
    84. A letter to my ex - with Jordin

    enFebruary 21, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • From Passion to Business: Young Entrepreneur's JourneyBelief in oneself and determination can help turn passions into successful businesses, even at a young age. Focus on building relationships and leveraging networks to overcome business acumen gaps.

      Confidence and resilience can help individuals turn their passions into successful businesses, even at a young age. This was evident in Jordan's story, who met the host while working on a project and eventually started his own interior design business at the age of 20. The duo's conversation revealed that Jordan had always had a knack for design but lacked the business acumen. However, he persevered and turned his passion into a thriving business, Fleming Design, by focusing on building relationships and leveraging his existing network. Additionally, Jordan shared that a significant part of his job involves acting as a marriage counselor for couples with differing design preferences. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of self-belief and determination in achieving entrepreneurial success.

    • Navigating challenging relationshipsRecognize when a relationship isn't serving your best interests and trust yourself to make the right decision for your happiness, despite fear and push-pull dynamics. Trust your instincts and prioritize your well-being.

      Overcoming adversity in relationships, such as breakups, can be challenging. People often fear leaving a relationship that isn't horrible, but isn't making them truly happy. Toxic traits from the other person may surface, making it difficult to make a decision. The fear of being alone and the push-pull dynamic can leave individuals feeling out of balance. It's important to recognize when a relationship is not serving your best interests and to trust yourself to make the right decision for your happiness. University and personal backgrounds can shape our perspectives and experiences in relationships. For instance, having a business background may help individuals approach relationships with a logical and practical mindset. Ultimately, it's essential to trust your instincts and prioritize your well-being.

    • Communication and timing in relationshipsBe honest and communicate openly, make decisions based on present feelings, and don't leave relationships open-ended.

      Timing and the right person are two separate things in relationships. It's essential to communicate openly and make decisions based on the present, rather than using timing as an excuse. If you're not feeling it, it's important to voice your feelings and finalize your decisions, even if it means cutting ties completely. Isolating oneself in toxic relationships and not communicating only makes things worse. It's crucial to be honest with yourself and others, and not leave relationships open-ended. Communication is key to moving forward and finding happiness. Ultimately, the person you meet at any given time can significantly impact your life, and if they're the right one, it doesn't matter what the circumstances are.

    • Expecting a new partner to heal old wounds is toxicRecognize and address toxic behavior in relationships, communicate openly, and seek outside help instead of expecting a new partner to heal past traumas.

      Bringing past relationship issues into a new relationship and expecting the new partner to fix them is toxic behavior. This was exemplified in a conversation about a woman's experience with an ex-boyfriend who continued to communicate negatively and emotionally immaturely after their breakup. Despite appearing to be a functional couple from the outside, the relationship was fraught with closed-door issues and the ex's refusal to address his past traumas or seek outside help. The woman ultimately blocked him when the abuse escalated, and recognized the importance of recognizing and addressing toxic behavior in relationships. It's essential to communicate openly and honestly, and to be willing to seek outside help when needed, rather than expecting a new partner to heal old wounds.

    • Establishing clear boundaries during a breakupBeing firm and setting a clear timeline for an ex-partner to leave is crucial for moving on after a breakup. Respecting each other's space and being discreet is also essential for maintaining a healthy separation.

      During a breakup, it's essential to establish clear boundaries and assert your personal space. Living together after a breakup can be confusing, and if not handled properly, it may lead to mixed signals and potential reconciliation attempts. The speaker in this conversation learned that being too nice and accommodating can unintentionally keep the relationship going. Instead, being firm and setting a clear timeline for the ex-partner to leave is crucial for moving on. Additionally, respecting each other's space and being discreet is essential to maintain a healthy separation. Ultimately, being assertive during a breakup can help prevent unnecessary emotional turmoil and ensure a smoother transition to living separately.

    • Moving on from a relationshipRecognize past, make a decision, prioritize self-growth, communicate openly, seek support, trust self

      When it comes to ending a relationship, it's important to acknowledge the past, make a decision, and move forward. This can be a difficult process, especially when dealing with feelings of guilt, nostalgia, and the fear of change. But it's crucial to remember that if you've drawn a line in the sand, both parties need to make significant changes and be willing to move on. This may involve acknowledging past mistakes, making amends, and being open to personal growth. It's also important to recognize that some things, such as personality traits, may not change and that it's essential to prioritize your own well-being. To help make the decision to end a relationship, consider reflecting on your feelings, communicating openly with your partner, and seeking support from trusted friends or professionals. Remember, only you can decide what's best for you, and it's important to trust yourself and your instincts.

