
    Podcast Summary

    • Austin's Unique Culture and CountercultureAustin's counterculture vibe and acceptance of unconventionality have shaped its unique identity, inspiring historical movements and modern innovations.

      Austin, Texas stands out as a unique and culturally distinct place in the country, offering a contrast to more conservative areas. The city's hippie vibe and acceptance of unconventionality have long fascinated Brendan Walsh, reminding him of historical counterculture movements like San Francisco in the 60s. During this time, Doug Stanhope, a well-known comedian, initially held reservations about his future collaborator Henry Phillips, a guitar comic, due to his fear that his act would not be funny. However, upon seeing Phillips' performance, Stanhope was impressed and the two went on to work together on various projects. In the world of technology, the evolution of masturbatory devices, represented by Fleshlight's advanced designs, has reached a peak, leaving little room for improvement. Lastly, the convenience of multitasking, such as using a phone for directions while on a call, can be both productive and risky, especially in traffic-heavy areas.

    • The dangers of texting or being distracted while drivingAvoid distractions while driving to ensure safety and focus, as texting or being distracted is comparable to controlling a 2,000-pound vehicle at just 2 mph. Adopt a mindset of acceptance and focus, like comedian Tony V, and be a courteous driver.

      Texting or being distracted while driving is a dangerous and irresponsible behavior that can lead to accidents. The speaker advises against it, comparing it to attempting to control a 2,000-pound vehicle at just two miles per hour. Instead, he suggests adopting a mindset of acceptance and focus when driving, as exemplified by a comedian named Tony V from Boston who would just "get zoned" during long drives. The speaker also mentions that he himself used to drive long distances without distractions and that he doesn't speed excessively. He also expresses frustration with inconsiderate drivers and suggests that sometimes it's necessary to make bold moves to avoid getting stuck behind them. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for responsible and focused driving, emphasizing the importance of being a courteous driver and avoiding distractions.

    • The belief in eliminating less intelligent people for a utopian societyAssumptions that certain individuals are a burden on society and cannot contribute lead to discussions about societal progress and potential consequences, including technological advancements and societal collapse.

      According to the conversation, there is a belief that eliminating "stupid" or less intelligent people would lead to a utopian society. This belief is based on the assumption that these individuals are a burden on society and that they cannot contribute meaningfully. Additionally, there is a discussion about technological advancements, such as robots and jetpacks, potentially leading to societal collapse due to a lack of work. The conversation also touches upon the importance of having various types of intelligence and abilities in society, and the potential issues with overcrowding and capacity in communication networks. Overall, the conversation explores the complexities of societal progress and the potential consequences of eliminating certain groups of people or relying too heavily on technology.

    • The importance of a reliable cell phone connectionSwitching to a more reliable carrier improved communication effectiveness, emphasizing the significance of maintaining important conversations without interruptions. Some prefer rollover minutes, others unlimited plans.

      Having a reliable cell phone connection is crucial for effective communication. The speaker shared his personal experience of switching from a carrier with frequent dropped calls to Verizon, which he found to be more reliable. He emphasized the importance of being able to maintain important conversations without interruptions. The discussion also touched upon the differences between various carriers and their plans, with some favoring carriers that offer rollover minutes while others prefer unlimited plans. The speaker also shared his fascination with the advancements in technology, particularly in mobile phones, and how they have evolved from simple communication devices to multi-functional gadgets.

    • From rotary phones to iPhones: The evolution of technologyTechnology's rapid advancement transformed communication and access to information, from rotary phones to iPhones and beyond, enhancing daily life.

      Technology has advanced exponentially over the past few decades, transforming the way we communicate and access information. The speaker reminisced about the days of rotary phones and long potato cooking times, contrasting it with the convenience of modern devices like iPhones and Apple TVs. They marveled at the development of caller ID, the internet, and streaming services, expressing awe at how these technologies have integrated to enhance our daily lives. The speaker also shared a humorous anecdote about pretending to be "Guy Chinese" on caller ID. Overall, the conversation underscores the profound impact of technology on our society and the constant evolution that continues to shape our future.

    • Understanding and rapport with audience matters for acceptable humorComedians can make sensitive jokes due to audience connection, while outsiders may offend. Context and relationships are crucial in determining acceptable humor and art.

      Humor and context play a significant role in how offensive or acceptable certain jokes or actions may be perceived. The speaker in this conversation acknowledges that as a comedian, he can get away with making jokes about sensitive topics because of the understanding and rapport he has built with his audience. However, if someone without that connection attempts to make similar jokes, it could lead to discomfort or offense. The line between acceptable and unacceptable humor can be blurry, and it's essential to consider the relationship and context before crossing it. Additionally, the speaker mentions the documentary "Exit Through the Gift Shop" and the concept of street art, which raises questions about the boundaries of acceptable art and vandalism. Ultimately, it's essential to be mindful of the context and relationships involved when determining what is or isn't acceptable.

    • A Harmless Prank on a BillboardImpulsive actions can bring excitement and nostalgia, but they also come with risks and potential consequences.

      The speaker shared a story about an impulsive and mischievous prank he pulled off by placing a wiener sticker on a billboard. He had to climb onto the roof of a 7-Eleven and risk getting caught to execute the prank. Though the prank was harmless and received positive reactions, the speaker acknowledged the potential consequences of vandalism and the difference between it and street art. The experience brought back feelings of excitement and innocence, reminiscent of his teenage years. The conversation also touched upon the appreciation for street art and the value it can hold, as well as the challenges and risks involved in creating it.

    • Art and identity: Who is the true artist?The value and meaning of art can be subjective and open to interpretation, and the line between artist and subject can blur in unexpected ways.

      Art and perception can be subjective and open to interpretation. The discussion revolved around a documentary called "Exit Through the Gift Shop," which explores the concept of who is the true artist in a situation where someone hires others to create art for them. The documentary raises questions about the nature of art and its value. Another topic touched upon was a documentary about a salesman named Winnebago Man, who went from being an angry salesman in outtakes to a seemingly Zen person in real life, leading to confusion about his true identity. The conversation also included a mention of a man in Arizona who went crazy and the potential influence of political campaigns on his behavior. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complexity and intrigue of art and the human psyche.

