN moderators' surprisingly strong performance, the massive ruling for Trump when it comes to immunity, the difference between official and unofficial acts as president, how the ruling could affect the Georgia and Florida cases too, Justice Clarence Thomas' warning to Jack Smith as part of the SCOTUS immunity ruling, Justice Amy Coney Barrett's alarming recent judicial rulings, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson joining with the conservatives on January 6 ruling, Justice Sonia Sotomayor "treason" comment, and more.

    Kirk- https://45books.com/

    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 01, 2024

    Steve Bannon on Biden's Cognitive Decline as National Security Threat, Fighting Lawfare Against Trump, and Preparing For Prison | Ep. 826

    Steve Bannon on Biden's Cognitive Decline as National Security Threat, Fighting Lawfare Against Trump, and Preparing For Prison | Ep. 826

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Steve Bannon, host of "Bannon's War Room," to talk about the massive political fallout from President Biden's disastrous presidential debate, the way Joe Scarborough, one of the biggest Biden's sycophants in the media, has gone from telling critics to "f off" if they say Biden isn't mentally sharp, to saying Biden should step aside as the nominee, the national security threat of having Biden in charge after the debate, the potential constitutional crisis ahead, the truth about Biden's mental fitness, the potential massive political damage to Democrats in the House and Senate if Biden stays in, who Democrats might replace Biden with, the likelihood of Michele Obama being the pick, how Republicans should play it politically, the significance of the New York Times and prominent Democrats going public with their Biden criticism, the donors who are dropping from Biden now, how the right should fight Democratic lawfare against Trump, the massive Supreme Court Fischer ruling that will help Trump and January 6 defendants, Supreme Court clamping down on big government, his prison sentence starting on Monday, the Biden administration's weaponization of the courts, and more. Plus, Megyn and Bannon discuss Breitbart's past attack on Megyn, her rocky relationship with Bannon for years, the lawfare that ended up bringing her and Bannon to this interview, how Megyn differentiates her personal life and her public "brand," and more.

    Bannon- https://warroom.org/

    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Biden's Disastrous Debate Could Mean the End of His Candidacy, and Presidency, with Lowry, Jashinsky, Rubin, and Bolling | Ep. 825

    Biden's Disastrous Debate Could Mean the End of His Candidacy, and Presidency, with Lowry, Jashinsky, Rubin, and Bolling | Ep. 825

    Megyn Kelly begins the show by giving her candid assessment of the debate, declaring it a disaster for President Joe Biden and that the campaign "is over." Then Rich Lowry, Emily Jashinsky, Dave Rubin, and Eric Bolling join to talk about the most alarming debate moments for Biden, how they could officially be the end of his candidacy, Democrats and the media panicking after Biden's debate, how Biden could be replaced as the nominee and as the president, who could realistically replace Biden now, Trump's excellent debate performance, and more.

    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Biased Moderators, Bizarre Rules - Previewing Trump vs. Biden, and Memorable Debate Moments, with The Fifth Column | Ep. 824

    Biased Moderators, Bizarre Rules - Previewing Trump vs. Biden, and Memorable Debate Moments, with The Fifth Column | Ep. 824

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Kmele Foster, Michael Moynihan, and Matt Welch, hosts of The Fifth Column podcast, to discuss the huge stakes in the debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, how Donald Trump might act and the strategy he could employ to win, the way Biden might struggle or perform well, CNN’s debate rules that seem to favor Joe Biden, their bizarre TV segment explaining how microphones work, whether Biden speaking freely without interruption will actually hurt him, the bias against Trump from moderators, the disaster Chris Wallace debate, what to expect from Dana Bash and Jake Tapper, J.D. Vance’s odds in the veepstakes, Vance's skills in dealing with the elite media and incredible life story, what VP candidates could help stop a Trump impeachment, and more. Plus, Megyn Kelly previews her interview with Steve Bannon - her first interview with him ever, and she and The Fifth Column discuss Bannon's role in our political environment for the last decade.

