
    Podcast Summary

    • The impact of groundbreaking TV shows on actorsActors sharing stories of their experiences on iconic shows like 'Lost' and 'Lord of the Rings,' discussing isolation on set and unawareness of shows' impact, and reflecting on leaving before finales.

      The experience of being a part of groundbreaking television shows, such as "Lost" and "Lord of the Rings," can have a profound impact on an actor's life, even if they're not fully aware of it at the time. The actor in this conversation shared stories about his experiences on these shows and how they became cultural phenomena. He also discussed how isolating experiences on set, like being on a deserted island for "Lost," made it harder for him to fully grasp the show's impact. He also shared that he left both shows before their finales and hasn't seen them since, which often leads to heated discussions with fans about how the shows ended. Overall, the conversation highlighted the unique and sometimes surreal experience of being a part of iconic television shows.

    • The cast and crew's personal journey on LostRecognize and appreciate the unique experiences of individuals involved in creating iconic television, rather than comparing and feeling jealous.

      The experience of working on a beloved television show, such as Lost, is deeply personal and unique for each individual involved. While fans may view the show as a constant companion, the cast and crew experienced it as a complex and transformative journey. Despite the constraints of network television and the occasional challenges, they produced a groundbreaking and iconic series. The perspective of those involved is vastly different from that of the audience, and it's essential to recognize and appreciate the distinct experiences. Additionally, comparisons and jealousy are natural but ultimately futile, as everyone's journey in life and in their careers is unique. It's crucial to absorb these realities and learn from them, rather than letting them fuel ego and negative emotions.

    • Comparing ourselves to others can harm mental healthFocus on personal improvement and set realistic goals, rather than comparing to unattainable standards. Recognize the media's distorted view of reality and celebrate unique qualities.

      Comparison is a natural human tendency, but it can also lead to unhappiness and dissatisfaction. In today's world, with social media and instant access to information, we are constantly comparing ourselves to the elite and the exception, which can be detrimental to our mental health. It's essential to remember that everyone's progress and abilities are relative, and we all face our unique challenges. It's important to focus on our own improvement and set realistic goals, rather than comparing ourselves to unattainable standards. Additionally, it's crucial to recognize that the media often presents an unrealistic and distorted view of reality, which can lead to unhealthy comparisons and body image issues. Instead, we should celebrate our unique qualities and appreciate the diversity of the human experience.

    • Historical shifts in women's body preferencesThroughout history, societal norms and cultural shifts have influenced the perception and appreciation of different body types for women, with preferences shifting from slimmer figures in the 70s and 80s to curvier bodies in contemporary society, particularly in the hip hop and rap communities.

      Societal norms and cultural shifts have significantly influenced the perception and appreciation of different body types for women throughout history. During the 70s and 80s, a focus on slimmer figures was prevalent, while today, a preference for curvier bodies, particularly in the hip hop and rap communities, has emerged. This shift may be attributed to various factors, including societal expectations, genetic influences, and media exposure. Ultimately, the attractiveness of a particular body type is subjective and can change over time. The conversation also touched upon the idea that women's bodies have historically been portrayed differently than men's, with women's bodies undergoing more drastic changes in representation.

    • The importance of a healthy lifestyle for physical and mental well-beingConsistently prioritize healthy habits for overall wellness, allowing for occasional indulgences.

      Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including eating relatively well and working out, is important for both physical and mental well-being. The speaker values consistency in his own habits and looks for a partner who shares the same approach. However, he acknowledges the appeal of less healthy food choices and allows for occasional indulgences. The speaker also reflects on the common struggle with overeating and wonders about its evolutionary significance. Despite the prevalence of overeating and unhealthy diets, the speaker believes that consistently abusing one's body is a form of self-abuse and is not an attractive trait in a partner. The speaker's own healthy habits are influenced by his active lifestyle and high metabolism.

    • Childhood habits shape our futures, but consistency in adulthood leads to changeConsistently practicing healthy habits for 90 days can make them a part of your routine, leading to long-term change. Surround yourself with inspiring people to help overcome fears and achieve personal growth.