    • Public figures' impact on society and the dangers of extremismPublic figures must be mindful of their influence, as their words and actions can fuel extremism and violence, especially among vulnerable individuals. Society's reliance on technology and decline of critical thinking skills exacerbates the problem. To move forward, we must encourage open-mindedness and progress while addressing the root causes of extremism.

      Individuals in the public eye hold a significant responsibility for their words and actions, as they have the potential to influence people, some of whom may be unstable or susceptible to violence. The speaker expresses concern about the state of society, with a growing number of people holding extreme beliefs and being easily manipulated. The rise of technology and the decline of critical thinking skills are seen as contributing factors. The speaker also criticizes those who prefer to be controlled and live within a narrow mindset, and warns against the dangers of ignoring or questioning their beliefs. Ultimately, the speaker believes that the evolution of society is moving in two opposing directions, with some people clinging to outdated ways and others pushing for progress.

    • Nostalgia for Physical MediaThe speaker cherishes the experience of discovering hidden gems in physical media collections, such as horror movies with car or animal themes and Billy Joel's earlier music.

      The speaker expresses a preference for the nostalgic experience of browsing physical media, whether it be records, movies, or books, and finds joy in discovering hidden gems. He shares his love for horror movies, specifically those involving cars or animals, and reminisces about the stigma surrounding Stephen King's work in the past. The speaker also expresses a fondness for Billy Joel's music, particularly from his earlier albums. Despite the convenience of digital media, the speaker finds value in the tactile experience of searching through physical collections.

    • The line between pop music and art can be blurredClassic pop music and contemporary art can overlap, leading to controversial interpretations and adaptations, as seen with Billy Joel's 'Uptown Girl' and the evolution of animation.

      The line between classic pop music and contemporary art can be blurred, and sometimes controversial interpretations and adaptations can arise. This was evident in the discussion about Billy Joel's "Uptown Girl," which was initially criticized for its perceived objectification of women but is now seen as a product of its time and genre. Additionally, the conversation touched on the evolution of animation and the shifting societal norms that influence what is considered acceptable content for children and adults. The reimagining of classic cartoon characters, such as Yogi Bear, highlights this trend and the ongoing debate about artistic freedom and the impact of changing cultural values.

    • Acceptance of gay celebrities in the 1960sDuring the 1960s, there was an unspoken acceptance of gay celebrities in entertainment, but societal norms required them to remain closeted.

      During the 1960s, there was an unspoken acceptance of gay celebrities in entertainment, despite societal norms and pressures to remain closeted. This was exemplified by figures like Murgatroyd and Liberace. The discussion also touched upon the contrast between the depiction of violence in older cartoons and the current restrictions on such content. It's fascinating how societal norms and attitudes have evolved over time, allowing for greater openness and acceptance. It's important to remember that even iconic figures from the past may have had hidden aspects of their lives that were not publicly acknowledged.

    • An encounter with an unconventional woman and frustration with unwanted flyersThe speaker shared an unusual experience with a woman and expressed frustration over the influx of unwanted flyers, while also discussing his efforts to improve his physique and the criticism he received.

      The speaker had an unusual encounter with a woman who didn't wear underwear and had a hole in her pants, leading to an unexpected discovery. He also shared his frustration with the excessive amount of unwanted flyers he receives, comparing it to a black hole that seems to suck in anything nearby. The conversation then shifted to bodybuilding and the speaker's attempts to improve his physique. Despite his efforts, he received criticism from another man regarding the size of his calves. Overall, the conversation was a random collection of topics, with no clear connection between them.

    • Understanding the Complexities of Human DesiresSocietal pressures and personal experiences shape our desires, leading some to an intense focus on physical appearance and validation through bodybuilding. This obsession can be healthy or unhealthy, and can be influenced by religion and upbringing.

      People's fixations and desires can manifest in various ways, and societal pressures and personal experiences can shape these desires. The discussion touched upon how some individuals become obsessed with their physical appearance, particularly their body muscles, due to societal expectations and the desire to impress others. This obsession can lead to intense focus on working out and bodybuilding, which can provide pleasure and validation. However, this can also result in unhealthy behaviors and negative self-perception. The conversation also touched upon the impact of religion and upbringing on individuals' perceptions and experiences. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complex and multifaceted nature of human desires and motivations.

    • A harsh scolding from a nun leaves a lasting impactStrict religious schools can stifle creativity, foster guilt and shame, and leave a lasting impact on self-perception and fear of success

      The speaker's experiences in a strict Catholic school environment left a lasting impact on their perspective and behavior. They recall an embarrassing incident where they were scolded harshly by a nun for making a joke in the hallway, leading to feelings of shame and guilt. The speaker criticizes the rigid rules and lifestyle of the school, suggesting it stifled creativity and fostered a self-absorbed and guilt-ridden mindset. They also express a fear of success and a sense of emptiness in their current life, potentially as a result of these formative experiences. Overall, the speaker's narrative highlights the impact of religious upbringing and strict education on personal development and self-perception.

    • Impact of Upbringing and Religion on Confidence and Self-PerceptionOur experiences and religious backgrounds shape our self-perception and confidence. Positive communication and upbringing are essential in building self-esteem.

      Our upbringing and experiences significantly impact our confidence and self-perception. The speaker shares his own struggles with self-doubt and how he observed his daughter's development. He also discusses how his religious background influenced his perception of himself negatively. The conversation touches upon various religious backgrounds and their impact on individuals. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of positive communication and upbringing in shaping individuals' self-esteem and confidence. The speaker also shares an attempt to have Doug Stanhope on the podcast via speakerphone, which was a first for them. Despite the technical difficulties, the conversation with Stanhope was engaging and consistent, as expected.

