
    Podcast Summary

    • Fighters and Cigarettes: An Unexpected CombinationSome fighters smoke cigarettes despite the negative impact on cardio performance, but it's important to manage energy effectively to succeed in combat sports.

      Despite the physical demands of competing in a combat sport like Glory, some fighters choose to smoke cigarettes, which can negatively impact their cardio performance. The speaker, Ryan, was amazed by the energy and endurance of his opponent, Joe Schilling, who smoked cigarettes between fights. Ryan expressed his disbelief and shared his own experience of quitting smoking for a fight and feeling exhausted. The conversation touched upon the importance of energy management in combat sports and how not pacing oneself can lead to defeat. The speaker also shared the common belief that smoking strengthens the lungs, but it was clarified that it actually imposes a cardio deficit. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexities and challenges of maintaining peak physical condition while dealing with personal habits and choices.

    • Managing energy and hiding exhaustion in combat sportsEffective pacing and concealing tiredness can enhance performance in kickboxing and MMA. However, grappling and wrestling pose unique challenges to energy management and require significant cardio and ground skills improvement.

      Experience plays a crucial role in managing energy and hiding exhaustion during fights, whether in kickboxing or MMA. The interviewee shared examples of how pacing oneself and hiding tiredness can be key to delivering powerful performances. However, the interviewee acknowledged the challenges of grappling and wrestling in MMA, which can sap energy and require significant improvement in cardio and ground skills to advance. Despite the difficulties, the interviewee expressed a commitment to both sports and a determination to overcome challenges rather than quitting. The conversation also touched on the importance of dedication and time in maintaining a professional fighting career, with the need to balance training in various disciplines.

    • Athlete's Commitment to Improvement in MMA and KickboxingDespite juggling two demanding sports and making tough decisions, the athlete stays focused on self-improvement, traveling to top camps and pushing through grueling schedules to become a formidable force in MMA and kickboxing.

      The athlete discussed in the text is constantly seeking to improve and adapt in order to succeed in his chosen sports, MMA and kickboxing. Despite the challenges of juggling two demanding sports and the need to make difficult decisions about which one to prioritize at any given time, he remains committed to learning and growing as a fighter. This is evident in his willingness to travel to different camps to work with top wrestlers and spar with elite opponents, as well as his determination to push through even when faced with grueling schedules and tough opponents. Ultimately, the athlete's focus on self-improvement and his ability to adapt to new situations make him a formidable force in both MMA and kickboxing.

    • Personal Preference for Natural Tobacco vs Processed CigarettesSpeaker shares a personal story about smoking natural tobacco during a boxing tournament, expresses concerns about the dangers of added chemicals in processed cigarettes, and discusses potential risks of tobacco companies producing marijuana products.

      The speaker shares a personal story about smoking cigarettes during a boxing tournament, expressing a preference for natural tobacco over processed cigarettes with added chemicals. They also discuss the potential dangers of these additives and the manipulation of tobacco products for addictive purposes. The conversation touches on the topic of tobacco companies producing their own marijuana products and the potential risks associated with their involvement. The speaker expresses concern about the potential negative health effects and the potential for corporate manipulation. They also mention the historical marketing of cigarettes to specific ethnic groups.

    • Marketing's Role in Creating Ethnic Stereotypes with Cigarette BrandsMarketing shapes consumer choices and creates stereotypes, as seen in the association of Lucky Strikes with white people and Cool Menthols with black people. Diet and weight management are crucial for athletic performance, but extreme weight cuts come with risks and challenges.

      Marketing plays a significant role in shaping the perception of certain products and their association with specific ethnic groups. The discussion revolved around the example of cigarettes, with Lucky Strikes being seen as a brand favored by white people, and Cool Menthols being associated with black people. This phenomenon is not limited to cigarettes, and it highlights the power of marketing in influencing consumer choices and creating stereotypes. Another topic that emerged during the conversation was the importance of diet and weight management in athletic performance. The speakers shared their experiences of following strict diets to make weight for fights, with some discussing the dangers and challenges of extreme weight cuts. They also touched upon the concept of diminishing returns, where cutting too much weight may not lead to improved performance. The conversation also shed light on the dark side of combat sports, with the weight cut being identified as a dangerous and potentially life-threatening aspect of the industry. The discussion concluded with stories of athletes pushing themselves to the limit to make weight, and the risks they face in doing so.

