
    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Self-Promotion in ComedySuccess in comedy requires more than just being funny on stage. Self-promotion is essential to building a career and filling venues.

      Being a successful comedian involves more than just being funny on stage. While some comedians may excel at their craft, they may struggle with promoting themselves and filling venues. Conversely, there are comedians who are excellent at marketing themselves but may not have the same level of comedic talent. The two skills, comedy and self-promotion, don't always go hand in hand. The speakers in this conversation, who are friends and comedians themselves, reflect on their experiences and the importance of accepting that self-promotion is a necessary part of the job. They also note that with the internet providing more access to potential audiences, it's strange that there seem to be fewer new comedians breaking through.

    • Age is no barrier for comedy successComedy success isn't limited by age or background, but it takes time and refinement to perfect the craft.

      Comedy, like other art forms, does not have a definitive path or age requirement for success. While experience and memory can add depth to comedy, there's always the possibility of a young, naturally funny individual making a mark in the industry. Brian Regan's success as a silly, yet hilarious comedian proves this point. Age and background are not determining factors for comedic talent. However, early performances may not be up to par with later work, and it takes time for comedians to refine their craft. Ultimately, the key to comedy is finding what resonates with audiences and delivering it effectively.

    • Finding joy in doing what we loveTrue happiness comes from within, by pursuing passions and finding joy in them, rather than focusing solely on external factors like money or status.

      True happiness and success come from doing what we love and finding joy in it, rather than just focusing on external factors like money or status. The interview revealed that even those with significant wealth or skills can lack fulfillment if they're not passionate about what they're doing. Additionally, people have unique talents and potential, but not everyone can do what they want, and it's essential to recognize that not everyone is equal in every aspect. The interview also touched on the idea that fear and self-imposed limitations can hinder our abilities, particularly in areas like math. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of embracing our individual strengths and pursuing our passions to find genuine happiness.

    • Talent and hard work go hand in hand for successExceptional talent combined with dedication and hard work can lead to remarkable achievements in any field, even if the athlete comes from an unexpected background.

      Exceptional talent combined with hard work and dedication can lead to remarkable achievements in any field, be it music, sports, or otherwise. The example of BJ Penn in mixed martial arts illustrates this concept, as he possessed natural talent but lacked the obsessive level of fitness training that his top competitors had. However, when Penn finally committed to training like them, his talent was elevated to new heights. Similarly, there have been notable figures in various sports who were known for their natural abilities but did not prioritize rigorous training, such as Pete Sampras in tennis. Despite this, they still managed to excel and dominate their respective sports. It's essential to recognize that both talent and hard work are crucial components of success, and one should not overshadow the other. Additionally, the potential for great athletes from diverse backgrounds to excel in sports that are traditionally considered exclusive to certain demographics should not be underestimated.

    • Belief in inherent advantages based on race or ethnicityGenetics play a role in our physical attributes, but they don't define our abilities or achievements. Environmental factors, lifestyle choices, and personal dedication also matter.

      There's a belief, as expressed in this conversation, that certain racial and ethnic groups possess inherent athletic, physical, and sexual advantages due to their genetic makeup. This belief is often expressed in a way that reinforces stereotypes and can be offensive and harmful. It's important to remember that everyone is unique and that stereotypes do not accurately represent individuals or groups. Genetics play a role in our physical attributes, but they are only one piece of the puzzle. Environmental factors, lifestyle choices, and personal dedication also play significant roles in shaping our abilities and achievements. It's crucial to recognize and challenge harmful stereotypes and to promote equality and respect for all people, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or background.

    • Google's Expansion into Technology and AIGoogle's dominance in internet services and AI raises concerns about privacy and potential enslavement, but is fueled by effective branding and market dominance.

      Technology companies, specifically Google, are expanding their reach and influence in various areas including internet services and artificial intelligence. This could potentially lead to a future where we are heavily reliant on these companies, raising concerns about privacy and potential enslavement by artificial intelligence. The success of Google can be attributed to effective branding and dominance in key markets. While the current era offers unprecedented access to information, there are potential dangers as technology continues to advance.

