
    Podcast Summary

    • Personal experiences with yoga and alcoholPeople have unique experiences and preferences when it comes to activities like yoga and drinking, with potential health benefits and personal allure.

      People have different experiences and preferences when it comes to activities like yoga and drinking. The speaker shared his experiences of falling asleep during yoga classes and trying various alcoholic beverages, expressing his personal discomfort with hot yoga and preference for drinks like martinis. He also acknowledged the potential health benefits of activities like yoga and drinking water or having olive juice in moderation. Despite his occasional regrets, he acknowledged the allure of these experiences and the unique aspects that draw people to them.

    • Personal Food Choices: Balancing Health and IndulgenceWhile striving for a healthy diet, individuals may still indulge in less nutritious foods. Growing own vegetables promotes health, but societal stigmas and media influence can impact food choices.

      While some people grow their own vegetables for a healthier lifestyle, others may still crave unhealthy foods despite their knowledge of their benefits. The speaker shares his experience of having an olive tree and growing various vegetables, but admits to still enjoying salami and even trying horse meat. He emphasizes the importance of getting enough vegetables into one's diet for optimal health, but acknowledges the appeal of indulging in less healthy options from time to time. The speaker also touches on the societal stigma surrounding certain foods, like horse meat, and the impact of media on public opinion. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity of personal food choices and the ongoing struggle to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet.

    • The Transformative Power of Social Media in EntertainmentSocial media platforms like Twitter and Facebook are essential tools for entertainers to connect with fans, build a fanbase, and promote their work, surpassing the effectiveness of traditional methods like press and in-person appearances.

      The power of social media and online communities has significantly transformed the way entertainers promote themselves and connect with their audiences. This was highlighted in the conversation where the importance of Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms was discussed in contrast to the traditional methods of press and in-person appearances. The speaker shared personal experiences of successful gigs and interactions with famous artists, some of whom he opened for, and how social media played a crucial role in reaching out to fans and building a fanbase. The conversation also touched upon the challenges and controversies that came with fame and the entertainment industry. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of embracing new technologies and tools to effectively engage with audiences and build a successful career in the entertainment industry.

    • Opening for artists: unexpected challenges and memorable momentsLearning to persevere through boos and enjoying unique experiences are key when opening for artists

      Performing as an opening act for a well-known artist comes with its challenges and unexpected experiences. The speaker, who opened for Joan Jett, shared an experience where he was booed off stage after only two minutes. He learned that staying on as long as possible was crucial, even if the audience wasn't receptive. The speaker also mentioned that opening for Sherritt, another artist, was the best experience he had due to her diverse audience. He also shared an amusing story about how she was recognized in public and how they would only cross paths during performances. The speaker did not produce music at the time but did perform once at Madison Square Garden, where the band asked him to play a guitar during a song. Overall, the speaker's experiences opening for artists taught him to persevere through the challenges and enjoy the unique moments that come with performing in front of large audiences.

    • Navigating the complexities of working in the entertainment industryWorking in the entertainment industry involves dealing with demanding artists, but also requires empathy and adaptability

      Behind the glamour and fame of being a music artist or a performer, there can be challenging dynamics and unexpected experiences. The speaker shared anecdotes about working with Whitney Houston and Barbra Streisand, where he encountered their diva behavior but also moments of connection. He also mentioned his encounter with a ballet dancer, Rudolf Nouriev, who took offense to his jokes. These experiences highlight the complexities and nuances of working in the entertainment industry, where artists may demand special treatment but also require understanding and flexibility from those around them.

    • Austin comedy scene in late 80s and early 90s: intense and unpredictableThe Austin comedy scene was known for its passion and competition, with potential for unexpected tempers and violence.

      The comedy scene in Austin, Texas during the late 80s and early 90s was an intense and unpredictable environment. The first time the speaker performed comedy was at Stitches Comedy Club, hosted by Jonathan Katz. It was during this time that he saw Paul Barkley and other comedians perform, and they formed a connection. However, the speaker also witnessed a violent incident where someone was hit in the face with a bottle for no apparent reason, which served as a reminder of the potential danger in such environments. Despite this, the speaker had never been involved in a bar fight himself, and the most heated disputes he had seen were during a softball game among comedians. Overall, the comedy scene was a passionate and competitive one, where the stakes were often low, but tempers could flare up unexpectedly.

    • The Risks and Advantages of Being Involved in Nightlife FightsAvoid physical fights in nightlife situations, as they can be quick and chaotic. Left-handed individuals may have an advantage due to their unique perspective, but seeking help from authorities is the best option.

