
    7/10/23: Biden Defends Cluster Bombs To Ukraine, Biden Says Ukraine Not Ready For NATO, DeSantis Low Polling, Slowing Growth Jobs Market, Twitter Threatens Lawsuit With Zuckerberg, Colleges Nuke Merit, AOC Endorses Biden, Will Jawando Runs For Senate

    enJuly 10, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Online education, affordable products, and news updatesPurdue Global offers online education for career comebacks, Kroger provides affordable brand products, and President Biden provides cluster munitions to Ukraine amidst controversy, while Fox News reflects the GOP nomination race through top words used by contenders.

      Individuals seeking a respected education for their career comeback can turn to Purdue Global, an online university backed by Purdue University. Meanwhile, Kroger offers affordable quality with their brand products, and this summer, adults can save on Walt Disney World tickets through Undercover Tourist. In the news, President Biden's decision to provide Ukraine with cluster munitions, despite controversy, highlights the urgency of the Ukrainian military's ammunition needs. Additionally, Fox News may be turning on Florida Governor DeSantis, and the race for the GOP nomination is reflected in the top words used by each contender.

    • US Provides Banned Cluster Munitions to Ukraine Amidst CriticismThe US is providing banned cluster munitions to Ukraine amidst criticism from human rights groups, allies, and some politicians, due to a critical shortage of ammunition for both sides in the conflict.

      The United States is providing banned cluster munitions to Ukraine amidst criticism from human rights groups and allies, due to the critical shortage of ammunition for both sides. The use of these weapons, which have a high dud rate and put civilians at risk, has been criticized for its immorality and potential war crime status. Despite the Pentagon's justification of a lower dud rate, the actual rate in real-world conditions is much higher. The Ukrainian counteroffensive isn't going well, and both sides are running low on munitions, leading to this desperate and immoral act. The Biden administration's decision to provide these weapons has faced criticism from the UK, Spain, and progressives, with Congresswoman Barbara Lee being a vocal opponent. The use of cluster bombs, which can be dangerous to civilians and don't always immediately explode, is considered a war crime by many countries.

    • US supplying cluster munitions to Ukraine amidst international oppositionThe US's decision to supply cluster munitions to Ukraine, despite international opposition and moral concerns, risks undermining its moral leadership and potentially impacting defense readiness.

      The US supplying cluster munitions to Ukraine, despite international opposition and moral concerns, highlights the challenging situation Ukraine faces in its ongoing conflict with Russia. This decision, while aimed at supporting Ukraine, risks undermining the US's moral leadership due to the international ban on cluster munitions. Moreover, the US's stockpiles are depleting, raising concerns about defense readiness and potential implications for other global conflicts. The broader international community, including China and India, holds differing views on this conflict, and the US may face criticism for its actions.

    • Understanding the complexities of the Russia-Ukraine conflictThe Russia-Ukraine conflict involves challenges for both sides and the long-term consequences could be devastating. CIA faces difficulties gathering intel due to US hesitancy and Ukraine's secrecy, raising ethical concerns.

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine is a complex situation with both sides facing challenges and uncertainties. While the focus has been on Russian actions, it's important to remember that Ukraine also has its own issues and the long-term consequences of this war could be devastating for the region. The CIA currently has around 100 personnel in Ukraine, but understanding the intentions of leaders like Putin and Zelensky is proving to be a challenge. The US is hesitant to take actions that might threaten Russia, making it difficult for intelligence agencies to gather information. At the same time, Ukraine is hiding key details and only sharing information when it suits them. This has led to historic levels of spying on a so-called ally, raising ethical concerns and complicating the situation further. The urgency to end this war and bring the parties to the negotiating table cannot be overstated to prevent the devastating consequences of a prolonged war of attrition.

    • US-Ukraine relationship: Lack of transparency and trustThe US-Ukraine relationship is fraught with a lack of transparency and trust, leading to mismanagement of resources and potentially disastrous consequences.

      The relationship between the United States and Ukraine has reached a concerning state, with the Ukrainian military relying heavily on US support while keeping crucial information hidden. This dynamic has led to a lack of transparency and trust, resulting in humiliating situations such as the drone attack on the Kremlin. The US government's consistent lying about the situation and the ideological capture within the elite make it difficult to criticize the Ukrainians, even when resources are being mismanaged. The CIA's involvement in operations on the ground, despite official commitments to no boots on the ground, further complicates the situation. Ultimately, the lack of understanding of the Ukrainian state and its reckless factions could lead to disastrous consequences.

