
    8 Realistic Healthy Habits That Make a Huge Difference

    enAugust 17, 2024
    Who shared effective strategies for improving daily life?
    What is one of Dr. Aditi Narakar's hacks?
    How can incorporating a 10-minute walk benefit health?
    What does mindfulness during physical activity help with?
    What should listeners remember about the podcast's purpose?

    Podcast Summary

    • Healthy habitsShopping differently, incorporating a 'fake commute', making a small change related to our rear end, and using a specific trick during virtual meetings can improve overall well-being, lower stress, and boost health.

      There are simple and effective ways to improve our daily lives, lower stress, and boost health, as shared by Harvard Medical Doctor and stress expert, Dr. Aditi Narakar. Some of her hacks include shopping for groceries differently, incorporating a "fake commute," making a small change related to our rear end, and using a specific trick during virtual meetings. These easy-to-implement strategies, backed by scientific research, can lead to significant improvements in overall well-being. By adopting these habits, we can feel calmer, more energized, and happier in our everyday lives.

    • Gut-brain connection dietFocus on a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, fermented foods, whole grains, and lean proteins for a healthy gut-brain connection. Try a Mediterranean-style diet and minimize ultra-processed foods.

      For a healthy gut-brain connection, focus on a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods found along the perimeter of the grocery store, such as fruits, vegetables, fermented foods, whole grains, and lean proteins. Aim for a Mediterranean-style diet, which emphasizes plant-based foods and minimizes processed and red meat. Try to minimize consumption of ultra-processed foods found in the center aisles. While it's okay to indulge occasionally, be mindful of creating healthy habits to avoid slippery slopes. Sleep is a crucial therapeutic intervention, and small daily habits like incorporating prebiotics and probiotics can strengthen your microbiome. Instead of relying on supplements, focus on lifestyle changes. Remember, the bigger the problem, the smaller the solution. Practice self-care as you would for a child, prioritizing sleep, minimizing screen time, and eating well. Your brain, like a muscle, responds to external stimuli and influences, and can change and rewire for less stress.

    • Health risks of prolonged sittingProlonged sitting can increase stress, anxiety, burnout, and lead to health risks like diabetes, heart disease, and mortality. Regularly getting up and moving around, and creating a 'fake commute' can help counteract these effects.

      Sitting for prolonged periods can increase stress, anxiety, and burnout, and is linked to various health risks such as diabetes, heart disease, and mortality. The mechanisms are not entirely clear, but it's believed that sitting for long periods can hinder positive biological changes to the brain and body. To counteract this, it's recommended to get up and move around regularly, even if it's just for a few minutes. Additionally, creating a "fake commute" at home can help transition the mind from home mode to work mode, providing a necessary buffer and reset.

    • Fake commute, camera off, monotaskingCreating a fake commute can help reduce stress and improve productivity. Turning off your camera during video calls can minimize distractions and boost focus. Monotasking and time blocking can increase productivity and focus.

      Creating a fake commute as part of your daily routine can help reduce stress and improve productivity. This simple practice, which involves bookending your day with a short transition period, can provide structure and give your brain a much-needed reset. Additionally, Dr. Aditi recommends shutting off your camera during video calls if it makes you feel more comfortable and focused, as the constant self-scrutiny can contribute to Zoom fatigue and negative self-perception. Furthermore, contrary to popular belief, multitasking is not an effective use of time or brainpower. Instead, monotasking and time blocking can help increase focus and productivity, allowing us to tackle complex problems more effectively.

    • Short BreaksTaking short breaks can improve cognitive function, memory, attention, and overall engagement, serving as a reset for the brain from stress and enhancing productivity.

      Taking short breaks throughout the day to rest and recharge, rather than pushing through tasks without a break, can significantly improve cognitive function, memory, attention, and overall engagement. These breaks, which can include activities like walking, stretching, or practicing mindfulness exercises, serve as a reset for the brain from cumulative stress. Even when feeling overwhelmed and burnt out, incorporating these short breaks into your daily routine can help strengthen your prefrontal cortex and enhance productivity. As a doctor and expert in stress, I have personally experienced the benefits of movement and gentle exercise during times of high stress, and encourage others to prioritize these practices for both mental and physical well-being.