      The world of nightlife in cities can be dangerous, especially when encountering individuals who have nothing to lose. People may underestimate the risks involved in getting involved in physical fights, which can be quick and unexpected. The media often portrays fighting as slow and dramatic, but real-life encounters are usually brief and chaotic. Additionally, some individuals lack the necessary skills to defend themselves effectively, increasing the risk of harm. Left-handed individuals, in particular, have been found to excel at fighting due to their unique perspective and ability to confuse opponents. However, it's essential to avoid getting into fights whenever possible and seek help from authorities if necessary. Furthermore, the speaker expressed his admiration for musical talents like Jimi Hendrix and Kurt Cobain, who were left-handed, and discussed the advantages of being left-handed in various aspects of life.

    • Left-handed boxing: A challenge for many fightersWhile some prefer the raw emotion and unpredictability of MMA, others value the technical precision of boxing. Left-handed boxers face unique challenges against orthodox opponents, but defensive masters like Floyd Mayweather have earned legendary status.

      The left-handed fighting style in boxing can be confusing and challenging for many fighters, as they're not used to the jab coming from the opposite side and the left hand becoming the dominant weapon. This was evident in a recent fight between two prominent boxers, where the left-handed fighter struggled against his orthodox opponent. Additionally, some people prefer the raw emotion and unpredictability of MMA over the technical precision of boxing. Floyd Mayweather, a renowned boxer known for his defensive skills and counter-punching, was criticized for his lack of excitement in the ring compared to more aggressive fighters like Canelo Alvarez. However, Mayweather's defensive prowess and intelligence in the ring have earned him the title of the greatest boxer of all time by some, despite criticisms from others. Overall, the discussion highlights the unique challenges and differences between boxing and MMA, and the varying preferences for different fighting styles and approaches.

    • Muhammad Ali's loss to Sonny Liston and comebackDespite missing his prime years due to military service, Muhammad Ali's incredible talent and resilience led to a memorable comeback in boxing.

      Muhammad Ali's invincibility in the boxing ring was shattered after his loss to Sonny Liston before his famous comeback in 1965. Ali, known for his incredible agility and devastating punches, was a formidable opponent before his three-year hiatus from boxing due to military service. During his absence, he missed out on his prime years. One of Ali's most memorable fights was against Sonny Liston, where he delivered a stunning knockout with an overhand right. However, this punch was not a one-punch knockout as commonly believed. Instead, it likely stunned Liston, who went down and eventually got up. Ali's comeback fight against Jerry Quarry showcased a noticeable difference in his physical condition after his time away from the sport. Despite facing a tough opponent, Ali's skills and agility were still evident, leading to his eventual victory. Overall, Ali's boxing career was marked by his incredible talent, resilience, and the impact of external factors such as military service on his prime years.

    • Muhammad Ali's physical decline during his military hiatusAli's refusal to join the military led to a three-year hiatus, causing a noticeable decline in his physical condition and fighting abilities.

      The physical condition and fighting abilities of Muhammad Ali significantly declined during his three-year hiatus from boxing due to his refusal to be inducted into the military during the Vietnam War. This is evident from his smooth appearance and lack of muscle compared to his prime, as well as his struggles in later fights against opponents like Joe Frazier. Despite this, Ali's quickness and agility in his earlier career were unmatched, and he famously outmaneuvered formidable opponents such as Cleveland Williams. It's worth noting that Ali continued to fight after his prison sentence, facing opponents like Ernie Terrell and Zara Foley, but his later fights were noticeably slower and more grueling.

    • Muhammad Ali's Revolutionary Boxing StyleMuhammad Ali's innovative footwork and misdirection techniques revolutionized boxing, inspiring generations of champions.

      Muhammad Ali's fighting style, exemplified by fighters like Cleveland Williams and current champions like Dominick Cruz and T.J. Dilishaw, revolutionized professional boxing with its quick footwork and misdirection techniques. Ali's performances, such as his knockout of Sonny Liston, are considered some of the greatest in boxing history, inspiring generations of fighters. However, every sport experiences lulls in greatness, and currently, it's a challenging time for boxing to produce multiple standout athletes. Despite this, Ali's impact on the sport remains unparalleled.

    • Discussion on Klitschko's boring fighting style and challenges in boxingBoxing's physical demands and risks make it difficult to find the best athletes, while Klitschko's style may not appeal to all viewers.

