
    Podcast Summary

    • Jeff Ross's Taekwondo training impacts his comedy and confidenceJeff Ross's Taekwondo black belt training enhanced his comedy by reducing fear of confrontation and boosting confidence. Exposure to real fight scenes in 'Kingdom' further solidified his respect for physical combat.

      Jeff Ross's experience as a black belt in Taekwondo has significantly impacted his comedy and confidence. The martial arts training gave him a sense of security and reduced his fear of confrontation, allowing him to talk shit with more ease. Additionally, his work with real fighters for the TV show "Kingdom" further solidified his confidence and respect for physical combat. The authentic fight scenes and raw performances in the show have impressed him, with even a music superstar like Nick Jonas joining the cast and delivering believable fighting scenes. Overall, Ross's black belt experience and exposure to real fighting have influenced his comedy and perspective on confrontation.

    • Experiencing Hypnosis for the First TimeHypnosis can be a strange yet intriguing experience for mental and emotional well-being, offering positive guidance and support.

      The speaker shared his experience trying hypnosis for the first time, which he found to be an intriguing and strange experience. He was hypnotized by a mind coach named Vinny Shorman, who is known for helping fighters overcome mental barriers and improve their performance. The speaker described the experience as being aware of what was happening but also feeling like in a dream-like state. He emphasized that it's important for anyone, not just fighters, to have a supportive mindset and positive guidance, and hypnosis could be a helpful tool for that. The speaker also shared some memories of watching R-rated hypnotists in the past and their entertaining performances. Overall, the speaker's takeaway was that hypnosis is a unique and potentially beneficial experience for mental and emotional well-being.

    • Exploring the Power of Hypnosis in Mass MediaHypnosis through media can influence large groups, making them fully immersed and susceptible to suggestions. Performers must use this power responsibly, ensuring intentions are pure and listening to the audience.

      Hypnosis, whether in person or through media, has the power to captivate and influence large groups of people. During a hypnotic state, the hypnotized individual becomes fully immersed in the experience, losing the ability to think critically and making them more susceptible to suggestions. This can be seen in the context of comedy performances, where comedians can hypnotize their audience and lead them on a ride, making them think and laugh in unison. While the idea of mass hypnosis through media may seem far-fetched, it's not impossible to imagine the potential dangers, such as cults or manipulation for criminal activities. As performers, it's essential to understand the power of hypnosis and use it responsibly, staying true to our intentions and listening to our audience to create a memorable and enjoyable experience.

    • Stories from a Master RoasterQuick thinking, confidence, and audience interaction are essential for successful roasting. A thick skin and martial arts training can help build confidence. Interactive roasting and evolving roasting styles add to the experience.

      Successful roasting requires a combination of quick thinking, confidence, and the ability to read and respond to unexpected situations. Jeff Ross shared stories from his experiences, including unexpected hecklers and his transition to interactive roasting. He emphasized the importance of having a thick skin and the value of martial arts training in building confidence. Ross also highlighted the importance of audience interaction and the evolution of his roasting style over the years. Despite the challenges, he enjoys the tension and energy that comes with roasting and the connection with the audience.

    • Jeff Ross's Unique Experiences in Entertainment IndustryComedian Jeff Ross shared his experiences changing his stage name, performing in a prison, and addressing social issues through comedy, emphasizing the importance of prison reform

      Comedian Jeff Ross shared his unique experiences in the entertainment industry, including the story behind his stage name change from Lifshultz to Ross. He also discussed his bold decision to perform a comedy show in a prison, which he did with a remarkable level of relaxation and professionalism despite feeling nervous. Ross emphasized the importance of addressing social issues through his comedy, such as the alarming number of Americans in jail and the disproportionate representation of black men. He also highlighted the recent commuting of sentences for non-violent drug offenders as a positive step towards reform. Throughout the conversation, Ross showcased his humor and charisma, leaving the audience with a thought-provoking and entertaining discussion.

    • Comedian's experience with inmates reveals prison injusticesComedian discovers harsh conditions, dehumanizing treatment, and need for prison reform through interactions with nonviolent drug offenders, including Chelsea Manning's case.

      The experience of performing stand-up comedy for inmates led the comedian to gain a deeper understanding of the complexities and injustices within the prison system. He was struck by the high number of nonviolent drug offenders and the harsh conditions they faced, including solitary confinement for minor infractions. The comedian was particularly disturbed by the case of Chelsea Manning, who was punished for having expired toothpaste and reading materials. These incidents highlighted the dehumanizing treatment of prisoners and the need for prison reform. The comedian's experience brought home the fact that everyone in prison is a human being deserving of dignity and respect. The lack of attention to prison reform during political discussions was noted as concerning, as the situation seems like an emergency.

