
    84: Olivia Neill Opens Up About Cancer Surgery, Becoming Celibate & Her New Boobs!

    enNovember 22, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Experience of Fashion Week: Exciting and OverwhelmingAttending fashion week offers a mix of excitement and exhaustion, with late nights, early mornings, and celebrity encounters, but the memories and experiences are worth it.

      Attending fashion week can be underwhelming and overwhelming at the same time. While the fashion shows and parties can be exciting, the experience can also be overrated and exhausting. Olivia Nail shares that she goes for the Instagram pictures but finds the fashion week parties to be a place where she gets obliterated, but not in a good way due to the presence of celebrities and the expectation to be functional despite the late nights and early mornings. She also reveals that she enjoys her hungover days as a chance to let loose and indulge in food. For those attending the Saving Grace tour in February, Olivia reassures that even if you don't have friends sitting next to you, there will be opportunities to make new ones. Overall, the experience of fashion week and touring can be a mix of excitement and exhaustion, but the memories and experiences are worth it.

    • Navigating the Challenges of Dating Apps as a Single PersonSingles may enjoy the freedom of being unattached, but dating apps can bring unwanted messages and frustration, leading some to take a break and focus on personal interests.

      Being single can bring a sense of freedom and independence, but it can also come with its own challenges, particularly when it comes to dating apps. The speaker expresses a love for the freedom of being single, but also shares her frustrations with the experience of using dating apps. She finds the process overwhelming and unfulfilling, with men often messaging inappropriately or without regard for her time or privacy. She prefers to focus on her own interests, such as TikTok, and has decided to take a break from dating apps for the time being. Overall, the speaker's experience highlights the complexities and nuances of being single in today's digital age.

    • Navigating Romantic Relationships: Strategies and ExperiencesSpeaker shares tactics like manipulation and celibacy, openness about relationships, and learning from past experiences to enhance future relationships.

      The speaker shares her experiences and strategies in navigating romantic relationships, which include using manipulation tactics, being celibate until she finds a compatible partner, and being open about her relationships on her podcast despite the potential consequences. She also expresses her past negative experiences and how they have shaped her standards and expectations in relationships. The speaker acknowledges the risks and challenges of dating, especially when her personal life is public, but she remains confident and unapologetic in her approach. Ultimately, she values self-awareness and learning from past experiences to improve her future relationships.

    • Discomfort with Male Listeners and Personal SharingThe host shares her unease about male listeners and her preference for asking questions rather than sharing personal information, while also revealing her cancer survivor status and love for adrenaline-inducing activities.

      The podcast host expresses her discomfort when men listen to her podcast, which is intended for women. She also shares her preference for asking questions instead of speaking much in conversations and reveals her reluctance to share personal information. The conversation then shifts to the topic of the host's cancer survivor status, which she shares in a lighthearted way, and the mention of a sponsor offering a free case of wine to Saving Grace listeners. The host also expresses her love for adrenaline-inducing activities like bungee jumping and her desire to try skydiving. Despite her seemingly carefree attitude, she also hints at a deeper, unspoken issue that she doesn't know how to address.

    • Staying Positive Through CancerDespite fear and uncertainty, staying informed, remaining hopeful, and leaning on loved ones can help individuals cope with a cancer diagnosis. Regular follow-ups and staying informed are crucial parts of the recovery process.

      Despite the fear and uncertainty surrounding a cancer diagnosis, it's important to stay informed, remain hopeful, and lean on loved ones for support. The speaker in this conversation shared her experience of discovering a tumor, undergoing surgery, and dealing with the aftermath. Throughout the process, she tried to stay positive, even when faced with the possibility of a genetic mutation. She also emphasized the importance of having a strong support system, as her family was there for her during her recovery. Additionally, she acknowledged the importance of staying informed about her condition and following up with regular appointments and scans. Despite the initial shock and fear, she remained hopeful and focused on the road to recovery.

    • Navigating the Complexities of Social MediaSocial media can bring joy and anxiety, it's important to be true to oneself, navigate negatively impactful situations with resilience and humor, and be mindful of one's own actions and impact on others.