    • Wrestling Culture and Extreme Weight Cutting PracticesWrestling culture leads to dangerous weight cutting practices, putting fighters at risk of health issues. Potential solutions include natural weight classes or fighter agreements, but raising awareness and promoting healthier training may be most effective.

      The culture of wrestling, with its emphasis on mental and physical toughness, often leads to extreme weight cutting practices. This can result in dangerous health risks, particularly in combat sports like MMA where head trauma is a significant concern. The issue is complex, as some fighters may continue to cut weight even if limits are put in place. A potential solution could be implementing natural weight classes or agreements between fighters to weigh in on the day of the event. However, this may not be a foolproof solution as some fighters may still attempt to manipulate the system. Ultimately, raising awareness of the dangers of extreme weight cutting and encouraging a shift towards healthier training practices may be the most effective way to address this issue.

    • Weight's Impact on MMA Fighters: Strength vs. ConditioningFighter's weight significantly influences their performance in MMA. Natural strength and effective use of weight vary among athletes, while dedication and training methods also lead to impressive results.

      Weight plays a significant role in mixed martial arts (MMA), particularly in the physicality and strength of fighters. Some athletes naturally carry more weight and use it effectively, while others struggle to make weight or maintain a certain weight class. Chris Wyman, for example, is a UFC middleweight champion who weighs much more than his fighting weight. The debate around performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) often arises when a fighter performs well, but it's essential to remember that training methods and dedication can also lead to impressive results. Fighters like Dosanjos showcase the importance of being in peak physical condition, emphasizing the need for a balance between strength and conditioning and skill work in their training camps.

    • Loose Techniques and Mental-Physical Preparation in MMAMaintain physical strength through intensive training, be loose in techniques, and focus on mental preparation for peak performance in MMA.

      Effective fighting techniques involve being loose and snapping punches with economy of movement, rather than trying to push through them with brute force. However, maintaining physical strength and conditioning can be a challenge for fighters with frequent bouts. Diego Sanchez, for instance, focuses on intensive strength training before camps, followed by skill-set training. This strategy allows him to peak physically and mentally for his fights. Interestingly, Sanchez's belief in himself and positive affirmations contribute significantly to his success in the ring. The importance of mental preparation and physical conditioning cannot be overlooked in the world of mixed martial arts.

    • Athlete's Physical Condition: Key to Endurance and Recovery in MMABeing in excellent physical shape enhances a fighter's ability to withstand hits, recover quickly, and perform at a high level. Mental toughness and determination also play crucial roles in bouncing back from punishment and minimizing the risk of long-term damage.

      An athlete's physical condition plays a significant role in their ability to withstand punishment and recover from fights. Frankie Edgar's impressive endurance and cardio are examples of how being in excellent shape can help fighters bounce back from hard hits and continue performing at a high level. Conversely, those who are not in good condition may struggle to recover, leading to a greater risk of being knocked out or suffering long-term damage. The discussion also highlighted the importance of mental toughness and determination, as some fighters, like Frankie Edgar, possess an incredible will to keep going despite taking heavy punishment. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of proper training, conditioning, and recovery in the rigorous world of mixed martial arts.

    • Boost Performance with Altitude Training: CVAC and TentsAltitude training enhances red blood cell production and focus, but can be costly, inconvenient, and uncomfortable. CVAC chambers offer quick improvements in focus and reaction time.

      Altitude training, whether it's through the use of tents or specialized chambers like CVAC, can significantly improve athletic performance by increasing red blood cell production and enhancing focus. However, these methods can be expensive and inconvenient, and some individuals may find the experience uncomfortable due to the sensation of pressure changes and potential odors. The CVAC chamber, in particular, can take some getting used to, with users reporting improvements in focus and reaction time after just a few sessions. Ultimately, the decision to invest in these methods depends on an individual's commitment to their sport and their willingness to overcome the challenges associated with altitude training.

    • Unique experiences for mental clarityIncorporating unconventional experiences, like sensory deprivation tanks or observing a child mimic martial arts, can provide mental clarity and inspire problem-solving and creativity

      Unique experiences, such as using a water bottle that few people have, trying out a cryo chamber, or even observing a young child mimicking a martial arts scene, can provide a sense of exclusivity and mental clarity. These experiences, inspired by pioneers like John Lilly, can lead to problem-solving and enhanced creativity. The sensory deprivation tank, for instance, was designed to separate the mind from the body's distractions. Although some experiences may not hold up over time or may seem unconventional, they can leave a lasting impact and serve as valuable sources of inspiration.

