
    Podcast Summary

    • Learning Autonomy in Relationships: A Personal StoryMaintain individuality, communicate effectively, and respect boundaries to avoid unhealthy relationship dynamics. Early patterns can be hard to change, so recognize when to seek advice or make a change.

      Relationships can shape us in significant ways, but it's important to maintain autonomy and individuality. The speaker shared a personal story about a past relationship where his girlfriend, who was older and more experienced, assumed the role of telling him what to do, including making him throw away a cherished cassette. Although she meant well, the speaker learned the hard way that it's essential to communicate effectively and respect each other's boundaries. The dynamics of a relationship often set early on can be challenging to change, and it's crucial to recognize when a relationship is unhealthy and consider seeking advice or making a change. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized the importance of trusting oneself and valuing individuality within a relationship.

    • Gender Differences in Desires and ConflictsWomen mature faster, handle conflicts intensely, and express desires in unexpected ways like using 'daddy'. Men and women's sexuality and relationships are complex and diverse.

      Men and women have different ways of expressing desires and handling conflicts. The speaker believes that women mature faster than men, possibly due to the absence of a strong male ego need to prove themselves. He also notes that physical fights between women are more intense than those between men, and that women's sexual desires can manifest in unexpected ways, such as using the term "daddy." The speaker also shares his personal experience with a girlfriend who regressed during sex and used the term "daddy," which he found unsettling. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity and diversity of human sexuality and relationships.

    • Exploring Questionable Behaviors and Their ConsequencesIndividuals engage in disturbing behaviors, acknowledging potential harm but continuing, highlighting the need for self-improvement and better relationships.

      Some individuals engage in questionable behaviors and have unusual habits, such as taking potentially dangerous substances from gas stations to enhance their sexual experiences. The speaker in this conversation acknowledges the disturbing nature of these actions and the potential negative consequences, but continues to participate in this behavior when with new partners. The discussion also touches upon the idea of self-improvement and attracting better people into one's life. Additionally, the conversation includes a consideration of the cost and testing of the gas station pills, as well as the inconsistency of their ingredients. Overall, the conversation reveals an intriguing, albeit somewhat concerning, aspect of human behavior.

    • Beware of Dangerous 'Boner Pills' from Unregulated SourcesUsing unregulated substances labeled as 'boner pills' for personal issues like erectile dysfunction can be harmful or even fatal. The FDA advises against their use and encourages consulting healthcare professionals for proper treatment.

      Some people have experimented with buying and using questionable substances from unregulated sources, such as gas stations or the internet, in order to address personal issues like erectile dysfunction. These substances, which may be labeled as boner pills or other names, often contain unknown ingredients and can be dangerous. The risks of using these products include potential harm to health and even death. The FDA has warned against the use of these unregulated substances due to the unknown ingredients and potential for harm. It is strongly advised to consult a healthcare professional for proper treatment and prescription medication instead. The use of these dangerous alternatives not only puts the individual at risk, but also perpetuates a dangerous and unregulated market.

    • Beware of Mislabeled Sexual Performance SupplementsSome supplements claiming to enhance sexual performance may contain unlisted ingredients, potentially harmful substances, and may be produced in unsafe conditions. Consumers should exercise caution and conduct thorough research before use.

      Some companies produce and sell supplements, such as Rhino, which claim to enhance sexual performance, but their ingredients may not be as advertised. These products often contain active ingredients like Sildenafel, similar to prescription ED medication, but they may also include various other substances, some of which may have serious side effects. The manufacturers may change the product names frequently to avoid detection, and the production may be carried out in an unregulated and potentially dangerous manner. Consumers should be cautious and do thorough research before using these supplements. Additionally, some individuals may experience strong side effects, including increased horniness, which can be disruptive to daily life. It is important to approach these supplements with caution and to be aware of the potential risks. [Note: The above summary may not fully capture the nuances of the original conversation, but it should provide a clear and meaningful summary of the key points.]

    • Myths and Harmful Practices: The Complex Relationship between Traditional Beliefs and Animal ExploitationCertain traditional beliefs, such as using rhino horns for boner pills or painting elephant tusks pink, perpetuate harmful practices like poaching and endanger animal welfare. It's crucial to raise awareness and respect animal rights and conservation efforts.