    • Communication is crucial during a breakupBe open and honest during a breakup, even if uncomfortable, to avoid confusion and potential suffering. Having a difficult conversation is worth the long-term benefits.

      Communication is key in relationships, especially during a breakup. When feelings change and it's time to move on, it can be uncomfortable to have conversations about it. However, avoiding these conversations and continuing intimate moments can lead to confusion and toxic cycles. It's important to be open and honest, even if it's uncomfortable in the moment. If you're unsure about the relationship, it may be best to stop all intimacy and have a direct conversation about how you feel. Continuing to lead someone on and expecting them to detach emotionally while you don't, will only cause suffering for one person. It's better to have the uncomfortable conversation and move on, rather than prolonging the situation and potentially causing more pain in the future. Remember, the initial discomfort of having a difficult conversation is often worth the long-term benefits.

    • Expressing vulnerability and gratitude in relationshipsIdentifying patterns, acknowledging emotions, apologizing sincerely, and expressing gratitude strengthen bonds in relationships.

      Communication and vulnerability are key in maintaining healthy relationships. Identifying patterns of behavior and addressing any weaknesses or loss of self is important. Expressing gratitude and acknowledging each other's emotions helps build a strong connection. Apologizing sincerely when wrong and owning up to mistakes are essential for moving forward. The fear of admitting fault and saying sorry can be uncomfortable, but the relief and growth that comes after an apology can strengthen the bond between partners. It's crucial to remember that everyone wants to feel appreciated and valued, and acknowledging each other's humanity is the foundation for a successful relationship.

    • Learning to be authentic and love yourselfSelf-love and authenticity are crucial for overcoming challenges and becoming more confident. Use cognitive behavioral therapy to reflect on past experiences and make better decisions, and stay true to yourself regardless of who you're around.

      Self-love and being comfortable in your own skin are crucial for overcoming breakups and life's challenges. Jordan shared his experience of learning to be his authentic self, which helped him move on from past mistakes and become more confident. He emphasized the importance of staying true to yourself, regardless of who you're around, and using cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to reflect on past experiences and make better decisions in the future. Ultimately, everyone is unique and will not be liked by everyone, but the people who matter will love and appreciate you for who you are. Building self-love takes time and effort, but it's worth it for the confidence and resilience it brings.

    • Accepting Disagreements and Negative OpinionsUnderstand that not everyone will like or agree with you, focus on overcoming challenges, and maintain a positive outlook.

      It's important to understand and accept that not everyone will like you or agree with you, and that's okay. People may form opinions about you based on your actions or opinions, even if they're not directly related to you as a person. It's essential to have realistic expectations and develop a thick skin to avoid being constantly disappointed or defined by negative experiences. Remember that everyone encounters challenges and setbacks, and it's crucial to focus on your ability to overcome them rather than expecting perfection. By embracing this mindset, you'll be better equipped to handle life's ups and downs and maintain a positive outlook.

    • Finding community and supportive relationships boosts confidenceComing out and finding a supportive community and relationships can significantly improve confidence levels. Hard work and dedication to personal growth also contribute to building confidence, while toxic environments can hinder progress.

      Coming out and finding one's place in the world can significantly impact confidence levels. The speaker shared their experience of not feeling confident enough to come out in school and how their confidence grew once they left and found their community. They also mentioned the importance of having supportive relationships and careers in building confidence. The speaker noted that the gay community can sometimes be toxic and competitive, but finding something to grow in and build relationships can help overcome insecurities. The speaker emphasized the importance of earning confidence through hard work and dedication to personal growth. They also shared their preference for older partners in relationships.

    • Learning from adversity builds resilience and confidenceAdversity can help us grow, learn from past mistakes, and develop resilience and confidence. Own your personal growth and react differently to situations.

      Going through challenging experiences and adversity can help build resilience and confidence. The speaker shares how dealing with difficult family situations at a young age forced them to grow up quickly and develop a thick skin. They emphasize that it's essential to learn from these experiences and take ownership of personal growth, rather than dwelling on what cannot be changed. The speaker also highlights the importance of reacting differently to situations and learning from past mistakes. Overall, they view their past experiences as character-building moments that have made them the person they are today and would not change them.