    • A glimpse into the future of technologyThe future holds advancements in brain-computer interfaces and direct access to information, potentially allowing people to access data without physical interaction and even creating telepathic towns. However, concerns about the power of tech companies and ethical considerations persist.

      The speaker believes that the future will bring significant advancements in technology, specifically in the areas of brain-computer interfaces and direct access to information. He envisions a future where people can access information without physically interacting with devices, and even entire towns could become telepathic. He also expresses concerns about the growing power of companies like Google, which currently hold vast amounts of information. The speaker also mentions Google Glass as a potential step towards this future, but expresses skepticism about the idea of time travel. Despite some reservations, the speaker remains excited about the potential of these technological advancements. However, he also acknowledges the potential risks and ethical considerations that come with such progress. Overall, the speaker's perspective is one of curiosity and anticipation for the future.

    • Maintaining audience engagement in long-running seriesProvide shorter seasons with high-quality content and cater to diverse viewer preferences to keep audiences engaged in long-running series.

      Keeping an audience engaged in a long-running series can be challenging, especially when the storyline becomes drawn out or the conclusion changes unexpectedly. While a quest or overarching goal can motivate viewers for a few episodes, maintaining interest over numerous seasons can be difficult. Shorter seasons with higher quality content may help keep viewers more invested. Additionally, some individuals prefer certain genres or types of media, such as fantasy or horror, over others, like dramas or comedies. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and what resonates with each individual viewer.

    • Movies that make us feel good are preferredPeople prefer movies that entertain and make them feel happy, rather than sad or depressed. The discussion questioned the appeal of movies with explicit adult content and criticized those with depressing themes.

      People prefer movies that make them feel good and escape reality, rather than those that make them feel sad or depressed. The discussion touched upon movies like "21 Grams" and "500 Days of Summer," which were criticized for their depressing themes. Instead, people want to see movies that provide entertainment and make them laugh or feel happy. The idea of a movie that combines a compelling story with explicit adult content was also brought up, but it was met with skepticism and disapproval. Additionally, the topic of Hugh Hefner and Playboy was discussed, with some expressing confusion over why certain parts of the female body are considered taboo in mainstream media.

    • The Curiosity and Intrigue of Playboy MagazinePlayboy stays relevant due to consumer interest, despite criticism and advancements in technology. Real, unaltered images are more appealing, but the allure of supposed nakedness drives sales.

      Despite the criticism and advancements in technology, Playboy magazine continues to be in business due to the curiosity and intrigue of consumers, even if they may not end up purchasing the magazine. The discussion also touched on the topic of airbrushed images and the preference for authenticity and realness in media. The speakers expressed their opinions that real, unaltered images are more appealing and attractive compared to heavily edited ones. However, the allure of seeing supposedly naked images in a magazine still draws people in, and the use of protective covers on magazines prevents unwanted glimpses for those who do not intend to buy. Ultimately, the debate revolves around the value and authenticity of the content presented in the magazine, and whether it justifies the cost for consumers.

    • The Impact of Technology on Human InteractionFrom webcams to social media, technology has revolutionized how we connect, leading to new forms of communication, creativity, and community building, while also raising important questions about privacy, consent, and negative consequences.

      Technology has significantly transformed the way we connect with each other. The discussion revolves around the evolution of technology, specifically the emergence of webcams and social media, and how it has changed the dynamics of human interaction. The speakers reminisce about the early days of webcams and instant messaging, and how these technologies allowed them to experience a sense of connection with others that was different from what is possible today. They also reflect on how the anonymity and accessibility of the internet have led to new forms of entertainment and expression, such as pornography and streaming. Overall, the conversation highlights the profound impact technology has had on our culture and social norms, and how it continues to shape our lives in unexpected ways. It's amazing to think that just a few decades ago, having a webcam or high-speed internet was a novelty, and now it's an essential part of our daily lives. The ability to connect with people from all over the world in real time has opened up new opportunities for communication, creativity, and community building. However, it also raises important questions about privacy, consent, and the potential negative consequences of technology use. As we continue to explore the possibilities of technology, it's important to remember the lessons of the past and approach new innovations with a critical and thoughtful perspective.

