
    83 - HOMETRUTH - How To Attract A High Value Man / Woman

    en-usMarch 27, 2023
    What are reasonable dating standards important for?
    How can one attract high value individuals?
    Why is effective communication crucial in dating?
    What should you do if someone cancels a date?
    How can past experiences improve future relationships?

    • Setting dating standardsRecognize and communicate your relationship needs to attract and maintain healthy relationships. Don't waste time on disrespectful partners, focus on self-improvement and finding a high value match.

      Setting reasonable dating standards is crucial for attracting and maintaining healthy relationships. When we fail to set these standards, we may be seen as "high maintenance" or end up wasting time on low value partners. It's important to recognize that people who disrespect our time, communication, and emotional needs are not worth our energy. By focusing on self-improvement and knowing what we want in a partner, we can transition into becoming the "real girl" who communicates and holds her standards, ultimately attracting high value individuals. Remember, it's okay to have had experiences with mediocre partners in the past, but learning from these experiences and setting boundaries can lead to more fulfilling relationships.

    • Setting boundaries and having standards in datingIgnoring red flags and having no standards can lead to unfulfilling dating experiences. Establishing boundaries and having clear expectations is essential for a successful dating journey.

      Having no dating standards can lead to awkward, unfulfilling experiences. The speaker shares her personal stories of enduring god awful dates, changing buses for a man who didn't show up, and even waking up to find another woman in bed with her partner. These experiences highlight the importance of setting boundaries and having standards in dating. The speaker also emphasizes the dangers of getting swept up in the moment and ignoring red flags, as she did with a man she thought was her soulmate. Ultimately, she learned that putting boundaries and standards in place is the starting point for a successful dating journey.

    • Setting clear dating standards is crucial for healthy relationshipsCommunicate your dating preferences for respect and organization, challenge societal norms that discourage women from expressing needs, and prioritize healthy relationships over societal expectations.

      Having clear and communicated dating standards is essential for healthy and respectful relationships. The speaker shares her personal experience of being taken out for dinner by a man who later proved to be a consistent and incredible partner. However, she also emphasizes that many women are not taught or encouraged to have dating standards or communicate them effectively. The patriarchy and societal norms have perpetuated the belief that women should be grateful for any attention and should not express their needs or expectations. The speaker encourages women to set boundaries and communicate their dating preferences, including planning and organization, to ensure they are treated with respect. She also shares personal experiences of being left waiting for dates and having her requests for advanced planning dismissed as "high maintenance." Ultimately, having clear and communicated dating standards is crucial for building healthy and fulfilling relationships.

    • Setting reasonable standards in relationshipsCommunication, respect, and individuality are key to healthy relationships. Avoid societal pressures and embrace your worth and autonomy.

      Having reasonable standards and expectations in relationships should not be seen as a negative trait, despite societal pressures and labels. The speaker shares her frustration with a man who disrespected her time on a first date, emphasizing the importance of communication and respect. She also discusses the harmful impact of the "cool girl mentality" on women, which reinforces gender stereotypes and discourages assertiveness. The speaker encourages women to recognize that being called "high maintenance" is a reflection of the caller's own biases and insecurities, rather than a reflection of their worth or character. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for women to embrace their individuality and autonomy in relationships and not let societal pressures dictate their worth or behavior.

    • Suppressing emotions and desires to please othersDon't suppress your truth and desires to please others. Prioritize authenticity and communication in relationships, and don't be afraid to express your needs and expectations.

      The concept of the "cool girl" and "pick me energy" can lead to emotional suppression and unhealthy relationships. The cool girl is a myth, and the pick me energy involves suppressing one's truth and desires to please others. This mindset can result in tolerating disrespectful or neglectful behavior and downplaying one's needs. It's important to remember that our worth is not determined by the approval of others, and being "high maintenance" is not a bad thing. Instead, aim for authenticity and communication in relationships, and don't be afraid to express your needs and expectations. If someone cannot meet these standards, they may not be a good match. Remember, it's okay to prioritize communication, consistency, and mutual respect in a relationship, and don't be afraid to move on if these values are not reciprocated.

    • Setting clear dating standardsEstablishing non-negotiable boundaries, recognizing red flags, and communicating openly are crucial for healthy relationships.

      Having clear and non-negotiable dating standards is essential for maintaining healthy and fulfilling relationships. The speaker emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries and being aware of red flags early on in the dating process. Some specific guidelines include: rejecting individuals who make inappropriate comments about your appearance or sexuality, being cautious of those who only follow or interact with people of the opposite gender excessively, communicating openly and honestly, and avoiding mirroring or matching someone else's energy. These standards help ensure that you are building a connection with someone who respects you and is compatible with your values.