      Consistent habits, whether good or bad, have a significant impact on our lives. The speaker's obsession with soccer as a child led him to neglect eating properly, resulting in a very active yet undernourished lifestyle. However, when he started working with a trainer as an adult, he realized that proper nutrition was essential to fuel his workouts and reach his fitness goals. Despite initial resistance, he learned to adopt healthier eating habits and saw noticeable improvements. The key is consistency - doing something every day for 90 days can help make it a part of your routine and lead to long-term change. Even if you're hesitant about making drastic lifestyle changes, surrounding yourself with brilliant and inspiring people can help overcome those fears and lead to personal growth.

    • Actor's connection with creators during auditionPassion for comedy, surfing, and island lifestyle helped actor land role and enjoy experience

      The actor's connection with the creators during the audition process played a significant role in landing the role on the hit TV show. The conversation focused on English comedy and shared impressions, rather than discussing the specific show. The character's frustration with being so close to fame but stranded on an island resonated with the actor and director. The experience of living in Hawaii was unexpectedly enjoyable for the actor, who sought out the jungle environment and even discovered a favorite surfer there. Ultimately, the actor's passion for comedy, surfing, and the island lifestyle contributed to a successful and enjoyable experience on the show.

    • A dangerous encounter at Go IslandExperienced surfers can face danger and need a mentor's guidance and support to stay safe, while conserving energy and staying calm underwater is essential for survival.

      Surfing can be a dangerous and challenging experience, even for experienced watermen. During a session at the North Shore's Go Island, the speaker found himself in the drop zone and unable to escape the relentless waves. Despite his best efforts, he was unable to make progress and was in danger of being overwhelmed. It was only through the help of his mentor, Kalani, that he was able to make it out safely. Kalani's guidance and physical assistance were crucial in saving the speaker from potential harm. The experience also taught the speaker a valuable trick for conserving energy and staying calm underwater: taking a small sip of seawater to trick the body into thinking it has taken a breath. Overall, this encounter highlighted the importance of having a knowledgeable and supportive mentor, as well as the physical and mental demands of surfing in challenging conditions.

    • Two Highly Motivated Individuals: Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson and Jimmy KimmelDedication and hard work pay off: Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson and Jimmy Kimmel are known for their impressive work ethic and consistent output in their respective fields, inspiring others through their dedication and productivity.

      There are highly motivated and productive individuals who inspire others through their consistent work ethic and dedication to their craft. The discussion revolves around two such individuals, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Jimmy Kimmel, who are known for their impressive work routines and accomplishments in their respective fields. Despite the perceived busyness of their lives, they remain motivated and continue to produce new content, whether it be through social media, podcasts, or late-night television. Their work ethic and brilliance have earned them respect and admiration from their peers and fans.

    • The Drive and Ambition of Jimmy Fallon and Anthony BourdainJimmy Fallon and Anthony Bourdain's strong drives and ambitions led them to constantly improve and seek new experiences in their respective fields. Fallon's ambition is rooted in self-improvement, while Bourdain's is fueled by curiosity and his past as a recovering addict.

      Both Jimmy Fallon and Anthony Bourdain exhibit a strong drive and ambition in their respective fields, with Fallon constantly improving his talk show and Bourdain seeking new experiences through travel. Fallon's ambition is rooted in self-improvement and reaching for new heights, while Bourdain's is fueled by his curiosity and desire to explore the world. Additionally, Bourdain's background as a recovering addict contributes to his restless nature and need for constant movement and new experiences. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of having a strong drive and ambition in one's personal and professional life, and the different ways it can manifest.

    • Personal story of drug use and its consequencesBe mindful of potential drug risks, seek positive experiences instead, and be aware of societal glamorization of drugs.

      Drugs, even if they can seem like an escape or a comfort, can have negative consequences. The speaker shares his personal experience of heavy marijuana use and how his brother's concern led him to reconsider his habits. He emphasizes that everyone should have their own journey and experiences, but warns against the potential dangers of drug abuse. He also reflects on how drugs, especially marijuana, can be seen as glamorized or trivialized in media and society, leading young people to believe they're harmless. The speaker encourages a more mindful approach to drug use, if at all, and emphasizes the importance of being aware of the potential risks. He also highlights the importance of seeking out positive experiences and inspiration in life, rather than relying on substances as a crutch.

    • Appreciation for Physical Media and Skepticism Towards the CloudOur speaker cherishes tangible items like CDs and vinyl records, values privacy, and is concerned about the ephemeral nature of digital content.

