
    63 - INFIDELITY - The psychology of "The Other Woman" and how to avoid becoming her (+ how to heal)

    en-usNovember 21, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Being the other woman in a long-term affair can be emotionally drainingRecognize self-worth, seek healthier relationships, and remember it's okay to feel heartbroken

      Being the other woman in a long-term affair can be an emotionally draining and painful experience. It's important to acknowledge the feelings of sadness, confusion, embarrassment, and shame that come with such a situation. The duration of the experience, as in this case of 8.5 years, can add to the intensity of these emotions. It's crucial to understand that the promise of something better may have kept the woman in the situation, but the constant disappointment can lead to a cycle of staying in an unhealthy relationship. It's essential to remember that it's okay to feel deeply heartbroken and to seek help in moving forward. As a sex therapist, I've seen many cases where individuals struggle to leave situations similar to this one. The usage of the word "can't" often indicates a lack of self-worth or a belief that no one else can provide what the current partner has. It's important to recognize one's value and worthiness and to seek out healthier relationships.

    • Feeling Special Through ManipulationBeing chosen can be alluring, but consider the circumstances behind it. Avoid manipulation by having a strong sense of self and self-worth.

      Being chosen can be a powerful and alluring feeling, but it's important to consider the circumstances behind it. Kant discusses a situation where a woman is being chosen by a man who is in a relationship, and while she may feel special, she is also being hidden and lied to. This dynamic can be seductive, with the taboo nature of the situation adding to the feeling of uniqueness. However, ultimately, such a choice comes at a cost, and it's essential to question whether one is truly being chosen in the light and with honesty. The woman in this situation may believe she's special, but she's also being manipulated and misled. It's crucial to have a strong sense of self and self-worth to avoid falling for such manipulation.

    • Understanding toxic relationships and their roots in childhood beliefsRecognize and reject low-value relationships, prioritize self-worth, and understand consent and healthy boundaries.

      People often find themselves in toxic relationships due to deeply ingrained beliefs about love and self-worth formed during childhood. In this discussion, we explored the case of a woman who, despite knowing her partner was married, continued to engage in an affair. The man manipulated her by promising to leave his wife, but had no intention of doing so. This situation highlights the importance of consent and healthy boundaries. The woman's susceptibility to the man's attention stemmed from her low self-esteem and belief that her worth comes from caring for others. This is a common pattern learned in childhood and can be deeply ingrained, often without conscious awareness. To escape such relationships, it's crucial to understand that we are innately worthy of love and to learn to value ourselves beyond the validation of others. The thimble analogy, a concept learned in therapy, emphasizes the importance of recognizing and rejecting low-value relationships, just as one would not want to fill a thimble with sand instead of water.

    • Comparing love to a thimble of water in a desert, highlighting the need for self-worth and self-loveRecognize and reject toxic relationships, prioritize self-worth and self-love, and understand that actions and consistency matter in a healthy relationship

      People, especially women in toxic relationships, often settle for small gestures of love or attention, comparing it to a thimble of water in a desert, not realizing they are worthy of an oasis. This analogy highlights the importance of self-worth and self-love, and the need to recognize and reject depleted or toxic relationships. The therapy journey is about building self-awareness and self-sufficiency, rather than relying on external validation. The dynamic of supply and demand plays a significant role in these relationships, with both parties using each other for their own needs, often mistaking it for love. Sex and words alone do not equate to love, and it's crucial to consider the actions and consistency behind the words. Additionally, the biochemical aspect of relationships should not be overlooked, as feelings and chemicals, both positive and negative, play a significant role in the beginning and continuation of relationships.

    • The Addictive Nature of Unhealthy RelationshipsUnhealthy relationships can be addictive due to brain chemistry and emotional dependency, making it hard to leave despite harm.

      Relationships, especially unhealthy ones, can be addictive due to the release of chemicals like dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. This intermittent reinforcement schedule keeps individuals coming back for more, even if the relationship is harmful. Additionally, dependency and a strong emotional connection can further complicate the situation. It's important to remember that just because something feels good in the moment doesn't mean it's good for us in the long run. The confusion and overwhelming emotions experienced in such relationships make it difficult to objectively assess the situation and make a decision to leave. To break free, it's essential to create distance and allow the body to return to a neutral state, enabling a clearer perspective on the relationship's health and overall enjoyment.

    • Power dynamics in infidelityDiscovering self-worth in infidelity doesn't define deep unhealthiness, it's a complex human experience requiring love, healing, and self-acceptance.

      Power dynamics can be complex and emotionally charged, especially when it comes to situations of infidelity. The speaker shares her personal experience of being the "other woman" and the mixed feelings of power and sadness that came with it. She notes that individuals in the process of discovering their self-worth may find gratification in such situations, but it doesn't necessarily mean they are deeply unhealthy. Instead, it highlights the need for love, healing, and self-acceptance. The speaker encourages empathy for those in similar situations, acknowledging that it's a human experience and a reminder of the importance of recognizing and respecting the value of all involved.

    • The emotional consequences of our actionsAcknowledging and integrating our darker sides is crucial for personal growth, while emotional unavailability in relationships can perpetuate unhealthy dynamics. Every experience offers an opportunity for learning and healing.