    • Nostalgic recollection of Quake's gameplayQuake's fast-paced, unrealistic gameplay and intricate graphics offer a unique and enduring appeal, creating a sense of excitement and immersion through multiplayer battles with complex weapons and abilities.

      Quake, an old-school PC game, offered a unique and addictive experience due to its fast-paced, unrealistic gameplay and intricate graphics. Players could engage in intense, multiplayer battles with complex weapons and abilities, creating a sense of excitement and immersion. The speaker shared fond memories of playing Quake 3, specifically, which featured more advanced graphics and gameplay elements compared to earlier versions. Despite the passage of time, the speaker maintained that Quake's gameplay was still more enjoyable and competitive compared to modern games like Modern Warfare. The speaker emphasized the freedom and thrill of Quake's gameplay, which allowed players to fly and jump through environments at high speeds, creating a sense of excitement and adrenaline. The speaker also highlighted the durability and versatility of Quake's characters, making each encounter a unique challenge. Overall, the speaker's nostalgic recollection of Quake underscores the enduring appeal of fast-paced, unrealistic gameplay and the sense of community and connection that can be forged through multiplayer gaming.

    • Appreciating the value of classic gamesClassic games like Quake 4 continue to hold value for their innovation and impact on the industry, while advancements in graphics and technology continue to impress.

      Despite the advancements in video game graphics, some classic games like Quake 4 still hold value and can be appreciated for their innovation and impact on the industry. While newer games may have more advanced graphics, the speakers expressed that they still hold a special place in their hearts and continue to be impressed by the progression in gaming technology. They also discussed the evolution of facial recognition and motion capture technology, which has significantly enhanced the realism of video games. Overall, the speakers emphasized the importance of staying connected to the roots of gaming while embracing new advancements.

    • Obsession and success in one area of life can impact personal relationshipsSuccess in one area doesn't guarantee a perfect life in all others, obsession and intense focus can impact personal relationships.

      Obsession and great talent in one area of life can often bleed over into other aspects, potentially leading to complex and challenging situations. Using the example of Tiger Woods and his golf career, the intense focus and drive for success can also impact personal relationships. While some may argue that his infidelities were a result of his fame and opportunities, others believe that his level of obsession and competitiveness is a common trait among those who excel in their fields. This can be seen in various industries, including pool, where high-stakes gambling matches require intense concentration and dedication. Ultimately, the human experience is multifaceted, and success in one area does not guarantee a perfect life in all others.

    • Understanding the mindset of exceptional individualsEmpathizing with employees can lead to better leadership and improved working conditions, fostering a kinder, more compassionate business environment

      Exceptional individuals, be it in sports or business, may possess an unusual mental fortitude and focus that sets them apart. This unyielding determination, often perceived as "crazy" or "insane," allows them to excel in their respective fields and overcome challenges with remarkable calmness. The ability to empathize with those at the bottom of the organizational ladder can lead to better leadership and a kinder, more compassionate approach to business and life. The undercover boss concept highlights this idea, as CEOs, when experiencing the daily grind of their employees' jobs, gain a newfound appreciation and understanding for their team members. This empathy can lead to improved working conditions and overall better morale within the organization.

    • Navigating Challenges in HollywoodStay true to your vision, protect artistic integrity, trust instincts, and maintain resilience in Hollywood's unpredictable journey.

      Hollywood and the entertainment industry can be full of unexpected experiences and disappointments. Whether it's encountering unexpected environments or dealing with demanding producers, the path to success can be fraught with challenges. Despite these challenges, it's important to stay true to your vision and maintain control over your creative work. The speaker's experiences of dealing with unwanted advice and interference highlight the importance of protecting your artistic integrity and trusting your own instincts. Additionally, the speaker's experiences demonstrate the importance of resilience and perseverance in the face of setbacks and rejection. Ultimately, the entertainment industry can be a rewarding but unpredictable journey, and it's essential to stay focused on your goals and remain true to your creative vision.