      There's a complex and problematic relationship between certain traditional beliefs and the exploitation and endangerment of animals, such as rhinos and elephants, for supposed medicinal purposes. The discussion touches upon the use of rhino horns for boner pills, which is a myth, and the fact that people have gone to extreme lengths, including poaching and painting elephant tusks pink, to obtain these supposed remedies. The conversation also highlights the historical context of these practices and the role of speculation and marketing in perpetuating them. Ultimately, it's clear that there's a need for education and awareness about the harm caused by these beliefs and the importance of respecting animal welfare and conservation efforts.

    • Rhino Horn Demand Fuels Poaching in AfricaRhino horn, valued over $1,400 an ounce, is used for various purposes in Asia, including as a gift and hangover cure, leading to poaching and endangerment of rhinos. Rhino horn is made of keratin and has no proven medicinal benefits.

      The demand for rhino horn in Asia, particularly in China, is a major contributor to poaching and the endangerment of rhinos in Africa. Despite popular beliefs, rhino horn is not traditionally viewed as an aphrodisiac, but is used for various purposes including as a gift, hangover cure, and even valued more than gold. The high value of rhino horn, estimated at over $1,400 an ounce, makes it a lucrative illegal trade. The smuggling and sale of rhino horn is often done in secret, and the people involved in the trade are difficult to identify and apprehend. The demand for rhino horn continues to grow, with some using it to recover from alcohol binges or as a status symbol. It's important to note that rhino horn is made of keratin, the same protein found in fingernails and hair, and there is no scientific evidence that it has any medicinal benefits. It's crucial to raise awareness and reduce the demand for rhino horn to ensure the survival of these magnificent animals.

    • Status symbols driving illegal and addictive behaviorsDesire for cultural items like rhino horn or Cuban cigars can lead to corruption, poaching, addiction, and negative health effects. Consider the risks before engaging.

      Cultural practices and the desire for status symbols, such as rhino horn or Cuban cigars, can lead to illegal and addictive behaviors. The value of these items can become a form of currency, leading people to engage in questionable activities. For instance, rhino horn trading is linked to corruption and poaching, while Cuban cigars were once illegal and led some to smuggle them. These items can also have psychoactive properties, leading some to experiment with them for creative or performance-enhancing purposes. However, there are risks associated with these substances, including addiction and negative health effects. It's essential to consider the potential consequences of engaging in such practices.

    • The Complex Relationship with Tobacco: Joey and Chris Diaz's Occasional IndulgencePeople's attitudes towards tobacco use are complex, with some finding enjoyment and comfort in the addictive substance despite potential risks and social stigma.

      Some people, like Joey and the late Chris Diaz, enjoy smoking cigarettes occasionally, despite the social stigma and potential health concerns. Nicotine is addictive and can provide a rush, leading some to experiment with different forms like cigars or pipes. However, the strong smell of tobacco can be a source of annoyance and controversy, leading some to prefer private smoking or alternative methods. The history of pipe smoking, as exemplified by figures like Bertrand Russell, shows a complex relationship with tobacco, with some finding it a comforting and even life-saving habit. Ultimately, the decision to smoke or not is a personal one, shaped by individual preferences, cultural norms, and the potential risks and benefits involved.

    • Misunderstandings and Misrepresentations in Cultural FusionBeing critical of information sources and fact-checking is crucial to prevent the spread of disinformation and misunderstandings in cultural fusion, ensuring accurate historical records and respect for diverse cultures.

      Cultural fusion and misconceptions are not new phenomena. People have mixed and matched elements from different cultures for centuries, leading to misunderstandings and misrepresentations. For instance, the confusion between Chinese kung fu outfits and Japanese ninja shoes. Similarly, there have been misconceptions about historical events, such as Bertrand Russell's survival in a plane crash and the existence of a flying boat. The internet and social media have only amplified the spread of disinformation, leading to moments of amusement and confusion. It's essential to approach information critically and fact-check sources to avoid spreading misinformation. The importance of accurate historical records and cultural understanding is paramount to avoiding misunderstandings and fostering respect for diverse cultures.

    • The Challenges of Survival in the Past: Carl Aigley's Encounter with a LeopardThe lack of modern medical technology made survival difficult, with injuries likely leading to death. Humans showed strength and determination, but hunting and exploration had both positive and negative impacts on wildlife populations. Conservation efforts were necessary then, as they are now, to preserve wildlife and their habitats.