      Our speaker values physical media, such as CDs and vinyl records, and holds a skepticism towards the cloud and digital media. He finds joy in owning and collecting these tangible items, whether it be music or films, and is concerned about the potential loss of privacy and the ephemeral nature of digital content. The speaker also shared his personal connection to the music of Cigarose and his fascination with the revival of vinyl culture. Additionally, he expressed disappointment in the revelation of Bill Cosby's past actions and the profound impact it had on his perception of the comedian.

    • Artists pushing boundaries and challenging audiencesUnconventional artists, like George Carlin and Bill Hicks, faced initial rejection but eventually resonated with larger audiences, emphasizing the importance of staying true to artistic vision and the rewards of perseverance.

      Sometimes artists, like George Carlin and Bill Hicks, push boundaries and challenge audiences with their unconventional work. In the early stages of their careers, they may not have found their dedicated fanbase and faced criticism or indifference. However, their unique voices and perspectives eventually resonated with a larger audience, making them influential figures in comedy. The struggle to be understood and appreciated for their art, despite initial rejection, drove their determination and creativity. Their stories serve as reminders of the importance of staying true to one's artistic vision and the potential rewards that come with perseverance.

    • Exploring the depths of human experiences through comedyArtist fearlessly transforms challenges into relatable and hilarious content, setting him apart as a bonafide comedy gangster.

      The artist's ability to create and connect with audiences through various mediums, despite the darkness and challenges, is truly remarkable. Whether it's writing, editing, directing, producing, or performing stand-up comedy, he fearlessly explores the depths of human experiences and transforms them into hilarious and relatable content. His unique perspective, honed from his own life experiences, sets him apart as a bonafide gangster of comedy. Despite the haters and hecklers, the bravery and skill required to stand on stage and bare one's soul to an audience is undeniable. So next time you're feeling down or encounter a heckler, remember to find the humor in the moment and keep pushing forward.

    • Exploring the Boundaries of ComedyComedy pushes boundaries, evokes various reactions, and challenges us to broaden our perspectives, even with controversial topics.

      Comedy, like art, pushes boundaries and can be controversial. The audience's reactions can range from laughter to disapproval, often influenced by factors such as alcohol and personal beliefs. Some people may not be able to handle certain topics and may disrupt the performance, while others may find offense in the very things that some find funny. Comedians often experiment with new material, some of which may initially bomb but later develop into successful bits. It's all part of the creative process and the ever-evolving nature of comedy. Ultimately, comedy challenges us to broaden our perspectives and engage with the world around us, even if it means confronting uncomfortable topics or ideas.

    • The Role of the Audience in Shaping Stand-up ComedyThe audience's feedback and energy significantly impact the performance, making stand-up comedy a collaborative art form. Preferences for comedians range from taboo topics to wordsmiths like Jerry Seinfeld, and the audience's engagement and connection to the material are crucial for success.

      Stand-up comedy is a collaborative art form between the performer and the audience. Every audience member plays a crucial role in the creative process by providing feedback and energy that shapes the performance in real-time. Comedians like Jerry Seinfeld, with their specific styles and limitations, offer unique perspectives and contributions to the world of stand-up. Preferences for comedians vary greatly, with some favoring more taboo topics and others appreciating the craftsmanship of wordsmiths like Seinfeld. Ultimately, the audience's engagement and connection to the material are essential for the success of the performance. Comedians like Seinfeld, Brian Regan, and Sarah Silverman, despite their different approaches, demonstrate the vast range and richness of the stand-up comedy genre.

    • Exploring the Influence of Personal Experiences on Comedy PreferencesEmbrace diverse comedic styles and recognize how personal experiences shape comedy preferences. Monty Python's anarchic humor left a lasting impression on the speaker due to his early experiences in Los Angeles.

      Comedy preferences are subjective and can change based on personal experiences and stages of life. The speaker shared his admiration for various comedians, including Sarah Silverman, Joey Diaz, Doug Stanhope, Dove Davidoff, and Monty Python. He emphasized that comedians' performances can vary, and their material evolves over time. The speaker's early experiences in Los Angeles, which included limited resources, also influenced his appreciation for comedy and Monty Python's anarchic style. Monty Python's groundbreaking humor, which often included wordplay and absurd situations, left a lasting impression on him. Overall, the speaker's discussion highlights the importance of embracing diverse comedic styles and the impact of personal experiences on comedy preferences.