    • A Unique Comedian with a Dedicated FollowingDoug Stanhope, with his raw and unfiltered humor, builds a loyal fanbase through authenticity and challenging perspectives, despite not being widely recognized in the industry.

      Doug Stanhope is a unique and genuine comedian who has built a dedicated following through his self-sufficient approach to comedy. He is known for his unfiltered and raw humor, which often touches on taboo topics. His fans appreciate his authenticity and the way he challenges their perspectives in a hilarious and thought-provoking way. Despite not being widely recognized outside of his fan base, Stanhope's peers and colleagues in the comedy industry hold him in high regard. His performances in unconventional venues, such as the Hotel Congress in Tucson, Arizona, add to his mystique and appeal. Stanhope's dedication to his craft and his ability to evolve and adapt his material have earned him a loyal fanbase and solidified his place as a respected figure in stand-up comedy.

    • Discovering Hidden Comedic TalentMany talented comedians are overlooked due to lack of mainstream exposure or a strong online presence. New media platforms offer a chance to reintroduce forgotten comedians, and charisma and good energy are essential for successful comedy.

      There are many talented comedians who have slipped under the radar and deserve recognition, despite not being active in the mainstream scene or having a strong social media presence. The speaker shares his experience of discovering the comedic talent of Nick DiPaulo, who was once a "killer" comedian but had been forgotten by many. The speaker also acknowledges that some comedians fall between the cracks due to personal issues or a reputation, while others may fade off due to exhaustion or disinterest. He expresses hope that new media platforms like the Internet and podcasts can help reintroduce these comedians to a new audience. The speaker also highlights the importance of good energy and charisma in comedy, as some comedians can bring joy and positivity to a room, while others may be best avoided until they go on stage.

    • Navigating Age Differences in RelationshipsApproach age difference relationships with openness and understanding, recognizing unique perspectives and experiences.

      As we live longer lives due to advancements in healthcare and technology, unique challenges and conversations may arise in our relationships, particularly when it comes to age differences. These conversations can lead to misunderstandings or discomfort, but they also offer opportunities for connection and growth. The speaker reflects on the potential complexities of dating someone much younger, acknowledging the potential for generational gaps in experiences and references. Ultimately, the key takeaway is to approach these situations with openness and understanding, recognizing that each person brings their own unique perspective and experiences to the relationship.

    • Challenges women face in love and societal expectationsThe speaker critiques societal pressures on women to depend financially in relationships and shares a cynical perspective on love and power dynamics.

      The speaker expresses frustration towards the challenges women face in terms of pregnancy and societal expectations, particularly in regards to financial dependence. He also shares a story about an older man being scammed in a romantic relationship, highlighting the vulnerability of individuals when it comes to love and trust. The speaker's comments reveal a cynical perspective on relationships, suggesting that power and financial stability play significant roles in attraction and success. He also expresses a desire for more control over the reproductive process and makes light of potentially dangerous situations, such as traveling to dangerous countries for romantic encounters. Overall, the speaker's words demonstrate a complex and often jaded view of love, relationships, and gender roles.

    • Navigating Extreme Content: Shocking Realities of War-Torn CountriesWar-torn regions expose us to disturbing realities, desensitizing some individuals and impacting the younger generation's development, requiring us to navigate through extreme content with sensitivity and understanding.

      The discussion revolves around the challenging nature of navigating through extensive content on websites, using the example of disturbing videos from war-torn countries like Liberia. The speakers express shock and awe at the extreme conditions and violence these people face daily, often involving cannibalism and mutilations. They also highlight the desensitization and survival skills of some individuals, comparing them to sociopaths. The conversation then shifts to the chaotic environment and its impact on the younger generation, who grow up with war and violence. The speakers also reflect on their own experiences and the potential for societal collapse. In essence, the discussion underscores the harsh realities and complexities of war-torn regions and the human condition.

    • Managing Anger and AggressionFocus on peaceful resolution or avoiding confrontation instead of engaging in physical violence. Recognize that violence is not a solution and prioritize peace and respect in all interactions.

      Certain environments and individuals can trigger aggression and conflict, but it's important to avoid engaging in physical violence and instead focus on peaceful resolution or avoiding confrontation altogether. The practice of martial arts and exercise is meant to help individuals release pent-up anger and aggression, but some individuals may unfortunately use it as an excuse to pick fights or bully others. It's crucial to recognize that violence is not a solution and that disagreements can be resolved through respectful communication and understanding. Additionally, some individuals may use psychological techniques, such as neuro-linguistic programming, to help manage their emotions and responses in challenging situations. Ultimately, it's essential to prioritize peace and respect in all interactions and to avoid engaging in behavior that could harm oneself or others.

    • Maintaining a positive mindset before performingFocus on a positive mindset before performing to navigate unexpected challenges and connect with the audience, as their energy can significantly impact your mood and performance. Past work doesn't define you, always strive to improve and grow as an artist.

      Performing on stage, especially in comedy, can be a challenging experience. The performer may feel anxious or uncertain about their material and their ability to connect with the audience. However, it's essential to focus on having a positive mindset before going on stage, as this can help navigate unexpected challenges, such as hecklers or unresponsive crowds. The performer's state of mind is crucial, and it's more about finding the right way to be themselves rather than recreating the perfect state. Performing is a give-and-take experience, and the energy of the crowd can significantly impact the performer's mood and performance. The performer may not always be in the best mood to perform, but the connection with the audience can often turn things around. Lastly, the performer's past work is not forever attached to them, and they can always improve and grow as an artist.

    • Learning from the Past in Stand-Up ComedyAspiring comedians should study older comedy, avoid unnecessarily reinventing the wheel, and focus on originality for success.

