
    628 Understand Your Body Through Somatic Intelligence with Chen Lizra

    enApril 16, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Cuban approach to seduction as a positive life skillCubans view seduction as a positive life skill that builds confidence and self-worth, rather than a manipulative or negative act.

      The perspective on seduction varies greatly between cultures, and the way Cubans view it as a positive life skill that builds confidence and self-worth can be a powerful lesson for us in the Western world. Ren Lissra, a TED speaker, social entrepreneur, and best-selling author, shared her insights from her research on Cuban emotional intelligence secrets, particularly their unique approach to seduction. Instead of seeing it as a manipulative or negative act, Cubans view it as a positive life skill that comes from a place of pride and self-worth. This shift in perspective can help us reframe the way we approach seduction in our own lives and recognize the power it holds for building connections and influencing others.

    • Creating Desire and Inspiring ActionUnderstand what aligns with our values and desires, and use seduction to inspire connection and join others on a journey towards making a difference.

      Seduction is a powerful tool for achieving dreams and desires, whether in business or personal relationships. It's about enticing people with a vision or possibility, filling gaps, and showing them what's possible. Seduction is often misunderstood as sexuality, but it's also about creating a desire to learn more or be part of something. The speaker's experience, from being a computer animator to studying Zen Buddhism, highlights the importance of understanding what truly aligns with our values and desires. Seduction is not a manipulative tactic, but rather a way to connect with people and inspire them to join us on our journey towards making a difference.

    • Belief in oneself is crucialBelief in oneself can help overcome obstacles and achieve desired outcomes, even when faced with limiting beliefs and past disappointments.

      Limiting beliefs can prevent us from achieving our goals. The speaker shares her experience of working in an industry that left her feeling burnt out and disconnected from her passion. After taking a year off to explore different possibilities, she realized that she couldn't find what she wanted because she didn't truly believe she could have it. It was a friend's simple yet profound observation that changed everything - the only difference between those living their dreams and those still searching was belief. The speaker then made a decision to believe she could have her dream job and focused on figuring out the steps to make it a reality. This story underscores the importance of having faith in oneself and one's abilities to overcome obstacles and achieve desired outcomes.

    • Embracing fear and trusting instincts for personal growthTrusting inner voice, overcoming fear, finding mentors, and learning practical skills can lead to unexpected opportunities and personal growth.

      Overcoming fear and finding inner guidance can lead to personal growth and new opportunities. The speaker shares how they learned to trust their own voice and make decisions based on their inner voice, even when faced with fear and opposition from society. This led them to unexpected paths, such as attending business school and starting a dance academy. The importance of finding mentors and learning practical skills was also emphasized in the journey towards building a successful business. Ultimately, the speaker encourages listeners to trust their instincts and pursue their passions, even if it means stepping out of their comfort zone.

    • From gymnastics to healing in CubaDespite hardships, self-discipline and determination led the speaker to heal from past trauma through a 10-year journey in Cuba

      Despite a challenging upbringing and personal struggles, the speaker's self-discipline and determination from her gymnastics background helped her persevere and eventually find healing. Her journey to Cuba was initially about learning dance, but she discovered that her body held somatic trauma from her past. After hitting rock bottom and promising herself to keep going, she spent 10 years working on building healthy boundaries and healing. The experience taught her immense perseverance and, when she finally healed, was one of her proudest moments.

    • Cuban culture's focus on human connection and self-loveRediscovering natural sensuality and prioritizing human connections and self-love can lead to improved well-being and happiness.

      The Cuban culture, with its emphasis on human connection and self-love, provided a healing environment for the speaker's trauma. The absence of material distractions led to a focus on physical self-love and human connections, resulting in a constant release of dopamine and endorphins. The Cuban concept of sabrosura, or sensuality, fostered confidence and love within oneself and with others. However, as society became more focused on productivity and material possessions, human connections and self-love were often neglected, leading to imbalance and ill health. Rediscovering our natural sensuality and prioritizing human connections and self-love can lead to improved well-being and happiness.

    • Understanding Somatic Intelligence: Elegance, Intention, Tempo, Pressure, and PresenceCultivating elegance, intention, tempo, pressure, and presence can lead to increased confidence, improved mood, and better overall well-being.

