
    7 Underrated Habits for a Better Life (and 7 Overrated Ones Too)

    en-usApril 17, 2024
    What are Mark Manson's views on goal fixation?
    How does Mark Manson define self-care beyond indulgence?
    Why is flexibility important in pursuing happiness?
    What role does community play in individual well-being?
    How does the therapist-patient relationship impact therapy success?

    Podcast Summary

    • Goals can be overrated when we become too fixated on themFocus on actions that lead to goal achievement and be open to quitting goals that no longer serve us

      Goals can be overrated if we become too attached to them and fail to adapt when new information arises. Instead, goals should serve us, not the other way around. Self-care is an important concept, but it's often misunderstood as self-indulgence. The real value of self-care lies in setting boundaries, taking breaks, and prioritizing our well-being. During today's episode, Mark Manson discussed various topics, labeling some as overrated or underrated based on his perspective. He argued that goals, while valuable, can be overrated when we become too fixated on them and fail to adapt when circumstances change. Instead, we should focus on the actions that lead to goal achievement and be open to quitting goals that no longer serve us. Mark also criticized the way self-care is often portrayed as self-indulgence, emphasizing the importance of setting boundaries and prioritizing our well-being. Overall, the episode highlighted the importance of flexibility and adapting to changing circumstances in pursuit of happiness and productivity.

    • Self-care is about discipline, not indulgencePrioritize self-discipline for long-term well-being, not short-term pleasure or indulgence

      Self-care is not about indulgence or pleasure, but rather about discipline and taking care of oneself in ways that promote long-term well-being. The speaker criticized practices like "bed rotting" or maximizing romance as misconceptions of self-care. Instead, she emphasized the importance of doing things that may not be enjoyable but are good for you, such as paying bills on time, going to the gym, or even doing chores. The speaker also highlighted the importance of self-discipline as a form of self-love, comparing it to parenting oneself. She also acknowledged that while romance can be nice, it should not be the focus of a relationship and should be seen as a supplement rather than the main component. Overall, the speaker encouraged listeners to prioritize self-discipline and long-term well-being over short-term pleasure or indulgence.

    • Friendships and therapy relationships matter for happiness and well-beingFriendships and good therapy relationships contribute to overall happiness and well-being. Self-improvement and staying informed can help us make the most of everyday activities.

      While romance can be intoxicating and lead us to make questionable decisions, it's our friendships that truly contribute to our overall happiness and well-being. The discussion also highlighted the importance of a good therapist in mental health treatment, but ultimately, the success of therapy depends more on the quality of the therapist-patient relationship than the specific therapeutic approach. The speakers also emphasized the importance of self-improvement and staying informed through resources like listening.com, which can help us make the most of our time and turn everyday activities into productive learning experiences. In essence, it's the relationships we build with others and the knowledge we gain that truly enrich our lives.

    • The importance of finding a good therapistFinding the right therapist can significantly improve therapy outcomes, but it may require trying multiple therapists and investing time and effort.

      The quality of a therapist greatly impacts the effectiveness of therapy, with the best therapists producing ten times the outcomes of average therapists, and some therapists even making things worse. Therefore, it's crucial to find a therapist who specializes in your specific needs and with whom you have a good connection. This may require trying out several therapists and investing time and effort into the therapeutic process. Remember, therapists are not superhuman and cannot magically solve all your problems. Instead, they provide guidance and tools to help you work through your issues. Ultimately, the success of therapy depends on the effort and commitment you put into it.

    • The importance of simple pleasures and activitiesEngaging in simple pleasures and activities, like dancing or listening to music, can significantly improve mental well-being and be just as effective as pharmaceutical interventions in treating depression.

      While having a sense of purpose in life is important, not everything in life needs to be meaningful or purposeful all the time. Simple pleasures and activities, such as dancing or listening to music, can have a profound impact on mental well-being, and it's okay to acknowledge and enjoy the mundane moments in life. A recent meta-analysis found that physical activity, including dancing, is just as effective as pharmaceutical intervention in treating depression and improving mental well-being. So, strive for purpose, but don't overlook the importance of simple pleasures and activities in maintaining overall happiness and well-being.