    • Daily Physical ActivityIncorporating 10-minute walks into your daily routine and adding mindfulness practices can improve health, reduce stress, and boost overall wellbeing.

      Incorporating small amounts of daily physical activity, such as a 10-minute walk, can have significant health benefits. This can be as simple as taking a short walk during your lunch break or opting for parking further away from your destination. Additionally, adding mindfulness practices like meditation during your daily walk can help reduce stress and improve overall wellbeing. Remember, the goal is to make exercise and movement a part of your daily routine, rather than a daunting task. Short bursts of activity, even just a few minutes, can make a big difference.

    • Self-care practicesIncorporating small practices like joyful activities, meaningful work, relationships, movement, gratitude, and sleep can significantly improve mental and physical well-being, even during stress and burnout.

      Incorporating small, manageable changes into your daily routine can significantly improve your mental and physical well-being, even in the midst of stress and burnout. These changes don't require a large time commitment or a drastic lifestyle overhaul. Instead, focus on bringing elements of childhood, work, relationships, movement, gratitude, and sleep into your day every day. For example, take a few minutes to engage in an activity that brings you joy and curiosity, like playing a musical instrument or reading a book. Make time for work that brings meaning and purpose to your life, whether it's paid or unpaid. Connect with others and build strong relationships. Incorporate regular movement into your day, even if it's just a short walk. Practice gratitude by focusing on the things you're thankful for. And prioritize good sleep hygiene. Remember, your brain is like a muscle that can be strengthened through small, consistent efforts. These changes may not happen overnight, but with persistence and patience, they will become new habits that contribute to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

    • Balanced LifestyleA balanced lifestyle, including vacations, community, alone time, reflection, and pursuit of hedonic and eudaimonic happiness, can lead to improved mental health, reduced stress, and increased fulfillment.

      Prioritizing a balanced lifestyle can significantly improve mental health and overall well-being. This includes taking time for vacations, engaging in community, spending time alone, reflecting on accomplishments, and pursuing both hedonic and eudaimonic happiness. Hedonic happiness brings pleasure and joy in the moment, while eudaimonic happiness focuses on meaning, purpose, and connection. By incorporating these practices into daily life, individuals can reduce stress, increase fulfillment, and foster lasting happiness. Remember, it's essential to support those around us in their pursuit of better health and happiness by sharing valuable resources and advice.

    • Implementing hacks for a long, healthy, happy lifeBelieve in your ability to implement Dr. Aditi Naruka's eight simple hacks for a long, healthy, and happy life, but remember to consult professionals for personalized advice.

      The speaker expressed her love and belief in the listener's ability to implement the eight simple hacks shared by Dr. Aditi Naruka for living a long, healthy, and happy life. The speaker emphasized the importance of taking the information to heart and putting it into practice. She also reminded the listener that the podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional advice. The speaker ended the discussion by expressing her emotions and encouraging the listener to join her in future episodes.

    Recent Episodes from The Mel Robbins Podcast

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    For more resources, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enSeptember 12, 2024

    The Ultimate Advice for Your Next Chapter (After Your Kids Have Left Home)

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    The truth is, things don’t change with time. It’s what you do with that time that matters. And you’re getting the playbook you need today.

    For more resources, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enSeptember 09, 2024

    The Secret to a Happy Life: What the Ultimate Study on Happiness Reveals

    The Secret to a Happy Life: What the Ultimate Study on Happiness Reveals

    In today’s episode, you’ll learn the surprising science of happiness. 

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    It’s also grounded in questions from listeners just like you, who are seeking more happiness, fulfillment, and meaning in their lives. This is an encore episode with new and exciting insights from Mel at the top of the episode. You’ll be happy you joined. Because happiness is not only possible; it is an option for you.

    Get out your notebook because we are drilling into decades of psychological research that will ladder up to more meaning, purpose, and satisfaction in your life.