      Survival in the past was incredibly challenging due to the lack of modern medical technology. The story of Carl Aigley, a man who killed a leopard in the 1800s with his bare hands, illustrates this point. If Carl had been injured, he would have likely not survived due to the lack of medical care. The discussion also touched upon the behavior of animals when they become old or unable to hunt, leading them to attack humans instead. The hunting and exploration of new species during that era, as shown in the example of Carl and Ward, had both positive and negative impacts on wildlife populations. The mass hunting and exploitation of buffalo for their meat and hides led to their decimation, as evidenced by the stacks of skulls and skins. These historical accounts serve as a reminder of the fragility of nature and the importance of considering the consequences of our actions. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the strength and determination of humans in the face of danger, with Carl's calm demeanor and resolve to protect himself. The comparison between handling a wild cat and the experience of battling for one's life emphasized the importance of being aware of one's surroundings and the potential threats they may pose. The discussion also touched upon the conservation efforts during that time, which parallels modern-day conservation efforts and the ongoing importance of preserving wildlife populations and their habitats.

    • Europeans' Impact on Buffalo PopulationEuropean arrival brought horses and diseases, leading to overabundance of buffalo and Native American population decline

      The arrival of Europeans in North America brought not only new technologies like horses, but also deadly diseases to which Native Americans had no immunity. Dan Flores, a historian and scientist, hypothesizes that this led to the near-extinction of the buffalo population. Before Europeans arrived, Native Americans had kept buffalo numbers in check through efficient hunting. With the introduction of horses, they could hunt buffalo more effectively, and when they got guns, they were able to kill them in large numbers. This led to an overabundance of buffalo when Native American populations were decimated by European diseases. The historical paper "Bison Ecology and Bison Diplomacy: The Southern Plains from 1800 to 1850" by Dan Flores explores this topic in depth. It's important to remember that the history of the United States is complex and that events like Columbus Day, which celebrates the arrival of Columbus, who never even set foot in North America, raise important questions about how we choose to remember our past. The horrors inflicted upon Native American populations by European explorers and settlers are a dark chapter in history that cannot be ignored.

    • Exploring Extreme Lengths for Valuable Resources and MomentsPeople go to great lengths for valuable resources and unique experiences, showcasing human determination and courage. Appreciate the diversity of artists and genres in music.

      Throughout history, there have been individuals who went to extreme lengths to obtain valuable resources, such as Columbus and his infamous voyage. Today, people continue to push boundaries to capture unique and awe-inspiring moments, like the wolf photographer who braves the cold and waits for hours to capture the perfect shot. These individuals showcase the human spirit of determination and courage, leaving us in awe of their accomplishments. Additionally, the ongoing debate about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame highlights the subjectivity of defining what truly constitutes rock and roll music. Ultimately, it's essential to appreciate the diverse range of artists and genres that contribute to the rich tapestry of music.

    • Impact of New Features on Instagram Engagement: Wildlife Photography as an ExampleNew features on social media platforms can impact user engagement, with wildlife photography showcasing both the allure of rare and controlled encounters and the need for preservation efforts.

      Social media platforms like Instagram are constantly evolving, and users' engagement can be impacted by new features or content. For instance, the recent increase in video length from 15 to 60 seconds on Instagram has led to mixed reactions. Some users are posting more engaging content, such as double wolf images, which have garnered significant attention and praise. Meanwhile, other wildlife photographs, such as the National Geographic's bear fight video, continue to capture the public's imagination and fascination. The appreciation for these images stems from their rarity and the sense of connection they provide to nature and wildlife. However, not all wildlife encounters are as safe or controlled as these photographs. For example, in New Zealand, the introduction of non-native hunting animals has led to the need for constant population control measures. Despite the challenges, the allure of these wildlife encounters and the desire to preserve and protect them continues to captivate and inspire us.

    • Radioactive Wild Boars and Ongoing Challenges in Fukushima, JapanFukushima faces challenges from radioactive animals and daily leaks, raising concerns for mutations and ethical dilemmas in human intervention.

      Fukushima, Japan is facing unique challenges due to the presence of radioactive wild boars in the area. These animals have taken over farmland, and their radioactivity raises concerns about potential mutations or other unexpected behaviors. Additionally, the area continues to leak thousands of gallons of radioactive waste into the water daily. The situation recalls past nuclear disasters, such as the one in Simi Valley, California. The discussion also touched upon the ethical implications of human intervention in natural reproduction, using the example of a reality TV show featuring a large family. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the complexities and uncertainties that can arise from nuclear disasters and their long-term impacts.