      While Vladimir Klitschko may be a dominant heavyweight boxing champion, his fighting style, which includes a lot of clinching and holding, can be seen as boring to some viewers. The discussion also touched upon the unique challenges and intangibles involved in boxing compared to other sports, and the difficulty in finding the best athletes in the sport due to its physical demands and risks. Anderson Silva, considered the greatest MMA fighter of all time, was mentioned as an example of a fantastic athlete who excelled in the sport, but faced less competition during his prime compared to today's stacked divisions.

    • Anderson Silva's Career: Intense Momentum and Memorable FightsNatural talent and dedication are essential for success, but the pressure and competition from great opponents can create intense and memorable experiences.

      The pressure and competition from great fighters in Anderson Silva's career created an overwhelming momentum for his opponents, leading to intense and memorable fights. Silva's career was marked by both incredible victories and unexpected losses, highlighting the psychological and physical challenges of being a top fighter. Additionally, natural talent and dedication are crucial factors in success, but not everyone possesses both to the same degree. Brian Caldwell, a friend and fellow comedian, is an example of a naturally funny person who may not always be reliable or on time, but his unique charm makes him a beloved character.

    • A Fun Hunting Adventure with Humorous MomentsThe Meat Eater show on Sportsman's channel is an entertaining hunting program that combines adventure, humor, and fine dining. Hunting experiences range from easy turkey hunts to dangerous wild boar encounters.

      The Meat Eater show on the Sportsman's channel, featuring Steve Renella and guests like Tom O'Xateri and Kallen, is a fun and entertaining hunting show where they go on adventures and share humorous moments. Tom particularly mentioned the episode from Prince of Wales Island, where they goof off and make inappropriate jokes, making the experience even more enjoyable. The group also includes Ryan Callahan and Giannis Poutelos, and they often explore various hunting locations, combining the experience with fine dining. Hunting turkeys, for instance, was described as an easy and rewarding experience, but it requires patience, camouflage, and minimal movement to avoid detection. Wild boars, on the other hand, pose a real danger due to their tusks. Overall, the Meat Eater show offers a unique blend of humor, adventure, and the thrill of hunting.

    • Discrimination and camaraderie among Italians and JewsHistorically, 'guinea' was a term used against Italians, but it's now embraced as a symbol of camaraderie. Immigrants, including Italians and Jews, have faced discrimination but have made significant contributions to popular culture.

      The term "guinea" has historical significance for certain ethnic groups, particularly those of Italian descent, who have faced discrimination and have used the term as a form of camaraderie. The discussion also touched upon the parallel experiences of immigrants, specifically Jews and Italians, and how they have contributed to popular culture, particularly in sports and entertainment. A notable example is Steve Schirripa, who started his career as a talent booker in Vegas and went on to act in shows like "The Sopranos" and "Dom Time." The conversation emphasized the importance of staying true to one's unique character and the joy of witnessing someone's success after struggling.

    • Balancing Personal and Professional Lives in ComedyComedians face challenges in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and balancing personal and professional demands, impacting their energy levels, performance, and overall well-being.

      Despite the public's focus on a particular female comedian's success, her male counterpart is also a talented and respected figure in the industry. The conversation also touched upon the self-indulgent nature of comedians and the challenges of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, both personally and professionally. The male comedian expressed his struggle with making healthy choices and the impact it has on his energy levels and performance. He also shared his experiences with the demands of morning radio and the negative effects it has on his sleep cycle and brain function. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and challenges faced by successful comedians in balancing their personal and professional lives while maintaining their health and creativity.

    • The unpredictability of stand-up comedy and Dave Chappelle's experiences with bombingDespite the occasional bad show, comedians like Dave Chappelle find humor in the situation and continue to appreciate the complexity and unpredictability of live comedy performances.

      Comedy, particularly stand-up comedy, is an American invention with a rich history and the potential for both triumph and failure. Dave Chappelle, a renowned comedian, shared stories about his experiences with bombing on stage and the unpredictability of audience reactions. Despite the occasional bad show, Chappelle finds humor in the situation and sees it as part of the job. The discussion also touched on the age-old debate about conspiracies, specifically regarding Bill Cosby and allegations against him. While acknowledging the possibility of organized efforts, it was emphasized that such claims lack concrete evidence. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of maintaining an open-minded perspective and appreciating the complexity and unpredictability of live comedy performances.

    • Fame's Dark Side: Detachment and Harmful BehaviorFame can create a detachment from reality leading individuals to harm others and lose touch with the real world, even those perceived as down-to-earth may have hidden darker sides.