      Starting out in stand-up comedy as a young artist can be challenging, especially when it comes to finding your unique voice and understanding the rich history of the craft. The speaker expresses frustration with his own accent and lack of experience, but emphasizes the importance of learning from the past and building a foundation of knowledge. He encourages aspiring comedians to familiarize themselves with older comedy and avoid reinventing the wheel unnecessarily. The speaker also shares anecdotes about unintentionally borrowing material from other comedians and the importance of originality. Ultimately, the journey to becoming a successful stand-up comedian requires dedication, self-awareness, and a deep appreciation for the art form.

    • Finding a unique comedic voice and personaRefine material through practice and find a gimmick or defining characteristic to stand out and connect with audiences

      Developing a unique comedic voice and persona is crucial for stand-up comedy success. Comedians like Jim Gaffigan and Louis C.K. have distinct styles and mannerisms that resonate with audiences and set them apart. However, the speaker expresses feeling unsure of their own voice and persona, often prioritizing keeping the audience comfortable over expressing strong opinions. The speaker acknowledges the importance of refining material through consistent practice, such as listening to recordings and making revisions, but admits to being lazy in this regard. Ultimately, finding a gimmick or defining characteristic can help comedians stand out and connect with their audience.

    • Finding Balance in Comedy: Focus and FunComedians must balance focus and fun to evolve, revisit old material, try new things, maintain a sense of humor, enjoy the process, have a dedicated space, and take risks.

      Comedy, like life, requires a balance between focus and fun. The interviewee shares his experiences of evolving as a comedian and the importance of revisiting old material and trying new things. He also emphasizes the role of environment and self-indulgence in the creative process. The comic life can be challenging, with long hours of writing and performing, but it's essential to maintain a sense of humor and enjoyment to truly connect with audiences. The interviewee also highlights the importance of having a dedicated space for creativity and being willing to experiment and take risks.

    • Save and access info anywhere with EvernoteEvernote lets users save entire webpages, sync notes across devices, and restore lost data, making it a valuable tool for writers and comedians to organize and access info anywhere

      Evernote is a valuable tool for writers, comedians, and anyone looking to save and access information across multiple devices. Evernote allows users to save entire webpages, including text and images, which can then be synced to various devices such as phones, laptops, and home computers. This means that users can easily access their notes and ideas from anywhere, making it particularly useful for comedians who need to write and perform on the go. Additionally, if a device is lost or replaced, all saved notes will be restored when a new device is synced. Evernote's ability to save multimedia content, such as entire webpages, makes it an invaluable resource for researching new topics and discovering inspiration. Overall, Evernote is a versatile and convenient tool for organizing and accessing information, making it an essential addition to any writer or comedian's toolkit.

    • Navigating the Challenges of Being a Middle ActBeing a middle act in the entertainment industry comes with unique challenges, including overshadowing by headliners and the pressure to impress audiences. However, it also provides opportunities for learning and growth.

      The entertainment industry can be a complex web of competition and comparison, especially for performers. The speaker shares his experience of opening for a successful, flamboyant comedian, the Midnight Swinger, and feeling overshadowed. He expresses frustration about not receiving standing ovations like the headliner and questioning his worth. However, he also acknowledges that some performers, including himself, are content with smaller venues and audiences, making a decent living. The speaker also mentions the challenges of being a middle act and the impact of performing after famous comedians. Despite these challenges, the speaker emphasizes the importance of learning from these experiences and using them to improve his craft. The speaker shares anecdotes of performing after Martin Lawrence, Dice Clay, and Richard Pryor, and how these experiences taught him valuable lessons about audience engagement and resilience.

    • Unexpected challenges in comedyComedy, like life, can present unexpected challenges, and it's essential to adapt and make the best of the situation.

      Comedy, like life, can present unexpected challenges. Joe Rogan shared an experience of opening for comedy legend Richard Pryor, who was physically unable to perform due to his health issues. Rogan had to follow Pryor's act, which was a daunting task as Pryor was considered one of the greatest stand-up comedians ever. The audience was still in awe of Pryor's performance, making it difficult for Rogan to engage them. This experience taught Rogan that comedy, like life, can present unexpected challenges, and it's essential to adapt and make the best of the situation. Despite the difficulties, Rogan learned valuable lessons and continued to pursue his passion for comedy.

    • Embracing the Unexpected in ComedyAdapting to unexpected situations in comedy can lead to liberating experiences and finding ways to connect with audiences despite challenges.

      Trying to force comedy on an uninterested audience can lead to unexpected and liberating experiences. The speaker shared a story of a Christmas party gig where he decided to disregard his set list and instead said random, shocking things to get a reaction from the crowd. Although the audience didn't seem to care, the speaker found it liberating to not adhere to the usual expectations of a comedy performance. The speaker also recalled a nightmare gig from a year ago, where the acoustics were terrible and the audience couldn't understand what was being said. Despite these challenges, the speaker and his colleagues persevered and continued to perform. These experiences highlight the importance of adapting to unexpected situations and finding ways to make the best of them, even in the face of adversity.

    • A comedian's unpredictable experience in San FranciscoThe entertainment industry's unpredictability can lead to challenges, but resilience and adaptability are key to success.

      The entertainment industry can be unpredictable and harsh, as shown in a past incident where a comedian was badly received at a show in San Francisco and faced unwanted attention afterwards. This experience led him to reconsider his approach to performing and eventually led to him setting up his own comedy club. The incident also highlights the power of social media and how quickly rumors and hoaxes can spread. Another key takeaway is that some individuals, like Doug, thrive on the chaos and uncertainty of the industry, while others prefer to avoid it. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of resilience and adaptability in the entertainment business.

    • Embracing the UnconventionalValue open-mindedness and unique companionship, not limited by physical appearance. Seek out unconventional experiences and embrace the unexpected.

      The speaker values open-mindedness and living life to the fullest, even if that means encountering unusual or unconventional individuals. He shares stories of meeting people with extreme body modifications, such as face tattoos, piercings, and even missing limbs, and expresses a willingness to connect with them. He emphasizes that physical appearance is not the only factor in attraction and that he values fun and interesting companionship. The speaker also mentions his experiences at music festivals and backyard shows, where he has encountered many unique individuals, and expresses a preference for places like Austin where such encounters are common. Overall, the speaker's attitude towards life is one of curiosity and acceptance, and he encourages others to embrace the unexpected and live life with an open mind.