    • Performing under censorship limits creativityStrict censorship can hinder creativity, leading to frustration and disappointment for both performers and audiences.

      Performing comedy under strict censorship can hinder the creative process and result in an unenjoyable experience for both the performer and the audience. The speaker shared an experience of being hired to perform at a comedy club with strict guidelines, which he found limiting and inauthentic to his style. He shared a story about a fellow comic who was fired for breaking the rules and using explicit language on stage. The speaker emphasized that comedy thrives in a loose, uncensored mind, and performing under restrictions can lead to frustration and disappointment.

    • Awareness of audience's emotional contextUnderstanding the audience's emotional state can make or break a performance. Adapt accordingly to create an enjoyable experience.

      The importance of being emotionally prepared and sensitive to the audience's experiences cannot be overstated for a successful performance. The speaker shared an experience where he failed to connect with the audience due to the emotional distress caused by a fire that destroyed their dream house before his comedy show. His lackluster performance left the audience disappointed, while the next act, JB Smooth, managed to salvage the situation with an impressive performance. This incident serves as a reminder that performers should be aware of the emotional context of their audience and adapt accordingly to create an enjoyable experience.

    • Injecting humor into commentaryKnowing when and where to use humor in commentary can make the experience more engaging, but it's essential to remember the primary role is to accurately represent events and be relatable to audiences.

      The ability to inject humor into commentary, whether as a comedian or a commentator, can make the experience more engaging for audiences. However, it's important to know when and where to use it appropriately. Some commentators, like Dennis Miller, have used obscure references or a smug tone to deliver jokes, but this style may not be relatable or accessible to all viewers. It's also crucial to remember that the primary role of a commentator is to entertain while accurately representing the events happening in real-time. Additionally, the discussion touched on the complexity of the Constitution and the relevance of outdated laws in today's society. It's a reminder that understanding the foundations of our systems is essential to making informed decisions and advocating for change when necessary.

    • Presidents' Approaches to the Role and the Complexity of the Financial SystemPresidents face limitations in making a difference and the financial system, based on confidence, is complex and neglected due to its complexity and the demands of everyday life, leading to wealth transfer from public to elite.

      The presidency may appear to be a position of power, but it might be influenced by larger forces and interests. The speaker expresses his belief that presidents like Obama and Bush had different approaches to the role, with Obama trying to make a difference but being limited, and Bush accepting the position as a spokesperson and profiting from it. The financial system, which runs our lives, is complex and largely based on confidence, making it difficult for individuals to fully understand and navigate. The speaker expresses frustration with the lack of transparency and the apparent transfer of wealth from the public to the elite. Despite its significance, the financial system and politics are often neglected due to their complexity and the demands of everyday life.

    • Unprecedented violence in Mexico due to war on drugsMaking drugs legal could reduce violence and non-violent drug offenses in prison, but faces resistance due to potential job and power losses, and societal hypocrisy towards drugs vs alcohol.

      The war on drugs, particularly the illegal marijuana trade, has led to unprecedented levels of violence in Mexico, with five times more deaths in 2009 than in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. The speaker argues that making drugs legal could significantly reduce violence and the number of people in prison for non-violent drug offenses. However, the speaker acknowledges that this is a controversial solution and that those in power may resist it due to the potential loss of jobs and power associated with drug enforcement. The speaker also criticizes the hypocrisy of societal acceptance of alcohol, which is legal and readily available, compared to the criminalization of drugs like marijuana.

    • Edibles vs Smoking: Longer-lasting effectsEdibles can cause stronger, longer-lasting effects due to liver metabolism, leading to unexpected experiences and potential anxiety or paranoia. Be aware of portion sizes.

