
    68 Joseph De Sena: How to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Peak Performance (Like a Spartan)

    enMay 19, 2014

    Podcast Summary

    • The Spartan philosophy of hard work, grit, and perseveranceJoe DeSenna shares how the Spartans' determination inspires him to help people live healthier lives through extreme obstacle course races, emphasizing the importance of putting one step in front of the other and not giving up.

      The importance of hard work, grit, and perseverance, as represented by Joe DeSenna and the philosophy behind the Spartan race. DeSenna shares how the Spartans, known for their rugged training and determination, inspire him to help individuals get off the couch and live healthier lifestyles through extreme obstacle course races. He emphasizes the value of putting one step in front of the other and not giving up, even when faced with challenges. This interview offers insights into the mindset and philosophy that has made the Spartan race a successful and inspiring movement.

    • Embrace the connection to nature and push yourself with the Spartan raceSpartan race promotes health, inclusivity, and the importance of hard work and nature connection through its growing Olympic-bound sport

      We need to prioritize our connection to nature and embrace the idea that we are animals, designed to thrive in outdoor environments. Hard work is the key to success in all areas of life, and the Spartan race embodies this philosophy by providing an accessible and challenging platform for people of all ages and abilities to push themselves and improve their health. The Spartan race is growing rapidly and aims to bring this unique and engaging sport to the Olympics, making it a truly universal and inclusive people's sport. Ultimately, the goal is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible to get off the couch and commit to a healthy and active lifestyle.

    • Embrace the natural and challenge yourself in a Spartan RaceTrain with pull-ups, burpees, and running for a Spartan Race. Embrace the mud as a natural obstacle and challenge for self-improvement.

      The Spartan Race, with its focus on obstacles and mud, encourages participants to embrace the natural and challenge themselves. Training for a Spartan Race involves a combination of pull-ups, burpees, and running. The Spartan Race was inspired by the idea of creating a military-style obstacle challenge for the masses, contrasting it with the intense and purposely breaking experience of the Death Race for those seeking self-improvement. Participants can prepare with daily workout and food tips, and even if they've been away from training, they can still push through and complete the race. The mud in the Spartan Race is a natural element that can feel good and grounding, but also serves as an obstacle to overcome.

    • Focusing on basic needs for a clear mindAdopting a mindset of focusing on basic needs and desires can help us approach obstacles with a clear mind and sense of urgency, leading to greater success and fulfillment.

      Having a clear and motivated mind is crucial for success in various aspects of life, including relationships and business. The speaker shares his experience of enduring long-distance races and learning that the human body can go farther than we think, and the only thing that stops us is our mind. He suggests that having the proper frame of reference, or perspective, can help us achieve a clear mind. By focusing on basic needs and desires, such as food, water, shelter, and love, we can learn to approach obstacles with a clear mind and a sense of urgency, just like people in challenging circumstances do. This mindset, while extreme for some, is a commonality among many happy people in the world who appreciate the little they have. So, striving to live every day with a clear and motivated mind, as if our survival depends on it, can lead to greater success and fulfillment.

    • Embracing challenges for greater motivation and achievementStay motivated during adversity, push through pain for long-term rewards, and be willing to endure short-term pain for long-term gain, as shown in the marshmallow test.

      Changing our perspective and embracing challenges can lead to greater motivation and achievement. The speaker shares his personal experience of finding focus and clarity during difficult times, and encourages staying motivated even when faced with adversity. He also warns against the danger of instant gratification and the importance of pushing through pain to reap greater rewards later. A classic example of this concept is the marshmallow test, where children who were able to wait longer for a bigger reward later in life showed better outcomes in various areas such as SAT scores, marriage, and career. Overall, the message is to stay hungry, keep going, and be willing to endure short-term pain for long-term gain.

    • Delaying Gratification and Perseverance: Keys to SuccessGrit, the ability to delay gratification and maintain perseverance, is essential for success. It can be developed through taking things step by step and learning from experiences, like a father teaching his son the value of waiting for more ice cream.

      The ability to delay gratification and maintain perseverance, or grit, is a valuable trait for success. This was exemplified in a father's experience with his son, who asked for more ice cream scoops if he waited. The concept of putting one foot in front of the other, taking things step by step, was also emphasized as a key to success. The father's own experiences of growing up with little and having to recalibrate his frame of reference instilled grit in him, and he pondered how to instill this trait in his own children. The importance of grit was further emphasized by a reference to Angela Duckworth's research on the topic. The father's own experiences and observations illustrate that grit can be developed, despite not being an innate trait.

