
    84. Denmark's former PM on the power of centrist politics, fighting misogyny, and joining the Kinnock empire (Helle Thorning-Schmidt)

    enJuly 07, 2024
    What influences Danish politics to emphasize pragmatism and compromise?
    How did 'Borgen' impact Denmark's political perception globally?
    What did Helle Thorning-Schmidt criticize about British politics?
    How has the focus of European media shifted recently?
    What are the suggested regulations for social media in politics?

    Podcast Summary

    • Danish politics, compromiseDanish politics emphasizes pragmatism and compromise due to its proportional representation system and smaller size, allowing for clearer understanding of population's thoughts and easier coalition building.

      Danish politics stands out due to its emphasis on pragmatism and compromise, a result of its proportional representation system and smaller size. Danish politicians have to work in coalitions and build bridges with various parties, leading to a culture of understanding and collaboration. This approach, as shared by former Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt, is something she believes is missing in British politics. Denmark's size also allows for a clearer understanding of the population's thoughts and concerns, making it easier to build coalitions and address various political extremes. The TV series "Borgen," which depicted a female Danish prime minister, helped promote Denmark on a global scale and even influenced conversations with international leaders. Danish prime ministers live relatively normal lives, further emphasizing the country's unique political culture.

    • Political Spectrum EngagementEffective leadership requires engaging with and understanding concerns across the political spectrum, rather than dismissing them. Delivering high-quality services in a welfare state is crucial, even with high taxation.

      Effective leadership involves engaging and understanding the concerns of all parts of the political spectrum, rather than dismissing them. Helle Thorning-Schmidt, former Danish Prime Minister, shares her experience of leading her center-left party and dealing with the rise of the far right by listening to their concerns and making them responsible for the country's policies. She also emphasizes the importance of delivering high-quality services in a welfare state, despite high taxation. Additionally, she discusses the challenges Denmark faces, such as an aging population and delivering world-class services, and how these issues require constant reform. Lastly, she shares her personal experience of marrying into a political family and how it helped her understand the challenges of politics.

    • Challenging traditional left within partyNavigating internal party conflicts while staying true to beliefs and values, and addressing real issues in a polite and humane way can help regain trust and win elections, even amidst misogynistic attacks and backlash from the left.

      As a social democrat leader, challenging the traditional left within one's party can be a difficult task. Helle Thorning-Schmidt, the former Danish Prime Minister, shared her experience of moving her party towards the center by reducing taxes and immigration control, while addressing real issues in a polite and humane way. She faced significant backlash, including misogynistic attacks, but felt it was necessary to position her party in the middle of politics to regain trust and win elections. The attacks from the left were particularly hurtful due to her gender, which added an extra layer of challenge. In the case of Rishi Sunak, understanding the struggles of everyday people and communicating it effectively could help mitigate identity-based attacks. Despite the difficulties, Thorning-Schmidt emphasized the importance of staying true to one's beliefs and values while navigating internal party conflicts.

    • European media shiftEuropean media's focus on other European countries signals a potential new direction for UK-EU relations, with Britain encouraged to embrace its culture and soft power globally, while acknowledging political differences and the impact of social media on politics and leadership.

      The focus of European media and the Danish media specifically, has shifted from the UK to other European countries, signaling a potential new direction for Britain's relationship with the EU. The speaker expresses hope for Britain to rediscover its culture and use its soft power in the world, while acknowledging the differences between the political systems and sizes of the two countries. The speaker also touches upon the role of social media in politics and the rise of non-traditional leaders. The lack of trust in institutions and the desire for change have contributed to the emergence of these leaders. The speaker serves on the oversight board at Meta, and while acknowledging the positive aspects of social media, emphasizes the need for clear regulation to mitigate its negative impacts.

    • Social Media and PoliticsUsers have the power to adjust their feeds and limit exposure to unwanted content on social media, while recognizing the importance of free speech and personal responsibility in politics.

      While social media companies need regulation and oversight, users also hold personal responsibility for their actions and the content they consume. Social media platforms can create an environment that rewards extreme and provocative comments, but users have the power to adjust their feeds and limit exposure to unwanted content. Social media should not be solely blamed for the polarization and division in politics, as other factors such as lack of trust in politics and politicians also contribute. Free speech is an essential aspect of social media, but it's crucial to be aware of the potential risks and challenges that come with it. Politics can be rewarding, but it also comes with security risks and personal sacrifices. Despite these challenges, Helle Thorning-Schmidt still encourages young people to consider a career in politics as a means to serve their communities and make a difference.

    • Trans issues, political disagreementsFormer Danish PM Helle Thorning-Schmidt encourages normalizing conversations about trans issues, supporting children's journeys while maintaining open dialogue between different communities to address complex issues and build bridges instead of fighting.

      Building bridges and finding common ground is essential for addressing complex issues, such as the trans debate and political disagreements. Former Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt emphasized the importance of normalizing conversations about trans issues and supporting children's journeys while maintaining open dialogue between different communities. She also expressed her disappointment in the polarization between feminists and the trans community and encouraged building bridges instead of fighting. Thorning-Schmidt shared her experiences in various roles, including politics, NGOs, and business, and highlighted the benefits of being on the same team and working towards a common goal. Her journey taught her the importance of compromise, pragmatism, and respect for children's voices. Overall, Thorning-Schmidt's message is about the power of understanding, empathy, and collaboration in creating positive change.

    • Building Bridges, Productive DialogueDespite political disagreements, having meaningful conversations and building bridges is crucial for understanding different perspectives and promoting positive change. Optimism, cheerfulness, and compromise are essential for productive dialogue.

      Despite disagreements and the challenges of politics, building bridges and having meaningful conversations is possible and important. The podcast featuring Helen Clark, a former Danish Prime Minister, showcased the potential for productive dialogue between individuals with differing viewpoints. Clark, who worked with Roy in Parliament during the Brexit debate, emphasized the need for optimism, cheerfulness, and compromise. She also shared her experiences dealing with misogyny in politics and the differences between being a British and Danish Prime Minister. The conversation highlighted the importance of respecting each other's perspectives and focusing on understanding rather than knowing everything about others. Ultimately, the conversation between the hosts and their guest served as a reminder of the power of open-minded dialogue and the potential for positive change.

    • Importance of context in advicePersonal experiences and advice should be considered with a critical and open-minded perspective, recognizing the potential nuances and context behind seemingly absolute statements.

      Key takeaway from our conversation is the importance of sharing personal experiences and wisdom, even if it may seem unconventional or controversial. The speaker shared a strong opinion about avoiding pistachio ice cream, emphasizing its "revolting" nature and urging future generations to heed this advice. However, it was later revealed that this statement was not entirely true, as the speaker admitted to having enjoyed a high-quality pistachio ice cream called "caramel frais pistache." This anecdote underscores the importance of considering the context and potential nuances behind seemingly absolute statements. Ultimately, it's essential to approach such advice with a critical and open-minded perspective, recognizing that personal experiences and preferences can vary greatly.

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