    • Dana White Discovers Young Boxing Prodigy and Shares Experience with Sensory Deprivation TanksDana White sees a young girl as the future of fighting and shares his experience with relaxing sensory deprivation tanks, providing a weightless, comfortable experience through warm, constantly cycled saltwater.

      Dana White was impressed by a young girl's boxing skills and sees her as the future of fighting. He also shared his experience with sensory deprivation tanks, which use salt water to make the user float and relax. These tanks have thick, insulated walls and are kept at a consistent temperature to provide a comfortable, weightless experience. The water in the tank is constantly cycled to prevent the salt from crystallizing. The goal is to keep the water at skin temperature so that it feels like an extension of the body, allowing for a deeply relaxing experience.

    • Colonics: Benefits and RisksColonics offer colon cleansing and magnesium absorption, but can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, requiring consultation with healthcare professionals.

      Colonics, which involve consuming large amounts of saltwater to flush out the colon, can have health benefits such as promoting colon cleansing and providing magnesium absorption through Epsom salt. However, there are risks involved, including potential dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, which can be dangerous. The experience is also described as relaxing and rejuvenating, with some claiming it simulates the feeling of being in the womb. Overall, the decision to try a colonic is a personal one, and individuals should consult with a healthcare professional before attempting it.

    • Exploring the depths of mind and self in a sensory deprivation tankThe sensory deprivation tank offers unique experiences for relaxation, introspection, and personal growth. Overcoming initial unease leads to deep introspection and mental visualization, beneficial for training and problem-solving.

      The sensory deprivation tank provides a unique experience of relaxation and introspection, allowing individuals to have trippy and psychedelic experiences while also serving as a tool for personal growth and mental training. The tank's weightless and claustrophobic nature can be unsettling for some, but with practice, users can overcome these feelings and benefit from the tank's ability to facilitate deep introspection and mental visualization. The tank has been shown to be effective for various forms of training, including martial arts, and can even be used for personal development and problem-solving. The user's mindset and mindset play a significant role in the effectiveness of the tank, making it a powerful tool for those open to new experiences and willing to explore their inner thoughts and emotions.

    • Visualizing Success vs. Underestimating OpponentsMentally preparing for various opponents and scenarios is crucial to maintain focus and perform at your best, instead of underestimating opponents and taking them lightly.

      Focusing on visualizing the success after a fight can help reduce anxiety and improve performance. However, there is a risk of underestimating an opponent and taking them lightly, which can lead to poor performance. The example of Cub Swanson's fight against Max Holloway illustrates this issue. Swanson, as a favorite, seemed to lack focus and couldn't perform at his best against Holloway, who rose to the occasion. To avoid this, it's essential to train effectively for various opponents and scenarios and mentally prepare for the uncertainties of competition.

    • The Importance of Mental Coaching in MMAMental coaching is crucial for MMA fighters, enhancing performance and focusing on ground game and grappling. Sensory deprivation tanks and visual learning techniques aid mental preparation, and skepticism towards stand-ups is growing.

      Mental coaching plays a crucial role in the success of a fighter, just as important as physical training. The interviewee shares his personal experience of working with a mental coach, Vinny, and the significant impact it has had on his game. He believes that mental coaching will soon become as essential as having striking and grappling coaches. The discussion also touches upon the use of sensory deprivation tanks and visual learning techniques to enhance mental preparation for fights. The interviewee expresses his skepticism towards stand-ups in MMA and advocates for more focus on ground game and grappling. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of a holistic approach to training, encompassing both physical and mental aspects.

    • MMA Fights: Ground Control vs. Striking PowerMMA fighters bring authenticity with diverse skills, some excel in ground control, others in striking. Scoring should reflect complexities, with penalties for passive ground fights.

      Real fighting in MMA requires a variety of skills and strategies. Some fighters excel at taking down opponents and controlling them on the ground, while others are better at striking and keeping the fight standing. Both types of fighters bring authenticity to the sport and create exciting matches. For instance, a wrestler like Johnny Hendrix can take down an opponent and keep them pinned, making it difficult for them to fight back. Conversely, a striker like Matt Brown can throw powerful punches and kicks, keeping their opponent on the defensive. However, if a fight goes to the ground and one fighter remains passive, the other should be penalized to ensure an engaging and fair contest. The scoring system in MMA should reflect the complexities of the sport, with consideration given to damage inflicted and control maintained during the fight.