    • Taking a break after a major projectActors should take time for personal growth and reflection after completing a significant project, whether it's networking and auditioning in a new city or focusing on personal pursuits. This break allows for rejuvenation and inspiration, leading to new opportunities in their careers.

      After completing a major project like "The Lord of the Rings," it's essential for actors to take some time for themselves and explore new opportunities before jumping back into work. The speaker's experience involved going to Los Angeles to network and audition, but he also acknowledged the importance of taking time for personal growth and reflection. He found inspiration in visiting iconic Hollywood landmarks and eventually landed a role in a new project. The experience of his colleagues, such as Viggo Mortensen and Orlando Bloom, varied, with some choosing to travel or focus on personal pursuits before returning to acting. Overall, the importance of taking a breather after a significant project cannot be overstated.

    • New Zealand's Unique IdentityNew Zealand's distinct climate, culture, and wildlife set it apart from Australia, but human impact on nature poses challenges in managing wildlife populations.

      New Zealand, despite being geographically close to Australia on the map, has distinct differences in climate, culture, and wildlife. The country is known for its beautiful landscapes, love for art, and unique wildlife, including flightless birds like the Kakapo. However, the introduction of non-native animals has led to significant issues, similar to what Australia experienced with rabbits and their subsequent attempts to control the population with foxes and feral cats. The speaker expresses concern for the impact humans have on nature and the challenges that come with trying to manage wildlife populations. Despite these concerns, New Zealand remains a safe and culturally rich country with a strong appreciation for art and a unique identity.

    • Living in Harmony with NatureWe must learn from nature to live sustainably and in balance, like indigenous communities, to ensure a future for humanity.

      While humans have made incredible advancements and achievements, we are currently living unsustainably and out of balance with the natural world. If we were to remove humans from Earth and observe it in 200 years, it would be a vibrantly green and balanced planet. However, we wouldn't want to live there as we wouldn't have modern conveniences or the ability to communicate or work. The people who would survive are those who live in harmony with nature, such as indigenous communities. We admire their abilities, but we cannot compare them to modern athletes or celebrities. The speaker believes that the correct way to live on this planet is the way these communities do, not the excess and waste of modern society. We are currently harming the planet and may not have a future if we continue on this path. Instead, we need to learn from ants, bees, and other creatures who live in harmony with their environments and leave no carbon footprint. We have the potential to create a better future for human beings, but we must act now.

    • Recognizing our impact on the planet and future generationsStrive for a waste-free world, appreciate art and experiences, and recognize the importance of animals and our impact on them.

      While humans have made impressive technological advancements, we must also focus on being more renewable and sustainable for the betterment of the planet and future generations. The universe may not care about our existence, but the experiences and art we create can elevate human emotions and make life worthwhile. It's crucial to recognize the consequences of our actions and strive for a waste-free world. The mystery and importance of animals, including squirrels, should not be underestimated, but humans have the unique ability to spread art and experiences that can touch and inspire countless lives.

    • The Universe Might Find Ants More Impressive Than HumansFrom a cosmic perspective, ants' harmony with nature and minimal impact make them impressive. Human achievements, while impressive, come with consequences like pollution and environmental damage.

      While humans may believe they are impressive and have made remarkable advancements, the universe may view things differently. The universe, if it were to make a comparison, might find ants more impressive due to their balance with nature and minimal impact on the planet. However, if we consider human achievements from a human perspective, they are indeed impressive, but come with consequences, such as pollution and environmental damage. Ultimately, it's a complex issue with no clear answer, but it's important to consider the impact of our actions on the planet and strive for balance.

    • Appreciating the Jaguar and Rhino's Role in NatureThe Jaguar represents balance and flow in nature, but the complex issue of hunting and conservation involves both revenue generation and protection of endangered species, like rhinos, whose horns have no medicinal value.

