
    Podcast Summary

    • Emphasizing Inclusivity and Negotiation for Positive ChangeIndividuals can make an impact by using their privileges to promote inclusivity, negotiate conflicts, and advocate for gender equality and education. Collaboration and a collective effort are necessary to achieve the UN's sustainable development goals by 2030.

      Dr. Allah Marabat, a medical doctor and UN High Level Commissioner, emphasizes the importance of inclusivity and negotiation in resolving conflicts and creating positive change. She shares her experiences working in various governments and international organizations, including the UN, to promote gender equality, empower women, and prevent conflicts. Dr. Marabat encourages individuals to use their privileges to make an impact in their communities and advocates for an approach to religion that embraces diversity and inclusivity. She also highlights the significance of education and empowerment, particularly for women, and the need for a collective effort to achieve the UN's 17 sustainable development goals by 2030. Overall, her message emphasizes the power of individual actions and the importance of collaboration to create a better world.

    • The Role of Individuals in Advocating for the UN's Sustainable Development GoalsIndividuals, including leaders, influencers, and everyday people, play crucial roles in advocating for the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals by sharing unique perspectives and driving progress in areas like wellness and economic growth. Women's voices are essential in redefining religion and its interpretation.

      The UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals serve as a guiding framework for addressing global challenges over the next 15 years. As an advocate, individuals like the speaker, Prime Ministers, soccer players, filmmakers, Nobel Laureates, and CEOs, contribute unique perspectives to this effort. The speaker's role specifically focuses on the connection between wellness and economic growth. In her personal life, she prioritizes relationships with family and values the importance of reclaiming religion from those who misuse it for political and economic power. To evolve the process, she emphasizes the need for women to have a voice in redefining religion and its interpretation.

    • Addressing gender inequality in society through religionExpand decision-makers to include women, address internal issues, distinguish religion from faith, and encourage open dialogue for positive change.

      The interpretation and misuse of religion can cause significant challenges in various aspects of society, including gender equality. To address this issue, it's crucial to expand the table of decision-makers to include women and encourage men in positions of power to advocate for their inclusion. Religious institutions and communities need to acknowledge and address internal issues, such as sexual abuse and violence, rather than sweeping them under the rug to protect the status quo. The distinction between religion and faith must be recognized, and religious communities must prioritize healing and legitimacy over justifying harmful actions in the name of the institution. Ultimately, challenging long-held beliefs and norms, and encouraging open dialogue, can lead to positive change.

    • Listen and engage in respectful dialogueEffective communication involves acknowledging and validating others' experiences and beliefs to build stronger connections and foster lasting change. Inclusivity and representation are essential for growth and evolution.

      Effective communication and understanding are key to persuading others and fostering change. Rather than imposing our beliefs and assumptions on others, it's essential to listen to their perspectives, ask why they believe what they do, and engage in open and respectful dialogue. By acknowledging and validating their experiences and beliefs, we can build stronger connections and ultimately create more lasting and meaningful change. Additionally, recognizing the importance of inclusivity and representation, particularly for historically marginalized groups, is crucial for fostering growth and evolution within communities and institutions.

    • Promoting Inclusivity in Religious InstitutionsReligious institutions must involve diverse groups in decision-making to ensure policies reflect their communities, promote education and open dialogue, challenge fear-mongering narratives, and hold powerful individuals accountable.

      For religious institutions to remain relevant and representative, they must prioritize inclusivity and involve individuals from diverse backgrounds in decision-making processes. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having women and other underrepresented groups at the table, as this will ensure that policies and interpretations are reflective of the communities they serve. The speaker also highlights the need for education and open dialogue to challenge fear-mongering narratives and promote understanding between different groups. In addition, she encourages powerful individuals to be more accountable for their actions and consider the impact on those who may be less privileged. The speaker believes that religion, like any institution, has the ability to change and adapt to new ideas and voices, but only if those in power are open to it.

    • Leveraging Power for Win-Win OutcomesRecognizing power dynamics and using it responsibly for win-win outcomes is crucial for effective communication and collaboration. Everyone brings unique perspectives and intentions, and being mindful of these can lead to more productive and fulfilling relationships and communities.