    • Simple actions for improved wellbeingDancing, expressing gratitude, focusing on local sources of purpose, and good skin care can contribute to better wellbeing. Over-relying on politics may lead to disappointment. Try OS01 peptide from OneSkin for improved skin health.

      While there are various ways to improve our wellbeing, some simple and seemingly insignificant actions, like dancing or expressing gratitude, can have positive effects. Meanwhile, over-reliance on politics as a source of connection and meaning can lead to unrealistic expectations and disappointment. Instead, focusing on localized and controllable sources of purpose can bring greater fulfillment. Additionally, good skin care is essential for aging gracefully. The OS01 peptide from OneSkin, a first-of-its-kind clinically proven solution, can help minimize aging cells for smoother, firmer skin and fewer age spots. Overall, it's important to find balance in various aspects of life, from self-care and movement to expectations and sources of meaning.

    • Understanding complex issues and mental healthHistorical perspective, journaling, and self-reflection can promote positive growth and improve mental health amidst complex societal issues

      Issues in society are more complex than they seem and consuming news constantly can negatively impact mental health. A historical perspective can provide valuable context and help us realize that current problems are not new or unique. Journaling is a safe and generally helpful practice, but the best journals are those that encourage self-reflection and confronting uncomfortable situations. It's important to remember that simple solutions and hype often don't lead to significant change. Instead, taking a step back, gaining perspective, and engaging in meaningful self-reflection can lead to positive growth.

    • Exploring personal growth through journaling and sauna useJournaling offers insights into past experiences and emotions, while saunas promote physical health and longevity. Both practices contribute to personal growth and self-awareness.

      Journaling, particularly journals that delve into personal and emotional experiences, can provide valuable insights and reflections as we age. The musician's example of revisiting old journals to write songs illustrates the potential benefits of documenting our thoughts and feelings. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of saunas for health and longevity, while expressing less enthusiasm for cold plunges due to their inconvenience and maintenance requirements. The combination of saunas and cold plunges has gained popularity in recent years, but the data on cold plunges is less conclusive than that of saunas. Overall, journaling and sauna use are simple yet meaningful practices that can enhance self-awareness and promote physical well-being.

    • Practices like cold plunges and psychedelics have short-term benefits but uncertain long-term effectsWhile some alternative practices can offer temporary benefits, it's crucial to prioritize evidence-based interventions for long-term health and well-being, considering the potential risks and limitations of alternative practices.

      While some practices like cold plunges and psychedelics can provide short-term benefits, such as releasing endorphins and creating a stress response in the body, the long-term data and research on their health effects are not definitive. The speaker emphasizes that these practices should not be considered equivalent to evidence-based interventions, and that the potential risks and limitations should be carefully considered. For instance, cold plunges require consistent maintenance and can be a hassle, while psychedelics, despite their therapeutic potential, should be used under the guidance of trained professionals due to their potent effects. Overall, it's essential to approach these practices with a critical and informed perspective, and to prioritize evidence-based interventions for optimal health and well-being.

    • Approaching Psychedelics with CautionPsychedelics offer benefits for mental health issues, but their use should be approached with caution for high-functioning individuals. Be aware of negative reactions, decreased efficacy, placebo effect, and selection bias in research.

      Psychedelics can offer significant benefits for individuals dealing with serious mental health issues, but for those who are already high-functioning, the use of psychedelics should be approached with caution and primarily viewed as a hobby. It's essential to be aware of the small but significant number of individuals who experience intense negative reactions to psychedelics, and the potential for decreased efficacy as more research is conducted and the interventions become more widely used. Additionally, the placebo effect and selection bias are important factors to consider when interpreting the results of psychedelic research. Overall, psychedelics hold great promise for mental health treatment, but it's crucial to approach their use with a well-informed perspective.

