
    776 I Was Sexually Abused (How to Heal from Trauma)

    enMarch 27, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Childhood trauma's lasting impactChildhood trauma can shape a person's life in profound ways, leading to decades of emotional pain and isolation. Sharing your story and seeking support can be a difficult but necessary step towards healing and growth.

      Childhood trauma, no matter how long ago it occurred, can have a profound impact on a person's life. The speaker shares her experience of being sexually abused at the age of five, which left her with few memories of her childhood and led to decades of living in anger, resentment, and defensiveness. She felt ashamed and isolated, believing that no one would love her if they knew what had happened. It took 25 years for her to open up about her experience, which was a difficult and emotionally challenging process. However, facing the trauma and sharing her story changed her life forever. It's important for all of us to be aware of the signs of childhood trauma in ourselves and in those around us, and to create a safe and supportive environment for healing and growth.

    • Understanding the profound impacts of sexual abuseSexual abuse can manipulate and harm individuals, affecting one in four women and one in six men, with long-lasting impacts on mental and emotional health. 'Leaving Neverland' is recommended for better understanding.

      Sexual abuse, which affects one in six men and one in four women, can have profound and long-lasting impacts on individuals. The speaker, who has been open about his own experiences, emphasized that abuse often involves manipulation rather than physical force. He shared that his first sexual experience was with a man when he was five years old, and that this experience, along with the subsequent challenges and difficulties he faced, shaped his desires, emotions, and need to prove himself. The speaker encouraged listeners to watch the documentary "Leaving Neverland" to better understand the experiences of survivors and to acknowledge the devastating effects of sexual abuse on mental and emotional health.

    • Suppressing traumatic experiences can lead to hidden emotionsSharing traumatic experiences can lead to healing and self-love, but suppressing them can result in deep-rooted feelings of depression, shame, and insecurity.

      Suppressing traumatic experiences, such as sexual abuse, can lead to deep-rooted feelings of depression, shame, and insecurity, despite outward appearances of success and happiness. These feelings can manifest in reactivity and defensiveness towards perceived attacks on one's identity or abilities. Opening up about these experiences, however, can lead to a greater sense of connection with others and a path towards healing and self-love. The speaker's experience of sharing his childhood rape led to a surprising outpouring of similar stories from other men, highlighting the prevalence of this issue and the importance of breaking the silence.

    • Seeking validation externally leads to internal turmoilAddressing internal wounds is crucial for true happiness and greatness, not just external success.

      True greatness comes from inner peace and fulfillment, not just external success and achievements. The speaker shares his personal experience of feeling unfulfilled despite achieving many external successes, and how he sought validation and angered outlets externally due to his internal feelings of not mattering. He emphasizes that it's essential to address and heal internal wounds to achieve true happiness and greatness. The speaker's behavior on the basketball court is an example of how he sought validation through external means, leading to a violent outburst. Ultimately, he recognizes that he's not proud of his actions and that true growth comes from addressing internal issues.

    • Personal breakdown leading to breakthroughExperiencing a significant setback can lead to personal growth and transformation through introspection, seeking help, and attending personal growth workshops.

      Sometimes we need to experience a significant breakdown in our lives to set the stage for a potential breakthrough. The speaker shares his personal experience of getting into a physical fight, which led to him losing a close friend and facing criticism from him. This moment served as a wake-up call for the speaker, making him realize the negative patterns in his behavior and attitude. He went through a period of depression and introspection, ultimately leading him to seek help through therapy, journaling, reading, and attending personal growth workshops. This experience transformed his life and helped him become a better version of himself.

    • Sharing past experiences for healingConfronting past traumas and sharing experiences in a safe space can lead to healing and personal growth.

      Addressing past hurts and healing from them is essential before moving forward in life. This was emphasized during a workshop where participants shared experiences from their past, focusing on healing and processing emotions. The speaker, Lewis, shared how he was encouraged to confront his anger and finally revealed a long-hidden secret from his past - an experience of sexual abuse. He emphasized the importance of sharing and addressing past traumas to prevent them from holding us back in life. The workshop provided a safe space for participants to confront their pasts, process their emotions, and ultimately, move towards creating a better future.