      Recognizing and leveraging the power we have, whether it's through privilege or influence, is crucial for creating win-win situations and fostering open conversations. This was evident in the speaker's relationship with her father, who learned to use his power to support and listen to his children rather than just asserting authority. It's essential for all individuals, regardless of their level of privilege, to consider their accountability and use their power responsibly. Additionally, recognizing that everyone brings unique perspectives and intentions to the table is key to effective communication and collaboration. The speaker's experience of learning the concept of win-win later in life transformed her approach to decision-making and interactions with others. Overall, being mindful of power dynamics and striving for win-win outcomes can lead to more productive and fulfilling relationships and communities.

    • Focusing on common ground and building personal connections during peace negotiations and conflict resolutionsEffective conflict resolution and peace negotiations involve starting with common ground and building personal connections to facilitate better communication and less zero-sum game negotiations

      Building consensus and bringing peace between conflicting parties requires focusing on common ground and building personal connections. According to the speaker, this approach is particularly effective during peace negotiations and conflict resolutions. The speaker shared experiences of working with heads of state, ministerial level officials, corporations, and even militias in various conflicts. He emphasized that corporations, being younger and more diverse, often have a more bottom-line thinking approach and can bridge gaps more easily due to their communication mechanisms and economic power. The speaker advised starting negotiations with a common denominator and getting parties to see each other as human, which can lead to more personal and less zero-sum game negotiations. He also shared personal stories about children and common interests to help put guards down and facilitate better communication. The speaker has mediated numerous negotiations and emphasized the importance of starting with common ground and building personal connections.

    • Mediating discussions on gender equality and women's rightsEnsuring all parties are involved, making legislative changes, focusing on girls' education and women's health, and addressing pressing issues like climate change are key to advancing gender equality.

      Mediating discussions between governments and other parties on various sustainable development goals, particularly gender equality and women's rights, can be emotionally challenging and personally meaningful for those involved. The speaker, who has worked with numerous governments, emphasizes the importance of ensuring that all relevant parties are at the table and that substantial legislative changes are made to protect women's rights. The speaker also highlights the significant impact of girls' education and women's health on societal development and economic growth. The most challenging negotiations for the speaker are those related to gender equality, especially regarding women's health and reproductive rights, as the decisions made at the table can have far-reaching consequences for generations to come. The speaker advocates for a focus on practical and cost-effective solutions, such as girls' education and women's health, to address pressing issues like climate change.

    • Investing in girls' education and women's reproductive rights leads to positive impacts on climate change, economic growth, and societal development.Empowering women through education and reproductive rights can reduce population growth and its environmental impact, as well as lead to economic growth and societal progress.

      Investing in girls' education and women's reproductive rights can lead to significant positive impacts on climate change, economic growth, and societal development. By providing women with the education and opportunities to make informed choices about their lives, including family size, we can help reduce population growth and its associated waste and pollution. Moreover, educating girls and supporting women's reproductive rights can lead to more women in business and leadership roles, creating a ripple effect of positive change. However, many girls around the world lack access to education due to societal norms and economic constraints, leading to a significant drop-off in attendance once they reach puberty. Addressing this issue requires intentional efforts to bring opportunity and resources to these communities, starting with education.

    • Limited education and reproductive rights for womenLack of education and control over reproductive rights hinders women's opportunities for personal growth, economic empowerment, and leadership roles. Providing education and reproductive rights can lead to more women in leadership and positive global impact.

      The lack of education and reproductive rights for women and girls around the world significantly limits their opportunities for personal growth, economic empowerment, and leadership roles. This issue is deeply rooted in families and communities and can be traced back to the lack of access to quality education and safe choices regarding marriage, childbirth, and family planning. If women were given the opportunity to receive a minimum of 12 years of education and have control over their reproductive rights, we would likely see more women in leadership positions, more inclusive conversations on various topics, and a positive impact on global security and conflict resolution. However, women face numerous obstacles, including being taken less seriously due to their age and gender, and having experienced forced marriages or other forms of violence. Despite these challenges, there are inspiring examples of women who have overcome these obstacles and made significant contributions to their communities and the world.

    • Claiming Your Space Despite Imposter SyndromeRecognize and challenge imposter syndrome, claim your space, advocate for inclusivity, practice self-compassion, and show empathy towards others.

      Imposter syndrome can lead us to doubt our place in professional settings, especially when we're the underrepresented ones. The speaker shared an experience where she was discouraged from sitting in a certain seat due to a colleague's perception of her, but she later realized the importance of claiming her space and advocating for inclusivity. This experience inspired her to start a mentorship program for underrepresented groups. Another key takeaway is the importance of self-compassion and empathy towards ourselves and others. The speaker acknowledged her tendency to be overly critical of herself and the need to be more empathetic towards those with different backgrounds and experiences. By practicing self-compassion and empathy, we can foster a more inclusive and productive work environment.