    • Overcoming Challenges to Build ResilienceBuilding resilience involves pushing beyond limits and facing challenges, leading to newfound energy, determination, and a sense of accomplishment.

      Building resilience, or "grit," can be achieved through challenging experiences and pushing oneself beyond limits. This can be exemplified through the story of someone who, under pressure to complete a job, faced numerous obstacles and setbacks, from machine failures to incorrect parts and extreme weather conditions. Even outside of construction work, individuals can build grit through daily challenges like cold showers or ambitious feats like completing 10,000 burpees in a short amount of time. The experience of pushing through such challenges can lead to newfound energy, determination, and a sense of accomplishment. While the journey may be difficult and uncomfortable, the end result is the development of resilience and the ability to handle adversity.

    • Making Spartan Race an Olympic SportJoe De Sena's goal is to make Spartan Race an Olympic sport, inspiring millions to live healthier lifestyles through unique obstacle courses.

      Joe De Sena, the founder of Spartan Race, aims to make Spartan Race an Olympic sport, inspiring millions to get off the couch and adopt a healthy lifestyle. The process involves obtaining the governing body, aligning with international governing bodies, and negotiating with the International Olympic Committee. Spartan Race draws inspiration from CrossFit, offering an outlet for CrossFit enthusiasts to test their training. The race itself includes various obstacles, such as climbing Everest, crawling under barbed wire, and mental tests, designed to challenge participants both physically and mentally. Each course is unique and designed to push participants to their limits.

    • The Power of Perseverance and Quick Decision MakingJoe De Sena stresses the importance of perseverance and quick decision making for personal success, drawing comparisons to building a business or raising a child. Education is important but ranks lower than these skills. He advocates for upside-down side decision making and staying relentless in the face of adversity.

      Perseverance and the ability to make quick decisions are key to personal success. Joe De Sena, the founder of Spartan Race, emphasizes the importance of these traits, drawing comparisons to building a business or raising a child. He believes that while education is important, it ranks lower than these skills on the list of priorities for getting ahead. De Sena also highlights the importance of upside-down side decision-making, where one weighs the benefits and drawbacks of a decision to determine if it's worth pursuing. He attributes indecision as a major hindrance to success, suggesting that people are often afraid of the outcomes of their decisions. To overcome challenges, De Sena suggests focusing on the upside and staying relentless in the face of adversity.

    • Challenges and Parenting Require Perspective and BalancePersisting through tough times in challenges or parenting brings self-discovery and a sense of accomplishment, but requires balance between personal growth and family commitments.

      Committing to a challenge or goal, no matter how difficult, brings initial excitement but then requires delaying gratification and pushing through tough times. The decision to keep going or quit often depends on one's perspective and past experiences. Completing the challenge leads to self-discovery and a sense of invincibility, making the effort worthwhile. Parenting, similarly, requires putting family needs above personal goals and desires, but also offers the opportunity to provide children with experiences and opportunities that one may have missed. There's no "Spartan parenting style," but rather a balance between personal growth and family commitments.

    • Invest in skills, grit, and the right team for successFocus on skills, grit, and teamwork for a fulfilling life. Surround yourself with supportive people and practice gratitude daily.

      The key to raising successful children and building a fulfilling life is investing in skills, grit, and the right team. This can be achieved through daily training, a healthy lifestyle, and finding compatible partners in both personal and professional relationships. The importance of teamwork and having the right people in your life cannot be overstated, as they play a significant role in your success and happiness. Additionally, practicing gratitude daily is a crucial aspect of personal growth and success. Overall, it's essential to focus on non-material aspects of life and surround yourself with supportive and like-minded individuals to achieve your goals.

    • Stepping out of your comfort zone leads to personal growthEmbrace discomfort, try new challenges, and build grit for peak performance and personal growth

      Stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new challenges, whether it's a new sport or an obstacle course race, can lead to personal growth and improvement. Former professional athlete and current Team Handball player, Joe Desena, emphasizes the importance of discomfort and dealing with obstacles to change both physically and mentally. He encourages trying new things, even if they seem daunting, as a way to build grit and achieve peak performance in life. Desena's book, "Spartan Up: A Take No Prisoners Guide to Overcoming Obstacles and Achieving Peak Performance in Life," shares these ideas and offers practical advice for overcoming obstacles and striving for greatness. Desena defines greatness as doing things we don't want to do and putting others first, leading to unexpected opportunities and personal growth.