    • Sharing personal experiences of trauma leads to unexpected connections and healingVulnerability and sharing experiences of trauma can lead to healing and unexpected connections. Societal stigmas make it harder for men to open up, highlighting the importance of safe spaces.

      Sharing personal experiences of trauma, like sexual abuse, can lead to unexpected connections and healing. The speaker, a successful businessman and former athlete, shared his experience of abuse during a conference, which led to an outpouring of support from other men in the room. This moment of vulnerability not only helped the speaker heal but also encouraged other men to open up about their own experiences. Unfortunately, societal stigmas and lack of safe spaces make it more difficult for men to share their traumas compared to women. This discussion highlights the importance of creating safe spaces where people can share their experiences and the power of vulnerability in healing and connecting with others.

    • The power of vulnerability in healing and connectingSharing painful experiences can lead to healing, growth, and deeper connections. Vulnerability builds stronger relationships and helps overcome fear.

      Sharing vulnerabilities and opening up about past experiences, even those that are painful and difficult, can lead to healing, growth, and deeper connections with others. The speaker in this discussion shares his personal experience of being sexually abused as a child and how he struggled with shame, guilt, and fear for many years. He describes how sharing his story with family and friends brought them closer together and helped him feel accepted and loved. Despite initial fear and apprehension, he found that being open and vulnerable allowed him to heal and find peace. This experience inspired him to use his story as a mission to help other men who have gone through similar experiences. The speaker's journey highlights the importance of creating safe spaces for open and honest communication, and the power of vulnerability in building stronger relationships and overcoming fear.

    • Discussing and addressing sexual abuse is crucial for healing and progressFive years ago, a speaker shared his personal experience of sexual abuse and sparked a conversation. Resources like 1in6.org offer support, and it's crucial to continue the conversation for healing and understanding.

      Discussing and addressing sexual abuse is crucial for individual healing and societal progress. Five years ago, the speaker shared his personal experience of sexual abuse and the impact it had on his life. He was initially terrified but received an overwhelming response from men sharing their stories. Oprah Winfrey acknowledged the importance of the documentary on the topic, highlighting its impact in conveying the depth of sexual abuse experiences in a short period. The speaker's book, "The Mask of Masculinity," further explored vulnerability and trauma, resonating with both men and women. Personally, the speaker has experienced significant growth in the last five years, including finding inner peace and learning to receive and celebrate accomplishments. For men dealing with sexual abuse, resources like 1in6.org offer valuable support through anonymous chat-based support groups, counselor-facilitated weekly chats, and a 24/7 help line. It's essential to continue the conversation around sexual abuse to create safe spaces for healing and understanding.

    • Show compassion and love towards othersRemember that many people have experienced trauma, share experiences, seek support, forgive, and embrace your loving nature to heal and connect with others

      No matter your gender or background, it's essential to remember that many people have experienced sexual abuse or other traumas, and showing compassion and love towards others is crucial. Sharing your own experiences and seeking support can help in healing and setting oneself free from the grip of shame and guilt. Everyone has gone through challenges, and the best way to move forward is by opening your heart and embracing your unique, loving nature. By forgiving yourself and others, and continuing to share your story, you can release the blockages preventing you from fully experiencing and giving love. If you've experienced sexual abuse, resources like One in Six can provide support and guidance. Ultimately, we are all human beings deserving of love and compassion.

    • Accepting oneself and experiences for inner peaceEmbrace self-love, healing, and acceptance for inner peace. Share experiences and learn from others. Remember, inner peace is essential for a fulfilling life.

      True inner peace comes from fully accepting oneself and one's experiences, regardless of what others may think. You are a unique, loved, and valuable individual, deserving of self-love and healing from past pain. Your reason for being exists, and it's your duty to discover it. Sharing your experiences with others and learning from them can be a powerful way to heal and grow. Remember, outer success is nice but incomplete without inner peace. Healing and self-acceptance are essential steps towards mastering inner peace. If you're dealing with past trauma, you're not alone, and it's essential to talk about it and seek support. Resources like documentaries and interviews can provide valuable insights. Keep in mind that everyone's journey is unique, and there's no shame in sharing your story or seeking help. Embrace your uniqueness and remember that you matter.