    • Reflecting on Past Experiences for Personal GrowthReflect, improve communication skills, connect emotionally and logically, learn from parents' sacrifices, seek inspiration from leaders, and continuously learn.

      Reflection and learning from past experiences are crucial for personal growth. The speaker shares how they often have internal conversations about what they could have done differently in various situations. They acknowledge that while some things are beyond their control, they strive to improve their communication skills and connect with people on both emotional and logical levels. Another significant lesson they've learned is the importance of sacrifice and putting others before oneself, as exemplified by their inspiring parents. Their mother created an environment where her daughters could pursue their dreams, and their father taught them about intentionality and leadership. The speaker is also inspired by leaders like Obama, who possess a powerful and connected energy and deliver their messages effectively. They emphasize the importance of continuous learning and seeking inspiration from various sources, regardless of the person's power or status.

    • The importance of prioritizing health for a fulfilling lifeInvesting in health through proper nutrition, exercise, and self-care is crucial for a fulfilling life and achieving dreams. Sacrifices may be necessary to ensure good health, and preventative healthcare and education play a significant role in promoting individual and economic growth.

      Prioritizing health is crucial for a fulfilling life and making an impact in the world. Without good health, both physically and mentally, it's difficult to show up fully and have the energy and presence needed to achieve dreams. This lesson was emphasized by Steve Jobs, who wished for more time despite his immense wealth and accomplishments. It's essential to sacrifice other things to ensure health comes first. While some may learn this lesson from their parents, others may have to self-teach. The importance of preventative healthcare and education in promoting health was also discussed, highlighting the connection between individual health and economic growth. Ultimately, investing in one's health through proper nutrition, exercise, and self-care is an investment in one's future.

    • Belief in limitless potential regardless of ageBelieve in limitless potential, celebrate birthdays, focus on women's empowerment, and understand the practical implications of education.

      Age is just a social construct, and it should not limit one's dreams and aspirations. The speaker's father instilled in him the belief that he could achieve anything at any age. This lesson was particularly impactful for the speaker during their early twenties when they didn't have a degree or the necessary skills but still pursued their goals. The speaker also reflects on the importance of celebrating birthdays and how they became a significant event in their life. If they could solve one issue before their life is over, they would focus on women's reproductive rights and empowerment, allowing women to make decisions about their bodies and have open conversations in their communities. Education and empowerment are interconnected, and while education provides the foundation, empowerment enables individuals to understand the practical implications of their learning and take accountability for their actions.

    • The connection between education and empowermentEducation and empowerment are intertwined. Learn from history, cultivate strong communities, value yourself and others.

      Education and empowerment are interconnected. Education provides value and the feeling of worthiness, while empowerment comes from mentorship, making mistakes, and learning from them. Knowing history and having a supportive community are also crucial for personal growth and making wise decisions. The speaker emphasized the importance of never belittling oneself and giving others permission to do the same. These truths, or lessons, were offered as a hypothetical legacy for humanity. The speaker encouraged everyone to learn from history, cultivate strong communities, and value themselves and others. These ideas were drawn from the speaker's diverse experiences, including lessons from family, mentors, and personal growth.

    • Promoting equality and inclusivity in health and educationSupporting women, especially in professional settings, and having open conversations about gender roles can advance gender equality and contribute to sustainable development.

      Promoting equality and inclusivity in areas like health and education is essential for the success and prosperity of individuals, families, communities, and the planet. Lewis, who is writing a book on the economics of equality, emphasizes the importance of being as inclusive as possible and supporting women, especially in professional settings. He encourages men and women to think of a woman in their lives who deserves support and to leverage their networks, success, and platforms to help elevate her. This inclusive approach is crucial for sustainable development and the advancement of women's rights. Additionally, having open and honest conversations about masculinity and femininity can further progress the cause of gender equality.

    • The Path to Greatness: Leaving No Harm and Helping OthersDr. Allah Barabati emphasizes greatness as leaving no harm, using privilege to help, vulnerability, and asking for help. Shape conversations with children about gender roles and expectations, and recognize leadership as the ability to ask for help.

      Greatness, according to Dr. Allah Barabati, is about leaving no harm and using one's privilege to help others when needed. He emphasized the importance of vulnerability and asking for help when necessary. Dr. Barabati also highlighted the significance of shaping conversations with our children, particularly when it comes to gender roles and expectations. He believes that recognizing leadership as the ability to ask for help when needed is a crucial aspect of greatness. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of self-awareness, empathy, and collaboration in creating a better world.