    • Selling Across Channels with Shopify and the Importance of CommunityShopify provides tools for setting up, managing, and scaling a business across various channels, while religious communities offer a unique environment for forming bonds and connections.

      Shopify offers a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to sell across various channels, including social media platforms. It provides essential tools for setting up, managing, and scaling a store, making it accessible for entrepreneurs without the need for expensive tech expertise. Additionally, the platform offers reliable 24/7 support. On a different note, there's ongoing debate about the role of religion in contributing to happiness, better relationships, and overall well-being. While some argue that religious communities cause these positive outcomes, others suggest that happier individuals are more likely to be attracted to religious communities. Regardless, the importance of community and connection in today's society is undeniable. Places like religious camps offer a unique environment where people come together and form bonds, providing a respite from the often harsh realities of adolescence. Even for those who don't subscribe to religious beliefs, the sense of community and acceptance can be invaluable.

    • Exploring the impact of practices and beliefs on individualsReligion and gratitude have varying effects, no single practice works for everyone, keep an open mind and experiment to find what works best for you.

      Different practices and beliefs, such as religion and gratitude, can have varying effects on people. Religion, as a part of human nature, can lead to happiness but also negatively impact individuals when applied to extreme or harmful contexts. Gratitude, while beneficial for some, may not resonate with others. Ultimately, it's essential to understand that no single practice or intervention works for everyone, and it's crucial to try new things and adapt when they stop being effective. So, keep an open mind, experiment, and remember that there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Nothing works for everybody all the time, and that's okay. Keep exploring and finding what works best for you.

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    Steven’s new book, The Daily Pressfield

    All of Steven Pressfield's Books

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    Sign up for my newsletter, Your Next Breakthrough. It will help you be a less awful person: https://markmanson.net/breakthrough

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    Check it out.

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    Cady’s Book, Sharing Space: https://www.amazon.com/Sharing-Space-Astronauts-Mission-Wonder/dp/0593494016

    Sign up for my newsletter, Your Next Breakthrough. It will make you a slightly less awful person: https://markmanson.net/breakthrough

    6 Ways to Stop Giving a F*ck

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    Check it out.

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    Let's do this.

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    I’m not going to share a bunch of workout routines or complicated diets. What worked for me might not work for you. But I can share what I went through to get here in the hopes that you, too, might change how you think about your health and take it more seriously. Because at the end of the day, your health is definitely something you should give a f*ck about.

    Use the code IDGAF to get 20% off your first one-time purchase of supplements at livemomentous.com

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    CAUTION: This podcast episode contains swearing.

    By doing this one simple habit each morning you could experience transformative effects in your life.

    Feel Better Live More Bitesize is my weekly podcast for your mind, body, and heart.  Each week I’ll be featuring inspirational stories and practical tips from some of my former guests.

    Today’s clip is from episode 220 of the podcast with the wonderful Mel Robbins.

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    Thanks to our sponsor http://www.athleticgreens.com/livemore

    Show notes and the full podcast are available at drchatterjee.com/220

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    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    CAUTION: This episode contains mild swearing.

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    This conversation is full of inspiring anecdotes and advice that I hope will give you a new perspective. 

    Thanks to our sponsors:



    Show notes available at https://drchatterjee.com/195

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    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Did You Take Action?

    Did You Take Action?
    Have you taken steps towards achieving your dreams today?

    Taking action towards our dreams is a fundamental step in transforming them from mere ideas into reality. Every journey towards achieving something meaningful begins with the courage to take the first step, and then, the perseverance to continue walking the path. Delaying action, often referred to as procrastination, is one of the biggest obstacles that hinders our progress. It's easy to get caught up in the comfort of planning and dreaming without ever moving into the phase of execution. However, dreams remain intangible until we decide to act upon them.