    • Exploring the Darker Side of Human History and Technological AdvancementsThroughout history, humans have used brutal forms of punishment and violence, from crucifixions to drone warfare. Today, we live in a world where technology has advanced to create flying drones with deadly weapons, raising questions about intimidation, fear, and personal experiences.

      Throughout history, humans have inflicted brutal forms of punishment and violence, from crucifixions to drone warfare. The speaker discusses the reality of crucifixion and how it might have been depicted in religious art, questioning the traditional depiction of Jesus' hands showing the crucifixion marks. They also share a story about the Romans crucifying thousands of people as a form of intimidation. The conversation then shifts to modern times, discussing the fear of being on a drone kill list and the development of drones with weapons attached, such as a chainsaw. The speaker reflects on the strange and frightening aspects of the world we live in today, where technology has advanced to the point of creating flying drones with deadly weapons. The conversation ends with the speaker considering purchasing a drone for personal use. Overall, this conversation highlights the darker aspects of human history and the potential dangers of technological advancements. Additionally, the speaker mentions the podcast "History on Fire" by Daniel Bolelli and an article by Jen Briney, who has a political podcast, about the fear of being targeted by drones. They also mention the DJI Phantom 4 drone and the requirement to register drones. The conversation touches on various topics, including religious iconography, ancient Roman practices, modern technology, and personal experiences.

    • Revisiting Alienware: Graphics, Multiplayer, and NostalgiaSpeakers share excitement for Alienware's graphics, multiplayer capabilities, and customization, planning a LAN party and potential Twitch stream. Emphasis on good keyboards, long battery life, and nostalgic feelings towards past Alienware experiences.

      The speakers are excited about the graphics and multiplayer experience of a video game, reminiscing about their past experiences with Alienware computers. They plan to set up a LAN party and possibly stream it on Twitch. The speakers express their preference for Alienware due to their past experiences with their sponsorship and the customization options of their laptops. They also discuss the importance of a good keyboard and long battery life for their computing needs, expressing nostalgia for the ability to carry an extra battery and frustration with the current trend of portable chargers.

    • Discovering the Advantages of Touchscreens and TabletsDespite initial resistance, the benefits of touchscreens and tablets, such as full-screen real estate, portability, cloud saving, and unique features, outweigh the drawbacks. Adapt and make the most of new technologies.

      While some people, including the speaker, prefer the tactile experience of physical buttons and keyboards, the benefits of using touchscreens and tablets, such as full-screen real estate and portability, outweigh the drawbacks. The speaker acknowledges that it took him a long time to adjust to using an iPad, but he eventually came to appreciate its advantages. He also mentions the ability to save files on the cloud and the new four-speaker system as additional benefits. The speaker also shares his experience of discovering new music at a theater and saving it on his device to listen to later. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of adapting to new technologies and finding ways to make the most of their unique features.

    • Exploring Music and Art: A Personal JourneyThe speaker shares his appreciation for music discovery apps like Shazam and his fondness for Spanish music. He also expresses his admiration for Woody Allen as an artist, despite controversies, and shares a personal anecdote.

      The speaker expresses his appreciation for the Shazam application and its ability to identify music, even sharing his experience of discovering new music through it. He also mentions his fondness for Spanish music due to the emotional connection he forms with it despite not understanding the language. Additionally, the speaker discusses his fascination with Woody Allen as a human being and artist, despite his personal controversies, and his admiration for Woody Allen's career as a comedian and jazz musician. The speaker also shares a personal anecdote about experimenting with tanning lotion on his penis and the unexpected result. Overall, the speaker's conversation covers a range of topics, from technology and music to personal experiences and admiration for artists.

    • Evolution of Relationship Norms and Consent: The Woody Allen CaseSocietal standards towards relationships and consent have shifted, with current emphasis on individual protection and autonomy. The Woody Allen case highlights the importance of ongoing conversations about acceptable relationships, considering historical context and changing norms.

      Societal norms and perceptions towards relationships and consent have evolved significantly over the years. The discussion revolves around the controversial relationship between Woody Allen and his adopted daughter, which started in the early 1990s. At the time, the age difference and dynamic of their relationship were less socially frowned upon compared to current standards. Allen's revelation of their relationship and their continued happiness together raises ethical questions and highlights the importance of ongoing conversations about what is considered acceptable in relationships. The context of the time and cultural norms should be taken into account when evaluating such situations. However, it is essential to recognize that ideas of consent and the age of maturity have changed, and current societal expectations prioritize the protection and autonomy of individuals, particularly minors.