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    Be sure to check out Dr Joe’s new film, Source

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1633

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    • Holistic health involves addressing emotional traumas and adopting practices that enhance both mental and physical well-being.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1631

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    • Strategies for maintaining discipline and focus in pursuit of your goals.
    • How personal challenges can catalyze growth and transformation.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1627

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Join Scott and the Dinner Table Community 

    In this episode you will learn

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    • Strategies to teach children about value creation and financial responsibility.
    • The impact of money on mental health and relationships.
    • How to heal from money traumas and develop a secure attachment to money.
    • The significance of generosity and stewardship in creating a lasting legacy.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1626

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    How To Stop Comparing Yourself With Others - Solo Round

    How To Stop Comparing Yourself With Others - Solo Round
    Do you ever find that you’re comparing yourself to other people? Do you see how well they are doing and you start to question your own success? Comparisons are always unfair and we have nothing to gain from them. They are so detrimental to our health, wellbeing, happiness and confidence. When we compare other people’s highlights with our very worst moments, there will only be negative consequences. I believe we were all put on this earth for our own specific reason to make an impact only you can make. We are all a unique blend of hopes, dreams, abilities, skills, which is different to every other person’s unique blend of hopes, dreams, abilities and skills. Just like our fingerprints, we are different to the 7 billion other people on this planet, and those fingerprints literally make a difference that only you can. So comparisons are pointless and unfair when we all have our own special gifts to give. I too find it so easy to to allow those automatic thoughts to creep in, so there are a few things that I do when I start to compare myself with others. The first is to be aware of the things which trigger me to start to compare, whether it be social media or watching the other parents at soccer. Once you know what your triggers are you are better able to prepare yourself, knowing that you may feel the urge to make comparisons. To prepare myself I spend time in gratitude, use mindfulness, do exercise and power posing, to make sure I’m in a positive mindset. It’s important to remember that even when people may look like they have it all together they too may have moments of self doubt, worry and anxiety. Every person is on their own journey and to compare yours to others is pointless and unhelpful. Remember, comparisons are simply thoughts, not facts. You can follow me on Instagram at @davejorna and @dolifebetterpodcast. To contact us about retreats, leadership training and workshops visit www.projecthatch.com.au or email us at hello@projecthatch.com.au. Remember to subscribe to, rate and review the podcast to help spread the do life better message. Now, go out and create a great day.