    • Political scandal meets data leakA political scandal involving an embassy situation was used as a cover for a data leak from Wikileaks, while the Ashley Madison leak exposed personal information including credit card data.

      The discussion revolves around two main topics: a political scandal involving an embassy situation and the leak of personal information from Ashley Madison, an online service for extramarital affairs. The embassy situation is centered around a man being accused of having unprotected sex with a woman without her consent, leading to his detainment. However, it's revealed that the real issue is the leaked information from Wikileaks, and the man is being used as a scapegoat. The Ashley Madison leak is discussed in detail, with the revelation that the leak included not only names but also credit card information and other personal details. The conversation also touches on the Uber for escorts app and the difference between men's and women's jails. The speaker shares his experience performing comedy shows in a women's jail and how it was a positive experience for the inmates. Despite the serious nature of the topics, the conversation maintains a lighthearted tone throughout.

    • Comedian Bert Kreischer's prison showBert Kreischer's unique roasting style connected inmates and audiences, creating a thought-provoking and entertaining prison show after extensive planning and trust between all parties.

      Comedian Bert Kreischer used his unique style of roasting to connect with inmates in a maximum security prison, creating a memorable and meaningful experience for both the performer and the audience. The event required extensive planning and trust between the jailers, inmates, and Kreischer's team to ensure safety. The comedian's curiosity and personal connection to the subject matter led him to explore the humanity behind the criminal justice system, resulting in a thought-provoking and entertaining special. Kreischer's passion for roasting and writing jokes, combined with his ability to immerse himself in new experiences, made this unconventional performance a success. The event served as a reminder of the importance of finding humor in unexpected places and the potential for connection and understanding in seemingly divisive environments.

    • Consequences of mistakes can be severe and long-lastingMistakes, especially in vulnerable environments or under external pressures, can lead to severe and long-lasting consequences. Understanding the complex factors and advocating for change is crucial.

      The consequences of making mistakes, particularly in vulnerable environments or when influenced by external pressures, can have severe and long-lasting impacts on individuals and their futures. This was illustrated in the story of a DEA agent who manipulated a small-time drug dealer into a major drug deal, leading to a life sentence. Mistakes made during childhood, influenced by factors such as upbringing and environment, can significantly impact the severity of the consequences. The private prison system further exacerbates the situation by treating prisoners as a source of revenue. It's crucial to understand the complex web of factors that contribute to these situations and to advocate for systemic change. Additionally, individuals must be aware of the potential risks and consequences of their actions, especially in high-pressure or high-risk environments.

    • The internet needs to adopt similar standards to traditional media for content creators' rightsThe internet, once seen as a wild west, needs clear guidelines and respect for creators' rights as it becomes more monetized

      While some individuals, like the wealthy poker player discussed, may have privileged backgrounds and access to resources, they still have the freedom to enjoy life and find pleasure in simple things, such as nitrogenated cold brew coffee. However, when it comes to content creation and sharing on the internet, there's a need for more accountability and respect for creators' rights. The internet, which was once seen as a wild, wild west with few regulations, is increasingly being monetized and needs to adopt similar standards to traditional media, such as crediting creators and paying for rights. The conversation also touched on the issue of comedians and their material being shared online without their consent or compensation. The line between TV and the internet is becoming blurred, and it's important for both platforms to establish clear guidelines and respect the rights of content creators.

    • Social Media Content Theft: A Blurry LineGive proper credit to original creators to maintain fairness and respect the creative process

      Some individuals on social media platforms, such as Instagram, have been accused of stealing content from others without giving proper credit. These individuals, often referred to as aggregators or curators, collect content from various sources and post it on their own accounts, sometimes with only a tag or a reluctant credit at the end. This practice can lead to original creators being overlooked and not receiving the recognition or financial benefits they deserve. The internet has been abuzz with discussions about these individuals for years, with many message boards and forums breaking down instances of stolen content. Some have been accused of using interns to post content on their accounts and then giving them credit, creating a loophole. The line between innocent sharing and content theft can be blurry, but it's important for individuals to give proper credit to the original creators to maintain fairness and respect the creative process.