    • The Importance of Purpose, Physical Needs, and Beliefs for Personal GrowthHaving a sense of purpose and accomplishment is vital for personal growth. Physical needs like touch, exercise, and sexual satisfaction are crucial for mental and emotional health. Be mindful of the impact of beliefs and practices on our lives.

      Having a sense of purpose and accomplishment is essential for personal growth and understanding one's capabilities. People who have never had to struggle or achieve something on their own may lack a connection to life and have no sense of meaning or direction. Physical needs, such as touch, exercise, and even sexual satisfaction, are also crucial for maintaining mental and emotional health. Attempting to suppress or ignore these requirements can lead to negative consequences. The creation and adherence to beliefs and practices, whether through religion or other means, can be difficult to stop once started, and it's essential to be aware of their potential impact on our lives.

    • The intrigue of human traditions and technological advancementsPeople embrace unusual traditions and adapt to technological improvements, from ancient customs to modern innovations.

      People tend to accept and adapt to unusual or long-standing traditions, even if they seem ridiculous or difficult, such as the mysterious box in Saudi Arabia or the lip plates in Africa. Technology, too, continues to evolve and improve, from early internet radio to potential wireless internet through light spectrums. The speaker, Brennan Walsh, shared personal experiences and anecdotes, including his own struggles with internet connectivity and his upcoming comedy performances. The conversation also touched on the trilogy of Terror Doll and Bobby Slaton's pioneering internet radio show. Overall, the discussion highlighted the intrigue and adaptability of human culture and the ongoing advancements in technology.

    • John Oliver's Comedy Tour with Free Tickets at NYUJohn Oliver is performing at NYU with free tickets, tour also includes stops at Cincinnati, West Palm Beach, and Las Vegas, Joey Diaz didn't show up at a recent show, Rogan supports and promotes sex toy 'Flashlight' on podcast, new episodes on Thursdays, immediate download on Rogan.net

      John Oliver, a British comedian known for his work on The Daily Show, is hosting a comedy show with four comics at NYU campus this coming weekend, and the tickets can be obtained for free from the website. The tour also includes stops at go bananas in Cincinnati, The Funny Bone in West Palm Beach, and Mandalay Bay Theater in Las Vegas. Joey Diaz, another comedian, was supposed to perform at a recent show but didn't show up, much to the disappointment of the audience. Joe Rogan, the podcast host, also mentioned his support for the product "Flashlight," a sex toy, and encouraged listeners to use the code "Rogan" for a discount. The podcast will have new episodes on Thursdays, and listeners can download them immediately after recording on Joe Rogan.net.

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    #2169 - Protect Our Parks 12

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    I Love Titanic and I Love to Bowl
    Bad Friends is a comedy podcast with hosts Bobby Lee & Andrew Santino. In this episode we do a scene reading from Titanic, take on the social cause of the Poway High School Hall of Fame, use the dead dad excuse, and consider one weekend in Tahoe. Subscribe to the YouTube: http://bit.ly/BadFriendsYouTube Thank you to our sponsors: http://buffy.co code: badfriends & http://forhims.com/badfriends & http://manscaped.com code: badfriends Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/badfriendspod Unofficial Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/badfriendspod More Bobby Lee TigerBelly: https://www.youtube.com/tigerbelly Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bobbyleelive/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/bobbyleelive Tickets: https://bobbyleelive.com/ More Andrew Santino Whiskey Ginger: https://www.youtube.com/andrewsantinowhiskeyginger Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ Twitter: https://Twitter.com/cheetosantino Tickets: http://www.andrewsantino.com/ More Bad Friends iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bad-friends/id1496265971 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/badfriendspod/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/badfriends_pod Official Website: http://badfriendspod.com/ Opening Credits and Branding: https://www.instagram.com/joseph_faria & https://www.instagram.com/jenna_sunday Credit Sequence Music: http://bit.ly/RocomMusic // https://www.instagram.com/rocom Character Design: https://www.instagram.com/jeffreymyles Produced by George Kimmel & Bryce Hallock - 7EQUIS Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Giving Thanks for Safety – What to do with leftovers?

    Giving Thanks for Safety – What to do with leftovers?

    Staying safe around the holidays is important and the hazards around the Thanksgiving holiday can pose different challenges. Distracted driving, food poisoning, and burns are the three most frequent causes of injuries during the Thanksgiving holiday period.  Find out more about these and what one company did with it’s Thanksgiving leftovers on this episode of the MEMIC Safety Experts Podcast.

    Resources and Links:


    NSC.org – Injury Facts - https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/

    Tedx – Heather Stagl - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79LI2fkNZ2k

    Tedx – Peter Anderton - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDsMlmfLjd4

    MEMIC Safety Net Blog –

    YouTube – Belgin Texting While Driving test - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2FHKVzGhgA

    YouTube – Distracted Driving Shocker - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbjSWDwJILs

    MEMIC Safety Director Login – www.memic.com/workplacesafety

    NY Daily News – Turkey Fryer Fire - https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ny-turkey-deep-frying-deep-massachusetts-woman-injured-homes-destroyed-20201127-53nf6t3ymvffzjdx3qv4hhabla-story.html

    Alton Brown Turkey Derrick - https://altonbrown.com/how-to-build-a-turkey-derrick/

    Turkey Fryer Stats - https://www.austintexas.gov/sites/default/files/files/Fire/Articles/TurkeyFryerFiresStats.pdf

    SlowMo Guys – Oil Fire - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbgdRR4yj8Y

    USDA – Turkey: Alternate Routes - https://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/portal/fsis/topics/food-safety-education/get-answers/food-safety-fact-sheets/poultry-preparation/turkey-alternate-routes-to-the-table/CT_Index