    R U OK? How You Can Change A Life By Asking This Question with Anastasia Symons

    R U OK? How You Can Change A Life By Asking This Question with Anastasia Symons
    Imagine a world where everyone is connected and are protected from suicide. This is what R U OK? are working to create. Last week I spoke with Anastasia from the R U OK? team. As it was the day before their 10th annual R U OK? day, she was very generous with her time. R U OK? is an Aussie suicide prevention charity inspiring people to meaningfully connect and support those struggling with life. As Anastasia shares, simply asking someone, “Are you OK?” and then starting the conversation could change someone’s life. She shares the steps you can take to show someone you care, that they are not alone and that help is available. We also talk about how to notice if someone needs you to reach out to them, and even what to do when you ask someone if they are OK and they don’t want to talk about it. This is a very important episode and provides you with the strategies you need to be there for your loved ones, friends and even strangers when they need you the most. Due to the nature of this podcast, if you are effected in any way, please call lifeline’s national 24/7 counselling service on 13 11 14. And, for our listeners outside of Australia please contact your local crisis centre or your family doctor. During our chat, Anastasia shared about: * How to switch off after a stressful day * Anastasia’s drive and passion for working with R U OK? * The difference R U OK? is making in the community * The importance of compassion and understanding when talking about suicide and mental health * Resources to help you talk about suicide and mental health * Mindframe media guidelines for school, media, theatre, anyone talk about suicide in the community - http://www.mindframe-media.info *Sane Australia stigma watch - https://www.sane.org/changing-attitudes * Two of factors that can put people at risk of suicide are a lack of belonging and being a burden on others. * R U OK? is an early intervention organisation to help build stronger connections with people so they feel a greater sense of belonging and knowing that they are not alone * Some indicators that someone might be struggling with life include: * changes in behaviour * their mood and attitude is more negative * they are more tired than usual and their sleep habits have changed * the way they describe their day is different * The 4 steps R U OK? recommend you use when you notice someone is struggling with life * Ask “are you ok?” in the right time and place where it is quiet and comfortable, and comment on some of the changes you have noticed * Listen: give them the space to share their story with open ended questions. Silence is ok in the conversations and it can serve as a prompt for them to open up more. Reflect back what you hear them say. * Encourage action. What are some of the steps they can take to start positive action. For example, see their doctor, and offer to take that step with them. * Check in. Don’t let the conversation be a one-off, instead taking time to follow up and continue the connection. * What to do if you ask someone “are you ok” and they don’t want to open up: * sometimes it can be the 6th or 7th time you ask when they open up * who else is in their support network who they might feel more comfortable talking to * emphasis the changes you have noticed in them. Eg, “I know you don’t want to talk about it and that you say you are ok, but I have noticed these things and if you ever want to chat I’m here for you.” * make an extra effort to connect with them and see if there is a better chance to ask them again * see if you can create a more positive way to talk about the benefits of help seeking and opening up to others, such as sharing your own story or that of someone you know. The importance of educating yourself so that you are able to be there for others even more and take care of yourself even better For more information on mental health check out: * R U OK? - https://www.ruok.org.au * Sane Australia - https://www.sane.org/changing-attitudes * Kids helpline - www.kidshelpline.com.au * Your town - https://www.yourtown.com.au * Headspace - https://headspace.org.au If you are struggling yourself, we strongly encourage you to reach out for support. to your best mate, someone you work with, or someone that you trust and to start your help seeking journey. If you are not sure where to begin, going to your doctor is a great place to start, and being open and honest with them about why you booked the appointment is really important. If you need an immediate listening ear connect with lifeline on 13 11 14. They are free, confidential, nation wide and open 24/7 (in Australia). They are online as well at https://www.lifeline.org.au. If you are outside Australia, contact you local crisis centre. The importance of connecting with your friends and loved ones so you can really work on and build your relationships. Anastasia’s definition of doing life better Anastasia’s challenge for the week: “Let’s chat”. Connect with someone, lock in the time to connect and have a chat. You can connect with R U OK? at www.ruok.org.au and @ruokday on instagram You can follow me on Instagram at @davejorna and @dolifebetterpodcast. To contact us about retreats, leadership training and workshops visit www.projecthatch.com.au or email us at hello@projecthatch.com.au. Remember to subscribe to, rate and review the podcast to help spread the do life better message. Now, go out and create a great day.

    #19: 20+ Actionable Ways to Integrate Kindness into your Curriculum Starting Monday (with Sheila Sjolseth)

    #19: 20+ Actionable Ways to Integrate Kindness into your Curriculum Starting Monday (with Sheila Sjolseth)

    Sheila Sjolseth brings to life acts of kindness and service projects that families and kids can do. In her daily adventures of serving with her young boys, she has witnessed the awesome things that happen when kids serve others. She started serving daily with her boys in 2012, when they were 3 and 5 years old. What started as a way to teach her kids empathy has transitioned to a way of life and a connection with thousands of others.

    Born and raised in small towns across Texas, the oldest of four girls, she felt a call early on to help others for her career. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Special Education from The University of Texas at Austin and her Masters of Education in Learning and Teaching from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Moving across the US and the world several times over, Sheila has taught in a variety of settings from a classroom in small town Texas, to a psychiatric unit in Chicago, to the US Department of Education. Public school, private school, charter school, and in the community, Sheila has had the opportunity to teach and present in almost every type of setting.
    Along each step of the way, she worked with parents and students to improve parenting and learning skills. Known for her innovative teaching skills and ability to reach even the "hardest to reach" student, Sheila's professional background is rooted in applying best teaching practices while addressing the needs of the student. As an educator and professional with 20 years of experience in working with children and parents, she truly believes that teaching kids to be kind results in a happier family.

    As the President and Founder of Pennies of Time: Teach Kids to Serve, Sheila works with families and other community focused organizations to help families integrate kindness into daily habits. “Kindness as a lifestyle . . . not an item on a ‘todo’ list.” She is a 2015 Daily Point of Light Winner for contributions to family volunteerism and community service.

    Her goal: For families to choose to complete an act of kindness as often as they go to soccer practice or to the movies.
    "Let's elevate the meaningful activities that we do as a family and lessen the activities that isolate us from one another."