      The appreciation for the natural world and its inhabitants goes beyond intellectual accomplishments or scientific theories. The Jaguar, for instance, represents balance and flow in nature, and its hunt is a part of the ecosystem. However, the issue of hunting and conservation is complex, as it generates significant revenue for local communities and can help protect endangered species, such as rhinos, from poaching. Rhino horns do not have medicinal or aphrodisiac properties, and yet, they continue to be hunted to extinction due to superstitious beliefs. It is essential to recognize that the extinction of animals like rhinos not only robs us of their unique contributions to the ecosystem but also denies us the opportunity to learn from them. Ultimately, it is crucial to strike a balance between respecting nature and utilizing its resources sustainably.

    • Exploring the complexities of wildlife conservationUnderstanding the importance of assigning value and protecting endangered species, even if it means controversial methods, is crucial for their survival.

      The value of wildlife goes beyond human consumption and aesthetics. The conservation of endangered species often requires difficult decisions and complex solutions. For instance, the killing of older, non-breeding male rhinos can help maintain population health. This concept was explored in Louis Theroux's documentary on African safaris, which showcases how hunting camps have contributed to the revival of species that were once on the brink of extinction. However, the controversy surrounding these practices and the role of organized religions like Scientology in shaping public perception adds to the complexity of the issue. Ultimately, the survival of wildlife relies on assigning them value and protecting them, even if it means giving them a monetary value. This perspective was expressed by an old man in Theroux's documentary, emphasizing the importance of understanding the complexities and nuances of wildlife conservation.

    • Exploring the World with Curiosity and DeterminationCuriosity and determination can lead to unique experiences and opportunities. Asking locals for advice and being aware of potential risks are essential parts of exploration.

      Curiosity and adventure can lead to unique experiences and potential opportunities. The speaker, an actor, shared his personal journey of traveling to various locations to encounter different animals and sharing his experiences with producers to create a television show. He emphasized the importance of asking locals for information and advice, as well as the potential risks involved in some encounters, such as lying down in a carpet of army ants. Despite the challenges, the speaker's determination and passion for exploration led him to create a successful show. Additionally, the concept of fear was touched upon, as the speaker discussed the pain threshold of bullet ants and the balance of nature in allowing ants to clear out other pests from villages. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of curiosity, determination, and the natural world.

    • Transforming our relationship with fear and dangerous animalsBy focusing on positivity and changing our perspective, we can mitigate fear and even change the way our brains respond to dangerous animals. Recognizing their desire to escape and responding with calmness and respect can lead to peaceful coexistence.

      Our relationship with fear and dangerous animals can be transformed by changing our perspective and focusing on positivity. The speaker argues that fear can make us clumsy and lead to negative decisions, while showing animals in a positive light can help mitigate fear and even change the way our brains respond to them. For instance, instead of focusing on the fear of spiders, we can replace it with positive experiences and associations. Wild animals, like snakes and cobras, may initially try to get away from us, but with patience and understanding, we can establish a connection and even change their behavior. This process involves recognizing the animal's desire to escape and responding with calmness and respect, which can ultimately lead to a peaceful coexistence. Through this approach, we can learn to appreciate the beauty and magic of these animals, rather than being ruled by fear.

    • Exploring the world through the lens of animal loveThe host's deep love for animals and freedom to explore led to a successful travel series, highlighting the enduring appeal of animal topics to audiences.

      The host of the show "Animal Magic" created his travel series organically, with a deep love for animals and the freedom to explore the world. He could have based the show on various interests, but animals proved to be an evergreen topic that appeals to audiences. The host also shared his personal struggle with being a vegetarian while maintaining the energy required for his show, acknowledging the validity of vegetarian arguments but also expressing his belief in his omnivorous nature. The conversation highlighted the complexity of dietary choices and the host's unique perspective as a traveler and animal lover.

    • Exploring the significance of meals and dietary choicesIndividuals have varying beliefs and experiences regarding meals and dietary restrictions, and it's essential to consider ethical and physical aspects when making choices.

      There is ongoing debate about the importance and composition of meals, particularly breakfast, and individual dietary choices and restrictions. Some people believe in the significance of certain meals, while others find that pushing their bodies to work hard without food can provide benefits. The speaker shares his personal experience of experimenting with various dietary restrictions and the rationale behind them, including ethical considerations and physical challenges. He also reflects on the natural cycle of life and death in the animal kingdom and how human beings have evolved as omnivores. Ultimately, the speaker encourages embracing the complexity and diversity of food and the natural world.