    • Impact of refereeing on combat sportsReferees with a deep understanding of combat sports and unbiased judgement are crucial for fair and accurate competition outcomes.

      The quality of judging and refereeing in combat sports, such as Muay Thai and boxing, significantly impacts the fairness and accuracy of the competition. The speaker expresses frustration with inconsistent decisions and incompetence, which can have serious consequences for athletes. In Muay Thai, the speaker believes that referees with a deeper understanding of the sport would lead to more equitable outcomes. In boxing, the speaker criticizes the presence of incompetent or biased judges, which can lead to controversial decisions and public backlash. The speaker emphasizes that the people making decisions in these sports should be knowledgeable and unbiased to ensure fairness for all involved.

    • Improving Boxing Decisions with Expert PanelsAdding expert panels to boxing judging can help ensure fair and accurate decisions, reducing the impact on fighters when mistakes are made by judges or commissions.

      The current system of having three judges to determine the outcome of a boxing match is not enough, as they can have significantly different scorecards. The speaker suggests adding a panel of experts, such as journalists and knowledgeable fans, to help ensure a more accurate and fair decision. The speaker also expresses frustration with the fact that when mistakes are made by judges or athletic commissions, the fighters are the ones who suffer the consequences. The speaker shares personal experiences of questionable decisions in their own fights and feels that there should be accountability for those making mistakes. Overall, the speaker believes that the current system is flawed and needs to be improved to better serve the interests of the fighters.

    • UFC Octagon Size and Reebok Sponsorship: Controversial Topics for MMA FightersThe larger UFC octagon and Reebok sponsorship deal have caused financial losses and challenges for some MMA fighters, with some calling for a fighters union to protect their interests.

      The size of the UFC octagon and the recent Reebok sponsorship deal have been topics of controversy among MMA fighters. The larger cage can make it difficult for fighters to see each other clearly and run away from their opponents, while the Reebok sponsorship deal has resulted in significant financial losses for some fighters who previously relied on multiple sponsors for income. Some fighters, like Brennan Schob, have seen their earnings drop significantly as a result of the new deal. Additionally, there have been discussions about the potential benefits of a fighters union to protect the interests of MMA athletes. The smaller Bellator cage and their sponsorship model have been seen as advantages for Bellator fighters.

    • Contentious fight between UFC and culinary union in New YorkLack of state athletic commission for kickboxing and UFC's non-union status has resulted in financial insecurity and lack of benefits for MMA fighters in New York. Union's desire to turn UFC into a union casino could lead to significant revenue. Importance of competition in MMA industry emphasized.

      The lack of a state athletic commission for kickboxing in New York, coupled with the UFC's non-union status and ownership by Zuffa, which also owns non-union casinos, has led to a contentious fight between the UFC and the culinary union. This situation has resulted in a lack of financial security and benefits for kickboxing and MMA fighters in New York. The union's desire to turn the UFC into a union casino could potentially lead to significant revenue for them. Additionally, the importance of competition in the MMA industry was emphasized, with the potential for rival promotions like Bellator leading to high-profile fights and increased revenue. The history of the UFC's purchase of Pride and the subsequent legal battles highlights the complexities and challenges of the MMA industry. Overall, the discussion underscores the need for better support and representation for MMA fighters, particularly in states without athletic commissions.

    • Navigating cultural differences and business challenges in expanding MMA into JapanExpanding MMA businesses into Japan requires cultural sensitivity and legal knowledge due to unique business practices and potential for manipulation.

      Expanding MMA businesses into different countries, particularly Japan, comes with unique challenges. The cultural differences, laws, and customs make it difficult to establish co-promotions and ensure fair fights. The infamous "Japanese fuckery" referred to in the discussion involves the unpredictability of business deals and potential fixes in fights. Despite these issues, Pride FC played a significant role in putting K-1 and MMA on the map, providing fans with iconic moments and inspiring new generations of fighters. However, the unpredictability and potential for manipulation in Japanese MMA business deals remain a significant challenge.