      Fame and power can lead individuals to become detached from reality and act in ways that are harmful to others. This was evident in the discussion about Bill Cosby, who was revealed to be a rapist despite his public image as a beloved comedian and family man. The conversation also touched upon the idea that some celebrities become so insulated by their fame that they lose touch with the real world and develop a sense of entitlement. Additionally, it was noted that there are individuals who are perceived as gritty or down-to-earth, but may still have darker sides. Ultimately, it's important to remember that people in the public eye are complex individuals with both positive and negative qualities.

    • A comedian's image and style can be influenced by audience reactionsComedian's interactions with their audience and cultural context shape their image and style, as seen in Andrew Dice Clay's evolution from passive to provocative performances.

      Comedians, like Andrew Dice Clay, can evolve their image and style over time. In the discussed anecdote, Dice Clay's infamous aggressive style was a result of the audience's reactions during a performance in Philadelphia. The crowd's hostility towards him led him to adopt a more confrontational persona on stage. This change was influenced by Bill Burr's successful use of heckling during the same event. The audience's expectations and reactions played a significant role in shaping Dice Clay's act, and he became known for his provocative and controversial performances. This illustrates how a comedian's image and style can be shaped by their interactions with their audience and the cultural context of their performances.

    • Evolution of societal beauty standardsFrom hourglass figure to larger muscular backsides, societal beauty standards have shifted significantly, influenced by entertainment and media.

      Societal norms and preferences regarding beauty and body types have significantly evolved over the years. The discussion highlights the comparison between old Hollywood and modern-day expectations, specifically focusing on the changing trends in women's bodies. The hourglass figure was once the ideal, but now larger, muscular backsides are popular. The conversation also touches upon the impact of entertainment and media on these shifts in societal standards. Additionally, the discussion reveals the speaker's appreciation for classic movies and the nostalgia they bring, as well as the contrast between old and new forms of entertainment.

    • Appreciating Liberace's Performances Despite Controversial Personal LifeDespite Liberace's controversial personal life, his over-the-top performances and iconic status continue to be appreciated. A documentary featuring Michael Douglas and Matt Damon was praised for its realism and entertainment value.

      The discussion revolved around the appreciation for old performances and entertainers, specifically Liberace, despite their controversial personal lives. The group found humor in Liberace's over-the-top winking gesture and his iconic status. They also mentioned a documentary or movie about Liberace, featuring Michael Douglas and Matt Damon, which was praised for its realism and entertainment value. The conversation also touched upon the impact of plastic surgery on Michael Douglas' appearance for the role. Overall, the group expressed their admiration for Liberace's performances and the impact he had on popular culture.

    • Experience of idea theft in the entertainment industryAcknowledge and respect original creators, continue working relationships despite challenges, and value opportunities to work with talented individuals.

      The entertainment industry can involve competition and borrowing ideas, but it's important to acknowledge and respect the original creators. The speaker shares an experience of having an idea stolen by a producer, but instead of letting it ruin their relationship, they continued to work together and even helped each other's careers. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of self-criticism and development in the comedy world, as they had recognized the potential in their colleagues who were still learning their craft. Despite the challenges, the speaker values the opportunities to work with talented individuals and supports their growth.

    • The power of friendship and career support in comedyFriendship and support from others have been crucial to the success of comedians Duncan, Ari, and Joey Diaz. Staying true to oneself and continuing to hone one's craft, even in the face of challenges, is essential for long-term success.

      Friendship and supporting each other through the ups and downs of their careers has played a significant role in the success of comedians Duncan, Ari, and Joey Diaz. The speakers shared stories of seeing these comedians in their early days and witnessing their growth into the talented performers they are today. Joey Diaz, in particular, was noted for his ability to make audiences cry with laughter, even after decades in the industry. The speakers emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself and continuing to hone one's craft, even when facing challenges and setbacks. The bond between these comedians and their supporters serves as a reminder of the power of friendship and the importance of believing in the potential of others.

    • Comparing unfulfilling experiences to an unpleasant actAppreciate the good experiences, learn from the bad ones, and keep pushing forward in life and in your career.

      Everyone has encountered situations where they feel they're wasting their time or energy on unfulfilling experiences, whether it's being stuck on a double date with an annoying person or performing comedy to an unappreciative audience. Brian Cowell, in the conversation, expresses his frustration with such experiences, comparing the feeling to something as unpleasant as sucking a thousand dicks in front of your mother. However, he also acknowledges that these experiences are a part of life and that it's essential to keep moving forward, as he has upcoming shows and engagements. Ultimately, the takeaway is to appreciate the good experiences and learn from the bad ones, and keep pushing forward in life and in your career.