    • Embrace and be grateful for painful experiencesDespite trauma, find peace, power, and love to shape a compassionate, empathetic life. Share secrets, decide life story, and live fully, not defined by past as a victim.

      Despite experiencing painful and traumatic experiences, such as sexual abuse, it's important to find a way to accept, appreciate, and even be grateful for them. These experiences can shape us into compassionate and empathetic individuals, and help us reclaim our power and ownership of our lives. It's crucial to share our secrets and set ourselves free, and to decide the story we want to tell about our lives from a place of peace, power, and love. Remember, you were born in the image and likeness of love, and it's time to take charge and live your life to the fullest. Don't let the past define you as a victim, but rather, be the owner of your life and lead it with grace and resilience.

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    “We all come from the same source, so we are all connected.” Our divine spark is here to guide us in our hearts, which is intuition. “Intuition is divine wisdom that helps us define and vision what our life purpose is.” No matter what type of abuse you have endured, your divine spark still shines and continues to burn.

    Resources Mentioned

    Connect with Susan on the web

    Susan Burrell on Facebook

    Empowering Chats on Apple Podcasts

    The Covert Passive Aggressive Narcissist by Debbie Mirza

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    If you have a chance, please rate and review this podcast on your preferred streaming service. Your feedback is extremely valuable and contributes to the success of this podcast.

    Email: kandacesher at gmail dot com
    TikTok: @processingtraumaoutloud
    Facebook: /processingtraumaoutloud
    Instagram: processingtraumaoutloud
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdXcQkR0sd2f9c8Lo_c_3Og

    Music: Caleb Paxton, Eine Blume | tinyurl.com/2p962c2u
    Sound Engineer: Jeremiah Jones, Audistory, LLC | www.youraudistory.com

    #trauma #healing #podcast #cptsd #ptsd #storywork #sexual #abuse

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    Episode Ninety-Three | Story Work Themes: Complicity - Part 1

    Episode Ninety-Three | Story Work Themes: Complicity  - Part 1

    Today’s episode comes with a caution as Kandace and Sher discuss the topic of complicity in childhood sexual abuse. Though we know sexual abuse is never the child’s fault, why do many children grow up feeling they played a role in being abused? Listen in as Kandace and Sher talk about why this is true and how we heal from the lies when the real truth emerges.

    If you have a chance, please rate and review this podcast on your preferred streaming service. Your feedback is extremely valuable and contributes to the success of this podcast.

    Email: kandacesher at gmail dot com
    TikTok: @processingtraumaoutloud
    Facebook: /processingtraumaoutloud
    Instagram: processingtraumaoutloud
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdXcQkR0sd2f9c8Lo_c_3Og

    Music: Caleb Paxton, Eine Blume | tinyurl.com/2p962c2u
    Sound Engineer: Jeremiah Jones, Audistory, LLC | www.youraudistory.com

    #trauma #healing #podcast #cptsd #ptsd #storywork #sexual #abuse

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    Speak Up About Abuse with QUINTIN LONG

    Speak Up About Abuse with QUINTIN LONG

    In this episode of the Speak Loud Podcast, host Tiffany Barnes is joined by Quintin Long – a Utah native, amateur photographer, advocate for suicide prevention, and soon-to-be husband. 

    Fresh out of high school, in a time of personal growth, Quintin found himself in a relationship with a woman that mentally abused him. After 12 months of abuse, he came to realize that the relationship was not what he thought it was and it was time to get out. 

    Though he still carries a lot of blame for what happened, Quintin in now in a healthy, committed relationship. Tune in to hear what he is doing now in his relationship to make sure that the patterns of the past don’t repeat themselves. 

    To other male listeners, Quintin shares some sound advice - Listen to your friends and family. It’s okay to ask for help and it’s okay to tell others that you are struggling. Find someone you confide in and tell them about what’s going on in your day-to-day life. It doesn’t have to be about abuse, but just have open conversation with someone that you trust and maybe one day you’ll be comfortable enough to share. 

    Quintin shares that he is empowered by his drive to always be better and his tips for resilience to abuse for others is to have the mindset that it will get better. He is an advocate for suicide prevention and encourages anyone that is struggling to reach out to him via Instagram @long.quintin.  