    • Japan's Glory Kickboxing: High-Quality Fights and Unique TrainingJapan's Glory Kickboxing offers thrilling matches and top-tier strikers, but needs more recognition. Unique training methods, like Ann Wolf's truck bag, can boost performance, but skill training remains crucial.

      Glory Kickboxing in Japan is producing high-quality fights with top-tier strikers, boasting exciting and wild matches. The production value of their shows is also commendable. However, they need more recognition and viewership, which could be achieved through better marketing and consistent Friday night events on Spike. Boxing, too, has been making a comeback with impressive ratings and buzz. An interesting training technique discussed was Ann Wolf's unique approach, which involved having fighters punch a heavy bag attached to the front of a moving truck. This intense conditioning method proved effective, but it's essential to balance it with skill training. For instance, Rich Franklin, despite undergoing intense training, still lacked the technical skills to effectively deal with Anderson Silva's striking abilities. Overall, the key takeaway is that high-quality combat sports like Glory Kickboxing and boxing need more attention and support to thrive. While unique training methods can enhance performance, they should not replace essential skill training.

    • Taunting in Training: Consequences in the CageRespect and focus are crucial in high-stakes competitions, as evidenced by Anderson Silva's encounter with Nick Diaz. Upcoming GLORY fight between Artem Levin and Simon Marcus promises excitement.

      Clowning around in a fight can have serious consequences, as evidenced by Anderson Silva's experience with Nick Diaz. During their training camp, Diaz taunted Silva, even going as far as letting him punch him in the face multiple times. Silva, known for his knockout abilities, held back, but the incident left a lasting impact on him. When they finally faced off in the cage, Diaz's mind games proved effective, leaving Silva visibly shaken and ultimately leading to one of the most memorable moments in MMA history. This incident serves as a reminder that respect and focus are crucial elements in high-stakes competitions. Regarding the upcoming GLORY card, Artem Levin and Simon Marcus are set to face off for the belt. Both fighters bring unique styles to the table, with Artem adopting a Floyd Mayweather-esque elusive approach and Simon charging forward relentlessly. With impressive records and a long career behind them, this fight promises to be an exciting showdown between two formidable opponents. Fans can catch the action live on Spike or online at gloryworldseries.com for only $10.

    • Rules and equipment in combat sports impact outcome and fairnessClear rules and considerate equipment ensure a fair competition, respecting athletes' abilities and earnings.

      Rules and equipment in combat sports can significantly impact the outcome and fairness of the competition. The discussion revolves around two experiences: the first was a tournament with unusual rules, including the use of shin pads and a ban on visible sponsor logos. The fighters disliked these rules, feeling they favored certain styles over others. The second experience involved a fighter with a sponsor tattoo, which was disapproved of by some due to perceived tackiness. These anecdotes illustrate the importance of clear rules and considerate equipment in combat sports, ensuring a level playing field and respect for the athletes' abilities and earnings.

    • Russian Boxer Galafkin and Ultra-Marathon Runners: Unique EnduranceGalafkin's powerful body shots and ultra-marathon runners' extreme exertion highlight their remarkable endurance and dedication to their crafts

      There are exceptional athletes, like the Russian boxer Galafkin, who possess incredible power and endurance. Galafkin's fighting style is unique, and his body shots can knock opponents out with seemingly little effort. His left hook to the body is particularly devastating, making him one of the best in the business. Outside of the ring, some ultra-marathon runners experience similar levels of exertion, resulting in dark urine due to kidney strain. These athletes push themselves to their limits, proving their endurance and resilience. The Russian boxer Galafkin and ultra-marathon runners share a common thread in their extraordinary physical abilities and dedication to their respective crafts.

    • Discovering the Fitness Levels of a Mountain Elk HunterHunting elk in the mountains revealed the extreme fitness required and the friend's dedication, leading to an appreciation for wild meat and nature, and sparking curiosity about potential nutritional benefits of consuming wild game.

      Hunting requires a significant amount of physical effort and dedication. The speaker shares his experiences of hunting elk in the mountains and how it led him to admire a friend's extreme fitness levels. The friend, who is a marathon runner, had to endure long hikes and grueling conditions to hunt elk. The speaker was surprised by the level of fitness required and the dedication to the hunt, which led him to appreciate the value of wild meat and the connection to nature. The conversation also touched upon the energy and potential health benefits of consuming wild game. The speaker expressed his curiosity about the potential nutritional differences between various types of meat and suggested conducting scientific studies to explore this further.