    • Nature's Beauty and BrutalityUnderstanding the duality of nature's beauty and brutality enriches our appreciation for life and our connection to the natural world.

      The natural world can be both beautiful and harsh, and understanding this dichotomy is essential for appreciating the complexity of life. The speaker shares stories of encountering the raw realities of nature, from observing a moose calf being hunted by wolves to witnessing a zebra foal being tormented by hyenas. These experiences highlight the brutality and unfairness of nature, but also its inherent beauty and the importance of being connected to it. The speaker encourages embracing the natural world, including its challenges, and recognizing that even seemingly unnatural human creations are a natural expression of our creativity. Ultimately, recognizing the beauty and harshness of nature can help us appreciate the fullness of life and our place within it.

    • The natural progression of human civilizationConsider the negative impacts of our creations and work to mitigate them, rather than adopting an apathetic attitude. Take responsibility for our actions and work together to make a positive difference.

      While humans have created structures and technologies that may seem unnatural, they are a natural extension of our existence and our desire to survive and thrive. However, the size and scale of our creations, as well as the waste they produce, can have negative consequences. The speaker suggests that we need to consider these impacts and work to mitigate them, rather than adopting an apathetic attitude. For example, littering, such as throwing cigarette butts on the ground, is a disconnect from nature and contributes to pollution. The speaker encourages taking responsibility for our actions, no matter how small, and working together to make a positive difference. Ultimately, the natural progression of human civilization can be a double-edged sword, and it's up to us to ensure that the benefits outweigh the costs.

    • People's actions impact health and environmentSmoking, despite awareness of harm, continues due to cravings and historical associations.

      People's actions, such as smoking cigarettes and littering, can have negative impacts on both their own health and the environment. The speaker shares personal observations and experiences that highlight the contradiction between individuals' awareness of the harmful effects of smoking and their continued engagement in the behavior. The speaker also touches upon the historical context of smoking and its association with coolness or rebellion. The speaker reflects on the complexity of addressing this issue with others and acknowledges that everyone has their vices. The speaker also shares insights from a book about smoking addiction, which suggests that the craving for a cigarette is not just for the cigarette itself, but to replace the negative feelings with the adrenaline rush from the poison.

    • Cigarettes do not calm, they fuel addictionCigarettes do not calm as believed, instead fueling addiction and causing long-term health harm

      Cigarettes do not calm you down as many believe, but rather feed an addiction that causes harm to your health. The speaker's friend called cigarettes "smokey treats," adding positive affirmation, but the speaker realized the truth behind the addiction and the long-term health consequences. Addiction experts explain that cigarettes do not calm you down, but rather fuel the addiction, which in turn calms the craving for a brief period before asking for it again. The speaker was fortunate to have grown up with a mother who showed him the harsh realities of smoking, including the health risks and the stories of people with amputations due to complications. The movie "Inside Out" also touched on the topic of depression and its effects on a person at a molecular level. Overall, it's important to be aware of the addictive nature of cigarettes and the long-term harm they cause to our health.

    • Understanding the importance of sadness in our emotional landscapeThe Inside Out movie highlights the significance of all emotions, including sadness, in shaping our experiences and identities, and serves as a reminder to acknowledge and embrace the full range of human emotions.

      Emotions, particularly sadness, play a crucial role in shaping our experiences and identities. The speaker was surprised to realize that his default state was not constant happiness, but that sadness was an essential part of his emotional landscape. The Inside Out movie resonated deeply with him, making him cry during the Lava short film and sparking conversations with his kids about the importance of all emotions, not just the happy ones. He appreciated the movie's nuanced portrayal of the subconscious and the balance between positive and negative core memories. Despite some reservations about the depiction of the subconscious as dark and scary, he saw the value in acknowledging the existence of sadness and other complex emotions, recognizing that they can serve as motivators and catalysts for growth. Ultimately, he believed that emotions, including sadness, are essential parts of the human experience, driving us to seek new experiences and strive for improvement.

    • Learning from relationshipsRelationships teach us valuable lessons, even if painful. Develop resilience, view experiences as part of life's journey, and maintain balance to prevent depression.