      Somatic intelligence, which refers to the five elements of elegance, intention, tempo, pressure, and presence, plays a crucial role in maintaining balance between our inner being and outer doing. Elegance, the first element, is about possessing ourselves and behaving with quietness and confidence. Intention is about forward motion and doing, while tempo is about enjoying the journey rather than just focusing on the end goal. Pressure refers to handling challenges and adapting to change, and presence is about being fully engaged in the present moment. By cultivating these elements, we can achieve a balanced and optimal state of being, which can lead to increased confidence, improved mood, and better overall well-being.

    • Celebrating small wins and finding joy in the present momentPracticing self-love and recognizing the importance of love, elegance, and mystery can enhance mood and overall well-being.

      Finding joy and self-love in the present moment is crucial for living a fulfilling life. Our tempo and self-perception can significantly impact our mood and overall well-being. By celebrating small wins and practicing self-love, we can release endorphins and dopamine, creating a sense of happiness and contentment. The balance between strong intentions and elegance, respect, and playfulness is essential for effective communication and relationships. In our modern culture, attention is a dominant force, but love, elegance, and mystery are often overlooked. To maintain a healthy balance, it's essential to recognize the importance of these elements and strive for a "maybe" life, where we keep the gray area of seduction and playfulness open without crossing boundaries.

    • Navigating Communication and ConsentEffective communication and understanding the nuances of consent are crucial in building connections, whether personal or professional. Use authenticity, empathy, and purpose, combined with social charm, to foster deeper connections and create a more harmonious world.

      Effective communication and understanding the nuances of consent are crucial in navigating relationships, whether personal or professional. Flirting and charm can be valuable tools for building connections, but it's essential to recognize the difference between a genuine "no" and a "no that means maybe." In the workplace, it's important to maintain professionalism and avoid crossing boundaries. Oprah Winfrey's success can be attributed to her authenticity, empathy, and purpose, combined with her ability to use "social charm" effectively. The key to mastering these skills lies in understanding one's unique personality and life stage, and learning how to use them in a smart and authentic way. By recognizing and respecting the nuances of communication and consent, we can foster deeper connections and create a more harmonious and fulfilling world.

    • Understanding Cultural and Self-IdentityRespect cultural differences, avoid aggressive or seductive behavior, focus on leaving people feeling better off, intentions matter, and education and understanding build meaningful connections

      Cultural identity and self-identity shape how we interact with the world around us. Our cultural background can make us more comfortable with certain elements, such as mystery or elegance, while our personal experiences and upbringing can influence our self-identity and how we approach relationships. In the workplace, it's essential to be respectful and considerate, avoiding aggressive or seductive behavior. Instead, focus on leaving people feeling better off after interacting with you. It's important to remember that intentions matter and that taking rather than giving can lead to disconnection. Education and understanding are key to building meaningful connections with others.

    • Reconnecting with our bodies and practicing elegancePracticing self-care through meditation, yoga, or visualization can help us reconnect with our bodies, improve self-awareness, and understand our emotions better.

      Reconnecting with our bodies and practicing elegance can lead to positive experiences and increased self-awareness. This can be achieved through various methods, such as meditation, yoga, or visualization. By listening to our bodies and addressing our needs, we can become more aware of our emotions and better understand ourselves. The loss of this connection and the lack of gentlemen behavior from men are contributing factors to disconnection. To regain this awareness, one can start by creating a daily practice, such as meditation or visualization, and being mindful of the signals our bodies send us. By focusing on our inner selves and practicing self-care, we can improve our overall well-being and build a stronger connection with ourselves.

    • Setting intentions for mindful livingBe intentional about your day and responses, focus on sexuality and sensuality, and cultivate charm for deeper connections.

      Setting intentions is crucial for living mindfully and intentionally. Intention sets the tone for the day and helps us respond to situations rather than reacting on autopilot. It's important to be intentional about how we want to show up in the world, even when things don't go as planned. Sexuality and sensuality are related but distinct concepts. Sexuality is about our primal, sexual energy, while sensuality is about being more feminine, vulnerable, and connecting with others from a place of care and love. To be more sensual and attractive, focus on showing genuine interest, caring, and love towards others. Cultivating charm is a valuable skill that can help us get what we want in life. By making an effort to see and value others, we can touch their hearts and create deeper connections.