      Consuming edibles containing marijuana can lead to significantly stronger and longer-lasting effects compared to smoking it, due to the production of a more potent psychoactive compound in the liver. This can result in unexpected and intense experiences, sometimes leading to anxiety or paranoia. It's essential to be aware of portion sizes and the potential differences in effects when consuming edibles versus smoking marijuana. Additionally, the experience of getting high from eating marijuana can lead to introspective and self-examining thoughts.

    • Exploring the Fascination with Steven Seagal's Law Enforcement PortrayalsDespite inconsistencies between reality and fiction, the speaker finds amusement and appreciation in Steven Seagal's filmography, acknowledging his background, martial arts skills, and charisma as intriguing factors.

      The speaker expresses a fascination with Steven Seagal's portrayal of law enforcement in his movies, acknowledging the inconsistencies between reality and fiction. Seagal's background, martial arts skills, and charisma make him an intriguing figure, despite the questionable authenticity of his experiences. The speaker also expresses amusement at the idea of Seagal's films, particularly those showcasing his quick recovery from injuries, and suggests watching "The Room" and "Richard Heat" as examples of "geniusly shitty" cinema. Overall, the speaker's perspective showcases a unique appreciation for Seagal's filmography and the entertainment value it provides.

    • Mac vs. PC for Streaming: A ComparisonMacs offer superior design but may lack HD capabilities for certain software, while PCs provide better value with stronger hardware capabilities.

      The discussion revolved around the challenges of using different operating systems for streaming content, specifically Mac vs. PC. The speakers expressed frustration with the lack of HD capabilities on Mac for certain software, leading to potential solutions like running Bootcamp or purchasing a PC specifically for streaming. They also shared personal experiences with building and using computers, highlighting the differences in ease of use and cost between Mac and PC. Ultimately, the speakers agreed that having various options is important, and while Macs offer superior build quality and design, PCs often provide more value for the price with better hardware capabilities.

    • The importance of competition in technologyCompetition between operating systems drives innovation and improves user experience. Frustrations with PC limitations contrasted with Mac enjoyment.

      Competition among different operating systems drives innovation and improves user experience. The speaker expresses frustration with the limitations and annoyances of using a PC, contrasting it with the more enjoyable experience of using a Mac. He also criticizes the legal system for targeting individuals like Mark Emery for selling pot seeds, highlighting the absurdity of making things illegal that don't harm others. The speaker also touches on the topic of drugs and the potential benefits of legalization, but the conversation mostly revolves around the importance of competition in technology and the impact of user experience on satisfaction.

    • Challenges of Marijuana Legalization: Seed Control and MonopoliesMarijuana legalization could lead to monopolies and legal issues for growers due to genetically modified seeds and corporate control

      The legalization of marijuana could lead to significant challenges, particularly regarding the control and ownership of genetically modified seeds. The speaker uses the example of corn and Monsanto to illustrate how companies can patent and lease seeds, leading to potential legal issues for farmers. If this were to happen with marijuana, it could result in monopolies and potential legal consequences for growers. Additionally, the speaker expresses concerns about the potential negative effects of overly potent strains of marijuana and the lack of incentive for corporations to shift away from fossil fuels towards more sustainable agriculture-based alternatives.

    • Renewable energy sources face challenges in becoming fully self-sufficient and economically viableAdvancements in technology and individual success stories offer hope for a future where renewable energy becomes the norm, but high costs and ongoing challenges remain.

      While renewable energy sources like solar and wind power show promise, they still face challenges in becoming fully self-sufficient and economically viable for powering individual homes and larger structures. Solar power requires a significant number of panels and consistent sunlight, while wind power necessitates large-scale windmills and substantial wind conditions. The high costs of implementing these systems limit their widespread adoption. However, advancements in technology, such as more efficient solar panels and longer-lasting batteries, may pave the way for a future where renewable energy becomes the norm. Additionally, some individuals, like the movie director mentioned, have successfully harnessed these energy sources for their personal use and even sold excess power back to the grid. Despite these success stories, the economic viability and widespread implementation of renewable energy sources remain ongoing challenges.