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    Declaration Edition: Do Not Destroy

    Declaration Edition: Do Not Destroy

    Today, we will dig into the powerful declaration: "I will not destroy the work of God for the sake of food."

    Martha reminds us that our health is worth fighting for, and as children of God, we are wonderfully complex and deeply loved by Him.

    She encourages us to bring God into our journey toward better health. By seeking God's guidance in our eating habits and lifestyle choices, we can experience the abundant life He has promised us.

    As we take steps towards healthier living, we are not alone - God is on our side, fighting with us.


    I will not destroy the work of God for the sake of food.

    I will fight the good fight for my health.

    I am worth fighting for.

    I am a child of God and he created me wonderfully complex.

    God loves me.

    God likes me.

    God is for me.

    I do not fight alone.

    God is on my side, fighting with me,

    Therefore, I will not destroy the work of God for the sake of food.


    Ready for more with Martha?

    1. Visit Marthafry.com for more info!

    2. Schedule a 15-minute coaching call with me to take your next step

    3. Join my FB Group for more support, tips, and community!


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    Take a screenshot of your review and send it to us at Martha@marthakfry.com, and we will send you a gift as a way to say thank you.


    3 Key Components To Living A Long, Healthy and Vibrant Life: 2 Minutes of Motivation

    3 Key Components To Living A Long, Healthy and Vibrant Life: 2 Minutes of Motivation

    Check out this episode to learn why you need to be connected to your personal mission and how to make food choices that will nourish your mind and body.

    Listen to the episode with Dan Buettner

    Key Takeaways From This Episode

    • One thing you can do to eat healthily
    • The importance of having a purpose in life

    Disclaimer: All information and views shared on the Live Greatly podcast are purely the opinions of the authors, and are not intended to provide medical advice or treatment recommendations. The contents of this podcast are intended for informational and educational purposes only. Always seek the guidance of your physician or other qualified health professional when you have any questions regarding your specific health, changes to diet and exercise, or any medical conditions and before starting any new herbal, plant based products or supplements and before starting any new beauty products such as hair products, skin care products etc.  Side effects and contraindications may occur. 

    About Vegamour

    This podcast epsiode is sponsored by Vegamour. Vegamour is a holistic approach to hair wellness that incorporates clinically tested plant-based ingredients that work in tandem to promote healthy, beautiful hair naturally, without using harmful chemicals or short-term ‘fixes’ that can lead to long-term problems. They study the power of nature through the lens of science to bring you the ultimate in total hair wellness & beauty for a lifetime of happiness.

    Vegamour simply models nature’s holistic approach to healthy growth & function by combining bioavailable plant-based actives, enzymes, and proteins in a 360, inside/out approach to create the optimal ecosystem for hair wellness.

    Vegamour uses the world’s finest, hand-curated, natural ingredients to ensure quality and efficacy. They cared enough to set up their own sustainable supply chains to bring beautiful, natural ingredients into everything they formulate.

    In return, they take care of the land and the people who help them bring this true love to you and your hair.

    Connect with Vegamour

    To obtain 20% off from Vegamour, visit their website at www.vegamour.com and use promo code GREATLY20.


    Kristel Bauer, the Founder of Live Greatly, is on a mission to help people thrive personally and professionally. She is a corporate wellness expert, Integrative Medicine Fellow, Keynote Speaker, TEDx speaker & Physician Assistant experienced in Integrative Psychiatry and Functional Medicine. 

    Follow her on:

    To Book Kristel as a speaker for your next event, click here.

    Dr. William Li | How to Eat to Support Optimal Well-Being from the Groundbreaking New York Times Bestselling Author of “Eat to Beat Disease”

    Dr. William Li | How to Eat to Support Optimal Well-Being from the Groundbreaking New York Times Bestselling Author of “Eat to Beat Disease”

    You are what you eat!  Kristel chats with Dr. William Li about effectively using food as medicine, wisely modifying eating patterns, and strategically adjusting diet to help  combat diseases. Make healthier choices now and learn more by tuning in.