    To hear more about some of the powerful research mentioned, listen to this episode with happiness expert Dr. Robert Waldinger: What Makes a Good Life? Lessons From the Longest Study on Happiness

    If you, like Mel, find it hard to truly let yourself be happy, listen to this very personal episode about why you’ve been blocking happiness: The Secret to Success & Happiness Nobody Talks About

    For more resources, including the studies mentioned today, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enSeptember 07, 2024

    How to Get Ahead of 99% of People (In 4 Months)

    How to Get Ahead of 99% of People (In 4 Months)

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    In today’s episode, Mel is sharing the results of a surprising study that will change how you think about creating the life you want. 

    What if you’ve been approaching goal-setting all wrong? 

    There’s a simple, hidden advantage in front of you, waiting for you to take it.

    Right now, you’re in a unique window of time in which you can leapfrog change, hack productivity, and make the most of your time and energy. 

    Very few people know this research about the unique opportunity of the fall to achieve your goals and dreams. 

    It’s all covered in today’s episode.

    Imagine if by the end of the year you had new, rock-solid habits, an unbreakable routine, and felt calm and energized. This is possible for you by the time you finish listening.

    For another personal episode about making the most of your time listen to this episode next: Life Is Short (How to Spend It Wisely)

    For more resources, including the studies mentioned today, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enSeptember 05, 2024

    How to Get Motivated Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

    How to Get Motivated Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

    Do you want to know how to get motivated even when you don’t feel like it? 

    Today’s episode is one of the best talks ever on how to improve self-motivation and overcome your excuses. 

    So before you waste any more time, listen to this. 

    After today, you will know how to navigate your life with more power and purpose than you ever thought possible. 

    Psychiatrist Dr. Alok Kanojia, MD, also widely known as Dr. K, is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist specializing in modern mental health and the brain. He is beloved by the millions of fans of his YouTube channel Healthy Gamer for his clear, no-nonsense advice about motivation, technology, and making the most of your life.

    This is one of those episodes that will forever change the way you think.

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Alok Kanojia’s research, website, book, and social media, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, you’ll love Dr. K’s first appearance on The Mel Robbins Podcast, which focuses on technology’s impact on the brain and body: Before You Waste Time, Listen to This

     Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enSeptember 02, 2024

    8 Things I Wish I Knew in College

    8 Things I Wish I Knew in College

    These 8 pieces of advice will change your college experience.

    In this episode, Mel is sharing the most impactful and insightful advice for all college students.

    Think of it as a freshman year survival guide.

    And if you’re a parent of a college student, this episode is one that you’re going to want to share and listen to with your kid.

    Mel is sharing advice on:

    • How to handle drinking and hookup culture 
    • Why you need to stop clinging to your high school friends
    • How to take responsibility for your own experience and manage the ups and downs of this new season of life 
    • How to navigate change and uncertainty
    • Understanding what is happening to your body and brain during the first month of college
    • What you really learn from college and why it’s not all about studying

    This episode is the cheat sheet for how to navigate college (and any major life change), so grab your pen and paper because class is in session. 

    For another personal episode on navigating your 20’s, check this out next: 13 Things I Wish I Knew in My 20s

    Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enAugust 29, 2024

    7 Lessons To Learn Once That Will Improve Your Life Forever

    7 Lessons To Learn Once That Will Improve Your Life Forever

    Once you learn these 7 lessons, you will never be the same. 

    Today, Mel is sharing the profound wisdom that she learned while hiking on the Appalachian Trail. 

    In this deeply personal, relatable, and entertaining episode, Mel walks you through how you can use these insights to improve your relationships, find perspective, change your mindset, and keep your cool even in moments of high stress. 

    By the end of this episode, you are going to feel inspired to take on new challenges and climb to the next level in your life. 

    For more resources, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode, you’ll love listening to this one next, which is a recent fan favorite: 8 Realistic Healthy Habits That Make a Huge Difference

    Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enAugust 26, 2024

    The Science of Women’s Health: Ob/Gyn Reveals 10 Truths You Need to Know

    The Science of Women’s Health: Ob/Gyn Reveals 10 Truths You Need to Know

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    In this research-packed episode, one of the top gynecologists in the world is here to debunk 10 myths about women’s health. 