    The importance of not delaying action cannot be overstated. When we postpone taking the necessary steps towards our goals, we not only lose valuable time but also potentially miss opportunities that might not come around again. The world around us is constantly changing, and windows of opportunity can close as quickly as they open. By delaying, we also allow room for doubt and fear to settle in, which can further paralyze our ability to act. Action, on the other hand, breeds confidence and clarity. With each step taken, we learn more about ourselves, our desires, and the realities of bringing our dreams to fruition. This knowledge is invaluable and can only be gained through experience.

    Moreover, taking action is essential for maintaining momentum. Starting is often the hardest part, but once we overcome the initial resistance, each subsequent step becomes easier. Action creates a positive feedback loop where progress fuels motivation, and motivation fuels further action. This momentum can carry us through challenges and help us to persevere when the journey becomes difficult.

    In conclusion, taking action towards our dreams is crucial. It transforms the abstract into the tangible, opens doors to opportunities, and sets in motion the forces necessary for achieving our goals. We must resist the temptation to delay, understanding that the perfect time to start is now. Every moment spent in inaction is a moment lost on the path to realizing our potential. Let us embrace the present with determination and take the steps needed to turn our dreams into reality.

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    Guest: Dr. Ricki Pollycove, OB-GYN and an expert on women’s health. Dr. Pollycove will talk about the latest research and news on women’s health and sexual well-being–information that will assist you in improving your relationship with your body.

    Guest: Dr. Ricki Pollycove, OB-GYN and an expert on women’s health. Dr. Pollycove will talk about the latest research and news on women’s health and sexual well-being–information that will assist you in improving your relationship with your body.
    About my guest, in her words: My career is focused on healthy aging in women, including hormone replacement therapy using primarily bio-identical hormones, and reducing risks for functional loss and dependency. I specialize in the endocrinology of menopause and disease risk reduction as reflected in individual patient care options and clinical management decision-making, with an emphasis on breast cancer early detection, diagnosis, treatment options and ongoing cancer survivor care. Further insight into the depth of our need to nurture ourselves throughout a woman’s life is fueled by having delivered over 1,500 babies in addition to being a mother myself. From babyhood to adulthood, we all deserve compassionate, kind and patient attention to our individual needs. I have committed to becoming more active in the politics of medicine, hoping to preserve the very special nature of the physician patient relationship as well as promoting greater collegiality through all sectors of health care. I am a member of the following professional organizations: American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG). Fellow, 1984 to present. American Society for Reproductive Medicine, 1983 to present North American Menopause Society, 1992 to present American Society of Breast Disease, 1994 to present California Medical Association: San Francisco Medical Society, 1981 to present. Editorial Board, 1998-present. Editor in Chief, 1999- 2001. The American Medical Writers Association, 1994-2000. My academic appointments include: Volunteer Clinical faculty at UC San Francisco (Women’s health, gynecology and female sexuality courses) former faculty at the University of Arizona School of Medicine (associate professor for the “Current issues in women and children’s health” course) and adjunct teaching in the Integral Health Studies Program of the California Institute of Integral Studies (see www.CIIS.edu master’s program in Integral Health). As part of community outreach, I enjoy appearing on television, as a regular women’s health guest expert on local and national television and radio programs as well as public lectures. Professional continuing education seminars for doctors, nurses, physician assistants and psychologists continue to be a regular part of my professional activities I serve on the non-profit Sophia Project Board of trustees, devoted to caring for near-homeless mothers and children in West Oakland and the larger Bay Area. I also serve on the Board of the California Institute of Integral Studies, a University offering bachelor’s degree completion, Masters and PhDs (see www.CIIS.edu). For 15 years I served on the board of the Patient Assistance Foundation whose job it is to raise money for health education, social services and financial counseling for those in need. My hobbies include savory cooking and baking, having held a job as pastry chef assistant during college and never losing my enthusiasm for good organic home cooking. I also enjoy music (when I can practice, I play viola in chamber music groups and sing soprano), reading a diversity of philosophical and historical writers, bike riding and hiking to explore nature and the world. My books include The Pocket Guide to Bioidentical Hormones, Alpha Press 2010, and Mother Nurture, with Rick and Jan Hanson, Penguin, 2002.