    • Inspiring 100 million people with timeless principlesListen to Joe DeSenna's podcast for inspiration and practical guidance on personal growth and greatness. His book offers valuable lessons without get-rich-quick strategies.

      Joe DeSenna's book offers timeless and proven principles to inspire individuals to improve in their business, sport, or life. The podcast guest expressed gratitude for DeSenna's vision to inspire 100 million people and encouraged listeners to check out the book, which doesn't include get-rich-quick strategies but rather valuable lessons. The host also invited listeners to explore previous episodes featuring impressive guests and encouraged them to subscribe, leave a review, and share their listening location on Instagram. Overall, the podcast episode emphasized the importance of personal growth and greatness, and the book serves as a valuable resource for those seeking inspiration and practical guidance.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    In this episode, I discuss with Charlotte her full wellness approach to health integrating the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies and why it's so important not to neglect or focus too much on any one area.

    Charlotte started the podcast off with a bang and really nailed on the head the mistake many people are making when working towards a health and fitness goal so listen to find out what that was.

    If you are on the diet- overeat- repeat cycle trying to see changes then take 30 minutes out of your day to listen to this and give Charlotte a follow- you won't regret it!


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    81: Crappy To Happy In 12.5 mins with Cass Dunn

    81: Crappy To Happy In 12.5 mins with Cass Dunn
    If you could make significant changes to key areas of your life by doing one simple thing for 12.5 mins per day, would you do it? It turns out, that by doing just 12.5 mins of mindfulness each day you will noticeably improve in areas such as your health, happiness, wellbeing, relationships and self compassion. Mindfulness is a practise that is thousands of years old, but in recent times has become more popular in the health and wellness sector. Today’s guest, Cass Dunn, is a clinical and coaching psychologist. After graduating with a Masters of Coaching Psychology from the University of Sydney, Cass became a successful life coach but felt that her psychology journey was not yet done and enrolled in Masters of Clinical Psychology. Now, Cass is a mindfulness meditation teacher and the resident psychologist at tiffxo.com, which is an online health and fitness program. She is also the host of the wildly popular Crappy to Happy podcast, that has over 3million downloads, and author of the Crappy to Happy books. During our chat, Cass decided to very generously offer a $50 discount off her upcoming online mindfulness course, and I highly recommend you sign up. Go to www.cassdunn.com/courses-events and sign up for the Mindfulness For Busy People 8 week online course. Make sure you enter the coupon code “dolifebetter” (make sure it is in lower case) to receive your $50 off. Again, make sure you do this, because as you will see in our chat, this course could be a complete game changer for you in terms of your self compassion, your abilities to handle and process stress, anxiety, anger, and the whole range of emotions, which we all help you live your life event better. Take a screenshot of this episode and share on social media. Tag Cass @cassdunn_xo, and tag me in too, @davejorna and @dolifebetterpodcast Mindfulness is an activity I practice everyday and I had an absolute blast chatting with Cass. During our chat, she dives into: * The definition of mindfulness and what it is and is not in contemporary society * The difference between mindfulness and meditation. * The benefits, positive affects and outcomes of practicing mindfulness regularly * Mindfulness techniques and how to clam your mind * The optimal amount of time to practice mindfulness each day * How to calm your mind in more creative ways Cass’s challenge for the week: Find a mindful practice for this week. To sign up for Cass's_ Mindfuless for Busy People_ 8 week course, visit this website - https://cassdunn.lpages.co/mindfulness-online/ and use the coupon code, "dolifebetter" to receive your $50 off. Please note, the course begins on 25 February, 2019. To pre-order Cass's new book, Crappy To Happy, use this link - www.smarturl.it/crappytohappy You can contact Cass Dunn at: Website: https://cassdunn.com/ Instagram: @cassdunn_xo Facebook: Cass Dunn Linkedin: https://au.linkedin.com/in/cassdunn You can follow me on Instagram at @davejorna (www.instagram.com/davejorna) and @dolifebetterpodcast (www.instagram.com/dolifebetterpodcast). To contact us about retreats, leadership training and workshops visit www.projecthatch.com.au or email us at hello@projecthatch.com.au. Remember to subscribe to, rate and review the podcast to help spread the do life better message. Now, go out there and create a great day.