    • On the brink of a significant technological shiftThis convergence of information will make secrets a thing of the past, potentially as impactful as the internet itself.

      We are on the brink of a significant technological shift that will change the way we communicate and share information. The invention that breaks through the "battery wall" will be a game-changer, possibly as impactful as the internet itself. This convergence of information from our lives to others' will make secrets a thing of the past. We're at a pivotal point where we could be on the verge of great advancements or face unforeseen challenges. The speaker expresses a sense of excitement and anticipation about the future, but also acknowledges the potential risks and past mistakes humanity has made. The implications of this shift are vast and far-reaching, and it's an exciting time to be alive and witness it unfold.

    • From CIA experiments to adorable animal videos, life is full of surprisesStay curious and open to new experiences and knowledge, from the bizarre to the heartwarming

      The world is full of fascinating and often bizarre discoveries, from historical CIA experiments to adorable puppy videos. Information comes from various sources, including social media and personal connections. One particular discovery discussed was the CIA's Operation Midnight Climax, where they studied the effects of LSD on people in brothels. Another topic was a video of a dog having sex with a chicken, which sparked amusement and fascination. The conversation also touched on the strength and behavior of ants, imagining what would happen if they were larger. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of staying curious and open to new experiences and knowledge.

    • Ants: Small but Mighty and ComplexAnts display intricate social structures and remarkable strength. Marijuana prohibition's roots may lie in economic interests, not public safety.

      Ants, despite their small size, exhibit behaviors that can be compared to the violence and ruthlessness seen in larger animals. The speaker discusses the complex social structures of ants and their ability to carry hundreds of times their own body weight. He also shares stories of aggressive behavior in animals like chimpanzees and the historical context of marijuana prohibition. The speaker argues that the real reason for marijuana's illegality is economic, with companies like newspaper conglomerates benefiting from the control and profitability of pharmaceutical drugs. The speaker expresses fascination with the natural world and the complexities of animal behavior.

    • Hearst's Propaganda Campaign Against Marijuana Led to Ban on HempWilliam Randolph Hearst's economic interests influenced him to spread misinformation about marijuana, resulting in the unintended ban on industrial hemp and economic competition with other paper manufacturers.

      William Randolph Hearst's economic interests in the paper industry led him to use propaganda to promote the ban on marijuana in the 1930s, unintentionally banning the industrial hemp plant as well. This decision had significant economic implications, as it required large investments to switch to hemp paper production and put Hearst in competition with other paper manufacturers. The misinformation spread through Hearst's newspapers, which were widely read at the time, and continues to influence public perception today. This strategic business move by Hearst, who controlled a significant portion of the media, is a fascinating example of the far-reaching impact of media manipulation.

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    Twitter: @bigirishjay @therealjackgalvin @randytvalerio @chaseabel1 @readysetblowpodcast

    Facebook: facebook.com/bigirishjay, facebook.com/jack.galvin.75facebook.com/randy.valerio.777, facebook.com/chase.abel.54

    16. You Have A Story to Share | Tasha W

    16. You Have A Story to Share | Tasha W

    "At the age of 16 I was thrown in the “lion’s den." The privacy that my family once had was stripped away. From that moment on every action, every interaction, and every decision was now placed on public display." This is my guest, Tasha W, describing the time surrounding the workplace accident that took her dad's life when she was 16. Buckle up as she takes us on an amazing journey...


    You don’t want to miss:

    • How YOUR story can help others
    • How hope can come from embracing our stories and sharing them
    • How death can be an awakening to find the things you are passionate about

    PLUS, the special way Tasha celebrates the anniversary! 


    Links and resources:


    Tasha's links

    Website: www.tashaw.net

    IG: https://instagram.com/lifewithtashaw_

    Tasha's latest book Recognize Your Opponent: When Your Greatest Enemy is Your Inner Me




    "Know that there is a beautiful side and a beautiful story to this. There's a reason why you're dealing with this loss because it's for you to help other people and just take one day at a time, one day at a time." ~ Tasha W


    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


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    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!