    • The internet holds people accountable for their actionsBeing truthful and authentic online is essential to avoid public embarrassment and legal repercussions

      The internet holds people accountable for their actions, especially when it comes to misrepresentation or deceit. From attempting to claim ownership of an idea or image that has already been shared, to falsely advertising a product or one's own physical attributes, the consequences of getting caught can range from public embarrassment to legal repercussions. This transparency can be both a blessing and a curse, as it keeps individuals sharp and on their toes, but can also lead to unwanted attention and criticism. Ultimately, it's important to strive for authenticity and honesty in all online interactions.

    • Online interactions can escalate quickly and attract large crowdsBe mindful of online actions and strive for respectful interactions to avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary conflicts.

      Online interactions, especially those involving roasts or debates, can quickly escalate and attract a large number of people with strong opinions. Jeffrey Ross discussed his experiences with online battles and the aggressive nature of some individuals. He also shared an incident where he retweeted a video and faced backlash for being labeled as misogynistic, despite his intention of simply sharing the content. The incident illustrates how easily misunderstandings can occur in the digital world, leading to unnecessary conflicts and negativity. It's essential to be mindful of the potential consequences of online actions and strive for respectful and considerate interactions.

    • Impact of emotions on reactionsAwareness of emotions and past experiences can influence reactions, but mindfulness and self-awareness are key to managing them effectively.

      Our reactions to situations can be influenced by various factors, including our emotions, stress levels, and past experiences. The speaker shares an example of a car accident where he chose to react calmly and compassionately, despite the circumstances. He wishes he could always react this way but acknowledges that it's not always possible, especially when he's under a lot of stress. The speaker also reflects on how the intense nature of jobs like policing can contribute to heightened reactions and potential mistakes. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of mindfulness and self-awareness in managing emotions and reactions.

    • The Ocean: A Source of Humility and CalmAppreciating nature's beauty and power can instill humility and calm, while material possessions become insignificant.

      The ocean, particularly in beach communities, has a unique ability to humble people and instill a sense of calm and mellowness. The speaker shares his experiences of the ocean's beauty during the day and its terrifying nature at night, emphasizing its power and insignificance of material possessions. He also mentions the contrast between beach communities and places like the Jersey Shore, where people seem less connected to the natural world and more focused on other things. Overall, the speaker's reflections highlight the importance of appreciating nature and its ability to put things into perspective.

    • Discovering the Hidden Gems of the Jersey ShoreThe Jersey Shore is more than just beaches and Guidos. People there lead normal lives and have unique passions, like Arnie's fantasy football app.

      The Jersey Shore, contrary to popular belief, offers more than just beaches and orange Guidos. It's a beautiful and evolving place, as shown in the This Old House special. People like Arnie, who live there, have immaculately decorated homes, and lead normal lives. Arnie, a sports enthusiast, was disappointed when he found out that not everyone shares his passion. However, they found common ground when Arnie started a fantasy football app, which the speaker is now a part of. The app, which is soon to be released, allows users to draft teams and talk trash with their friends. Despite their differences, they bonded over their shared love for sports.

    • Ancient Greek statues: Realistic or Exaggerated?Modern athletes surpass the physical capabilities of ancient Greek athletes, with NFL players and UFC fighters leading the way.

      Our perception of ancient Greek statues and their accuracy in depicting human physique has been a topic of debate. Some believe they were exaggerated, while others argue they were realistic. The discussion also touched on the comparison between modern bodybuilders and ancient athletes, with the consensus being that modern athletes, particularly NFL players and UFC fighters, have surpassed the physical capabilities of their ancient counterparts. The conversation also included some humor and tangents, but the overall theme remained the intrigue and fascination with the physical prowess of ancient civilizations.

    • The value of comedian camaraderieComedians find comfort and connection in each other, whether at events or during their travels. The importance of having a community and connection with fellow comedians cannot be overstated.

      Camaraderie among comedians is invaluable to them. Whether it's at fancy charity events or Hollywood parties filled with beautiful people, comedians find comfort and connection in each other. Stories were shared about run-ins with fellow comedians at events and the relief and joy that came from these encounters. The speaker reminisced about the old days when they would hang out with comedians like Greg Giraldo and Lenny Clark during their news radio days and sitcom sets. The idea of creating a podcast studio at an airport or a port for comedians to connect was also suggested as a potential solution for the constant traveling and isolation that comes with being a comedian. Overall, the importance of having a community and connection with fellow comedians cannot be overstated.

    • A guy's spa day can include comedy and social activitiesJeff Ross shares his unique spa experience including comedy, social activities, and the importance of staying hydrated for optimal performance.