    • Ukraine's NATO membership: Complex geopolitical dynamicsDespite tensions, Biden acknowledges NATO unity and expresses doubts about Ukraine's readiness for membership. Some allies push for quick membership, while Russia's paranoia fuels opposition. Biden may use membership as a negotiation tactic.

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine involves complex geopolitical dynamics, with the CIA's involvement on the ground and the ongoing debate about Ukraine's potential NATO membership. President Biden acknowledged the importance of keeping NATO united in the face of Russian aggression but expressed doubts about Ukraine's readiness for membership. Meanwhile, some NATO allies, like Lithuania and Poland, are pushing for quick membership for Ukraine. The history of NATO expansion in the region has fueled Russian paranoia and tensions, making Ukrainian NATO membership a nonstarter for now. However, providing security guarantees outside of NATO membership is still an option. Biden's refusal to rule out Ukrainian NATO membership during the war could be a tactical move for future negotiations. Overall, the situation in Ukraine highlights the complexities and challenges of international diplomacy in the face of geopolitical tensions.

    • Ukraine's NATO membership: A potential game-changer in geopolitical tensionsPolitical debates persist over Ukraine joining NATO, with advocates arguing for peace and prevention of future wars, while opponents warn against the risk of conflict with Russia. Zelensky continues to push for NATO and EU membership, adding complexity to the geopolitical picture. The US, as a key player, holds significant influence.

      The discussion revolves around the potential implications of Ukraine joining NATO and the ongoing geopolitical tensions between Ukraine, Russia, and the United States. While some politicians, like Lindsey Graham, advocate for Ukraine's NATO membership as a means to prevent future wars and promote peace, others, such as Rand Paul and JD Vance, warn against it, fearing the possibility of a war with Russia. The senate's makeup suggests that it might pass, but there are sane voices opposing it. Zelensky, the Ukrainian president, continues to push for both NATO and EU membership, which could escalate the conflict further. The complexity of the geopolitical picture necessitates careful attention, as any indication of offering Ukraine NATO membership could significantly change the conflict's dynamics. The US, being a key player, holds significant influence in the situation. Despite the ongoing debates, the fractures within NATO and the potential opposition from other members, such as Turkey and Hungary, add to the complexity of the issue. Ultimately, the US, as the "big dog" in the situation, holds the power to shape the outcome.

    • Ron DeSantis' campaign faces challenges in Republican nomination raceDespite initial Fox News support, Ron DeSantis' poll numbers and favorability ratings have dropped significantly, making it difficult for him to be seen as a viable alternative to Trump. Trump remains the clear front-runner in the Republican primary.

      Ron DeSantis' campaign to challenge Donald Trump for the Republican nomination has faced significant challenges and stalled, according to recent reports. Despite Fox News' initial support, DeSantis' poll numbers and favorability ratings have dropped significantly, making it increasingly difficult for him to be seen as a viable alternative to Trump. The media's coverage of DeSantis has been critical, but his negative net favorability ratings and declining head-to-head margin against Trump are more concerning. Even if all other candidates dropped out, DeSantis would still face an uphill battle against Trump. In response, DeSantis has taken a more conservative stance on issues like transgender rights, which could alienate moderate voters. Overall, the data suggests that Trump remains the clear front-runner in the Republican primary.

    • DeSantis' conservative stance may hinder his primary chancesDespite policy resonance, DeSantis' hard-right stance undermines his electability pitch. Trump excels in appealing to voter concerns beyond policy.

      Ron DeSantis' hard-right conservative stance may make it challenging for him to build the necessary coalition to win the Republican primary, as it undermines his pitch as the electable candidate. DeSantis' focus on policy may resonate with some, but the majority of GOP voters are more concerned with issues like their dislike of the media, Joe Biden, and the economy. Trump, on the other hand, excels at appealing to these concerns and has effectively undercut DeSantis' core critiques by positioning himself as a fighter against all fronts. Additionally, issues like wokeness and transgender issues are not top priorities for most GOP voters. While DeSantis still has a chance, particularly in Iowa and New Hampshire, his path to victory is unclear. The language analysis of Republican candidates' speeches reveals that Trump stands out with his use of words like "great," "Biden," and "border," reflecting his unique approach to the race.