    More from The Fifth Column: https://wethefifth.substack.com/


    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 27, 2024

    Truth About JFK's Cruelty and Predator Behavior, and New Reporting on JFK Jr., with Maureen Callahan | Ep. 823

    Truth About JFK's Cruelty and Predator Behavior, and New Reporting on JFK Jr., with Maureen Callahan | Ep. 823

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Maureen Callahan, author of "Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed," to discuss JFK’s inappropriate behavior at the White House, how he preyed on innocent young women, how the Kennedys have learned to kill bad press and continue to do so to this day, the cruelty of JFK when it came to losing a child, truth about Jackie's relationship with JFK, bizarre new details about Jackie's final moment with her husband's body, JFK and RFK's affairs with Marilyn Monroe, the terrible way they treated her, whether Bobby Kennedy could have had something to do with her death, JFK Jr.'s status as the most eligible bachelor at the time of his death, his odd obsession with danger, and more.



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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 27, 2024

    America's Ability to Tolerate Risk, and Hillary's Cringe Comeback Attempt, with Mike Rowe and Maureen Callahan | Ep. 822

    America's Ability to Tolerate Risk, and Hillary's Cringe Comeback Attempt, with Mike Rowe and Maureen Callahan | Ep. 822

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Mike Rowe, writer and star of "Something to Stand For," to discuss the decline of patriotism in America, the polarization we see today, the freedom we have in America and the risk that comes with it, how this country is different from so many others that aren't capitalistic, an incredible story about prominent American leaders and "bull testicles," the erosion of trust Americans have in the corporate media, the way today's journalists are no longer skeptical of those in power, why a journalist’s goal shouldn’t be gaining power and popularity, and more. Then Maureen Callahan, author of "Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed," joins to discuss AOC's embarrassing attempt to connect with young voters trying to hype them up, it's failed attempt to help Squad member Rep. Jamaal Bowman as he lost big in his primary race, Hillary Clinton’s cringe new book cover that looks nothing like her, how out-of-touch her New York Times column about her debate technique is, Jennifer Lopez' relentless focus on herself, her inability to convince America that she's really just "Jenny From the Block," and more.



    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 26, 2024

    First Person: "I'm a Detransitioner Who Had a Baby...Here are the Massive Health Challenges I Faced" | Ep. 821

    First Person: "I'm a Detransitioner Who Had a Baby...Here are the Massive Health Challenges I Faced" | Ep. 821

    In this "First Person" special, Megyn Kelly is joined by detransitioner Prisha Mosley and IWF Director Kelsey Bolar to discuss doctors pushing Prisha to a medical "gender transition" as a teenager after she went to be treated for an eating disorder, discovering gender dysphoria on Tumblr, the dangers of puberty blockers and other treatments that most people don't know, the moment Prisha found out she was pregnant, the challenges during her pregnancy, the pain she's dealing with postpartum, what it means to be one of the first detransitioners to have a baby, suing doctors who medically transitioned her, and more.


    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 26, 2024

    CNN Host Cuts Trump Spokesperson's Mic, and Bombshell New Bryan Kohberger Reporting, with Howard Blum and Erick Erickson | Ep. 820

    CNN Host Cuts Trump Spokesperson's Mic, and Bombshell New Bryan Kohberger Reporting, with Howard Blum and Erick Erickson | Ep. 820

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Howard Blum, author of "When the Night Comes Falling," to discuss new details about Idaho murders suspect Bryan Kohberger's conversations with his father on their cross-country road trip after the massacre, how his father may have suspected his son's involvement, new details about his behavior at Washington State University, whether Bryan Kohberger was casing the Idaho murder victims' house or having an internal conflict about it, Blum's reporting about who the target of the attack really was, the possibility Kohberger had seen the victim before, what the surviving roommate of the Idaho college murders Dylan Mortensen saw and texted with her other roommate at the time, theories on why she didn't call the police right away, Kohberger's older sister's suspicions of him, and more. Then Erick Erickson, author of "You Shall Be as Gods," joins to discuss how Biden and Trump are preparing for the important first debate on Thursday, whether Trump will be able to keep his composure, Trump's success in previous debate, the importance of creating a moment the audience will remember, CNN host Kasie Hunt cutting the mic of a Trump spokesperson who mildly criticized her colleagues, why debate moderators are subject to criticism, the left's instincts to silence those they disagree with, the lack of spirituality and faith in America and around the world, turning to government over religion, how to reverse the negative trends, and more.