    • Discovering the potential benefits of consuming wild gameFriend's muscle gains from elk and speaker's energy boost from moose suggest wild game may contain performance-enhancing nutrients. Horse meat's taste and athletic animal origin add to its appeal.

      Some people believe consuming wild game, such as moose, elk, or horse, may have performance-enhancing effects due to the animals' lean and athletic nature. A friend of the speaker experienced noticeable muscle gains after eating elk exclusively for several months. The speaker himself feels energized after eating moose. Horse meat, which is also lean and comes from a highly athletic animal, is praised for its taste and potential benefits. The discussion also touches on the ethical considerations of hunting and the differences between wild and domestic pigs. The speaker personally decided to eat only wild game at home after his first hunting experience. Cooking skills are mentioned as a necessity for preparing wild game, and the speaker expresses confidence in his ability to cook steak and simple dishes. The conversation implies that wild game may contain natural sources of creatine, but this is not explicitly stated.

    • Best Sources of Creatine: Wild Game Meats and Free-Range AnimalsWild game meats like venison, elk, bison, and buffalo are rich in creatine. Free-range meats such as turkey and chicken are also good sources. Birds and fish can provide creatine, but some may prefer ethical or personal reasons against consuming them. Chickens can be raised at home as an alternative.

      The best sources of creatine are wild game meats like venison, elk, bison, and buffalo. These meats are rich in creatine and can be commercially available for consumers. The next best sources are free-range meats such as turkey and chicken. Birds and fish are also sources, but some people may prefer not to consume them due to ethical or personal reasons. Chickens, for example, can be raised at home and hatched through the mail. The process of raising chickens involves feeding them upon arrival and providing them with a warm environment until they grow. While some exotic animals like crocodile monitors can make fascinating pets, they come with challenges such as large size, toxic waste, and high maintenance. Overall, the best sources of creatine are naturally occurring in animal meats, particularly wild game.

    • A Fascination with Exotic Creatures and PetsDespite risks and controversies, people are drawn to unique creatures and pets, but responsible ownership is crucial and potential health hazards should be considered, especially for children.

      The speaker shares a fascination with unique and intriguing creatures, whether it be piranhas, turtles, or even human skeletons, despite the potential risks and controversies surrounding them. He has had various exotic pets throughout his life, including illegal ones, and finds entertainment in observing their behaviors and interactions with their food. However, he acknowledges the importance of responsible pet ownership and the potential health hazards associated with certain animals, especially when it comes to children. The speaker also expresses a sense of nostalgia for his past experiences and regrets the loss of his male sanctuary due to the arrival of daughters. He longs for a monkey but understands the challenges and responsibilities that come with owning such an animal. The speaker's story is a testament to the human desire for novelty and excitement, as well as the importance of being aware of the potential consequences of our actions.

    • Owning Exotic Animals: Appealing but RiskyExotic animals like chimps and gorillas have immense strength and unpredictable behavior, forming strong bonds with owners can lead to violence, providing comforts can harm animals and humans, respect their wild nature.

      Owning exotic animals, such as chimps or gorillas, may seem appealing but comes with significant risks and challenges. These animals have immense physical strength and can exhibit unpredictable and aggressive behavior. Owners may unintentionally form strong bonds with the animals, leading to possessiveness and protective instincts that can turn violent. Furthermore, providing these animals with certain comforts, like diapers or drugs, can be detrimental to their well-being and potentially dangerous for humans. It's essential to remember that these animals are wild creatures and should be respected as such.

    • Exploring the raw realities of animal behaviorsAnimal behaviors can be violent and harsh, serving purposes like population control and mating strategies, despite their rough exterior, these animals play crucial roles in their ecosystems, and debunked myths like the chupacabra were discussed.

      The natural world can be harsh and violent, with animals engaging in behaviors like infanticide and cannibalism. For instance, hyenas have a fake penis and the females mate with the males, while bears are known to kill and eat cubs. These behaviors may serve various purposes, such as population control or mating strategies. Despite their rough exterior, these animals play crucial roles in their ecosystems. The discussion also touched upon the chupacabra, which was debunked as a coyote with mange. Overall, the conversation underscored the raw realities of nature and the complex behaviors that exist within it.