    • Taking responsibility vs. taking on blameRecognize your role in relationships, communicate effectively, address conflicts promptly, and avoid toxic patterns like gaslighting.

      It's essential to take responsibility for our actions and recognize when we're the common denominator in our relationships' issues. However, it's equally important not to take on blame for things we didn't do. Both extremes – refusing to take responsibility and taking on too much blame – can be harmful. Self-awareness and self-love are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships and avoiding toxic patterns. It's important to communicate effectively, address conflicts promptly, and avoid sweeping issues under the rug. Gaslighting, a manipulative behavior, can also be a toxic trait in relationships, where one partner makes the other doubt their perception of reality. Recognizing these patterns and setting healthy boundaries can lead to healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

    • Healing after a breakup: Focus on self and address personal insecuritiesInstead of snooping or stalking a partner's phone, focus on personal growth and addressing insecurities. Keep a record of toxic behaviors and communicate openly for a healthier relationship.

      During and after a breakup, focusing on building a strong relationship with oneself and acknowledging and addressing personal insecurities can be crucial for moving forward. Snooping or stalking a partner's phone, while sometimes tempting, can lead to mistrust and damage the relationship further. Instead, keeping a record of toxic behaviors or actions that upset or frustrated can serve as a reminder of why the relationship ended, helping individuals to move on and heal. Additionally, being honest and communicating openly about expectations and feelings in relationships can lead to a more equal and healthy partnership.

    • The Power of Open CommunicationHonesty builds trust, self-acceptance is essential, and open communication strengthens relationships

      Open and honest communication builds trust and strengthens relationships. Honesty doesn't have to be harsh or mean; it's about expressing feelings and thoughts openly, without expecting the other person to read your mind. The speaker used to be self-conscious about coming across as abrasive, but now embraces her personality and sees the humor in her intensity. Trusting oneself and others is essential, and it's crucial to remember that everyone makes mistakes and experiences self-doubt. The podcast conversation ended on a positive note, with the speakers expressing gratitude for each other and the audience. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of authenticity, self-acceptance, and the power of open communication.

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    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com


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    Central Sensitization and chronic pain: the phenomena when there is an enhancement in the function of the neurons and the circuits that are involved in nociceptive pathways causing an echo or remembered pain. It happens because of an increase in membrane excitability and synaptic efficacy. It’s a great example for how neuroplasticity works in a negative way and has been linked to chronic pain.



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Do You F*cking Mind?
    enMay 15, 2024

    333. Big Announcement: My new audiobook HOW TO CHASE CHANGE!

    333. Big Announcement: My new audiobook HOW TO CHASE CHANGE!

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    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    332. How to be Intentional and Not Passive with Your Life and Your Happiness

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    HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training, cortisol and over-training syndrome.

    Read about Overtraining Syndrome here https://bit.ly/overtraining-syndrome .



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    331. ENCORE: Discipline, Freedom, And Living Your Best Life

    331. ENCORE: Discipline, Freedom, And Living Your Best Life

    Beans I'm taking a much-needed long weekend so I thought it was a perfect time to bring up one of my most listened to episodes. It's a perfect place to start if you're new to the pod and a great reset if you're a long-time bean. I'm diving into discipline, and how reframing how you view it could be the ticket to a more free and enjoyable life.



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    330. HEAD NOISE: The Ick List, Blind or Blindsided and Should I Stay or Should I Go?

    330. HEAD NOISE: The Ick List, Blind or Blindsided and Should I Stay or Should I Go?

    First up I’m going through your ICKS – you loved when I did it in episode 322 so thought I’d pick more of your hilarious icks to read out.

    And then I get into Head Noise where I answer your questions – this week it’s all about heartbreak in long term relationships.