      A guy's spa experience can involve more than just getting a manicure or massage. It could include social activities like ping pong, a private bar, or even dancing. Jeff Ross shared his unique experience of performing stand-up comedy, revealing that he can't eat before going on stage, as it affects his energy and performance. He also emphasized the importance of staying hydrated, sharing an experience of performing dehydrated in Iraq which led him to the infirmary. Ross enjoys the challenge of making people laugh, especially in difficult situations, and finds it rewarding to bring joy to those who are miserable. He reminisced about seeing Buddy Hackett's performance early in his career and how Hackett's offensive start set the tone for the show.

    • Exploring new paths in comedy creationComedians experiment and refine their material, sometimes hitting dead ends but ultimately leading to creative growth and new discoveries.

      Comedy, like any creative pursuit, requires constant refinement and experimentation. Comedians often face challenges in developing new material, and sometimes they hit dead ends or "dig themselves a hole" to make it more interesting. These moments can lead to creative growth and the discovery of new paths. The comedian's relationship with their material is likened to a scaffolding, with the subject serving as the foundation, and the comedian adding their unique perspective and material within that structure. Over time, a comedian's growth and improvement can lead them to revisit old ideas and find new ways to make them work. The process of creating comedy involves a balance between performance and substance, and sometimes requires stepping back and letting the material develop organically.

    • Discussion on authenticity, truth, and self-acceptanceTruth and authenticity matter, even in small things. Self-acceptance is crucial, and younger generations value sensitivity and authenticity in performers.

      Authenticity and truth can be important and valuable, even in seemingly insignificant things. During the discussion, it was revealed that a popular YouTube star's book cover contained inaccurate information about his age, and the speaker had purchased the real Hendrix mugshot instead of a fake one. The importance of self-acceptance and overcoming self-doubt was also touched upon. Additionally, the conversation touched on the sensitivity of younger generations and the backlash against comedians performing at colleges. The discussion also included an amusing anecdote about a fake Black Lives Matter activist being exposed. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of truth, authenticity, and self-acceptance, as well as the potential challenges and sensitivities that come with performing in front of younger audiences.

    • Challenging Stereotypes and Embracing DifferencesRecognize and respect individuals' unique abilities and interests, challenge stereotypes, and encourage equal opportunities for all, regardless of gender or ethnicity.

      While people may have different backgrounds, appearances, or beliefs, it's important to recognize and respect the unique abilities and interests of individuals, regardless of their gender or ethnicity. Milo Yiannopoulos, a gay, blonde, articulate writer and speaker, challenges stereotypes and sparks debates on various topics, including gender roles and diversity in science. He argues that men and women have different aptitudes and interests, which can be observed even in children before they are socially influenced. However, it's crucial to note that these differences do not make one gender superior to the other. The lack of representation of women in certain fields is not due to biological determinism but societal expectations and biases. It's essential to encourage and support young girls and boys to pursue their passions and talents, regardless of gender stereotypes. Ultimately, recognizing and celebrating differences while promoting equality is the key to creating a more inclusive and diverse society.

    • Jeffrey Ross's experiences with Donald TrumpRoss described Trump as a generous host but unappreciative audience member, engaging with questions and fond of Mexicans. He roasted Trump, who enjoyed it, and supported Bernie Sanders' education policies.

      Jeffrey Ross shared stories about his experiences with Donald Trump during their encounters at comedy events and on Trump's private plane. Ross described Trump as a generous host, but an unappreciative audience member during Ross' performances. Trump was also described as engaging and asking many questions, with a fondness for Mexicans. Ross roasted Trump on multiple occasions, and Trump responded by smiling and enjoying himself during commercial breaks. Trump's orange appearance was attributed to makeup or a spray tan. Ross expressed his support for Bernie Sanders' education policies and criticized the high cost of education and the burden of student debt on young people. Trump's potential presidency was discussed, with Ross suggesting that an independent Trump campaign could split the Republican vote and lead to a Democratic win, as was the case with Ross Perot in the 1990s.

    • Doctors' financial pressures impact patient careHigh costs of education & malpractice insurance can lead doctors to prioritize profit over patient care, potentially leading to long hours, closed communities, and unchecked malpractice. Addressing these financial pressures could improve patient care and trust in the medical profession.