      Social media can bring both joy and anxiety for individuals, especially when it comes to personal experiences and interactions. The speaker in this conversation shares her experiences of feeling anxious about being "canceled" and encountering embarrassing situations online. She also expresses her discomfort with certain types of social media content and behaviors, which can lead to negative emotions and reactions. Despite these challenges, the speaker acknowledges the importance of being true to oneself and finding ways to navigate the digital world with resilience and humor. She also emphasizes the need to be mindful of one's own actions and the potential impact they may have on others. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the complex and nuanced nature of social media use and the importance of maintaining a healthy balance in our online and offline lives.

    • Exploring Celebrity Culture Across BordersThe speaker shares their fascination with celebrity culture and its unique expressions in various countries, expressing a desire to experience American celebrities while also appreciating British and Irish humor.

      The speaker expresses a fascination with celebrity culture, particularly in the context of different countries and their culture's approach to celebrity. They share stories of experiencing celebrity encounters in Cannes and express a desire to see American celebrities due to the intensity and global reach of celebrity culture in the US. The speaker also shares their preference for British and Irish humor and expresses apprehension towards LA and American culture as a whole. Despite this, they have American friends and have had celebrity encounters in the US. Overall, the conversation highlights the speaker's intrigue with the world of celebrity and the unique ways it is experienced and perceived in different parts of the world.

    • Factors influencing people's experiences and preferencesOur biases and interests can be shaped by external factors, leading us to seek out new experiences and connections, but it's important to respect people's privacy and consent.

      People's experiences and preferences can be influenced by various factors such as culture, environment, and personal experiences. The speaker in this conversation shared her fascination with different accents and places, revealing how her perception of what she finds attractive or interesting is shaped by these elements. For instance, she expressed her desire to visit Ireland to find a man with an Irish accent, specifically a southern Irish one like Paul Mescal. Additionally, she mentioned her initial interest in exploring Skid Row in Los Angeles but was hesitant due to its reputation. These examples demonstrate how our biases and interests can be shaped by external factors, leading us to seek out new experiences and connections. The conversation also touched upon the importance of respecting people's privacy and consent, as seen when the speaker discussed an incident where her number was leaked without her consent. Overall, this conversation highlights the complexities of human connections and the role that various influences play in shaping our preferences and experiences.

    • Encounter with a Mysterious Celebrity and Discussions on RelationshipsFriends share their differing preferences in relationships and discuss societal pressure on women to maintain their youth, with an intriguing encounter with a mysterious celebrity adding to the conversation.

      The group of friends had an intriguing encounter with a mysterious celebrity named Wayne, who they had unintentionally named "Cheeky 1" during their search for a Chinese restaurant. They were fascinated by his elusiveness and chose to maintain his mystique rather than approaching him. The conversation then shifted to their preferences in relationships, with some expressing a preference for older, more established partners, while others preferred younger men. They also discussed the societal pressure on women to maintain their youth and appearance, with some considering cosmetic enhancements. Overall, the conversation showcased the friends' candid and sometimes contradictory thoughts on relationships, age, and societal expectations.

    • Perspectives on Aging and Cosmetic TreatmentsPeople have mixed feelings about aging and cosmetic treatments like Botox, with some viewing it as necessary and others as unnecessary or even scary. The speaker shares her personal experiences and conflicting feelings.

      People have different perspectives on aging and the use of cosmetic treatments like Botox. Some view it as a way to maintain their appearance, while others see it as unnecessary or even scary. The speaker shares her experiences with Botox and her conflicting feelings about it. She also talks about her upbringing with health-conscious parents and her own struggles with fitness and wellness. The conversation then shifts to the topic of flatulence and the speaker's unique experiences and coping mechanisms. Despite the seemingly unrelated topics, the conversation showcases the speaker's candid and humorous approach to life.

    • Online Interactions: Exciting, Overwhelming, and ComplexOnline interactions bring excitement and overwhelm, from unwanted attention to celebrity gossip. Authenticity and self-expression are key, even amidst cancel culture's inconsistencies.