    • Republican presidential candidates appealing to specific base segmentsDeSantis focuses on border control, COVID-19, parents' rights, ESG, and wokeness. Pence emphasizes pro-life stance and constitutional values. Haley leans into her bio with words like proud, strong, love, and together. Scott highlights his faith and background. Christie advocates for unity and choosing 'big' over 'small' in crisis.

      During the discussion, it became clear that different Republican presidential candidates are appealing to specific segments of the Republican base through their language and policy positions. DeSantis is focusing on border control, COVID-19, parents' rights, and cultural issues like ESG and wokeness. Pence is emphasizing his pro-life stance and constitutional values. Haley is leaning into her bio with words like proud, strong, love, and together. Scott is highlighting his faith and background. Christie, on the other hand, is advocating for unity and choosing "big" over "small" in times of crisis. However, it was noted that some of the candidates' language, such as DeSantis' focus on ESG, may not resonate with a majority of the Republican base. The simplicity and relatability of Trump's messaging, which focuses on border security, the economy, and attacking his opponents, was seen as a significant factor in his strong performance in the primary. Ultimately, each candidate is attempting to appeal to distinct parts of the Republican electorate with their unique selling points.

    • Chris Christie's Unlikely Primary ChancesChristie's candid communication and effective politics may keep him relevant, but moderate stance and missed opportunities hinder his primary chances. Job growth is solid but slow, and labor force participation rates remain low.

      Chris Christie, despite being a talented communicator and effective politician, is unlikely to win the GOP primary due to his moderate stance and missed opportunities in previous elections. His ability to perform well on television, however, keeps him relevant in the political conversation. The recent jobs report showed solid but slower job growth, with the unemployment rate declining and wages increasing. Despite these positive signs, labor force participation rates remain below pre-pandemic levels. Christie's continued presence in the race may lie in his willingness to speak candidly on issues, even if he doesn't secure the nomination.

    • Labor market shows signs of improvement but remains uncertainThe 'Great Resignation' trend has slowed, giving employers more leverage. The Fed's efforts to control inflation could further pressure wages and widen income inequality. The tech sector is facing a recession, but housing and rent prices remain inflated.

      The labor market, particularly for workers in their prime years, showed some signs of improvement but remains uncertain and tepid. The "Great Resignation" trend of workers switching jobs for higher wages has slowed, giving employers more leverage in the current economy. The Federal Reserve's efforts to control inflation through higher interest rates and increased unemployment could further pressure wages and widen income inequality. The technology sector, a significant growing sector, is facing an effective recession. Despite high housing mortgage rates and record-breaking credit card debt, people are still willing to pay inflated prices for housing and rent. Overall, the economy is experiencing a stagnant period with widespread dissatisfaction, and the cost of living remains a major concern for many Americans.

    • Disconnect between economy optimism and American experiencesMany Americans struggle to attain a stable middle-class life due to rising costs and competition in industries like tech, exacerbated by legal disputes over intellectual property.

      There is a significant disconnect between the optimistic rhetoric about the economy coming from officials and economists, and the pessimistic experiences and financial realities of many Americans. People feel that achieving a stable, middle-class life with basic necessities like healthcare, education, and affordable housing is increasingly unattainable. The rising costs of even modest pleasures, such as vacations or visiting attractions like Disney World, further emphasize this disconnect. In the tech world, competition and the alleged use of former employees' expertise is common, but the ongoing legal dispute between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg over trade secrets and intellectual property adds another layer of complexity to the landscape.

    • Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg's Feud: Name-Calling and Platform DominanceElon Musk's Twitter and Mark Zuckerberg's Meta Platforms (Facebook) are engaged in a feud, with concerns over censorship and platform success. Twitter's threaded conversations feature attracts users, while Meta's Threads aims to replicate success. Both tech giants face concerns over privacy and monopolies.

      The ongoing feud between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg has escalated with both tech moguls engaging in childish antics, including name-calling and suggesting a "dick measuring contest," while also expressing concerns over censorship and the success of their respective social media platforms. Musk's new platform, Twitter, has seen significant growth with over 70 million sign-ups for its threaded conversations feature, while Zuckerberg's Meta Platforms (previously Facebook) has over 2.3 billion users. Musk's Twitter has around 8 million fewer users than Meta, but the threaded conversations feature has the potential to attract users who want to follow their friends more closely. However, it remains to be seen if Meta's Threads can replicate Twitter's success in aggregating news and high-value content. The overall functionality of Threads is appreciated, especially its cross-posting ability. The dominance of big tech companies in various aspects of daily life, including communication and payments, raises concerns about privacy and monopolies. Ultimately, neither tech mogul is without flaw, and it remains unclear who to root for in this ongoing battle. Instagram's head, Adam Mosseri, has indicated that politics and hard news are important but not the focus of Threads.