      Relationships, especially early ones, can be powerful and painful experiences. They teach us valuable lessons, even if they involve manipulation or heartbreak. It's important to learn from these experiences and develop resilience, rather than becoming perpetual victims. Our brains have evolved to expand beyond physical needs, allowing us to overthink and get ourselves into complex situations. But it's essential to view both positive and negative experiences as part of life's journey and maintain a balance to prevent depression. Remember, every experience, good or bad, contributes to personal growth.

    • Embracing life's ups and downsLearning from disappointments and heartbreaks, they may not be as devastating as imagined, and contribute to personal growth.

      Maintaining balance in life is crucial. Getting overly high or overly low about situations can lead to negative consequences, but these experiences often come with valuable lessons. The speaker shares how he learned to cope with disappointments and heartbreaks, emphasizing that they may not be as devastating as we imagine. He also reflects on his early life, where he lacked exposure to sadness and depression, making him vulnerable when he first encountered these emotions. Overall, the speaker encourages embracing life's ups and downs, as they contribute to personal growth.

    • Embracing the balance of life's ups and downsRecognize and appreciate both good and bad experiences, embrace hardships to appreciate the good times, and don't take the good times for granted.

      Life is a series of ups and downs, and finding balance between them is essential for happiness. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing and appreciating both the good and bad experiences in life. They also mention that sometimes, we need to encounter hardships to truly appreciate the good times. The speaker shares a personal example of how a week of misery in the rain helped them appreciate the sunshine and comforts of home. They also express their concerns about the jaded culture in Los Angeles and the lack of community spirit, but acknowledge that perspective plays a role in shaping our perceptions. Overall, the key takeaway is to embrace the balance of life's peaks and troughs and not take the good times for granted.

    • Navigating LA's Unique Arts SceneLA's arts scene is competitive, but genuine creatives can find success and community amidst the distractions and pressure to conform.

      In the creative scene of Los Angeles, there's a significant population of individuals striving to fit in and be successful, often leading to a nonchalant reaction to genuinely impressive art or talent. This is a result of the city's competitive nature and the large number of people trying to make it in various industries. However, LA also boasts a thriving arts scene, with great artists, musicians, comedians, and actors. Despite the presence of many fakers, there are also close-knit communities of genuine creatives. For those who prefer a quieter lifestyle, the distractions of LA's social scene can be overwhelming, and the pressure to conform can be suffocating. Ultimately, the challenge for artists and creatives in LA is to navigate the city's unique culture and find a balance between staying true to their craft and fitting in with the crowd.

    • Handling encounters with fansMaintain a normal and approachable demeanor to handle unexpected encounters with fans, most interactions are positive, and set the tone for your interactions.

      Fame and recognition can bring unexpected encounters with people, some of whom may act in ways that are uncomfortable or even disrespectful. However, it's important to remember that most interactions are positive, especially when in social settings like bars. The key is to maintain a normal and approachable demeanor, and not let negative experiences sour your interactions with others. As the speaker mentioned, people often act differently when they encounter someone they recognize, and it's important to remember that they may not even realize the impact of their actions. Ultimately, it's up to us to set the tone for our interactions and not let the actions of others define our experiences.

    • Natural limitations in abilitiesIndividual abilities vary, and exceptional talents can't always be explained by hard work or determination. Respect differences and recognize the value of all contributions.

      There are natural limitations and differences in abilities among individuals, which cannot be overcome solely through determination or hard work. Some people possess exceptional talents in areas like fighting, and these talents often supersede other factors like gender or size. Ronda Rousey and Cris Cyborg are prime examples of women who have dominated the UFC scene with their impressive fighting skills. Meanwhile, fighters like Rory McDonald exhibit a terrifying level of intensity and expertise, making them formidable opponents. It's important to recognize and respect these differences, rather than making assumptions based on preconceived notions. Additionally, some individuals, despite their best efforts, may not reach the pinnacle of their chosen fields due to inherent limitations. In the case of UFC legends like Georges St. Pierre and Johny Hendricks, their accomplishments and contributions to the sport are invaluable, regardless of whether they continue competing or not.

    • Struggles of Retired AthletesRetired athletes often face depression and difficulty adjusting to civilian life, especially those with brain damage. Support and preparation are crucial to help them transition successfully.