      Social media interactions, whether it's receiving unwanted attention or engaging in celebrity gossip, can be both exciting and overwhelming. The speaker shared an experience of being followed by someone after a massage, leading to an exchange on social media. They also expressed their love for celebrity gossip and the potential risks and rewards of sharing such information publicly. The speaker also discussed the phenomenon of cancel culture and the inconsistencies they've observed in who gets canceled and why. Despite the potential risks, they continue to enjoy engaging with social media and sharing their thoughts and experiences. Ultimately, the speaker's monologue highlights the complex and nuanced nature of online interactions and the importance of being authentic and true to oneself.

    • Body image and societal pressures influence personal decisionsIndividuals may make personal decisions based on body image concerns, influenced by societal pressures and personal insecurities.

      Body image and self-perception can lead individuals to make personal decisions, such as getting a boob job, despite societal pressures and personal insecurities. The speaker's experience of feeling self-conscious about her lack of breast development during adolescence and the influence of celebrities like Kylie Jenner led her to desire a breast augmentation. The process involved undergoing surgery under muscle relaxers and painkillers, and dealing with the aftermath of recovery, including body image concerns and societal reactions. Ultimately, she made the decision for herself, and while there have been challenges, she remains content with her choice. The experience highlights the complex relationship between societal expectations, personal identity, and body image.

    • Societal Pressures and Self-ImageThe speaker discusses her experiences with societal pressures to undergo cosmetic procedures and her conflicting feelings towards them, as well as her willingness to take risks and her obsession with the iconic figure Tennessee.

      The speaker has had experiences with considering and undergoing cosmetic procedures, such as Botox and potential body enhancements, and has had varying reactions to them. She shared her experiences of feeling pressured to get these procedures due to societal expectations and the influence of her sister. The speaker also discussed her past experiences with fighting and her willingness to participate in a hypothetical "Bad Girls Club" type situation for a small fee, expressing her belief that she would be embarrassed if she lost. Ultimately, the speaker expressed her love for the iconic figure Tennessee and her obsession with her. The conversation showcases the speaker's thoughts on self-image, societal pressures, and her willingness to take risks.

    • Recognizing Dependencies for Confidence and CompanionshipAcknowledging reliance on external sources for confidence and companionship can hinder personal growth. Seeking healthier alternatives for engagement and self-validation is essential for long-term happiness.

      People often rely on various things, such as alcohol or relationships, for confidence and companionship. However, these reliances can become problematic and limit personal growth. The speaker in this conversation acknowledged her dependence on alcohol for social situations and her reluctance to attend events without it. She also revealed her past attempts to quit drinking and the challenges she faced during her periods of sobriety. The conversation further highlighted her reliance on her boyfriend to watch TV shows with and her feelings of emptiness when an episode ended without someone to share her thoughts with. Ultimately, the speaker realized that she needed to find ways to engage with media and social situations without relying on external sources for validation and companionship.

    • Feeling disconnected and lonely despite social media engagementDespite engaging with social media and popular culture, people can feel disconnected and lonely. Speakers express frustration with superficial interactions and yearn for deeper human connection.

      Social media and popular culture can often make us feel disconnected and lonely, even when we're surrounded by people or engaging with content that seems to resonate with us. The discussion between the speakers reveals their frustration with the superficial nature of social media interactions and the disconnect they feel from authentic human connection. They also express their annoyance with certain cultural phenomena, such as football and reality TV shows, which they find unappealing and time-wasting. Ultimately, they seem to yearn for a deeper sense of connection and meaning in their lives, but struggle to find it in the virtual world. The speakers also acknowledge their own complicity in perpetuating these negative feelings through their own online behaviors, such as agreeing with negative comments about others or watching shows that don't truly fulfill them. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of being mindful of our online habits and seeking out real-world connections to foster a greater sense of fulfillment and happiness.

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    EXCLUSIVE! Amy & Eva from I Kissed A Girl spill the tea on their worst one-night stand experiences, share some spicy s*x tips, and discuss the rumours about dating Jojo Siwa?! 

    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
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    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com
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    Rufus Rice spills all! He talks about boarding school secrets, his dirty dating life, and even raps for GKBarry! 