      The high cost of education and malpractice insurance in the medical field can significantly impact doctors' decisions and behaviors, creating a system that prioritizes profit over patient care. My friend's experience of overhearing doctors discussing surgery as a means to financial gain changed his perspective on the medical profession. Doctors, like cops, can form a closed community, and incidents like malpractice can go unchecked. The financial burden can lead doctors to work long hours and prioritize protecting themselves over their patients. However, some doctors find relief by changing their practice settings, leading to better work-life balance and potentially improved patient care. The public's trust in the medical profession can be shaken by scandals and the perception of profit-driven decision-making, but figures like Bernie Sanders offer hope for a more open-minded and current approach to healthcare. Ultimately, addressing the root causes of the financial pressures on doctors and the medical system could lead to better patient care and a more trustworthy profession.

    • A Magical Comedy Scene in Washington Square ParkIn the heart of New York City, Washington Square Park was a unique platform for comedians like Charlie Barnett and Dave Chappelle to connect with their fans, find their voice, and discover young comedic talent.

      Washington Square Park in New York City was once home to a vibrant comedy scene where up-and-coming comedians like Charlie Barnett and Dave Chappelle honed their craft. Barnett, known as the "king of the park," would perform for hours on end, gathering crowds and engaging with them using his physical comedy and simple, relatable jokes. Chappelle, who was influenced by Barnett, would also perform outside, often drawing large audiences. The park provided a unique platform for these comedians to connect with their fans and find their voice. Despite the challenges of living in small apartments without cell phones, the comedians and their audiences would make time to enjoy the moment and be present in the park, creating a community that was magical to be a part of. Barnett, who was supposed to appear on Saturday Night Live, tragically couldn't read, but his influence on the comedy scene was undeniable. The contrasting styles of Barnett and Chappelle, with Barnett's loud, short jokes and Chappelle's soft-spoken, longer jokes, made for a fascinating dynamic. The park was a place where talent was discovered and nurtured, and it was a privilege to witness the emergence of young comedic geniuses in the heart of the public.

    • The Friars Club: A Comedy Fraternity for Show BusinessThe Friars Club was more than a comedy club, it was a place for show business professionals to connect, learn, and influence each other.

      The Friars Club in New York City was not just a comedy club, but a fraternity for show business. Members included comedians, but also politicians, musicians, agents, lawyers, and more. The club was famous for its roasts and identified with comedy, but it was a place where members could connect and learn from each other about various aspects of life and show business. The speaker shared memories of meeting older comics and being influenced by them, and mentioned specific comics like Tony Woods and Buddy Hackett. The Friars Club was a living, breathing museum of show business history, and though it's not as prominent in LA anymore, it still holds significance for those in the industry.

    • A Peek into the History of the Comedy Store in LAThe Comedy Store in LA, a historic comedy venue, has been a source of inspiration for many comedians and has been home to numerous famous acts. Its unique charm and rich history make it a must-visit destination for comedy fans.

      The comedy store in Los Angeles, which has a rich history and has been a significant part of the comedy scene for decades, is filled with intriguing stories and interesting connections. The store, which has been a source of inspiration for many comedians, has had various iterations over the years and has been home to numerous famous acts. One such place was Seros nightclub, which was a strip club located near the comedy store. The speakers discussed their experiences of recognizing old photos of the place and shared stories of famous figures associated with it, such as Sammy Davis Jr. and Dan Reid. The comedy store has a unique charm and holds a special place in the history of comedy, making it a must-visit destination for anyone interested in the world of stand-up comedy.

    • The power of connections and persistenceStaying committed to personal goals can lead to extraordinary experiences and potential rewards.

      The power of connections and persistence can lead to extraordinary experiences. The conversation between the two individuals revealed their ongoing projects, shared admiration for famous comedians, and a heartfelt story about the speaker's uncle's desire to meet Mel Brooks. The speaker's determination to make this wish come true led him to reach out to Brooks, despite initial obstacles. The story demonstrates the importance of staying committed to personal goals and the potential rewards that can come from pursuing them. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the unique bond between comedians and their admiration for one another.

    • Unexpected encounters can lead to cherished memoriesUnexpected meetings and interactions can result in memorable experiences and connections, so it's important to stay open and prepared.

      Unexpected meetings and interactions can lead to memorable experiences. The story shared involves a man named Jeffrey Ross and his uncle Murray, who had the opportunity to meet Mel Brooks. Despite their nerves and initial panic, they ended up having a lengthy and enjoyable conversation with Mel, leaving both parties feeling elated. The encounter was significant for Murray, as he was a longtime fan of Mel's work, and the two shared common connections. The experience was a reminder that unexpected encounters can lead to cherished memories and connections. Additionally, the story highlights the importance of staying open to new experiences and being prepared for the unexpected.

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    Join us on Facebook at the Miami Minutes' Taekwondo Orphanage!

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