    • Hunting Large Bears with a Bow: Power and PrecisionJoe Rogan shares his experience of hunting bears with a powerful Hoyt compound bow, emphasizing safety and vital shot placement to minimize risks.

      Hunting large bears with a bow requires precision and power. Joe Rogan shared his experience of shooting a bear with a Hoyt compound bow, emphasizing the immense power of these bows, capable of shooting arrows at 288 feet per second with razor-sharp broadheads. However, hunting bears is not without risks, as they can be dangerous and aggressive, especially when they discover a consistent food source like garbage. New Jersey, with its large bear population, has had fatal attacks, leading to debates about hunting seasons. Hunters must be prepared, aiming for vital areas like the double lungs, and considering using rifles or suppressors for added safety and effectiveness. While some methods like using a 20-ounce bottle as a silencer may not be effective, it's essential to follow local regulations and prioritize safety when hunting large bears.

    • Confusion over Californian rifle silencer law and policing perceptionsThe speaker ponders the illogical rifle silencer law, questions the documentation and awareness impacting police image, and advocates for improved training and accountability to prevent police brutality and bias.

      Laws, such as the one prohibiting silencers on rifles in California, may not always make logical sense. The speaker expresses confusion over this particular law and questions why it's applied only to rifles, while other equipment requires mufflers. Regarding the topic of policing, the speaker believes that the increasing awareness and documentation of police incidents, coupled with the large population and potential for incompetence, contribute to the negative perception of law enforcement. The speaker acknowledges the challenges of being a cop and the prevalence of PTSD, but also expresses concern over instances of police brutality and the potential for biased or unnecessary use of force. The speaker calls for better training and accountability for officers, while appreciating the efforts of those who do their job well.

    • Navigating racial tensions and personal relationshipsExploring past issues and seeking therapy can help individuals overcome resentment and move forward, despite societal complexities and tensions.

      The ongoing racial tensions and protests in society can be a source of fear and concern for many people, especially for parents with children of different races. The speaker shares his personal experiences of growing up with guns and having a complicated relationship with his father. He also discusses his hopes that the anger and protests will lead to positive change, but acknowledges concerns about conspiracy theories and martial law. However, the speaker believes that the prevalence of guns in the country makes such a scenario unlikely. The conversation then shifts to how the speaker was able to forgive his father through therapy, which helped him overcome resentment and anger that was holding him back. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of addressing past issues and finding ways to move forward. The speaker's experiences underscore the complexities and emotions surrounding race, family, and societal issues.

    • Overcoming Challenges with Alternative Treatments and Family ReconciliationExploring alternative treatments and being open to change can lead to personal growth, improved relationships, and unexpected discoveries. Legal restrictions and corporate influence may hinder access, but persistence and determination can yield transformative results.

      Personal experiences and alternative treatments can significantly impact relationships and health outcomes. The speaker shared a transformative journey of reconciliation with her estranged father, who was battling cancer. She discovered the potential benefits of CBD oil in treating his cancer, leading to a renewed bond between them before his passing. The speaker also highlighted the frustration of witnessing the legal restrictions on access to such treatments and the role of lobbyists and pharmaceutical companies in suppressing this information. Ultimately, their story underscores the importance of exploring all options and being open to change, especially during challenging times.

    • Joe Schilling's emotional journey before a major fightOvercoming personal tragedies and staying focused during high-pressure situations requires resilience and support from loved ones.

      Facing personal tragedies and dealing with grief while preparing for a high-stakes fight is an incredibly challenging experience. Joe Schilling shares his story of losing his father and cousin in the weeks leading up to a major fight against Melvin Manhoef. The emotional toll was immense, and he struggled to focus and stay motivated. Vinny Sherman, his coach, helped him stay focused by reminding him of his family's support and encouragement for his fighting career. After the intense and iconic victory over Manhoef, Schilling was able to process his emotions and honor his father and cousin's memory. Despite the adversity, Schilling persevered and continued his career in the ring. This story highlights the resilience and determination required in both personal and professional challenges.