      Our actions, especially those driven by a need for attention and validation, can have profound emotional consequences for ourselves and others. The speaker shares her experience of guilt and sadness from a past situation, highlighting the importance of acknowledging and integrating our darker sides rather than acting on them. Additionally, emotional unavailability in relationships can perpetuate a cycle of unhealthy dynamics, as we may unconsciously attract and tolerate emotionally unavailable partners due to our own emotional unavailability. It's a reminder that personal growth and self-awareness are ongoing processes, and that every experience, no matter how painful, offers an opportunity for learning and healing.

    • Struggling with Honesty in Relationships: A Complex DynamicPeople can face challenges with honesty in relationships, leading to complex dynamics, potentially involving deeper issues and unhealthy behaviors, requiring understanding and personal growth.

      People, including ourselves, can struggle with honesty in relationships, and this can lead to complex dynamics, such as the one discussed between a woman and a man who was unfaithful for years. This situation may involve deeper issues, like a father wound or a lack of experience with healthy masculine energy. The man's behavior could indicate personality traits of dishonesty, impulsivity, lack of empathy, and manipulation, which might point to a personality disorder like narcissism or sociopathy. Some individuals might be trapped in their relationships and find themselves expressing their true selves through an affair. Understanding these patterns and seeking healthy relationships and personal growth can be crucial.

    • Recognizing when love becomes harmfulIt's important to prioritize personal happiness and well-being, even if it means leaving an unhealthy relationship. Seek help, build a support system, and hold onto the vision of respectful, caring, and growth-oriented love.

      Love doesn't always mean staying in an unhealthy relationship out of fear of hurting the other person. It's important to recognize when a relationship is causing more harm than good and take steps to prioritize personal happiness and well-being. If someone finds themselves in a similar situation, seeking the help of a therapist to understand underlying fears and needs can be crucial in making a clean break. Cutting off contact and building a support system are also essential for resisting manipulation and moving towards a healthier, more fulfilling future. Ultimately, real love is about respect, care, and growth, and it's essential to hold onto that vision when navigating complex relationships.

    • Recognize and leave toxic relationships behindPrioritize self-growth by understanding worth, recognizing toxic patterns, and seeking healthy relationships.

      While relationships can serve as valuable learning experiences, it's essential to recognize when they become detrimental and prioritize self-growth. Consistency in therapy can help individuals gain clarity and understand their worth, enabling them to leave toxic situations behind. It's crucial to recognize that sex and attention are not synonymous with love and intention. Furthermore, anyone in a toxic relationship may be unknowingly accepting unhealthy love due to past wounds or unconscious attractions. By examining these patterns and seeking healthy relationships, individuals can learn to value themselves and experience true love.

    • Exploring the power of collaboration and open-mindednessCollaboration between experts in diverse fields can lead to innovative solutions. Embrace continuous learning and adaptation to tackle complex challenges and be open to new ideas.

      The importance of collaboration and open-mindedness in solving complex problems. Terry and Massimo, as experts in their respective fields, brought unique perspectives and ideas to the table, demonstrating how working together can lead to innovative solutions. They also emphasized the value of continuous learning and adaptation in today's rapidly changing world. Overall, this conversation highlights the power of bringing diverse perspectives together to tackle complex challenges and the importance of being open to new ideas and approaches. Thank you, Terry and Massimo, for sharing your insights with us, and we look forward to continuing the conversation in the next episode.

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    154 - SOLO - Why a situationship f**ks you up more than a relationship ft. Louise Rumball

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    153 - HEALING - Because the little 'you' deserves the whole damn world (inner child healing) ft. Tasha Bailey

    153 - HEALING - Because the little 'you' deserves the whole damn world (inner child healing) ft. Tasha Bailey
    Healing girlies already know they need to heal their inner child - but where do you start? Today, Louise sits down with psychotherapist Tasha Bailey to get into this & more. Louise & Tasha discuss: What inner child healing *actually is*  How our childhood shapes our adulthood The concept of age regressions (including you anger, we see you!) The connection between the inner child, the inner critic, the shadow, and how you feel about yourself  Big bad boundaries (and the importance of them when healing a wounded inner child)  How important play is for children and adults alike ----- ⭐ Want more bonus episodes, Home Truths, Voice Notes from Lu and access to our community area The House? Join OPENHOUSE PREMIUM for all of this + exclusive access to our 'Ask A Therapist' room with guaranteed therapist responses. Plus, enjoy all episodes ad-free! Join OPENHOUSE Premium here: https://openhouse.supercast.com/ ⭐ ----- Connect with Louise on Instagram: @iamlouiserumball Follow Louise (The Therapy Girl) on TikTok: @thetherapygirl__ Connect with OPENHOUSE on Instagram: @theopenhousepodcast Connect with Tasha Bailey on Instagram: @realtalk.therapist Purchase Real Talk: Therapy Lessons in Healing & Self-Love by Tasha Bailey - Available Worldwide here Vibe With Me by Joakim Karud http://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/-7YDBIGCXs Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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