    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
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    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com
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    113: Nicola McLean On Dating Justin Timberlake, Partying With Mariah Carey & Kim Kardashian’s S*X Tape!
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    Nicola McLean dishes all the dirt! She talks about dating Justin Timberlake, partying with Mariah Carey, and gives her take on Kim Kardashian’s s*x tape!

    Nicola: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8FK7XPozMA/?hl=en 

    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
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    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com
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    GKBarry is here to share all of the juicy gossip from her romantic get away to Benidorm with Lashes. She doesn't hold back holiday drama, reacting to Love Island & updates on her relationships. 

    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
    🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast
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    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com
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    Ruesha Littlejohn spills all! She reveals her secret relationship, dives into football drama and MORE! 

    Ruesha: https://www.instagram.com/p/CuozndixGqv/?img_index=1  
    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
    🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast
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    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com
    Saving Grace
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    Arrdee is here to dish all the dirt on his diss track, calling out Strandz & opens up about his ADHD!

    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
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    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com
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    SHOPIFY | Go to https://shopify.co.uk/grace for your £1 per month trial period #ad 

    Ella Thomas is bringing the heat and spilling all the tea! Get ready as she opens up about her breakup with Tye, addresses those dating rumors with Chris Brown, and spills the deets on what really went down at Kylie Jenner's party! 

    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
    🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast
    💖Follow on TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@savinggracepod
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    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com
    Saving Grace
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    BETTER HELP| Go to https://www.betterhelp.com/savinggrace for 10% off your first month #ad 

    HELLO FRESH| Go to https://hellofresh.co.uk/GRACE60 for 60% off your first order + free dessert for life #ad

    Joe Baggs & GKBarry rate their worst outfits, share wild stories about performing with Sugababes, and dive into listener dirty dilemmas! 

    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
    🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast
    💖Follow on TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@savinggracepod
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    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com

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    Gkbarry is back with another solo podcast, spilling all the details about her new relationship status, including some juicy insights and MORE!! 

    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
    🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast
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    Pre-Order Nick’s Book: https://www.abramsbooks.com/product/dont-text-your-ex-happy-birthday_9781419755491/

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    | Chuck Wisner |

    ► Website | https://www.chuckwisner.com

    ► Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/chuck_wisner

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    ► Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/chuckwisnerconsulting

    ► Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/company/chuckwisner

    ► The Art of Conscious Conversations Book | https://amzn.to/3Mq1r9S


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    Check out Karen and her podcast here: https://thedivorcierge.com/

    Want to stop going on sucky dates? Grab your MIDLIFE LOVE GUIDE TO SUCCESSFUL DATING and learn how you can call in Mr. Right, right now! 

    If you’d like some one-to-one support with Junie, sign up for your Love Breakthrough Session today so she can support you on your love path.

    And don’t forget to subscribe to Midlife Love Out Loud so that you don't miss a single episode. While you're at it, won't you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to www.CoachJunieMoon.com and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


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    Suzy Carroll has created a movement called Sacred Selfishness: The Practice of Prioritizing Self and she teaches how to shift from being led by outside influences to leading with JOY. 

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    Based in a small town on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington, she interviewed women from all over the world to curate her body of work. The data from these interviews sparked the creation of a movement called: Sacred Selfishness: The Practice of Prioritizing Self. 

    Constantly evolving, Suzy has developed various frameworks in support of saying “yes” to yourself and “no” to how society says you “should be.” After years mentoring women, she recognized that the most prevalent and powerful outcome for clients (and herself) was shifting from being led by outside influences to leading with JOY.

      In 2019, Suzy distilled her most potent teachings and created her signature mentoring system for women in business, leadership, and life transition called EMERGE INTO JOY: Say “goodbye” to what no longer serves you and “hello” to what does!

    Grab her FREE gift- Three Powerful Practices for putting JOY in the Driver’s Seat

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    Want to stop going on sucky dates? Grab your MIDLIFE LOVE GUIDE TO SUCCESSFUL DATING and learn how you can call in Mr. Right, right now! 

    If you’d like some one-to-one coaching with Junie, grab your complimentary 30-minute Love Breakthrough Session today so she can support you on your love path.

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