    Her upcoming book will be released in late 2018.
    Synopsis of Book:
    Join Sheila in a journey through a magical land visiting families struggling to be kind in an unkind world. Her book is a storybook parenting resource that helps parents see what they can do to foster kindness and compassion in their homes. From an engaging story-line, poignant real life stories, and practical tools families can use, Sheila guides parents from doable first steps to an inspiring future where our children are compassionate problem- solvers.

    Website: http://penniesoftime.com/
    Pennies of Time-Kindness Academy: http://kindnessacademy.penniesoftime.com
    Social Media Profiles:
    https://www.instagram.com/penniesoftime/ https://www.facebook.com/PenniesofTime
    https://twitter.com/PenniesofTime https://www.pinterest.com/penniesoftime/

    For more information visit smallactbigimpact.com

    The Most Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself with Paul Angone

    The Most Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself with Paul Angone
    I wish I spoke with today’s guest, Paul Angone, way back when I was in my early 20s or even before then. However, his wisdom and insights are just as relevant and impactful for me today. His messages help to provide so much clarity in discovering your unique offering, your purpose and your deepest values. He also talks about how to embrace the struggle and work through your fears, and much, much more. In today's episode, Paul shares about the importance of transitions in life, pivotal plot points in your story, soul values and the questions we should all ask ourselves. Some of the main topics are: - The importance of transitions in your life - The need to continually find your new normal - Use your soul values to help guide your decisions and actions - Why you should listen to the details of your day - The pivotal plot points of your story - Embarrassment and greatness live in the same space - Obsessive comparison disorder - What is fear holding you back from, and is it worth it? - Support, strength and unity can come from sharing the struggle - The 3 main questions Paul would encourage everyone to ask themselves. Paul’s meaning for ‘Do Life Better’: truth, hope and hilarity. Paul’s challenge for the week: figure out and rank your 5 top soul values. To help with this, ask the three closest people to you where they see you come alive the most. Contact Paul Angone at www.allgroanup.com, or paul@allgroanup.com, and @paulagone at instagram, facebook and twitter. You can follow me on Instagram at @davejorna and @dolifebetterpodcast. To contact us about retreats, leadership training and workshops visit www.projecthatch.com.au or email us at hello@projecthatch.com.au. Remember to subscribe to, rate and review the podcast to help spread the do life better message. Now, go out and create a great day.

    #26: What you Can Say to Help Someone Living with Cancer (Hint #1: Say Something...Don’t Avoid the Topic) (with Genevieve Stonebridge)

    #26: What you Can Say to Help Someone Living with Cancer (Hint #1: Say Something...Don’t Avoid the Topic) (with Genevieve Stonebridge)

    Cancer is a far-reaching, often-devastating illness that touches everyone either directly or indirectly. Oftentimes, navigating grief and loss can be complicated and confusing, especially for children. In this surprisingly uplifting episode, you’ll hear from a very special guest about her personal experience living through Cancer at the age of 18, how the experience enabled her to gain a unique perspective on the effects of cancer on families, and actionable ways teachers can support children affected by the disease.

    Through her positive storytelling approach, you’ll learn the 7 specific needs that well-children (specifically siblings) require in order to develop resilience in the face of familial cancer. This is such an important conversation; I hope you learn as much as I did!

    Genevieve Stonebridge is a clinical counsellor (RCC) at InspireHealth (www.inspirehealth.ca) supportive cancer care, as well as at Rise Health (www.risehealth.ca).

    She is devoted to creating safe and inspiring places for people to explore their experiences. This includes holding space for both the suffering and joys of life. With compassion, creativity and openness she believes in meeting patients wherever they are at. She is passionate about helping people explore their relationships with themselves, their loved ones and their bodies.

    Her research thesis entitled, You Matter: Retrospectively Exploring the Needs of Adolescents who had a Sibling with Cancer developed into a short film called You Matter. You Matter succinctly summarizes her research in a digestible way for the general public and was accepted to premiere at the 2015 Boston International Kids Film Festival. For more information check out (https://siblingsyoumatter.squarespace.com/)
    Genevieve lives in Victoria with her husband. She loves good quotes, gardening, dinner parties, random acts of kindness and pondering the meaning of life on the bluffs of Dallas road.

    The seven needs are:
    1.familial social connection
    2. acknowledgement and attention
    3. Clear communication and information
    4. Validating difficult emotions
    5. Emotional support for the well-sibling (coaches/teachers)
    6. The need to be a kid (help with the losses of childhood)
    7. The opportunity for Humour and lightheartedness
    For more information about Genevieve's Video and the 7 needs she identified visit my website smallactbigimpact.com and search for episode #26.