    CDC Food borne illness - https://www.cdc.gov/foodborneburden/index.html

    Food Safety – Cooking Temps - https://www.foodsafety.gov/food-safety-charts/safe-minimum-cooking-temperature

    260 Tons of Turkey - https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/how-leftover-turkey-launched-the-tv-dinner

    Leftover Safety - https://www.foodnetwork.com/holidays-and-parties/articles/food-safety-storing-thanksgiving-leftovers


    Peter Koch: [00:00:04] Hello, listeners, and welcome to the MEMIC Safety Experts podcast, I'm your host, Peter Koch, and thanks for listening today. We have another installment of our fractional safety series where we don't jump in so deep into a topic, but just give you the highlights. And in this episode, we talk about safety around the Thanksgiving holiday. Why Thanksgiving? Well, there are some unique circumstances that can make the hazards and exposure around this holiday a little bit different than what you might see with others. But before we dig in, did you know that on November 11th, two thousand twenty one, the MEMIC Safety Experts podcast just celebrated our two year anniversary? Hopefully, you've enjoyed listening as much as the team here has enjoyed putting the episodes together for you, and to help us understand more of what safety content you like. Be sure to drop me a note at podcast@MEMIC.com To let me know if you like the shorter episodes like this one or one where we go into a deeper dive with a guest.

    Peter Koch: [00:01:00] So [00:01:00] jumping right into it? Here's a holiday dilemma for you what happens when you cook way more than you have people for? Well, more specifically, what do you do with five hundred and twenty thousand pounds of leftover turkey? Yep. Five hundred and twenty thousand pounds of leftover turkey. You heard me right? And if the first thing that popped into your head was freeze it, then you're on the right track. Way more practical than I am, because the first thing that popped into my head was, where would you even put it? The answer to that question about leftover turkeys will come a little bit later, but for now, let's think hard about holiday safety and leaving aside, but not forgetting the history of Thanksgiving and the treatment of Native Americans that will forever be part of the American story. This November holiday can be used to find gratitude and appreciation for family, friends, neighbors and dignity of those in our extended communities. The days before, during and after Thanksgiving are usually filled [00:02:00] with preparation, decoration and celebration, and each carries their own share of exposures that sometimes cause injury and sometimes can turn tragic. According to numerous internet sources and my own personal experience, the top three injury causes around the November holiday are traffic accidents, fires and either food poisoning or some sort of alcohol related event. Think about food poisoning and that two hundred and sixty tons of leftover turkey now that could be a recipe for disaster if it got out. So before we go there, let's talk about traffic first. Did you know that the National Safety Council has a holiday traffic fatality estimate report they put out for each year? So if you go to injuryfacts.NSC.org and search holiday traffic, you'll find it. And for the Thanksgiving holiday period for two thousand twenty one, the National Safety Council estimates that four hundred and eighty five people will die in the United States from traffic [00:03:00] accidents. That's second only to the Independence Day holiday period, with an estimate of four hundred and eighty two traffic fatalities. So why is Thanksgiving travel different? There are many possibilities, such as road rage, impairment, fatigue and even weather. But regardless of the reasons, one fact is the sheer number of travelers around Thanksgiving. The Thanksgiving holiday period sees the highest usage of the interstate system than any other holiday period, and we've had a reprieve this last year with the COVID travel restrictions. But this holiday, the National Safety Council is expecting another increase. So if you're traveling or have employees traveling around the holiday period, try these driving safety tips.

    Peter Koch: [00:03:43] First plan ahead. Be sure your vehicle is in good condition and allow for extra time around your travel. Nothing drives road rage and aggressive decisions like the combination of traffic jams and a tight time schedule. If you're an employer of drivers, then considering allowing [00:04:00] extra time this time of year to get the job done, and there's a lot of psychology around leadership and behavior change and leading teams around production expectations is a lot more nuanced than you think. So check out this TED talk about how to deal with resistance to change with Heather Stegall. Or there's another talk about how great leadership only has two rules by Peter Anderton. We'll leave the links in the show notes, and I think these are pretty good things for you to watch and maybe get some ideas about how to lead some change around the holiday season. So now that you have enough time to get where you want to go, be sure that you can stay alert so alertness can take many different forms and first is to just stay awake. People fall asleep at the wheel all the time and caused fatal traffic accidents. Or sometimes they're lucky and they wake up just before something happens and they're able to manage it. But really, be sure that you're well-rested before even starting the trip. If you start from fatigue, that will only exacerbate the problems that we face when traveling [00:05:00] and along the drive. You should find time to stop and get out to get the circulation going. The old adage that the brain can only take with the butt can withstand goes for driving too, getting up and getting moving. Gets the blood flowing and will help with alertness, as well as making you feel better at the end of the journey. Interested in some quick exercises and stretches that can help for the long haul? We'll check out the stretching posts at the MEMIC Safety Net blog. The links will be in the show notes, but you can search at any time you want by going to MEMIC.com/WorkplaceSafety Find the safety net blog and just search for stretches.

    Peter Koch: [00:05:37] Now that you are awake, stay on task and avoid distractions. Your brain can't manage the phone or even an in-depth conversation combined with the demands of a changing driving environment. You may think you can, but what you're really doing at any given point when driving and doing something else is using old information to respond to the current situation. Think about it before you [00:06:00] look up from your phone or return your attention to the road. Your brain has been using information from the last time that you were fully engaged and has been making assumptions about speed, trajectory based on experience and that information. So when you look back and the roadway, suddenly changes surprise a curve, a pothole pedestrian, another vehicle, an animal. Whatever it is, your brain has to readjust to the current environment and make a snap decision. Do I turn? Do I slow down? Do I speed up? Do I swerve? Maybe I do it all together, and that readjustment takes time. And if you add speed and other people's decisions into the mix, then it's a recipe for disaster. What can you do besides being rested? Put the cell phone on Do Not Disturb and keep it out of sight because no call or text or post is really worth it. If you need it for navigation, put in a place that's not going to be in the way and that you can reference it only when you need to get [00:07:00] to where you're going. If you want to see an interesting video on texting while driving, I'll leave a link to one in the show notes. It's where Belgian learner drivers react to being told that they had to pass a mobile phone usage proficiency test in order to get their driver's license. It's pretty funny, so the instructor sits in the car with them and actually tells them that they have to text while driving and they're on a closed track so that there's no other things that are going to get in the way, but they're still having to text and drive at the same time. Their reactions are pretty hilarious, and it's funny to see what the instructor has to do just to keep them on the road. So these are just a couple of tips of having a good journey. And if you're interested in more, you can go over to the CDC and search for holiday road safety. Or if you're a MEMIC policyholder, you can go to the MEMIC Safety Director at www.MEMIC.com/WorkplaceSafety for more good information.