    • Threads avoids politics for business reasonsMeta's new text-based social media platform, Threads, is likely to shun politics and hard news to focus on user-generated content from followed users, potentially reducing democratic discourse and ad revenue from political content.

      Meta's new text-based social media platform, Threads, is likely to avoid politics and hard news due to the potential risks and negativity associated with these topics. The platform's algorithmic nature suggests it will prioritize content from followed users and discourage political and controversial posts. From a business perspective, Meta's decision to steer clear of politics is a smart move, as advertising revenue for political content is significantly lower compared to non-political content. However, this fragmentation of user bases into ideological spaces could potentially harm the democratic discourse that social media platforms are meant to facilitate. Despite the potential drawbacks, Threads is expected to be successful due to its integration with Instagram and the popularity of text-based content. Ultimately, the decision to avoid politics on Threads highlights the challenge of balancing business interests with the need for open and inclusive online spaces.

    • Sagar's Experience with Twitter and Indian WeddingsMissing a panel discussion on affirmative action, Sagar predicts potential decrease in academic standards without the policy, emphasizing the importance of merit-based admissions.

      The speaker, Sagar, shared his experience of lurking on social media platforms, specifically Twitter, and discussed his Indian wedding attire, the sherwani, and its history. He also expressed his disappointment about missing a panel discussion on affirmative action and predicted that without the policy, higher education in the US may prioritize subjective criteria over objective ones to maintain perceived diversity. The speaker emphasized that this could potentially lead to a decrease in academic standards and the sacrifice of merit-based admissions.

    • The significance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in higher educationElite institutions prioritize DEI, wield influence, and require awareness and engagement for a more equitable America

      The importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in higher education is a significant trend that is here to stay. Elite institutions are increasingly focusing on these issues in their admissions processes, and the individuals who have led these cultural shifts during their college years now hold positions of power in various industries and sectors. Despite public opposition to affirmative action and a lack of democratic accountability for many elite institutions, they continue to wield significant influence over our lives. It is crucial for those who value meritocracy and equality to remain aware of this agenda and actively engage in the conversation, as the contradictions brought about by the demise of affirmative action have made the issues at hand more explicit. The choice to participate in this discourse and potentially fight for change is an essential one for those seeking a more equitable America.

    • AOC backs Biden's reelection, calls for Senate reformAOC supports Biden's accomplishments but criticizes Senate for hindering progress. Some see her shift as moving from outsider to insider role.

      Despite some criticisms, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has announced her support for President Joe Biden's reelection. She acknowledges his accomplishments, such as the American Rescue Plan and Inflation Reduction Act, but also points to areas for improvement. Ocasio-Cortez places blame on the United States Senate and the filibuster for hindering progress. However, some critics argue that she has shifted from her renegade outsider stance to a more cowed insider role, accepting the limitations set by the political establishment. The broader context reveals a broader trend of the left's national recession, with a lack of a clear, unifying demand and the movement's expression shifting online, making it vulnerable to algorithmic manipulation. Despite these challenges, there is still a strong desire for change and support for progressive ideas like universal healthcare, housing, and unions.

    • Progressive movements gaining momentumGrassroots organizing drives progressive change at state and federal levels, with promising signs in tenants rights, social housing, unions, and Democratic governors' policies

      While the past efforts to build a strong progressive movement have faced challenges, there are promising signs of change today. Across the country, tenants rights movements, social housing, and unions are gaining momentum. Even some Democratic governors are implementing progressive policies. Maryland, for instance, is seeing a crowded primary for its open senate seat, with Will Jawando, a homegrown candidate with federal and local experience, running for the position. Jawando's campaign focuses on being a progressive champion for the people, addressing their concerns on education, housing, safety, and the environment. His unique mix of federal and local experience, as well as his millennial perspective, sets him apart in a senate where the average age is 76. These developments underscore the importance of grassroots organizing and the potential for progressive change at both the state and federal levels.