    • The Power of Charm: Creating Positive Impact and Connecting with OthersCharm is about having good intentions, authenticity, acknowledging and bringing joy to others, and creating positive impacts through genuine connections

      Charm is an essential quality that can help us improve our lives and relationships, not through manipulation, but by genuinely bettering the lives of others. Charm comes from having a good intention and being authentic, acknowledging and bringing joy to those around us. It's about meeting people where they are and understanding what they're missing, then giving it to them in a playful and joyful way. Charm is not always about seduction or sexuality, but rather an energy that is captivating and seductive. However, many people hold back from using their charm out of fear of being seen as manipulative. Remember, charm is about creating something from nothing, making a positive impact, and connecting with others on a deeper level.

    • Embrace vulnerability and sensualityEmbracing vulnerability and sensuality in a balanced way leads to stronger connections and more fulfilling relationships. It's important to let go of fear and allow oneself to be open and authentic.

      Vulnerability and sensuality are not signs of weakness, but rather essential components of being authentic and powerful. In our society, people have been conditioned to suppress these traits, particularly women in the business world and men in traditionally masculine fields. However, embracing vulnerability and sensuality in a balanced way can lead to stronger connections and more fulfilling relationships, both personally and professionally. It's important to understand that these traits do not make us weak, but rather add depth and complexity to our character. Let go of the fear of being perceived as manipulative or weak, and allow yourself to be open, vulnerable, and sensual in your interactions with others. Embrace the sandbox mentality and dance through life with joy and authenticity.

    • Exploring masculinity and femininity through somatic workSomatic work helps individuals embody masculinity and femininity for faster learning and deeper connection, leading to grace and confidence in various situations.

      Practicing vulnerability and strength through the body can lead to a better understanding and balance of masculinity and femininity. Somatic work, which focuses on feeling and experiencing through the body, allows for faster learning and a deeper connection to these concepts. By teaching people to embody these qualities, they can navigate different situations with grace and confidence. This approach, as demonstrated through retreats and individual coaching, empowers individuals to become elegant, flowing human beings who attract positive responses from others.

    • Choosing positivity and growth after adversityDespite setbacks, focusing on what we can control and seeking to understand deeper causes can lead to personal development and new opportunities for growth.

      Even in the face of adversity, it's possible to choose a mindset of positivity and growth. This was exemplified by a woman who, after suffering a serious injury that left her unable to use her dominant arm, chose to view the situation as an opportunity for personal development rather than a reason to become depressed. By focusing on what she could control and seeking to understand the deeper causes of her physical issue, she was able to make significant progress in her recovery and find new opportunities for growth in her personal life. This mindset, rooted in somatic intelligence and a commitment to enjoying and being grateful for life, can help individuals navigate even the most challenging circumstances.

    • Unlocking the Power of Somatic IntelligenceRecognize the importance of somatic intelligence in holding our life experiences, acknowledge and address suppressed emotions to embody true essence, and embrace the power of our bodies to heal and grow.

      Our bodies carry somatic intelligence, which holds the mysteries and experiences of our lives. Hiding or suppressing emotions or experiences can lead to physical symptoms. This somatic intelligence is not something new to be learned but rather a natural part of us, shaped by our cultural conditioning. By acknowledging and addressing our suppressed emotions and experiences, we can learn to embody our true essence and live more authentically. To help you get started, I offer a free guide with six practical insights for embodying your true essence at somaticgift.com. Remember, the world may be unfair, but our bodies hold the power to heal and grow.

    • Living authentically and finding joyPrioritize self-love, create joyful experiences, and foster community to live a fulfilling life

      Living authentically and finding joy, enjoyment, and self-love are essential for a fulfilling life. These elements should not be deleted or neglected, but rather prioritized and intentionally incorporated into daily experiences. The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-love, which often gets overlooked due to negative self-talk and societal pressures. He also encourages creating opportunities for fun and connection with others to foster a sense of community and love. Ultimately, the goal is to live a life rooted in authenticity and love, rather than societal expectations and negative self-talk.

    • Focus on self-love to connect with others and the worldBy focusing on personal growth and living authentically with gratitude, we can inspire and make a positive impact on others.

      Self-love is the foundation for connecting with others and the world around us. When we don't feel good about ourselves, it's hard to care about anything else. But by focusing on becoming a better person, we can set an example for others and make the world a better place. Greatness, according to our guest, is about finding inspiration in difficult situations and living life to the fullest, not for personal accolades, but to inspire and help others. By choosing to live authentically and with gratitude, we can make a positive impact on those around us. Connect with our guest, C-Lizra, on social media for more inspiration and insights. Remember, greatness is not about being better than others, but about setting an example and inspiring others to see the greatness within themselves. Check out somaticgift.com for more information.