      The trauma experienced by fighters during their careers can lead to disorienting moments and long-term issues, even after retirement. George, a former champion, is an exceptional case as he recognized his need for help and retired on his own terms. However, many athletes, especially in sports like football and boxing, face challenges adjusting to civilian life after their peak earning years and physical abilities have passed. Depression is common among retired athletes, particularly those with brain damage, as they struggle to find purpose and function in society. The Rock's new HBO show highlights these challenges. It's crucial to support and prepare athletes for their post-career lives, as they often face unique challenges that the general population does not encounter.

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    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh
    Noland Arbaugh is the first human recipient of Neuralink’s brain-computer interface implant: an innovative new technology that allows him to control digital devices with his thoughts. Noland Arbaugh: https://x.com/ModdedQuad Neuralink www.neuralink.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2166 - Enhanced Games

    #2166 - Enhanced Games
    Christian Angermayer and Dr. Aron D’Souza are the co-founders of the Enhanced Games, an upcoming Olympic-style event that brings together the world’s top athletes to compete without arbitrary bans on performance-enhancing substances.  www.enhanced.org Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2165 - Jack Carr

    #2165 - Jack Carr
    Jack Carr is a bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and host of the “Danger Close” podcast. His newest book, "Red Sky Mourning,” is available now. www.officialjackcarr.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2164 - Action Bronson

    #2164 - Action Bronson
    Action Bronson is a musician, chef, painter, and author. Look out for his forthcoming album "Johann Sebastian Bachlava the Doctor'' and watch his series "F*ck, That's Delicious" on YouTube. www.actionbronson.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross
    Freeway Rick Ross is a former eighties drug kingpin who is now an author, motivational speaker, and community advocate. www.freewayrickyross.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2162 - Tim Dillon

    #2162 - Tim Dillon
    Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024. www.timdilloncomedy.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Related Episodes

    177: Randy is SIRIous with Special Guest Susan Bennett, the Original Voice of Siri

    177: Randy is SIRIous with Special Guest Susan Bennett, the Original Voice of Siri

    Basically, Susan Bennett is a musician! The voice work, speaking, acting and SIRI came later. She was playing the piano by ear by the age of 4, took classical piano lessons for many years, and ended up singing in her first band, "Conglomerate" during her years at Brown University.

    Susan went on to sing and play keyboards in clubs and restaurants in Atlanta, GA, where she moved in 1972 and still lives. She also did hundreds of commercial jingles (famously, Tillie the All-Time Teller for the first successful ATM in the US) and she sang backup vocals on tour with Burt Bacharach and Roy Orbison.

    Susan got into voiceover work at Doppler Studios in Atlanta when the voice actor hired for a particular commercial didn't show up, and studio owner Pete Caldwell suggested she do the spot instead. Bam! She got a whole new career! Susan ended up doing spots for Coca Cola, IBM, Papa John's Pizza, McDonald's, AT&T, Wendy's, Goodyear, Ford, Chiquita, etc., for both radio and TV. She also worked on camera for Morrison's, Ford, GA Pacific, IBM, Kimberly Clark, etc.

    Of course, being the original voice of Siri started a whole new chapter in her life. After she revealed herself as the original voice in 2013, she did hundreds of interviews, appeared on numerous TV shows, and once again began a whole new career—doing speaker events!

    JONES.SHOW is a weekly podcast featuring host Randall Kenneth Jones (author, speaker & creative communications consultant) and Susan C. Bennett (the original voice of Siri).

    JONES.SHOW is produced and edited by Kevin Randall Jones.

    Please note that I cut the Clubhouse references.

    JONES.SHOW Online: 
    Join us in the Jones.Show Lounge on Facebook.

    Twitter (Randy): https://twitter.com/randallkjones
    Instagram (Randy): https://www.instagram.com/randallkennethjones/
    Facebook (Randy): https://www.facebook.com/mindzoo/
    Web:  RandallKennethJones.com

    Twitter (Susan): https://twitter.com/SiriouslySusan
    Instagram (Susan): https://www.instagram.com/siriouslysusan/
    Facebook (Susan): https://www.facebook.com/siriouslysusan/
    Web: SusanCBennett.com

    LinkedIn (Kevin): https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-randall-jones/ 
    Web: KevinRandallJones.com 


    Benny Blanco

    Benny Blanco
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