    Peter Koch: [00:07:59] Now that you've arrived [00:08:00] safely, what's the next most frequent cause of injury over the Thanksgiving holiday? Well, burns from hot pans, liquids and utensils or from fires. Lets take the burns from hot pans or utensils first. This is a pretty easy one, so just assume, assume I know it's crazy, but just assume that everything in the kitchen is hot. Sure, you might have asbestos hands, but not everybody does. So you should keep some good oven mitts or pot holders handy in the kitchen and then use them. You'll be surprised how a little leading by example will set the stage for others to follow. So the next are hot liquids and lots of things that we cook have liquid in or on them. And from the water we boil to the fat's used to cook or are the result of cooking spilled hot liquids can cause significant burns. I had the opportunity to review the unfortunate opportunity to review an injury report from a commercial kitchen [00:09:00] where a line cook was moving a pot of boiling water from the stove to the sink to drain. And he bumped into someone behind him just as he started moving and the water sloshed out of the pot onto his foot and into his shoe. He had second and third degree burns on the top of his foot and couldn't wear a shoe for weeks. It was a pretty miserable injury for him, and I remember having a conversation with him after reviewing the written report, and he's like, You know, I really didn't think that this was going to happen. I've been in the kitchen for years. I'm really good at this. I knew what I was doing. He just at that point in time, lost situational awareness, didn't know who was behind him, didn't check his back. The person that was walking past him didn't see what was going on and the circumstances combined with what he was wearing to cause some pretty substantial burns and injuries to him. So here are some extra tips when dealing with hot liquids in the kitchen. Well, commercial or otherwise, whether you're working over the Thanksgiving holiday, [00:10:00] preparing meals for the rest of us who might be going out, or you're preparing a meal for family and friends at home. So the first? Don't overfill the pot or container when it's filled right to the top or close to it, there's much less room for error. So a pot that's filled right up to the top and you bump it or slosh it, it's going to come out, it's going to overflow. And chances are it could drop onto your hand or your foot or someone else. So second, use covers when moving containers with hot liquid or really anything in them. A container with a top on it can help keep the liquid where it belongs. If it needs to cool, then uncover it after moving. Next, consider using a cart to move pots with hot liquids in them, especially if you are in a commercial setting and are moving containers from one station to another. Using a cart will help keep the hot liquid at a distance if a spill happens and you out of the danger zone. Last but really, there's other things that you can consider to but last in this list is always [00:11:00] wear close toed, slip resistant shoes in the kitchen. Slippers, socks, sandals, pumps or other shoes with open toes or holes in the toes have no business in the kitchen. Many times liquids get spilled because someone slips, or if someone has slipped, it could be because someone has spilled something so slip resistant. Footwear for the kitchen is a key prevention tool.

    Peter Koch: [00:11:24] Now let's talk about burns from fires, not consider this. You've decided to fry a turkey for Thanksgiving, so you make room in the carport, garage or deck because you want it to be outside. Break out the turkey fryer, add your oil, crank up the burner and then head to get the turkey that's been thawing in the fridge overnight. You size the turkey when you bought it, so it will fit into the pot and you made sure to place the fryer just outside the carport or garage so that you can still stay out of the elements while you're cooking good to go right? What could go wrong? Well, it turns out [00:12:00] a lot could go wrong. Did you know that the U.S. fire departments respond to more than one thousand deep fryer related fires every year? This includes the fires caused by improper use of a turkey fryer, too. In 2020, the New York Daily Times reported on a Thanksgiving Day fire that left three homes destroyed and a woman seriously injured. It was expected that the fire was caused by a turkey fryer. You can read the whole article from the link in the show notes, but it was a pretty devastating fire where actually the propane tank exploded as well, so they're not exactly sure what happened. But there's multiple ways for that particular situation to happen. If you do find yourself eyeing that turkey fryer to move the turkey cooking tradition outside. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions and use these safety practices. So first, do a perimeter check. Keep the area around above and below the fryer free from any flammable or combustible [00:13:00] material like trees, ceilings, decks, people, decorations, whatever. Keep the space kid and pet free as well. Second, level it up. Place the fryer on a low stable surface that allows you to lift the turkey out of the fryer easily. If you want to check out a pretty cool in a very interesting take on getting the bird in and out of the fryer, check out Alton Brown's Turkey Derrick, and I'm going to leave a link to that video in the show notes as well. Next, measure up, so use the correct amount of oil to prevent any spill over, and it's really important that you do this. You have to measure the correct amount necessary by first placing the turkey in the pot with water, and that's going to give you an idea of how much volume the turkey is going to displace, so that that's the amount of oil that you can keep in there just enough to cover the turkey and not too much. So it's going to overflow when you put the turkey in it. This is going to help you avoid overflowing the hot oil onto the burner when you load the turkey into the fryer. Next, [00:14:00] warm it up and pat it down. And that's all about the turkey. So thaw and dry the turkey before frying as a partially frozen turkey can cause the water that's in the turkey when it meets the hot oil to vaporize instantly, changing to steam and expanding more than 1000 times its original volume. When this happens, the oil will bubble over and contact the flame underneath. This can, and when it does happen, it happens explosively. If you want to see what happens when water hits hot oil, check out the slow mo guys video about an oil fire at two thousand five hundred frames a second. The link is in the show notes, and don't try this at home for sure. Next, turn the flame off first, turn the burner off before adding or removing the turkey from the fryer. This will help avoid an explosion or an uncontrolled flame if you miss any water or frozen bits when inserting the bird. Or if you misjudge the amount of [00:15:00] oil next. Make yourself comfortable. Make yourself a comfortable space to hang out while the turkey is cooking because you want to stay close enough so that you can tend the fryer and make sure the oil doesn't get too hot. Most turkey fryers don't have any kind of temperature regulation, so the oil can be heated to its ignition point and beyond. And that in itself is a recipe for disaster. So last, and this is just for prevention, but last, make sure that you have a fire extinguisher charged and ready. Make sure it's an ABC or k rated fire extinguisher. You never want to use water on a grease or oil fire. It's just going to spread the fuel. If you're looking for more safety tips around different ways to cook your bird. Check out an article the USDA put out recently called Turkey alternate routes to the table.