    Key Takeaways from This Episode

    • Benefits of herbs and spices for your health
    • What is the Mediterranean Diet and its benefits?
    • The truth about dairy products
    • Insightful thoughts on metabolism and body fat
    • How to eat well to support your health and beat disease


    Disclaimer: All information and views shared on the Live Greatly podcast are purely the opinions of the authors, and are not intended to provide medical advice or treatment recommendations. The contents of this podcast are intended for informational and educational purposes only. Always seek the guidance of your physician or other qualified health professional when you have any questions regarding your specific health, changes to diet and exercise, or any medical conditions and before starting any new herbal, plant based products or supplements and before starting any new beauty products such as hair products, skin care products etc.  Side effects and contraindications may occur. 


    Resources Mentioned In This Episode


    About Dr. William Li

    William W. Li, MD, is an internationally renowned physician, scientist, and author of the New York Times bestseller “Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself.” His groundbreaking work has led to more than 30 new medical treatments, and impacts care for more than 70 diseases, including cancer, diabetes, blindness, heart disease, and obesity. His TED Talk, “Can We Eat to Starve Cancer?” has garnered more than 11 million views. Dr. Li has appeared on Good Morning America, CNN, CNBC, and the Dr. Oz Show, and he has been featured in USA Today, Time Magazine, The Atlantic, and O Magazine. He is president and medical director of the Angiogenesis Foundation and leads research into COVID-19.

    Connect with Dr. Li


    About “Eat to Beat Disease”

    Eat your way to better health with this New York Times bestseller on food's ability to help the body heal itself from cancer, dementia, and dozens of other avoidable diseases. 

    Forget everything you think you know about your body and food and discover the new science of how the body heals itself. Learn how to identify the strategies and dosages for using food to transform your resilience and health in Eat to Beat Disease.

    We have radically underestimated our body's power to transform and restore our health. Pioneering physician-scientist Dr. William Li empowers readers by showing them the evidence behind over 200 health-boosting foods that can starve cancer, reduce your risk of dementia, and beat dozens of avoidable diseases. Eat to Beat Disease isn't about what foods to avoid but rather is a life-changing guide to the hundreds of healing foods to add to your meals that support the body's defense systems.

    The book's plan shows you how to integrate the foods you already love into any diet or health plan to activate your body's health defense systems: angiogenesis, Regeneration, Microbiome, DNA Protection, and immunity to fight cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular, neurodegenerative autoimmune diseases, and other debilitating conditions.  

    About The Masterclass

    Join world-renowned scientist, physician, and New York Times bestselling author Dr. William Li as he shares his wealth of knowledge and research that has impacted more than 50 million lives. Dr. Li is a true pioneer in food as medicine and has discovered more than two hundred foods that activate the body’s hardwired health defense systems: angiogenesis, regeneration, microbiome, DNA protection, and immunity. During this sixty-minute free masterclass, Dr. Li will break down each of the health defense systems to help you understand how they function and then share specific foods that you can use to activate each one. These are the same foods that Dr. Li has studied in detail to understand their abilities to combat and prevent things like cancer and cardiovascular disease.


    About Vegamour

    This podcast epsiode is sponsored by Vegamour.  Vegamour is a holistic approach to hair wellness that incorporates clinically tested plant-based ingredients that work in tandem to promote healthy, beautiful hair. They study the power of nature through the lens of science to bring you the ultimate in total hair wellness & beauty for a lifetime of happiness.

    Vegamour simply models nature’s holistic approach to healthy growth & function by combining bioavailable plant-based actives, enzymes, and proteins in a 360, inside/out approach to create the optimal ecosystem for hair wellness.

    Vegamour uses the world’s finest, hand-curated, natural ingredients to ensure quality and efficacy. They cared enough to set up their own sustainable supply chains to bring beautiful, natural ingredients into everything they formulate.

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    Kristel Bauer, the Founder of Live Greatly, is on a mission to help people thrive personally and professionally. She is a corporate wellness expert, Integrative Medicine Fellow, Keynote Speaker, TEDx speaker & contributing writer for Entrepreneur.

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    Ep. 615 - More Anti-White Brainwashing In Public School

    Ep. 615 - More Anti-White Brainwashing In Public School

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, a school district in California is forcing its employees to attend so-called “white privilege training.” I’ll tell you what this insane training entails. And also I’ll ask a pertinent question: when is a white employee finally going to stand up and file a racial discrimination lawsuit to stop this sort of madness? Also Five Headlines including more sheriffs saying they will not enforce unconstitutional lockdown orders, and Warner Brothers gives the death blow to movie theaters. Is that something to celebrate? And in our Daily Cancellation, I will preemptively cancel any future potential COVID vaccine mandate, and anyone who pushes for one.

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