    • Master the art of seduction to attract peoplePractice body language, movement, and eye contact to connect with others and get what you want without speaking

      To attract what we want in life, we need to understand and connect with other people's interests. However, to do this effectively, we must master the art of seduction in a positive way. This includes mastering our body language, movement, and eye contact to attract people to us. As Albert Camus said, charm is a way of getting a "yes" without asking a clear question. By focusing on these aspects, we can attract people to us and get what we want without having to say a word. So, make it a goal today to practice these skills and connect with others in a meaningful way. Remember to share this episode and connect on Instagram for more insights.

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1625

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Episode 23: Activating Abundance with Feminine Movement - Interview with Megumi Fujita

    Episode 23: Activating Abundance with Feminine Movement - Interview with Megumi Fujita

    In this episode, Leah interviews Megumi Fujita, founder of Feminine Rising, a non-profit organization that helps make embodied feminine movement accessible. This one is especially for the ladies that don't fully know their self-worth and value yet. Never forget, it's your birthright to feel worthy and deserving, and it's time to step into that power.

    Get the All Class SUPER Pass for $2,222 HERE: https://theleahsteele.kartra.com/page/2022ALLCLASSSUPERPASS-PODCAST

    Where to find Megumi:
    Feminine Rising Facebook
    Instagram @megumifujita__

    Facebook Fundraiser for Feminine Rising: https://www.facebook.com/donate/2692797064272305/10224318701740327/

    Want to know how to get further connected to all of the things in Leahland? Keep reading!

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    Episode #12 and the first of 2009. Suggestive and explicit, this one will have you "making it rain" in no time flat. Music for those who like to go for a spin...music for those who like to watch 'em work. Features the musical stylings of AC/DC, Sinead O'Connor, The Reverend Horton Heat, Cheap Trick, Soundgarden, Death Cab For Cutie, The Cars, and Grace Jones. Trust me, you'll enjoy taking this one for a whirl.

    662 Mastering Body Language and Confidence

    662 Mastering Body Language and Confidence

    There are two things that can make or break you when it comes to achieving greatness: your body language and your confidence.
    If you don’t have confidence, you’ll never be able to put yourself out there to the world. You need the confidence to try, and it’s confidence that will help you get back up after your failures.
    Once you have the confidence to get out there, your next obstacle is your first impression. Your body language tells someone a lot about you. Sometimes, it may not be what you intended it to say.
    Having proper posture, giving people a big smile, and treating everyone like an old friend will go a long way.
    These are really important lessons, which is why I wanted to bring you a mashup from Chen Lizra, Jordan Harbinger and Vanessa Van Edwards.
    I’ve received such an overwhelming response on the past mashups I wanted to bring you another one.
    I really suggest you go back and listen to the episode multiple times. There’s so much great advice from all three of these guests, you can’t absorb it all in one sitting.
    Take a new nugget of information each day and apply it to your life.
    You’ll quickly learn how not only your life can change, but these tips will also affect the people around you.
    So learn how you can master your body language and improve your confidence, on Episode 662.
    In This Episode You Will Learn:
    How Cuban culture heals the body (6:48)
    Where we should put our energy to become happy (8:05)
    The role tempo plays in your body (14:55)
    What men are commonly missing (18:00)
    Common misconceptions we have about first impressions (19:53)
    How your smile affects others (23:10)
    What makes popular kids popular (28:55)
    The biggest killer of relationships (30:52)
    What an ambivert is (32:07)
    What matters more than IQ (33:13)
    How you can make your interactions count (35:53)
    Plus much, much more

    Romeo Oriogun — Pink Club

    Romeo Oriogun — Pink Club

    A club is a place for dancing, for abandon, for music, and for meeting strangers. Romeo Oriogun recalls a gay club that was for all those things, but also for escape. Living in a place where queer lives were under threat, he offers a praise song for this cathedral of safety and movement. Outside the world is silent, but inside the bar, people carry stories of their own desire, of their families, of their hopes; both for the future and the present.

    Romeo Oriogun is a Nigerian poet, essayist, and author of Sacrament of Bodies (University of Nebraska) and three chapbooks. He is the winner of the 2017 Brunel International African Poetry Prize. His poems have appeared in Poetry, Harvard Review, American Poetry Review, Poetry London, The Poetry Review, Narrative Magazine, The Common, and others. A graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, his poems have been translated into several languages.

    Find the transcript for this show at onbeing.org.