    Peter Koch: [00:15:50] After burns, the next most frequent cause of injury is around food prep and food safety. Poisoning from poorly prepared food or languishing leftovers is [00:16:00] really a thing. Even today, the CDC estimates that 48 million people get sick. One hundred and 28000 are hospitalized and 3000 people die every year from food borne illness. Some of these incidents occur from bacteria that contaminates the food at the processing facility. Some come from cross-contamination when preparing the food, and still, others happen when people eat improperly stored food. Regardless of how the food was contaminated, we must rely on good preparation and storage techniques to ensure the safety of the food that we consume. Consider the phrase keep cold food cold and hot food hot when you are preparing or putting away food this holiday season as hot food cools and cold food warms. Bacteria can start to grow at some level of temperature and time. Food can go bad and, if consumed, can cause food poisoning. If the dish or the ingredients are designed to be served hot or cold, then keep [00:17:00] them that way. Plan on serving smaller portions and leave the balance in the warmer or in the fridge ready to refill the serving dish. Check out FoodSafety.gov for more information about minimum cooking temperatures. We're going to put some links in the show notes for that one as well.

    Peter Koch: [00:17:16] So let's end with leftovers and the answer to the question of what do you do with two hundred and sixty tons or five hundred and twenty thousand pounds of leftover turkey? So the story goes in 1953, the CA Swanson and Co. slightly overestimated the demand for Thanksgiving turkeys that year and found themselves with 260 tons of leftover turkey, and they had to store it in the railcars. So in the 1930s, refrigeration was still just beginning to become a common thing in the households. And by 1950, there were still limitations, especially around transportation of refrigerated foods or frozen foods. At that time, [00:18:00] when Swanson made that overestimation, the refrigeration units on the railcars only worked when the train was moving. So the company recognized that unless the train kept the moving, the turkeys with thaw and then spoil. So to preserve the frozen birds cold food cold, remember the railcars they were stored on were sent back and forth between the company's headquarters in Nebraska and the East Coast until the company could figure out what to do with them. Legend has it that eventually these turkeys were turned into Swanson's first frozen dinners. Pretty interesting story. So if you're looking for more about that and how they came to determine what to do with all these turkeys and how they made a frozen dinner and how frozen dinners really took off, you can check out the story at National Geographic.com And we'll leave a link for that one, too. In the show notes So good thing modern refrigeration doesn't rely on locomotion anymore.

    Peter Koch: [00:18:55] So to keep your dinner ready for yummy leftovers, follow these tips. First. [00:19:00] Don't let them languish. Cool your leftovers as quickly as possible. Don't let them sit out on the table waiting for everyone to wake up after the game before you start to put them away. Always use clean containers for your leftovers instead of wrapping the existing serving dishes. Number three. Think shallow pack leftovers in shallow containers, and this is going to help with the cooling process so that it'll pass more quickly from the warm stage to the cold stage and prevent bacteria from growing quickly. Number four. Consider short term storage only in the refrigerator. You want to keep your leftovers in the fridge for only up to four days any longer. Can allow bacteria to begin to grow. We've all found that container of what used to be food long lost in the back of the fridge. Food doesn't need to be green and fuzzy or slimy in orange to be dangerous. It just takes a little bit of bacteria that we consume to put us into a state of food poisoning. [00:20:00] So number five and last for this particular list is keep frozen, so when we think about preservation, the colder, the better and frozen can keep something preserved for a long time. So you want to freeze any leftovers that you want to keep longer than four days. And if you package these in smaller portions for freezing, it makes the thawing and rewarming easier later on. And you don't have to take out a huge container of turkey or potatoes or sweet potatoes or vegetables and thaw the whole thing for just a small meal, for lunch, or maybe for dinner at a different time. If you're looking for more leftover food safety tips, check out the article from the Food Network that we're going to leave in. The show notes there as well.

    Peter Koch: [00:20:47] So there's a lot more that we can talk about but this is going to wrap up our fractional safety episode of the Safety Experts podcast. So today, remember that we've been talking about the three most frequent causes of injuries around Thanksgiving, and they were [00:21:00] traffic accidents or driving burns and then food poisoning. If you'd like to hear more about a past topic or have an idea for an episode, then email me at podcast@MEMIC.com. Also, check out our show notes at MEMIC.com/podcast, where you can find additional resources and links to the articles that I referenced, as well as our entire podcast archive. And while you're there, sign up for the Safety Net blog so you never miss any of our articles or safety news updates. And if you haven't done so already, I'd really appreciate it. If you would subscribe to the podcast and then take a minute or two to review us on Spotify, iTunes or whatever podcast service that you found us on. And if you've already done that, well, thanks because it really, truly helps us spread the word. Please consider sharing this show with a business associate friend or a family member who you think will get something out of it. And as always, thank you for the continued support and until next time, this is Peter [00:22:00] Koch reminding you that listening to the MEMIC Safety Experts podcast is good, but using what you learned here is even better.