    • Expressing interest in a kind and respectful wayGive a heads up, observe response, arrange a date within a week, be clear on comfort level, avoid societal pressure, keep things fun and relaxed

      Effective communication is key in the early stages of dating. Instead of chasing love or waiting for the other person to make the first move, it's important to express your interest in a kind and respectful way. Give them a heads up that you'd like to spend time with them and observe their response. The 7-day deadline is another important standard to follow. Arrange a date within a week of connecting to avoid turning into pen pals and to determine whether there's mutual interest. Be clear on what you're comfortable with as a first date and avoid getting caught up in dating myths or societal pressure. Remember, the goal is to keep things fun and relaxed while getting to know each other better.

    • Effective Communication in DatingSetting high standards and communicating them clearly can lead to successful dating experiences. Initiate plans, but offer gentle guidance. Confirm dates within 48 hours and don't change schedules for others. Remember individual dating styles and find balance. Don't waste time on those not meeting standards and don't be afraid to cancel plans.

      Clear communication and setting standards are crucial in dating. The speaker emphasizes the importance of a partner taking initiative and making plans, but also encourages gentle guidance and not being a mind reader. She also suggests a 48-hour cutoff for confirming dates and advises against changing one's schedule to accommodate someone else's plans. Overall, the speaker believes that having high standards and communicating them effectively can lead to a successful and fulfilling relationship. Additionally, she shares that it's important to remember that everyone has different dating styles and preferences, and finding a balance between taking the lead and giving guidance is key. The speaker also mentions the importance of not wasting time on people who don't meet your standards and not being afraid to cancel plans if they don't come through.

    • Setting healthy boundaries in datingCommunicate your needs and expectations early on to establish a strong foundation for a healthy relationship. Use positive language and offer suggestions for alternative activities. Don't sacrifice your own happiness for convenience.

      Setting healthy boundaries in dating is crucial for personal happiness and growth. This includes prioritizing your own life and plans, expressing preferences politely, and avoiding convenience dates. By communicating your needs and expectations early on, you can establish a strong foundation for a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Remember, it's essential to be flexible while also standing firm in what you value. Expressing your preferences doesn't have to be confrontational; instead, use positive language and offer suggestions for alternative activities. And, above all, don't sacrifice your own happiness for the convenience of others. By setting clear boundaries and prioritizing your own needs, you'll attract a partner who respects and values you.

    • Expressing dating preferences and setting clear standardsCommunicating preferences and setting clear dating standards can lead to stronger connections and enjoyable experiences. Be authentic, respectful, and approach the conversation with a light attitude.

      Effective communication and setting clear dating standards are crucial for a successful and enjoyable dating experience. This can include expressing your preferences, such as no late-night dates or no cooking, as well as addressing issues like timekeeping and phone usage. By being clear and respectful about your expectations, you can build a stronger connection and avoid potential misunderstandings or disappointments. Remember, it's important to communicate in a way that feels authentic and true to you, and to approach the conversation with a light and breezy attitude. Ultimately, having a strong sense of self and knowing what you want is the sexiest quality you can bring to the table.

    • Effective communication and clear dating standardsClear standards and communication can attract quality partners and weed out those not worth your time. Deliver messages in person or via voice notes to avoid misinterpretation. If someone cancels, they should rearrange, not the other person.

      Effective communication and setting clear dating standards are crucial for successful relationships. The speaker emphasizes the importance of delivering messages in person or via voice notes to avoid misinterpretation. Additionally, if someone cancels a date, the onus should be on them to rearrange, not the other person. This demonstrates their interest and commitment. Ignoring this rule could lead the other person to lose interest or move on. The speaker also stresses the importance of observing a person's actions and energy rather than just their words, as they can be deceiving. Overall, implementing clear dating standards and communicating effectively can help attract and engage with quality partners and weed out those who are not worth your time.

    • Handling adversity reveals true characterStay positive, stay vulnerable, and protect your heart while finding a high-caliber partner. Connect authentically for support and resources.

      How someone handles adversity reveals their true character. This can only be seen when we authentically connect with others, rather than presenting a cool exterior. The speaker encourages listeners to join their community for more resources and support in their dating journey. They are giving away prizes and answering questions for subscribers. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being open to new relationships and staying vulnerable, while also protecting one's heart. She encourages listeners to share the podcast and subscribe for more valuable content. Overall, the message is to stay positive and keep faith in finding a high-caliber partner, while being true to oneself.

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    159 - DATING - “You Always Meet Them Twice” (The Invisible String Theory)
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