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    Freeway Rick Ross is a former eighties drug kingpin who is now an author, motivational speaker, and community advocate. www.freewayrickyross.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2162 - Tim Dillon

    #2162 - Tim Dillon
    Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024. www.timdilloncomedy.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Pig skin bouncing off turf vs. human heads bouncing off the canvas? Our fans said, “No thank you good sir, I’m an adult.” We took a poll last week and it was no surprise when asked if our listeners would rather watch the Super Bowl or a UFC event, 78% of them chose the latter. After giving our thoughts on that, we preview UFC 247, discuss whether or not it’s even fun watching a Jon Jones or Valentina Shevchenko fight at this point and try to figure out between Dominick Reyes and Katlyn Chookagian, who actually stands a better chance of winning? We give our "Slip Picks" for UFC 247, recap Jake Paul vs. Gib (against our better judgement) and decide which part of that monstrosity was the least annoying. At Super Bowl media day, Kamaru Usman tries to bate Jorge Masvidal into serving him the three piece with the soda, Joanna Jedrzejczyk posts memes about the virus of the corona, and Pat Sabatini literally got his arm ripped out of his goddamn shoulda! Gervonta Davis gets arrested for domestic battery, Jacob Rosales wears serial killer themed shorts at LFA81 and twitter suspended our account for trying to prevent a possible suicide. Why you might ask? Press play and let us tell ya!

    VISIT OUR WEBSITE: https://slipthejabpodcast.com

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    Follow Lino P on Twitter: https://twitter.com/linop412
    Follow Ian Ebbitt on Twitter: https://twitter.com/IanEbbitt

    ABOUT US: 
    Unfiltered and unscripted, hosts Lino P and Ian Ebbitt pull no punches as they offer up entertaining insight into the world of combat sports and current events. Two guys from a huge fight town called Pittsburgh, bringing you a weekly podcast smothered in realness, sprinkled with humor and served with a side of whiskey neat. Light your cigars and bring your opinions… we certainly brought ours.

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    Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/STJSpotify
    Apple Podcasts: https://tinyurl.com/STJApplePodcasts

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/slipthejabpod

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    Episode 9: UFC 245 Recap - Edgar vs. The Korean Zombie Preview

    Episode 9: UFC 245 Recap - Edgar vs. The Korean Zombie Preview

    In the most jam packed episode of STJ to date, the guys start off by recapping UFC 245 and Lino goes off on Rosie O'Donnell. They break down the Kamaru Usman vs. Colby Covington fight and discuss whether or not the judges got it right and if it was a good stoppage. They talk about Alexander Volkanovski's brilliant game plan and try to figure out why Max Holloway didn't see it coming or make adjustments. They try to figure out what's next for Amanda "Come See Me" Nunes and why they're both proud of her for not taking the bait and stepping into the boxing world against Claressa Shields. Ian explains why a lot of fans think Jose Aldo won against Marlon Moraes, but how they are all wrong. Petr Yan dismantled Urijah Faber and made Ian sad, then had an altercation with Cody Garbrandt backstage that left Lino terrified. Mike Perry suffered yet another loss, which makes Ian think it might be time for a change. Lino thinks Ketlen Vieira has a weird punching style and believes Chase Hooper might be the Diaz brothers 2.0. They finish up the show by previewing Frankie Edgar vs. The Korean Zombie and Lino tells a legendary tale of Frankie Edgar from Edgar's college days. Before wrapping up, they throw shade at the UFC 246 promo poster, give props to Stephen "Wonderboy" Thompson for winning the NMF belt (Nicest Mofo), and Ian reads an original hilarious R Rated Christmas poem for the fans! Similar to the rest, this is one you don't want to miss. Happy Holidays and thank you to all our fans for helping us grow the show!

    VISIT OUR WEBSITE: https://slipthejabpodcast.com

    SLIP THE JAB MERCH: https://slipthejabpodcast.com/shop

    Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/STJSpotify
    Apple Podcasts: https://tinyurl.com/STJApplePodcasts

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/slipthejabpod
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/slipthejabpodcast
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    Follow Lino P on Twitter: https://twitter.com/linop412
    Follow Ian Ebbitt on Twitter: https://twitter.com/IanEbbitt

    ABOUT US: 
    Unfiltered and unscripted, hosts Lino P and Ian Ebbitt pull no punches as they offer up entertaining insight into the world of combat sports and current events. Two guys from a huge fight town called Pittsburgh, bringing you a weekly podcast smothered in realness, sprinkled with humor and served with a side of whiskey neat. Light your cigars and bring your opinions… we certainly brought ours.

    Support the show

    Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/STJSpotify
    Apple Podcasts: https://tinyurl.com/STJApplePodcasts

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/slipthejabpod

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