    1. How do you handle a relationship when your mind is telling you to run but your heart says otherwise? Me and my boyfriend are in our 20s and have been dating for a few years long distance.  Early on there was some lying and deception and we broke up, but I gave him a second chance as I thought he needed time to adjust from his single life to being coupled. I thought we were in a loving truthful relationship since then. But I have recently found out he has been texting 2 women. I feel it’s disrespectful, and my lack of trust from the previous lying has come back. He also follows Twitter pages with sexually explicit content. I’m a very trusting and open-minded person but I feel this relationship has made me insecure and untrusting particularly because we are long distance.
    2. Blind or Blindsided: Last night my bf of 3 years came home from work and said we needed to talk and that this wasn’t working and he didn’t love me anymore. I didn’t see this coming at all. We recently opened a business together. We regularly have sex, said I love you, planned for the future, and last week got back from a holiday together. He said he hasn’t felt a connection for some time due to my negativity and that he said he wanted kids (I’m 41 and have had ovarian failure. We’ve gone through a round of IVF together). How was he able to completely blindside me without me realising anything was up – he has gone to a new place to live so he’s clearly had time to plan this without my picking up on it.



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    329. What to do when Your Ex Moves on First

    329. What to do when Your Ex Moves on First

    So you’ve been dumped, or maybe you dumped someone. You’re scrolling through social media, or maybe a well meaning friend mentions, that your ex has moved on. Cue the SPIRAL. “How Could They?!”Already?!!!” “Did our time together mean NOTHING?”

    I’m giving you ten steps to keep yourself in check when your ex moves on before you including how to not let it derail you, keep your perspective, and quit the feeling that they “owe” you something.

    First up however, we’re diving into a SCIENCE FACT:
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    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    328. HEAD NOISE: Exes Lies Part 2, Forever Single and Thriving But Upset with Men, and Daddy Issues,

    328. HEAD NOISE: Exes Lies Part 2, Forever Single and Thriving But Upset with Men, and Daddy Issues,

    In the last Head Noise episode you guys LOVED the lies exes told so I’m bringing I back for an even more cooked part 2!

    And then I get into Head Noise where I answer your questions.

    1. I'm 24, forever single, thriving and upset with men. ‘ve been single my whole life and honestly thrive. But I’m curious about what its’ like in a partnership and am open to a boyfriend but very rarely do I get genuinely excited by a guy. When I do I REALLY do. But every guy I’ve ever like has had another girl in their lives they choose over me. I feel like a second choice or someone’s back up. One guy literally said that I was his second choice once a few year ago lol. Am I doing something wrong? And How can I make it hurt less when I don’t feel chosen?
    2. My dad and I have a good relationship when he’s in a good space, but when he’s in a bad place he can be a real arsehole Recently he and I got in a fight over text, and at the next family hang out I went to say hello to him and he gave me the most awkward side hug and barely talked to me. What do I do – I want a relationship with my dad but his behaviour is really childish and hurtful.



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    327. Matthew Hussey on How to Raise Your Standards, Find Your Person and Live Happily (No Matter What)

    New York Times best-selling author and international life and dating coach megastar Matthew Hussey joins the podcast!

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    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Guest: Matthew Hussey .
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    326. HEAD NOISE: The MANY Lies Exes Tell, Growing Apart, I Cheated on my Husband

    326. HEAD NOISE: The MANY Lies Exes Tell, Growing Apart, I Cheated on my Husband

    First I have a life update about something TRULY shocking that happened to me over the weekend, and I go through your stories of things men have lied to you about!

    Then I get into Head Noise where I answer your questions. In today’s episode we’ve got two really opposite topics!

    1. My husband and I are in out mid 20s and have been together since our late 20s. His family are very close with him. I have recently realised that I have always put his needs above mine – his personality has become my personality. I want to do so much more, experience the world and step outside my comfort zone. I want to put off having kids for a while and he doesn’t accept or understand it. I want change and he is so happy and content without change. We’re growing apart and I don’t know what to do.
    2. I’ve cheated on my husband with someone I had a huge connection with. We’ve ended it now as we are both married and decided we didn’t want to leave our partners for each other. Now that it is fully ended I don’t feel like I need to tell my husband as our relationship has really improved. I would just be unburdening my conscience to ruin lives, when I’ve already shut down that cheating relationship and am moving forward with my life. How do I alleviate the feelings of guilt that are clouding my moving forward.



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes.

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    If you would like to get some texting advice, send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line! 

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    If you are interested in running a book club in your city, send an email to: DTYEHBBookClub@gmail.com 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@kastmedia.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    If you would like to get some advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@kastmedia.com with “Office Hours” in the subject line! 

    Be sure to check out my sports radio show Fandemonium, Wednesdays @ 3PT / 6 ET on Amazon's Amp app. Click the link to download Amp using my code NICKVIALL https://apps.apple.com/us/app/amp-host-live-radio-shows/id1586403838

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