    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 25, 2024

    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Victor Davis Hanson, author of "The End of Everything,” to discuss the major stakes in Thursday's debate between Trump and Biden, what is on the line for both candidates, how Trump should handle the moment, the latest on the 2024 polling, black voters still supporting Trump in record numbers, Trump saying he's made his VP pick already but not revealing who it is, why J.D. Vance is a frontrunner despite his previous criticisms of Trump, the positives Marco Rubio and Doug Burgum could bring to the ticket, the surge of violent crimes against young girls by illegal immigrants, the left and media playing down the severity of the crisis and MSNBC laughing about one of the cases, one MSNBC host refusing to use the term "illegal" to describe a criminal, and more. Then Jonathan Turley, author of "The Indispensable Right," joins to discuss Jack Smith pushing to put a gag order on Trump in the Florida case, the way a gag order of Trump is akin to election interference, the unconstitutionality of gag orders in the first place, the absurdity of the New York business records trial, the ongoing attacks on the Florida Trump case Judge Aileen Cannon, whether Jack Smith could get booted from the case, how the attacks on free speech relate to January 6, a newly revealed video showing Nancy Pelosi admitting responsibility for the January 6 riot, whether the video was suppressed for so long, the attacks on free speech in America, and more.



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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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    6/9/22: Jan 6th Hearings, Uvalde Survivors, Gun Debate, Kavanaugh Scare, DC Corruption, WaPo Drama, CNN Purge, & More!

    6/9/22: Jan 6th Hearings, Uvalde Survivors, Gun Debate, Kavanaugh Scare, DC Corruption, WaPo Drama, CNN Purge, & More!

    Krystal and Saagar talk about the January 6th hearings, Uvalde survivors, Kavanaugh murder attempt, DC think tank corruption, WaPo drama continues, CNN coverage shakeup, Biden's solar industry gift, & the Chesa Boudin recall election! 

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    Implications of January 6th Video | 3.12.23

    Implications of January 6th Video | 3.12.23

    Tens of thousands of hours of new released video from the U.S. Capitol were released to Fox host Tucker Carlson. We discuss the implications of the footage with Mollie Hemingway, senior editor at The Federalist and Ed Martin, President of the Patriot Freedom Project, who is currently representing three of the January 6th defendants. Get the facts first on Morning Wire.

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    Ep. 1188 - The Fact-Checkers Are Full of S#!t

    Ep. 1188 - The Fact-Checkers Are Full of S#!t

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wasn’t in the main Capitol building during the January 6 riots, but her story is the one leading the news; Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy slams Marjorie Taylor Greene, but won’t remove her committee assignments; and Liz Cheney passes a test within the Republican caucus with flying colors.

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    Ep. 1634 - The January 6 Committee Wants Trump Prosecuted

    Ep. 1634 - The January 6 Committee Wants Trump Prosecuted

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    The January 6 committee refers Donald Trump to the Department of Justice for criminal charging; the White House struggles for immigration answers as Title 42 wanes; and Democrats prep more spending as tax revenue declines.

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    The Capitol Protests and the COVID-19 Crisis

    The Capitol Protests and the COVID-19 Crisis

    What are the latest updates in the controversy surrounding the January 6th protest, and the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, and the public-school crisis? Join FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger, Citadel professor Richard M. Ebeling, and FFF policy advisor James Bovard as they hash these issues out.

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