    • Impact of Context and Societal Norms on Perceptions of Acceptable Behavior: A Historical and Modern PerspectiveSocietal norms and context shape perceptions of acceptable behavior. Historical figures like Socrates and modern celebrities such as Kobe Bryant illustrate the complexity of evaluating actions based on their time and societal context.

      Perceptions of what is considered acceptable or harmful can be influenced by context and timing. The discussion revolved around the actions of a historical figure, Socrates, and a modern-day athlete, Kobe Bryant, and the gray areas surrounding their behaviors. The impact of marketing and fan culture on celebrities was also explored. Regarding Socrates, the group acknowledged that his actions, if they occurred today, would be seen as inappropriate due to societal norms. However, they questioned whether his actions were inherently harmful based on when they started. With Kobe Bryant, the group discussed the extreme fan behavior of following him around the country and the significant financial investment in supporting him. They also noted his successful marketing in Asia and the financial benefits it brought to the NBA. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of understanding context and the complexities of human behavior and societal norms.

    • Advanced tech like Facebook's 360-degree camera faces challenges to become mainstreamInnovative tech, such as Facebook's expensive 360-degree camera, may take time to overcome hurdles and become accessible and practical for consumers, as seen with past tech advancements like 3D TV and virtual reality.

      Technology, such as the Facebook camera, which boasts advanced capabilities like seamless 360-degree video recording, may not be ready for widespread use despite initial excitement. The Facebook camera, consisting of 17 cameras, is expensive and currently not available for purchase. While the concept is intriguing, there are numerous challenges to overcome before it becomes accessible and practical for consumers. The history of technology development shows that advancements like 3D TV and virtual reality have faced similar hurdles, taking longer than expected to become mainstream due to lack of readiness in terms of computing power, graphics, and consumer demand. However, once the technology is fully developed, as seen with the Oculus Rift, it can revolutionize the way we experience media. Additionally, the entertainment industry, such as stand-up comedy, continues to evolve, with performers like Brian and Damarara contributing to the scene. Fans can support and engage with their favorite comedians by attending live shows or purchasing merchandise. The world of technology and entertainment are interconnected, with advancements in one area influencing the other and shaping our experiences.

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    Energy resonance, how to cultivate personal movement & breathing practices, and learn how you can open spiritual personal empowerment through skillful energetic relationship with the Self.


    Michaela Boehm is one of the most transformative teachers presently. Michaela teaches and counsels internationally as an expert in intimacy and sexuality. Born and raised in Austria, Michaela combines her training in psychology and extensive clinical counseling experience with her in-depth training in the yogic arts as a classical Kashmiri Tantric lineage holder. Michaela’s approach empowers her students through an eclectic mix of education, experiential exercises and guided explorations. Known for her work with high-performing individuals, her ongoing private clients include Oscar-winning actors, producers, business pioneers, and multiple Grammy-winning musicians. Michaela is the Author of “The Wild Woman’s Way”, published by Simon & Schuster/Atria in August 2018.

    She’d taught at Esalen, Omega, and Kripalu aside from her formal background in Psychology, Cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnosis and NLP. Her experience of over 20+ years of working as counselor to celebrities, musicians and high performing international business leaders. Michaela is a lineage holder in Kashmir Shaivism, having received formal classical Tantric education from a female teacher.


    Chromotherapy and IFR with Sunlighten. *DM me on insta for the private MVP link to stay in alignment with your mission, vision and purpose. 

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    O.School is a judgement free online space to choose your own sex education adventure, with a diverse group of instructors leading courses ranging from communication and consent, to raising sex positive kids, to introduction to kink and fetish. Regardless of physical, cultural, locational, or educational differences, live streaming and live chat provide everyone with an inclusive, safe, and supportive community in which to unlearn shame and live in the desire the way it works for them.

    About Andrea:

    Andrea Barrica is no stranger to business ventures. After co-founding an accounting and tax platform at a very early age, she went on to have a hand in one of the world’s most active global seed funds. Now she combines her technological savvy and  “Empathy Warrior” vision to help those who have not yet been lucky enough to embrace their sexuality learn how to open themselves to their own power.

    For more information about Andrea, please visit:

    O.School: https://www.o.school/

    Linkedin: http://linkedin.com/in/abarrica

    Twitter: @abarrica , @odotschool