    Mel is asking all the uncomfortable questions you want to ask but never have, and today you’re getting the answers.

    Gone are the days of feeling small or out of control when it comes to your health. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to take their power back. 

    Dr. Jen Gunter, MD, is joining Mel in this no-shame, straight-to-the-point conversation. Dr. Gunter is known as the internet’s best Ob/Gyn. She is a double-board certified, fellowship-trained medical doctor and a fierce advocate for women’s health. 

    Dr. Gunter says you deserve science-backed solutions, not fairytales, and she is here to bust through all health myths and clear through the misinformation. This conversation is going to make you think differently about everything, from periods to pleasure—it’s all covered today.

    And you’ll also want to listen all the way to the end for one of the most poignant, inspiring endings to any episode of The Mel Robbins Podcast.

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Gunter’s research, website, and social media pages, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, you’ll love Dr. Gunter’s first appearance on The Mel Robbins Podcast, which focuses on menopause: How to Balance Your Hormones: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You About Menopause

    For another personal episode about health, listen to the recent conversation Mel had with Dr. Rena Malik, MD: I’ve Never Told This Story: Leaky Bladder, Pelvic Floor, UTIs, & Constipation (#1 Urologist Gives Solutions)

    Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enAugust 22, 2024

    Pull Yourself Together: The Best Expert Advice to Make You Feel Incredible

    Pull Yourself Together: The Best Expert Advice to Make You Feel Incredible

    Today’s episode is the guide that you need to create lasting change and uplevel in all areas of your life.

    You will learn the 3 foundational habits that will transform your life and improve your productivity, wellness, health, and life balance.

    These 3 habits are essential to your health, and you need to get them right. Renowned experts are here to give you their straight-from-the-lab advice on how to do each of these things in the optimal way and make them a habit you can stick with for life. 

    Consider the next hour an investment in your health and wellbeing. You can’t afford to miss it.

    What should you listen to next? 

    You’ll love the full podcast episodes with each of the experts featured today:

    Patrick McKeown, 5 Ways to Improve Your Breathing for Better Health (With the #1 Breath Expert in the World):  Apple I Spotify

    Dr. Shane O’Mara, The Shocking Science and Benefits of Taking a Simple Walk:  Apple I Spotify 

    Dr. Gina Poe, How to Get Better Sleep and Boost Your Learning, Memory, and Energy: Apple I Spotify

    Dr. Neha Sangwan, The Surprising Link Between People Pleasing & Your Health: A Medical Doctor’s Recommendation on How to Say “No”: Apple I Spotify 

    For more resources, including links to learn more about each expert on today’s episode, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    Connect with Mel:


    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enAugust 19, 2024

    8 Realistic Healthy Habits That Make a Huge Difference

    8 Realistic Healthy Habits That Make a Huge Difference

    Today, you are getting the 8 science-backed hacks to lower your stress, amplify your happiness, and make you healthier.

    Harvard’s Dr. Aditi Nerurkar is here to show you exactly how you can get back on track.

    If you’ve ever wanted to know exactly how a Harvard doctor grocery shops, meditates, exercises, eats, and even commutes, you’re getting all of that and more today.

    You’ll love this research-packed episode because every habit that Dr. Aditi shares is simple, easy to apply, and makes you feel better right away.

    Dr. Aditi Nerurkar is a medical doctor, researcher, and world-renowned expert in stress and public health. 

    She's a lecturer at Harvard Medical School and was the medical director of Harvard's Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital's integrative medicine program, where she developed an enormous clinical practice in stress management using evidence-based integrative approaches to help her patients feel better.

    Today, she is going to give you evidence-based integrative approaches that are easy, simple, and proven to make you feel better, calmer, and healthier. 

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Aditi Nerurkar’s research, website, and social media, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you like this inspiring episode, and want to better understand what it is you truly want and how to work towards it you should listen to this episode next: How to Figure Out What You Really Want: Use This Life-Changing Hack

    Connect with Mel:

    The Mel Robbins Podcast
    enAugust 17, 2024