    • Achievements and Areas for Improvement under the Biden AdministrationThe Biden administration has made progress with acts like the Chips Act and Inflation Reduction Act, but there's a need to push for progress on issues like criminal justice reform and foreign policy. The speaker supports the president and Ukraine's pathway to NATO membership, but believes in constructive criticism and engagement.

      The Biden administration has made significant achievements, such as the Chips Act, Inflation Reduction Act, and stimulus packages, but there have also been areas where improvement is needed. The speaker, who has a background in politics and has worked in Democratic states, supports the president and believes he has set the country on a good path, but also acknowledges the need to push for progress on certain issues, like criminal justice reform and foreign policy. On the topic of NATO membership for Ukraine, the speaker is in favor of a pathway for Ukraine to join, but doesn't believe it's the right time yet. They believe in the idea of democratic states coming together to protect each other and believe in supporting Ukraine now while they work towards NATO membership. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of constructive criticism and engagement with the president.

    • Maintaining a strong stance against foreign interference and addressing domestic issuesSupport for aid in diplomatic solutions for foreign interference, evaluating circumstances to avoid endless war, importance of rent stabilization and federal investment for affordable housing, and allowing developers to make a profit in addressing the issue.

      There is a need for a strong stance against foreign interference and destabilization in the world, particularly in regions like Ukraine, while also addressing pressing domestic issues like affordable housing. The speaker emphasized the importance of both military and diplomatic solutions, and the need for a strong position in negotiations. In the context of Ukraine, they expressed support for aid to help Ukraine's position for eventual diplomatic solutions, but also the importance of evaluating circumstances and avoiding endless war. On the issue of affordable housing, the speaker highlighted the importance of rent stabilization and a significant federal investment to address long waiting lists for housing vouchers. They also emphasized the importance of allowing developers to make a profit while addressing the issue.

    • Affordable Housing and Healthcare SolutionsIncentivize tax credit deals, implement renter's tax credit, address corporate home buying, eliminate homelessness, push for Medicare for All, make community college free, prioritize transparency and regulation, engage in debates for democratic processes.

      There is a need for more affordable housing solutions, including incentivizing tax credit deals, implementing a renter's tax credit, and addressing the issue of corporate entities buying up single family homes. There is also a commitment to eliminating homelessness through a housing first strategy. In healthcare, there is a push for Medicare for All and making college education, especially community college, free. Regarding the Green New Deal, there is support for many of its aspects. Transparency and regulation are key in addressing these issues, and debates are important for democratic processes.

    • The Importance of Open Dialogue and Debate in DemocracyRecognizing the significance of allowing open dialogue and debate in democracy, even if one doesn't support the views being expressed, and addressing the importance of mental health and financial planning for women.

      Despite political differences, it's important for democracy to allow for open debate and the exchange of ideas. A speaker on the podcast expressed his perspective on the current political landscape, acknowledging that President Biden's approval ratings are higher than some Republicans, but also recognizing that this could change after a debate. He emphasized the significance of allowing individuals like the President to engage in public discourse, even if one doesn't support their views. Meanwhile, the podcast sponsors shared messages about the importance of mental health support and financial planning for women. BetterHelp offers online therapy sessions with licensed therapists, providing an accessible and more affordable alternative to traditional in-person therapy. Cambridge's Parity Flex Annuity is designed specifically for women's unique retirement needs, offering flexible withdrawals and a guaranteed lifetime income benefit, ensuring that retirees won't outlive their money. In summary, the podcast touched on the importance of fostering open dialogue and debate in a democratic society, as well as addressing the significance of mental health and financial planning for women.

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    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

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    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    Ryan and Emily discuss Hillary warning Biden that debating Trump is impossible, Bowman crushed by AIPAC in New York election, Kenya parliament on fire as troops occupy Haiti, Ryan exposes pro-Israel group lying about campaign funding, MIT nuclear expert dire warning on Russia Ukraine war. 


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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

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    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    Krystal and Saagar discuss CNN blames fake videos for Biden age concern, Hezbollah threatens massive war, Boeing victim mom goes off on CEO, Biden Gaza pier crumbles.


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    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor) @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    We are coming to the United States in September. For more information, listen to Friday's episode from 31:30: https://shorturl.at/bnUW7


    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on Twitter.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.

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    Find out more: 

    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.

    Joe Barnes (Brussels Correspondent). @Barnes_Joe on Twitter

    Roland Oliphant (Senior Foreign Correspondent). @RolandOliphant

    Find out more: 

    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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